Breve descrição do achamento de dois naufrágios da época Moderna no estuário do rio Tejo, em Outu... more Breve descrição do achamento de dois naufrágios da época Moderna no estuário do rio Tejo, em Outubro de 2017.
Apresentação do programa de gestão e valorização do
Património cultural subaquático do Município ... more Apresentação do programa de gestão e valorização do Património cultural subaquático do Município de Cascais, tendo por base os conceitos e as diretivas operacionais da Convenção sobre a Proteção do Património Cultural Subaquático, aprovada pela UNESCO em 2001. Analisam-se os efeitos da aplicação dessa Convenção em Portugal e a sua relação com o Direito interno português. Por fim, identificam-se os constrangimentos que esse enquadramento legislativo ainda coloca à preservação e fruição dos sítios arqueológicos subaquáticos de Época Contemporânea identificados no litoral de Cascais.
A Câmara Municipal de Cascais têm desenvolvido um vasto programa de gestão e de valorização do Pa... more A Câmara Municipal de Cascais têm desenvolvido um vasto programa de gestão e de valorização do Património Cultural Subaquático do litoral. Assente na epistemologia da Paisagem Cultural Marítima, este tem como finalidade permitir uma nova abordagem às questões da gestão integrado do património na região costeira com vista ao conhecimento e a fruição. Dentro das linhas metodológicas deste programa têm crescido as ações relacionadas com a educação patrimonial. Partindo da sociologia do Bruno Latour – a teoria do ator em rede – tem sido introduzido o tema na comunidade local, permitindo a fruição pública in situ mas, também, através do setor educativo do Museu do Mar Rei D. Carlos. Outras experiências conexas ao mar, como a biologia e a engenharia, têm criado elementos sensoriais próprios, desenvolvendo formas de comunicação e sensibilização em regime de “laboratório” de campo. Ainda a relação com a identidade e memória de dois despojos com forte ligação à Armada portuguesa, tem servido como ponto de partida para iniciativas de sensibilização e consciencialização. Além disso, outras políticas se tem seguido nomeadamente diretivas educacionais emanadas da comissão de acompanhamento da Convenção Unesco 2001 para a proteção do Património Cultural Subaquático. Esta é a linha que irá cadenciar o projeto no futuro através da Rede escolas associadas da UNESCO e a Rede das Cidades aprendizagem da UNESCO. Desta forma esperamos atingir como público alvo a comunidade local e nacional e numa fase seguinte as comunidades e os países que comungam e que partilham da mesma cultura.
A arqueologia costeira é uma área de crescimento dentro da arqueologia marítima em termos de dado... more A arqueologia costeira é uma área de crescimento dentro da arqueologia marítima em termos de dados que podem ser recolhidos. Grande parte do desenvolvimento teórico no início da arqueologia costeira foi impulsionada por questões de evolução do meio ambiente enquanto explicações económicas ou derivados de subsistência do uso do litoral. Este torna-se um ambiente difícil para os arqueólogos em termos de preservação, acessos e métodos. Embora o ambiente continue a ser um foco de investigação preliminar em arqueologia costeira, que é apropriado, uma vez que as costas estão entre os ecossistemas mais dinâmicos do planeta, as interpretações arqueológicas do papel que desempenha na natureza as ocupações antropica no litoral, são objectivos de análise desta comunicação centrada na embocadura do Rio Tejo. Dentro da literatura crescente sobre este tema, seguimos aquela que desenvolve questões como identidade social e a percepção da costa.
This paper presents a set of coins recovered during diving activities in front of São Julião da B... more This paper presents a set of coins recovered during diving activities in front of São Julião da Barra (Oeiras) fortress and that are now deposited in Direcção Geral do Património, Museu Nacional de Arqueologia (National Museum of Archaeology) and Museu de Marinha (Marine Museum). From this set of 507 coins, the authors could classify 119 coins and only 25 of the classified coins are Portuguese. This set came from a shipwreck or most probably several shipwrecks that happened in Lisbon’s inlet mainly during the seventeenth century. The majority of the studied coins, both Portuguese and Spanish can be dated between 1620 and 1700. The Spanish set of coins most of it in silver, were coined in Bolivia (Potosi), Mexico (Mexico city) and Peru (Lima) has “reales de a ocho”, “de a cuatro”, “de a dos” and “de a uno” and its metrological study demonstrates that the silver valorization during Philip IV reign also applied in the colonial mints of Spanish America.
Reflections on the navigation conditions of the coast
of Cascais during Roman times based on the... more Reflections on the navigation conditions of the coast
of Cascais during Roman times based on the presentation
of new underwater archaeological findings from off the
coast of Guia (Cascais, Lisbon).
The authors study the works carried out within the
Cascais Underwater Archaeological Map Project (PROCASC)
and a more general approach to the Maritime Cultural
Landscape of the area.
Portuguese Archaeology only recently began to address the concept of maritime
cultural landscape... more Portuguese Archaeology only recently began to address the concept of maritime
cultural landscape. In this article we intend to analyze the impact that this kind of
approach has upon the study of a littoral characterized by a cliffed coast and a seafloor that
is morphologically complicated by the estuary influences of the Atlantic Ocean and the
Tagus River. The coast of Cascais, located near Lisbon, is the space that we wish to
address with this epistemological paradigm. A large spectrum of sites composed of fortresses,
lighthouses, harbors, anchorages, and shipwrecks permits a longue dure´e examination.
The relationships and networks between humans and archaeological remains,
directly and indirectly linked to the nautical past, are observed diachronically with a focus
on the early Modern Period.
O trabalho gráfico que agora se apresenta resulta de uma sistematização, no sentido da arqueologi... more O trabalho gráfico que agora se apresenta resulta de uma sistematização, no sentido da arqueologia experimental, sobre os corbita e as caudicariae enquadrado dentro da perspectiva marítima romana. Mais do que um sumário pretendemos com este exercício contribuir para a consolidação do estudo da problemática da Rota do Atlântico, que durante muito tempo permaneceu secundarizada no contexto da romanização e que actualmente parece ganhar lugar de destaque.
This article presents the underwater cultural heritage regarding the Schooner Thermopylae. Built ... more This article presents the underwater cultural heritage regarding the Schooner Thermopylae. Built in Scotland, it ended transformed into a
pontoon at Cascais’ harbour. In 1907 the ship was sunk by the navy when utilized for target practice during naval exercises. Reduced to
an anonymous fishing spot, it was rediscovered a century later and reinstated into the region’s cultural heritage. This ship is part of
Portuguese oceanography and fishing history and work conducted in the site, part of the Underwater Cultural Heritage Survey of the
Cascais’ district, as revealed the ship’s technical, physical and cultural parameters. The site’s individuality requires a transdisciplinary
approach in which the archeology of this vessel is molded by its identitary, physical and cultural context. This paper discusses our first
assessment and the management policy of this submerged cultural heritage.
The proposal for the communication on Roman Atlantic ports is based on a model with two perspecti... more The proposal for the communication on Roman Atlantic ports is based on a model with two perspectives: the Atlantic route and its influence on the economy of the empire; Cascais and the approach to secondary ports, as a complement to the Roman navigation circuits. The first perspective seeks a synthesis making it possible to place this reality in a Roman archaeological context. In the case of the secondary ports, we are defending, through the finds discovered on the Cascais coast, the existence of a statio or a refugium, which would have permitted not only navigational support for big transport ships but also support to a local and regional overflow economy. The archaeological witnesses on land and underwater authorise this reading, unheard of in Portugal. The land elements, such as the identification of tanks in Cascais Town, and the underwater collection from Cascais bay of small lead stocks, feed the theory of regional commercialisation and navigation.
The identification of another set of lead stocks, one of which weighing over 250 kilos, and the recovery of a Lithic anchor, possibly protohistoric, in Guia, sustain the theory that we are looking at the establishment of a safe, protected harbour.
The former British clipper Thermopylae built in Aberdeen in 1868 was later renamed Pedro Nunes a... more The former British clipper Thermopylae built in Aberdeen in 1868 was later renamed Pedro Nunes and sunk in 1907 during a naval exercise off Cascais, Portugal, in the vicinity of the Tagus river estuary. Known to local fishermen, the wreck remains were formally identified almost one century after the sinking and soon integrated within the network of local heritage accessible to the (diving) public. A recent mission promoted by Cascais municipality did enhance the technical, physical and cultural parameters attached to the shipwreck remains which appear to be at the core of the history of oceanography and fishery management in Portugal, fusing in the process a transdisciplinary approach in which the archaeology of the physical remains fits into the physical and cultural identity of this estuarine region.
Oceans and inland seas are frequently monitoring target for different institutions with a broad r... more Oceans and inland seas are frequently monitoring target for different institutions with a broad range of technologies and purposes. These are often the costliest part of a project. Maximized broad range of technologies and purposes. These are often the costliest part of a project. Maximized and coordinated logistics and scientific disciplines are, as ever, the solution. and coordinated logistics and scientific disciplines are, as ever, the solution. With this awareness, the CINAV’s HistArC - History and Archaeology of Maritime Conflict Research With this awareness, the CINAV’s HistArC - History and Archaeology of Maritime Conflict Research Program, has established informal partnerships and collaboration agreements, in order to optimize Program, has established informal partnerships and collaboration agreements, in order to optimize resources and maximize synergies. As examples, the Archaeological Underwater Charter of Cascais resources and maximize synergies. As examples, the Archaeological Underwater Charter of Cascais (ProCASC) and the Project U-35, with the Task Force for the Continental Platform Extension (ProCASC) and the Project U-35, with the Task Force for the Continental Platform Extension (EMEPC), Robotics Engineering Laboratory of the Instituto Superior Técnico from the Universidade (EMEPC), Robotics Engineering Laboratory of the Instituto Superior Técnico from the Universidade de Lisboa (LARSyS-ISR/IST-UL), Vision-Box company and, National Geographic Magazine. de Lisboa (LARSyS-ISR/IST-UL), Vision-Box company and, National Geographic Magazine. With these optimizations and maximizations, on a clearly win/win outcome, we rethought new uses With these optimizations and maximizations, on a clearly win/win outcome, we rethought new uses for classical technologies or developed new methods, as 3D printing from multibeam data, or for classical technologies or developed new methods, as 3D printing from multibeam data, or biometric recognition algorithms to identify individuals in historical pictures. biometric recognition algorithms to identify individuals in historical pictures.
The archaeological interpretations of the role that environment plays in the nature of the anthro... more The archaeological interpretations of the role that environment plays in the nature of the anthropogenic occupations on the coast, are currently a thorough line of analysis on the underwater Archaeological Chart of the Municipality of Cascais (ProCascc). The main focus of our research have been divided into two categories that have direct impact on archaeological sites: a concern about the change in the coastal environment driven by man or nature, and, processes of adaptation and management of these changes. In May 2015, during the Portuguese Task Group for te Extension of the continental Shelf (EMEPC) - m@rbis campaign, it was developed a multidisciplinary work, in order to collect the bio-sedimentary potential of some of the archaeological sites of Cascais Sea. One of them was the military ship Patrão Lopes. The present communication, aims to discuss the results and the potential of historical archaeology, as underwater sites formation and dynamics, and, as a marker of biological monitoring.
Breve descrição do achamento de dois naufrágios da época Moderna no estuário do rio Tejo, em Outu... more Breve descrição do achamento de dois naufrágios da época Moderna no estuário do rio Tejo, em Outubro de 2017.
Apresentação do programa de gestão e valorização do
Património cultural subaquático do Município ... more Apresentação do programa de gestão e valorização do Património cultural subaquático do Município de Cascais, tendo por base os conceitos e as diretivas operacionais da Convenção sobre a Proteção do Património Cultural Subaquático, aprovada pela UNESCO em 2001. Analisam-se os efeitos da aplicação dessa Convenção em Portugal e a sua relação com o Direito interno português. Por fim, identificam-se os constrangimentos que esse enquadramento legislativo ainda coloca à preservação e fruição dos sítios arqueológicos subaquáticos de Época Contemporânea identificados no litoral de Cascais.
A Câmara Municipal de Cascais têm desenvolvido um vasto programa de gestão e de valorização do Pa... more A Câmara Municipal de Cascais têm desenvolvido um vasto programa de gestão e de valorização do Património Cultural Subaquático do litoral. Assente na epistemologia da Paisagem Cultural Marítima, este tem como finalidade permitir uma nova abordagem às questões da gestão integrado do património na região costeira com vista ao conhecimento e a fruição. Dentro das linhas metodológicas deste programa têm crescido as ações relacionadas com a educação patrimonial. Partindo da sociologia do Bruno Latour – a teoria do ator em rede – tem sido introduzido o tema na comunidade local, permitindo a fruição pública in situ mas, também, através do setor educativo do Museu do Mar Rei D. Carlos. Outras experiências conexas ao mar, como a biologia e a engenharia, têm criado elementos sensoriais próprios, desenvolvendo formas de comunicação e sensibilização em regime de “laboratório” de campo. Ainda a relação com a identidade e memória de dois despojos com forte ligação à Armada portuguesa, tem servido como ponto de partida para iniciativas de sensibilização e consciencialização. Além disso, outras políticas se tem seguido nomeadamente diretivas educacionais emanadas da comissão de acompanhamento da Convenção Unesco 2001 para a proteção do Património Cultural Subaquático. Esta é a linha que irá cadenciar o projeto no futuro através da Rede escolas associadas da UNESCO e a Rede das Cidades aprendizagem da UNESCO. Desta forma esperamos atingir como público alvo a comunidade local e nacional e numa fase seguinte as comunidades e os países que comungam e que partilham da mesma cultura.
A arqueologia costeira é uma área de crescimento dentro da arqueologia marítima em termos de dado... more A arqueologia costeira é uma área de crescimento dentro da arqueologia marítima em termos de dados que podem ser recolhidos. Grande parte do desenvolvimento teórico no início da arqueologia costeira foi impulsionada por questões de evolução do meio ambiente enquanto explicações económicas ou derivados de subsistência do uso do litoral. Este torna-se um ambiente difícil para os arqueólogos em termos de preservação, acessos e métodos. Embora o ambiente continue a ser um foco de investigação preliminar em arqueologia costeira, que é apropriado, uma vez que as costas estão entre os ecossistemas mais dinâmicos do planeta, as interpretações arqueológicas do papel que desempenha na natureza as ocupações antropica no litoral, são objectivos de análise desta comunicação centrada na embocadura do Rio Tejo. Dentro da literatura crescente sobre este tema, seguimos aquela que desenvolve questões como identidade social e a percepção da costa.
This paper presents a set of coins recovered during diving activities in front of São Julião da B... more This paper presents a set of coins recovered during diving activities in front of São Julião da Barra (Oeiras) fortress and that are now deposited in Direcção Geral do Património, Museu Nacional de Arqueologia (National Museum of Archaeology) and Museu de Marinha (Marine Museum). From this set of 507 coins, the authors could classify 119 coins and only 25 of the classified coins are Portuguese. This set came from a shipwreck or most probably several shipwrecks that happened in Lisbon’s inlet mainly during the seventeenth century. The majority of the studied coins, both Portuguese and Spanish can be dated between 1620 and 1700. The Spanish set of coins most of it in silver, were coined in Bolivia (Potosi), Mexico (Mexico city) and Peru (Lima) has “reales de a ocho”, “de a cuatro”, “de a dos” and “de a uno” and its metrological study demonstrates that the silver valorization during Philip IV reign also applied in the colonial mints of Spanish America.
Reflections on the navigation conditions of the coast
of Cascais during Roman times based on the... more Reflections on the navigation conditions of the coast
of Cascais during Roman times based on the presentation
of new underwater archaeological findings from off the
coast of Guia (Cascais, Lisbon).
The authors study the works carried out within the
Cascais Underwater Archaeological Map Project (PROCASC)
and a more general approach to the Maritime Cultural
Landscape of the area.
Portuguese Archaeology only recently began to address the concept of maritime
cultural landscape... more Portuguese Archaeology only recently began to address the concept of maritime
cultural landscape. In this article we intend to analyze the impact that this kind of
approach has upon the study of a littoral characterized by a cliffed coast and a seafloor that
is morphologically complicated by the estuary influences of the Atlantic Ocean and the
Tagus River. The coast of Cascais, located near Lisbon, is the space that we wish to
address with this epistemological paradigm. A large spectrum of sites composed of fortresses,
lighthouses, harbors, anchorages, and shipwrecks permits a longue dure´e examination.
The relationships and networks between humans and archaeological remains,
directly and indirectly linked to the nautical past, are observed diachronically with a focus
on the early Modern Period.
O trabalho gráfico que agora se apresenta resulta de uma sistematização, no sentido da arqueologi... more O trabalho gráfico que agora se apresenta resulta de uma sistematização, no sentido da arqueologia experimental, sobre os corbita e as caudicariae enquadrado dentro da perspectiva marítima romana. Mais do que um sumário pretendemos com este exercício contribuir para a consolidação do estudo da problemática da Rota do Atlântico, que durante muito tempo permaneceu secundarizada no contexto da romanização e que actualmente parece ganhar lugar de destaque.
This article presents the underwater cultural heritage regarding the Schooner Thermopylae. Built ... more This article presents the underwater cultural heritage regarding the Schooner Thermopylae. Built in Scotland, it ended transformed into a
pontoon at Cascais’ harbour. In 1907 the ship was sunk by the navy when utilized for target practice during naval exercises. Reduced to
an anonymous fishing spot, it was rediscovered a century later and reinstated into the region’s cultural heritage. This ship is part of
Portuguese oceanography and fishing history and work conducted in the site, part of the Underwater Cultural Heritage Survey of the
Cascais’ district, as revealed the ship’s technical, physical and cultural parameters. The site’s individuality requires a transdisciplinary
approach in which the archeology of this vessel is molded by its identitary, physical and cultural context. This paper discusses our first
assessment and the management policy of this submerged cultural heritage.
The proposal for the communication on Roman Atlantic ports is based on a model with two perspecti... more The proposal for the communication on Roman Atlantic ports is based on a model with two perspectives: the Atlantic route and its influence on the economy of the empire; Cascais and the approach to secondary ports, as a complement to the Roman navigation circuits. The first perspective seeks a synthesis making it possible to place this reality in a Roman archaeological context. In the case of the secondary ports, we are defending, through the finds discovered on the Cascais coast, the existence of a statio or a refugium, which would have permitted not only navigational support for big transport ships but also support to a local and regional overflow economy. The archaeological witnesses on land and underwater authorise this reading, unheard of in Portugal. The land elements, such as the identification of tanks in Cascais Town, and the underwater collection from Cascais bay of small lead stocks, feed the theory of regional commercialisation and navigation.
The identification of another set of lead stocks, one of which weighing over 250 kilos, and the recovery of a Lithic anchor, possibly protohistoric, in Guia, sustain the theory that we are looking at the establishment of a safe, protected harbour.
The former British clipper Thermopylae built in Aberdeen in 1868 was later renamed Pedro Nunes a... more The former British clipper Thermopylae built in Aberdeen in 1868 was later renamed Pedro Nunes and sunk in 1907 during a naval exercise off Cascais, Portugal, in the vicinity of the Tagus river estuary. Known to local fishermen, the wreck remains were formally identified almost one century after the sinking and soon integrated within the network of local heritage accessible to the (diving) public. A recent mission promoted by Cascais municipality did enhance the technical, physical and cultural parameters attached to the shipwreck remains which appear to be at the core of the history of oceanography and fishery management in Portugal, fusing in the process a transdisciplinary approach in which the archaeology of the physical remains fits into the physical and cultural identity of this estuarine region.
Oceans and inland seas are frequently monitoring target for different institutions with a broad r... more Oceans and inland seas are frequently monitoring target for different institutions with a broad range of technologies and purposes. These are often the costliest part of a project. Maximized broad range of technologies and purposes. These are often the costliest part of a project. Maximized and coordinated logistics and scientific disciplines are, as ever, the solution. and coordinated logistics and scientific disciplines are, as ever, the solution. With this awareness, the CINAV’s HistArC - History and Archaeology of Maritime Conflict Research With this awareness, the CINAV’s HistArC - History and Archaeology of Maritime Conflict Research Program, has established informal partnerships and collaboration agreements, in order to optimize Program, has established informal partnerships and collaboration agreements, in order to optimize resources and maximize synergies. As examples, the Archaeological Underwater Charter of Cascais resources and maximize synergies. As examples, the Archaeological Underwater Charter of Cascais (ProCASC) and the Project U-35, with the Task Force for the Continental Platform Extension (ProCASC) and the Project U-35, with the Task Force for the Continental Platform Extension (EMEPC), Robotics Engineering Laboratory of the Instituto Superior Técnico from the Universidade (EMEPC), Robotics Engineering Laboratory of the Instituto Superior Técnico from the Universidade de Lisboa (LARSyS-ISR/IST-UL), Vision-Box company and, National Geographic Magazine. de Lisboa (LARSyS-ISR/IST-UL), Vision-Box company and, National Geographic Magazine. With these optimizations and maximizations, on a clearly win/win outcome, we rethought new uses With these optimizations and maximizations, on a clearly win/win outcome, we rethought new uses for classical technologies or developed new methods, as 3D printing from multibeam data, or for classical technologies or developed new methods, as 3D printing from multibeam data, or biometric recognition algorithms to identify individuals in historical pictures. biometric recognition algorithms to identify individuals in historical pictures.
The archaeological interpretations of the role that environment plays in the nature of the anthro... more The archaeological interpretations of the role that environment plays in the nature of the anthropogenic occupations on the coast, are currently a thorough line of analysis on the underwater Archaeological Chart of the Municipality of Cascais (ProCascc). The main focus of our research have been divided into two categories that have direct impact on archaeological sites: a concern about the change in the coastal environment driven by man or nature, and, processes of adaptation and management of these changes. In May 2015, during the Portuguese Task Group for te Extension of the continental Shelf (EMEPC) - m@rbis campaign, it was developed a multidisciplinary work, in order to collect the bio-sedimentary potential of some of the archaeological sites of Cascais Sea. One of them was the military ship Patrão Lopes. The present communication, aims to discuss the results and the potential of historical archaeology, as underwater sites formation and dynamics, and, as a marker of biological monitoring.
Em Maio de 2015, durante a realização, no litoral de Cascais, do projecto M@rbis/EMPEC, foram ide... more Em Maio de 2015, durante a realização, no litoral de Cascais, do projecto M@rbis/EMPEC, foram identificados dois naufrágios de época contemporânea, ligeiramente a Norte do Forte/Farol de São Lourenço da Cabeça Seca ou Bugio.(...) A primeira investigação documental, apontou de uma forma muito robusta para o naufrágio do Salva Vidas patrão Lopes da marinha de guerra portuguesa, ocorrido em 1936, aquando do reboque do Batelão Franz. O registo arqueológico que temos vindo a desenvolver é realizado com o enquadramento de uma bolsa da National Geographic Society/waitt Grants para o projecto The End of the worlds Wrecks: Nautical Archaeology of Cascais, Portugal.
As Paisagens Culturais Marítimas são
conjuntos de sítios arqueológicos submersos, ou
combinaç... more As Paisagens Culturais Marítimas são
conjuntos de sítios arqueológicos submersos, ou
combinações de sítios terrestres e submersos que reflectem
a relação entre o Homem e o meio aquático. Estas
paisagens podem variar entre uma região do litoral, como
áreas circunscritas, onde se incluem sítios terrestres hoje
inundados, ou sítios subaquáticos actualmente secos. No
entanto, o que liga todos estes sítios é a premissa de que
cada aspecto da paisagem cultural, político, ambiental,
tecnológico e físico, estão inter-relacionados e não podem
ser compreendidos isoladamente. Por outro lado esta
abordagem proporciona ligações físicas e teóricas entre a
arqueologia subaquática e terrestre, bem como a
arqueologia pré-histórica e histórica e, consequentemente,
proporcionar um quadro para integrar diversos aspectos
como o comércio, contratos de recurso, habitação, produção
industrial, e de guerra num estudo holístico do passado.
A proposta de comunicação pretende ser uma primeira
aproximação de síntese marítima balanceada entre os
naufrágios, estruturas marítimas e outros vestígios do
Concelho de Cascais na época moderna.
Jorge Freire, José Bettencourt, António Pascoal, Luís Sebastião
Portuguese coastal supervision... more Jorge Freire, José Bettencourt, António Pascoal, Luís Sebastião
Portuguese coastal supervision system has used Underwater Cultural Heritage Chart programs for the understanding and management of the coastline from maritime cultural evidence. Within these programs, geophysics tools and techniques are utilized to rebuild submerged archaeological landscapes. With this paper we present the methods and results of this type of partnership regarding the research of the archaeological complex São Julião da Barra, a site under view by the current program of Underwater Cultural Heritage in the Cascais and Oeiras Muncipality.
The discussion of the Maritime Cultural landscape concepts is, in Portuguese maritime archaeology... more The discussion of the Maritime Cultural landscape concepts is, in Portuguese maritime archaeology, very recent. We present, in this paper, the research impact that this type of approach can lead to, in the heavily diverse and morphologically complex Cascais’ coastline. A shoreline shaped from influences of the Atlantic Ocean and the Tagus River estuary. The seaside town of Cascais, located next to Lisbon, is the epistemological paradigm of
this approach. Forts, fortresses, lighthouses, harbors, anchorages and shipwrecks are part of a range displayed in a “longue durée” perspective. This is based upon Braudel’s Mediterranean influences, but with the uniqueness of having been understood and applied to the Portuguese Atlantic culture. These
relationships and networks between man´s direct and indirect cultural heritage traces, are presented in this paper in a nautical diachronic approach centered in Early Modern Period, focusing the earlier historical influences and later period constraints. This analysis, based on Chister Westerdahl, Ben Ford and
Brad Duncan studies, utilizes the investigation made by the Archaeology research project “Underwater Archaeological chart of Cascais shore” of Centro de História Além-Mar.
Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Arqueologia, Dec 2012
O conceito de paisagem Cultural Marítima é, na arqueologia subaquática portuguesa, de discussão m... more O conceito de paisagem Cultural Marítima é, na arqueologia subaquática portuguesa, de discussão muito recente. Com esta dissertação pretendemos analisar o impacto que este tipo de abordagem tem numa costa que é fortemente recortada e num litoral que é morfologicamente complexo, pois têm influência do Oceano Atlântico e do Estuário do Rio Tejo. O litoral de Cascais, localizado junto a Lisboa, é o espaço que pretendemos confrontar com este paradigma epistemológico. Fortes, fortalezas, faróis, portos, fundeadouros e naufrágios fazem parte de um leque que perspectiva uma utilização de longue durée onde as influências mediterrânicas estão presentes, mas com a singularidade de serem compreendidas e aplicadas pelo Homem atlântico. As relações e as redes entre o homem e os vestígios do passado náutico, directos e indirectos, serão observados numa diacronia centrada na época moderna, mas sem esquecer as influências históricas anteriores e os condicionamentos na época posterior. Esta análise, baseada na proposta teórica e metodológica de Chister Westerdahl, Ben Ford e Brad Duncan, faz uso do trabalho desenvolvido no âmbito do ProCasc – Projecto de Carta Arqueológica Subaquática de Cascais, da responsabilidade da Câmara Municipal de Cascais e do Centro de História de Além-Mar da Faculdade Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa e Universidade dos Açores).
The Roman city of Balsa: new data and some problems of geophysical prospecting in very humanized ... more The Roman city of Balsa: new data and some problems of geophysical prospecting in very humanized environments. From May 2016 to May 2017, archaelogical work was carried out in the ancient Roman city of Balsa, a classified site located in the vicinity of Luz de Tavira. Systematic archaeological surveys, geophysical surveys and archaeological surveys were conducted in a large área. After a brief introduction to the importance and potential of the archaeological site, object of several destructions, we presente the results of the developed field work, focusing on the geospatial contextualization of the archaeological data, being later approached the chronoestratigraphic information. This sequence is dictated by the methodological consistency applied in the terrain and results obtained, by the scale of the áreas probed in relation of the size of the territory of the city of Balsa, and by the high archaeological-patrimonial relevance of the site. Finally, an approach is taken to some problems arising from the application of the diferente geophisical methods in abandoned urban sites, but with na intensive agricultural use of the soils for more than a Millennium, as is the case of the lands where the Roman city of Balsa was implanted.
Society for Historical Archaeology Abstracts, 2018
During more than one year (2016-2017) public works at Campo das Cebolas, in downtown Lisbon, have... more During more than one year (2016-2017) public works at Campo das Cebolas, in downtown Lisbon, have exposed archaeological complexes related with his waterfront. This central node of the city and harbor was essential since the Portuguese maritime expansion which spans a period of 500 years, gathering mercantile and daily life activities, buildings, small shipyards, and ships connecting water and land.
This paper presents a summary of the finds and a comment of the interest of this excavation, carried out by the municipality of Lisbon (EMEL), due to the construction of an underground parking area and urban rehabilitation, with a big team of more than 50 archaeologists, conservative restorers and technicians of 3D digital records.
Papers by Jorge Freire
Património cultural subaquático do Município de Cascais,
tendo por base os conceitos e as diretivas operacionais da
Convenção sobre a Proteção do Património Cultural
Subaquático, aprovada pela UNESCO em 2001.
Analisam-se os efeitos da aplicação dessa Convenção em
Portugal e a sua relação com o Direito interno português.
Por fim, identificam-se os constrangimentos que esse
enquadramento legislativo ainda coloca à preservação
e fruição dos sítios arqueológicos subaquáticos de Época
Contemporânea identificados no litoral de Cascais.
Grande parte do desenvolvimento teórico no início da arqueologia
costeira foi impulsionada por questões de evolução do meio
ambiente enquanto explicações económicas ou derivados de subsistência do uso do litoral. Este torna-se um ambiente difícil para os
arqueólogos em termos de preservação, acessos e métodos. Embora o ambiente continue a ser um foco de investigação preliminar em arqueologia costeira, que é apropriado, uma vez que as costas estão entre os ecossistemas mais dinâmicos do planeta, as interpretações arqueológicas do papel que desempenha na natureza as ocupações antropica no litoral, são objectivos de análise desta comunicação centrada na embocadura do Rio Tejo. Dentro da literatura crescente sobre este tema, seguimos aquela que desenvolve questões como identidade social e a percepção da costa.
in Direcção Geral do Património, Museu Nacional de Arqueologia (National Museum of Archaeology) and Museu de Marinha (Marine Museum). From this set of 507 coins, the authors could classify 119 coins and only 25 of the classified coins are Portuguese.
This set came from a shipwreck or most probably several shipwrecks that happened in Lisbon’s inlet mainly during the seventeenth century.
The majority of the studied coins, both Portuguese and Spanish can be dated between 1620 and 1700. The Spanish set of coins most of it in silver, were coined in Bolivia (Potosi), Mexico (Mexico city) and Peru (Lima) has “reales de a ocho”, “de a cuatro”, “de a dos” and “de a uno” and its metrological study demonstrates that the silver valorization during Philip IV reign also applied in the colonial mints of Spanish America.
of Cascais during Roman times based on the presentation
of new underwater archaeological findings from off the
coast of Guia (Cascais, Lisbon).
The authors study the works carried out within the
Cascais Underwater Archaeological Map Project (PROCASC)
and a more general approach to the Maritime Cultural
Landscape of the area.
cultural landscape. In this article we intend to analyze the impact that this kind of
approach has upon the study of a littoral characterized by a cliffed coast and a seafloor that
is morphologically complicated by the estuary influences of the Atlantic Ocean and the
Tagus River. The coast of Cascais, located near Lisbon, is the space that we wish to
address with this epistemological paradigm. A large spectrum of sites composed of fortresses,
lighthouses, harbors, anchorages, and shipwrecks permits a longue dure´e examination.
The relationships and networks between humans and archaeological remains,
directly and indirectly linked to the nautical past, are observed diachronically with a focus
on the early Modern Period.
pontoon at Cascais’ harbour. In 1907 the ship was sunk by the navy when utilized for target practice during naval exercises. Reduced to
an anonymous fishing spot, it was rediscovered a century later and reinstated into the region’s cultural heritage. This ship is part of
Portuguese oceanography and fishing history and work conducted in the site, part of the Underwater Cultural Heritage Survey of the
Cascais’ district, as revealed the ship’s technical, physical and cultural parameters. The site’s individuality requires a transdisciplinary
approach in which the archeology of this vessel is molded by its identitary, physical and cultural context. This paper discusses our first
assessment and the management policy of this submerged cultural heritage.
The identification of another set of lead stocks, one of which weighing over 250 kilos, and the recovery of a Lithic anchor, possibly protohistoric, in Guia, sustain the theory that we are looking at the establishment of a safe, protected harbour.
Conference Presentations by Jorge Freire
broad range of technologies and purposes. These are often the costliest part of a project. Maximized
and coordinated logistics and scientific disciplines are, as ever, the solution. and coordinated logistics and scientific disciplines are, as ever, the solution.
With this awareness, the CINAV’s HistArC - History and Archaeology of Maritime Conflict Research With this awareness, the CINAV’s HistArC - History and Archaeology of Maritime Conflict Research
Program, has established informal partnerships and collaboration agreements, in order to optimize Program, has established informal partnerships and collaboration agreements, in order to optimize
resources and maximize synergies. As examples, the Archaeological Underwater Charter of Cascais resources and maximize synergies. As examples, the Archaeological Underwater Charter of Cascais
(ProCASC) and the Project U-35, with the Task Force for the Continental Platform Extension (ProCASC) and the Project U-35, with the Task Force for the Continental Platform Extension
(EMEPC), Robotics Engineering Laboratory of the Instituto Superior Técnico from the Universidade (EMEPC), Robotics Engineering Laboratory of the Instituto Superior Técnico from the Universidade
de Lisboa (LARSyS-ISR/IST-UL), Vision-Box company and, National Geographic Magazine. de Lisboa (LARSyS-ISR/IST-UL), Vision-Box company and, National Geographic Magazine.
With these optimizations and maximizations, on a clearly win/win outcome, we rethought new uses With these optimizations and maximizations, on a clearly win/win outcome, we rethought new uses
for classical technologies or developed new methods, as 3D printing from multibeam data, or for classical technologies or developed new methods, as 3D printing from multibeam data, or
biometric recognition algorithms to identify individuals in historical pictures. biometric recognition algorithms to identify individuals in historical pictures.
In May 2015, during the Portuguese Task Group for te Extension of the continental Shelf (EMEPC) - m@rbis campaign, it was developed a multidisciplinary work, in order to collect the bio-sedimentary potential of some of the archaeological sites of Cascais Sea. One of them was the military ship Patrão Lopes. The present communication, aims to discuss the results and the potential of historical archaeology, as underwater sites formation and dynamics, and, as a marker of biological monitoring.
Património cultural subaquático do Município de Cascais,
tendo por base os conceitos e as diretivas operacionais da
Convenção sobre a Proteção do Património Cultural
Subaquático, aprovada pela UNESCO em 2001.
Analisam-se os efeitos da aplicação dessa Convenção em
Portugal e a sua relação com o Direito interno português.
Por fim, identificam-se os constrangimentos que esse
enquadramento legislativo ainda coloca à preservação
e fruição dos sítios arqueológicos subaquáticos de Época
Contemporânea identificados no litoral de Cascais.
Grande parte do desenvolvimento teórico no início da arqueologia
costeira foi impulsionada por questões de evolução do meio
ambiente enquanto explicações económicas ou derivados de subsistência do uso do litoral. Este torna-se um ambiente difícil para os
arqueólogos em termos de preservação, acessos e métodos. Embora o ambiente continue a ser um foco de investigação preliminar em arqueologia costeira, que é apropriado, uma vez que as costas estão entre os ecossistemas mais dinâmicos do planeta, as interpretações arqueológicas do papel que desempenha na natureza as ocupações antropica no litoral, são objectivos de análise desta comunicação centrada na embocadura do Rio Tejo. Dentro da literatura crescente sobre este tema, seguimos aquela que desenvolve questões como identidade social e a percepção da costa.
in Direcção Geral do Património, Museu Nacional de Arqueologia (National Museum of Archaeology) and Museu de Marinha (Marine Museum). From this set of 507 coins, the authors could classify 119 coins and only 25 of the classified coins are Portuguese.
This set came from a shipwreck or most probably several shipwrecks that happened in Lisbon’s inlet mainly during the seventeenth century.
The majority of the studied coins, both Portuguese and Spanish can be dated between 1620 and 1700. The Spanish set of coins most of it in silver, were coined in Bolivia (Potosi), Mexico (Mexico city) and Peru (Lima) has “reales de a ocho”, “de a cuatro”, “de a dos” and “de a uno” and its metrological study demonstrates that the silver valorization during Philip IV reign also applied in the colonial mints of Spanish America.
of Cascais during Roman times based on the presentation
of new underwater archaeological findings from off the
coast of Guia (Cascais, Lisbon).
The authors study the works carried out within the
Cascais Underwater Archaeological Map Project (PROCASC)
and a more general approach to the Maritime Cultural
Landscape of the area.
cultural landscape. In this article we intend to analyze the impact that this kind of
approach has upon the study of a littoral characterized by a cliffed coast and a seafloor that
is morphologically complicated by the estuary influences of the Atlantic Ocean and the
Tagus River. The coast of Cascais, located near Lisbon, is the space that we wish to
address with this epistemological paradigm. A large spectrum of sites composed of fortresses,
lighthouses, harbors, anchorages, and shipwrecks permits a longue dure´e examination.
The relationships and networks between humans and archaeological remains,
directly and indirectly linked to the nautical past, are observed diachronically with a focus
on the early Modern Period.
pontoon at Cascais’ harbour. In 1907 the ship was sunk by the navy when utilized for target practice during naval exercises. Reduced to
an anonymous fishing spot, it was rediscovered a century later and reinstated into the region’s cultural heritage. This ship is part of
Portuguese oceanography and fishing history and work conducted in the site, part of the Underwater Cultural Heritage Survey of the
Cascais’ district, as revealed the ship’s technical, physical and cultural parameters. The site’s individuality requires a transdisciplinary
approach in which the archeology of this vessel is molded by its identitary, physical and cultural context. This paper discusses our first
assessment and the management policy of this submerged cultural heritage.
The identification of another set of lead stocks, one of which weighing over 250 kilos, and the recovery of a Lithic anchor, possibly protohistoric, in Guia, sustain the theory that we are looking at the establishment of a safe, protected harbour.
broad range of technologies and purposes. These are often the costliest part of a project. Maximized
and coordinated logistics and scientific disciplines are, as ever, the solution. and coordinated logistics and scientific disciplines are, as ever, the solution.
With this awareness, the CINAV’s HistArC - History and Archaeology of Maritime Conflict Research With this awareness, the CINAV’s HistArC - History and Archaeology of Maritime Conflict Research
Program, has established informal partnerships and collaboration agreements, in order to optimize Program, has established informal partnerships and collaboration agreements, in order to optimize
resources and maximize synergies. As examples, the Archaeological Underwater Charter of Cascais resources and maximize synergies. As examples, the Archaeological Underwater Charter of Cascais
(ProCASC) and the Project U-35, with the Task Force for the Continental Platform Extension (ProCASC) and the Project U-35, with the Task Force for the Continental Platform Extension
(EMEPC), Robotics Engineering Laboratory of the Instituto Superior Técnico from the Universidade (EMEPC), Robotics Engineering Laboratory of the Instituto Superior Técnico from the Universidade
de Lisboa (LARSyS-ISR/IST-UL), Vision-Box company and, National Geographic Magazine. de Lisboa (LARSyS-ISR/IST-UL), Vision-Box company and, National Geographic Magazine.
With these optimizations and maximizations, on a clearly win/win outcome, we rethought new uses With these optimizations and maximizations, on a clearly win/win outcome, we rethought new uses
for classical technologies or developed new methods, as 3D printing from multibeam data, or for classical technologies or developed new methods, as 3D printing from multibeam data, or
biometric recognition algorithms to identify individuals in historical pictures. biometric recognition algorithms to identify individuals in historical pictures.
In May 2015, during the Portuguese Task Group for te Extension of the continental Shelf (EMEPC) - m@rbis campaign, it was developed a multidisciplinary work, in order to collect the bio-sedimentary potential of some of the archaeological sites of Cascais Sea. One of them was the military ship Patrão Lopes. The present communication, aims to discuss the results and the potential of historical archaeology, as underwater sites formation and dynamics, and, as a marker of biological monitoring.
O registo arqueológico que temos vindo a desenvolver é realizado com o enquadramento de uma bolsa da National Geographic Society/waitt Grants para o projecto The End of the worlds Wrecks: Nautical Archaeology of Cascais, Portugal.
conjuntos de sítios arqueológicos submersos, ou
combinações de sítios terrestres e submersos que reflectem
a relação entre o Homem e o meio aquático. Estas
paisagens podem variar entre uma região do litoral, como
áreas circunscritas, onde se incluem sítios terrestres hoje
inundados, ou sítios subaquáticos actualmente secos. No
entanto, o que liga todos estes sítios é a premissa de que
cada aspecto da paisagem cultural, político, ambiental,
tecnológico e físico, estão inter-relacionados e não podem
ser compreendidos isoladamente. Por outro lado esta
abordagem proporciona ligações físicas e teóricas entre a
arqueologia subaquática e terrestre, bem como a
arqueologia pré-histórica e histórica e, consequentemente,
proporcionar um quadro para integrar diversos aspectos
como o comércio, contratos de recurso, habitação, produção
industrial, e de guerra num estudo holístico do passado.
A proposta de comunicação pretende ser uma primeira
aproximação de síntese marítima balanceada entre os
naufrágios, estruturas marítimas e outros vestígios do
Concelho de Cascais na época moderna.
Portuguese coastal supervision system has used Underwater Cultural Heritage Chart programs for the understanding and management of the coastline from maritime cultural evidence. Within these programs, geophysics tools and techniques are utilized to rebuild submerged archaeological landscapes. With this paper we present the methods and results of this type of partnership regarding the research of the archaeological complex São Julião da Barra, a site under view by the current program of Underwater Cultural Heritage in the Cascais and Oeiras Muncipality.
this approach. Forts, fortresses, lighthouses, harbors, anchorages and shipwrecks are part of a range displayed in a “longue durée” perspective. This is based upon Braudel’s Mediterranean influences, but with the uniqueness of having been understood and applied to the Portuguese Atlantic culture. These
relationships and networks between man´s direct and indirect cultural heritage traces, are presented in this paper in a nautical diachronic approach centered in Early Modern Period, focusing the earlier historical influences and later period constraints. This analysis, based on Chister Westerdahl, Ben Ford and
Brad Duncan studies, utilizes the investigation made by the Archaeology research project “Underwater Archaeological chart of Cascais shore” of Centro de História Além-Mar.
This paper presents a summary of the finds and a comment of the interest of this excavation, carried out by the municipality of Lisbon (EMEL), due to the construction of an underground parking area and urban rehabilitation, with a big team of more than 50 archaeologists, conservative restorers and technicians of 3D digital records.