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Examen C&CD

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Nombre: Ines DNI: 1204117822

Apellidos: Amaya Díaz


09-11/07/2021 Modelo - C

Etiqueta identificativa

1. Ten disponible tu documentación oficial para identificarte, en el caso de que se te
2. Rellena tus datos personales en todos los espacios fijados para ello y lee
atentamente todas las preguntas antes de empezar.
3. Las preguntas se contestarán en la lengua vehicular de esta asignatura.
4. Si tu examen consta de una parte tipo test, indica las respuestas en la plantilla.
5. Debes contestar en el documento adjunto, respetando en todo momento el
espaciado indicado para cada pregunta. Si este es en formato digital, los
márgenes, el interlineado, fuente y tamaño de letra vienen dados por defecto y no
deben modificarse. En cualquier caso, asegúrate de que la presentación es
suficientemente clara y legible.
6. Entrega toda la documentación relativa al examen, revisando con detenimiento
que los archivos o documentos son los correctos. El envío de archivos erróneos o un
envío incompleto supondrá una calificación de “no presentado”.
7. Durante el examen y en la corrección por parte del docente, se aplicará el
Reglamento de Evaluación Académica de UNIR que regula las consecuencias
derivadas de las posibles irregularidades y prácticas académicas incorrectas con
relación al plagio y uso inadecuado de materiales y recursos.
8. Utiliza tus propias palabras para contestar. Las respuestas que se consideren
tomadas de forma literal de los materiales de la asignatura se calificarán como
9. El profesorado tendrá muy en cuenta y penalizará las faltas ortográficas y de

Código de examen: 10050640

1. Por cada falta de gramática u ortografía, se restarán 0.05 puntos, con
un máximo en todo el examen de 2,00 puntos.
2. Por cada error de sentido o semántico se restarán 0,10 puntos, con
un máximo en todo el examen de 2,00 puntos.

Multiple-choice questions

 Puntuación por respuesta correcta 0.25 puntos

 Puntuación por respuesta incorrecta o con dos respuestas o más -0.10 puntos
 Puntuación por pregunta no contestada 0.00 puntos
 Diez preguntas de opción múltiple, puntuación máxima 2.50 puntos

Short-answer questions

 Respuesta no contestada 0.00 puntos

 Puntuación por respuesta correcta 0.50 puntos
 Cinco preguntas de respuesta corta, puntuación máxima 2.50 puntos

Long-answer questions: Practice case

 Pregunta no contestada 0.00 puntos

 Una pregunta para escoger de dos, máximo total 5.00 puntos
 Máximo de respuesta correcta 5.00 puntos

Answer ALL the questions. 

Total questions: 10.
Maximum points for this section: 2.50 points.
Maximum points per right answer: 0.25 points.
Unanswered question: 0.00 points.
Question with two or more answers: -0.10 points.
Wrong answer: -0.10 points.


1. A lesson plan is an open document for personal use to outline the structure of the classes.

A. True

Código de examen: 10050640

B. False

2. Genre-pedagogy looks at how texts can be taught in the classroom, from words to sentence
structures as well as the type of text it is.

A. True
B. False

3. Procedural tasks are generally information-gap and reasoning-gap activities.

A. True
B. False

4. Needs analysis only occurs at the beginning of the course.

A. True
B. False

5. Assessment can only be given in the form of a letter grade or a number grade.

A. True
B. False

6. Learning outcomes can be applied at the national and regional level.

A. True
B. False

7. A learning objective is the content/skill/attitude the students should be able to do or know how
to do or have at the end of a lesson, course or year.

A. True
B. False

8. TBL can be adapted and used in the classroom because it introduces authentic texts and
links the classroom language to the outside world.

A. True
B. False

9. Linguistics is the systems of creating and learning words and languages.

A. True
B. False

Código de examen: 10050640

10. The purpose of the diagnostic assessment is to determine if the learning objectives set out
at the beginning of a unit/semester/end of the course/project/year have been achieved.

A. True
B. False

Código de examen: 10050640

Preguntas / Opciones A B


Código de examen: 10050640

Answer ALL the questions. 
Maximum points per answer: 0.5 points. 
Maximum points for this section: 2.50 points.
Unanswered question: 0.00 points.
Maximum length per answer: 5 lines.


1. Explain incidental learning in your own words. Include an example to help explain your
definition. (Responder en 5 líneas)

2. Explain what a lesson plan is used for and what is included in it. Make sure to use your own
words. (Responder en 5 líneas)
a lesson plan is used to plan how the class is going to be develop and what time is going to be
consumed, the date or weeks this will take to carry out or finish, the topic. The lesson plan is a
close document that can be modified accordingly with the needs the students have or going to
have while the process is going. The lesson plan includes; learning outcomes, materials,
procedure (teacher and students), time, topics and artifacts. All of these can be the key to help
students achieve the learning outcome of the topic.

3. Explain the affective domain, give an example of a learning outcome related to it. (Responder
en 5 líneas)

4. In your own words, explain what task based learning is, what the different stages are and
what occurs during the different stages. (Responder en 5 líneas)
The task-based learning is a process in which we can find three stages: pre-task task and post-
task. These divisions make the TBL focuses on the students as the centre of the learning
process. Here, the activities are given in a scaffolding way as Vygotsky presented in the ZPD.
The first (pre-task) stage is about what the students cannot do, the second stage (task) the
teacher is the tutor who help the students discover their knowledge and what they are able to
do. The las stage (post-task) the student is capable to do things that at the beginning of the
class were not possible.

5. In your own words, explain what scaffolding is. Give an example of how it can be done in the
classroom. (Responder en 5 líneas)
Scaffolding is good technique where the teacher can be used to help students to get the
knowledge, and make them do not feel frustrated because they do not get the idea of the class
or explanation. As example we have:
1.- the teacher shows a picture and ask them think about that, using simple words.
2.- the teacher shows again the picture and ask them write what they thought.
3.- the teacher shows the last time the picture and encourage them to read the things they have
written before.

Answer ONE of the options.

Código de examen: 10050640

Maximum length per answer: 2 sides of a page.
Maximum points for this section: 5.00 points.
Maximum points per question: 5.00 points.


1. OPTION 01: 

Explain cooperative groups and feedback in your own words. 

Write two learning outcomes for an activity you could implement in class.

Write out the age group, English level, class timing and topic.

Step by step, explain the in class activity using these two learning processes. 

Write out how the students would be assessed on the learning outcome. 

 (Responder en 2 caras)

2. OPTION 02: 

Explain what a needs analysis is. 

The need analysis is a tool where we as teacher can use to know and measure what is the part
of the teaching process we are not teaching and we need to cover to complete the students’
needs and they can be able to get awareness with the topic and the main ideas.

Write two learning outcomes for a needs analysis you could implement in class.

Write out the age group, English level, class timing and topic.

The group taken from this need analysis is: a group of 25 students they are 12 years-old
students from a private institution in Ecuador, which teaches English as foreign language and
some subjects like social studies, math and science are taught in English, as well. According to
the CEFR level they are in a A2+ level where students need as much help and motivation as
possible. The class will be in contact with the teacher (real classroom environment). The
classes will be carrying out for about 6 weeks with a total of 18 classes a total of 360 hours of
class with 3 hours daily in contact with the tutor and with 180 hours of autonomous work. The
session will be done in the next weekdays: Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 8 am to 9 am.

The simple present and adjectives

Learning outcomes:
 Students will analyze an advertisement about a famous brand of drinks
 Students will

Procedure Time Goals Students procedure Tools

Código de examen: 10050640

 Warm-up
To engage the
The teacher asks class and have Students move their Teacher
students how they 3’ a good climate bodies to feel free of and
are and encourage in the the stress. students
them to move around classroom.
and stretch out.
 Pre-task

The teacher presents Students look at the

an advertisement To recognize picture Advertisem
picture pictures and ent Individual
think critically. Students think about task
Then he/she asks what the pictures can Pencils
students think about Realize the represent
what they are seeing. effect of the Paper
advertisement Students think they Analysis
The teacher asks has on them. need to drink soda ICT tool
students write their (real situation)
thoughts and keep
them saves.
 Task Students read their
words and others
The teacher asks their short sentences
students read the to give their teacher
phrases or words what they thought
they did in the when they saw the
previous activity. To learn how to advertisement Advertisem
use the simple ent Individual
The teacher explains present tense Students recognize task
with his/her own and the the use of simple Pencils
words the use of adjectives to present and how the
simple present and describe adjective can be used Paper
the adjective to whatever they to describe a Analysis
describe pictures. want. picture/advertisement ICT tool
/people, etc
The teacher shows
several examples of Students recognize
the simple present the structures of the
and its use with the simple present and
adjectives write their own.
 Post-task

At the end of the task

the teacher will To measure the Students feel free to
explain they are satisfaction of answer those 5 key
NA paper Measure the
going to take a the students questions
20’ need of the
‘survey’ NA to know
Pencils learners
how they feel with To know they Students give the
the classes and if needs teacher the NA paper
they need to give a
feedback more

Código de examen: 10050640

The date about the need analysis will be carrying out on Friday, the 9 th of July. Here the
students will analyze a picture advertisement about a girl drinking Coca-Cola and the students
will write a list of word that comes to their minds and then they will compose a short paragraph
(5 lines) using the words and the simple present tense. Then they will present to the class using
any ICT tool to make their presentations. They can decide how they want to work; it can be
alone (individual work) or group work (collaborative work).

This need analysis is applied to measure and realize what part of the teaching-learning process
is not being covered, and this means the teacher is going to be conscious of what they need to
taking into account to give a solution to this need.

The teacher will give them the peace of paper to complete the NA in an anonymous way. the
students will respond the activity to express in a scale how did they feel about the previous
activity of they get the knowledge or need more time to acquire the topic.


From one to five choose the best option:

1 2 3 4 5
Did you enjoy the activity?

Was the activity easy for you?

Do feel you could complete the
Do you feel afraid about writing in
Do you think you need to improve
your writing skill?

Step by step, explain the in class needs analysis. 

The task will be present in a session of

Write out the needs analysis questions.

 (Responder en 2 caras)

Código de examen: 10050640

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