Vocabulaire 3
Vocabulaire 3
Vocabulaire 3
la carte menu
le pourboire tip/gratuity
laddition bill
le repas meal
le verreglass
le plat dish
brl burnt
froid cold
pic spicy
la soupe soup
la salade salad
le dessert dessert
lapritif aperatif
Useful Expressions
cest dlicieux its delicious
est-ce que je peux voir la carte sil vous plat? Can I see the menu, please?
Vocab List
le bb baby
la grossesse pregnancy
l'accouchement delivery
la naissance birth
enceinte pregnant
le nourrisson infant
l'allaitement nursing
la sucette pacifier
le lit de bb crib
la poussette stroller
le bambin toddler
le panier basket
le ballon ball
la ligne de trois points 3point line
la ligne de bout endline
larbitre referee
attrapper to catch
le filet net
lanneau hoop
le panneau backboard
le numro number
la ligne de centre center
le terrain court
la ligne de lancer
le cercle central center
franc free-throw line
la ligne de touche sideline lancer to throw
tirer to shoot
sauter to jump
faire rebondir to
bloquer to block
marquer to mark
faire un dunk to dunk the
la passe pass
la faute foul
lentre-deux jump ball
hors jeux out of bounds
le joueur player
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- See more at:
la rentre throw-in
le rebond rebound
le basket basket ball
la chambre bedroom le lit bed larmoire wordrobe la table de
nuit nightstand le matelas mattress loreiller pillow la lampe de
chevet bedside lamp
la tte de lit headboard la commode bureau le tiroir drawer le
miroir mirror la coiffeuse dressing table
le linge linen la taille doreiller pillowcase le drap sheet la
couvette duvet la frange du lit valance ldredon quilt la
couverture blanket le lit simple single bed
le grand lit double bed
le pied de lit footboard le ressort springs la couverture
chauffante electric blanket
le tapis carpet se coucher to go to bed
sen dormir to fall asleep
se rveiller to wake up
se lever to wake up/get up
faire le lit to make the bed
mettre le rveille to put on the alarm clock
ronfler to snore
arranger la chambre to make the room
Vocabulary List
la tte head
le visage face
le front forehead
la poitrine chest
la gorge throat
le nez nose
la bouche mouth
la joue cheeks
l'estomac stomach
le ventre stomach/belly/tummy
le cou neck
le bras arm
le coude elbow
le poignet wrist
la hanche hip
la main hand
la langue tongue
le menton chin
le doigt finger
le dos back
le pouce thumb
la jambe leg
la cheville ankle
le genou knee
le pied foot
le tibia shin
apprenons le franais let's learn Frenchrpondez, s'il vous plat answer, please levezvous! stand up!asseyez-vous! sit down! ouvrez le cahier open the notebookouvrez le
livre open the book taisez-vous be quiet!regardez! look! lisez la phrase read the
sentencecomprenez-vous? do you understand? fermez la porte close the doorvenez au
tableau come to the chalkboard rptez repeatcrivez write coutez listenj'ai une
question poser I have a question to ask quelle page? what page?est-ce que je peux
aller aux toilettes? May I go to the bathrom/washroom? comment dit-on ___ en
franais? How do you say ___ in French?que veut dire ___? What does ___ mean? la
classe commence class is beginningvous tes en retard you are late la leon the
lessontous ensemble everybody together dites-le en franais Say it in French!en
franais! In French! - See more at:
Vocabulary List
The computer
Un PC portable
la cl USB
Flash card
le lecteur flash
Flash card
le disque dur
Hard drive
le logiciel
Notebook computer
Un PC de bureau
Desktop computer
Printer (feminine noun)
le cble Internet
Internet cable
le cble USB
USB cable
le clavier
le souris
- See more at:
le moniteur
le lien
le courriel lectronique tlcharger
To download
chatter en ligne
Le site Internet
To chat online
le fichier
Surfer sur lInternet
To surf the Internet
Linternet haut-dbit
High-speed Internet
WWW website example dot com
la bicyclette bicycle le vlo bicycle la selle saddle/seat le guidon handlebar la
barre crossbar le levier de vitesse gear lever/changer
le levier de frein brake la bouteille deau water bottle
la fourche fork le rayon spoke la roue wheel la bande de roulement tread la valve air
intake valve
la pdale pedal la roue destine cog la chane chain le pneu tire la jante rin les
vitesses gears le moyeu hub le frein brake le cadre frame le tube porte-selle seat post
le tandem tandem (2-person) bicycle
le vle de course racing bike
le vlo tout-terrain mountain bike
le vlo de randone touring bike
le vlo de ville road bike
la bote doutils tool box/repair kit
la piste cyclable bike lane/path
le dmonte-pneu tire lever
la rustine patch la pompe pump lantivol lock la chambre lair inner tube
le sige lenfant i le phare lamp/headlight la bquille kickstand le feu en arrire rear
le cataphote reflector la galerie vlo bike rack
les roues dentranement training wheels
le patin de frein brake block
le cble cable le pignon sprocket le panier basket la dynamo dynamo la crevaison (tire)
le cale-pied toe clip
la lanire toe strap
pdaler to pedal
freiner to brake
faire du vlo to ride a bike
changer de vitesse to change gears - See more at:
la table table
mettre la table to set the
la chaise chair
le sige seat
la vaisselle dishes
couverts cutlery/silverware le poivre pepper
le sel salt
lassiette plate dinner
lassiette soupe soup
le couvert place setting
le rond de
lassiette dessert side
la serviette napkin
serviette napkin ring
la cuiller soupe soup
la fourchette fork
le couteau knife
le verre tumbler/glass
le verre vin wine glass le bol bowl
lassiette plate
la verrerie glassware
le pot jug
la cafetire French coffee
la thire teapot
le coquetier egg cup
la tasse th tea cup
la tasse caf coffee cup la grande tasse mug
avoir faim to be hungry
servir to serve
manger to eat
la nappe tablecloth
le petit djeuner breakfast le djeuner lunch
le dner dinner
le set de table place mat tre rassasi to be full
lhte host
lhtesse hostess
le repas meal
mes compliments au
chef my complements to cest dlicieux! its
linvit guest
the chef
- See more at: http://www.frenchlearner.com/vocabulary/diningroom/#sthash.LULqm4ci.dpuf
la sauce sauce
les beignets de poulet chicken nuggets
sal savoury
les crpes crpes
sucr sweet
le poisson avec des frites fish and chips
les ctes ribs
le poulet frit fried chicken
la pizzeria pizza parlour
le restaurant rapide burger bar
la carte menu
manger sur place eat-in (eat here)
emporter take-away/take out
rchauffer re-heat
le ketchup tomato sauce/ketchup
McDo McDonalds (slang)
le Big-Mac Big Mac - See more at:
le thon tuna
le saumon salmon
la morue cod
la lotte monkfish
la maquereau mackerel
la truite trout
lespadon swordfish
la sole sole
la limande-sole lemon
le merlan whiting
laiglefin haddock
la raie skate
la sardine sardine
le fltin halibut
les fruits de
mer seafood
le crabe crab
lcrevisse crayfish
lhomard lobster
lhutre oyster
le couteau razor-shell
la coque cockle
la pieuvre ocopus
la seiche cuttlefish
le calmar squid
le clam clam
la glace ice
surgel frozen
fum smoked
prpar cleaned
sal salted
frais fresh
caill descaled
la longe loin
la tranche steak
le filet fillet
en filets filleted
la queue tail
larte bone
abdominaux abdominals quadriceps quadriceps
le deltode deltoid
le fessier buttocks
les muscles
jumeaux calf
le tendon
le tendon du
dAchille Achilles tendon jarret hamstring
Le Squelette Skeleton
la crne skull
la maxillaire jaw
lomoplate shoulder
la cte rib
le radius radius
mtacarpien metacarpal le bassin pelvis
le fmur femur
le tibia tibia
les vetbres
mtatarsien metatarsal cervicales cervical
le cubitus ulna
le pron fibula
les vertbres
thoraciques thoracic
la colonene
vrtebrale spine
larticulation joint
le cartilage cartilage
le ligament ligament
los bone
le tendon tendon
le cur heart
lestomac stomach
le foie liver
le pancras pancreas
lappendice appendix
lpiderme epidermis
la rate spleen
La Tte Head
le cerveau brain
le pharynx pharynx
lpiglotte epiglottis
lsophage esophagus
la gorge throat
le sinus sinus
le palais palate
la langue tongue
le larynx larynx
le vagin vagina
lutrus uterus
lurtre urethra
le clitoris clitoris
la vessie bladder
le follicule follicle
Fallopian tube
masculin male
pnis penis
le testicule testicule
le prpuce foreskin
le scrotum scrotum
la prostate prostate
la vsicule seminal
le conduit
conduit jaculatoire eja spermatique vas
culatory duct
luretre ureter
reproduction reproducti
lovule egg
le sperme sperm
contraception contracep
fertilisation fertilization tion
lhormone hormone
Les Systemes Du Corps Body Systems
digestif digestive
cardio-vasculaire cardio
respiratoire respiratory vascular
lymphatic lymphatic
endocrine endocrine
nerveux nervous
reproducteur reproducti
urinaire urinary
le golf golf le joueur de golf golfer le parcours de golf golf course le club
de golf golf club le trou hole le dpart teeing ground le green green le
bunker bunker le drapeau flag excuter un swing to swing le
fairway fairway le rough rough lobstacle deau water hazard le
buggy buggy/golf cart la position stance le
pavillion clubhouse lquipement golf golf equipment le tee tee la balle
de golf golf ball le gant glove le caddiegolf trolly le parapluie umbrella le
sac de golf golf bag les pointes spikes la chaussure de golf golf
shoe partir du tee to tee off driver to drive putter to put cocher to chip le
bois wood le putter putter le fer iron la cale wedge le par par le over
par over par le handicap handicap le caddie caddy le swing en
arrire backswing le coup stroke le under par under par le trou en un hole
in one le tournoi tournament les spectateursspectators le swing
dessai practice swing la ligne de jeu line of play - See more at:
Je regarde la tl/tlvision. I
watch TV.
le tribunal court
la justice justice
le cour court
le juge judge
lavocat lawyer
le jury jury
le tmoin witness
la salle de
tribunal courtroom
laccus defendant/accus
stnographe stenograph
le procureur de la
Rpublique district
le verdict verdict
le conseil
juridique legal advice
le client client
la dposition statement
le mandat warrant
laccusation charge
la preuve proof
innocent innocent
coupable guilty
acquitt acquitted
condamnation sentence
la caution bail
la libert
conditionnelle parole
le verdict sentence
la prison prison
le gardien de
prison prison guard
le suspect suspect
le cassier
la photo
judicaire criminal record didentit mugshot
la loi law
le systme
la cour
judiciaire judicial system suprme supreme court
(Same as masculine)
Same as masculine
Same as masculine
Vocabulary List
le bureau de travail the office, study
la cuisine the kitchen
le grenier the attic
la salle de bains the bathroom, washroom
le WC water closet, toilet
le salon the living room
le couloir the hallway
le garage the garage
eh haut upstairs
lire to read
crire to read
dessiner to draw
peler to spell
apprendre to learn
discouter to discuss
rpondre to answer (a question)/respond
quesstioner to ask a question
discouter to discuss
- See more at:
coudre to sew
le coutre sewing la machine coudre sewing machine
laiguille needle la bobine de fil thread reel
la platine needle plate
le guide de fil thread guide
les ciseaux scissors le patron pattern la pelote
pingles pincushion lpingle pin le tissu material le centimtre tape
la bobine bobbin le fil thread le d coudre thimble la craie de
tailleur tailors chalk
enfiler to thread
coudre to sew
repriser to darn
btir to tack
couper to cut
la tapisserie needlepoint la broderie embroidery le crochet crochet le
macram macram le patchwork patchwork le outage quilting le
dentelle lace-making le tissage weaving le tricot knitting laiguille
tricoter knitting needle
la laine wool la pelote de laine ball of yarn
le nylon nylon la soie silk le polyester polyester le lin linen le
cotton cotton la fermature clair zipper dfaire to uptick
le styliste styliste - See more at:
la boxe
la boxe boxing
la course
la course running
la dance
la dance dancing
la gymnastique
la gymnastique gymnastics
la lutte wrestling
la lutte
la marche
la marche walking
la musculation
la musculation bodybuilding
la pche fishing
la plongee
la plonge la plonge
la randonnee
la peche
la randonne hiking/backpacking
la voile sailing
la voile
lalpinisme mountaineering
lathltisme track and field
laviron rowing
le base-ball
le base-ball baseball
le basket
le basket basketball
le cyclisme
le handball
le handball handball
le hockey sur gazon
le hockey sur gazon field hockeyle hockey sur glace
le hockey sur glace ice hockey
le jogging
le jogging jogging
le parachutisme
le parachutisme skydiving
le parpente paragliding
le parpente
le patinage artistique
le ping-pong
le ski de descente
le tennis de table
le tennis
le tennis tennis
le tir
le tir shooting
le velo
le vlo biking
le volley
le volley volleyball
lquitation horseback riding
le rugby
le rugby rugby
- See more at:
Basic Phrases
All Hello
Est-ce que Jean-Marc est l sil vous plat? Is Jean-Marc there, please?
est l. Yes, hes here.
Oui, il
Non, il nest pas l. No, hes not here. Est-ce que Stphanie est l sil vous
plat? Is Stephanie there, please?
Oui, elle est l. Yes, shes here. Non, elle nest pas l. No, shes not here.
Un moment, sil vous plat. One moment, please.
Un instant, sil vous plat.
One moment, please. (more commonly used in Quebec)
Cest David lappareil.Its David (literally: Its David on the device)
quittez pas. Please hold (literally: dont leave)
Je vous la passe. Here he is (literally: Ill pass him to you) Voulez-vous laisser
un message? Would you like to leave a message?
Ne raccrochez pas. Dont hang up.
Your telephone number, please.
More Phrases
this afternoon
ce matin
ce soir
tonight/this evening
tout de suite
right now
ce mois
this month
cette semaine
this week
Past Time Words
il y a
il y a une minute
la semaine dernire
last week
la semaine dernire
last week
hier matin
yesterday morning
il y a cinq jours
five days ago
le mois dernier
last month
hier soir
last night
lannee dernire
last year
hier aprs-midi
yesterday afternoon
Future Time Words
day after tomorrow dans quatre mois
in four months
le mois prochain
lanne prochaine
next year
demain aprs-midi
tomorrow afternoon
jusqu mardi
until Tuesday
dans un jour
in one day
la semaine prochaine
next week
demain soir
tomorrow night
dici un mois
le jour
dawn la journe
the day
before yesterday
la nuit
night le midi
lever de soleil
sun rise
le crpuscule
dusk la veille
day before
le matin
coucher de soleil
le lendemain
Je taime
I love youJe tadore
I adore you
Je taime beaucoup
I love you a lot
Je taimerai pour toujours
I will love you foreverEst-ce que tu maimes?
Do you love me?
Oui, je taime
Yes, I love you.
- See more at: http://www.frenchlearner.com/vocabulary/i-loveyou/#sthash.YhOKqO2Y.dpuf
la guitare guitar
le piano piano
le violon violin
le violoncelle cello
le basson basoon
la trompette trumpet
le trombone trombone
le clairon bugle
le tuba tuba
l'orgue organ
la harpe harp
l'accordon accordion
le harmonica harmonica - See more at:
The most basic way of telling the time is to literally say the numbers. To write
the time the French use the following: 5h15, or five fifteen. Here are some
Une heure dix
Douze-heures trente
While this system is easy there is one problem: You do not know if it is the
morning, afternoon, evening or night. So, to clarify this you must say: The time
+ DE + LE/LA + time of day. Here are the expressions you will need to know:
De laprs-midi = in the afternoon
Du matin = in the morning
Du soir = in the evening
De la nuit = in the night
Example times:
Huit-heures zro cinq du matin 1:00PM
Une-heure de laprs-midi
Sept-heures du soir5:45AM
Cinq-heures quarante-cinq du matin
French Ways of Telling Time
There are a few instances where the French use a different system to English
speakers. First one is the use of the 24-hour clock (this is also called military
time). Basically, this makes it so you do not have to use AM and PM. To use this
system all of the hours between 1am and 11am 12pm are the same as the
English system. However, for the hours 1pm through 11pm you must add
twelve hours. For example: 1pm becomes 13h and 6pm becomes 18h. Here are
some practice hours:
1:30PM (13.30)
Treize heures trente
5:45PM (17.45)
Dix-sept quarante-cinq
8:50PM (20.50)
Vingt-heures cinquante
11:15PM (23.15)
6:00PM (18.00)
Dix-huit heures
9:40PM (21.40)
4:10PM (16.10)
Seize-heures dix
4:50PM (16.50)
Seize heures cinquante
7:30PM (19.30)
10:20PM (22.20)
8:20PM (20.20)
Vingt-heures vingt
15 Pass, 30 Past & The Moins Construction (play the fourth podcast)
There are a few more particularities to telling time in French that you will have
to learn. Here they are:
To say quarter past or 15 you will use the word et quart, which means
and 1/4 (one-fourth). For example, to say 5:15 you say: Cinq-heures et
To say half past or 30 you will use the word et demi, which means and
1/2 (half). For example, to say 6:30 you say: Six-heures et demie.
The moins rule: For the minutes between 31 and 59 you say the COMING hour
plus the word MOINS then subtract the number of minutes to go before that
coming hour. For example, to say 9:40 you say, Dix heures moins vingt. To
say 6:50 you say, Sept-heures moins dix. To say 4:45, you say Cinq-heures
moins quart.
- See more at: http://www.frenchlearner.com/vocabulary/tellingtime/#sthash.5um0tjRz.dpuf
Another way of saying youre welcome is je vous en prie or je ten pris. You
would use the vous form with somebody older and tu form with somebody
younger. This literally means, I beg of you.
One more way of saying youre welcome if il ny a pas de quoi. This literally
means, there is nothing of what.
Finally, if you are in French-speaking Canada (Quebec) you can say,
bienvenue. This means welcome, as in welcome to a place. While saying
bienvenue is unheard of in France its quite common in Quebec.
- See more at: http://www.frenchlearner.com/vocabulary/yourewelcome/#sthash.VBVCQAkl.dpuf
le timbre stamp
fragile fragile
French Construction Vocabulary
On this page you will find a complete list of French construction (la
construction) vocabulary words. This list covers various kinds of construction
equipment used to build a home (construire une maison), materials (les
matriaux), tools (les outils) and basic machinery (les machines). To learn the
rooms of the house please find a link under the following table.
la construction construction
le ciment cement
la btonnire cement mixer
le maon builder
lchaufaudage scaffolding
lchelle ladder
le mur wall
la palette pallet
construire to build
la poutre beam
le bois wood
la brique brick
la pioche pickaxe
la pelle shovel
la grue crane
o se trouve? where is? o est le/la? Where is the? la rue the street
tournez gauche turn to the left tournez droite turn to the right reprez le/la watch
for the allez en face go straight ahead allez tout droit go straight ahead allez en
haut go uphill allez en bas go downhill cest vers le/la it towards cest aprs
le/la its its after the cest avant le/la its before the cest au nord its to the
north cest au sud its south cest lest its to the east cest louest its to the
west cest ct de Its next to.. cest devant Its in front of cest derrire Its in
back of cest prs (de) Its near (to) cest loin (de) Its far (from) lintersection
(f) intersection/junction le carrefour intersection/junction o est lhtel? Where is the
hotel? o est le restaurant? Where is the restaurant? o est le bar? where is the bar? o
sont les sites visiter? Where are the sightseeing spots? o est la gare? Where is the
train station? o est la gare routire? Where is the bus station? o est
laroport? Where is the airport? o est le centre-ville? Where is downtown? o sont
les banlieues? Where are the suburbs? o est la banque? Where is the bank? o est
lglise? (f) Where is the church? o est lpicerie? (f) Where is the grocery store? o
est lhpital? (m) Where is the hospital? o est le muse? Where is the museum? o
est lcole? (f) Where is the school? o est la poste? Where is the post office? o est le
cinma? Where is the movie theater? o est le bureau de change? Where is the money
exchange? - See more at: http://www.frenchlearner.com/vocabulary/askingdirections/#sthash.GD3t4t6b.dpuf
la viande
la viande meat
la volaille
la volaille poultry
lagneau lamb
le bacon en tranches
le bacon en tranches bacon
le boeuf
le mouton
le mouton sheep
le porc
le porc pork
le poulet
le poulet chicken
le steak de boeuf
le veau
le veau veal
les cuisses de grenouilles
les cuisses de grenouilles frogs legs
les saucissons
le pain
le pain bread
le pain grill
la margarine
la margarine margarine
le beurre butter
le beurre
le fromage
le fromage cheese
le lait
le lait milk
le pudding
le fromage de chevre
le camembert
la confiture
la confiture jam
la farine
la farine flour
la tarte
la tarte pie
le beignet
le beignet doughnut
le chocolat
le chocolat chocolate
le gateau
le gteau cake
le miel
le miel honey
le sucre
le sucre sugar
les biscuits
la mousse au chocolat
la courgette
la courgette zucchini
la laitue lettuce
la laitue
la salade
la salade salad
laubergine eggplant
le cleri celery
le celeri
le concombre
le concombre cucumber
le mais
le mas corn les carottes
les carottes carrots les tomates
les tomates tomatoes
les epinards
les pinards spinach
les haricots
la noix de coco
la noix de coco coconut
la pasteque
les bananes
les cerises
la biere
la bire beer le cafe
le caf coffee
le jus
le jus juice
le soda
le soda soda pop
le th tea
le the
le vin
le vin wine
Canned Food / Les Cotes de Conserve
la compote de pomme
la compote de pomme apple sauce
la soupe
la soupe soup
le potage
le potage soup
le thon
la mayonnaise
la mayonnaise mayonnaise
la moutarde mustard
la moutarde
la pizza
la pizza pizza
la sauce bolognaise
la sauce bolognaise bolognaise sause la sauce tomate
la sauce tomate tomato sauce
la vinaigrette
le sandwich
le sandwich sandwich
le sel
le sel salt
les chips
les epices
l'huile vgtale
le caviar
le caviar caviar
le saumon fume
palette palette les couleurs paints/colors les peintures lhuile oil paints
laquarelle watercolor paint
les pastels pastels lacrylique acrylic paint
la gouache poster paint
le dessin drawing le crayon pencil le fusain charcoal lencre ink le
croquis sketch le carnet croquis sketch pad
limprimerie printing la gravure engraving la sculpture sculpting le
maillet mallet la pierre stone la scupture sur bois woodworking le
bois wood le burin chisel la poterie pottery largile clay le tour de
potier potters wheel
la spatule modelling tool
la joaillerie jewelery making
le paper mch paper mch lorigami origami le modlisme model
- See more at:
les fon
le paiement payment
un ch
un dp
le crd
les ma
la clien
la commission commission
les fra
une in
un virement transfer
le taux
la mon
le bila
une ca
un em
un com
un dis
un re
O est la banque la plus proche
dici, sil vous plat? Where is the
nearest bank, please?
la dentifrice toothpaste
le rince-bouche mouthwash
la douche shower
la baignoire bathtub
le savon soap
le shampooing shampoo
se raser to shave
un sche-cheveux hairdryer
le miroir mirror
Vocabulary List
le citron press
le citron press lemonade fruit juice
le jus de fruit fruit juice
apple juice
le jus de pomme apple juice
orange juice
tomato juice
pineapple juice
hot chocolate
le th le th
black tea
le th noir black tea
green tea
l'apritif apritif
le champagne champagne
white wine
la bire beer
le cidre cideranise drink
le pastis anise drink
diablo menthe
le diablo menthe green mint syrup in soda water
Le Coca Coca-Cola
diet Coke
le Coca light diet Coke
le Pepsi Pepsi
- See more at:
le petit djeuner breakfast les crals cereal le lait milk le buffet du petit
djeuner breakfast buffet la table du petit jjeuner breakfast table la
confiture jam/jelly le jambon ham le fromage cheese le biscuit
scandinave crispbread les fruits secs dried fruit la confiture
doranges marmalade le pt pt le beurre butter le jus de fruits fruit juice le
caf coffee le croissant croissant le chocolat chaud hot chocolate le th teales
boissons drinks/beverages la brioche brioche le pain bread le petit djeuner
anglais English breakfast luf sur plat fried egg le toast toast la tomate tomato le
boudin black pudding la saucisse sausage le bacon bacon les kippers kippers le pain
perdu French toast luf coque boiled egg les ufs brouills scrambled eggs
la yaourt aux fruits fruit yoghurt les crpes crpes les gauffres waffles le
porridge porridge les fruits fruits lomelette omelette la baguette baguette - See more at:
la voiture car
l'automobile automobile
le char le char (Quebec)
conduire to drive
le volant steering wheel
la roue wheel
le pare-brise windshield/windscreen (UK)
le moteur engine
le frein main handbrake
le tableau de bord dashboard
l'embrayage clutch
le capot hood
Cest combien pour louer par jour, Cest combien pour louer par
sil vous plat? How much is it to rent semaine, sil vous plat? How much
per day, please?
is it to rent per week, please?
Est-ce que lassurance est
comprise? Is insurance included.
le pantalon pants/trousers
le tee-shirt t-shirt
le jean jeans
le manteau coat
le haut top
le pull sweater
le short shorts
le pyjama pajamas
le chemisier blouse
la robe dress
la jupe skirt
la minijupe miniskirt
l'impermable raincoat
le blouson jacket
le survtement tracksuit
la veste jacket
le soutien-gorge bra
la combinaison slip
le collant pantyhose/tights
le bikini bikini
le costume suit
le smoking tuxedo
la cravate tie
la ceinture belt
le caleon underwear
le Canada Canada
le Guatamala Guatamala
Le Salvador El Salvador
le Panama Panama
le Mexique Mexico
le Blize Belize
le Nicaragua Nicaragua
Cuba Cuba
Hati Haiti
Jamaque Jamaica
la Rpublique
la Trinit-etdominicaine Dominican Tobago Trinidad and
Angigua-et-Barbuda Antig
la Dominique Dominica
ua and Barbuda
Saint-Vincent-et-lesSaint-Kitts-et-Nevis St.
Grenadines St Vincent
Kitts and Nevis
and The Grenadines
les tats-Unis
dAmerique United States
of America (USA)
le Honduras Honduras
le Costa Rica Costa Rica
les Bahamas Bahamas
la Puerto Rico Puerto
la Barbade Barbados
Sainte-Lucia St Lucia
la Grenade Grenada
le Brsil Brazil
lquateur Equador
les les
Galapagos Galapagos
la Bolivie Bolivia
le Venezuela Venezuela
le Prou Peru
le Paraguay Paraguay
lUruguay Uruguay
le Surinam Suriname
le Chili Chile
la Colombie Columbia
la Guyane Guyana
la Guyane
franaise French Guyana
lArgentine Argentina
les les
Malouines Falkand Islands
LEurope Europe
le Royaume-Uni United
Kingdom (UK)
le Portugal Portugal
lIrelande Ireland
la France France
lEspagne Spain
la Belgique Belgium
lAndorre Andorra
lAllemagne Germany
la Sude Sweden
lAutriche Austria
lItalie Italy
Malte Malta
lUkraine Ukraine
la Roumanie Romania
la Bulgarie Bulgaria
Chypre Cyprus
LAfrique Africa
la Gamie Gambia
le Sahara
occidental Western
le Sngal Senegal
le Soudan Soudan
Djibouti djibouti
le Moroc Morocco
la Sierra Leone Sierra
le Mali Mali
la Libye Libya
le Togo Togo
Sao Tom-etPrincipe Sao Tom and
le Tchad Chad
le Sudan du Sud South
lthiopie Ethiopia
le Kenya Kenya
le Gabon Gabon
lOuganda Uganda
le Congo Congo
le Libria Liberia
le Burkina Burkina Faso
la Tunisie Tunisia
le Ghana Ghana
le Nigria Nigeria
le Cameroun Cameroon
la Mauritanie Mauritania
la Cte dIvoire Ivory
la Guine Guinea
lAlgrie Algeria
le Niger Niger
le Bnin Benin
la Guine
quatoriale Equatorial
lgypte Egypte
Lrythre Eritrea
la Somalie Somalia
la Rpublique
centrafricaine Central
African Republic
la Rpublique
dmocratique du
le Rwanda Rwanda
le Burundi Burundi
Mozambique Mozambique le Malawi Malawi
le Botswana Botswana
le Lesotho Lesotho
Madagascar Madascar
le Zimbabwe Zimbabwe
le Swaziland Swaziland
lsle Maurice i
Congo Democratic
Republic of the Congo
la Tanzanie Tanzania
la Zambie Zambia
lAfrique du Sud South
les Comores Comoros
la Runion Reunion
lAsie Asia
la Fderation de
Russie Russian
lArmnie Armenia
lIrak Iraq
la Chine China
lAzerbadjan Azerbaijan
la Syrie Syria
Isral Israel
la Jordanie Jordan
le Kowet Kuwait
le Quatar Quatar
lOman Oman
le Yman Yemen
LOuzbkistan Uzbekista Turkmenistan Turkmenista
le Tadjikistan Tajikistan le Kirghizistan Kyrgyzstan
lInde india
les Maldives Maldives
la Core du Nord North
la Mongolie Mongolia
le Japon Japan
le Npal Nepal
Bangladesh Bangladesh Birmanie Burma/Myanmar
le Laos Laos
le Vietnam Vietnam
la Malaisie Malaysia
Singapour Singapore
le Brunei Brunei
les Philippines Philippines
la Papouasie-Nouvellele Timor oriental East
Guine Papua New Guinea
la Gorgie Georgia
lIran Iran
le Liban Lebannon
lArabie Saodite Saudi
les mirats arabes
unis United Arab Emirates
Kasakhastan Kazakhstan
lAfganistan Afganistan
le Pakistan Pakistan
Sri Lanka Sri Lanka
la Core du Sud South
le Bhoutan Bhutan
la Thalande Thailand
le Cambodge Cambodia
lIndonsie Indonesia
Taiwan Taiwan
les les
Salomon Salomon Islands
Vanuatu Vanuatu
La Rpublique des
Fidji Fiji
les les
Salomon Solomon Island
lAustralasie Australasie
lAustralie Australia
- See more at:
je me lve I wake upje prends ma douche I take my shower je me lave les dents I brush
my teethje me lave le visage I wash my face je prends le petit djeuner I eat breakfastje
prends un caf I have a coffee jattends le bus I wait for the busje vais au travail I go to
work je vais l'cole I go to schoolje vais au cabinet I go to the office je prends le
djeuner I have lunchje prends une sieste I have a nap je rentre chez moi I go homeje
fais du sport I do sports/I exercise je rencontre des amis I meet some friendsje vais a la
salle de musculation I go to the gym je prends le dner I have dinnerje regarde la tl I
watch TV je lis un livre I read a bookje me couche I go to bed - See more at:
inquit(e) worried
malade sick
content(e) happy/conte
du(e) disappointed
press(e) in a rush
laise at ease
fch(e) angry
dtendu(e) relaxed
amoureux/amoureuse in
nerv(e) upset/angry tranquille calm/peaceful love
enthousiaste eager/en
satisfait(e) satisfied
Feelings Phrases
Je suis heureux/heureuse. I am
Vocabulary List
aller chez le coiffeur to go to the
le salon de coiffure hairdressing salon
un coiffeur pour hommes barber
un coiffure cheveux hairstyle/hairdo
le coiffeur hairdresser (masculine)
la coiffeuse hairdresser (feminine)
couper les cheveux to cut hair
une coupe de cheveux haircut
les franges fringes (UK), bangs (US)
- See more at:
Le Jour de lAn
New Years DayVendredi Saint
Good Friday
La Fte du Travail
May Day
Victoire 1945
Victory Day in Europe (Commemorating the end of World War II)
Ascension Day
La Pentecte
La Fte Nationale
Bastille Day/National Day
La Toussaint
All Saints Day
Armistice 1918
Veterans Day/Armistice Day/Remembrance Day (Commemorates the end of
World War I)
- See more at:
Vocabulary List
l'acteur/l'actrice actor
le boucher butcher
le charpentier carpenter
le cuisinier cook
l'lectricien/l'lectricienne electrician
l'ingnieur engineer
le pompier fireman
l'avocat/l'avocate lawyer/barrister
l'infirmier/l'infirmire nurse
l'officier officer
le peintre painter
le plombier plumber
le gendarme policeman
l'tudiant/l'tudiante student
le professeur professor
l'enseignant/l'enseignante teacher
l'crivain writer
le canap sofa
la chemine fireplace
la pendule clock
le tableau painting
le rideau curtain
le sol floor
le coussin cushion
le vase vase
laplique wall light
la bibliothque bookshelf
store vnitien venetian blind
le plafond ceiling
le table basse coffee table
le miroir miroir
la lampe wall lamp
le tapis rug
le fauteuil armchair
la vitrine cabinet
- See more at: http://www.frenchlearner.com/vocabulary/livingroom/#sthash.wUKp98Jw.dpuf
Vocabulary List
fermement dcid(e)
Indecisive, unsure
peu fiable
peu sincre
Funny, fun, amusing
Not fun, serious
pas gentil
pas gentille
Vocabulary List
le carr = square
le cercle = circle
le triangle = triangle
lovale (m) = oval
le rectangle = rectangle
loctogone = octagon
le cube = cube
la sphre = sphere
le cylindre = cylinder
le cne = cone
la pyramide = pyramid
Vocabulary List
le ski
la piste
Skiing (the sport)
The ski trail
ltat des pistes
les btons de ski
To ski (verb)
Ski conditions
Ski poles
faire du ski
Un tlsige
la fixation de ski
To ski (verb)
Ski bindings
le surf
une remonte mcanique une combinaison de ski
Ski lift
Ski suit
le ski alpin
le forfait-skieurs
un fuseau de ski
Alpine/downhill skiing
Lift ticket, ski pass
Ski pants
le ski de fond
les skis
un anorak
Cross-country/nordic skiing The skis
Ski jacket
la montagne
les chausseurs de ski
une casque de ski
The mountain
Ski boots
Ski helmet
une station de ski
les aprs-ski
une masque de ski
A ski resort
Snow boots
- See more at:
le joureur de
tennis tennis player
servir to serve
le ramasseur de
balles ballboy
le smash to smash
le filet net
racquette racquet/racket le manche handle
la tte head
la corde string
larbitre umpire/referee
la ligne de
service service line
la balle ball
le poignet wristband
lgalit deuce
la faute fault
le slice slice
leffet spin
le double doubles
le match match
lavantage advantage
las ace
lchange rally
le juge de
ligne linesman
le jeu game
le tiebreak tiebreak
lamorti dropshot
net! let!
championnat champions
le service serve
la volle volley
le retour return
le lob lob
le revers backhand
le jour de la Saint-Valentin
St. Valentines Dayla fte des amoureux
Literally Lovers Holiday but commonly used to refer to Valentines Day in France
une carte de Saint-Valentin
Valentines Day card
Bonne Saint Valentin!
Happy Valentines Day!
mon chri
My dear (when referring to a man)
ma chrie
My dear (when referring to a woman)Je taime
I love you
Je taime de tout mon cur!
I love you with all my heart!
Tu me manques
I miss you
Mon cher + NAME
Dear + NAME Starting a letter to a man
Ma chre + NAME
Dear + NAME Starting a letter to a womenAvec toute mon affection,
With all my affection, A romantic way to end a Valentines day card
Fondly, another nice way to end a letter
Je tembrasse trs fort
I embrace you strongly One more way to end a love letter
- See more at: http://www.frenchlearner.com/vocabulary/valentinesday/#sthash.h0wZAktf.dpuf
To the/in the manner of
la carte
Restaurant menu items sold separately or individually usually in smaller portions.
la mode
Refers to serving a desert with ice cream, eg apple pie la mode.
good-bye or farewell
Small bite-size hors duvre
A drink taken before a meal, usually alcoholic.
au jus
Culinary term referring to serving a dish with sauce
Not being impressed with something due to over-familiarity
bon apptit
Enjoy your meal said before eating
bon vivant
Somebody who enjoys their life
boy voyage
Enjoy your trip!
Preoccupied with material values and class rank or status
Usually refers to a female with brown hair
A coffee house
caf au lait
Coffee with milk
Stylish, in fashion
A saying that is used to often
A tight or exclusive group pronounced Click in English.
Nativity scene for christmas
crme brle
Desert with custard and caramelized sugar
crme de la crme
Best of the best
An analysis of ones work
dead-end street
Referring to home decorating
dj vu
Literally already seen but refers to situations that seem like theyve happened
A file containing information about a person
eau de toilette
Aromatic splashing water used after bathing; a mild perfume or cologne
eau de vie
Whiskey, brandy or other strong alcoholic beverages.
en garde
Take your guard said in the sport of fencing.
entre nous
Between us
The main dish of a meal (US) or the first course of a meal (UK)
A fake persona or false impressions
Adjective for fake, eg faux fur for fake fur
faux pas
Something one must not do in order to remain polite
femme fatale
A seductrice harboring bad intentions.
A woman or man who will be married.
Stupid mistake or blunder
Type or kind
haute cuisine
High-end or gourmet cooking
hors duvre
joie de vivre
Joy of living
Political philosophy referring to non-interference
Sickness or not feeling comfortable
Mardi Gras
Fat Tuesday, annual festival celebrated in New Orleans.
Social environment
n, ne
Born, used in writing when referring to a womans maiden name.
nouveau riche
Refers to people who have recently become wealthy but were previously poor.
par avion
Air mail
Ready to wear
raison dtre
Reason or purpose for existing
Diplomatic term for two states or bodies moving towards each other
Literally rebirth Refers to 14-17th century Europe
Knowing or brilliant often used in relation to those with Autism.
Refers to an evening party
soupe du jour
Soup of the day.
Literally head-to-head Refers to two people facing offer in a close debate.
Oil and vinegar salad dressing
Comparing one thing in relation to another
- See more at: http://www.frenchlearner.com/vocabulary/french-words-used-inenglish/#sthash.WJLoL5SD.dpuf
mais oui!
but, yes!
mais oui bien sr
but, of course!
Jaimerais bien y aller, mais je nai pas de temps
Id like to go but I dont have any time.
Il tudie le Franais mais il ne parle pas couramment.
He studies French but does not speak fluently.
- See more at:
This construction holds true for all of the days of the month except the first. To say
the first of the month you must use the word premier which literally means first (as
in first, second, third, etc).
So, to say, Its January 1, say: cest le premier janvier.
There are two more ways to say the date which you should learn:
1. Nous sommes + le + number + month
2. On est + le + number + month
So, Nous sommes le 5 avril literally means, We are April 5 and On est le 15
november means One is November 15.
Now practice saying some dates:
le 4 avril April 4
le 23 mai May 23
le 25 juin June 25
le premier november November 1
le 10 octobre October 10
le 17 octobre October 17
le 22 fvrier February 22
le 13 avril April 13
Vocabulary List
le pre the father
le bb the baby
Pluton Plutola
Vnus Venusle systme comte comet
lastronomie astronomylespace solaire solar system
le mtore meteor
(m) space
ltoile (f) star
constellation constellation mtorite meteorite
lastre (m) star
la plante planet
lastronome (m&f) astronomer Terre Earth
(m) asteroid
lastronaute (m&f) astronaut
Mars Mars
la nbuleuse nebula
le vaisseau spatial spaceship Jupiter Jupiter
la lune moon
lunivers (m) universe
Saturne Saturne
le soleil sun
la galaxie galaxy
Uranus Uranus
Mercure Mercury
Neptune Neptune
tlescope telescope
- See more at:
le base-ball baseball la batte bat le gant mitt/glove le batteur batter le mont du
lanceur pitchers mound lhomme de base baseman lquipe team le banc de
touche dugout la ligne de pnalit foul line le champ droit right field le champ
extrieur outfield le champ intrieur infield le champ gauche left field le
casque helmet le receveur catcher le lanceur pitcher lancer to throw attraper to
catch courir to run tre en dfense to field (the ball) glisser to slide batter to bat/go to
bat larbitre umpire jouer to play le tour de batte inning premire base first
base deuxime base second base troisime base third base le home run home run le
strike strike mettre hors jeu out le grand chelem grand slam le terrain de baseball baseball diamond - See more at:
French Birthday Vocabulary
In this lesson youll learn how to say happy birthday in French. First, to say
Birthday you say anniversaire. This is a masculine-singular noun so to say
a birthday you say un anniversaire and to say the birthday you say
Here are some more vocabulary words and phrases associated with birthdays:
Nol Christmasla veille de Nol Christmas eve la fte des Rois Twelfth
NightL'Avent Advent, four Sundays before Christmas Nol deux-mille onze Christmas
2013la Fte de Nol Christmas holiday Joyeux Nol! Merry Christmas!une
crche Christmas nativity scene, manger le vingt-cinq dcembre December 25un
cadeau de Nol Christmas present, gift un jouet de Nol Christmas toyune carte de
Nol Christmas card une carte de vux a greeting cardune bche de Nol Yule Log un
soulier de Nol Christmas stockingun sapin de Nol Christmas tree le repas de
Nol Christmas dinner, mealle rveillon Christmas feast une dcoration de
Nol Christmas decorationoffrir un cadeau to give a gift le jour de Nol Christmas
DayPapa Nol Santa Claus la nourriture de Nol Christmas foodle March de
Nol Christmas market une chanson de Nol Christmas songla musique de
Nol Christmas music Saint-Nicolas Saint NicolasPre Nol Father Christmas, Santa
Claus La messe de minuit midnight massLa nativit de Jsus the birth if
Jesus Meilleurs vux Seasons greetings! Best wishes!le jour de l'an New Years Day See more at: http://www.frenchlearner.com/vocabulary/christmas/#sthash.WJuDRs10.dpuf
blanc white
bleu clair light blue
multicolore muli-colored
gris grey
vert green
noir black
argent silver
jaune yellow
orange orange
bordeaux maroon
orange orange
bleu clair
bleu claire
bleu claires
bleu claires
bleu fonc
bleu fonce
bleu foncs
bleu foncees
Vocabulary List
une croisire
A cruise
un bateau
A boat
le restaurant
Itinerary (masculine noun) Restaurant
un navire croisire
Cruise ship
une escale
un paquebot
Cruise liner
la destination
la mer mditerrane
Mediterranean Sea
un passager
A passenger (masculine
une croisire
Mediterranean cruise
une croisire de luxe
Luxury cruise
le casino
Marseille city in southern
France on the
Mediterranean Sea
Nice another city in
southern France
Venise city in Italy from
which many
Mediterranean cruises
les tarifs de croisires begin.
une passagre
A passenger (feminine
Cruise rates
une croisire fluviale
River cruise
une cabine
Cabin sleeping quarters
on a ship
Vocabulary List
la tarte pie
le gteau cake
la gelatine jello
le flan flan
(f) le professeur high school teacherle prof high school teacher un examen examune
interrogation quiz/testune interro quiz/testle baccalaurat high school diploma le
bac high school diplomale brevet secondary school diploma l'universit universityle
diplme le diplme le DEUG university diplomala matrise master's degree - See more at:
Bonjour hello/good morningAu Revoir Good-bye Salut Hi and Bye - informalBon aprsmidi Good afternoon Bonsoir Good eveningBonne nuit Good
night Oui yesNon No Merci Thank youDe rien Youre welcome Merci beaucoup Thank
you very muchS'il vous plat Please (formal) S'il te plat Please (informal) bientt See
you soon tout l'heure see you later (same day) la prochaine See you next
time Comment tu t'appelles What is your name? (informal)Comment vous appelezvous? What is your name? (formal)
Je m'appelle My name isEnchant Nice to meet you! Avec plaisir With
pleasureComment vas-tu? How are you? (informal) Comment allez-vous? How are
you? (formal)a va? How's it going? Trs bien Very wellJe ne parle pas franais I do not
speak French Pouvez-vous rpter s'il-vous-plat? Can you repeat please?Vous parlez
trop vite. You are speaking too fast. Je comprends I understandJe comprends un peu. I
understand a little. - See more at:
la banane bananaapple
la pomme apple orange
lorange (f) orangepear
la poire pear melon
le melon melondate
le rteau rake la tondeuse lawnmower la dondeuse trimmer la
brouette wheelbarrow le panier de jardinier trug le sac lherbe grass
le terreau compost le gravier gravel les gants de jardinage gardening
le dplantoir trowel le pesticide pesticide le pot fleurs flower pot
larrosage watering larrosoir watering can
larroseur sprinkler le tuyau darrosage hose la pelouse lawn le
parterre flowerbed tondre to mow (the lawn)
ratisser to rake
tailler to trim
semer to sow
bcher to trim
arroser to water
laguer to prune
transplanter to transplant
dsherber to weed
pailler to mulch
cultiver to cultivate
rcolter to harvest
dessiner to landscape
soigner to tend
cueillir to pick
biologique organic lengrais fertalizer lherbicide weedkiller fertiliser to
tamiser to sieve
le sous-sol subsoil mettre en pot to prop up
retourner airate le drainage drainage - See more at:
la cuisine kitchen
les ustensiles de cuisine kitchenware
le frigo refrigerator
le four oven le plan de travail kitchen counter
la vaisselle dishes faire la vaisselle to do the dishes
l'argenterie silverware un couteau knife
une fourchette fork une cuillre spoon
une tasse cup un plat plate/dish
un saladier salad bowl un coquetier egg cup
une assiette plate un bol bowlune soupire soup bowl une cafetire coffee maker/potun
grille-pain toaster un mixeur blender/mixerune pole frying pan une
poubelle garbage/rubbish canune passoire colander/strainer une table tableune
chaise chair une planche dcouper cutting boardun hachoir lectrique electric
mincer un tire-bouchon corkscrew/bottle-openerun ouvre-bote can-opener/tin-opener
(UK) une louche ladleun dcapsuleur bottle opener un doseur measuring cupune
nappe tablecloth une serviette de table napkinun napperon doily - See more at:
Vocabulary List
le maquillage makeup
le mascara mascara
la poudre powder
l'anti-cernes concealer
le eye-liner eyeliner
le parfum perfume
la peau skin
le visage face
la beaut beauty
Yves Rocher
Vocabulary List
le poids weight
la superficie area
la distance distance
le kilomtre kilometer
le mile mile
la livre pound
l'once ounce
le kilogramme kilogram
le gramme gram
le yard yard
le mtre meter
la tonne ton
le milligramme milligram
le pied foot
le millimtre millimeter
le centimtre centimeter
le pouce inch
la longeur length
la capacit capacity
le litre liter
le gallon gallon
chanter to sing
un concert a concert
un musicien un musicien
les roches rocks les minraux minerals le granit granite lobsidienne obsidian le
basalte basalt la pierre ponce pumice sdimentaire sedimentary le
calcaire limestone la craie chalk le silex flint le charbon coal le
conglomrat conglomerate le grs sandstone mamorphique metamorphic
le gneiss gneiss le marbre marble le schiste schist lardoise slate les
gemmes gems le rubis ruby laigue-marine aquamarine le
jade jade lmeraude emerald le saphir saphire la toumaline toumaline le
topaze topaz le grenat garnet la pierre de lune moonstone lopale opal le
jais jet lamthyste amethyst
le rubis ruby les minraux minerals lonyx onyx lagate agate la
graphite graphite la turquoise turquoise la
malachite malachite lhmatite hematite la calcite calcite le souphre sulpher le
mica mica le quartz quartz les mtaux metals lor gold largent silver le
platine platinum le fer iron le nickel nickel le zinc zinc le
mercure mercury laluminium aluminium ltain tin le cuivre copper - See more
at: http://www.frenchlearner.com/vocabulary/rocksminerals/#sthash.sW2FQFua.dpuf
Vocabulary List
in autumn
en t
in the summer
en automne
in the summer
le printemps
en hiver
in winter
au printemps
in spring
O est-ce quil y a?
Oo esk-k-eel yee a?
Where is?
Un supermarch?
Uhn soo-pair mar-shay?
A supermarket
Un grand magasin?
Uhn grahn-magah-zihn
A department store
Faire le shopping
Fair leh shoh-ping
To go shopping
Cest combien
Say kom-byun
How much is it?
Je voudrais acheter
Zhuh voo-dray ash-tay
I want to buy
Je cherche
Zhuh Sh-ersh
Im looking for
Une carte de crdit
Ehn kart duh cray-dee
A credit card
Une carte de dbit
Ehn kart de day-beat
Debit card
Des chques de voyage
day shek duh voay-yage
Travelers checks
Cest trop cher
Say troh shayr
Its too expensive
Mois cher
Mwun chayr
- See more at:
Vocabulary List
le football Soccer
le dfenseur defense
la natation swimming nager to swim la piscine swimming pool les styles lde
natation swimming styles le crawl front crawl la brasse breaststroke le dos
crawl backstroke/back crawl le papillon butterfly la nage stroke le coup de pied kick la
brassire armband les lunettes protectrices goggles la pince pour le nez nose clip la
planche float/kickboard le maillot de bain swimsuit le couloir lane leau water le plot de
dpartstarting block le slip de bains trunks le bonnet de natation swim cap le
tremplin springboard/diving board plonger to dive le plongeur diver le tour turn le
nageur swimmer le plongeon dive nager sur place to tread water les casiers lockers le
water-polo water polo le petit bassin shallow end la crampe cramp le plongeon de haut
vol high dive le dpart plong racing dive le matre nageur lifeguard le grand
bassin deep endla nage synchronise synchronized swimming la plonge scuba
diving la combinaison de plonge wetsuit la bouteille dair air tank le tuba snorkel le
rgularteur regulator la palme flipper - See more at:
le thtre theatre
le public audience
le dcor set
lacteur actor
la scne stage
les places seating
la loge box
la fauteil seat
le balcon balcony
la corbeille circle
le costume costume
la bande sonore sound
la distribution cast
le placeur usher
le rideau curtain
lorchestre orchestra
la deuxime galerie upper
lalle aisle
la range row
la musique
classique classical music
le bis encore
le texte script
you already seen this film?
Qui est la vedette dans le film? Who is Je ne sais pas qui a ralis le film. I
the star in the movie?
dont know who directed the movie.
Est-ce que tu as aim le film/la
Oui, jai lai aim Yes, I liked it. Non, je
pice? Did you like the movie/play?
ne lai pas aim. No. I didnt like it.
Jadore les films franais! I love French Je naime pas les films trop longs. I
dont like movies that are too long.
Jaime cet acteur/cette actrice! I love Cet acteur est trs connu. This actor is
this actor/actresse.
very well known.
- See more at:
le haricot vert French/green bean la fve broad bean le petit pois garden
pea le mas corn la germe de soja bean sprout le
bambou bamboo lokra okra lendive chicory le fenouil fennel les curs
de palmier palm hearts la roquette rocket le cresson watercress le
cleri celery le chou de Bruxelles brussel sprout la bette swiss chard le
radicchio raddicchio le chou fris kale loseille sorrel la chicore endive le
chou chinoispak-choi les pinards spinich le pissenlit dandelion le
chou cabbage le brocoli broccoli la laitue lettuce le chou prcoce spring
greengs le chou-fleur cauliflower lartichaut artichoke le
radis radish lonion onion la pomme de terre potato le poivron pepper le
piment chilli le navet turnip la courge marrow la patate douce sweet
potato ligname yam la bettrave beetroot le rutabaga swede le
topinambour Jerusalem artichokele raifort horseradish le panais parsnip le
gingembre ginger laurbergine aubergine/egg plant la tomate tomato la
ciboule spring onion le poireau leek lchalote shallot lail garli le
champignon mushroom le truffle truffle le concombre cucumber la
courgette courgette la courge musque butternut squash la courge
gland acorn squash la citrouille pumpkin la tomoate cerise cherry
tomato la carotte carrot le taro taro rootle fruit de larbre pain bread
fruit - See more at:
Vocabulary List
Jai faim.
Im hungry.
Jai soif.
Im thirsty.
French months
janvier = January
fvrier = February
mars = March
avril = April
mai = May
juin = June
juillet = July
aot = August
septembre = September
octobre = October
novembre = November
dcembre = December
- See more at: http://www.frenchlearner.com/vocabulary/months-of-theyear/#sthash.rhvXkQ1t.dpuf
Example Sentences
Phrases with vraimentJtais
vraiment heureux
I was really happy.
Speaker 1: Je ne lai jamis fait dans ma
vie. Speaker 2: Ah bon?
Speaker 1: I never did it in my life.
Speaker 2: Really?
Speaker 1: Je parle cinq langues.
Speaker 2: Ah bon?
Speaker 1: I speak five languages.
Speaker 2: Really?
Tu es vraiment bizarre.
He really needs to learn French.
Il a vraiment besoin dapprendre le
le pain bread
la boulangerie bakery la baguette baguette le pain tranch sliced bread
le pain de seigle rye bread
le pain blanc white bread
la crote crust le pain loaf (of bread)
le pain de son wholemeal bread
le pain complet granary bread
la tranche de pain slice of bread
le pain de mas corn bread
le pain au levain sourdough bread
le pain plat flat bread
le pain au bicarbonate de soude soda bread
le petit pain rond bap le petit pain roll le pain aux raisins secs fruit
le bagel bagel le naan nan bread
le pita bitta bread
le pain aux graines seeded bread
le biscuit scandinave crispbread le pain au chocolat chocolate bread
la matza/le pain non lev matzo le boulanger baker la farine
blanche white flour
la farine complte brown flour
la farine brute wholemeal flour
la levure yeast la faine traite strong flour
la farine avec la levure self-raising flour
la machine couper bread slicer - See more at:
le bar bar
le barman bartender
le tirebouchon corkscrew
le shaker
cocktails cocktail shaker
le percolateur coffee
le dessous de
verre coaster
le vodka
lorange vodka and
le cocktail cocktail
le vin wine
le martini martini
la bire beer
le coup shot
cacahoutes peanuts
les noix de
cajou cashew nuts
Excusez-moi! Excuse me!
you have?
In this lesson you will learn basic informal greetings in French. This is a
conversation between Marc and Sylvie, two good friends who meet in the
street. Listen to the phrases and repeat.
Salut Sylvie, a va?
Marc: Hi Sylvie! Hows it going?
Bien, merci. Et toi?
Sylvie: Fine, thank you. And you?
a va. Tout va bien!
Marc: Im okay. Everything is going well.
Sylvie: Trs bien! bientt!
Sylvie: Very good! See you soon!
Marc Salut, Sylvie!
Marc: Bye, Sylvie!
In the French language the verb to go (aller) is used when asking how are you.
(Here you can see our lesson on the irregular ER verb aller). So, rather than
saying I am fine you would say, I go fine. Heres how to ask somebody how
theyre doing using both the tu form (informal) or vous form (you plural and
formal for somebody who you dont know):
Informal: Comment vas-tu? How are you?
Formal: Comment allez-vous?
- See more at:
Goodbye in French
Goodbye in French
In this lesson you will learn how to say goodbye in French. There are two ways
to say this: Au revoir (more formal) and Salut (Same as informal hi and used
in informal situations). Just as its important to say hello in French it is also
important to say goodbye when you part ways. Just like English there are many
ways of saying goodbye. The most polite way is to say au revoir. This literally
means until I see you again. You can make it more polite by adding madame or
monsieur to the end of it.
To say see you soon say bientt. This is very common if you are going to
see the person in the coming hours, days or even weeks. If you are want to see
somebody very shortly you can also say plus. This would be regarded as a
very casual. Also, another casual way to say goodbye is simply Salut!
One final way is to simply to say la prochaine. This would also be regarded
as quite casual and that means see you next time as prochaine means next.
More Phrases
Here are some more useful and common phrases that you can use when saying
goodbye to somebody youve just met. Below this table youll also find some
links to lessons covering greetings and introductions!
ce nest pas terrible Its not very good cest parti here we go/were off
cest pas vrai! no way!
cest its
en fait in fact
il est it is
il faut que its necessary that il y a quelque chose qui cloche somethings
il y a there is, there are
jen passe et des meilleures and thats not all jen peux plus I cant take (it) any
tout est bien qui finit bien all that starts well
tu connais la musique you know the routine tu mtonnes are you kidding me?
tu te rends compte? can you imagine? un coup de fil phone call
un coup dil a glance, quick look
which means I have + Number + Years. For example, to say Im twenty years
old youd say: Jai vingt ans.
Salut, Marc!
Quel ge as-tu?
Jai 17 (dix-sept) ans.
Salut, Marie!
Quel ge as-tu?
Jai 6 (six) ans.
Salut, Pascal!
Quel ge as-tu?
Jai 25 (vingt-cinq) ans.
Salut, Franoise!
Quel ge as-tu?
Jai (vingt-deux) ans.
Salut, Patrice!
Quel ge as-tu?
Jai (douze) ans.
Bonjour, Robert!
Quel ge avez-vous?
Jai 65 (soixante-cinq) ans.
Bonjour, Gertrude!
Quel ge avez-vous?
Jai 82 (quatre-vingts deux) ans.
Language Difficulties
French Language Difficulties
In this lesson you will learn some basic phrases that have to do with French
language difficulties. Whether you are traveling in France or are talking with a
non-English speaking French person at home these are some words and phases
that youll definitely find helpful!
Je parle un peu.
I speak a little.
Parlez-vous anglais?
Do you speak English?
Do you understand?
Je comprends
I understand.
Je ne comprends pas.
I dont understand
In this lesson you will learn how to say excuse me (excusez-moi) and how to
say sorry (je suis dsol) in French. To say sorry to somebody you can say je
suis dsol. Please note that if you are a woman you would add an e to
dsol as you must write the adjective and the feminine form. Thus you would
write je suis dsole.
To say excuse me to a stranger or somebody who is older than yourself say
excusez-moi. If youre speaking to somebody who is a peer or younger than
yourself you can simply say excuse-moi.
If you are in a situation where you accidentally bump into somebody else or
you would like to grab their attention you can simply say pardon. If the
person is older than you were stranger you can say pardonez-moi.
- See more at:
Tu es
Tu es trs beau. (to a man) You are very handsome. Too ay tray boh.
que tu maimes? Do you love me? Ehs-keh too mehm?
Jai besoin de
Je ne peux pas vivre sans toi. I cannot live without you. Zheh newh puh paw
veevreh sahs towah.
Je suis amoureux. (said by a man) I am in love. Zheh
avertir to warn
btir to build
bnir to bless
choisir to chose
envahir to invade
gurir to cure
obir to obey
remplir to fill
runir to reunite
russir to succeed
attendre to wait
fondre to melt
perdre to lose
vendre to sell
Conditional Endings
The conjugations are very simple and there is very little to memorize. For
regular ER, IR verbs all you have to do is add on the imperfect endings to the
infinitive, or mother forms of the verbs. For example, to say I would like you
say, jaimerais with aimer being the infinitive form of the verb and ais
being the ending. For Re verbs drop off the final E on the infinitive before
adding on the imperfect endings.
Regular Verbs
Aimer = To Like
tu aimerais
il/Elle/on aimerait
nous aimerions
vous aimeriez
ils/elles aimeraient Finir To Finish
je finirais
tu finirais
il/elle/on finirait
nous finirions
vous finiriez
ils/elles finiraient
Vendre = To Sell
je vendrais
tu vendrais
il/elle/on vendrait
nous vendrions
vous vendriez
ils/elles vendraient
Irregular Verbs
The endings of irregular verbs in the conditional are the same as regular verbs.
However, you must use the same irregular stems that youd use in the future
tense. Heres the list:
aller to go
apercevoir to perceive/notice
avoir to have
devoir must/have to
tre to be
faire to make/do
savoir to know
venir to come
voir to see
vouloir to want
je devrais
je serais
je ferais
je saurais
je viendrais
First Person
je verais
je voudrais
Uses of the Conditional
The French conditional tense is used when you want to say that you would do
something.It has many uses.
2. The first use is when youd like to express a wish or suggestion. Here are
some examples:
Je voudrais aller en France pendant les vacances dhiver.
Id like to go to France during winter holiday.
Sarah aimerait devenir la patrone de la socit un jour.
Sarah would like to become the companys boss one day.
Its also used to say a statement in a more formal manner. For example:
Pourriez-vous passer chez moi a 20.00h ce soir?
Could you come by my place at 8pm tonight?
Voudriez-vous apporter la salade la fte?
Would you bring the salad to the party?
This reads better and is more polite than:
Pouvez-vous passer chez moi at 20.00h ce soir? and
Voulez-vous apporter la salade la fte?
3. The second use of of the conditional is to express si or if clauses. In
these sentences the main part is in the conditional while the second part is in
the imperfect. Examples:
Jirais si javais le temps.
Id go if I had the time.
La famille aurait un chat si elle ntait pas allergique.
The family would have a cat if she werent allergic.
Je parlerais mieux Franais si jtudiais plus souvent.
Id speak better French if I studied more often.
Lhomme voyagerait plus souvent sil avait plus dargent dans la banque.
The man would travel more often if he had more money in the bank.
To make the learning process easier you can also read through some example
phrases. For further practice you can also try to make your own sentences.
Practice Sentences
Jirais la plage mais je nai pas de temps.
I would go to the beach but I dont have time.
Je mangerais mais je nai pas faim.
I would eat but Im not hungry.
Il achterait la maison mais na pas dargent.
He would buy the house he doesnt have any money.
Je viendrais mais je suis occup.
I would come but Im busy.
Je finirais mes devoirs mais je dois aller au magasin.
I would finish my homework but I have to go tot he store.
Nous pourrions y aller sil nest pas trop tard.
We would be able to go there if it is not too late.
Jachterais du fromage franais si javais plus dargent.
I would be some French cheese if I had more money.
Il ferait plus dexercice sil avait plus de temps libre.
He would do more exercise if he had more free time.
Nous irions en vacances mais mon pre doit travailler.
We would go on vacation but my father must work.
Il aimerait vendre sa voiture mais il la encore besoin.
He would like to sell his car but he still needs it.
Here are some translation sentences. Translate the following into French then
see how you did by looking at the answers below!
English sentences:
Id like to go to France this summer to learn French.
He would like to lose weight but he doesnt have time to exercise.
Id travel in Europe if I had more money.
Of all the verb tenses in French the future is one of the easiest to learn. Similar
to the conditional tense (what you use to say would) all you have to do is add
on an ending to the infinitive form of each verb. What makes matters quite
easy is that all of the endings are the same across the board for ER, IR & RE
regular verbs as well as irregular verbs. First watch this movie then below you
can read through the endings on the verb conjugation tables as well through
some practice sentences.
Regular Verbs
Manger = To Eat
jmangerai - I will eat
tu mangeras You will eat
il/Elle/on mangera He/she/on will eat
nous mangerons We will eat
vous mangerez You (pl, formal) will eat
ils/elles mangeront They will eat
Finir To Finish
je finirai
tu finiras
il/elle/on finira
nous finirons
vous finirez
ils/elles finiront
Vendre = To Sell
je vendrai
tu vendras
il/elle/on vendra
nous vendrons
vous vendrez
ils/elles vendront
Irregular Verbs
tre To be
je serai
tu seras
il/elle/on sera
nous serons
vous serez
ils/elles seront
Avoir To Have
tu auras
il/elle/on aura
nous aurons
vous aurez
ils/elles auront
Aller To Go
tu iras
il/elle/on ira
nous irons
vous irez
ils/elles irons
Pouvoir To Be Able
je pourrai
tu pourras
il/elle/on pourra
nous pourrons
vous pourrez
ils/elles pourront
Faire = To Make/Do
je ferai
tu feras
il/elle/on fera
nous ferons
vous ferez
ils/elles feront
Practice Sentences
Nous mangerons quand il arrivera.
We will eat when he arrives.
What is limparfait?
The imperfect tense (limparfait) is one of the hardest tenses to master for
students of the French language. This is because the concept behind the tense
doesnt really exist in English. While the past tense (pass compos) is used to
describe actions that happened in the past at specific time or moment, the
imperfect describes a) things that happened over a period of time, or used to
happen and b) states of mind and and feelings.
Imperfect Endings
Its quite easy to get the endings for the imperfect tense. Simply take the
nous form of the verb in the present tense. Delete the ons ending and add
the following endings: ais, ais, ait, ions, iez and aient.
Regular Verbs
-ER (Parler To Speak)
je parlais
je finissais
tu parlais
tu finissais
tu attendais
il parlait
il finissait
il attendait
nous parlions
nous finissions
nous attendions
vous attendiez
tu avais
il tait il avait
tu allais
il allait
tu savais
il savait
vous aviez
vous alliez
vous saviez
ils taient
ils avaient
ils allaient
ils savaient
The following are several example sentences. The first are written using the
pass compos and the second are written in the imperfect. Can you see the
difference between these sentences?
Jai parl en Franais hier. I spoke in French to yesterday.
Je parlais en Franais quand jtais jeune. I used to speak French when I was
The imperfect is used for actions that have been done habitually or repeatedly.
Here are some examples.
Je nagais tous les deux jours. I swam every two days.
Jallais au parc le dimache soir. I went to the park on Sunday evenings.
Nous tudions la bibliothque chaque week-end. We used to study at the
library each weekend.
The imperfect is often used to describe a mental or physical state of being.
Javais trs faim hier soir. I was very hungry yesterday night.
Nous tions trs tonns quand elle est partie. We were very surprised when
she left.
Il semblait trs heureux! He looked very happy!
Elle avait trs honte! She was very ashamed!
The imperfect is also used to express an action that was happening when
another action (using the pass compos) interrupted it. Examples:
Elle travaillait quand son pre a tlphone. She was working when her dad
Il faisait ses devoirs quand son ami est arriv. He was doing his homework
when his friend arrived.
Now its your turn to practice the French imperfect tense. Here are some
sentences below to translate. Ill put the answers below.
I used to go to the movies with my parents.
She used to ride a bike in the park.
I was working when the boss came in the room.
The family used to go skiing every Sunday.
I used to share a room with my brother.
The kids used to play basketball in high school.
They used to travel to Australia during summer vacation.
It was hot during the summer last year.
I was playing the violin when dad came home.
She use to work in a shoe store during summer.
We were sleeping when the car passed in front of the house.
He used to go to the bar after work.
She seemed very sad yesterday morning.
He was skiing when his dad arrived at the mountain.
He used to study French every day and now he speaks very well!
Jallais au cinma avec mes parents.
Elle faisait du vlo au parc.
Je travaillais quand le patron est entr dans la salle.
La famille faisait du ski le dimanche.
Je partagais une chambre avec mon frre.
Les enfants jouaient au basket au lyce.
Ils voyagaient en Australie pendant les grands vacances.
Il faisait chaud pendant lt lanne dernire.
French Subjunctive
In this lesson you will learn the basics of understanding the subjunctive (le
subjonctif) tense in French. Too many non-native speakers this can be one of
the hardest parts of learning the language. My goal here is to demystify the
subjunctive by providing some good example phrases. In the video tutorial
lesson I will offer lots of practice sentences which Ill also write out below.
According to About.com: The subjunctive mood is used to express actions or
ideas which are subjective or otherwise uncertain: will/wanting, emotion, doubt,
possibility, necessity, judgment.
Based on my personal experience speaking French on a daily basis for over 20
years I can tell you that the subjunctive is not very hard and is very useful
when youre trying to express yourself. Indeed, in situations where youre
expressing a strong desire that something got done you will use the
The basic grammar is like this:
Subject + Verb + QUE + Subject 2 + Verb in Subjunctive + Object
Heres an example:
Je veux que tu manges du pain.
I want you to eat some bread.
In the situation you see that Je veux is the first subject in first for, QUE is
that, tu manges is the second subject in second verb and du pain is the
object. The verb manges is in the subjunctive tense because it is the action
that is required by the first subject (je).
Subjunctive Phrases
que tu sois
ailles saches
ayons allionssachions
In this video tutorial lesson you will learn the past tense or pass compos for
regular French ER, IR and RE verbs. Watch this video now and then you can
read further explanation below along with some practice sentences. The key
here is that you use avoir (to have) in the present tense and then put in whats
called the past participle. In the video I forgot to mention that some verbs do
not use avoir for the past tense conjugation and use the verb tre. In a future
lesson I will cover these verbs. If you want to say I liked you would say, jai
aim. So, what youre doing is taking jai, which means I have been putting
in aim, which is the past participle for the verb aimer, to like.
ER Verbs
Aimer = To Like
jai aim (I liked)
tu as aim (You liked, singular, familiar)
il/elle/on a aim (He she or one liked)
nous avons aim (We liked)
vous avez aim (You liked, plural or formal)
ils/elles ont aim (They liked)
IR Verbs
Below you can see how to conjugate regular IR verbs in the past tense. Youll
see that you need to follow the same pattern of using avoir in the present
tense then adding in the past participle. For choisir (to choose) its, choisi.
Choisir = To Choose
jai choisi
tu as choisi
il/elle/on a choisi
nous avons choisi
vous avez choisi
ils ont choisi
RE Verbs
Finally, the next group of verbs is the regular RE verbs. For example we will use
the verb, attendre, which means to wait. You will follow the same rules as for
the regular ER and IR verbs mentioned above.
Attendre = To Wait
jai attendu
tu as attendu
il/elle/on a attendu
nous avons attendu
vous avez attendu
ils/elles ont attendu
The section below you can read some example sentences. In our previous
lessons about regular ER IR and RE verbs enlisted out some common verbs and
Im taking verbs for the sentences from those lessons.
Example Sentences
ER Verbs
Jai ador le film!
I loved the movie!
Jai regard la tlvision pendant trois heures.
I watched TV for three hours.
Elle a tlphon a son pre mais il ntait pas l.
She called her father but he was not there.
La fille a danc avec le garon.
The girl danced with the boy.
Je nai pas travaill hier.
I did not work yesterday.
In this lesson you will learn the basics of reflexive verbs in French. English and
other non-Latin-based languages do not really have these kinds of verbs and
this can cause some confusion for students. However, once you get your head
around reflexive verbs youll find that they are very easy to deal with and
actually quite useful. This basic definition of a reflexive verb is that it is an
action that one does to oneself.
For example, Elle se lave. This means she washes herself. If I were to write,
Elle lave that would mean she washes as in she washes her car. That se is
referred to as the reflexive pronoun. It must agree with the subject of the
sentence (elle in this case). In the following two tables below Ill provide five
common reflexive verbs in both the present and past tense.
NOTE: Reflexive verbs use tre as an auxiliary verb when conjugated in the
past tense and follow the rules as outlined in our previous tre past tense
Conjugations Present Tense
To Be Namedje me appelle
tu te appelles
il se appelle
nous nous appelons
vous vous appelez
ils se appellent
Se Rveiller
ils se rveillent
Se Coucher
To Go To Bedje me couche
tu te couches
il se couche
nous nous couchons
vous vous couchez
ils se couchent
Se Laver
To Washje me lave
tu te laves
il se lave
nous nous lavons
vous vous lavez
ils se lavent Se Lever
To Get Upje me lve
tu te lves
il se lve
nous nous levons
vous vous levez
ils se lvent
Conjugations Past Tense
To Be Namedje me suis appel
tu tes appel
il sest appel
nous nous sommes appels
vous vous tes appels
ils se sont appels Se Rveiller
To Wake Upje me suis rveill
tu tes rveill
il sest rveill
nous nous sommes rveills
vous vous tes rveills
ils se sont rveills Se Coucher
To Go To Bedje me suis couch
tu tes couch
il sest couch
nous nous sommes couchs
vous vous tes couchs
ils se sont couchs Se Laver
To Washje me suis lav
tu tes lav
il sest lav
nous nous sommes lavs
vous vous tes lavs
ils se sont lavs
Se Lever
se noyer to drown
se peigner to comb ones hair
se promener to take a walk
se raser to shave
se refroidir to cool down, get cold
se regarder to look at oneself
se reposer to rest
se rveiller to wake up
Practice Sentences
Je me lve cinq heures du matin.
I wake up at 5am.
Elle se se fche facilement.
She gets angry easily.
Je me suis assis dans la cuisine.
I sat down in the kitchen.
Je mhabille rapidement.
I get dressed quickly.
La fille ne se maquille jamais.
The girl never puts on makeup.
Ils se sont maris lanne dernire.
They got married last year.
Est-ce que tu te moques de moi?
Are you making fun of me?
Il sest mfi de son patron.
He was careful of his boss.
Nous nous sommes reposs aprs le voyage.
We took a rest after the trip.
Mon voisin se sole tous les jours.
My neighbor gets drunk every day.
- See more at: http://www.frenchlearner.com/verbs/reflexiveverbs/#sthash.Dsel8t1K.dpuf
Etre Conjugation
On this page you will find complete conjugation charts for the French verb,
tre, which means to be. This is an extremely import and one of the most
commonly used verbs in the French language. In addition to needing to know it
for general sentence and phrases formation in daily conversation, you will also
need to use for many past tense formations (find complete lessons on that here
and here).
Audio Conjugation Chart
Present - tre (to be)
je suis I am
tu es you are
il est he is
nous sommes we are
vous tes you are
ils sont they are
j'ai t I was
tu as t you were
il a t he was
nous avons t we were
vous avez t you were
ils ont t they were
j'tais I used to be
tu tais you used to be
il tait he used to be
nous tions we used to be
vous tiez you used to be
ils taient they used to be
je serais I would be
tu serais you would be
il serait he would be
nous serions we would be
vous seriez you would be
ils seraient they would be Future
je serai I will be
tu seras you will be
il sera he will be
nous serons we will be
vous serez you will be
ils seront they will be
chanter to sing
commencer to start/begin
couter to listen
tudier to study
habiter to live
montrer to show
nager to swim
penser to think
porter to wear/carry
fermer to close
parler to speak/talk
prsenter to introduce
rver to dream
tlphoner to call/telephone
travailler to work
chanter to sing
visiter to visit
voler to fly/steel
danser to dance
donner to give
goter to taste
manger to eat
sembler to seem
trouver to find
regarder to watch/look at
Avoir Conjugation
On this page you will find a conjugation table for the French irregular verb,
avoir, which means to have. This is a very important irregular verb in the
French language as youll need it to make phrases and sentences in the past
tense (Pass Compos). Here youll find all the important tenses youll need to
learn including the present, future, past, imperfect and conditional. Click on
any of the blue words and listen to the audio!
Irregular Verb: Avoir (to have)
Present - avoir (to have)
j'ai I have
tu as you have
il a he has
nous avons we have
vous avez you have
ils ont they have
j'ai eu I had
tu as eu you had
il a eu he had
nous avons eu we had
vous avez eu you had
ils ont eu they had Imperfect
j'avais I used to have
tu avais you used to have
il avait he used to have
nous avions we used to have
vous aviez you used to have
ils avaient they used to have
j'aurais I would have
tu aurais you would have
il aurait he would have
nous aurions we would have
vous auriez you would have
ils auraient they would have
On this page youll find a verb conjugation table for the French verb aller,
meaning to go. This is an extremely important irregular verb to learn in
French as its used very often. Youll find all the important tenses below
including the present, imperfect, past tense (pass compos) and subjunctive.
Click on any of the blue French words and listen to the audio.
je vais I go
tu vas you go
il va he goes
nous allons we go
vous allez you go
ils vont they go
j'irai I will go
tu iras you will go
il ira he will go
nous irons we will go
vous irez you will go
ils iront they will goSubjunctive
que j'aille that I go
que tu ailles that you go
qu'il aille that he go
que nous allions that we go
que vous alliez that you go
qu'ils aillent that they go
- See more at: http://www.frenchlearner.com/verbs/aller-togo/#sthash.lHytJpbJ.dpuf
Irregular Verb: Faire (To Make & To Do)
Here you will find a complete conjugation table for the French irregular verb,
faire, which means to make or do. The verb is highly irregular and important to
learn as its extremely useful for making basic to advanced phrases and
sentences. Below youll find the verb conjugated in the present, future, past,
imperfect and subjunctive endings.
je fais I do
tu fais you do
il fait he does
nous faisons we do
vous fates you do
ils font they do
je ferai I would do
tu feras you would do
il fera he would do
nous ferons we would do
vous ferez you would do
ils feront they would do
Here are some sentences in English which you may translate into French using
the verb faire. The answers appear below in French.
English Sentences
I make my bed (lit, m) every morning.
What are you doing Tuesday evening? Are you available (libre)?
Were making a cake. Do you want to eat with us (avec nous)?
What are you (vous) doing this spring? Are you traveling in France?
What are you doing after the concert?
Id like to take a trip in July but Im very busy (occup[e]) this summer.
The boys like to take a walk in the park with their parents on Sundays.
Her daughter will play a basketball game at school ( lcole) on Tuesday.
What are they doing for Christmas (Nol) and new years eve (rveillon, m)?
You should (tu dois) pay attention to your pronunciation when you speak
French Translations
Je fais mon lit chaque matin.
Boire Conjugation
Boire ConjugationOn this page youll conjugation of the irregular IR verb boire
(to drink). Youll find all the useful tenses including the present, past, future,
conditional and imperfect, etc. Following the verb table youll also find several
practice example sentences and phrases. Please note that the French also use
the verb, prendre, or to take for describing the action of drinking. Find more
on prendre here.
Conjugation Table
je bois - I drink
tu bois - you drink
il/elle/on boit - he/she/one drinks
nous buvons - we drink
vous buvez - you drink (plural/formal)
ils/elles boivent they drink
j'ai bu - I drank
tu as bu - you drank
il/elle/on a bu - he/she/one drank
Je ne bois pas.
I do not drink.Quest-ce que tu veux boire?
What do you want to drink?
Elle boit du Coca-Cola.
She drinks Coca-Cola.
Quand il tait petit il buvait du lait.
He used to drink milk when he was little.
Je boirais de leau mais je nai pas soir.
I would drink some water but Im not thirsty.Hier jai bu du jus de pomme.
Yesterday I drank apple juice.
Je veux que tu boives plus deau pendant la journe.
I want you to drink more water during the day.
- See more at: http://www.frenchlearner.com/verbs/boire-todrink/#sthash.ZGQEXO7j.dpuf
Devoir Conjugation
In this video tutorial lesson you will learn how to conjugate the irregular French
verb, Devoir in French. This word has many meanings and the language and
it is quite important to learn. The first meaning of the verb Devoir is must.
For example, Je dois retourner en France cette semaine. That means, I must
return to France this week. Another meaning of the verb is to owe, in terms of
having to give something back to somebody else. In this situation Devoir
becomes a reflexive verb. For example to say, He owes me fifty Euros, you
would say, Il me doit cinquante Euros.
Devoir = Must/Have To/To Owe
devoir must/have to
je dois
tu dois
il/elle/on doit
nous devons
vous devez
ils/elles doivent
- See more at: http://www.frenchlearner.com/verbs/devoirmust/#sthash.AI0TVWMk.dpuf
In this lesson you will learn all about French verbs which are conjugated with
tre (to be) in the past tense or pass compos. First watch this movie then
learn more with the explanations below. You can also check out this Dr. & Mrs.
Vandertramp song video to help you learn.
Most French verbs use avoir as the auxiliary verb in the past tense. For
example, in nous avons mang avons is the ancillary verb and mang is the
past participle.
However, there are several verbs that use the verb tre (to be) as the past
tense auxiliary verb. For example, in Nous sommes alls (we went) sommes is
the auxiliary verb and alls is the past participle.
Furthermore, in the past tense verbs using tre must have the subject and past
participle agree in both gender and number. Here are some examples:
il est all
he went
Elle est alle
She went
They went (group of men only or men + women)
ils sont alls
They went (group of women)
Elles sont alles
The list of verbs which are conjugated with tre is as follows. Luckily the list is
not too long. However, it is important to learn as being able to distinguish
between tre and avoir firms in the past tense you want to sound fluent in
French. Notice that most of the verbs all have to do with coming and going.
Hence just by studying the nature of these verbs you should be able to get a
grasp of when you need to use tre in the past tense or not. Here are the
List of tre verbs:
Aller = to go
Arriver = to arrive
Decendre = to do down
Entrer = to enter
Monter = to climb
Mourir = to die
Natre = to be born
Partir = to leave
Passer = to pass
Rester = to stay
Retourner = to return
Sortir = to go out
Tomber = to fall
Venir = to come
Devenir = to become
Revenir = to come back
Now we will go through some example sentences. I have written a clearly
different forms for different people so that you can get a sense of when you
need to make the gender and numbers of the past participles matched the
subjects. As an exercise you could also go ahead and make some sentences of
your own after watching the video above. Also, note that in the sentences
below the form for Je is always masculine because I am speaking for myself.
If you are a woman
and speaking in the first person je form then you must add 1/8 the end of the
past participle in order to make the subject and past participle matching
Practice Sentences
Arriver To Arrive
Je suis arriv.
I arrived.
Elle est arrive.
She arrived.
ils sont arrivs
They arrived. (men + women or men only)
In this tutorial lesson you will learn how to conjugate several irregular French
verbs in the past tense or pass compos. Just like in the previous lesson that
we just did about regular verbs you have to follow the same basic construction:
subject + avoir + past participle. First watch the movie then you can read
through the verbs written out below as well as several practice sentences.
Please note that all of the verbs in this lesson are conjugated with avoir in the
past tense. In another lesson we will take a look at verbs which are conjugated
with tre.
Example Verb Boire: To Drink
jai bu (I drank)
tu as bu (You drank, singular, familiar)
il/elle/on a bu (He/she/one drank)
nous avons bu (We drank)
vous avez bu (You drank)
ils/elles ont bu (They drank)
As you can see the process is quite simple. Simply add the past participle bu
after this subject and corresponding conjugated form of avoir.
Here are some more regular verbs conjugated in the past tense. Rather than
going through all of the different speakers I will just write out the verbs in the
first-person singular (je) form. The rest of the speakers follow the standard
present tense conjugation of avoir and all you have to do is add the past
Irregular Verbs
tre = to be
jai t (I was)avoir = to have
jai eu (I had)
faire = to make or do
jai fait = I did
pouvoir = can/to be able to
jai pu = I was able tovouloir = to want
jai voulu = I wanted to
savoir = to know
jai su = I knew
connatre = to know (a person)
jai connu = I knewdevoir = must
jai d = I had to
voir = to see
jai vu I saw
Example Sentences
Essayer Conjugation
In this video tutorial lesson you will learn the French word for to try, the present
tense conjugation and also provide some example sentences. In the infinitive
or mother form the verb is Essayer. However, when we conjugate verb we
need to delete the Y and use an I. This is because the French language has
evolved over time and the modern language an I is now used.
Essayer = To Try
tu essaies
il/elle/on essaie
nous essayons
vous essayez
ils/elles essaient
Youll notice that for the nous, vous and iles/elles pronouns the S is linked to
the first letter of Essayer. This is because the first letter of the verb is a vowel
and leaving out that S sound would not sound good to the French year.
Example phrases: Practice the sentences and it will help you to get used to
using the verb to try.
Jessaie dapprendre le Franais. (I try to learn French.)
Tu essaies de perdre du poids. (You try to lose weight.)
On essaie daller plus vite. (We try to go faster.)
Ils essaient darriver lheure. (They try to arrive on time.)
- See more at: http://www.frenchlearner.com/verbs/essayer-totry/#sthash.Z8THcbvo.dpuf
Jouer Conjugation
Here you will find the verb conjugation table for Jouer, meaning to play in
French. This is a regular ER verb and follows simple conjugation patterns.
Tenses presented here include the following: Present, Past, Future, Imperfect,
Conditional and Subjunctive. Below the chart you will find several example
Conjugation Chart For Jouer (To Play).
je joue - I play
tu joues - you play
il/elle/on joue he/she/one plays
nous jouons - we play
vous jouez - you play
ils/elles jouent - they play Past
j'ai jou - I played
tu as jou - you played
Il joue au foot.
He plays soccer.Nous avons jou avec leurs amis.
We played with their friends.Il jouera au tennis demain.
He will play tennis tomorrow.
Manger Conjugation
Here you will find the conjugation chart for manger, meaning to eat in
French. Manger is a regular ER verb and following the same conjugation pattern
as jouer (to play). In the table below youll find the main tenses including the
present, pass compos (past) imperfect, conditional, future and subjunctive.
Below weve also included some example sentences.
je mange - I eat
tu manges - you eat
il/elle/on mange - he/she/one eats
nous mangeons - we eat
vous mangez - you eat
ils/elles mangent - they eat
Prendre Conjugation
Prendre Conjugation
In this video tutorial lesson will teach you how to conjugate the regular French
verb prendre, which means to take. This is a very useful verb in French when
it comes to eating and drinking. For example, to say Im drinking a coffee you
can say Je prends un caf. Another example would be Je un gteau au
chocolat, which means Im having or eating chocolate cake.
prendre = to take
je prends
tu prends
il/elle/on prend
nous prenons
vous prenez
ils/elles prennent
- See more at: http://www.frenchlearner.com/verbs/prendre-totake/#sthash.snOfUQFz.dpuf
In this lesson you will learn how to say to sit (sasseoir) in French. Ill also
teach you how to say sit down. Please watch this video tutorial first then read
through the explanations below. What makes this verb a bit challenging is that
1) Its a reflexive verb and 2) It has two pronunciations. Based on my
experience of over 20 years of speaking with French people on a daily basis Ive
noticed that both pronunciations are used. In fact, I use both pronunciations
je me assieds / ois
tu te assieds / ois
il/elle/on se assied / oit
nous nous asseyons / oyons
vous vous asseyez / oyez
ils/elles se asseyent / oient
- See more at: http://www.frenchlearner.com/verbs/sasseoir-tosit/#sthash.S7eUSqfH.dpuf
In this lesson you will learn how to say to kiss in the French language. Indeed,
kissing is a big part of French culture and it is a good idea to learn the
vocabulary words associated with how to give a kiss before going to France.
The main verb for to kiss translates as embrasser. This is very similar to the
word embrace an English. It is conjugated like a regular ER verb. If you want to
say I kiss you you would say, je tembrasse. In this situation embrasser
becomes a reflexive verb and you need to add the reflexive pronoun, te
which signifies to you. If you want to say kiss me you would say, embrassemoi.
Another way to say to kiss in French is, Faire un bisou or Faire une bise.
Basically, un bisou (masculine noun) is a kiss and this word can be shortened
to une bise (feminine noun). Reprints it is very common for men and women
or women and women to give each other two to four cases on the cheeks.
While this might seem a bit shocking to English-speaking North Americans it is
very common throughout Europe and South America. To say it communicates
you could also say, Fais-moi un bisou, or Fais-moi une bise.
If you wish to say whether or not you know a person or you are familiar with a
certain field of expertise or a place you would use a different verb for to know:
Connatre. The distinction between these two verbs can cause issues for people
who are learning French.
Note that Spanish, Italian and Portuguese also differentiate between these two
ways of saying to know in the same manner. In a future lesson I will go into this
subject further with example sentences to help you better understand the
- See more at: http://www.frenchlearner.com/verbs/savoir-connaitre-toknow/#sthash.vkaoOpMQ.dpuf
Je me cache dans ma chambre.
I hide in my room.
Le chat se cache sous les plantes.
The cat is hiding under the plants.
La fille ne se cache jamais.
The girl never hides.
Tu peux courir mais tu ne peux pas te cacher.
You can run but you cannot hide.
Ils se cachent ensemble.
They are hiding together.
Normal non-reflexive
La mre cache les bonbons.
The mother hides the candy.
Elle cache sa lettre quelque part.
She is hiding her somewhere.
Est-ce que tu as quelque chose cacher?
Do you have something to hide?
O est-ce que tu cache ton argent?
Where do you hide your money?
In this video tutorial youll learn how to say to realize in French: Se rendre
compte. In the table below youll see the conjugation in the present tense.
je me rends compte I realize
tu te rends compte You realize (singular, familiar)
il/elle/on se rend compte He/she/one realizes
nous nous rendons compte We realize
vous vous rendez compte You realize (plural, formal)
ils/elles se rendent compte They realize
Next you can read through the practice sentences from the movie. Youll see
that se rendre compte is always followed by que, which means that. Also,
please note that you must conjugate the past tense with tre as this is a
reflexive verb.
Est-ce que tu te rends compte que tu nas plus dargent?
Do you realize that youre out of money?
Je me rends compte que nous sommes presque l.
I realize we are almost there.
Je me suis rendu compte que jtais en retard.
She realized she was late.
Maintenent tu te rends compte que les verbes franais ne sont pas faciles.
Now you realize that French verbs are not easy.
- See more at: http://www.frenchlearner.com/verbs/se-rendre-compte-torealize/#sthash.FmLMyBdU.dpuf
On this page you will find a complete conjugation chart for the French irregular
verb, venir, which means to come. Youll find conjugations in the following
tenses: present, pass compos (past), imperfect, conditional, future and
subjunctive. NOTE: All of the linked blue words below have audio. Just click,
listen to the pronunciation, practice and repeat.
Irregular Verb: Venir (To Come)
je viens I come
tu viens you come
il vient he come
nous venons we come
vous venez you come
ils viennent they come
In this video lesson you will learn how to say I want in French. The verb to
learn is vourloir (to want). Please note that in French culture is slightly
inappropriate to use the words je veux when asking for something from
somebody else. Indeed, the tone of these words sounds quite demanding and
saying this will definitely put some French people off.
In this lesson I will teach you for other simple ways that you can use to express
desire and provide example sentences. Here are some other useful phrases you
can use when you want something from somebody else:
Je voudrais = I would want This is very. in French and you can use it for
ordering food in a restaurant, for example.
je veux
tu veux
il/elle/on veut
nous voulons
vous voulez
ils/elles veulent
My cat is female and the word for a girl cat is une chatte. Because I am saying,
my cat I must say ma chatte. If he were a male I would say mon chat in
the masculine form. The next thing I do is conjugate avoir in the third person,
singular (a). After the word besoin comes the word de which means of. The
word for name in French is nom. I write d' un because begins with a vowel
and it would be incorrect to write de un in French. Please watch the movie
below and let me know if you have any questions.
Example sentences
Going To in French
In this lesson you will learn a really easy way of saying what you want to do in
the near future. Unlike the future tense which requires lots of more complicated
conjugations this way is much faster to learn. Basically, youre going to learn
how to say, I am going to then add what youre actually going to do.
Heres the construction for this grammar:
Je vais + reverb in the infinitive form + object.
Going To in French - Je Vais + InfinitiveJe vais is the first person of the verb,
aller, which means to go (here you can see the rest of the conjugations for
the verb aller in the present tense).
In the lesson the sentence that Im making is, I am going to eat cheese. In
French, the sentence reads: Je vais manger du fromage. Manger, a regular ER
verb, means eat and is written with an ER, making it the infinitive or mother
form, to eat.
You also notice that there is the word du in the sentence. That means some.
You could also say, Je vais manger le fromage. That means I am going to eat
the cheese. And the lesson I also teach a few other sentences and phrases.
Vocabulary Used in Lesson
cest dlicieux = its delicious
le meilleur du monde = best in the world
fromange franais = french cheese
maintenent = now
Uses of tre
The verb tre is probably the most widely used verb in the French language.
Here well learn several of the most common ways to use this verb.
The first usage is to say how youre doing. In this case youd say: Je suis +
If youre talking with somebody and you want to express that you agree with
them say:
5. Possession of an object
tre + name of person or stress pronoun (moi, toi, lui, elle etc)
Uses of Avoir
In French one most useful and common verbs is avoir, which means to
have. In fact, the verb is used in quite a few situations where wed use to be
in English. Here are some of the most common uses of the French verb avoir.
1. Expressing Age
Do not say Je suis vingt ans because that would be wrong. Say: Jai vingt ans.
Jai faim (Im hungry). Again, dont say je suis faim because that would be
Jai chaud (Im hot) -> Literally: I have hot
Jai raison (Im right)
Jai peur (Im afraid) -> Literally: I have fear
Jai sommeil (Im tired/sleepy)
Jai de la chance (Im lucky)
My name is David Issokson. Ive spent my whole life learning French and now
Im a full time online teacher. When I first faced French verbs in 1987 in junior
high school I was baffled by this subject.
So, in this article Id like to help you by explaining which verb tenses you
should focus on in your studies.
Actually, I suggest focusing on six tenses. If you get really comfortable with
these six tenses and know how to use them inside and out then youll be
perfectly well equiped to engage in fluent French conversation.
Present Tense
The first tense which youll need to focus on the present tense. For this simple
article well use the verb, parler which is a regular ER verbs and means to
speak. Heres the conjugation:
Je parle
Tu parles
Il/elle parle
Nous parlons
Vous parlez
Ils/elles parlent
Simply put in the first person singular form (je, meaning I) this means either
1) I speak or 2) I am speaking. This is the verb tense that youll use most of the
time when youre speaking French.
One common mistake is for people to say Je suis parle when they want say I
am speaking. The correct way to say this is simply: Je parle because the I
am + ing bit is built into the verb.
However, if you just speak in the present tense you might make yourself
understood but you wont be able to express yourself very effectively. So, there
are more tenses youll have to learn.
Pass Compos
The second these which youll have to learn is called the Pass Compos.
Simply put, this is the past tense. Lets take a look at it using the verb parler:
Jai parl
Tu as parl
Il/elle a parl
Nous avons parl
Vous avez parl
Ils/elles ont parl
In the je form this would mean: I spoke. You use this verb tense to describe
things that happened in the past at specific times. For example, if you wanted
to say, I spoke with James at 6 oclock youd use the past tense. Jai parl
avec James.
Imperfect Tense
With just the present tense and the pass compos you can talk about what
youre doing and what you did. However, if you want to describe things that
you used to do or things that took place over a period of time you need to use
the imperfect tense or limparfait. You also use this tense when youre
describing the background of a story.
Je parlais
Tu parlais
Il/elle parlait
Nous parlions
Vous parliez
Ils parlaient
So, here Je parlais means I used to speak. Because of the usage of this verb
tense theres no way to say used to in French. To say used to you must
conjugate the verb in the imperfect tense.
Future Tense
Just as the name implies you use this tense to talk about things youll do in the
future. Its very straight forward and little explanation is needed. Heres the
Je parlerai
Tu parleras
Il/elle parlera
Nous parlerons
Vous parlerez
Ils/elles parleront
In addition to the future these theres another tense that you can use for
describing things youre doing to do. This is called the Near Future or Future
Proche tense. It works like this:
Je vais parler.
After the future tense you will want to focus on the conditional tense. This is
the tense used to express would. Heres the conjugation:
Je parlerais
Tu parlerais
Il/elle parlerait
Nous parlerions
Vous parleriez
Ils/elles parleraient
As you can see construction of the tense is very similar to the future. Take the
infinitive then put on the appropriate endings.
Present Subjunctive
This is a big stickler for many students because the concept of the subjunctive
really doesnt exist in English. Basically, the French have a specific verb tense
thats used to describe 1) Wish, 2) Emotion and 3) Doubt. Heres how it looks:
que je parle
que tu parles
quil parle
que nous parlions
que vous parliez
quils parlent
Que tu parles, for example means that you speak. So if I said, je veux que
tu parles that would be the subjunctive because it expresses a wish.
This is the final tense which I suggest you learn. Its the commanding tense.
For example in English if you said, Eat! as in Eat your dinner! that would be
the equivalant of the imparative tense. Heres how it looks for parler:
So, Parle! means Speak! in the tu form (to a peer or somebody younger
than you). Parlons means Lets speak and Parlez! means Speak! to a
group of people or somebody who you dont know.
I sincerely hope this short article has helped to answer the question of which
verb tenses to focus on. There are many others but learning them is actually
more of an academic exercise than anything else.
Focus on these six tenses and youll be well on your way to speaking fluently!
French O Sound
November 5, 2015 by david 0 Comments
One of the single hardest sounds to pronounce in French is the O sound. While
this would seem very easy at first due to the straight forward nature of the sound
(not complicated like other sounds such as the nasty eur), its hard to pronounce.
This is due to the non-native speakers tendency to pronounce the O in French as
if he or she were speaking his or her native language.
What I mean by this is taking the word, opinion for example, and saying lopinion
in French but using the English uh sound for the O. This is the first think I
explain in the video.
Then, I go through several words which start with the letter O. Almost all of these
words are the same in both English and French. The key thing that Im trying to
emphasize is that you must pronounce the O sound like Oh in French and not
the Uh in English while staying the word in French. Heres the list of words I gave
in the video.
lorange = orange
lopportunit = opportunity
loppos = opposite
lorigine = origine
lhotage = hostage
olympique = Olympic
lobjet = object
occup = occupied
optimiser = to optimise
objectif = objective
loncle = uncle
lomelette = omelette
I included both words that start with O and words that have an O within the
between tu an vous. However, I now have several guidelines on when to use tu and
when to use vous and would like to share them with you today.
What Are Tu & Vous?
First I must explain what is tu and what is vous. Basically, there are two ways of
saying you in French. This is very tricky for English speakers because we have
one simple word: you.
The word tu means you in the singular, meaning when youre talking to one
specific person. More importantly, tu is the familiar form of you, meaning you
use it when youre talking to somebody you already know (a peer) or somebody
whos younger than yourself.
Vous is the plural form of you, meaning that you use it when youre talking to a
group of people. It would equate to yaall in the American south or you guys in
other regions of the country. Vous is also used as the formal you when youre
speaking to a stranger or somebody older than yourself.
In my online teaching I always use tu with my students. This is because I believe
it helps to foster a friendly learning atmosphere. In many online courses such
as Rocket French, tu as the creators of the course were aiming for a casual
approach when they wrote the lessons.
With Strangers Always Start With Vous
A key question is who should I use vous with. The answer is simple: Use it with
people who you dont know and with your elders. This includes anybody whod
youd meet working in a place of business such as a shop, restaurant, train station,
Youd also use vous initially with your French teacher as well as friends and
relatives of your French friends. If youre working in France youd use vous with
your boss, supervisors and with colleagues who you dont know very well.
While you might be tempted to use tu when you first meet somebody its always
wise to start with vous. Then, let them tell you to use tu. Based on my
experience some people have told me to use tu right away while others never told
me to use tu and Ive used vous with them for many years!
One really tricky question is which to use with somebody your own age who you
meet in a social setting such as a party. The French will often use vous in these
situations and this might seem a bit strange to you as an English speaker.My
suggestion is to just go with the flow and use vous. If you really feel comfortable
with the person you could suggest using tu.
In Some Situations Using Tu Is 100% Okay
There are lots of situations where it would be very awkward to use vous and
youre expected to use tu. The main one is when talking to kids. More specifically
this refers to both children and adolescents. In French culture if you were to say
vous to a child it would appear very strange. That said, if a child were to use tu
with you as an adult and foreign visitor it would appear as very rude and
If youre speaking to a group of kids you still must use vous because vous
means you plural, as mentioned above.
How To Tell Somebody To Use Tu Or Vous
The French actually have specific verbs which describe call me tu or call me
you. The verb for call me tu or say tu is: tutoyer. So, to tell somebody, You
can use tu with me say: Tu peux me tutoyer. The verb for to say vous is
vouvoyer. If a young person is inappropriately using tu with you you can tell him
or her: Tu dois me vouvoyer! or You must say vous to me!. If youd like to ask an
older person if its okay to use tu you may ask, Est-ce que je peux vous tutoyer?
You Can Learn From My Mistakes!
Ive goofed up with tu and vous a few times over the years. While these situations
seem funny to me now I really did learn a lot from them.
When I first arrived in France in 1992 I met my French host family in the train
platform in Douai, France. When I got off the train and met my host mother for the
first time on the platform I asked her, Comment tappelles-tu?, or Whats your
name? in the tu form.
My mistaken logic for using tu at that time was that since I was going to see her
everyday for one year I may as well be friendly from the get-go. However, I was
totally unaware that its seen as extremely rude in French culture to use tu initially
with an older stranger. Nobody said anything that day but at a later date I was told
Id been out of place.
A second situation where I wanted to put my foot in my mouth was with a university
professor at McGill University in Montreal, Canada in 1993. I was taking a French
composition course with the native French-speaking students. The professor was
very young probably just out of university herself. Furthermore, she was
extremely friendly and had a wonderful demeanor.
Thus, I decided to use tu with her in front of all the other students. This went on
for a few weeks until she pulled me aside and told me that saying tu to a
university professor is very rude. I put my tail between my legs and said, Excusezmoi, madame.
I hope this short article on when to use tu and when to use vous has helped. In
summary, use vous with both strangers and people older then yourself. When in
doubt use vous initially and let them tell you to use tu. Also, use vous with a
group of people as vous also means you plural. Use tu with kids and
remember that to use vous with them would be seen as awkward.
Ill be very upfront with you right now and say, Yes, French is indeed very
hard! In this article Id like to talk about what exactly makes French so
difficult. My goal here is to show you some of the tricky aspects to learning
French then offer some potential solutions which may help you.
Personally, I think taking an online course such as Rocket French would help
because they have an amazing pronunciation section. Also, Id suggest finding
a good online teacher as I specialize in French pronunciation training and could
help you to overcome accent issues.
This is a big complaint that I get all the time from both beginners and even
intermediate and advanced students. The reason that its hard to tell when one
word stops and another starts is because words literally run into one another
due to something called the liason.
This is when one word ends with a consonant and the following word starts with
a vowel. The two words become connected in order to sound nicer to the
listeners ear. Furthermore, what makes this difficult is that its very easy to
forget to do the liason when its required. Again, I specialize in helping in this
area in my online lessons.
One aspect to learning French that you cannot get around is learning verb
conjugations. This means learning the endings of the verbs depending on who
is speaking (I, you, he/she, etc.) Learning how to conjugate verbs is totally
foreign for English speakers who have never learned a foreign language.
Whats more, there are no short cuts in this area.
While some teachers might like to suggest quick loopholes and shortcuts, my
experience is that the best results are obtained through learning the oldfashioned way: memorization, repetition and finally application in the real
One aspect to learning French thats outright baffling to students is the gender
of nouns. This means that some nouns are masculine and are proceeded with
Le for the word the and some nouns are feminine and are proceeded by
La. Unlike Spanish, where its easy to distinguish masculine and feminine
because the feminine words tend to end in a, theres no hard and fast gender
rules in French.
While there are lots of patterns there are also a ton of exceptions. So, again
memorization is required here. That said, I will say that after some time
learning French (maybe nine months to one year) you should develop a sense
of which words sound masculine and which words sound feminine.
Another area where many people struggle is learning French prepositions. One
of the main reasons that theyre so hard is because you have to memorize the
gender (masculine or feminine) of the noun that theyre introducing. Also, you
must consider whether the noun is singular or plural. For example, If you say,
Im going to Canada and Im going to France the word for to would be
au for the Canada because its masculine and en for France because France
is feminine.
A lot of students also get confused over which word to use for in because
there are two words: en and dans, with specific rules dictating when to use
which word.
This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to prepositions. There are other
instances where verbs are married to various prepositions such as de
(from) and (to) and this also causes a ton of stress for students. One great
resource for this is the book, Practice Makes Perfect: French Pronouns and
Prepositions. I also spend lots of time on prepositions in my private lessons.
Learning to speak French isnt exactly easy but at the same time its not
impossible. Ive just come up with five areas where students struggle and
offered some common-sense solutions. Whats been your experience with
common difficulties learning French? Please let me know in the comments
section below!
Thank you for visiting this page! This is David Issokson here and Im here to
help you with your French pronunciation.
The first sound that a lot of students have a lot of trouble with is the eur
sound. A lot of French words end in this sound and its totally unnatural for nonnative speakers.
The second sound we go over is the French u. I call this the pointed u
because you kind of point your lips forward into a whistling position. Example
words in the video are Tu (you, familiar), Jupe (skirt) and Pue (stinks).
The third sound is the French . Its a combination of the letters o and e
and makes a really weird sound that doesnt exist at all in English. Youll have
to watch the video to hear how it sounds as writing it out phonetically is a bit
tricky! Example words in the video are: Cur (heart), il (eye) and sur
I sincerely hope this video has helped! If youre struggling with French
pronunciation please let me know in the comment section below and Id love to
Slang Verbs
June 28, 2015 by david 0 Comments
Knowing how to speak formal French is fantastic. But, the language is loaded with
lots of rich and exciting slang words, called largot. Here youll learn eleven useful
French slang verbs which youll hear every commonly in everyday conversation if
you ever take a trip to France. In addition to giving the vocabulary words the video
lesson does a great job offering example sentences. Video
source: ielanguages.com.
Bosser = Travailler = To Work
Louper = Manquer = To Miss (train, bus, etc.)
In this tutorial you will learn how to make a negative sentence, or negation in
French. This is called a ne pas sandwich and what you have to do is say the
subject first, then say ne, insert your verb and add pas at the end. We call
this a sandwich because ne and pas are wrapped around the verb.
Making a negative sentence is a little bit complicated in French and require
some attention. The word order is the following:
subject + ne + verb + pas
An example phrase is Je ne sais pas, which means I dont know. In this
example je is the subject and sais and is the verb and means to know in
the first person. The ne + pas is wrapped around the verb sais. Another
example is Je ne mange pas or I do not eat.
Now thats a little bit harder. This sentence has two verbs or two verbs which
make up one action word such as want to eat then the ne and pas go around
the first of verb and not around the second. N. example of this would beje ne
veux pas manger. Notice the ne and pas go around veux, the first verb.
There is another situation where this can get a little bit complicated. If a
sentence has a second negative word in it then delete the pas at the end of
the sentence. For example, je nai rien faire means I have nothing to do. In
this sentence je is the subject ai is the first verb meaning to have and
rien is the second negative word meaning nothing. The words faire mean
to do. Here you delete the pas after nai because rien is a negative word.
Finally, if there is no verb in the phrase then omit the pas. Two examples here
are pas mal meaning not bad and pas encore meaning not yet.
- See more at:
French Adverbs
In this video tutorial lesson I will provide a basic overview of French adverbs.
First of all, what is an adverb? An adverb is a word in grammar which qualifies
the action of the verb and specifies how the action is performed. In the English
language examples of adverbs would be slowly, quickly and fortunately. And
the phrase, I eat slowly, slowly is the adverb as it follows the verb each and
specifies how the eating is done.
As you can see in English to make an adverb we add the letters ly to the end
of an adjective. In French we add the letters ent to the end of an adjective in
the same manner.
For example, in French to say slowly we say lentement. We take the additive,
lent, which means slow and add an ent to the end of it to get lentement.
To use this word and a sample sentence in French we could say Il mange
lentement, which means he eats slowly.
dernirement lately
immdiatement immediately
profondment profoundly
prcdemment previously
prcisment precisely
premirement first
rapidement rapidly
rarement rarely
srieusement seriously
Sample Sentences:
In the lesson I also provide some sample sentences which use adverbs. The
sentences are as follows along with their English translations. Ive put the
adverbs in italics.
Les enfants vont rarement la plage./The children go rarely to the beach.
Il vient immdiatement./He comes immediately.
Tu parles rapidement./You speak rapidly.
Les arbres poussent naturellement./The trees grow naturally.
Il est srieusement en retard./He is seriously late.
As you can see these really are not too difficult at all. Given that all you have to
do is add an ENT to the end of the agitated put it after the main verb in the
sentence creating more practice sentences should be easy. Give it a try and let
me know if you have any questions!
- See more at:
French Prepositions
French PrepositionsIn this video tutorial you will learn the French prepositions.
This is a word in grammar that occurs before what youre trying to talk about.
For example in the sentence The dog under the chair under is the
In this video lesson you will learn the prepositions for the following words:
aprs (after), (at and to) and avant (before). Some more preposition words
which you might find useful in French include derrire (behind), devant
(before), chez (among or at somebodys house or business), dans (in), de
(from), depuis (since), en (in, to, on), pour (for), sans (without), sur (on) and
vers (towards).
- See more at:
French Question WordsIn this video tutorial you will learn the common French
question words. They are not very tricky and easy to master. For each question
word I have provided an example sentence.
Question Words
how = comment
what = quest que
what = que
when = quand
who = qui
why = pourquoi
where = o
how = comment vas-tu? (How are you?)
what = quest que cest? (What is it?)
what: que voulez-vous? (What do you want?)
when = quand est-ce que tu pars? (When do you leave?)
who = qui est l? (Who was there?)
why = pourquoi est-ce tu manges? (Why are you eating?)
where: o sont les toilettes? (Where is the restroom?)
- See more at: http://www.frenchlearner.com/grammar/questionwords/#sthash.RTmsiCEC.dpuf
In this lesson you will learn a really easy way of expressing something that you
want to do. The grammar construction is: Avoir envie de + verb in the infinitive
form (that means a verb in its mother form such as parler or to speak). Before
doing this lesson you might find it useful to go through our lesson covering the
conjugation of avoir (to have).
Practice Phrases
Martin a envie daller la plage.
Martin wants to go to the beach.
Explanation: In this situaiton you write d' rather than the word de because
the verb, aller, begins with a voyel. If you said de aller it would sound funny
to the French ear.
Jai envie de manger.
I want to eat.
Quest-ce que tu a envie de faire?
What do you want to do?
As-tu envie de rester ici?
Do you want to stay here?
Depuis ImageIn this lesson you will learn how to say since or for in French. The
word for this is depuis. This is a follow-up lesson to another one we just about
the word ago (il y a).
First watch this movie then read through the example sentences below.
Rules to Learn:
For now dont get too caught up in the details. By reading these sentences
youll start to get the idea:
Practice Sentences
En Train De
In this lesson you will learn how to say you are in the middle of doing
something in French. The grammatical structure which will learn is en train
de, or to be doing.
Ago in French Il y a
In this lesson you will learn how to say something that you did in the past in
French and in particular how to express ago. To say ago in French you must
use the word Il y a. The pronunciation for this is Eel yee a and it has two
definitions: There are and Ago.
Please watch the movie below then read through the practice sentences and
explanations. In the first group of practice sentences (see below video) youll
see Il y a used in its first meaning: There are. In the second group youll see it
used in its second meaning: Ago. By the way Ive also introduced this lesson
as it gives you a good chance to practice the pass compos (past tense).
Also, please note that there are two other great ways of expressing events that
took place in the past: a fait, which means, Its been and depuis, which
means since. Well explore these terms in future lessons.
Practice Phrases
In this lesson youll learn how to describe something that you just did in French.
The name for this tense is the Pass Rcent because it describes something
you did in the recent past. If you want to say something that youre about to
do, use the Immediate Future Tense.
The construction is quite simple. What you do is say the verb venir in the
present tense, add de and then add the infinitive of a verb.
Before we move onto more examples lets do a quick review of the irregular
verb venir (to come).
Je viens = I come
Tu viens = You come
More examples:
French Preposition Chez
French has a preposition which has long baffled many students. This is the word
chez. It has two different uses:
To be at somebodys house
To be in somebodys country/place of residence
Lets look at some examples based on peoples homes with translations.
Tu viens chez nous ce soir? Are you coming to our place/home tonight?
Youd say:
Practice Sentences
Below youll find several translation sentences with the preposition chez. The
translations in French can be found below.
English Sentences
The endings are quite straight forward. Simply take the tu, nous and vous
forms of the present tense. For regular -er verbs get rid of the -s in the present
tu form.
PARLER to speak
parle! speak!
parlons! lets speak!
parlez! speak!
FINIR to finish
finis! finish!
finissons! lets finish!
finissez! finish!
VENDRE to sell
vends! sell!
vendons! lets sell!
vendez! sell!
Lets look at a few example sentences:
Vendez voture voiture!
Sell you car!
Allons la plage!
Lets go to the beach!
Ferme la porte!
Shut the door!
Ouvre la fentre!
Open the window!
Lisez les phrases suivantes.
Read the following sentences.
Faites attention!
Watch out!
Rentrez la maison avant minuit!
Come home before midnight!
Tlphone ta mre!
Call you mother!
Apprends tes verbes!
Learn your verbs!
Imperative in the Negation
Negative sentences are simply formed by putting a ne and pas around the
verb. Here are some sample sentences:
Ne conduisez pas si rapidement!
Dont drive so fast!
The verbs avoir (to have) etre (to be) and savoir (to know) have irregular forms
in the imperative. The verb vouloir (to want to) is always used in the vous
form: veuillez and it translates loosly to please.
aie! have
ayons lets have
ayez have
sois be
soyons lets be
soyez be
sache know
sachons lets know
sachez know
Here are some more example sentences:
Sil vous plat, soyez prudent!
Please be careful.
Sachez que le prof a raison!
Know that the teacher is right!
When youre using the imperative mood with reflexive (or pronominal) verbs
you have to be careful of the position of the pronoun. In affirmative commands
the pronoun comes after the verb and me/te become moi and toi. In negative
commands the pronoun comes before the verb. Here are some examples:
Appelle-moi ce soir!
Call me tonight!
Ne mappelle pas ce soir!
Dont call me tonight!
Dpche-toi! On va tre en retard!
Hurry up! Were going to be late!
Ne te dpche pas! On a le temps!
Dont hurry! We have time!
Special Situations
There are certain situations in affirmative commands where pronouns follow
the verb and are attached with a hyphen.
Allez-y! go ahead!
Mange-le! eat it!
Donne-le-moi! Give it to me!
- See more at: