Vejiga Kandel
Vejiga Kandel
Vejiga Kandel
Micción: Proceso complejo mediado por componentes voluntarios e involuntarios el cual reúne e involucra
un adecuado llenado, almacenado y vaciado/evacuación vesical de manera tal que éste último sea:
voluntario (en cuanto a su ejecución: inicio/fin), a todo o nada (no entrecortado), indoloro, placentero
y efectivo tanto en cantidad y calidad. Es posible gracias a la relajación del esfínter de la vejiga que
aparece de forma concomitante con la contracción del músculo detrusor de la vejiga. La micción
normal es un acto controlado por la voluntad y sin dolor para vaciar completamente la vejiga.
2018: Brain Activation during the Voiding phase of Micturition in Healthy Adults: A Meta-analysis of
Neuroimaging Studies
In animal experiments, excitation of a group of cells in the dorsolateral pons results in detrusor
contraction and has been called the pontine micturition center (PMC) or the Barrington’s nucleus or
the M region or the micturition center.
On the other hand, stimulation of a group of cells situated more ventrally and laterally in the dorsal
pontine tegmentum results in contraction of the pelvic floor including the urethral sphincter through the
Onuf’s nucleus in the sacral spinal cord and has been called the L-region or the continence center.
During storage, the PMC is under the inhibitory influence of the PFC and this increases sympathetic
discharge which relaxes the detrusor muscle of the bladder and contracts the external urethral
sphincter. With bladder filling, when afferent signals from the bladder to the insula and ACC reach a
certain limit, signals are conveyed to the frontal cortex. If voiding is socially appropriate, the PFC lifts its
inhibitory influence on the PMC in the brainstem, likely through the PAG, allowing increased
parasympathetic activity and detrusor contraction. Under the modulatory influence of the thalamus and
the cerebellum, detrusor contraction is coordinated with external urethral sphincter relaxation allowing
voiding to proceed.
Our meta-analysis allowed us to integrate the findings of existing studies and develop a supraspinal
model for voiding that identifies key regions of the brain that could potentially be targeted in the
diagnosis and treatment of dysfunctional voiding.