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The Present Continuous

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Prsents de lIndicatif THE PRESENT PROGRESSIF / THE PRESENT CONTINUOUS A) Structure Sujet + auxiliaire verbe tre + radical + ing Subject + auxiliary verb to be + root verb + ing. I am working. You are working, we are working, they are working, He is working, she is working, it is working. Attention: Cette forme est utilise gnralement avec les verbes daction. This form is usually used with action verbs.

B) Utilisation/ use a) Pour dcrire une action qui a lieu au moment o lon parle / To describe an action taking place exactly as we speak. Exemple, example : I am teaching English b) Pour dcrire une action qui a lieu autour du moment o lon parle / To describe an action taking place around now: Exemple, example : I am reading a book by Tolstoky. c) Pour annoncer une nouvelle /To make an announcement. France is supporting Greece. d) Pour indiquer quune action est temporaire / To state a temporary action. Exemple, example : I am living at a friends house. La forme progressive est utilise uniquement avec les verbes daction. The continuous form can only be used with action verbs. Elle ne peut pas tre utilise avec les verbes suivants : It cannot be used with the following verbs : To know, to like, to believe, to belong

To see, to hear, to taste, to smell (verbes de perception) Cas particulier avec le verbe tre. Special case for the verb to be. Avec le verbe tre, la forme progressive indique un comportement inhabituel The continuous form with the verb to be indicates unusual behaviour. Exemple, example : Rasputin is being nice, I wonder why? C) Les astuces : useful tips :

Les adverbes de temps nous aident trouver la forme grammaticale juste./ Time adverbs help us to find the right grammar form . Mot cls : Keywords Now, currently, at the moment, Chaque fois que ces mots cls figurent dans une phrase, et chaque fois quils sont sous-entendus, nous devons utiliser le prsent progressif. Each time these key words appear in a sentence, and each time they are understood, we should use the present continuous.

D) Orthographe /Spelling Lorsque le radical du verbe est constitu dune seule syllabe, et que nous observons la squence consonne, voyelle, consonne la fin du mot (CVC), nous doublons la dernire consonne avant dajouter la terminaison ing . Each time the root verb has just one syllable, and that we can identify the consonant, vowel, consonant (CVC) pattern at the end of the verb, we double the last consonant before adding ing . Exemple, example : run = running

E) Forme Interrogative / Question form Inversion du sujet et de lauxilire to be Am I working ? Are you working? Are we working ? Are they working ? Is he working ? Is she working ? Is it working ?

F) Forme ngative/ Negative form La ngation est insre entre les deux parties du verbe. The word not is inserted between the two parts of the verb. I am not working, you are not working, we are not working, they are not working. He is not working, she is not working, it is not working.

Forme ngative contracte Contracted negative forms : Im not working, you arent working, we arent working, they arent working. He isnt working, she isnt working, it isnt woking . Exemples : Examples : I am now writing a grammar lesson. (now) The European Union is currently studying a new project. (currently) He is talking on the phone right now. (now)

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