1. EN PLATAFORMA………………………………………………………………….4
1.1 Durante el abordaje…………………………………….......................................................... 4
2. DEMOSTRACION DE SEGURIDAD………............................................. 7
2.1 Salidas de Emergencia. …………………………………………………………….………………………… 8
3. DURANTE EL VUELO........................................................................ 11
3.1 Señal de Cinturones apagada.……………………………………………………………………..……… 11
3.9 Desinfectar.………………………………………………………………………………………………………... 15
4. DESCENSO Y ATERRIZAJE................................................................ 15
5. OTROS……………………………………………….......................................... 18
6. ANUNCIOS DE EMERGENCIA............................................................ 20
Los objetos personales deben estar debajo del asiento en frente. El equipaje
por el cual has pagado deberá estar ubicado en los compartimientos superiores.
We finished our boarding process. If for any reason you don’t want to
continue with our flight, this is the moment to tell the crew.
- Pasillos congestionados.
To all those passengers standing in the aisle, we kindly request you to take your
assigned seat.
- Pasajeros abordando
Good (morning, afternoon, evening) the main door has been closed. We are
beginning our flight (# of flight) to (city); the flight time will be (minutes). From this
moment on, all electronic devices and cellphones must be off or in airplane mode.
* If applicable
It´s ____ (am-pm), and we are on time. In the cockpit, Captain (first name
and last name) and his/her first officer (fist name and last name). In the main cabin
(short name), (short name), (short name) and who is speaking (first name and last
name) will take good care of you.
Al igual que ustedes, nuestro deseo el día de hoy era cumplir el itinerario.
Sin embargo, por (motivo real), no pudimos salir a la hora programada. Ofrecemos
disculpas por los inconvenientes que esta demora pueda generar.
Good (morning, afternoon, evening) the main door has been closed. We are
beginning our flight (# of flight) to (city); the flight time will be (minutes). From this
moment on, all electronic devices and cell phones must be off or into airplane mode.
* If applicable
Our wish today was to be on time. However, due to (real reason), we could
not leave at the scheduled time. We apologize for any inconvenience this delay may
In the cockpit, Captain (first name and last name) and his/her first officer
(fist name and last name). In the main cabin (short name), (short name), (short
name) and who is speaking (first name and last name) will take good care of you.
2. Demostración de seguridad.
En ______ nos encanta llevarte a tu destino de forma segura. Por eso, esta
tripulación está altamente calificada.
In _____ we are committed to the safety of our operation. That is why this
crew is qualified. We request your attention as the flight attendants demonstrate the
safety features of this aircraft.
This Airbus A320 has eight emergency exits: two doors at the front, two doors
at the rear and four window exits over the wings, which has an evacuation device.
In case we need to evacuate the aircraft, floor-level lighting will guide you to the exit.
Please locate your nearest exit.
When the seat belt sign is on, you must fasten your seat belt. To fasten, insert
the metal clip into the buckle and tighten it by pulling the strap. To release it, lift the
top plate of the buckle.
Your safety is really important; therefore, we recommend you to keep it fastened
while seated.
A life vest is located under your seat. When instructed by the crew, open the
plastic bag and remove the vest, slip it over your head, pass the straps around your
waist and adjust it at the front. Only inflate it after leaving the plane by pulling firmly
on the red tabs or by blowing into the tubes.
If you take the life vest it won’t be as useful as it is for us. Removing the life vests
from the aircraft is considered a crime and can be penalized by authorities.
It is necessary to read the safety card located in the seat pocket in front of
you. It contains very important information for the flight.
Above your head, you will find the passenger service unit, that has a reading light,
a call button and an air vent. We have three restrooms on board - one in the front
of the cabin and two at the rear. If you see the rose restrooms don’t forget to do a
self-exam. * If applicable.
We are ready to take off, make sure your seat belt is securely fastened, your
seat back in the full upright position and tray tables securely locked.
Thank you for choosing _____ Enjoy the flight!
3. Durante el vuelo
La señal de cinturones ha sido apagada, ahora puedes estirarte o hacer uso de los
baños. Recuerda que mientras estés sentado debes usar el cinturón de seguridad.
The seat belt sign has been turned off; from now on you may use the restrooms.
Keep your seat belt fastened while you're seated.
- Vuelos Nacionales
- Vuelos internacionales
- National Flights
Entry requirements to ______ are that you must completely fill out the tourist
card and submit it to the authorities when leaving the aircraft.
We remind you that today is (day/month/year), and this is flight ____.
- International Flight
Right now, we are handing out required immigration forms to enter ____
(country). You must fill it out completely and give it to the authorities when
requested. We remind you that today is (day/month/year), and this is flight ____.
Para este viaje que rico un café, un(a) aromática/te o un combo capuchino
acompañado de un delicioso croissant. O si prefieres, arma tu combo con variedad
de sánduches, papas, doritos, chocorramos y bebidas como agua mineral,
gaseosas y jugos. Para los más pequeños tenemos un sánduche especial.* verificar
Antójate del viva menú que lo tienes ubicado en el bolsillo del asiento en
The best moment of the flight has arrived, if you did not have time to eat, here
we offer you some options.
This morning how about some coffee, hot tea or a cappuccino combo that
comes with a delicious croissant. Or if you prefer, make your combo with a variety
of sandwiches, potatoes, Doritos, Chocorramos and drinks like mineral water, soft
drinks and juices. For the little ones we have a special sandwich.
For this trip you can enjoy some coffee, hot tea or a cappuccino combo that
comes with a delicious croissant. Or if you prefer, make your combo with a variety
of sandwiches, potatoes, Doritos, Chocorramos and drinks such as mineral water,
soft drinks and juices. For the little ones we have a special sandwich.
Relax ... we also have liquors: whisky, vodka and cold beer. Find the viva menu in
the seat pocket in front of you.
In a few minutes, we will offer our on board sale service, please ASK about
the availability of the products. We only accept cash in Colombian pesos/peruvian
soles (national) or US dollars (international).
We inform our passengers that our traditional onboard service will not be
offered, due to ______. We appreciate your understanding and look forward to
serving you in future flights.
Our commitment is with your safety. Please return to your seat and fasten
your seat belts while we are going through turbulence. Our on-board service will be
temporarily suspended.
We invite all passengers standing up to return to their seats standing and use
the seat belt until the signal is off.
We all like to be in a clean space, we will pass by with a bag, please deposit
the trash. Remember to check that you have not left anything in the pocket in front
of you or under your seat.
Please leave the plane as you would like to find it.
- Flight to USA
United States regulations make it necessary that all remaining elements from
the on-board sales and perishable products are deposited in the trash bags. You
will be at risk of sanctions by the authorities if you take these items with you.
3.9 Desinfectar
4. Descenso y Aterrizaje
4.1 Descenso
- Conexión
Si viajas en conexión con Viva, revisa las pantallas del aeropuerto para
ubicar la sala de abordaje del próximo vuelo. Ten en cuenta que debes reclamar
el equipaje y chequearlo nuevamente si el vuelo es al siguiente día. *solo aplica en
las ciudades de conexión MDE-BOG
San Andrés y sus 7 colores son únicos. Cuida la isla, considerada Reserva
Biósfera, por su biodiversidad marina y costera.
- Mensaje Cuzco
In a few minutes we will land in _______ (city). Please make sure your seat
belt is fastened, the table in front of you is secure, your seat back is upright and that
your carry-on luggage is stowed. All electronic devices must also be off for landing
or into airplane mode
The use of lavatories is no permitted at this moment.
We want to tell you that in today's flight we made the dream of (# pax) that
accompany us on board). *occupation of more than 120 pax. Connection
If you have a connection flight with Viva, check the airport screens to locate the
boarding gate for your next flight.
Keep in mind that you must claim your luggage and check it again if your
flight is the next day. *only applies in
San Andrés and its 7 colors are unique. Take care of the island, considered
Biosphere Reserve, for its marine and coastal biodiversity.
- Message in Cuzco
During your visit to Cuzco, we invite you to take care of the archaeological
capital of America, which is home to Machu Picchu, considered one of the wonders
of the modern world, so that many more will continue visiting it.
4.3 Aterrizaje
✓ OPTION 2: Welcome to ____ (city). For Viva and this crew it has been a
pleasure having you on board today (tonight).
From this moment you can make use of the electronic devices, for your safety,
remain seated with your seat belt fastened until the seat belt sign is turned off. Do
not forget your personal belongings check the pocket in front of you.
My name is _____ and on behalf of the crew, we would like to thank you for letting
us be a part of your dreams.
Before leaving the plane, help us by closing the window shades and opening the air
conditioning outlets. *Applies for day flights and high temperatures city’s
5. Otros
The airplane has not arrived at its parking position. For your safety, we kindly
ask you to remain seated until the seat belt sign has been turned off.
The aircraft will be parked in a remote location. A bus will take you from the
parking position to the terminal.
Our ground staff will give you all the information and assistance available.
The Captain has decided to return to the gate due to ____. We will provide
further information as soon as possible.
The Captain has decided to return to the airport due to ____. We will provide
further information as soon as possible.
Make sure your seat belt is securely fastened, your seat back and tray table
are in their upright position.
We have been informed that the disembark will start in ____ minutes.
Thank you for understanding.
Guarde el equipaje debajo del asiento del frente, retire los zapatos de tacón
alto, objetos cortopunzantes, abroche el cinturón, el espaldar del asiento debe estar
en posición vertical y la mesa individual asegurada.
Todos los aparatos electrónicos deben estar apagados.
- Espero confirmación
Ladies and gentlemen,
Now stow any carry-on baggage under the seat in front of you and remove
high heeled shoes. Fasten your seat belt, put your seat back in the upright position
and secure your tray-table.
All electronic devices must be switched off.
- Espero confirmación
Al salir del avión accione las manijas rojas para inflarlo o Ínflelo soplando por
los tubos rojos.
- Espero confirmación
Wrap the strap around your waist, attach the buckle into the fitting at
the front of the vest and adjust it. Do not inflate the vest inside of the
- When you leave the aircraft, you should inflate your vest by pulling the
red tab. It can also be inflated by blowing into the tube at the side.
- Espero confirmación
- Espero confirmación
When you hear the command RELEASE SEAT BELTS…., move to the
nearest exit.
- Espero confirmación
- Espero confirmación
When you hear the command BRACE…. BRACE, you must assume the
following brace position:
- Sit as back in your seat as possible and fasten your seat belt
- Lean forward and rest your arms on the seatback in front of you - Put
your head between your arms
- Lean forward, rest and chest against upper legs and wrap arms under
your legs.
Remain in the brace position until the aircraft has come to a complete stop.
- Espero confirmación
6.5 Evacuación
- Espero confirmación
When you hear the command RELEASE SEAT BELTS…., go to the nearest exit
without taking any personal belongings with you.
Once outside, move away from the aircraft and stay in a group.
- Espero confirmación