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Cuadernillo Inglés 2017

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Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday


This workbook belongs to ______________________________________ from class ________

Tu Workbook ha sido preparado por tus profesores para ayudarte a superar la
asignatura de ingls con xito. Revsalo con frecuencia, trelo siempre a clase, lee los
consejos que aparecen en l cudalo! y no olvides que hay que trabajar desde el
primer da.

Contiene las siguientes secciones:

Gua para el alumno ............................................................................. 1

Consejos para mejorar tu ingls ............................................................... 3
Cmo aprender vocabulario? .................................................................. 4
Classroom language ............................................................................. 5
Nmeros ........................................................................................... 8
Verbos irregulares ................................................................................ 10
Cmo hacer una buena presentacin ......................................................... 12
Diario de lectura ................................................................................. 13
Vocabulario por unidades ....................................................................... 16
Explicaciones gramaticales y ejercicios ...................................................... 25
Mi Porfolio ......................................................................................... 65

Buen curso 2016-17!

The English Department

IES Pedro Espinosa
CURSO 2016-2017


Atendiendo a la implantacin de la LOMCE, la evaluacin del alumnado tendr una vertiente formativa, es decir, se tomarn en
consideracin todas las producciones que desarrolle, tanto de carcter individual como grupal, y otra vertiente sumativa, para
medir individualmente las competencias clave y los conocimientos adquiridos, mediante controles peridicos, escritos y orales, de
vocabulario, verbos, etc y de 2 exmenes trimestrales. Estos exmenes constarn de las partes que a continuacin se exponen (su
valor tambin aparece especificado):
Gramtica y Vocabulario (Use of English): 30%
Comprensin de un texto escrito (Reading): 20%
Comprensin de una produccin oral (Listening): 15%
Produccin de un texto escrito (Writing): 20%
Produccin oral (Speaking): 15%

La siguiente tabla muestra el peso especfico de los diferentes instrumentos de evaluacin:

Niveles 1, 2, 3 y 4 ESO= 100% de cada evaluacin, repartido entre:

Exmenes: 60% Trabajo del alumno: 40 %
Examen 1 Examen 2 Trabajo en clase/casa
Participacin/ cuaderno
Proyectos Redacciones Biblioteca de aula

20% 30% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10%

Por tanto, para aprobar la asignatura ser necesario:

Realizar tarea en casa. Se revisar diariamente.
Participar en clase y en las actividades propuestas por el departamento.
Trabajar proyectos.
Aprovechar el tiempo dedicado a la lectura y llevar al da el diario de lectura.
Tener el cuaderno completo, limpio, ordenado y corregido.
Mostrar inters por la asignatura.
Realizar exmenes orales y escritos.

La nota final de junio se obtendr dndole el siguiente valor al resultado que hayas obtenido en las evaluaciones:
nota 1 evaluacin (30%) + nota 2 evaluacin (30%) + nota 3 evaluacin (40%) = nota final de junio

El alumnado que no supere el curso en la convocatoria ordinaria de junio, deber presentarse a la convocatoria extraordinaria de
septiembre. El examen de septiembre constar de las mismas partes que los exmenes realizados durante el curso. La fecha y
hora de realizacin las establece Jefatura de Estudios y aparece publicada en el tabln de anuncios del centro en el mes de junio.


Mosaic 1, Students Book. Editorial Oxford (incluido en el cheque-libro)

Cuadernillo del Alumno (fotocopiadora del Centro, pgina web del centro en formato *pdf: http://bit.ly/1XLqoLU
(iespedroespinosa.es departamentos ingls cuadernillos).
Diccionario de bolsillo. Debe traerse a clase TODOS LOS DAS. Editoriales recomendadas: Collins Gem, Oxford,
Larousse, Longman.
Cuaderno a eleccin del alumno. Deber estar perfectamente ordenado y presentable con nombre, apellidos y curso en la
Fundas folio para guardar las fotocopias que se entreguen o que se recomienden para su compra. Si el tamao lo permite,
deben pegarse en el cuaderno.

NO SE PUEDE ESCRIBIR en el Students Book porque NO es nuestro.
Cuando el/la profesor/a llega, todos/as tenemos preparado nuestro material y estamos listos/as para empezar la clase.

www.wordreference.com (diccionario)
www.languageguide.org/english/ (vocabulario)
http://www.ego4u.com/ (gramtica, vocabulario, expresin escrita)
http://mbonillo.xavierre.com/httpdocs/grammar/2eso.html (gramtica, listening)


Para APROBAR esta asignatura y as ir por buen Para seguir tus series de televisin favoritas.
camino para obtener mi graduado. Para conseguir un trabajo.
Para navegar por internet. Para ligar, viajar
Para escuchar y entender las canciones o a los
deportistas que me gustan.


Aprovechar al mximo las clases en el instituto: Uso de Internet y DVDs.
prestando atencin, participando. Concentracin en la prctica de todas las
Clases de conversacin con un hablante nativo. destrezas.
Charlas con turistas. Engancharte a alguna serie en ingls que de
Prctica con compaeros fuera de clase. verdad te guste y seguirla con asiduidad.
Audicin de podcasts.
Lectura de peridicos, revistas y libros
(adaptados u originales).


No faltara a clase a no ser por extrema necesidad y, en caso de faltar, comunicara al profesor el motivo de la falta y
adems me informara de lo que se ha tratado en clase el da en que yo he faltado y recuperara los apuntes. Recuerda que
debes ensear el justificante de tus faltas.
Por lo menos una vez por semana dedicara un tiempo a estudiar la materia de esa semana.
Participara en clase:
o corrigiendo la tarea. o me dirigira al profesor con respeto.
o preguntando lo que no entendiera. o ira completando mi cuaderno poco a
o hablando en ingls. poco y este estara limpio y claro.
o respetando el trabajo de los dems. o controlara mis ganas de broma y de
o participando en los dilogos y teatrillos. juego en clase.
Estudiara el vocabulario y los verbos a diario y NO la noche antes del examen.
Preparara los exmenes intentando comprender todo, practicando con ejercicios, repasando el vocabulario

Me doy por enterado de qu tengo que hacer para aprobar la asignatura de ingls, de los criterios de evaluacin, de los
materiales necesarios, de mis obligaciones y mi firma y la de mis padres da fe de ello.


Fdo.________________________________ Fdo.________________________________


Descarga en tu MP3 o smartphone los
listenings recomendados, audiolibros o
cualquier cosa que te guste. Aprovecha
cualquier momento! No importa que al
principio no entiendas. ESCUCHA,

Sabes por qu es difcil aprender palabras en ingls?
1) Para un hispanohablante, la gran mayora de las palabras en ingls son sonidos ininteligibles que no
significan absolutamente nada. Si la palabra nueva te resulta familiar solo se puede deber a dos motivos: es
una palabra de origen latino o la has escuchado en los medios de comunicacin.
Recuerda: Dado que el ingls es un idioma de origen germnico, muy alejado del espaol, no se asimila un
nuevo sonido hasta que no se repite unas diez, a veinte veces, hablando. Algunas palabras incluso tienen
que llegar a repetirse unas cien veces para que se queden grabadas en la memoria.
2) Hay, al menos, dos tipos de vocabularios. El vocabulario del ingls hablado y el del ingls escrito. Esto
quiere decir que hay palabras que lees pero que no se suelen usar en ingls hablado y palabras que escuchas
pero que no se suelen escribir. Las palabras de ingls hablado son las ms difciles de aprender porque una
gran mayora no son de origen latino; son "phrasal verbs", o palabras de origen germnico.
Recuerda: Es mejor empezar aprendiendo el vocabulario del ingls hablado ya que ser el que ms vas a
necesitar en el da a da.
3) El nmero de palabras que hay que aprender para hablar con cierta fluidez ronda las tres mil. Aprender
tres mil palabras es difcil y toma tiempo, por tanto, necesitaremos determinacin a prueba de fuego.
Recuerda: Para incrementar tu vocabulario, determinacin a prueba de fuego; esto significa planificacin y
4) Por cada palabra, hay que aprender "pronunciacin" y "deletreo" (spelling). Si no sabes escribir una
palabra, no importa demasiado porque siempre puedes buscarla en un diccionario, pero si no sabes
pronunciarla realmente no sabes esa palabra.
Recuerda: Solo puedes decir que sabes una palabra si puedes pronunciarla y colocarla correctamente en una
frase. Consejo: Bscate ahora mismo alguien para hablar.
Cmo superaremos todas estas barreras?
Slo hay una manera: con mucha determinacin y un buen mtodo. Suponiendo que ya tenemos la
determinacin, veamos los mtodos.
Una de las mejores maneras de aprender vocabulario es viendo pelculas en ingls con subttulos. Ves la
imagen, escuchas cmo suena y ves cmo se escribe.
Ni que decir tiene que otra fantstica manera de aprender vocabulario es cantando.
Otra buena frmula es hablando. Cuando no sabes cmo decir algo, la necesidad de comunicarte te lleva a
buscar las palabras que necesitas para expresarte. As que piensa durante el da frases en espaol y piensa
cmo las diras en ingls. Si tienes dudas pregunta a un profesor.
Otra forma eficaz de incrementar tu vocabulario es leyendo. La gran ventaja de la lectura es que
aprendes las nuevas palabras en un contexto determinado. La desventaja es que no sabes cmo suena la
palabra. Por ello, la lectura debe combinarse siempre con prcticas de conversacin. Tambin son buenos
los audio-books para leer y escuchar al mismo tiempo.
Por ltimo, se aprende vocabulario estudiando y echando mano de todos los recursos que tenemos a
mano: diccionarios, internet,trucos para memorizar, juegos, crucigramas (crosswords), el ahorcado
(hangman), leyendo las noticias en ingls, etc
Cmo recordar vocabulario nuevo?
1. Traduciendo la palabra a tu idioma. Por ejemplo: coche car (ingls).
2. Describindola en espaol. Por ejemplo: vehculo con motor y de cuatro ruedas para transportar
3. Haciendo un dibujo.
4. Ponindola en contexto. Por ejemplo: Mi coche se ha estropeado y tengo que llevarlo al taller.
5. Colocndola dentro de un grupo lxico. Por ejemplo: coche, camin, moto, etc.
(Fuente: http://elblogdelingles.blogspot.com.es/)

Cosas que podras decir a tu profesor/a Things you might say to your teacher
Lo siento, no lo entiendo Im sorry, I dont understand.
Perdn? Pardon? Sorry?
Qu quiere decir chair? What does chair mean?
Cmo se dice X en ingls? How do you say X in English?
Cmo se deletrea eso? How do you spell that?
Es esto correcto? Is this correct?
Cul es el pasado de go? What is the past of go?
Cmo se pronuncia esta palabra? How do you pronounce this word?
Qu tenemos que hacer exactamente? What exactly do we have to do?
Perdone, puedo pasar? Excuse me. May I come in?
Podra hablar ms despacio, por favor? Could you speak more slowly, please?
Perdone. Lo siento, llego tarde. Excuse me. Im sorry, Im late.
Puedo ir al bao, por favor? May I go to the toilet, please?
Puedo sacar punta al lpiz, por favor? Can I sharpen my pencil, please?
Dgalo otra vez, por favor. Say that again, please.
Puede ayudarme, por favor? Can you help me, please?
Es esto correcto / incorrecto? Is this right / wrong?
Lo siento, he olvidado mi cuaderno. Im sorry, I forgot my notebook.
Lo siento, no hice mi tarea. Im sorry, I didnt do my homework.

Cosas que tu profesor podra decirte. Things your teacher might say to you.
Abrid vuestro libro por la pgina 25. Open your book at page 25.
Responde las preguntas. Answer the questions.
Escribe las respuestas. Write the answers.
Trabajad solos / en parejas / en grupos. Work alone / in pairs / in groups.
Haz estas preguntas a tu compaero. Ask your partner these questions ...
Responde las preguntas de tu compaero. Answer your partners questions ...
Escucha y repite otra vez Listen and repeat again
Haz la pregunta. Make the question.
Escucha el CD y esponde las preguntas. Listen to the CD to answer these questions.
Lee el texto. Read the text.
Escribe una redaccin sobre Write a composition about
Copiad esto en vuestras libretas. Copy this into your notebooks.
La tarea es ejercicio 5, pgina 11 The homework is ...exercise 5, page 11
Bien hecho! Well done!
Habis terminado? Have you finished?
Dnde est Pedro hoy? Wheres Pedro today?
Quin falta hoy? Who is absent / missing today?

Habis hecho la tarea? Have you done your homework?
Nos vemos la prxima clase. See you next lesson.
Que tengis un buen fin de semana! Have a nice weekend!
Cmo ests? How are you?
Estaos quietos! Be quiet!
Ven a la pizarra. Come to the board.
Sintate. Sit down.
Levntate. Stand up.
Cierra el libro. Close your book.
Abre el libro. Open your book.
Ensame tu libreta. Show me your notebook.
Vamos a empezar con la clase ahora. Lets start with the lesson now.
Est todo el mundo listo para empezar? Is everybody ready to start?
Voy a pasar lista. Im going to take attendance.
A quin le gustara tener un positivo hoy? Who would like to get extra marks today?
Coge uno y psalos. Take one and pass them on.

Cosas que podras leer en tu libro o en Things you might read in your book or in an
un examen. exam.
Completa las frases con las palabras de Complete the sentences with the words below.
Completa las frases con la forma correcta Complete the sentences with the correct form of
de los verbos entre parntesis. the verbs in brackets.
Escribe las frases en negative e Write the sentences in the negative and
interrogative. interrogative.
Elige / Subraya / Rodea Choose / Underline / Circle the correct
Escribe las palabras en el orden correcto. Write the words in the correct order.
Lee el texto y responde las preguntas. Read the text and answer the questions.
Escribe cinco frases sobre Write five sentences about
Traduce las siguientes frases a ingls. Translate the following sentences into English.
Escribe los contrarios. Write the opposites.

Cosas que podras decir a tu compaero. Things you might say to your classmate.
Podra coger prestado tu? Can I borrow your, please?
Puedes dejarme un? Can you lend me a ?
Lo siento, no recuerdo tu nombre. Sorry, I cant remember your name.
Podemos compartir el libro? Can I share your book with you?
En qu pgina estamos? What page is it on?
Me puedes pasar esas hoja, por favor? Can you pass me that piece of paper, please?
Perdona, ese es mi libro. Excuse me, thats my book.
Quin va a empezar? Who is going to start?
A quin le toca? Whose turn is it?
Me toca a mi ahora. Its my turn now.

go to school ...................... ir al colegio term ................................trimestre
study .............................. estudiar timetable..........................horario
learn (by heart) ................. aprender (de memoria) subject.............................asignatura
do homework .................... hacer la tarea lesson ..............................leccin
ask ................................. preguntar period ..............................hora de clase
answer ............................ responder free period ........................hora libre
know .............................. saber french class .......................clase de francs
revise.............................. repasar vocabulary ........................vocabulario
take an exam .................... hacer un grammar ...........................gramtica
pass an exam..................... aprobar
playground ........................patio
fail an exam...................... suspender
repeat a year .................... repetir
assembly hall .....................saln de actos
leave school...................... dejar el
language lab ......................laboratorio de idiomas
canteen ............................cafetera
take the register
reception ..........................recepcin
attendance ....................... pasar lista
staffroom ..........................sala de profesores
expel .............................. expulsar
registration room ................secretara
punish ............................. castigar
laboratory .........................laboratorio
punishment....................... castigo
skip classes*...................... saltarse las clases
headteachers office ............despacho del director
absent............................. ausente
present............................ presente IN THE CLASSROOM
hard-working..................... trabajador classmate .........................compaero
inattentive ....................... distraido chair................................silla
undisciplined..................... indisciplinado cupboard ..........................armario
high / secondary school ........ instituto locker ..............................taquilla
state school ...................... colegio pblico stapler ............................grapadora
private school.................... colegio privado hole punch .......................taladradora
AT SCHOOL schoolbag .........................mochila
class ............................... clase
notice board .....................tabln
classroom......................... clase
dictionary .........................diccionario
headmaster ...................... director
notebook ..........................libreta
deputy ............................ vicedirector
sheet ..............................hoja
director of studies .............. jefe de estudios
pen ................................bolgrafo
counsellor ........................ orientador
pencil .............................lpiz
teacher ........................... profesor
marker ............................subrayador
tutor............................... tutor
boardpen ..........................rotulador pizarra
caretaker ......................... conserje
chalk ..............................tiza
secretary ......................... secretario
crayons ............................ceras
language assistant .............. asistente lingstico
coloured pencils .................lpices de colores
cleaner............................ limpiador
correction fluid ..................lquido corrector
desk ............................... pupitre
spelling ............................ortografa
table .............................. mesa
essay ...............................redaccin, trabajo
ruler .............................. regla
translation ........................traduccin
glue ............................... pegamento
exam ...............................examen
scissors ........................... tijeras
mistake ............................fallo
stick .............................. pegar
good mark .........................buena nota
calculator......................... calculadora
bad mark ..........................mala nota
brush .............................. cepillo
pass mark..........................aprobado
computer ........................ ordenador
school report......................boletn
keyboard ......................... teclado
mouse ............................ ratn
GCSE ...............................graduado de
headphones ..................... auriculares
loudspeakers ..................... altavoces
laptop ............................. porttil
netbook ........................... miniportatil SUBJECTS
map................................ mapa computer studies ................informtica
drawing pin ...................... chincheta maths ..............................matemticas
duster, eraser.................... borrador history .............................historia
rubber............................. goma geography .........................geografa
sharpener......................... sacapuntas science.............................ciencias
schoolbag ......................... mochila biology .............................biologa
pencilcase ........................ estuche chemistry..........................qumica
exam .............................. examen physics .............................fsica
break .............................. recreo languages..........................idiomas
bell ................................ campana English .............................ingles
chair............................... silla physical education ..............E.F.
religion ............................religin
French .............................Francs

Numbers 0-100
Cardinals Ordinals Cardinals Ordinals
0 zero
1 one 1st first 11 eleven 11th eleventh
2 two 2nd second 12 twelve 12th twelfth
3 three 3rd third 13 thirteen 13th thirteenth
4 four 4th fourth 14 fourteen 14th fourteenth
5 five 5th fifth 15 fifteen 15th fifteenth
6 six 6th sixth 16 sixteen 16th sixteenth
7 seven 7th seventh 17 seventeen 17th seventeenth
8 eight 8th eighth 18 eighteen 18th eighteenth
9 nine 9th ninth 19 nineteen 19th nineteenth
10 ten 10th tenth 20 twenty 20th twentieth
21 twenty-one 21st twenty-first
22 twenty-two 22nd twenty-second
23 twenty-three 23rd twenty-third
24 twenty-four 24th twenty-fourth
30 thirty 30th thirtieth
31 thirty-one 31st thirty-first
40 forty 40th fortieth
50 fifty 50th fiftieth
60 sixty 60th sixtieth
70 seventy 70th seventieth
80 eighty 80th eightieth
90 ninety 90th ninetieth
100 one hundred 100th one hundredth


DAYS OF THE WEEK: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.

MONTHS OF THE YEAR: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September,
October, November, December.


-Uno de enero: .
-Dos de febrero: ..
-Tres de marzo:
-Cuatro de abril: .
-Doce de mayo: .
-Catorce de junio: .
-Veinte de julio: ..
-Veinticinco de agosto: ..
-Veintisis de septiembre:
-Treinta de octubre: ..
-Veintinueve de noviembre: ..
-Treintaiuno de diciembre: .

NUMBERS: 1 100
O S Q W N I N E T X C T N S F 1 ........... 11 . . . . . . . . . . .
N X I C B E N Z X H O H I I O 2 ........... 12 . . . . . . . . . . .
E Q R X X L Z Q V E R I N X U 3 ........... 13 . . . . . . . . . . .
T V G T W E L V E I I R E T R 4 ........... 14 . . . . . . . . . . .
X H V S E V E Q E G V T T E N 5 ........... 15 . . . . . . . . . . .
A S R C V E K L H H G E E E S 6 ........... 16 . . . . . . . . . . .
E Q W E R N T Y U T I E E N E 7 ........... 17 . . . . . . . . . . .
O I P K E F I F T E E N N L V 8 ........... 18 . . . . . . . . . . .
A S G S E V E N T E E N D F E 9 ........... 19 . . . . . . . . . . .
G H J H K L T W E N T Y N T N 10 ........... 20 . . . . . . . . . . .


. . twenty . . ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... .........

2 . . two . . 12 . . . twelve . 20 . . twenty . . L 6 ........... 16 .......... 60 ..........

3 ........... 13 .......... 30 .......... O 7 ........... 17 .......... 70 ..........

4 ........... 14 .......... 40 .......... O 8 ........... 18 .......... 80 ..........

5 ........... 15 .......... 50 .......... K! 9 ........... 19 .......... 90 ..........

Write the numbers in figures Order

Eight Eighty-nine Eleven Fifty-two Forty-eight
Seventy-five: . . 75 . . Thirty-nine: . . . . . . .
Ninety Ninety-nine One hundred Seventy-three
Fourteen: . . . . . . . Twenty-eight: . . . . . . .
Sixty-seven Thirty-six Twenty-one Zero
Ninety: . . . . . . . Nineteen: . . . . . . .
Sixty-one: . . . . . . . Sixty-four: . . . . . . . a- . . zero . . (0) h- . . . . . . .
Twelve: . . . . . . . Twenty: . . . . . . . b- . . . . . . . i- . . . . . . .
Eighty-eight: . . . . . . . One hundred: . . . . . . . c- . . . . . . . j- . . . . . . .
d- . . . . . . . k- . . . . . . .
Three: . . . . . . . Thirteen: . . . . . . .
e- . . . . . . . l- . . . . . . .
f- . . . . . . . m- . . one hundred . . (100)
g- . . . . . . .

Lets play!
1. eighty-nine - twenty = . . 69 . . 2. twenty + seventy-three= . . . . .
3. ten + five= . . . . . 4. seventy-nine - twenty-eight= . . . .
6. thirty-three + three= . . . . . 5. forty-six + seven= . . . . .
10. ninety-three - fifty-six= . . . . . 7. eighteen + forty-three= . . . . .
12. twenty-six - twelve= . . . . . 9. ninety-six - eighteen= . . . . .
14. forty - twenty-two= . . . . . 13. sixty-eight - twenty-one= . . . . .
16. ninety-one - fifteen= . . . . . 15. fifty-two + thirty-two= . . . . .
19. fifty-four - ten= . . . . . 18. ninety-four - six= . . . . .
21. twenty-two + five= . . . . . 22. thirty-eight + thirty-nine = . . . . .
23. sixty-nine + sixteen= . . . . . 26. seventy-nine - seven= . . . . .
25. fifty-eight + twenty-nine= . . . . .
27. thirty + fifteen= . . . . .
28. forty-seven - twenty-six= . . . . .

Irregular Verbs 1ESO

Irregular Verbs

1 be was, were been estar

2 beat beat beaten derrotar, golpear
3 become became become convertirse en, hacerse
4 begin began begun empezar
5 bite bit bitten morder
6 break broke broken romper(se)
7 bring brought brought traer
8 build built built construer
9 buy bought bought comprar
10 catch caught caught coger, atrapar
11 choose chose chosen elegir
12 come came come venir, llegar
13 cost cost cost costar
14 cut cut cut cortar
15 do did done hacer
16 draw drew drawn dibujar
17 dream dreamt dreamt soar
18 drink drank drunk beber
19 drive drove driven conducir
20 eat ate eaten comer
21 fall fell fallen caerse
22 feed fed fed alimentar
23 feel felt felt sentir
24 fight fought fought luchar
25 find found found encontrar
26 fly flew flown volar
27 forget forgot forgotten olvidar
28 forgive forgave forgiven perdonar
29 get (up) got (up) got (up) conseguir, recibir
30 give gave given dar
31 go went gone ir(se)
32 grow grew grown crecer, cultivar
33 have had had tener, tomar, haber
34 hear heard heard or
35 hide hid hidden esconder
36 hit hit hit golpear
37 hold held held sujetar
38 hurt hurt hurt doler, hacer dao
39 keep kept kept continuar, seguir
40 know knew known saber, conocer
41 learn learnt learnt aprender, enterarse de
42 leave left left irse, dejar
43 lend lent lent prestar
44 let let let dejar (autorizar)
45 lose lost lost perder
46 make made made hacer, fabricar
47 mean meant meant significar, querer decir

Irregular Verbs 1ESO



48 meet met met conocer, reunirse,

quedar, encontrarse
con alguien
49 pay paid paid pagar
50 put put put poner
51 read read read leer
52 ring rang rung tocar (el timbre) sonar
(el telfono)
53 run ran run correr
54 say said said decir
55 see saw seen ver
56 sell sold sold vender
57 send sent sent enviar
58 shake shook shaken agitar, sacudir
59 shine shone shone brillar, relucir
60 shoot shot shot disparar
61 show showed shown mostrar
62 shut shut shut cerrar
63 sing sang sung cantar
64 sit sat sat sentarse
65 sleep slept slept dormir(se)
66 speak spoke spoken hablar
67 spell spelt spelt deletrear
68 spend spent spent gastar (dinero), pasar
69 stand stood stood estar de pie
70 steal stole stolen robar
71 swim swam swum nadar
72 take took taken coger, llevarse
73 teach taught taught ensear
74 tell told told decir, contar
75 think thought thought pensar
76 throw threw thrown tirar, arrojar
77 understand understood understood entender
78 wake woke woken despertar(se)
79 wear wore worn ponerse, llevar puesto
80 win won won ganar
81 write wrote written escribir

* can could

Good morning/afternoon everybody.
Plan your presentation. Organise your Right / Well / Ok. Lets start.
ideas, and write what you are going to
I plan to talk about
Introduce your presentation by explaining
Today Im going to talk about
what you are going to say.
Include some questions for the class.
Now let us turn to point one.
Do you know whats the name of this
There are three things we have to
animal? Let me tell you. consider: one
Then practise giving the presentation.
First of all
Write notes on note cards. When you are In the first place
speaking, use the note cards, but dont LINKING IDEAS
read the whole text. To give an example:
Make eye contact with the students in
For example
your class.
For instance
Stand at the front of the class, and try to
To rephrase:
keep your body still.
In other words
Ask your audience if they have any To summarize:
questions at the end of the presentation. To summarize
To sum up
In conclusion, I would like to say that
If there are any questions, please feel free
I mean to ask.
Well (you see) Any questions?
You know what I mean
Lets see
Now, let me think
Thats an interesting question

Use 5 8 slides for your presentation.

Dont put all the text from your presentation on the slides.
Write key words and phrases.
Dont put too much text on each slide.
This means that it is easier for your audience to read AND listen.
Use some colour and images, but not TOO MUCH!


I started to read..................................................... on the .............................

It was written by .................................................................... and published
by .............................................................. in the year .................................


st nd rd
1 session: 2 session: 3 session:
th th th
4 session: 5 session: 6 session:


I finished reading this book on the .................................

It was awful/ boring/ nice/ interesting/ great.

I started to read..................................................... on the .............................

It was written by .................................................................... and published
by .............................................................. in the year .................................


st nd rd
1 session: 2 session: 3 session:
th th th
4 session: 5 session: 6 session:


I finished reading this book on the .................................

It was awful/ boring/ nice/ interesting/ great.


I started to read..................................................... on the .............................

It was written by .................................................................... and published
by .............................................................. in the year .................................


st nd rd
1 session: 2 session: 3 session:
th th th
4 session: 5 session: 6 session:


I finished reading this book on the .................................

It was awful/ boring/ nice/ interesting/ great.

I started to read..................................................... on the .............................

It was written by .................................................................... and published
by .............................................................. in the year .................................


st nd rd
1 session: 2 session: 3 session:
th th th
4 session: 5 session: 6 session:


I finished reading this book on the .................................

It was awful/ boring/ nice/ interesting/ great.


I started to read..................................................... on the .............................

It was written by .................................................................... and published
by .............................................................. in the year .................................


st nd rd
1 session: 2 session: 3 session:
th th th
4 session: 5 session: 6 session:


I finished reading this book on the .................................

It was awful/ boring/ nice/ interesting/ great.

I started to read..................................................... on the .............................

It was written by .................................................................... and published
by .............................................................. in the year .................................


st nd rd
1 session: 2 session: 3 session:
th th th
4 session: 5 session: 6 session:


I finished reading this book on the .................................

It was awful/ boring/ nice/ interesting/ great.

1 Wordlist Spanish
Unit 1
alarm clock (n) despertador sofa (n) sof
amazing (adj) increble son (n) hijo
aunt (n) ta stairs (n) escaleras
balcony (n) balcn start (n) principio
bathroom (n) (cuarto de) bao strange (adj) extrao
beautiful (adj) precioso the same (adj) el mismo
bed (n) cama thousand (n) mil
bedroom (n) dormitorio toilet (n) bao, aseo
bedside table (n) mesilla TV (n) tele
brother (n) hermano ugly (adj) feo
cat (n) gato uncle (n) to
chair (n) silla unusual (adj) peculiar, poco comn
child (n) hijo, hija; nio, nia wardrobe (n) armario
children (n) hijos, hijas; nios, nias wife (n) mujer, esposa
cousin (n) primo, prima
dad (n) padre, pap
daughter (n) hija
desk (n) mesa, escritorio
different (adj) diferente
dining room (n) comedor
dog (n) perro
end (n) final
fantastic (adj) fantstico
father (n) padre
fireplace (n) chimenea
fish (n) pez, peces
garage (n) garaje
garden (n) jardn
grandfather (n) abuelo
grandma (n) abuela
grandmother (n) abuela
grandpa (n) abuelo
husband (n) marido
kitchen (n) cocina
laptop (n) ordenador porttil
lift (n) ascensor
living room (n) sala de estar
million (n) milln
mother (n) madre
mum (n) madre, mam
new (adj) nuevo
old (adj) viejo, (de) edad
parents (n) padres, padre y madre
patio (n) patio
per cent (n) por cien(to)
pet (n) mascota
rabbit (n) conejo
reptile (n) reptil
sister (n) hermana
snake (n) serpiente
1 Wordlist Spanish
Unit 2
autumn (n) otoo
blossoms (n) flores de los rboles
boat (n) barco, barca
brush your hair (v) peinarse
chat online (v) chatear on line
clean your room (v) limpiar la habitacin
competitions (n) competiciones
costumes (n) trajes, disfraces
do free running (v) practicar el free running
eat fruit (v) comer fruta
feed an animal (v) dar de comer a un animal
fireworks (n) fuegos artificiales
first (adj) uno, primer(o)
fourth (adj) cuarto
fun (adj) divertido
get changed (v) cambiarse
get paid (v) cobrar
get up early (v) levantarse temprano
go for a walk (v) dar un paseo
go home (v) irse a casa
go orienteering (v) practicar la orientacin
go shopping (v) ir de compras
go to the beach (v) ir a la playa
go to the cinema (v) ir al cine
hang out with friends (v) salir con los amigos
harvest (n) cosecha
have a bath (v) darse un bao
have a shower (v) darse una ducha
interesting (adj) interesante
lake (n) lago
listen to music (v) escuchar msica
make breakfast (v) preparar el desayuno
make the bed (v) hacer la cama
noise (n) ruido
play an instrument (v) tocar un instrumento
play computer games (v) jugar con juegos electrnicos
scary (adj) que da miedo
second (adj) segundo
sing in a choir (v) cantar en un coro
spring (n) primavera
summer (n) verano
third (adj) tercer(o)
volunteer (n) voluntario, voluntaria
wash your hands (v) lavarse las manos
watch TV (v) ver la tele
winter (n) invierno

1 Wordlist Spanish
Unit 3
badminton (n) badminton tennis (n) tenis
basketball (n) baloncesto trainers (n) zapatillas deportivas
be crazy about (v) volver loco visit a theme park (v) visitar un parque temtico
bell (n) timbre wear (v) llevar (puesto)
belt (n) cinturn wetsuit (n) traje de neopreno
break (n) descanso, recreo
canteen (n) cafetera (del instituto)
cant stand (v) no soportar
changing room (n) vestuario
coach (n) entrenador, entrenadora
dream (n) sueo
fashion (n) moda
goggles (n) gafas (para nadar)
hall (n) entrada
hate (v) odiar, detestar
head teacher (n) director, directora de instituto
hockey (n) hockey
hoop (n) aro, canasta
ice hockey (n) hockey sobre hielo
ice skating (n) patinaje sobre hielo
ICT suite (n) sala de informtica
judo (n) judo
karting (n) conducir karts
kite surfing (n) kite surf
library (n) biblioteca
like (v) gustar
love (v) encantar
luck (n) suerte
make a video (v) grabar un vdeo
martial arts (n) artes marciales
meet (v) verse, quedar
not mind (v) no importar
playground (n) patio
playing fields (n) zona deportiva
racket (n) raqueta
registration (n) control de asistencia
ride (v) ir en
rock climbing (n) escalar
running (n) correr
science lab (n) laboratorio de ciencias
scuba diving (n) (practicar) submarinismo
skates (n) patines
spend (v) pasar (tiempo)
sports hall (n) gimnasio
staffroom (n) sala de profesores
stay (v) alojarse
stick (n) palo, stick
street dance (n) street dance, danza de calle
swimming (n) natacin
technology (n) tecnologa
1 Wordlist Spanish
Unit 4
boring (adj) aburrido travel (v) viajar
bring (v) traer, llevar trip (n) viaje
camera (n) cmara warm (adj) caliente
cheap (adj) barato wet (adj) mojado, hmedo
cloud (n) nube wind (n) viento
cloudy (adj) nublado, nuboso windy (adj) ventoso, con viento
cold (n) fro
cold (adj) fro
crowded (adj) lleno de gente
dangerous (adj) peligroso
difficult (adj) difcil
dry (adj) seco
easy (adj) fcil
enjoyable (adj) agradable
exciting (adj) divertido, emocionante
expensive (adj) caro
fast (adj) rpido
fog (n) niebla
foggy (adj) (haber) niebla
forget (v) olvidar
frightening (adj) que da miedo
headphones (n) auriculares
heat (n) calor
high (adj) alto
hot (adj) caliente, (hacer) calor
ice (n) hielo
icy (adj) helado
journey (n) viaje
low (adj) bajo
near (adj) cerca de
noisy (adj) ruidoso
queue (n) fila, cola
quiet (adj) callado, (guardar) silencio
rain (n) lluvia
rainy (adj) lluvioso
ride (n) atraccin
ride (n) paseo
roller coaster (n) montaa rusa
safe (adj) seguro
show (n) espectculo, funcin
slow (adj) lento
snow (n) nieve
snowy (adj) nieve
storm (n) tormenta
stormy (adj) (haber) tormenta
sun (n) sol
sunny (adj) soleado
surprising (adj) sorprendente
theme park (n) parque temtico
thunderstorm (n) tormenta elctrica
1 Wordlist Spanish
Unit 5
audition (n) casting, audicin
backpack (n) mochila
balloon (n) globo
binoculars (n) prismticos
blog (n) blog
build (v) construir
carry (v) llevar
charity (n) asociacin benfica
classical (adj) clsico
climb (v) subir
close (v) cerrar
compass (n) brjula
cook (v) cocinar, preparar
cooker (n) cocina (aparato)
cross (v) cruzar
dive (v) zambullirse, meterse
draw (v) dibujar
dream (v) soar
first-aid kit (n) botiqun de primeros auxilios
fly (v) volar
hip-hop (n) hip-hop
hold (v) sujetar
huge (adj) enorme
insect repellent (n) repelente de insectos
jazz (n) jazz
jump (v) saltar
lively (adj) alegre, animado
map (n) mapa
miss (v) echar de menos
model (n) maqueta
musicians (n) msicos
open (v) abrir
pop (adj) pop
practise (v) ensayar
reggae (n) reggae
sail (v) navegar
sleeping bag (n) saco de dormir
smile (v) sonrer
sunscreen (n) crema de proteccin solar
tent (n) tienda de campaa
tiny (adj) minsculo
tools (n) herramientas
torch (n) linterna
try (v) probar, intentar
waterproof jacket (n) anorak, impermeable
wave (v) saludar con la mano

1 Wordlist Spanish
Unit 6
add (v) aadir
battery (n) pila
beans (n) judas
beef (n) carne (de vaca)
bread (n) pan
canvas (n) lienzo
cartoon (n) dibujos animados, vietas
cheese (n) queso
chewing gum (n) chicle, goma de mascar
chicken (n) pollo
chickpeas (n) garbanzos
chilli sauce (n) salsa de chile
chocolate (n) chocolate
chop (v) trocear
crunchy (adj) crujiente
grapes (n) uva
graphic designer (n) diseador/a grfico/a
hair gel (n) gomina
ham (n) jamn
healthy (adj) sano, saludable
heat (v) calentar
ice cream (n) helado
jam (n) mermelada, confitura
jewellery (n) joyas
key ring (n) llavero
magazines (n) revistas
mix (v) mezclar
mobile phone case (n) funda de telfono mvil
mushrooms (n) championes
nail varnish (n) laca de uas
oil (n) aceite
onion (n) cebolla
purse (n) cartera
rice (n) arroz
salt and pepper (n) sal y pimienta
salty (adj) salado
sculpture (n) escultura
spices (n) especias
spicy (adj) picante, especiado
spray paint (n) pintura en spray
stencil (n) plantilla
sugar (n) azcar
sweet (adj) dulce
sweets (n) dulces
tasty (adj) sabroso
water (n) agua
yoghurt (n) yogur

1 Wordlist Spanish
Unit 7
arrest (v) detener, arrestar short (adj) corto
baggy (adj) holgado shorts (n) pantalones cortos
bald (adj) calvo skirt (n) falda
beard (n) barba sleeves (n) mangas
big (adj) grande slim (adj) delgado, esbelto
blond (adj) rubio small (adj) pequeo
blue (adj) azul socks (n) calcetines
boots (n) botas space station (n) estacin espacial
breathe (v) respirar spacesuit (n) traje espacial
brown (adj) castao straight (adj) liso
brown (adj) marrn suspect (n) sospechoso, sospechosa
cap (n) gorra sweatshirt (n) sudadera
cardigan (n) chaqueta de punto T-shirt (n) camiseta de manga corta
collar (n) cuello take off (v) despegar
curly (adj) rizado tall (adj) alto
dark (adj) oscuro tight (adj) ajustado
dress (n) vestido top (n) top, camiseta
fashionable (adj) de moda, moderno trousers (n) pantalones
fat (adj) gordo wavy (adj) ondulado
float (v) flotar well-built (adj) corpulento
for sale (exp) a la venta white (adj) blanco
freckles (n) pecas
ginger (adj) pelirrojo, rojizo
glasses (n) gafas
gloves (n) guantes
gravity (n) gravedad
green (adj) verde
grey (adj) cano
hat (n) sombrero
helmet (n) casco
hood (n) capucha
hoodie (n) sudadera con capucha
in danger (exp) en peligro
in the sale (exp) en rebajas
jacket (n) chaqueta
jeans (n) vaqueros
land (v) aterrizar
leggings (n) mallas
long (adj) largo
medium-length (adj) ni corto ni largo
moustache (n) bigote
of average height (exp) de altura media
on sale (exp) a la venta
orbit (v) girar alrededor de
rob (v) robar
robber (n) ladrn, ladrona
sandals (n) sandalias
shirt (n) camisa
shoes (n) zapatos
short (adj) bajo, pequeo
1 Wordlist Spanish
Unit 8
alone (adj) solo waterfall (n) cascada
ant (n) hormiga
bakery (n) panadera
beach (n) playa
bookshop (n) librera
car park (n) aparcamiento
cave (n) cueva
chemists (n) farmacia
church (n) iglesia
cinema (n) cine
cliff (n) acantilado
coral reef (n) arrecife de coral
crab (n) cangrejo
crocodile (n) cocodrilo
department store (n) grandes almacenes
desert (n) desierto
directions (n) indicaciones
elephant (n) elefante
far away (adj) lejos
forest (n) bosque
goods (n) mercancas, productos
grid (n) cuadrcula
island (n) isla
jungle (n) jungla, selva
leave home (v) marcharse de casa
library (n) biblioteca
lonely (adj) solo
mosquito (n) mosquito
mountain (n) montaa
newsagents (n) quiosco
ocean (n) ocano
office block (n) bloque de oficinas
only (adj) solo
petrol station (n) gasolinera
post office (n) (oficina de) Correos
rainforest (n) bosque pluvial/tropical
river (n) ro
ruins (n) ruinas, restos
shark (n) tiburn
shopping centre (n) centro comercial
site (n) lugar
sports centre (n) polideportivo
squid (n) calamar
stone (n) piedra
stone (adj) de piedra
sweet shop (n) tienda de chuches
takeaway (n) local de comida para llevar
train station (n) estacin de ferrocarril
underground (adj) bajo tierra, subterrneo
valley (n) valle
1 Wordlist Spanish
Unit 9
action film (n) pelcula de accin
adventure film (n) pelcula de aventuras
animation (n) animacin
audience (n) pblico
cast (n) equipo de actores y actrices
comedy (n) comedia
digital camera (n) cmara digital
director (n) director, directora
documentary (n) documental
drama (n) pelcula de gnero dramtico
e-book (n) e-book, libro electrnico
engineer (n) ingeniero, ingeniera
fantasy film (n) pelcula de gnero fantstico
games console (n) videoconsola
historical drama (n) drama histrico
history (n) historia
horror film (n) pelcula de terror
invention (n) invento
inventor (n) inventor, inventora
keyboard (n) teclado
light (adj) ligero
memory stick (n) lpiz de memoria
mobile phone (n) telfono mvil
mouse (n) ratn
musical (n) musical
novel (n) novela
perform (v) actuar
prediction (n) prediccin
printer (n) impresora
remote control (n) mando a distancia
role (n) papel, personaje
romantic film (n) pelcula romntica
scene (n) escena
science fiction film (n) pelcula de ciencia ficcin
share (v) compartir
sign (v) firmar
speakers (n) altavoces
story (n) historia (relato)
tablet (n) tableta, tablet
thriller (n) thriller, pelcula de suspense
thrilling (adj) emocionante, apasionante
title (n) titulo
touch screen (n) pantalla tctil
true (adj) cierto, verdad
webcam (n) webcam
western (n) pelcula de vaqueros
wi-fi (n) wi-fi

Starter Gramtica
Subject pronouns and Possessive have got
adjectives Afirmativa Negativa
Pronombres sujeto Adjetivos posesivos Ive got I havent got
I my Youve got You havent got
you your He / She / Its got He / She / It hasnt got
he / she / it his / her / its Weve got We havent got
we our Youve got You havent got
you your Theyve got They havent got
they their Interrogativa Respuestas breves
Uso Have I got ? Yes, I have. No, I havent.
Los pronombres sujeto sustituyen a sustantivos y Have you got ? Yes, you have. No, you havent.
nombres propios. Has he / she / it Yes, he / she / it No, he / she / it
Katy is English. Shes from Manchester. got ? has. hasnt.
Nota: los pronombres sujeto nunca se pueden Have we got ? Yes, we have. No, we havent.
omitir. Have you got ? Yes, you have. No, you havent.
It is on the desk. NO Is on the desk. Have they got ? Yes, they have. No, they havent.
Los adjetivos posesivos se colocan delante de los Uso
sustantivos para indicar a quin pertenecen estos Have got se utiliza para indicar posesin o hablar de
ltimos. los miembros de la familia.
My pencil is blue. This is our classroom. Hes got a ruler.
Weve got two pens.
Possessive s Ive got a sister.
Nota: en las respuestas breves no se incluye got.
La forma s se coloca detrs de los sustantivos en Have you got a calculator? Yes, I have.
singular. NO Yes, I have got.
the teachers desk Toms book
Se aade a los sustantivos en plural acabados en s. Imperatives
the students school bags my parents laptop
Aadimos s a los sustantivos en plural que no Afirmativa Negativa
acaban en s. Look at the book. Dont look at the book.
the childrens teacher the mens chairs Sit down. Dont sit down.
Uso La forma de imperativo coincide con la del infinitivo
El posesivo en s se utiliza para indicar que algo sin to.
pertenece a alguien. La negativa se construye con Dont seguido del
Katys dictionary the boys notebooks infinitivo sin to.
El imperativo se utiliza para dar instrucciones y
Open your books. Read the text.
Dont talk. Dont eat that.

Starter unit Gramtica
Starter Grammar practice
Subject pronouns and Possessive have got
adjectives 4 Write pairs of sentences with have got.
1 Write SP (subject pronoun) or PA (possessive you / a ruler / a rubber
adjective). You havent got a ruler. Youve got a rubber.
their PA 3 his 6 our 1 they / blue pens / black pens
1 you 4 they 7 my
2 I 5 its 8 she 2 she / a calculator / a dictionary
2 Complete the sentences with the bold words.
Imy 3 I / a sister / a brother
Hi! My names Robert and Im thirteen.
1 theirshe 4 it / chairs / desks
s got two brothers. names
are Mike and Andy. 5 we / maths / history
2 yourit
Wheres rubber? s here.
5 Write questions and short answers with have got.
3 heour
Emily / a laptop ?
Thats teacher. s American.
Has Emily got a laptop? No, she hasnt.
4 hisshe
 Is mum a teacher? Yes, s 1 the students / calculators ?
an English teacher.
5 theyyour 2 Mr Clark / a red car ?
 Where are students? re
in Room 10. 3 the classroom / a whiteboard?

Possessive s 4 your parents / laptops ?

3 Add s or to the subjects.
the school computer 5 you / posters in your room ?
the schools computer
1 the girls pencils
2 the children book 6 Write the correct imperative form of the verbs.
be eatlooksitwrite
3 Nora favourite subject
Eat your lunch. Its one oclock.
4 Luis notebook 1 with a pen. Use a pencil.
2 quiet! Heres the teacher.
5 the boy laptop 3 at exercise 1 and read the text.
4 on that chair. Its the teachers.

Gramtica Starter unit
Starter Vocabulario

Countries and nationalities The classroom

American (adj) /merkn/ bin (n) /bn/
Argentina (n) /dntin/ book (n) /bk/
Argentinian (adj) /dntnin/ calculator (n) /klkjlet(r)/
Australia (n) /streli/ chair (n) /te(r)/
Australian (adj) /strelin/ desk (n) /desk/
Brazil (n) /brzl/ dictionary (n) /dknri/
Brazilian (adj) /brzlin/ door (n) /d(r)/
British (adj) /brt/ laptop (n) /lptp/
Canada (n) /knd/ notebook (n) /ntbk/
Canadian (adj) /knedin/ poster (n) /pst(r)/
China (n) /tan/ school bag (n) /skul bg/
Chinese (adj) /taniz/ wall (n) /wl/
Colombia (n) /klmbi/ whiteboard (n) /watbd/
Colombian (adj) /klmbin/ window (n) /wnd/
England (n) /glnd/
English (adj) /gl/ Prepositions of place
France (n) /frns/ behind /bhand/
French (adj) /frent/ between /btwin/
German (adj) /dmn/ in /n/
Germany (n) /dmni/ in front of /n frnt v/
Greece (n) /gris/ next to /nekst t/
Greek (adj) /grik/ on /n/
India (n) /ndi/ under /nd(r)/
Indian (adj) /ndin/
Ireland (n) /alnd/
Irish (adj) /ar/
School subjects
Italian (adj) /tlin/ Art (n) /t/
Italy (n) /tli/ English (n) /gl/
Japan (n) /dpn/ French (n) /frent/
Japanese (adj) /dpniz/ Geography (n) /digrfi/
Kenya (n) /kenj/ History (n) /hstri/
Kenyan (adj) /kenjn/ Maths (n) /ms/
Mexican (adj) /mekskn/ Music (n) /mjuzk/
Mexico (n) /meksk/ PE (n) /pi i/
Pakistan (n) /pkstn, -stn/ Science (n) /sans/
Pakistani (adj) /pkstni,
-stni/ Functional language
Portugal (n) /ptgl/
Portuguese (adj) /ptugiz/ Classroom language
Russia (n) /r/ Be quiet!
Russian (adj) /rn/ How do you spell goodbye?
Scotland (n) /sktlnd/
Dont eat in lessons!
Scottish (adj) /skt/
South Africa (n) /sa frk/ What does notebook mean?
South African (adj) /sa Can you repeat that, please?
frkn/ Put your hands up!
Spain (n) /spen/
Spanish (adj) /spn/
the UK (n) / ju ke/
the USA (n) / ju es e/
Turkey (n) /tki/
Turkish (adj) /tk/

Starter unit Vocabulario
Starter Vocabulary practice
Countries and nationalities
1 Find seven countries. Then write the correct
nationality words.





O N X C W Y X A M K Mexico Mexican






The classroom
2 Find five differences in picture B. Write sentences.

The poster is in the bin.

Vocabulario Starter unit
Unit 1 Gramtica

Present simple: be there is / there are + a, an, some

Afirmativa Negativa and any
Forma Forma Forma Forma Afirmativa
completa contracta completa contracta
Forma completa Forma contracta
I am Im I am not Im not
Singular There is a / an Theres a / an
You are Youre You are not You arent
Plural There are some
He is / Hes / He is not / He isnt /
She is / It is Shes / Its She is not / She isnt / Negativa
It is not It isnt
Forma completa Forma contracta
We are Were We are not We arent
Singular There is not a / There isnt a /
You are Youre You are not You arent an an
They are Theyre They are not They arent Plural There are not There arent
Uso any any
El verbo be se utiliza para dar informacin sobre Uso
una persona, un lugar o un objeto. La estructura there + be se utiliza para indicar si
I am English. algo existe o no.
Vigo is in Spain. There is a lift at school.
The books are on the desk. There isnt a swimming pool.
La forma contracta se utiliza en el registro informal Cuando el sustantivo est en plural, se utiliza la
de la lengua oral y escrita. forma de plural del verbo be.
Its Monday today. There are some chairs.
Youre late. There arent any windows.
Interrogativa Respuestas breves En el registro informal de la lengua oral y escrita, se
Am I ? Yes, I am. No, Im not. utilizan las formas contractas.
Are you ? Yes, you are. No, you arent.
Nota: no existe una forma contracta para There are.
Theres a big desk in my bedroom.
Is he ? Yes, he is. No, he isnt.
There isnt a sofa and there arent any chairs.
Is she ? Yes, she is. No, she isnt.
There are four posters on the wall.
Is it ? Yes, it is. No, it isnt.
Los artculos a y an se utilizan con los sustantivos
Are we ? Yes, we are. No, we arent.
en singular.
Are you ? Yes, you are. No, you arent. Theres a big TV.
Are they ? Yes, they are. No, they arent. Theres an orange door.
Uso Some y any se utilizan con los sustantivos en plural;
La interrogativa con be se utiliza para formular some en oraciones afirmativas, y any en frases
preguntas sobre una persona, un lugar o un objeto. negativas.
Nota: en las respuestas breves afirmativas, no se There are some books in my bag.
utiliza la forma contracta del verbo (Yes, I am. NO There arent any pens.
Yes, Im.)
Is Harry in your class? Yes, he is.
Are those pens blue? No, they arent.

Unit 1 Gramtica
Unit 1 Grammar practice

be: affirmative and negative 4 Write sentences about the things in a living room.
Use there is / there are + a, an, some and any.
1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
be. Use short forms.
Negative Affirmative
Her name isnt Julie. Its Jenna.
1 They Canadian. They American.
2 I thirteen. I fourteen.
3 My mum here. She at home.
4 We brothers. We cousins.
5 It Tuesday. It Wednesday.
6 You from the UK. You from Australia.
7 He my uncle. He my grandpa.

be: questions
2 Complete the questions and short answers.
Is London in the UK? Yes, it is.
1 we in Room 8? No, .
2 Miss Ray your teacher? Yes,
3 you Portuguese? No, I .
4 he your friend? Yes, .
5 your books red? Yes, .
6 it half past one? No, .
7 you and Ana sisters? No, .

there is / there are + a, an, some

and any
3 Complete the text with s, isnt, are or arent.
There are three bedrooms in my home. There
(1) one for my mum and dad, one for my
sister and one for me. There (2) two beds
in my room and there (3) a desk too. There Theres a big fireplace.
(4) a lot of things on it some books, 1
pens, pencils and my laptop. There (5) any
wardrobes in my bedroom, but there (6)
two big ones in my sisters room. There (7) 3
any stairs in my home and there (8) a lift. 4
Thats because our home is a bungalow! 5
Gramtica Unit 1
Unit 1 Vocabulario

1.1 Family 1.2 Extra vocabulary

aunt (n) /nt/ amazing (adj) /mez/
brother (n) /br(r)/ beautiful (adj) /bjutfl/
child (n) /tald/ fantastic (adj) /fntstk/
children (n) /tldrn/ strange (adj) /strend/
cousin (n) /kzn/ ugly (adj) /li/
dad (n) /dd/ unusual (adj) /njuul/
daughter (n) /dt(r)/
father (n) /f(r)/ 1.3 Extra vocabulary
grandfather (n) cat (n) /kt/
/rnf(r)/ dog (n) /d/
grandma (n) /rnm/ fish (n) /f/
grandmother (n) pet (n) /pet/
/rnm(r)/ rabbit (n) /rbt/
grandpa (n) /rnp/ reptile (n) /reptal/
husband (n) /hzbnd/ snake (n) /snek/
mother (n) /m(r)/
mum (n) /mm/ 1.4 Functional language
parents (n) /pernts/
Giving personal information
sister (n) /sst(r)/
son (n) /sn/ Whats your first name / surname / date of birth /
uncle (n) /kl/ nationality?
wife (n) /waf/
Whats your address / postcode / phone number / email
1.1 Extra vocabulary address?
different (adj) /dfrnt/
end (n) /end/ Can I have an emergency contact number, please?
new (adj) /nju/
old (adj) /ld/
How do you spell that, please?
start (n) /stt/
same (adj) /sem/
Sorry, can you repeat that, please?
1.2 Rooms and homes
balcony (n) /blkni/
bathroom (n) /brum, 1.5 Extra vocabulary
-rm/ alarm clock (n) /lm klk/
bedroom (n) /bedrum, bed (n) /bed/
-rm/ bedside table (n)
dining room (n) /dan /bedsad tebl/
rum, rm/ chair (n) /te(r)/
fireplace (n) /faples/ desk (n) /desk/
garage (n) /r, -rd/ laptop (n) /lptp/
garden (n) /dn/ sofa (n) / sf/
kitchen (n) /ktn/ TV (n) /ti vi/
lift (n) /lft/ wardrobe (n) /wdrb/
living room (n) /lv
rum, rm/
patio (n) /pti/
stairs (n) /stez/
toilet (n) /tlt/
Unit 1 Vocabulario
Unit 1 Vocabulary practice

1 Complete the puzzle.

Max is in Lucia is in
Mum, Dad and the three children
the bedroom. the bathroom. are in the house.
Lucia is one of the three children.
Peter isnt Leos dad.
Isabel isnt Leos sister.
Max isnt Leos brother.

Peter is in the Isabel is in Leo and his family are at home.

Which rooms are they in?
living room. the kitchen.
1 His mum is in the .
2 His dad is in the .
3 His sister is in the .
4 His brother is in the .

2 Write the sentence.

20 12 8 6 10 4 15 24 9 2 13 5 16 3 1 25 21 23 17 26 19 11 22 14 7 18

16 7 15 23 20 3 6 16 20 17 13 9 26 8 24 10 3 9 17

12 10 20 19 26 9 4 19 5
4 Translate the sentences.
3 Choose the odd one out. 1 Its an unusual bathroom.
cousin uncle ugly grandpa
2 Your parents are on the patio.
1 patio collar garage garden
3 How do you spell your first name, please?
2 lift amazing cool fantastic

3 wife daughter webcam aunt 4 The webcam is in my bedroom.

4 surname nationality postcode strange
5 Can you repeat your phone number, please?
5 son stairs toilet balcony
Vocabulario Unit 1
Unit 2 Gramtica

Present simple: affirmative and Present simple: questions

negative Interrogativa Respuestas breves
Afirmativa Do I / you / eat fruit? Yes, I / No, I /
we / they you / we / you / we /
I / You / We / They eat fruit.
they do. they dont.
He / She / It eats fruit.
Does he / she / eat fruit? Yes, he / No, he /
Negativa it she / it she / it
does. doesnt.
I / You / We / They dont eat fruit.
He / She / It doesnt eat fruit.
La forma interrogativa del present simple se
utiliza para formular preguntas sobre hbitos y
El present simple se utiliza para referirse a hbitos y
acciones que se repiten, o para descubrir si algo es
acciones que se repiten.
permanente o cierto.
I watch TV every day.
Do you make your bed?
He gets up at seven oclock.
Does she live in the UK?
Tambin se emplea el present simple para hablar de
En las respuestas breves afirmativas, se utiliza do o
cosas permanentes y ciertas.
does; en las respuestas breves negativas, se emplea
We live in Africa.
dont o doesnt.
Elephants make a lot of noise.
Do they speak Spanish?
La forma afirmativa del present simple se construye Yes, they do.
con el infinitivo sin to. En la tercera persona del Does he listen to music?
singular (he/she/it), se aade -s o -es al verbo. No, he doesnt.
I clean he cleans
En preguntas encabezadas por Wh-, la partcula
you go she goes
interrogativa se coloca al comienzo. Estas frases
Nota: cuando el verbo acaba en -y, esta se elimina siempre incluyen do o does.
antes de aadir -ies; si acaba en -sh o -ch, se aade What do you eat?
-es. NO What you eat?
you study she studies When does she watch TV?
they wash it washes
I teach she teaches Subject and object pronouns
La forma negativa del present simple se construye
con do not o does not + el infinitivo sin to. En el Pronombres sujeto Pronombres objeto
registro informal de la lengua oral y escrita, se I me
utilizan las formas contractas. you you
I dont eat fruit. he him
She doesnt make breakfast.
she her
it it
we us
you you
they them
Los pronombres objeto siguen a un verbo o una
I like chocolate. I like it.
I play with my friends. I play with them.
Unit 2 Gramtica
Unit 2 Grammar practice

Present simple: affirmative and 3 Write the questions for the answers.
negative How often do you go shopping?
I go shopping four times a month.
1 Complete the text with the affirmative or negative
form of the verbs. 1 Where ?
They go shopping in the city.
I live (live) in Brighton
2 What instrument ?
with my parents and my
sister Leonie. My dad He plays the piano.
(1) (not 3 Who ?
work) in an office. Hes a I hang out with Tom and Lisa.
professional photographer 4 When ?
and he (2)
She watches TV in the evening.
(take) photos of famous
people. People 5 What time ?
(3) (use) his He gets up at seven oclock.
photos in magazines. 6 Why ?
My mum (4) (go) to school every I go to the cinema because I love films.
day, but she (5) (not study). Shes a
Spanish teacher. She (6) (love) her Object pronouns
job. Leonie and I (7) (learn) Spanish
at our school. Sometimes Mum (8) 4 Complete the sentences with a subject or object
(try) to help us with our homework, but I dont
like that. I (9) (want) to do it myself! Sophie and I are friends. We are in the same class.
1 Your room is really cool. I like a lot.
2 I really like Xabi Alonso. Do you like ?
Present simple: questions
3 Thats my uncle, Curtis. lives in Rome.
2 Complete the questions with Do or Does. Then 4 Jennifer Lawrence is my favourite film star. Do you
complete the short answers. like ?
Does he teach English? 5 Where are your parents? re at a
No, he doesnt. restaurant.
1 you sing in a choir? 6 Your brothers are really nice. I like a lot.
No, .
2 you and your family go to the beach
in summer?
Yes, .
3 it have a balcony?
No, .
4 she brush her hair?
Yes, .
5 they play computer games?
No, .
6 you get up early?
Yes, .
Gramtica Unit 2
Unit 2 Vocabulario
listen to music (v) /lsn t
2.1 Daily routine mjuzk/
brush your hair (v) /br play an instrument (v) /ple
j he(r)/ n nstrmnt/
clean your room (v) /klin play computer games (v)
j rum, rm/ /ple kmpjut emz/
eat fruit (v) /it frut/ sing in a choir (v) /s n
feed an animal (v) /fid kwa(r)/
n nml/ watch TV (v) /wt ti vi/
get changed (v) /et
tendd/ 2.2 Extra vocabulary
get up early (v) /et p
boring (adj) /br/
dangerous (adj)
go for a walk (v) / fr
exciting (adj) /ksat/
go home (v) / hm/
have a bath / shower (v) fun (adj) /fn/
interesting (adj)
/hv b, a(r)/
make breakfast (v) /mek /ntrst, ntrest/
brekfst/ scary (adj) /skeri/
make the bed (v) /mek
bed/ 2.3 Extra vocabulary
wash your hands (v) /w
autumn (n) /tm/
j hndz/
blossoms (n) /blsmz/
boat (n) /bt/
2.1 Extra vocabulary costumes (n) /kstjumz/
get paid (v) /et ped/ fireworks (n) /fawks/
in danger (prep + n) /n harvest (n) /hvst/
dend(r)/ spring (n) /spr/
lake (n) /lek/ summer (n) /sm(r)/
noise (n) /nz/ winter (n) /wnt(r)/
volunteer (n) /vlnt(r)/
2.4 Functional language
2.2 Free time activities Making invitations
chat online (v) /tt
What do you do on Fridays?
do free running (v) /du What time does it start / finish?
fri rn/ How about Saturday?
go orienteering (v) / When can we meet?
rintr/ Do you want to ?
go shopping (v) / Are you free on Wednesdays?
Accepting and refusing invitations
go to the beach (v) / t
bit/ Sorry. Im busy.
go to the cinema (v) / t I play the piano on Fridays.
hang out with friends (v) Yes, thats fine.
/h at w frendz/ Thats good for me.

Unit 2 Vocabulario
Unit 2 Vocabulary practice
1 Write the daily routine activities, then match them 3 Complete the puzzle and find the mystery
to pictures AF. There is an extra picture. adjective.
E 2


F 5

1 make the
2 sing in a
3 play an
4 chat
5 do free
6 changed
The mystery adjective is .

4 Translate the sentences.

1 Its fun to chat online.

g s
2 Its dangerous to feed some animals.
go shopping C
1 nt m 3 My birthday is on 11th February.
2 g pe
3 hy h 4 Do you want to come to the festival with us?
4 w rh
5 When is the harvest?
2 Write alternate letters and make sentences. Are
they true (T) or false (F)?
You eat costumes. F




Vocabulario Unit 2
Unit 3 Gramtica

Adverbs of frequency like + -ing / noun

100% I / You / We / They like listening to
He / She / It likes music.
I / You / We / They like science lessons.
He / She / It likes
Do I / you / like listening I / You /
usually we / they to music? We / They
love it.
Does he / she / He / She /
65% it It loves it.

often Do I / you / like science I / You /

we / they lessons? We / They
love them.
50% Does he / she / He / She /
it It loves
sometimes them.
0% La estructura like + verbo en -ing / sustantivo se
utiliza para indicar que algo nos gusta.
never I like swimming.
He likes after-school clubs.
Uso Para responder a preguntas que comienzan por
Estos adverbios se utilizan para indicar con qu Do you like ?, no se repite la forma en -ing o el
frecuencia realizamos las acciones. sustantivo. En singular se utiliza it, y en plural, them.
Cuando acompaan al verbo be, se colocan detrs Do you like swimming? I love it.
de l. Do you like exciting sports? I love them.
I am always in the canteen at 12.45. Tambin podemos expresar en qu medida nos
Assemblies are usually interesting. gusta o no nos gusta algo.
Sin embargo, los adverbios de frecuencia se Im crazy about photography. J
colocan delante del resto de los verbos. I love photography.
We sometimes watch TV before school. I like photography.
Harry never goes to bed early.
I dont mind photography.
En la forma interrogativa, los adverbios de
I hate photography.
frecuencia siguen al sujeto.
Are science lessons always fun? I cant stand photography. L
Do you often go to the library at break?

Unit 3 Gramtica
Unit 3 Grammar practice

Adverbs of frequency like + -ing / noun

1 Write the words in the correct order. 3 Complete the sentences with the -ing form of the
goes / Jenny / often / to the cinema verbs in brackets.
Jenny often goes to the cinema. I like studying (study) in the library.
1 My sister doesnt like (read).
1 boring / Computer games / sometimes / are
2 You like (play) hockey.
2 never / get up early / We / on Sundays 3 Do they like (speak) English?
4 Max doesnt like (eat) fruit.
3 on Mondays / is / Choir practice / always 5 Do you like (wear) goggles?
6 I like (do) maths.
4 have a bath / You / never / in the morning 7 We dont like (clean) our room.

5 usually / am / I / at lunchtime / hungry

4 Complete the dialogues. Use Do or Does in the
questions and it or them in the answers.

6 listen to / often / music? / you / Do Do you like winter?

No, I dont. I cant stand it.
1 your parents like unusual houses?
2 Write sentences about Tom. Use the correct Yes, they love .
adverbs of frequency.
2 your uncle like team sports?
Name: Tom Smart No, he doesnt like .
General 50% 3 you and your friends like hanging out
1 is late for school together?
English 100% We love .
2 listens in class
4 your dog like swimming?
ICT 80%
3 concentrates in lessons No, it doesnt. It hates .
5 you like frightening books?
4 goes to the ICT suite at lunchtime
I dont mind .
History 50%
5 forgets his homework 6 your sister like singing?
PE 0%
Yes, she does. Shes crazy about .
6 misses football training
7 is in the school team
1 He is sometimes late for school.

Gramtica Unit 3
Unit 3 Vocabulario

3.1 School 3.2 Extra vocabulary

canteen (n) /kntin/ cant stand (v) /knt stnd/
changing room (n) hate (v) /het/
/tend rum, rm/ love (v) /lv/
coach (n) /kt/ (not) be crazy about (v)
hall (n) /hl/ /(nt) bi krezi bat/
head teacher (n) /hed (not) like (v) /(nt) lak/
tit(r)/ not mind (v) /(nt) mand/
ICT suite (n) /a si ti
swit/ 3.3 Extra vocabulary
library (n) /labrri/
playground (n) /plerand/ meet (v) /mit/
playing fields (n) /ple ride (v) /rad/
fildz/ spend (v) /spend/
science lab (n) /sans lb/ stay (v) /ste/
sports hall (n) /spts hl/ wear (v) /we(r)/
staffroom (n) /stfrum,
-rm/ 3.4 Functional language
Making suggestions
3.1 Extra vocabulary
How about playing ice hockey?
bell (n) /bel/
break (n) /brek/ Lets do street dance.
dream (n) /drim/ Shall we do fashion design?
luck (n) /lk/
Why dont we go to the music club?
registration (n)
/redstren/ Giving opinions
Thats a good / bad idea.
3.2 Sports and sports equipment
That sounds interesting / boring / dangerous.
basketball (n) /bsktbl/
belt (n) /belt/
goggles (n) /lz/
Im not sure.
hockey (n) /hki/
hoop (n) /hup/ No, thanks! I dont want to do that.
ice skating (n) /as sket/
judo (n) /dud/
racket (n) /rkt/
running (n) /rn/
scuba diving (n) /skub
skates (n) /skets/
stick (n) /stk/
swimming (n) /swm/
tennis (n) /tens/
trainers (n) /trenz/
wetsuit (n) /wetsut/

Unit 3 Vocabulario
Unit 3 Vocabulary practice
1 Read the codes and write the words. Then match 3 Complete the puzzle and find the mystery word.
the codes to the correct places.
1 2 3

spend coach
registration hockey S T I C K

break judo 3

running 4

classroom playing fields playground sports hall

spend break meet = playground
1 3 2 7
The mystery word is .
4 5
2 4 1 10
3 11 8 6

2 Write the letters in the correct order and complete 6 7

the words.

vni c r
h a
g i e t e
4 Translate the sentences.
1 Im crazy about running.
n e c gh i
i e
s c n g c a
n 2 She spends the break in the library.

ICT suite
3 He doesnt like playing hockey.
1 lab
2 cant 4 They prefer swimming to basketball.
3 room
4 scuba 5 How about going to the staffroom?
5 head
Vocabulario Unit 3
Unit 4 Gramtica

Comparative adjectives
Formacin Adjetivo Comparativo
Adjetivos breves fast faster
Se aade -er
Adjetivos breves acabados en -e strange stranger
Se aade -r
Adjetivos breves acabados en vocal + consonante big bigger
La consonante se duplica, y se aade -er
Adjetivos acabados en -y scary scarier
La -y se elimina antes de aadir -ier
Adjetivos largos frightening more frightening
Se aade more delante del adjetivo
Adjetivos irregulares good better
Hay que aprendrselos! bad worse
Los adjetivos en grado comparativo se utilizan para comparar dos personas, lugares o
La partcula than a menudo sigue al adjetivo en grado comparativo.
Im older than you.
London is bigger than Madrid.
Books are more interesting than films.

Superlative adjectives
Formacin Adjetivo Comparativo
Adjetivos breves cold coldest
Se aade -est
Adjetivos breves acabados en -e strange strangest
Se aade -st
Adjetivos breves acabados en vocal + consonante hot hottest
La consonante se duplica, y se aade -est
Adjetivos acabados en -y dry driest
La -y se elimina antes de aadir -iest
Adjetivos largos popular most popular
Se aade most delante del adjetivo
Adjetivos irregulares good best
Hay que aprendrselos! bad worst
Los adjetivos en grado superlativo se utilizan para comparar una persona, un lugar o una
cosa con otros dos elementos o ms.
El artculo the se aade delante del adjetivo en grado superlativo.
Im the youngest person in my family.
Galicia is the wettest region in Spain.
Maths is the most difficult subject I study.

Unit 4 Gramtica
Unit 4 Grammar practice

Comparing two things 4 Complete the text. Use the and the superlative
form of the adjectives.
1 Write the comparative adjectives.
cheap cheaper
1 near
2 easy
3 beautiful Spain is one of the largest (large) countries in Europe. In
addition to its exciting capital, Madrid, here are nine of
4 hot
(1) (popular) cities to visit.
5 good
Barcelona the architecture of Antoni Gaudi is some
6 fast of (2) (unusual) in the country.
7 safe Bilbao (3) (good) thing to visit here is
8 interesting the fantastic Guggenheim Museum.

9 high CAdiz this is (4) (old) city in Western

10 bad Europe.

COrdoba the Mezquita is one of (5)

2 Complete the sentences. Use the comparative (interesting) places to visit here.
form of the adjectives and than. Granada (6) (cold) months in this city
Hockey is more exciting than judo. (exciting) are December, January and February.

1 The Ebro is the Guadalquivir. (long) Salamanca one of (7) (beautiful) cities
in Spain.
2 Our school hall is the canteen. (big)
3 Books are magazines. (expensive) San SebastiAn this is the food capital of Europe, so
its restaurants arent (8) (cheap)!
4 Roller coasters are water slides. (scary)
Seville in summer, this is often (9) (hot)
5 My chair is yours. (comfortable)
city in Europe.
6 Im you at maths. (bad)
Valencia the home of paella, (10)
7 Chinese is English. (difficult) (famous) Spanish dish in the world.
8 Walking is cycling. (slow)
9 April is August. (wet)
10 Today its yesterday. (warm)

Comparing more than two things

3 Write the superlative adjectives.
small the smallest
1 strange
2 big
3 short
4 sunny
5 bad
6 boring
7 fantastic
8 windy
Gramtica Unit 4
Unit 4 Vocabulario

4.1 Adjectives 4.2 Extra vocabulary

boring (adj) /b:ri/ cloud (n) /klad/
cheap (adj) /tip/ fog (n) /f/
crowded (adj) /kradd/ heat (n) /hit/
dangerous (adj) /dendrs/ ice (n) /as/
difficult (adj) /dfklt/ rainy (adj) /reni/
easy (adj) /izi/ snowy (adj) /sni/
enjoyable (adj) /ndbl/ storm (n) /stm/
exciting (adj) /ksat/ stormy (adj) /stmi/
expensive (adj) /kspensv/ sun (n) /sn/
fast (adj) /fst/ wind (n) /wnd/
frightening (adj) /fratn/
high (adj) /ha/ 4.3 Extra vocabulary
long (adj) /l/
low (adj) /l/ bring (v) /br/
near (adj)/n(r)/ camera (n) /kmr/
noisy (adj) /nzi/ fly (v) /fla/
quiet (adj) /kwat/ forget (v) /fet/
safe (adj) /sef/ headphones (n) /hedfnz/
short (adj) /t/ journey (n) /dni/
slow (adj) /sl/ ride (n) /rad/
surprising (adj) /spraz/ travel (v) /trvl/
trip (n) /trp/
4.1 Extra vocabulary 4.4 Functional language
queue (n) /kju/
ride (n) /rad/ Asking for travel information
roller coaster (n)
/rl kst(r)/ Whats the best way to get there?
show (n) //
theme park (n) /im pk/ Whens the next train?

4.2 Weather How long does the journey take?

cloudy (adj) /kladi/
cold (adj) /kld/ It takes about
dry (adj) /dra/
foggy (adj) /fi/
hot (adj) /ht/ How often do the buses / trains leave?
icy (adj) /asi/
rain (n) /ren/ They go every 20 minutes / hour / two hours.
snow (n) /sn/
sunny (adj) /sni/
How much is a ticket?
thunderstorm (n)
warm (adj) /wm/ Single / return
wet (adj) /wet/
windy (adj) /wndi/

Unit 4 Vocabulario
Unit 4 Vocabulary practice

Adjectives, Weather and

Extra vocabulary
1 Look at the picture and complete the crossword.
9 6

4 5 7

1 2 2 Write the opposite adjectives.

3 4
fast slow
E 1 high l
2 expensive c
3 easy d
D 4 noisy q
6 5 dangerous s
3 Translate the sentences.
1 Thunderstorms are noisy.
2 Trains are cheaper than planes.
E 3 Shambhala is more exciting than Dragon Khan.
4 How much is a return ticket to the theme park?

Vocabulario Unit 4
Unit 5 Gramtica

Present continuous: affirmative Present continuous: questions

and negative be + sujeto + forma en -ing del verbo
Sujeto + be (not) + forma en -ing del verbo Interrogativa Respuestas breves
Am I flying? Yes, I am. No, Im not.
Afirmativa Negativa
Are you flying? Yes, you are. No, you arent.
Im flying. Im not flying.
Is he flying? Yes, he is. No, he isnt.
Youre flying. You arent flying.
Is she flying? Yes, she is. No, she isnt.
Hes flying. He isnt flying.
Is it flying? Yes, it is. No, it isnt.
Shes flying. She isnt flying.
Are we flying? Yes, we are. No, we arent.
Its flying. It isnt flying.
Are you flying? Yes, you are. No, you arent.
Were flying. We arent flying.
Are they flying? Yes, they are. No, they arent.
Youre flying. You arent flying.
Theyre flying. They arent flying. Preguntas encabezadas por partculas en Wh-
Nota: forma en -ing del verbo What are you doing? Im playing computer
Con la mayora de los verbos, se aade -ing. games.
fly flying eat eating Uso
Cuando el verbo acaba en -e, esta vocal se elimina La forma interrogativa del present continuous se
antes de aadir -ing. utiliza para preguntar acerca de acciones que se
dive diving practise practising estn desarrollando mientras hablamos.
Con verbos acabados en vocal + consonante, la Nota: en respuestas breves, se incluye el verbo be,
consonante se duplica, y se aade -ing. pero no la forma en -ing del verbo.
sit sitting swim swimming Are you studying? Yes, I am.
Uso Is he sailing a boat? No, he isnt.
El present continuous se utiliza para describir
acciones que se estn desarrollando mientras
Im watching TV.
Hes writing an email.
Theyre playing hockey.

Present continuous and Present simple

Present continuous = acciones que se dan mientras hablamos
Present simple = rutinas y acciones que se repiten
Las frases en present continuous suelen contener expresiones como now y at the moment.
Were having dinner now.
What are you doing at the moment?
Las frases en present simple suelen incluir adverbios de frecuencia.
We often have dinner at 7.00 p.m.
What do you usually do on Saturdays?
Nota: verbos como think, like, love, hate y want no se utilizan en present continuous.
I think sport is fun. We like football.
NO Im thinking sport is fun. Were liking football.
Unit 5 Gramtica
Unit 5 Grammar practice

Present continuous: affirmative Present continuous and

and negative Present simple
1 Complete the sentences with the present 4 Complete the pairs of sentences with the present
continuous form of the verbs. continuous and the present simple form of
Theyre carrying (carry) their books. the verbs.
1 He (wear) a wetsuit. run
My dad runs three times a week. Hes running in the
2 We (use) a calculator.
park now.
3 I (read) a magazine.
1 read
4 She (sit) on the desk.
I a great book right now. Sometimes I
5 You (swim) in the lake. five books in a week.
6 It (rain) at the moment. 2 make
7 They (hold) hands. Jack models as a hobby. He
a model plane at the moment.
2 Rewrite the sentences in exercise 1 in the
negative. 3 swim
They arent carrying their books. Its 6.30 a.m. and Kate in the pool. She
for two hours every day.
4 not watch
My parents TV right now. They
3 TV during the day.
4 5 play
5  e
W computer games in ICT at the
6 moment. I usually them at home.
5 Complete the sentences with the present
continuous or present simple form of the verbs.
Present continuous: questions
Wheres Leah?
3 Complete the present continuous questions and Shes doing (do) her homework in her room.
short answers.
1 It often (rain) here in winter.
Is she drawing (she / draw) a picture? 2 Sometimes I (not have) breakfast.
Yes, she is. 3 Dad isnt here. He (work).
1 (you / make) breakfast? 4 How often (you / do) sport?
No, . 5 My parents never (go) ice skating.
2 (they / climb) the mountain? 6 What (you / write) at the moment?
Yes, . 7 We (clean) our room right now.
3 (he / fly) a plane? 8 My brother (like) team sports.
No, . 9 Shh! The baby (sleep).
4 (you / close) the window? 10 I (not listen) to anything at the moment.
Yes, .
5 (we / build) a boat?
No, .

Gramtica Unit 5
Unit 5 Vocabulario

5.1 Action verbs 5.4 Functional language

build (v) /bld/ Having a phone conversation
carry (v) /kri/ Can I speak to ?
climb (v) /klam/
close (v) /klz/ He / She isnt here at the moment.
dive (v) /dav/
draw (v) /dr/
Whos calling?
fly (v) /fla/
hold (v) /hld/
Its .
jump (v) /dmp/
open (v) /pn/
practise (v) /prkts/ Do you want to leave a message?
sail (v) /sel/
Can you ask him / her to call ?
5.1 Extra vocabulary
Please tell him / her
balloon (n) /blun/
blog (n) /bl/
huge (adj) /hjud/
model (n) /mdl/
tiny (adj) /tani/

5.2 Equipment
backpack (n) /bkpk/
binoculars (n) /bnkjlz/
compass (n) /kmps/
first-aid kit (n) /fst ed
insect repellent (n) /nsekt
map (n) /mp/
sleeping bag (n) /slip
sunscreen (n) /snskrin/
tent (n) /tent/
tools (n) /tulz/
torch (n) /tt/
waterproof jacket
/wtpruf dkt/

5.3 Extra vocabulary

audition (n) /dn/
charity (n) /trti/
lively (adj) /lavli/
musician (n) /mjuzn/
try (v) /tra/

Unit 5 Vocabulario
Unit 5 Vocabulary practice
1 Read the text and choose the correct option. 3 Complete the puzzle.
1 To jump into water with your hands and arms first.
The Marathon des Sables d i v e
The Sahara Desert in the north of Africa is tiny /
huge 9,400,000 km2 and every year a thousand 2 An object we use to navigate.
people do the Marathon des Sables there. They
(1) try / draw to run 250 km across it in five
or six days. Thats five and a half marathons! 3 Objects we use to make or repair things.
But thats not all. The runners (2) build / carry
everything they need in a (3) hold / backpack on
their back. That includes things like food, but it
doesnt include a (4) blog / tent to sleep in. The 4 The opposite of open.
runners (5) practise / sail for months before the
Marathon des Sables. Many of them enter it to
collect money for a (6) charity / audition. There 5 A person who plays a musical instrument.
are easier ways to see the Sahara Desert. For
example, you can (7) climb / fly over it in a hot air
(8) compass / balloon.
 write the letters and make another word
from the unit.
2 Complete the words with the correct letters. Then
match them to the pictures. 1 (letter 1) d

2 (letter 2)

3 (letter 4)

4 (letter 5)

5 (letter 1)
1 T O R C H D A The new word is .

4 Translate the sentences.

2 B I N L A R S B 1 They usually carry a map.

2 Hes holding a waterproof jacket.

3 S U N E E N C
3 Im writing a blog about a charity.

4 I N T R E P E L L E N T D 4 Hi, Cornelia speaking.

5 Can you ask Kit to call me back?

5 F T A I D K I T E

6 S L E N G B A G F

Vocabulario Unit 5
Unit 6 Gramtica

can / cant Countable and uncountable nouns

Afirmativa Sustantivos Sustantivos
I / You / He / She / can go to the cinema contables en plural incontables
It / We / They tonight. Afirmativa There are some / Theres some /
a lot of grapes. a lot of water.
Negativa There arent any / There isnt any /
I / You / He / She / cant wear trainers to many books. much rice.
It / We / They school.
Interrogativa How There are How Theres
Interrogativa Respuestas breves many much
people bread is
Can I / you / he / go out? Yes, I / you / he / she /
are there? there?
she / it / it / we / they can.
we / they No, I / you / he / she / Are there Yes, Is there Yes,
it / we / they cant. any there any there
people? are. bread? is. No,
Uso No, there there
Can/cant se utilizan para dar y pedir permiso, y arent. isnt.
tambin para describir capacidades.
Nota: los sustantivos contables tienen una forma
Permiso Capacidad para el singular y otra para el plural; los incontables,
Can I open the window? I can speak English. sin embargo, tienen una nica forma. Con los
He cant go to the party. Can you play an sustantivos incontables no se utilizan a / an ni los
instrument? nmeros.
Nota: can/cant siempre van acompaados del Sustantivos Sustantivos
infinitivo sin to. contables incontables
a cap two caps salt two salts
He can ride a bike. NO He can to ride a bike.
an onion four onions fruit three fruits
must / mustnt Uso
Some, any y a lot of se utilizan con sustantivos
Afirmativa contables en plural y sustantivos incontables.
I / You / He / She / must go home at
Some se utiliza en frases afirmativas para describir
It / We / They 10.00p.m.
una cantidad indefinida de algo.
Negativa There are some people in the room.
I / You / He / She / mustnt be late for school. Theres some food on the table.
It / We / They A lot of se utiliza en frases afirmativas e indica que
Uso hay una gran cantidad de algo.
Must / mustnt se utilizan para expresar obligacin y There are a lot of magazines.
prohibicin. Theres a lot of bread.
Obligacin Prohibicin Any se utiliza en negativa e interrogativa.
I must get up at 6.45 a.m. You mustnt take photos There arent any pens. There isnt any water.
in the pool. Are there any pens? Is there any water?
They must wear We mustnt use our Many acompaa a los sustantivos en plural en
a uniform. phones in class. frases negativas.
Nota: must / mustnt siempre van acompaados del There arent many spices.
infinitivo sin to.
Much se utiliza con sustantivos incontables en
You must wear goggles. NO You must to wear
oraciones negativas.
There isnt much meat.

Unit 6 Gramtica
Unit 6 Grammar practice

can / cant Countable and uncountable nouns

1 Complete the dialogue with can or cant. 4 Write sentences with there + be. Use a lot of, some
Cal Im hungry. Lets make lunch. or any.

Fran I can make omelettes. Theyre delicious. sweets

Cal You (1) make omelettes because There are a lot of sweets.
there arent any eggs. (2) you buy 1 hair gel
Fran Y
 es, I (3) , but I (4) pay 2 chocolate
for them. I havent got any money.
Cal I (5) give you the money. Here 3 key rings
you are.
Fran Thanks. 4 mushrooms

must / mustnt 5 chewing gum

2 Choose the correct option.
You must / mustnt drink that. Its dangerous.
5 Complete the text with much, many or a lot of.
1 You must / mustnt use your mobile phone in
the cinema.
2 We have registration in our classroom at 8.40 a.m.
Everyone must / mustnt go to it.
3 You must / mustnt drink a lot of water in hot
weather. Its important.
4 Theyre allergic to dairy products so they must /
mustnt eat cheese.
5 I must / mustnt go home now. Its very late.

can / cant or must / mustnt

3 Complete the sentences with a verb from A and B.
A cancancantmustmustmustnt How many food markets are there in London? Im
not sure, but there are (1) them. One of
B listenopenplayunderstandwatchwear the oldest is Borough Market. Its an amazing place
to have lunch. There isnt (2) British
Can I watch TV? Theres a good programme on.
food for sale, but theres (3) food from
1 You a wetsuit. The sea is very cold. around the world. There arent (4)
2 Can you help me with my maths homework? chairs, so you must walk around and eat. Its fun!
I it. One of my favourite dishes is called moong dal dosa.
3 Katy is very musical. She five different Its delicious. Is there (5) meat in it?
No, there isnt any meat, but there are
(6) spices in it. How (7) is
4 You to the teacher. Its very important. it? Its only 5 for a big portion.
5 The sign says, No Entry, so we the door.

Gramtica Unit 6
Unit 6 Vocabulario

6.1 Food 6.3 Extra vocabulary

beans (n) /binz/ canvas (n) /knvs/
beef (n) /bif/ cartoon (n) /ktun/
bread (n) /bred/ graphic designer (n)
cheese (n) /tiz/ /rfk dzan(r)/
chicken (n) /tkn/ sculpture (n) /sklpt(r)/
chickpeas (n) /tkpiz/ spray paint (n) /spre pent/
chilli sauce (n) /tli ss/ stencil (n) /stensl/
grapes (n) /reps/
jam (n) /dm/ 6.4 Extra vocabulary
mushrooms (n) /mrmz,
-rumz/ add (v) /d/
oil (n) /l/ chop (v) /tp/
onion (n) /njn/ cook (v) /kk/
rice (n) /ras/ heat (v) /hit/
salt and pepper (n) /slt n mix (v) /mks/
spices (n) /spasz/ 6.4 Functional language
sugar (n) /(r)/
yoghurt (n) /jt/ Ordering in a restaurant
The waiter
6.1 Extra vocabulary Are you ready to order?
crunchy (adj) /krnti/
healthy (adj) /heli/
What can I get you?
salty (adj) /slti/
spicy (adj) /spasi/
sweet (adj) /swit/ What would you like (to drink)?
tasty (adj) /testi/

6.2 At the market And to drink / for dessert?

a battery (n) / btri/

a cap (n) / kp/ The customer
chewing gum (n) /tu
m/ Id like / Ill have , please.
chocolate (n) /tklt/
hair gel (n) /he del/
an ice cream (n) /n as Can I have ?
jewellery (n) /dulri/
Is there any ?
a key ring (n) / ki r/
a magazine (n) / mgzin/
a mobile phone case (n) Does it come with ?
/ mbal fn kes/
nail varnish (n) /nel vn/
a purse (n) / ps/ Can we have the bill, please?
sweets (n) /swits/
water (n) /wt(r)/

Unit 6 Vocabulario
Unit 6 Vocabulary practice

1 Find six differences in picture B. Write sentences.

Theres a cap behind the door.

1 4
2 5
3 6

2 Write the words. 3 Translate the sentences.

1 This bread is tasty.
case paint
gel hair 2 How many sweets are there?
chewing phone
gum salt
pepper spray
3 There isnt much chilli sauce on the chicken.

hair gel 4 Is there any meat in that?

5 Can we have the bill, please?

Vocabulario Unit 6
Unit 7 Gramtica

was / were Past simple: verbos regulares

Afirmativa Afirmativa
I / He / She / It was small. I / You / He / She / It / We / talked.
You / We / They were They

Negativa Negativa
I / He / She / It wasnt small. I / You / He / She / didnt talk.
It / We / They
You / We / They werent
Interrogativa Respuestas breves El past simple se utiliza para describir acciones y
Was I / he / she / small? Yes, I / he / she / it situaciones del pasado.
it was. We watched TV last night.
No, I / he / she / I visited London in 2012.
it wasnt.
Past simple afirmativa: formacin
Were you / we / Yes, you / we / they
they were. Con la mayora de los verbos regulares, se aade
No, you / we / they -ed.
werent. walk walked explain explained
Uso Con verbos regulares acabados en -e, se aade -d.
Was / were se utilizan para dar informacin sobre describe described phone phoned
una persona, un lugar o un objeto en el pasado.
Con verbos acabados en vocal + consonante, la
Max wasnt at school.
consonante se duplica y se aade -ed.
The beach was crowded.
rob robbed travel travelled
Miniskirts were popular.
Con verbos regulares acabados en -y, esta se omite
Nota: there was / there were son las formas de
antes de aadir -ied.
pasado de there is / there are.
carry carried try tried
There was a beautiful dress in the shop.
There werent many people in the park. Las oraciones en past simple a menudo incluyen
expresiones temporales de pasado.
I talked to Jenna yesterday.
Last week we travelled to Australia.
They sailed a boat at the weekend.

Unit 7 Gramtica
Unit 7 Grammar practice

was / were Past simple: regular verbs

1 Complete the sentences with was, wasnt, were 4 Write two sentences using the past simple. The
or werent. correct information is in brackets.
he / clean / the kitchen (his room)
He didnt clean the kitchen. He cleaned his room.
1 they / walk / 2 km (20 km)

2 I / practise / my trumpet (my guitar)

3 you / travel / round the UK (the USA)

4 the men / rob / a bank (a shop)

5 we / live / in a house (an apartment)

2 Write questions with was or were. Then write the 6 it / need / food (water)
affirmative or negative short answers.
your sister / at the party / on Saturday / ? 5 Complete the text with the past simple form of
Was your sister at the party on Saturday? the verbs.
() No, she wasnt.
1 you / born / in Madrid / ?
() Yesterday my class visited (visit) a museum
2 it / Saturday / yesterday / ? in our town. We (1) (look)
() at clothes from different centuries. Our
3 your parents / at home / at 11 p.m.? teacher (2) (not talk) to us
() about the clothes. Instead, there was an
4 those shoes / fashionable / in the 1980s? expert at the museum. She (3)
() (explain) the origin of the clothes. It was
5 your brother / in the USA / last year? really interesting. Most of the boys
(4) (not enjoy) it and they
(5) (not listen) to her. At the
there was / there were end of the trip, I (6) (try) on a
long dress. I (7) (like) it, but it
3 Choose the correct option. was difficult to walk in. One of my friends
There were / was a lot of beautiful clothes in that (8) (carry) the skirt for me!
shop, but it was only for women. There (1) were /
werent any mens clothes for sale. There (2) was / were
an unusual coat on one of the models. There (3) wasnt /
were a lot of different colours on it. I liked it. There
(4) was / werent a price tag on it 375! In fact, there
(5) wasnt / was anything under 100 in the shop.
Gramtica Unit 7
Unit 7 Vocabulario
Hair colour
7.1 Clothes blond (adj) /blnd/
boots (n) /buts/ brown (adj) /bran/
cap (n) /kp/ dark (adj) /dk/
cardigan (n) /kdn/ ginger (adj) /dnd(r)/
dress (n) /dres/ grey (adj) /re/
hat (n) /ht/ white (adj) /wat/
hoodie (n) /hdi/ Special features
jacket (n) /dkt/ beard (n) /bd/
jeans (n) /dinz/ freckles (n) /freklz/
leggings (n) /lez/ glasses (n) /lsz/
sandals (n) /sndlz/ moustache (n) /mst/
shirt (n) /t/
shoes (n) /uz/ 7.2 Extra vocabulary
shorts (n) /ts/
skirt (n) /skt/ arrest (v) /rest/
socks (n) /sks/ rob (v) /rb/
sweatshirt (n) /swett/ robber (n) /rb(r)/
top (n) /tp/ suspect (n) /sspekt/
trousers (n) /trazz/
T-shirt (n) /tit/ 7.3 Extra vocabulary
7.1 Extra vocabulary breathe (v) /bri/
float (v) /flt/
baggy (adj) /bi/ gloves (n) /lvz/
collar (n) /kl(r)/ gravity (n) /rvti/
fashionable (adj) helmet (n) /helmt/
/fnbl/ land (v) /lnd/
hood (n) /hd/ orbit (v) /bt/
sleeves (n) /slivz/ space station (n) /spes
tight (adj) /tat/ sten/
space suit (n) /spes sut/
7.2 Appearance take off (v) /tek f/

General appearance 7.4 Functional language

fat (adj) /ft/
of average height (adj) Shopping for clothes
/v vrd hat/
Shop assistant
short (adj) /t/
slim (adj) /slm/ Can I help you?
tall (adj) /tl/ What size are you?
well-built (adj) /wel blt/ What colour would you like?
Hair style / type The changing rooms are
bald (adj) /bld/ Does it fit?
curly (adj) /kli/
long (adj) /l/ Customer
medium-length (adj) Im looking for (a new jacket).
/midim le/ Im a Small / Medium / Large.
short (adj) /t/
straight (adj) /stret/ Can I try it / them on?
wavy (adj) /wevi/ Its too big / small.
Can I try a smaller / bigger size?
How much is it / are they?

Unit 7 Vocabulario
Unit 7 Vocabulary practice

1 Use the code to read the message. Then choose the robber.

= a i = e x = i = o T = u His hair was straight and white.

H x s h x r w s s t r x g h t n d w h x t i. 1
1 H iw s n t w i l l - b T x l t. 2
2 H iw s f v i r g ih i x g h t. 3
3 H x s i y i s w i r ib x g n d b l T i. 4
4 H x s b x r d w s l n g n d d r k. 5
5 H x s t r T s i r s w i r i g r i y n d t x g h t. The robber is number .

2 Choose the odd one out. 3 Translate the sentences.

moustachewavybaldcurly 1 Short skirts were popular in the 1960s.
1 baggy fashionabletightshirt
2 collarfrecklessleeveshood 2 My hair was blond when I was a baby.

3 darkhelmethatcap
3 We dont wear a spacesuit in the space station.
4 dressshortsskirtshort
5 floatlandbrowntake off 4 Id like to buy a new dress.

5 We havent got your size in blue.

Vocabulario Unit 7
Unit 8 Gramtica

Past simple: irregular and Past simple: questions

regular verbs Interrogativa Respuestas
Sujeto Afirmativa Negativa
Did I / you / he / go? Yes, I / you / he /
Verbos I / You / He / climbed. didnt climb.
she / it / she / it /
regulares She / It / lived. didnt live.
we / they we / they did.
We / They stopped. didnt stop.
No, I / you / he /
Uso she / it /
El past simple se utiliza para describir acciones y we / they didnt.
situaciones del pasado. What did I / you / he / do?
La forma de past simple es la misma para todas las she / it /
we / they
personas del verbo.
I climbed the mountain. Uso
He climbed the mountain. La interrogativa del past simple se utiliza para
They climbed the mountain. preguntar acerca de acciones y situaciones del
Con la mayora de los verbos regulares, la forma de pasado.
past simple se construye aadiendo -ed. Did you climb the mountain? Yes, I did.
walk walked explain explained Did they go into the cave? No, they didnt.
La negativa se forma colocando didnt delante del What did you do last week? We went to London.
infinitivo del verbo sin to.
I didnt go to the beach.
We didnt swim in the river.

Sujeto Afirmativa Negativa

Verbos I / You / He / went. didnt go.
irregulares She / It / bought. didnt buy.
We / They
Los verbos irregulares tienen sus propias formas de
past simple.
go went buy bought meet met
swim swam come came make made

Unit 8 Gramtica
Unit 8 Grammar practice

Past simple: irregular and regular Past simple: questions

verbs 4 Complete the past simple questions and
1 Complete the table with the past simple form of short answers.
the verbs. Did they go (they / go) to the cinema last night?
buy dive eat explore go listen see No, they didnt.
stop swim want 1 (he / write) an email?
Yes, .
Irregular verbs Regular verbs
2 (it / swim) in the river?
bought dived
No, .
3 (she / go) shopping?
No, .
4 (you / buy) a souvenir?
Yes .
2 Rewrite the sentences with the correct 5 (they / have) dinner?
information. Yes, .
I didnt take a video. (photos) I took photos. 6 (you / walk) home?
1 He didnt fall into the river. (the lake) No, .

2 We didnt leave home. (school) 5 Complete the dialogue with past simple
3 It didnt begin at 7.30. (8.30) Rosa We went on a school trip last Monday.
Tim Where did you go (you / go)?
4 They didnt sell sweets. (ice cream) Rosa W
 e went to the Museum of Science
and Industry.
5 She didnt make a sandwich. (an omelette) Tim Really? (1) (you / enjoy) it?
Rosa Yes, I did. It was really interesting.
3 Complete the text with the past simple form of Tim What (2) (you / see)?
the verbs. Rosa We saw a lot of different things.
Tim Where (3) (you / have) lunch?
Charles Darwin was born in 1809 and at the age of 22 he
travelled (travel) around the world. He (1) Rosa In the caf in the museum.
(not fly). He (2) (sail) in a ship called Beagle Tim  ow much (4)
H (it / cost) to go
and he (3) (explore) a lot of countries. When into the museum?
Beagle (4) (stop) at the Galpagos Islands Rosa Nothing! It was free.
in the Pacific Ocean, Darwin (5) (find) some Tim How (5) (you and your friends /
very unusual animals. Back in England, he (6) get) there?
(write) some books about his travels. His most famous Rosa We travelled by coach.
one was called On the Origin of Species. It (7) Tim Who (6) (you / sit) next to?
(change) peoples ideas about science and evolution. As a Rosa My friend, Paula.
result, Darwin (8) (become) very famous. He
(9) (die) in 1882.
Gramtica Unit 8
Unit 8 Vocabulario

8.1 Landscape places 8.2 Extra vocabulary

beach (n) /bit/ alone (adj) /ln/
cave (n) /kev/ far away (adv) /fr we/
cliff (n) /klf/ leave home (v)
coral reef (n) /krl rif/ /liv hm/
desert (n) /dezt/ lonely (n) /lnli/
forest (n) /frst/
island (n) /alnd/ 8.3 Extra vocabulary
jungle (n) /dl/
mountain (n) /mantn/ goods (n) /dz/
ocean (n) /n/ grid (n) /rd/
rainforest (n) /renfrst/ ruins (n) /runz/
river (n) /rv(r)/ site (n) /sat/
valley (n) /vli/ stone (n) /stn/
waterfall (n) /wtfl/ underground (adj)
8.1 Extra vocabulary
8.4 Functional language
ant (n) /nt/
crab (n) /krb/ Finding the way
crocodile (n) /krkdal/ Excuse me, how do I get to , please?
elephant (n) /elfnt/
mosquito (n) /mskit/
Can you tell me the way to , please?
shark (n) /k/
squid (n) /skwd/
Turn left / right (at the traffic lights).
8.2 Places in town
bakery (n) /bekri/ Go straight on.
bookshop (n) /bkp/
chemists (n) /kemsts/ Go to the end of this street.
church (n) /tt/
cinema (n) /snm/
department store (n) Take the first / second / third left / right.
/dptmnt st(r)/
newsagents (n) Its on the corner / at the end of the street / on the
/njuzednts/ left / right.
office block (n) /fs
petrol station (n) /petrl
sten/ next to
post office (n) /pst between
fs/ on the left / right of
shopping centre (n)
/p sent(r)/
sports centre (n) /spts behind
sent(r)/ in front of
sweet shop (n) /swit
takeaway (n) /tekwe/
train station (n) /tren

Unit 8 Vocabulario
Unit 8 Vocabulary practice

1 Look at the picture and write the words.

1 crab
2 _ _ _ _ _
3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2
4 _ _ _ _ _
5 _ _ _ _ _ _
6 _ _ _ _ _ 3 6


2 Complete the puzzle. 3 Choose the correct option.

1 A shop that sells medicine. There arent any trees there. Its a desert / forest.
c h e m i s t s 1 Im on holiday here. Im not a resident / grid.
2 They sell everything in that shop. Its a fantastic
2 Not near.
department store / shopping centre.
3 Its a tiny insect. Its an island / ant.
3 A forest in a hot, tropical place. 4 The bread from that sweet shop / bakery
is delicious.
5 Theres an office block on the shark / site of the
4 A large animal with a trunk. old cinema.

4 Translate the sentences.

5 A place that sells books. 1 Can you tell me the way to the post office, please?

2 The convenience store is at the corner of the street

 write the letters and make another word
on the left.
from the unit.
1 (letter 1) c
3 The cave is underground.
2 (letter 2)
3 (letter 6)
4 The takeaway is opposite the library.
4 (letter 7)
5 (letter 3) 5 Do you want to leave home when youre eighteen?
The new word is .

Vocabulario Unit 8
Unit 9 Gramtica

will / wont be going to: affirmative

and negative
I / You / He / She / will go. Sujeto + be (not) + going to + infinitivo sin to
It / We / They
Afirmativa Negativa
Negativa Im going to fly. Im not going to fly.
I / You / He / She / wont go. Youre going to fly. You going to fly.
It / We / They arent
Interrogativa Respuestas breves Hes going to fly. He isnt going to fly.
Will I / you / go? Yes, I / you / he / she / Shes going to fly. She isnt going to fly.
he / she / it / we / they will. Its going to fly. It isnt going to fly.
it / we / No, I / you / he / she /
Were going to fly. We arent going to fly.
they it / we / they wont.
Youre going to fly. You going to fly.
Uso arent
Will se utiliza para expresar predicciones sobre el
Theyre going to fly. They going to fly.
futuro. arent
Will + infinitivo sin to se utiliza con todas las
personas del verbo.
be going to: questions
I will build a computer.
It will be hotter. be + sujeto + going to + infinitivo sin to
They will move house.
Interrogativa Respuestas breves
La forma contracta ll se utiliza en el registro
Am I going to fly? Yes, I am. No, Im not.
informal de la lengua oral y escrita.
Are you going to fly? Yes, you are. No, you arent.
Hell be late tomorrow.
Youll enjoy the film. Is he going to fly? Yes, he is. No, he isnt.
Is she going to fly? Yes, she is. No, she isnt.
La negativa se construye con wont + el infinitivo
del verbo sin to. Is it going to fly? Yes, it is. No, it isnt.
People wont live in space. Are we going to fly? Yes, we are. No, we arent.
We wont buy a computer. Are you going to fly? Yes, you are. No, you arent.
La interrogativa con will se utiliza para hacer Are they going to fly? Yes, they are. No, they arent.
preguntas sobre predicciones de futuro. Uso
Nota: en las respuestas breves afirmativas no se Be going to se utiliza para hablar de planes de
utilizan las formas contractas. (Yes, I will. futuro.
NO Yes, Ill.) Im going to play tennis this afternoon.
Will computers be smaller? We arent going to go to the cinema.
Yes, they will. La interrogativa de be going to se utiliza para hacer
Will you fly a plane? preguntas sobre planes de futuro.
No, I wont. Nota: en las respuestas breves solo se incluye el
verbo be, sin going to.
Are you going to travel by bus? Yes, I am.
Is he going to work tomorrow? No, he isnt.

Unit 9 Gramtica
Unit 9 Grammar practice

will / wont be going to

1 Complete the sentences. 3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
be going to and the verbs.
he / not dive / into the pool
I / get / some birthday cards it / cost / a lot of money learnhangmakenot eatnot getnot playwork
she / be / a famous scientist she / not order / a burger
there / be / a thunderstorm they / not fit Hes going to make dinner tonight.
Maria doesnt eat meat so she wont order a burger. 1 I Chinese next year.
1 Youre size 38 and those shoes are size 37 so 2 Jack and Kyle football on Saturday.
. 3 They as volunteers for a week.
2 My sister is good at science so I think 4 I up early tomorrow.
. 5 She any sweets for a week.
3 James cant swim so 6 Jessie out with friends after school.
4 Write questions and short answers.
4 Its a 5* hotel so
Future plans
Jake university Maths
5 Im fourteen tomorrow so Im sure
Emma and Kate Thailand elephant centre
. Me Los Angeles famous actor
6 Its extremely hot so I think Yolanda PortAventura
. Jake / go to university / ?
Is Jake going to go to university?
2 Write questions and short answers. Yes, he is.
he / become / famous / ? 1 he / study ICT / ?
Will he become famous?
() Yes, he will.
1 you / be / an astronaut / ? 2 Emma and Kate / visit Thailand / ?

2 they / sail / around the world / ? 3 they / work in a hotel / ?

3 it / rain / tomorrow / ? 4 you / move to New York / ?

4 we / live / on the moon / ? 5 you / be in films / ?

5 your parents / buy / a computer / ? 6 Yolanda / visit PortAventura / ?


Gramtica Unit 9
Unit 9 Vocabulario

9.1 Computers / technology 9.2 Extra vocabulary

digital camera (n) cast (n) /kst/
/ddtl kmr/ director (n) /drekt(r),
e-book (n) /i bk/ d-, da-/
games console (n) /emz role (n) /rl/
knsl/ scene (n) /sin/
keyboard (n) /kibd/
memory stick (n) 9.3 Extra vocabulary
/memri stk/
mobile phone (n) audience (n) /dins/
/mbal fn/ novel (n) /nvl/
mouse (n) /mas/ perform (v) /pfm/
printer (n) /prnt(r)/ sign (v) /san/
remote control (n) thrilling (adj) /rl/
/rmt kntrl/ title (n) /tatl/
speakers (n) /spikz/
tablet (n) /tblt/ 9.4 Functional language
webcam (n) /webkm/
Wi-Fi (n) /wa fa/ Making arrangements
What are you doing at the weekend?
9.1 Extra vocabulary
Are you doing anything on Saturday evening?
engineer (n) /enn(r)/
invention (n) /nvenn/
inventor (n) /nvent(r)/ What are you up to on Saturday night?
light (adj) /lat/
prediction (n) /prdkn/
What else are you doing?
share (v) /e(r)/
touch screen (n) /tt skrin/
true (adj) /tru/ Im going shopping / having a party / going away for the
9.2 Films
action / adventure film (n)
/kn, dvent flm/
animation (n) /nmen/
comedy (n) /kmdi/
documentary (n)
drama (n) /drm/
fantasy film (n) /fntsi
historical drama (n)
/hstrkl drma/
horror film (n) /hr(r) flm/
musical (n) /mjuzkl/
romantic film (n) /rmntk
science fiction film (n) /sans
fkn flm/
thriller (n) /rl(r)/
western (n) /westn/

Unit 9 Vocabulario
Unit 9 Vocabulary practice
1 Find six words in the wordsearch. Then write 3 Complete the sentences with the words.
the words.
authorcastdirectorrolescience fictiontitle
m b d r a m a l
u p
r p
o The War
of the Worlds
s h o d r k c m
e w e b e n p e
w e s t e r n d
d i m s n d v y
k e y b o a r d

Parts of a computer Films


2 Use the code to complete the questions. Then

answer the questions.

7 * : 8 (
1 a f k p u
2 b g l q v The title of the book is The War of the Worlds.
3 c h m r w 1 The is H. G. Wells.
4 d i n s x 2 Its a story.
5 e j o t y/z
3 They made a film War of the Worlds in 2005. The
How often do you use a 3( / 57 / 27 / 37 / was Steven Spielberg.
17 / 3: ? 4 The included Tom Cruise and Dakota
w e b c a m I use a webcam every day. Fanning.
1 Do you enjoy 58 / 3* / 38 / 4* / 2: / 2: / 5 Tom Cruise played the of Ray Ferrier.
57 / 38 / 48?
4 Translate the sentences.
2 What is your opinion of 57 / - / 27 / 5: / 5: / 1 What are your future predictions about technology?
1: / 48 ?
2 The author signed one of his books for me.
3 What do you change with a 38 / 57 / 3: / 5: /
58 / 573 7 / 5: / 4: / 58 / 38 / 5: / 3 We watched a thrilling adventure film last night.
2: ?
4 What are you up to on Sunday?
4 How often do you use a 3: / 57 / 3:/ 5: /
38 / 5( 48 / 58 / 4* / 37/ 1: ? 5 What time are you meeting your friends?

Vocabulario Unit 9
Tabla de descriptores para la autoevaluacin Nivel B1  Impreso 8.3


Marque en la columna 1 lo que usted cree que es capaz de hacer y en la columna 2 lo que an no es capaz de
hacer pero que considera necesario.
Si logra marcar ms del 80% de la columna 1, probablemente haya usted alcanzado el Nivel B1.
Puede utilizar los espacios en blanco para aadir algn descriptor que refleje capacidades u objetivos que no
estn incluidos y que le interese reflejar.
Siempre que se hable de forma relativamente lenta y clara, en lengua estndar y/o se repita o 1 2
se precise la informacin
soy capaz de comprender los detalles esenciales de mensajes grabados y anuncios pblicos; por ejemplo, en un
contestador automtico o en aeropuertos y estaciones;
soy capaz de comprender informacin tcnica sencilla; por ejemplo, instrucciones de cmo utilizar una tarjeta
soy capaz de seguir una conversacin sobre asuntos cotidianos o de carcter general en la que participo;
soy capaz de captar lo esencial de una conversacin de cierta longitud que se desarrolle en mi presencia;
soy capaz de comprender los detalles de lo que se dice en transacciones y gestiones cotidianas; por ejemplo,
cambiar un artculo defectuoso;
soy capaz de comprender en lneas generales lo ms importante de presentaciones y charlas breves y sencillas,
siempre que el tema me sea conocido;
soy capaz de comprender los puntos principales en programas de televisin de mi inters;
soy capaz de captar lo esencial de las noticias de la radio;

1 2
Siempre que pueda volver a leer si lo necesito o utilizar el diccionario
soy capaz de comprender la informacin ms relevante en textos breves como letreros, etiquetas o mens;
soy capaz de comprender notas con informacin e indicaciones relacionadas con la vida cotidiana, tanto en el
mbito personal como profesional;
soy capaz de comprender correspondencia personal en la que se describen hechos y se expresan sentimientos y
soy capaz de comprender informacin relevante en correspondencia formal sencilla de bancos, universidades,
soy capaz de comprender la informacin ms relevante en folletos, prospectos y manuales de instrucciones;
soy capaz de encontrar, tras una lectura rpida, informacin especfica en textos breves tales como resmenes de
noticias; por ejemplo, quin ha hecho qu y dnde;
soy capaz de comprender los puntos esenciales de artculos de prensa breves sobre temas conocidos y de
soy capaz de comprender en revistas y peridicos la idea general de artculos o entrevistas en las que se expresa
una opinin personal sobre una cuestin de actualidad;
soy capaz de comprender la trama de una historia o relato de estructura clara y reconocer cules son los
episodios y acontecimientos ms importantes;

Aunque a veces me resulte difcil expresar lo que quiero decir y necesite de cierta 1 2
cooperacin por parte de mis interlocutores
soy capaz de solicitar y entender indicaciones detalladas para ir de un sitio a otro;
soy capaz de desenvolverme en la mayora de las situaciones que puedan surgir a la hora de utilizar ciertos
servicios; por ejemplo, en un consultorio mdico, en una agencia de viajes, etc.;
soy capaz de desenvolverme en conversaciones generales sobre temas de mi especialidad;
soy capaz de expresar y pedir puntos de vista y opiniones personales en una discusin informal con amigos;
soy capaz de manifestar con educacin mi acuerdo o desacuerdo con lo que se ha dicho;
soy capaz de expresar sentimientos tales como sorpresa, felicidad, tristeza, inters o indiferencia y responder a
los mismos;

Tabla de descriptores para la autoevaluacin Nivel B1

Aunque resulten evidentes mi acento extranjero, las pausas para planear el discurso o 1 2
corregir errores
soy capaz de dar cuenta detallada de experiencias o acontecimientos;
soy capaz de describir sentimientos y reacciones;
soy capaz de describir aspiraciones, esperanzas y ambiciones;
soy capaz de explicar y justificar mis planes, intenciones y acciones;
soy capaz de relatar la trama de una pelcula o de un libro y de describir mis reacciones;
soy capaz de transmitir de forma sencilla lo ledo en textos escritos breves, utilizando algunas palabras y el orden
del texto original;

Estrategias que utilizo 1 2

Soy capaz de identificar palabras o expresiones clave que me permiten comprender las ideas principales de un
Soy capaz de llenar los silencios con frases hechas cuando no encuentro la palabra adecuada.
Soy capaz de pedir a alguien que me aclare o me repita de forma ms precisa lo que acaba de decir.
Soy capaz de repetir parte de lo que alguien ha dicho para confirmar que nos hemos entendido mutuamente.
Cuando no encuentro la palabra que quiero, soy capaz de utilizar otra que signifique algo parecido o de hacer una

Repertorio lingstico 1 2
Soy capaz de usar un cierto nmero de estructuras gramaticales con bastante correccin.
Tengo el vocabulario suficiente para expresarme con precisin razonable sobre la mayora de los temas y asuntos
cotidianos (familia, hobbies, intereses, trabajo, viajes).
Soy capaz de enlazar una serie de elementos para expresar ciertas relaciones lgicas con conectores tales como
aunque, mientras, etc.
Soy capaz de utilizar las palabras o expresiones ms usuales para organizar lo que digo.

1 2
Aunque cometa algunos errores
soy capaz de rellenar formularios, cuestionarios y otros documentos de carcter similar;
soy capaz de escribir mensajes y notas breves;
soy capaz de escribir mi curriculum vitae de una manera breve;
soy capaz de transmitir o pedir va fax, correo electrnico o circular una informacin puntual breve y simple a
amigos o colegas;
soy capaz de escribir cartas personales a amigos o conocidos pidiendo o dndoles noticias y narrando
soy capaz de expresar en una carta personal a amigos o conocidos sentimientos tales como la tristeza, felicidad,
inters, arrepentimiento y apoyo;
soy capaz de describir en una carta personal la trama de una pelcula o de un libro, o de comentar un concierto;
soy capaz de responder por escrito a anuncios y pedir una informacin ms completa y especfica sobre
productos; por ejemplo, un viaje o un curso acadmico;
soy capaz de escribir textos sencillos y coherentes para expresar opiniones y puntos de vista personales en
correspondencia formal e informal;
soy capaz de redactar informes sencillos y bien estructurados relacionados con la vida cotidiana; por ejemplo,
para dar un parte de robo o de la prdida de una maleta;



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