CalupohCompleto Baja
CalupohCompleto Baja
CalupohCompleto Baja
Perro Lobo de México
Queremos agradecer al presidente de la Federación Canófila Mexicana
AC, José Luis Payró Dueñas, por el apoyo e interés que mostró desde el
principio para este proyecto ya que fue un gran motor por más de 18
años de trabajo. Desde luego, un inmenso agradecimiento al Presidente
de la Fédération Cynologique Internationale, señor Rafael de Santiago
por el tiempo dedicado a revisar los bocetos y por su asesoría.
La Canofilia Mexicana
Perro Lobo de México
La Creación de una Nueva Raza
Canis Lupus
Perro Lobo
el camino inicia
Para nuestros antiguos mexicanos, cuna de muchas culturas en América,
la ritualización era la forma común de ofrecer a la madre naturaleza
una ofrenda en diversas formas por medio de la cual garantizaban
bonanza para nuestros pueblos.
Raúl Valadez Azúa
Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Antropológicas
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Para que el hombre lograra obtener este enorme presente de los dioses,
solo requería centrar sus esfuerzos en disponer de una perra en celo
que quedara algunos días en el monte, con suficiente alimento y agua
y atada o en un espacio del que no pudiera salir sola. El resto era solo
esperar y dejar a la naturaleza hacer su parte. Si los dioses respondían
favorablemente a los ruegos, cuando la perra regresara a su hogar
llevaría en el vientre a una futura camada que portaría en su sangre
lo divino, pero dentro de un cuerpo manejable al servicio de su dueño.
¿Acaso se podía pedir más?
El primer híbrido de lobo y perro llegó a mis manos en 1996, pero se
requirieron tres años de estudios para entender lo que significaba.
Este individuo, y una treintena más de restos óseos aparecieron en
unos túneles del valle de Teotihuacán manifestando un esquema
contradictorio, pero digno de su naturaleza: ejemplares arqueológicos
con apariencia de lobo, pero en contextos con clara presencia humana.
¿Qué lógica hay en esto? Pensé. Con ayuda de mi compañero, Bernardo
Rodríguez se definió un importante aspecto: que las características
físicas de los huesos siempre quedaban “en medio” de los lobos y los
Hasta el momento hemos reconocido 72 híbridos de lobo y perro en
contextos prehispánicos, cifra que los convierte en la segunda raza
de cánido doméstico más abundante para esa época. Los más antiguos
ejemplares, de hace unos 1700 años, y la mayor cantidad, la tenemos en
Teotihuacán, lo que convierte a esta ciudad (hasta el momento) en su
lugar de origen. Esto no es casualidad, pues el centro de México es el
límite sur de su distribución natural y el marco religioso y esfuerzo
humano requería de un pueblo organizado.
El lobo gris, el antecedente:
El Lobo Negro
Un resultado aún más concluyente se obtuvo en 2008, cuando el Dr.
Gregory S. Barsh, profesor de genética y pediatría en la Facultad de
Medicina de la Universidad de Stanford, utilizó técnicas de genética
molecular para analizar secuencias de ADN de 150 lobos, la mitad de ellos
negros. Con esto descubrió que una mutación genética, responsable
de la proteína beta-defensinas 3, conocida como el locus K, era la
determinante del color del pelaje negro en los perros. Se constató así
que dicha mutación fue la responsable de lobos negros en América y en
el Norte de los Apeninos italianos, y tras esto solo restaba descubrir el
origen de la referida variación.
Un perro fuerte y ágil de notable
tamaño y que asemeja un lobo
norteamericano en donde los
machos son notoriamente más
masculinizados, ligeramente más
alto que largo, pero muy balanceado
y que evoca al lobo en la naturaleza.
Un perro balanceado, ligeramente
patilargo, semejando la estructura
del lobo, de cabeza poderosa y cráneo
definitivamente lupoide, con un
cuello fuerte y que con la madurez
desarrolla una melena también
típica de lobo, Una profundidad
de tórax marcada, que también se
ve ensanchada después de los tres
años de edad. La altura a la cruz en
machos va de los 62 cm a los 75 cm y
en hembras de los 58 cm a los 70 cm.
El Calupoh es un perro muy ágil y
dinámico pero muy estable y fácil
de manejar que se acostumbra a
todo tipo de actividades, es un
perro leal y noble con la familia,
convive fácilmente con otros
perros y siempre está dispuesto a
agradar a su dueño aunque se
puede presentar como reservado
ante extraños.
El cráneo y el hocico son
proporcionales en longitud y,
aunque en la juventud se ven
estrechos y alargados, al
madurar, el cráneo se vuelve
notoriamente más ancho que el
hocico. Es un cráneo definido
como lupoide, con depresión
naso-frontal bien marcada, con
orejas siempre erectas y con una
angulación de entre 85 y 95 grados
tomando como eje la línea media
de los ojos tal como en los lobos.
En proporción con el cráneo y robusta en los ejemplares adultos,
con trufa bien pigmentada negra, igual que los belfos que se prefieren
oscuros, sobre todo en la etapa adulta.
La región mandibular del Calupoh denota fuerza y poder, cuenta con
una fórmula dentaria completa y mordida de tijera aunque se permite
la oclusión en pinza; Con dientes blancos, fuertes y bien cimentados.
Mejillas bien definidas y que al madurar se hacen parte de la melena del
cuello dando una impresión visual de un perro muy fuerte.
Los ojos del Calupoh son claros en tonos amarillos y almendrados
muy expresivos cual lobo. Por la participación de su primo el perro en
la base genética se pueden presentar color obscuro.
Las orejas siempre erectas, triangulares, grandes y gruesas como lobo.
Fuerte, bien formado, con inserción
alta, pero que provoca una línea
superior continua desde la cresta
occipital. Al madurar le crece una
melena semejante a la del lobo
dándole una apariencia elegante y
El Calupoh denota elegancia
y dinamismo pero fortaleza y
equilibrio semejante al lobo. Su línea
superior en movimiento o al acecho
denotan uniformidad y armonía
sin saltos entre las zonas que lo
La cruz es más alta que el resto
de la espalda y la grupa fuerte,
ligeramente redondeada con la
inserción de cola que le permita
cargar a ésta por debajo de la línea
dorsal pero, que en atención o
expresando dominancia, podrá ser
alta sin enroscarse sobre la espalda.
Bien adherida al cuerpo, pero lo
suficientemente laxa que le permita
mucha flexibilidad.
El manto debe ser de doble capa, con
un largo medio y una textura áspera al
exterior y suave al interior, pero capaz
de proteger del medio ambiente y los
cambios climáticos. El color preferente
es el negro o negro ahumado, algunos
de los ejemplares de adultos se tornan
plateados igual que su antecesor el lobo.
Así mismo, algunos ejemplares nacerán
color blanco/sable o sable total como
el lobo y se podrán aceptar, aunque no
son los colores deseables. Las manchas
blancas en pecho y manos son permitidas,
así como calcetines de color pardo, pero
nunca en otra parte del cuerpo.
La altura a la cruz en machos va de
los 62 cm a los 75 cm y en hembras
de los 58 cm a los 70 cm. El peso no
deberá causar una desproporción
con la talla ni observarse como un
conflicto de salud, sea obesidad o
bien falta de peso.
A continuación incluimos un
artículo completo que fue publicado
por la revista oficial de la asociación
de médicos veterinarios especialistas
en pequeñas especies en mayo de 2014.
Este artículo fue de gran valor para el trabajo que aquí presentamos y
es por lo que lo hemos incluido. La propiedad intelectual y artística le
pertenecen a los que lo han publicado originalmente y el incluirlo en
este documento solo es con el fin de validar la intención del mismo.
Raúl Valadez1
Bernardo Rodríguez1
Christopher Götz2
Thelma Noemí Sierra Sosa3
El hibridismo entre el lobo gris (Canis lupus) y el perro (Canis lupus familiaris)
ha sido un fenómeno frecuente desde que este último apareció hace unos
15,000 años, consecuencia inevitable de la enorme similitud genética entre
ambas especies. El primer caso documentado para el México prehispánico se
registró en 1999 y desde entonces más de 40 individuos han sido identificados.
El conocimiento que estos pueblos tenían sobre el lobo hace suponer que la
creación de los híbridos se daba de manera intencional, empleando perras en
celo con el fin de crear camadas de ejemplares que portaban en su sangre
la fuerza simbólica del padre dentro de un cuerpo manejable. Los individuos
registrados se ubican cronológicamente desde inicios de nuestra era hasta el
siglo XVI y los contextos a los que están asociados estos ejemplares indican que
los empleaba la élite dominante como animales de ofrenda o símbolos jerárquicos
asociados con el inframundo o con la guerra y la agricultura, esta última opción
consecuencia lógica por ser individuos con una doble identidad, en la cual una,
la del lobo, se relacionaba con lo bélico y la del perro con la lluvia y la fertilidad.
Keywords: híbridos, lobo, perro, México prehispánico, Teotihuacan,
México- Tenochtitlan
Entre los grupos de animales que aparecen en el registro arqueológico
mesoamericano hay los que destacan por su abundancia, los que hacen énfasis
por la diversidad de contextos arqueológicos en que aparecen, los que dominan
por el impacto que produce su hallazgo, etcétera. En el caso de los restos
arqueozoológicos de cánidos en el México prehispánico, su estudio se ha vuelto
una realidad irrefutable por los diferentes tipos de contextos en que aparecen, e
igualmente impactan a quien los está excavando; por ejemplo, un cánido asociado
a un muerto o una serie de cánidos vinculados a otros organismos conformando
una gran ofrenda, como se pudo observar en el interior de la Pirámide de la Luna
· Presentar la lista de híbridos de lobo y perro reconocidos hasta 2013.
· Proponer el posible simbolismo asociado a partir de los contextos en los
que aparecieron.
· Reconocer el espacio geográfico-cultural en el cual existió la tradición de
crear a los híbridos y las razones de ello.
El primer criterio a considerar, mismo que fue el que permitió su reconocimiento
inicial, (2) son las dimensiones y formas intermedias en elementos óseos, como
si en un mismo hueso se fundieran los genes de lobo y perro, dando lugar, por
ejemplo, a un fémur que se ve “intermedio” en dimensiones, robustez y forma.
El segundo aspecto es la mezcla de caracteres, es decir, no la fusión, sino
la manifestación simultánea de la condición de cada cánido en un elemento óseo,
por ejemplo, un molar cuyas dimensiones son de lobo pero la forma es de perro.
En tercer lugar, y no por ello menos importante, es cuando los huesos
aparentan una condición “anómala”, es decir, no intermedia, son diferentes a
la de cualquiera de los progenitores. Tal sería el caso de un dentario que se
ve robusto pero arqueado, como si el organismo buscara ser una mandíbula
grande, “tipo lobo” en un rostro corto, “tipo perro”.
Aunque en teoría estos principios son aplicables a cualquier individuo o
elemento óseo, no siempre es fácil ver la manifestación de estos criterios en los
huesos o, sencillamente, hay algunos que son más adecuados para reconocer
la condición de híbrido, bien porque aparecen con más frecuencia, o porque esta
se manifiesta de forma más clara.
En el Cuadro 1 tenemos la lista de ejemplares reconocidos como híbridos de
lobo y perro hasta 2013, seguido por la aplicación de los criterios mencionados
con diversos ejemplares, a fin de poder comprender el manejo de los datos al
momento de identificar a uno de estos organismos.
Sitio Cultura, temporalidad MNI Tipo de restos Contexto y uso
Cerro de las Minas Ñuiñe Posclásico 2 Esqueleto semicompleto Posible empleo en ritos
(14) (siglos VIII- XVI dC) de cría, dentario de asociados a los edificios
Xcambó (15) Maya Clásico Tardío 1 Dentario derecho e Uso incierto, hallazgo
(600-900 d.C.) izquierdo fragmentados asociado a plataformas
domésticas de rango
socioeconómico elevado
Independientemente de la firmeza que se manifieste en los párrafos anteriores
respecto de los criterios existentes para reconocer a un ejemplar híbrido, sin
duda la mejor forma de demostrar la certidumbre de la propuesta es mostrando
con diversos casos la aplicación de los diferentes elementos diagnósticos.
Figura 2. Sección Pm4-M2 de lobo (izquierda), de híbrido del Templo Mayor (3,6) y de perro
común (derecha). Esta serie de piezas, en los dos primeros cánidos, rebasan los 40 mm de
longitud anteroposterior, mientras que en el tercero es inferior a 35 mm, pero la morfología dental
del híbrido es más similar a la del perro.
Figura 3. Vista de la región mastoidea en lobo, perro e híbrido (5) (Cuadro 1); nótese
la condición intermedia de este último en la morfología.
Reconocimiento a partir de la forma y dimensiones de huesos
La sola diferencia en tamaño entre el lobo, 65% mayor en comparación con
el perro, hace posible poder diferenciar los elementos anatómicos de ambos,
pero cuando se tienen a los híbridos pueden darse combinaciones azarosas
en morfología y tamaño, por ejemplo huesos de dimensiones similares a un
perro pero con forma tipo lobo (Figura 4), aspectos que en conjunto permiten
reconocer su condición híbrida, por ejemplo en un caso del sitio de Santa Cruz
Atizapán (11).
Figura 4. Vista de la cara articular, vista caudal, del axis, en donde se puede apreciar la regíon de
la apófisis articulares. En el híbrido (11) (Cuadro1) la forma es más parecida a la del lobo, pero
la las dimensiones de este hueso son iguales a las de un perro.
Figura 5. Distribución espacial de medidas dentales y de huesos largos, respecto a
perros prehispánicos (□); lobos de la colección del Instituto de biología - UNAM (♦) y un
híbrido de Santa Cruz Atizapán (11) (Cuadro1) (▲).
Figura 6. Dos ejemplos de híbridos reconocidos a través de la morfología (A) y dimensiones
(B) del cráneo. En el primer caso, el híbrido descubierto en un túnel teotihuacano (5)
(Cuadro 1) posee una rama del dentario cuya forma es la de un lobo, aunque su talla esa
la de un perro y en la gráfica se muestran el ancho y longitud de tres maxilares de híbridos
de la Pirámide de Quetzalcóatl (7, 8) (Cuadro 1), cuyos valores son intermedios entre C.
lupus y C. familiaris.
Forma anómala
Por último, consideremos el criterio de que la pieza manifieste una forma diferente
de lo esperado, ya sea para lobo o perro, condición que hasta ahora lo hemos
visto reflejado en los dentarios. En la Figura 7 tenemos a una mandíbula de
un cánido (Figura 7A) cuyas piezas dentales son mayores que las de un perro
(Figura 7B); la rama del dentario es igual a la de este último, aunque con la fosa
masetérica más profunda, pero además el arco que forma la rama horizontal
del dentario es mucho mayor que la de un perro común, lo cual deriva en una
pieza alta y corta, propia de un animal con mandíbulas fuertes pero de rostro
“arqueado”. La suma de todos los factores llevaron a la conclusión de que se
trataba de un híbrido.
Figura 7. Dentario de híbrido procedente de Santa Cruz Atizapán (11) (A), cuya forma, más
las dimensiones de los dientes, llevaron a la conclusión de que se trataba de un loberro y
no de un perro (B).
Biológicamente el perro (Canis familiaris) y el lobo gris (Canis lupus) comparten el
99.8% de su acervo genético (17), situación que los hace fuertemente compatibles
en cuestiones de reproducción, pues no olvidemos que el perro se derivó del
lobo chino y que el sitio de origen es el noreste de Siberia o Alaska, hace más
de 20000 años (18). Esta condición biológica permite el reconocimiento mutuo
entre ambas especies durante los periodos de celo y su apareamiento, situación
que se ha dado en todas las regiones del mundo donde ambos organismos están
presentes (2, 3, 5-11, 19, 20), con base en los argumentos anteriores podemos
afirmar que el hibridismo entre estas dos especies es factible y que de ello se
dieron cuenta los antiguos pobladores mesoaméricanos.
Los restos de híbridos de lobo y perro se han descubierto en seis espacios
mesoamericanos: la ciudad de Teotihuacán, asentamientos del valle de
Teotihuacán posteriores a la ciudad indicada, Santa Cruz Atizapán, en el Estado
de México, la ciudad de México-Tenochtitlan, la región de Cerro de las Minas, en
Oaxaca y Xcambó, Yucatán (Figuras 8 y 9).
Figura 8. Ubicación del área que comprende Mesoamérica (área gris) y la distribución del lobo
(área negra y gris oscuro). La zona gris oscura es donde civilización y lobo compartieron territorio
y se encuentran la mayoría de los sitios en los que se ha registrado la presencia de híbridos.
(1) Teotihuacán; (2) Valle de Teotihuacán; (3) Santa Cruz Atizapán; (4) México-Tenochtitlan, (5)
Cerro de las Minas, (6) Xcambó.
Valle de Teotihuacan. (Túneles y cuevas teotihuacanos, siglos VII-XVI dC)
Dentro de la misma zona arqueológica de Teotihuacán, pero en tiempos posteriores
a esta ciudad, se desarrollaron pequeños asentamientos pertenecientes a varias
tradiciones culturales. En unos túneles empleados para habitación y ritos diversos
se descubrieron 20 híbridos que fueron sacrificados y enterrados en ceremonias
ligados al inframundo, a la noche (siglos VII-IX dC) y posteriormente al agua y a
la agricultura (siglos IX-XVI dC) (2, 5, 9, 10).
México-Tenochtitlan (Templo Mayor, siglo XIV)
Capital de los Mexicas, la cultura dominante en Mesoamérica al momento de la
llegada de los europeos. Su templo principal es llamado tradicionalmente “Templo
Mayor” y su principal característica era el poseer dos capillas en la parte superior,
una dedicada al dios de la lluvia (Tláloc) y otra al de la guerra (Huitzilopochtli).
Hasta el momento se han identificado tres híbridos, los cuales fueron parte de
importantes ofrendas relacionadas con fiestas asociadas a renovaciones de
este edificio, quizá como celebración de éxitos militares y la petición de lluvia
y buenas cosechas. La misma condición dual del edificio es considerada razón
fundamental de la presencia de estos cánidos, ya que el lobo era considerado
entidad ligada a la guerra y los sacrificios (3, 6, 21) y el perro al agua y a la
agricultura (22).
Para la civilización mesoamericana cada forma de ser vivo tenía un valor
simbólico en función de sus características y de la relación que tuviera con su
entorno; así, un organismo híbrido constituiría la fusión de los valores de los
padres. Si finalmente podemos considerar a los híbridos de lobo y perro como
algo no solo real, sino además buscado, promovido, es claro que para ello se
requeriría que cada individuo participante, lobo o perro, diera algo de valor a
quienes los creaban, de forma tal que el esfuerzo invertido fuera bien visto. ¿Qué
nos dicen al respecto estos animales? (Cuadro 2).
Cuadro 2. Posibles relaciones simbólicas de los elementos lobo y perro en los diferentes sitios donde se
han descubierto los híbridos. En el caso del perro otra razón de su presencia es simplemente la posibilidad
de manejar sin problemas a un ejemplar que portaba la carga simbólica del lobo sin representar un peligro
para el hombre.
En el caso del lobo, su presencia estaba relacionada con una fuerte carga simbólica
(21, 23), algo lógico si partimos de que se trata de un carnívoro silvestre que se
ubica en la cúspide de la pirámide alimentaria en la parte templada de México y
cuyo contacto con el hombre siempre sería motivo de alarma (paraambos). Bajo
estos principios, la participación de su fuerza simbólica al momento en que se
sacrificaba a un híbrido en eventos ceremoniales, por ejemplo en Teotihuacán,
sería algo adecuado, considerando la magnitud del evento. En estas condiciones
el perro, en apariencia, tendría como principal responsabilidad, ser el “vehículo”
que transportaba este “paquete simbólico” hasta su destino, sin el problema
que implicaría el manejo de un lobo como tal. Este podría ser el panorama en
espacios teotihuacanos como la Pirámide de la Luna y el Campo Militar.
Figura 9. Ejemplos de híbridos. (A) Templo de Quetzalcóatl; (B) Santa Cruz Atizapán; (C) Cerro
de las Minas; (D) Túneles teotihuacanos; (E) Templo Mayor; (F) Xcambó (para más información
ver Cuadros 1 y 2).
En los casos de Teopancazco y Templo de Quetzalcóatl (Cuadro 2),
la manufactura es una de las actividades humanas ligadas al manejo de los
híbridos. En el segundo sitio la presencia de estos animales se reconoció a
través de maxilares (Figura 9A) que portaba a modo de pectoral una persona
enterrada, cuya indumentaria le ligaba a la milicia (7,8). Considerando todo ello
es probable que, nuevamente, el perro fuera sencillamente un engrane en la
producción de cánidos “con carga de lobo”, que se mantenían al interior de la
ciudad de Teotihuacán para su uso “cuando hicieran falta”.
Caso opuesto parece ser el de sitios como Santa Cruz Atizapán (Figura 9B),
los túneles teotihuacanos en el Posclásico y Cerro de las Minas (Cuadro 2), ya
que por tratarse de pequeños asentamientos y porque los restos aparecieron en
espacios ceremoniales modestos, más bien pareciera ser el perro el personaje
principal, por tratarse, para el primer caso, de un evento relacionado con la
agricultura (11) y, para el segundo, un símbolo de la buena fortuna y quizá de la
lluvia (Figura 9C), pues la zona donde se encuentra esta localidad es muy árida y
la gente siempre vive a la esperanza de que el año por venir no fuera muy seco.
En esta caso el lobo quizás se empleó como “catalizador”, es decir, como un
elemento adicional cuyo objetivo sería potencializar el evento.
Casos en los que se ve una participación equitativa son los de los túneles
teotihuacanos en el Epiclásico y en México-Tenochtitlan (Cuadro 2), aunque
con esquemas diferentes. Para el primero, se determinó que la ubicación de los
individuos se relacionaba con el oeste y que esto, relacionado con las cuevas,
significaba una asociación con el Sol Nocturno, espacio al cual estaba vinculado
un cánido, Xólotl (5, 9). De la parte perruna estaría la asociación de las cuevas
con el agua, elemento ligado a este animal (Figura 9D).
Con base en su variabilidad individual, las alternativas de uso, el espacio de
tiempo en que se les reconoce (primeros 15 siglos de nuestra era) y la diversidad
de culturas, se puede entender que los loberros fueran organismos muy variables
en su aspecto, tanto por la heterogeneidad con que manifestaban los caracteres
de los padres como por los intereses culturales; de esta forma, en los túneles
teotihuacanos, los animales reconstruidos medían hasta 600 mm de alzada y 800
o 900 mm de longitud (5, 9), mientras que los del Templo Mayor (3) rebasaban
los 700 mm de alzada y llegaban a 1000 mm de longitud, lo cual ofrece una idea
de que tan diferentes pudieron llegar a ser de acuerdo a los caracteres genéticos
dominantes (Figura 10).
Ciertamente no estamos en la posibilidad de hacer una evaluación objetiva
de los ejemplares a partir de esta propuesta, para así definir loberros de primera
o segunda generación, pero es indudable que entre más fuerte fuera el peso
simbólico del lobo dentro de la concepción de una determinada cultura, más
valor se le daría a un descendiente suyo sin importar que las cruzas del loberro
original se dieran, posteriormente, con perros, hasta que se considerara necesario
revitalizar la sangre lobuna o se perdiera la línea al paso de las generaciones.
Aparentemente al paso de los siglos fue valorándose en estos animales más
la parte que cada padre aportaba en lo simbólico, de modo que el híbrido sería un
organismo manejable pero además con un valor religioso especial. Desde la parte
del lobo, por su condición de depredador poderoso con gran capacidad para el
enfrentamiento, animal social que trabaja en equipo y entidad de vida nocturna,
era asociado simbólicamente con sacrificios en los que la sangre corría en gran
cantidad, la milicia y el espacio nocturno (21, 23); mientras que el perro era
considerado un animal de alta fecundidad cuyo ciclo reproductivo se traslapaba
con el de la lluvia y con el del ciclo agrícola, aspectos que valieron su asociación
religiosa con el agua, la agricultura, la fertilidad y la buena fortuna (22). Un híbrido
del lobo y perro sería, por tanto, la suma de los valores simbólicos y por tanto
se emplearían en ritos en donde su condición dual resulta ser fundamental, por
ejemplo aquellos dedicados a las actividades económicas más importantes: la
agricultura y la guerra.
Hasta ahora casi todo lo relacionado con los híbridos está ubicado en el
centro de México. Esto es lógico, ya que la limitación de registros de híbridos a
esta zona es el resultado de que la distribución natural del lobo, la cual, hasta
el siglo XIX, abarcaba el norte de México y la parte central (25), mientras que el
desarrollo de la civilización mesoamericana se dio en centro y sur. Esto lleva a un
esquema en el cual solo la parte central tenía los elementos biológicos y culturales
necesarios para que la práctica de la hibridización se diera con relativa facilidad
y al mismo tiempo existieran culturas cuyos intereses simbólicos involucraran al
¿Qué ocurre en tal caso, con lo que vemos para Cerro de las Minas y
Xcambó? En el primer sitio no es muy compleja la respuesta, ya que es justo en
la Mixteca alta a donde los lobos llegaron por condición natural, lo que permite
suponer que la práctica se conocía, aunque solo de vez en vez podían obtenerse
estos animales; no es el caso del sureste, ya que los mayas, por sí mismos,
nunca conocieron al lobo ni al coyote y por tanto no estaba en su acervo cultural
el buscar la hibridización o el saber que hacer con un animal así.
De acuerdo con la información obtenida, podemos ver a los híbridos involucrados
en diversas concepciones simbólicas en función de la época y cultura asociada;
tan es así que para la cultura teotihuacana (siglos I aC-VII dC) los híbridos
estaban relacionados principalmente con la milicia, en los siglos posteriores a
la caída de Teotihuacán se les asoció con el inframundo y la noche (siglos VII-
IX dC) o bien con la agricultura (siglos V-XVI dC); alcanzando la más refinada
concepción con la cultura mexica, al asociarlo simultáneamente con la guerra, la
lluvia y la agricultura (siglos XIV-XVI).
Fotografías de Rafael Reyes.
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Mexican Wolfdog
We would like to thank José Luis Payró Dueñas, president of the Mexican
Kennel Club, for his support since the beginning of this project. He has
been a driving force for over 18 years of work.
Our appreciation goes as well to all the people who participated during
the process and supported the breeding and care of these animals.
The Creation of a New Breed
Canis Lupus
The road begins
The Calupoh will be the third Mexican breed and we know that it will
contribute to raise the name of Mexico in the dog world.
Mexico has been the cradle of many cultures in America. For ancient
Mexicans, ritualization was the common way of offering tribute to
Mother Nature as a means to securing prosperity.
Animals were offered as part of these celebrations, and one of the most
captivating in the northern part of the continent was undoubtedly
the wolf, which has been inflicted with many attributes that go beyond
its physical beauty.
The Wolfdog in the Symbolism of Ancient Mexico
A Bridge between Two Worlds
Raúl Valadez Azúa
National Institute of Anthropological Research
National Autonomous University of Mexico
The dog was the most important animal in the pre-Hispanic world. An
animal linked to the human becoming, a participant in a great number
of religious activities that sought the contact with the divine, with
the superterrestrial. Another important aspect, barely recognized 15
years ago, is that it was also a means of contact between the human
and the natural universe, since —unique and unusual case— it could
unite and have offsprings with one of the most relevant animals in the
Mesoamerican symbolic world: the wolf.
For all this, the alternative of creating and having an individual where
both worlds merged was something incredible, a truly divine gift. The
dog was a symbol of rain, fertility, and good fortune;the wolf was a
symbol of war, violence, force, and blood. An animal with a symbolic
load of both and also available for the benefit of man was certainly
something wonderful.
For a man to obtain this enormous present from the Gods, he only
needed to focus his efforts on having a female in heat that will remain
a few days in the mountain, with enough food and water and tied or in
a space from where she could not get out by herself. The rest was just
waiting and letting nature do its part. If the Gods responded favorably
to the pleas, when the female returned home she would have a future
litter in her womb that would carry in its blood the divine, but within
a manageable body at the service of his owner. Could you ask for more?
The first Wolfdog hybrid reached my hands in 1996, but three years
of studies were required to understand what it meant. This specimen
and about thirty more bone remains, appeared in tunnels of the
Teotihuacan Valley manifesting a contradictory scheme but worthy
of its nature: archaeological specimens with the appearance of a
wolf but in contexts with clear human presence. “What’s the logic in
this?” I thought. With the help of my colleague, Bernardo Rodríguez,
an important aspect was defined: that the physical characteristics of
the bones were always “in the middle” of wolves and dogs. When the
evidence finished talking, we went on to understand the reason for
their presence. Most of these animals had been sacrificed and buried
inside caves, facing west, this is, at the door of the underworld (caves),
following the Night Sun, Xolotl, a canine deity. Undoubtedly, these
animals had traced a route, a path, worthy of their nature.
The most impressive specimens of this breed of canine —why not call it
so?— are associated with some of the most important pyramids of Ancient
Mexico: The Pyramid of the Moon in Teotihuacan, and the Templo Mayor
in Mexico-Tenochtitlan. In these cases the archaeozoological remains
tell us about impressive individuals, matching the sire’s corpulence and
size, but with its always visible intermediate condition in traits such
as the teeth and details of the skull. Their use as animals of sacrifice,
in these cases, is related to a request to the Gods for support and a
promising future, while inaugurating a construction phase of these
buildings. In the case of the Templo Mayor, these animals gave their
blood to the two Gods involved: Tlaloc and Huitzilopochtli, namely
rain, agriculture, and war. Was it possible to have a more suitable animal
for the occasion?
So far we have recognized 72 Wolfdog hybrids in pre-Hispanic contexts,
a figure that makes them the second most abundant breed of domestic
canines for that time. We have the oldest specimens —from about 1700
years ago— and the largest quantity in Teotihuacan, which makes this
city its place of origin so far. This is no coincidence, as the center of
Mexico is the southern boundary of its natural distribution and also
considering that the religious framework and human effort required
of an organized people.
Specimens, such as those mentioned for the Templo Mayor and the
Pyramid of the Moon, were sired by a wolf without a doubt, but in other
cases the evidence suggests that second and third generation hybrids
could be bred and used, that is, with the wolf not as a sire, but as a
grandsire or greatgrandsire, with no undermining of its importance.
It is assumed that aspects of social, religious or economic nature
defined the most convenient route, as a direct descendant of a wolf
should have had a more relevant destiny than another which would
be used in a ceremony of lesser importance. If the center of Mexico was
its cradle, not therefore, its presence was limited to this area. We have
findings in places as distant as the Mixteca Alta in the south of Mexico,
and in the southeast, in the Mayan zone, in Xcambo. In these cases, we
are not talking about animals created there, because they are outside
the scope of distribution of the wolf, but of hybrids transported, most
likely as a gift among elites, an undoubtedly surprising and impressive
present for everything it contained in matter and essence, and which
also constituted a living evidence of how man could reach the world
of the divine.
The Gray Wolf
In the past, its territorial extension made the difference between the
wolf and the other species occupying more than half the planet. In
Mexico, the gray wolf was an important part of the natural ecosystem
for the pre-Hispanic inhabitants and, although at that time there
were abundant different subspecies, little by little the Europeans were
ending the gray wolf populations to the degree of being considered
eradicated from our country.
The Black Wolf
The black wolf is a color variant of the well-known gray wolf. Some
specimens have been found integrating herds of red wolves, which is
probably still possible today. According to a genetic research from the
Stanford University of Medicine and the University of California,
wolves with black skins owe their distinctive color to a mutation that
occurred in domestic dogs and eventually in the wolves through
hybridization between them and dogs.
Biologist Adolph Murie was one of the first to speculate that the wide
variation of color in the wolves was caused by the crossing with dogs.
In his book “The Wolves of Mount McKinley,” he ventured that the
variability exhibited by black wolves and other unusual coloration
was caused by crosses produced in and reported in the natural
environment and even in captivity since confined wolves usually
interacted with dogs.
An even more conclusive result was obtained in 2008, when Dr. Gregory
S. Barsh, professor of genetics and pediatrics at Stanford University
School of Medicine, used molecular genetics techniques to analyze
DNA sequences of 150 wolves, half of them black. He discovered that a
genetic mutation responsible for the protein beta-defensin 3, known
as the Locus K, was the determinant of the black color in dogs’ fur. It
was thus found that this mutation was responsible for black wolves in
America and in the north of the Italian Apennines; only the origin of
the aforementioned variation remained to be discovered. In this sense,
Barsh and his colleagues concluded that the mutation emerged in
dogs more than 12000 years ago. To determine this, they compared large
segments of the genome of wolves, dogs, and coyotes.
CALUPOH Mexican Wolfdog
Breed Standard
Group 1 Sheepdogs and Cattle dogs.
A versatile dog and great companion which, due to its exaggerated
tolerance and nobility, adapts to any activity. It is ideal as a companion
The Mexican Wolfdog has its origins as the result of the hybridism
between the dog and the gray wolf in pre-Hispanic Mexico since the
beginning of our era and until the 15th century. This was due to the
huge genetic similarity between these two species and, thanks to an
intense archaeozoological work, it was possible to identify the first
specimen in 1999. The reason for this hybridism was not only because the
ancient dogs and wolves shared the same territory and the crossings
just happened naturally. The remains found in places of such importance
as the Temple of Quetzalcoatl used as ornaments worn by the elite,
in the Pyramid of the Moon as offerings, and in the Templo Mayor in
México-Tenochtitlan associated with sacrifices, suggest that these
were animals of a very high spiritual meaning and that the crossings
were not casual but intentional. The wolf was symbolically associated
with sacrifices in which blood ran in large quantities, the military,
and the night because of its condition as a powerful predator with
great capacity for confrontation, a social animal that works in teams,
and a nightlife entity; while the dog was considered a high-fertility
animal whose reproductive cycle overlapped with that of the rain
and the agriculture, aspects that resulted in the religious association
with water, agriculture, fertility, and good fortune. A Wolfdog hybrid
would; therefore, be the sum of these symbolic values, hence it would
be used in rites where its dual condition proved to be fundamental, for
example, those dedicated to the most important economic activities:
agriculture and war. To formally resume the genetic project that was
once part of our daily life was extremely important because, without
it, the canine pool that represents the history of the continent would
not be complete. As part of a genetic work that has been in progress
since the mid-90s, we gladly present the Calupoh Mexican Wolfdog,
which completes the original proposal of the dog fancy that was
practiced by the North Americans for more than 2000 years.
agile dog of great size resembling
an American wolf, where males are
notoriously more masculine, slightly
taller than long, but very balanced
and evoking a wolf in nature.
The Calupoh is a very agile and
dynamic dog yet very stable and
easy to handle that is accustomed
to all kinds of activities, it is a
loyal and noble dog with the
family, it easily coexists with
other dogs and is always willing
to please its owner but can appear
as aloof before strangers.
The skull and snout are
proportional in length and,
although in puppies they are
narrow and elongated, the skull
becomes notoriously broader
than the snout once maturity is
reached showing a well marked
naso-frontal depression, always
erect ears at an angle between 85
and 95 degrees taking the middle
line of the eyes as the axis, just like
the wolves.
In proportion to the skull and robust in the adults with a well pigmented
black nose, the same as the lips that are preferred dark especially in the
adult. The mandibular region of the Calupoh denotes strength and
power, full dentition with scissor bite, pincer bite acceptable with
strong and well cemented white teeth; well-defined cheeks that in
maturity become part of the mane making a visual impression of a very
strong dog. The eyes of the Calupoh are clear in yellow tones, almond
shaped, very expressive, as a wolf. Because of the presence of his cousin
the dog in the genetic base, eyes may also be dark. Ears are erect, big,
thick, and triangular like a wolf.
Strong, well formed with high
insertion but in a continuous upper
line from the occipital crest. When
maturity is reached, a mane grows
similar to that of the wolf giving it
an elegant and strong appearance.
The Calupoh denotes elegance
and dynamism but strength and
equilibrium similar to a wolf, its
top line in motion or on the prowl
shows uniformity and harmony. The
withers higher than the rest of the
back and a strong rump slightly
rounded with the insertion of
the tail below the dorsal line but
that, when attentive or expressing
dominance, can be carried high
without curling on the back.
Good pelvic angulation that can bear the weight of an adult dog
up until old age and allows for a firm movement. Well muscled for a
ground covering stride or a prolonged trot, straight hocks in motion.
Well adhered to the body but loose
enough to allow for a lot of flexibility.
The hair is double layered, medium length,
with a rough texture on the outside and
soft on the inside, weather resistant. The
preferred color is black or smoky
black, some adults turn silver like their
ancestor the wolf. Some Wolfdogs will be
born white/sable or completely sable as
the wolf and can be accepted although
these are not desirable colors. White
spots on the chest and feet are permitted
as well as brown socks but never on
another part of the body.
The height at the withers for males
is 24-29 inches (62-75 cm), females 22-27
inches (58-70 cm). The weight should
not cause a disproportion to the
size or show a health problem, either
obesity or low weight.
Next is the complete article that was
published in the official magazine of
the Mexican Association of Small
Animal Veterinarians in May 2014
“Archeozoological Record of
Wolfdog hybrids in Pre-Hispanic
We include this article because it was of great value for our work. The
intellectual and artistic property belongs to the original publishers
and we include it in this document with the only purpose of validating
its intention.
Raúl Valadez1
Bernardo Rodríguez1
Christopher Götz2
Thelma Noemí Sierra Sosa3
The hybridism between the gray wolf (Canis lupus) and the dog (Canis lupus
familiaris) has been a frequent phenomenon since this last one appeared 15,000
years ago, an inevitable consequence due to a huge genetic similarity between
these two species. The first documented case in pre-Hispanic Mexico was
registered in 1999 and since then, more than 40 specimens have been identified.
The knowledge these civilizations had about the wolves makes us assume
that the hybrid creation was intentional, using dog females in heat to produce
litters with offsprings that had the symbolic strength of the sire in their blood
but in a manageable body. The recorded individuals exist chronologically since
the beginning of our era and until the 16th century, the contexts in which these
animals are associated show that they were used by elites as offering animals
or hierarchy symbols associated with the underworld, war, and agriculture, being
this last option a logical consequence for a double identity animal, in which the
wolf was related to the military, and the dog with rain and fertility.
Keywords: hybrids, wolf, dog, pre-Hispanic Mexico, Teotihuacan,
Among the groups of animals that appear in the Mesoamerican archaeological
record are those that stand out for their abundance, others for the diversity of
archaeological contexts in which they appear, those who are dominant because
of the impact of their finding, etc. In the case of the archaeozoological remains of
canids in pre-Hispanic Mexico, its study has become an irrefutable reality because
of the different types of contexts in which they—and they all equally amaze those
who find them. For example, a canine associated with a deceased or a series of
canids linked to other organisms forming a great offering, as could be observed
inside the Pyramid of the Moon.1
• To present the list of recognized wolf-dog hybrids up to 2013.
• To propose the possible associated symbolism from the contexts in
which they appeared.
• To recognize the geographical and cultural framework in which the
tradition of creating the hybrids existed and its reasons.
The first criterion to consider—which was the one that allowed its initial
recognition2—is the dimension and intermediate form in bony elements, as if the
genes of the wolf and the dog melted in the same bone, resulting for example, in
a femur that looks “intermediate” in dimensions, robustness, and form.
The second aspect is the mix of characters, that is, not the fusion, but the
simultaneous manifestation of the condition of each canid in a bony element, for
example, a molar whose dimensions are those of a wolf but the form corresponds
to a dog.
Thirdly, and not least, is when the bones appear to have an “anomalous”
condition, that is, not intermediate but different from that of any of their ancestors.
Such would be the case of a dentary that looks sturdy, but arched as if the
organism was trying to have a larger jaw “wolflike” in a short face “doglike”.
Although in theory, these principles are applicable to any individual or
bony element, it is not always easy to see the manifestation of these criteria in
the bones or there are simply some that are more suitable to recognize the hybrid
condition, either because they appear more frequently or because it manifests
more clearly.
Table 1 shows the list of specimens recognized as wolf-dog hybrids up to 2013
followed by the application of the aforementioned criteria to various specimens in
order to be able to understand how the data is handled when identifying one of
these animals.
Site Culture, year MNI Type of remains Context and use
Cerro de las Minas 14 Post-classical Ñuiñe 2 Incomplete skeleton of a Possible use in rites
(8th-16th centuries young specimen, adult associated with
A.D.) dentaries. buildings.
Regardless of the resoluteness shown in the previous paragraphs about the
existing criteria to recognize a hybrid specimen, there is no doubt that the best
way to demonstrate the certainty the proposal is to show the application of the
different diagnostic elements in various cases.
Recognition of hybrids for their morphology and the dimensions of dental pieces
When there is the possibility of having a wolf-dog hybrid, the first aspect to be observed
are the dental pieces—especially the PM4 and M1-2—in the Mexican gray wolf, in the
supposed loberro, and in the common Mesoamerican dog, if possible at the same height
and circumstances of anatomical position as shown in Figure 2 which corresponds to a
specimen from the Templo Mayor (3).
Figure 3. Mastoid region view of a wolf, dog, and hybrid5 (Table 1).
Notice the intermediate condition of the latter in its morphology.
Recognition by the shape and dimensions of bones
Just by the different size of the wolf (65% larger than the dog) it is possible to differentiate
the anatomical elements of both but, when you have the hybrids, random combinations
in morphology and size may take place, for example, bones of dimensions similar to a
dog but with wolflike shape (Fig. 4), aspects that, together, allow to recognize their hybrid
condition as in one case of the site of Santa Cruz Atizapan.11
Figure 4. Articular face, caudal view of the axis, where you can see the region of the arti-
cular process. In the hybrid11
(Table 1) the shape is more similar to that of the wolf, but the dimensions of this bone are
equal to those of a dog.
Figure 5. Spatial distribution of dental and long bone measurements in pre-Hispanic dogs (□).
Wolves from the collection of the Institute of Biology-UNAM (♦) and a hybrid from Santa Cruz
Atizapan11 (Table 1) (▲ ).
Figure 6. Two examples of hybrids recognized through morphology (A) and dimensions
of the skull (B). In the first case, the hybrid discovered in a Teotihuacan tunnel (5) (Table
1) has a wolflike branch of the dentary, although its size corresponds to a dog. The graph
shows the width and length of three hybrids´ maxillae from the Pyramid of Quetzalcoatl7,8
(Table 1), whose values are intermediate between C. lupus and C. familiaris.
Anomalous form
Finally, let us consider the criterion in which the piece manifests a different form than expected,
whether for a wolf or a dog, a condition that, until now, we have seen reflected in the dentary.
Figure 7 shows the jaw of a canine (Fig. 7A) whose dental pieces are larger than those of a
dog (Fig. 7B); the branch of the dentary is equal to that of the latter, although with a deepest
masseteric fossa, the arch that forms the horizontal branch of the dentary is also much larger than
that of a common dog, which derives in a tall and short piece, typical of an animal with strong jaws
but of “arched” face. The sum of all the factors led to the conclusion that it was a hybrid.
Figure 7. Dentary of a hybrid from Santa Cruz Atizapan11 (A), whose shape, plus the
dimensions of theteeth, led to the conclusion that it was a loberro and not a dog (B).
Biologically, the dog (Canis familiaris) and the gray wolf (Canis lupus) share
99.8% of their gene pool,17 a situation that makes them strongly compatible in
matters of reproduction. We must not forget that the dog comes from the Chinese
wolf and that the site of origin is northeast of Siberia or Alaska, more than 20,000
years ago.18 This biological condition allows the mutual recognition between the
two species during the mating season, a situation that has been given in all the
regions of the world where both organisms live.2,3,5-11,19,20 Based on the above
arguments, we can say that the hybridism between these two species is feasible
and that the ancient Mesoamerican inhabitants realized this.
The remains of wolf-dog hybrids have been discovered in six Mesoamerican
spaces: the city of Teotihuacan, settlements of the Valley of Teotihuacan (after the
mentioned city), Santa Cruz Atizapan, in the State of Mexico, the city of Mexico-
Tenochtitlan, the region of Cerro de las Minas, in Oaxaca and Xcambo, and
Yucatán (Fig. 8 and 9).
The city of Teotihuacan. (The Pyramid of Quetzalcoatl, Teotihuacan) (2nd
to 4thcenturies)
The first city of the American continent (1st century B.C. to 7th century
A.D.) is located about 50 km (31 mi) northeast of today´s Mexico City. It is
considered a planned megacity whose political and cultural influence spanned
Mesoamerica. The fauna was used as part the diet, in rituals, and as a material
in the manufacture of ornaments and instruments.
There have been 15 wolf-dog hybrids recognized for this city (Table 1) that
appear as sacrifice animals, as an offering, especially in ceremonies related to
the main buildings of the city and as bony pieces used as part of elite clothing,
especially high-ranked military.1,7,8,12,13
Figure 8. Location of the area comprising Mesoamerica (gray area) and of the wolves´ distribution (black
and dark gray areas). The dark gray zone is civilization and wolves shared territory, and it is also where most
of the sites with the presence of hybrids have been registered. (1) Teotihuacan, (2) Teotihuacan Valley, (3)
Santa Cruz Atizapan, (4) Mexico-Tenochtitlan, (5) Cerro de las Minas, (6) Xcambo.
Valley of Teotihuacan. (Teotihuacan tunnels and caves, 7th-16th centuries)
Within the same archaeological zone of Teotihuacan, but in later times to this city,
small settlements belonging to several cultural traditions were developed. In some
tunnels—used as housing and various rites—20 hybrids that were sacrificed and
buried in ceremonies linked to the underworld, to the night, (7th to 9th centuries)
and later to water and agriculture were discovered (9th to 16th centuries).2, 5, 9, 10
Mexico-Tenochtitlan (Templo Mayor, 14th century)
Tenochtitlan was the capital of the Mexica. It was the dominant culture in Mesoamerica
at the time of the arrival of the Europeans. Its main temple is traditionally called “Templo
Mayor” and its main characteristic was to have two chapels on the upper part, one
dedicated to the God of Rain (Tlaloc) and other to the God of War (Huitzilopochtli). So
far three hybrids have been identified which were part of important offerings related to
celebrations associated with renovations of this building, perhaps as a celebration of
military successes and the request for rain and good harvests. The same dual condition
of the building is considered a fundamental reason for the presence of these canids
since the wolf was considered an entity linked to the war and the sacrifices,3, 6, 21 and the
dog to water and agriculture.22
For the Mesoamerican civilization, every form of living being had a symbolic value
depending on its characteristics and the relationship it had with its surroundings; thus,
a hybrid animal would constitute the fusion of the values of the parents. If we can finally
consider the wolf-dog hybrids as something not only real but also sought after and
promoted, it is clear that it would require that each one, wolf and dog, would bring some
value to those people who created it, in such a way that the invested effort was viewed
favorably. What do these animals tell us about this? (Table 2).
Table 2. Possible symbolic relationships of the wolf and dog elements in the different places where the
hybrids have been discovered. In the case of the dog, another reason for its presence is just the possibility
to easily handle an animal that carried the symbolic load of the wolf with no danger to man.
In the case of the wolf, its presence was related to a strong symbolic load,21,23
something logical if we start by noting that it is a wild carnivore located at the top of the
food pyramid in the temperate area of Mexico and whose contact with man would always
be cause for alarm (for both). Under these principles, the participation of its symbolic
force at the time when a hybrid was sacrificed in ceremonial events, for example in
Teotihuacan, would be something appropriate considering the magnitude of the event. In
these conditions the dog, in appearance, would have as its main responsibility to be the
“vehicle” that transported this “symbolic package” to its destination, without the problem
that handling a wolf would imply. This could be the panorama in Teotihuacan areas like
the Pyramid of the Moon and the Military Camp.
Figure 9. Examples of hybrids. (A) Temple of Quetzalcoatl, (B) Santa Cruz Atizapan, (C)
Cerro de las Minas, (D) Teotihuacan tunnels, (E) Templo Mayor, (F) Xcambo (for more
information see Tables 1 and 2).
Manufacturing is one of the human activities linked to the handling of hybrids
in the cases of Teopancazco and the Temple of Quetzalcoatl (Table 2). In the
later, the presence of these animals was recognized through maxillae (Fig. 9A)
that were used as a pectoral by the person buried and whose clothing was linked
to the military.7.8 Considering all this, it is possible that again, the dog was simply
a gear in the production of canids “with load of wolf”, which were kept inside the
city of Teotihuacan to be used “when needed”.
An opposite case seems to be that of sites like Santa Cruz Atizapan (Fig.
9B), the Teotihuacan tunnels in the post-Classical, and Cerro de las Minas (Table
2) because they were small settlements and because the remains appeared
in modest ceremonial spaces. Rather it seems to be that the dog is the main
character, for being, in the first case, an event related to agriculture11 and, for the
second, a symbol of good fortune and perhaps rain (Fig. 9), since this location is
very arid and people always hope that the year to come will not be too dry. In this
case, the wolf was perhaps used as a “catalyst”, this is, as an additional element
whose objective would be to reinforce the event.
With respect to the Templo Mayor (Fig. 9E), its presence fits perfectly with
the duality war-agriculture, which this pyramid manifests in the two temples which
were located at the top and which were dedicated to Huitzilopochtli and Tlaloc.3
This association is so clear and strong that it fully justifies the reason why it is
this animal the one that has been recognized in the different offerings discovered,
without the presence of wolves, which in the Pyramid of the Moon were the most
used canids as sacrifice animals.1, 23
On the other hand, we have the specimen of Xcambo. Although only its
dentaries were recovered, its inclusion is reported in the structure NE-2 layer I,
precisely in the area of highstatus domestic platforms. Coincidence? It may be;
however, we must bear in mind that the specimen, being a highly valued animal,
may well have been employed in some type of ceremonial ritual activity, probably
linked to high-status characters because skeletal remains of humans have been
reported in association, as well as other cultural elements (Fig. 9F).
Based on their individual variability, the alternatives of use, the space of time
in which they are recognized, (first 15 centuries of our age) and the diversity of
cultures, one can understand that the loberros were very variable organisms in
their aspect, both by the heterogeneity with which they manifested the characters
of the parents as by the cultural interests; thus, in the Teotihuacan tunnels, the
reconstructed animals measured up to 600 mm (23.60 in) high and 800 to 900
mm (31.50 to 35.40 in) long,5,9 while those of the Templo Mayor3 exceeded the
700 mm (27.60 in) high and reached 1000 mm (39.40 in) in length, which gives
an idea of how different they could be according to the dominant genetic traits
(Fig. 10).
Figure 10. Hypothetical reconstruction of a hybrid from the Teotihuacan tunnels (A); hybrid of Templo
Mayor (B).
In addition to the variability of the genetic strength of the wolf and the dog
which results in specimens more wolflike or more doglike, depending on luck,
there is another aspect to consider within this mosaic of forms and it is related
to the existence of loberros of first or second generation. What do we mean by
this? At all times, we have started out from the existence of a hybrid as a result
of the crossing of a wolf with a bitch which would certainly be most appreciated;
how ver, there are some individuals, for example from the tunnels, (Fig. 6A) that
are doglike in almost everything (size, dental morphology, dimensions of dental
pieces) and wolflike only in some aspects, (form of the branch of the dentary and
of the third inferior molar) so there is the question of whether it was a specimen in
which the dog element was otherwise dominant or whether it was a loberro out of
a loberro with dog crossing and that the wolf was not the sire but the grandsire.
We certainly can not make an objective evaluation of the specimens from
this proposal, that is, to define loberros of first or second generation, but there is
no doubt that the stronger the symbolic load of the wolf within the conception of
a certain culture the more value would be given to its descendant regardless that
the crosses of the original loberro were, later, with dogs, until it was considered
necessary to revitalise the wolf’s blood or the bloodline would be lost over
Apparently, what was valued in these animals over the centuries was
what each parent provided in symbolic terms so that the hybrid would not only
be a manageable animal but also had a special religious value. The wolf was
symbolically associated with sacrifices in which blood ran in large quantities, the
military, and the night because of its condition as a powerful predator with great
capacity for confrontation, a social animal that works in teams, and a nightlife
entity;21, 23 while the dog was considered a high-fertility animal whose reproductive
cycle overlapped with that of the rain and the agriculture, aspects that resulted in
the religious association with water, agriculture, fertility and good fortune.22 A wolf-
dog hybrid would; therefore, be the sum of the symbolic values, hence it would
be used in rites where its dual condition proved to be fundamental, for example,
those dedicated to the most important economic activities: agriculture and war.
What happens in this case with what we see for Cerro de las Minas and
Xcambo? In the first site, the answer is not very complex because it is located
right in the Mixteca Alta, a place where the wolves arrived naturally and which
allows us to assume that the practice was known, although they could obtain
these animals only from time to time. It is not the case of the Southeast because
the Maya, by themselves, never knew the wolf or the coyote and therefore it was
not in their cultural heritage to seek the hybridization or knowing what to do with
an animal like that.
The answer is in the migration and trade events that took place from the
center of Mesoamerica to the Mayan zone from the 10th century A.D. through the
so-called “Toltec migrations”. Thanks to recent archaeozoological studies it has
been possible to confirm the southeast arrival of domestic fauna, for example, the
turkey, the hairless dog, and the tlalchichi,26-29 so that the presence of a loberro,
although surprising it is not inexplicable. Obviously, for such a case, we must
start from the hypothesis that it was a gift among rulers, which, for a noble Mayan
would have the equivalent value that for us would have a live Tasmanian wolf.
According to the information obtained, we can see that the hybrids were involved
in various symbolic conceptions according to the time and associated culture; so
much so, that for the Teotihuacan culture (1st century B.C. to 7th century A.D.)
hybrids were mainly associated with the military. In the centuries after the fall of
Teotihuacan, they were associated with the underworld and the night (7th to 9th
century A.D.) or with agriculture, (5th to 16th centuries A.D.) reaching their most
refined conception with the Mexica culture by associating them simultaneously
with war, rain, and agriculture (14th to 16th centuries A.D.)
The cultural importance of this practice and its impact on the worldview
of these cultures has not yet been adequately valued, but it is enough to ponder
that, through it, it was possible to subtract all the symbolic load of the first animal
to place it inside the body of the second, no doubt it was a real marvel for these
people, whose only symbolic equivalence would be that of the nahualismo. This
comparison is enough to see the magnitude of this tradition and what there is still
to be learned.
Photographs by Rafael Reyes.
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IIA-DSA, 2012.
Un reconocimiento muy importante al equipo de trabajo de Criadero Caliente por participar
durante los últimos dieciocho años de este gran proyecto que hoy llega a su inicio.
En especial al Señor Carlos Landa.
An important recognition goes to Criadero Caliente´s staff for its participation during the last
eighteen years of this endeavor that today reaches its beginning.
Especially to Carlos Landa.
Gracias a:
Federación Canófila Mexicana
Parque Zoológico Internacional
Dr Raúl Valadéz A.
La cinofilia mexicana ha decidido Mexico´s dog fancy has decided
revivir al perro lobo que se criaba to bring back the Wolfdog which
en nuestro país hace más de dos mil was bred in our country over two
años como parte fundamental de thousand years ago as a major part
nuestras costumbres y tradiciones. of our culture and traditions. Today,
Hoy admiramos su belleza como un we admire its beauty as a tribute to
homenaje al importante lugar que the important place it had for our
guardaba para nuestros antepasados. ancestors.