Falco Anuncios en Cabina
Falco Anuncios en Cabina
Falco Anuncios en Cabina
Welcome on board, to ensure your safety, hand luggage must be lightweight and secured
in the overhead luggage compartments. If you have any trouble locating your seat, please
ask our flight attendants.
Le pedimos que a partir de este momento y hasta nuevo aviso mantenga apagados o en
modo vuelo sus teléfonos celulares, equipos eléctricos, electrónicos o de baterías. Le
recordamos que nuestros vuelos son de no fumar. Gracias.
We are getting ready for take-off. We ask you to please fasten and secure your seat belts,
place the back of your seat in a vertical position, and lock the service table.
From this moment and until further notice, all cellular phones electronic or battery
operated equipment, must be turned off or in flight mode. For your information our flights are
non smoking. Thank you.
Nuestros sobrecargos están señalando las salidas de emergencia con las que cuenta
este avión, es importante que ubique la más cercana.
Should a loss of cabin pressure occur, oxygen masks will automatically fall in front of you.
Pull the mask towards you and place it over your nose and mouth, adjust it with the elastic
band, and breath normally. If a child is traveling with you, securely put your mask on first and
then assist the child.
To fasten your seat belt, insert the metal tip into the buckle until it clicks and adjust it. To
release it, lift the top of the buckle.
Our flight attendants are pointing at the emergency exits of this aircraft. Please locate the
exit nearest you
Life vests are located under your seat; to release it, pull the red strap. Slip the vest over
your head and adjust the waist straps. Once you get the aircraft door, inflate the life vest by
pulling down the red tab; if it necessary, you can blow into the oral tube.
The passenger safety card is located in the seat pocket in front of you.
Thank you.
Good morning (afternoon), welcome on board, my name is _____________ and I’m here
to assist you during this flight. I would like to remind you, that you are seated next to an
emergency exit. If we have that situation, could you help us? In that case, when the airplane
stops with engines turned off, remove acrilic, pull the red handle, throw away the window and
get out. Please read this safety card carefully. If you have any questions, please let me
know. I will be very pleased to help you. Thank you.
From now on, you may use cellular pones, personal computers, electronic and battery
operated devices may be used, only in flight mode.
If you need to use restrooms, they are located at the rear of the cabin. Thank you.
Para hacer más ágil su trámite en el aeropuerto, le sugerimos tener listos sus
documentos de migración y aduana antes de nuestro aterrizaje, contar con su
documentación completa y en orden le evitará demoras.
To simplify customs procedures, we suggest you to have all the necessary immigration
documents ready before landing; as this will keep you from having any delays.
If you require more information or have a question, please do not hesitate to ask our flight
attendants, they will be glad to help you.
Sean bienvenidos al aeropuerto (internacional) de___, donde la hora local es_____am (pm).
A nombre de AEROFALCO, el capitán_________ (apellido), y el resto de la tripulación, le
agradecemos haber volado con nosotros. Nos dará mucho gusto verle a bordo, nuevamente.
Les recordamos que nuestros compañeros en este aeropuerto están a sus órdenes para
asistirles en todo momento. Estamos llegando a la posición ___, y pueden recoger su
equipaje en el carrusel____. Feliz estancia en esta ciudad. Gracias
Welcome to ___ (international) airport, where the local time is ______am (pm) on behalf
of AEROFALCO, captain ___ and the rest of this crew, thank you for flying with us today. It
will be our pleasure to serve you again in the future.
We remind you that our representatives, are ready to assist you anytime. We are arriving
to gate ____ and you can pick up your luggage at carrousel number___.
The airplane is being refueled so it is important that you remain seated. We ask you not to
use cellular phones, and do not use the restrooms. Also, we remind you that smoking, using
matches, electronic cigarrets , or similar devices, is prohibited.
Thank you
We are approaching a turbulence zone, we ask you to please remain seated with your
seat belt fastened.
Nos ha sido asignada una posición remota en el aeropuerto, por lo que debemos esperar
al transporte que nos llevara hasta el edificio terminal. Esto podría llevar algunos minutos, le
pedimos por favor permanecer en su lugar hasta iniciar el desembarque. Gracias.
We have been assigned a remote position in the airport, so we must wait for airport
ground transportation that will take us to the terminal building. This may take a few minutes,
so we ask you to please remain seated until we can start to disembark. Thank you.
En nombre de AEROFALCO ofrecemos a ustedes una disculpa por esta demora, la cual
se debió a causas fuera de nuestro control. En breve el capitán les proporcionará
información adicional.
AEROFALCO apologies for this delay due to circumstances beyond our control. Our captain
will provide you more information in a few minutes.