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Slides - Ingles para Hispanos A1 - Garantizado

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LESSON 1A: Hello and Good-bye
Unit 1

You can say… Evening



Have a Good… Month




Curso de ingles para hispanos – Nivel A1 I Garantizado 2

LESSON 1A: Hello and Good-bye
Unit 1

You can say… Tomorrow


Next week

See you… Next month

On Monday, on Tuesday (siempre comienzan con mayúsculas)

On the weekend

In ten years!

Curso de ingles para hispanos – Nivel A1 I Garantizado 3

LESSON 1A: Hello and Good-bye
Unit 1


• Hey, Oscar.
• See you later / tomorrow
• How are you?
• Have a good weekend
• Nice to meet you.
• Good night
• Hi.
• Have a nice day
• Good morning. Curso de ingles para hispanos – Nivel A1 I Garantizado 4
¿Te ha gustado lo que has
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LESSON 1A: Hello and Good-bye
Unit 1


El verbo BE se escribe en ingles como AMAREIS → AM / ARE / IS

I am Sebastian → I’m Sebastian

You are in the park → You’re in the park

We are in the same class → We’re in the same class.

Curso de ingles para hispanos – Nivel A1 I Garantizado 7

Las oraciones marcadas con * son correctas gramaticalmente aunque
no suenan muy naturales. Rara vez se utiliza “aren’t” después de los Negative Sentences

1 You are in my English class.

You’re not in my English class → You aren’t in my English class*
2 We are best friends.
We’re not best friends → We aren’t best Friends*
pronombres. Es mejor la primera oración.

3 I am a good student.
I’m not a good student.
4 We are at the library now.
We’re not at the library now → We aren’t at the library now *
5 You are my love!
You’re not my love → You aren’t my love*
Curso de ingles para hispanos – Nivel A1 I Garantizado 8
Negative Sentences

1 You are in my English class.

Are you in my English class?
2 We are best friends.
Are we best friends?
3 I am a good student.
Am I a good student?
4 We are in the library now.
Are we in the library now?
5 You are my love!
Are you my love?
Curso de ingles para hispanos – Nivel A1 I Garantizado 9
¿Te ha gustado lo que has
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En la unidad anterior introducimos el tema del verbo BE.

¿Recuerdas su significado?
¿Cuáles eran sus auxiliaries?
Am Are Is
I am … You – We – They are … He – She – It is …

I’m a student You’re my friend. He’s my best friend.

I’m in your house We’re in the park. She’s Maria.
They’re in the kitchen. My dog (it) is in the park.

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LESSON 2A: Classmates
Unit 2

Carlos is at work
He is at work

¿Como funciona el IS? Carlos’s not at work / Carlos isn’t at work.

He’s not at work.

Is Carlos at work?
El auxiliar IS también se traduce como “ser” y Is he at work?
“estar” al igual que AM y ARE. La única
diferencia es que éste trabaja con los Yes, he is.
pronombres HE, SHE, IT. (Algunos dicen “Yes, Carlos is.” pero es incorrecto.

Nota: “IT” hace referencia a una cosa o animal.

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LESSON 2B: What’s in your bag?
Unit 2

Demostrativos en Ingles

Definición y usos:

Los adjetivos demostrativos se utilizan para determinar la posición de

las cosas (lejos o cerca). En inglés solamente encontramos dos grados
de proximidad: THIS y THAT. This, que se utiliza para designar las cosas
o personas relativamente cercanas y that, para las mas lejanas.

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LESSON 2B: What’s in your bag?
Unit 2

⚫ Es usado con singulars. ⚫ Es usado con plurales.

⚫ Usa el auxiliar IS. ⚫ Usa el auxiliar ARE.

This is my bag.
This These These are my bags.

What is this? What are these?

⚫ Es usado con singualres. ⚫ Es usado con plurals.

⚫ Usa el auxiliar IS. ⚫ Usa el auxiliar ARE.

That is my car.
That Those Those are my cars.

What is that? What are those?

Para efectos de esta unidad, solo utilizaremos los primeros dos adjetivos demostrativos de cercania: THIS y
THESE. Los otros dos, es decir, los adjetivos de lejanía, los usaremos de manera trasversal a este curso.

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LESSON 3A: Celebrities
Unit 3

Adjetivos posesivos

Los adjetivos posesivos no son pronombres, son determinantes. Estos

indican la posesión que se tienen sobre un objeto.

This is my car – Esta es mi carro.

This is her car – Este es su carro (de ella)
This is our car – Este es nuestro carro.

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Let’s see some examples


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¡Ojo con esto!
You’re vs Your
Es natural confundir You’re an excellent student --- I need your help

los adjetivos It’s vs Its

It’s very hot right now --- The dog is playing with its ball.
posesivos con el
He’s vs His
verbo BE He’s the new English teacher --- Marcos lost his keys.

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Ya superamos el verbo BE. Por lo que ahora veremos
el presente simple, el cual es más simple de lo que
LESSON 4A: In the morning
Unit 4

Estados permanentes

I live in Germany
Yo vivo en Alemania

Acciones habituales

He cooks breakfast
Verdades generales o El cocina el desayuno


Ice floats
El hielo flota

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LESSON 4A: In the morning
Unit 4

El presente simple contempla dos auxiliaries: Do – Does

Sólo los veremos en oraciones interrogativas (Do – Does) y negativas (Don’t – Doesn’t)

Forma del verbo

En las oraciones afirmativas, el verbo sufre ciertos cambios cuando se utiliza He, She, It.

En la mayoría de los casos basta con agregar una S o ES al verbo.

La cascarita de siempre: La 3ra persona

Las terceras personas del singular (He, She, It) nos exige colocar una S o ES al verbo.

He watch → He watches

She study → Se studies

It work It works
→ Curso de ingles para hispanos – Nivel A1 I Garantizado 24
Let’s see some negative sentences

1 She works very hard

She doesn’t work* very hard. * El verbo vuelve a su forma original una vez pones el “doesn’t”

2 He studies in Harvard
He doesn’t study* in Harvard. * El verbo vuelve a su forma original una vez pones el “doesn’t”

3 My cellphone works well

My cellphone doesn’t work* well. * El verbo vuelve a su forma original una vez pones el “doesn’t”
4 I like pizza
I don’t like pizza.
5 You sing very well!
You don’t sing very well!
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Let’s see some questions

1 She works very hard

Does she work* very hard? * El verbo vuelve a su forma original una vez pones el “Does”

2 He studies in Harvard
Does he study* in Harvard? * El verbo vuelve a su forma original una vez pones el “Does”

3 My cellphone works well

Does my cellphone work* well? * El verbo vuelve a su forma original una vez pones el “Does”

4 They like pizza

Do they like pizza?
5 You sing very well!
Do you sing very well?
Curso de ingles para hispanos – Nivel A1 I Garantizado 26
En la lección pasada vimos como funcionaban los auxiliares
DO y DOES en las preguntas.

Ahora veamos como se construyen las preguntas en

presente simple.
Let’s analyse the structure

1 Does she work very hard?

2 Does he study in Harvard?

3 Does your phone work very well?

4 Do you like pizza?

5 Do I sing very nice?

Curso de ingles para hispanos – Nivel A1 I Garantizado 28

Affirmative answer
Do you like pizza? Yes, I do.

Does she work hard? Yes, she does.

Do they live in Toronto? Yes, they do.

Negative answer
Do you like pizza? No, I don’t.

Does she work hard? No, she doesn’t.

Do they live in Toronto? No, they don’t.

Consideraciones para respuestas cortas

✓ En las respuestas cortas no es necesario colocar el verbo.

✓ En las respuestas negativas es posible contraer el auxiliar y la negación, excepto cuando estamos usando un inglés formal
Curso de ingles para hispanos – Nivel A1 I Garantizado 29

¿Te ha gustado lo que has
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Curso de inglés A2/B1.1 Curso de inglés B1.2/B2.1 Curso de inglés B2.2 Plus
¿Recuerdas cuando vimos las WH o Question Words?
LESSON 5A: Going out
Unit 5

How Often Who

¿Con qué ¿Quién?

¿Qué? o ¿Cuál?
Why Where
¿Por qué? ¿Dónde?

Las WH o Question word son palabras que permiten indagar por más
información. No es lo mismo preguntar: Do you like your teacher? Que
preguntar Why do you like your teacher?

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LESSON 5A: Going out
Unit 5

Why do you study English?

Where do you live?

Because it’s important
Who do you go out with?
I live in Bogotá, DC.
With my sister

Every Saturday
On the weekends How often do your parents eat
I chat with my friends When does your sister go out?

What do you do in your free time?

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Unit 5

Frequency Adverbs

Los adverbios de frecuencia son palabras que indican la periodicidad o

frecuencia con la que realizamos una determinada acción.

Su ubicación dentro de la oración dependerá del verbo que usemos:

I am always at home / She is never at work

You always play games / She never prepares food

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Unit 5

Examples with TOBE
I’m always happy.
She’s often tired.
OFTEN They’re sometimes in art class.
A menudo You’re never on time!

A veces Examples with Present Simple
I always work late.
HARDLY EVER She often studies online.
Casi nunca They sometimes call their friends.

You hardly ever chat online.

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There is – There are
There’s a cat (singular, affirmative)

Nos referimos a There are some cats (plural, affirmative)

cosas que existen… There’s no a cat (singular, negative)

Hay, del verbo There aren’t any cats (plural, negative)

Haber. ¿Ves la diferencia?

Curso de ingles para hispanos – Nivel A1 I Garantizado 38
There’s an Apple store There’s no a text
Hay una tienda Apple No hay mensaje

There are a lot of photos There aren’t any notifications

Hay muchas fotos No hay (ningunas) notificaciones

Para tener en cuenta

Para singulares usamos: NO, A o AN.

Para plurales usamos: Some, A lot of, A couple of.

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How to tell the
Do you know how to tell the time?

9:00 9:27 9:30 9:45

LESSON 6B: What time is it?
Unit 6

Direct form Indirect form

9:00 It’s nine o’clock -

9:15 It’s nine fifteen It’s a quarter after nine

9:20 It’s nine twenty It’s twenty past nine

9:30 It’s nine thirty It’s half past nine

9:45 It’s nine forty-five It’s a quarter to ten

9:50 It’s nine fifty It’s ten to ten

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LESSON 7A: Away for the weekend
Unit 7

Present Continuous

El Present Continuous de cualquier verbo se compone de dos partes: el

presente del verbo to be + un verbo en gerundio.

Para formar este tiempo debemos analizar su raíz y añadir –ing:

Talking, playing, moving, smiling, working, studying, driving,


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Present Continuous uses
Acciones del momento 1
You are using the internet right now.
You are studying English grammar.
2 Describir tendencias

Are you still working for the same company?

More and more people are becoming vegetarian.
Eventos futuros 3
We are going on holidays tomorrow.
I am meeting my boyfriend tonight.
4 Eventos temporales

The weather forecast was good, but it’s raining at

the moment.
Acciones irritantes 5
Harry and Sally are always arguing!
You are always smoking! Curso de ingles para hispanos – Nivel A1 I Garantizado 44

Reglas para añadir ING a

los verbos
Run Smoke Rain Travel Die
Running Smoking Raining Traveling Dying
Play Study Come Tie Build
Playing Raining Coming Tying Building

Get up Now let’s practice

Add ING to the following verbs
Go up

Write Type Speak Talk Cut
Writing Typing Speaking Talking Cutting
Structure for questions
Present Continuous

01 02 03 04
What Who* Where When
What are you doing? Who’s speaking? Where are you going? When are they leaving?
What’s she writing Who’s Mary** talking Where’s he traveling to? When is she going to
about? to? the bank?

*Cuando se pregunta por primera vez sobre alquien, la pregunta no lleva pronombre.

**Cuando conocemos el sujeto y se quiere preguntar algo sobre él, si se menciona en la oración.

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LESSON 7B: Sports and Exercise
Unit 7

Conversation with WHO

A: Hey. Who’s singing?

B: Mary. She’s practicing.
A: Why is she practicing?
B: She’s traveling to Toronto next week.
A: Who’s Mary practicing with?
B: I think she’s practicing with her boyfriend.
A: Oh! Nice.

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Important verbs
In English we separate verbs by putting “TO” in the middle.

1 Have to (obligation / rules / needs)

You have to pay attention.

2 Need to (needs / rules)

I need to write this letter.

3 Want to (desire)
She wants to watch a movie.

4 Like to (likes)
He likes to write on his laptop.

Curso de ingles para hispanos – Nivel A1 I Garantizado 50

American English British English

I like to cook Chinese food. I like cooking Chinese food.

She likes to play tennis. She likes playing tennis.

They don’t like to watch horror movies. They don’t like watching horror films.

¿Cuál usar?
Para el inglés Americano se deben separar los verbos con “To”. En el inglés Británico no es necesario, pues el segundo verbo lleva ING.

Esto aplica para otros verbos como: Like, Hate y Love.

Se puede “she hates cooking”, por ejemplo, en inglés americano, aunque su connotación variará. Ello se aprenderá en los siguientes cursos.
Prices in English.
Let’s use…

How much…
It’s … / They’re…
Para preguntar por un precio en inglés usamos la WH
compuesta How much…

How much is … → Preguntamos por 1 artículo.

How much are … → más de un artículo.

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Lesson 8B: Things to buy
Unit 8

A cap A car A house

How much is the cap? How much is this car? How much is the house?
It’s $99 dollars. It’s 9 millions colombian It’s $1 million dollars.

How much are those shoes? How much are these jeans?
They’re $25 bucks They’re $14.99 dollars.

Shoes Jeans
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Modal verb:
This modal verb is used to show the
ability to undertake an action.
We use can in present.
LESSON 9A: Sightseen
Unit 9

Usos y significados de CAN

Su significado dependerá de lo que quieras decir. Puedes usarlo para

expresar alguna posibilidad o petición, o para decir que estas habilitado
o capacitado para algo.

Can sólo funciona en presente.

I don’t have money. I can pay you on Monday!
I can’t speak Chinese, It’s very difficult.
Can I have some water, please?

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LESSON 9A – 9B: Sightseen
Unit 9

Can you speak Japanese?

Can you pilot a plane?

• Yes, I can. It’s very easy to me.
• No, I can’t. Japanese is very difficult to me.
• Yes, I can. I work for American Airliness.
• No, I can’t. But I want to learn.
• I can, yeah. I like to travel around the world.
• I can’t. It’s hard for me to learn it.

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LESSON 9A – 9B: Sightseen
Unit 9

What can you do?

I can play the guitar

I can speak English and French

I can speak in public

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LESSON 9A – 9B: Sightseen
Unit 9

What can’t you do?

I can’t play the drums

I can’t speak Chinese or Portuguese

I can’t sing. My voice is terrible

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Para este punto ya hemos visto todo lo relacionado
con el tiempo presente. Es momento de adentrarnos
al mundo del pasado.
LESSON 10A: A night at home
Unit 10

Acciones pasadas en un
tiempo indeterminado

She played piano

Acciones pasadas en un We went to Peru

tiempo determinado

We saw a good film last week
Yesterday, I arrived in Geneva.

Acciones frecuentes en pasado

I sometimes walked home
I often brought my lunch to school

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LESSON 10A: In the morning
Unit 10

El pasado simple contempla solamente un auxiliar: Did.

Solo los veremos en oraciones interrogativas (Did) y negativas (Didn’t)

Forma del verbo

En las oraciones afirmativas, el verbo sufre ciertos cambios. Se debe tener clarísima la diferencia entre los verbos
regulares e irregulares. (Adjunto a esta guía encontrarán la lista de verbos irregulares clasificadas por colores).

La cascarita de siempre: La “ed” para los verbos regulares

Cuando se desea conjugar un verbo regular en pasado, se debe tener cuidado:
He watch → He watched
She study → Se studied
We stop the traffic → We stopped the traffic
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Let’s see some examples

1 She worked very hard

She didn’t work* very hard * El verbo vuelve a su forma original una vez pones el “didn’t”

2 He studied in Harvard
He didn’t study* in Harvard * El verbo vuelve a su forma original una vez pones el “didn’t”

3 My cellphone rang for hours!

My cellphone didn’t ring* for hours! * El verbo vuelve a su forma original una vez pones el “didn’t”

4 I liked pizza
I didn’t like* pizza. * El verbo vuelve a su forma original una vez pones el “didn’t”

5 You sang very well!

You didn’t sing* very well! * El verbo vuelve a su forma original una vez pones el “didn’t”

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Verbo BE

Su traducción sigue siendo SER y ESTAR. Lo que cambia es la

conjugación para el tiempo pasado.

I was at work late because I didn’t finish my report…

She wasn’t a good student when she was teen.
They were my friends in 2008.
We weren’t at the park around 8, we were at 10.

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Lesson 11A: My first…
Unit 11

Auxiliar WAS Auxiliar WERE

Se usa con las terceras personas del Se usa con las terceras personas del
singular, incluyendo I. plural, incluyendo We.
(Reemplaza a IS – AM) (Reemplaza a ARE)

She was a nurse. They were my friends.

I wasn’t a good student. We weren’t at the party.
My cat was sick last week. You were very stupid.

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Present of Be Past of Be

I am very intelligent in primary 1 I was very intelligent in primary

They aren’t my friends. 2 They weren’t my friends.

She isn’t at the park at 3 pm. 3 She wasn’t at the park at 3 pm.

Are we in the same class? 4 Were we in the same class?

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LESSON 12A: Eating habits
Unit 12

Countable nouns: Sustantivos contables. Se pueden poner en plural.

• I have an egg
• I don’t eat bananas
• How many keys are there on the table?

Uncountable nouns: Sustantivos incontables. No se pueden poner en

• I drink milk
• I don’t like seafood
• How much milk do you want?
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LESSON 12A: Eating habits
Unit 12

Curso de ingles para hispanos – Nivel A1 I Garantizado 72

Mass nouns
Abstract nouns
Unique nouns

¿Qué son los

Only in English, not in Spanish

Sales Chart
Son sustancias o cosas que no son posibles de
ser divididas, separadas o contadas en

En consecuencia no existen plurales de los

sustantivos incontables, puesto que todos
ellos se expresan en singular.

The Power of PowerPoint | thepopp.com 73

Let’s practice what we learnt
Translate into English the following sentences

1 ¿Cuántas llaves hay en la mesa?

How many keys are there on the table?
2 ¿Cuánta agua quieres tomar?
How much water do you want to drink?
3 Hay cinco botellas en la nevera.
There are five bottles in the fridge.
4 Me comí una manzana.
I ate an apple.
5 No me gusta la comida de mar.
I don’t like seafood.
Curso de ingles para hispanos – Nivel A1 I Garantizado 74
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