2. Translasi
Binding of the bigger subunit of the ribosome to the small one, to form
the complete 70S ribosome (Diagram 2).
Then the second AA-tRNA arrives in the Aminoacyl site
(acceptor site), and binds to the complex (Diagram 3).
The reaction between the first amino acid and the second one leads
to the formation of a peptide bond. A molecule of water is released
( it is a condensation reaction) (Diagram 3b). This only happens after
hydrolysis of a GTP into GDP which allows the elongation factor to
leave. This delay allows for proof reading as a wrong tRNA would
leave before the reaction takes place.
Step 2 of Elongation
The second tRNA has now moved into place and the now free
tRNA has been released. Translocation can take place: it is the
transfer of the newly formed dipeptide into the peptidyl site (the
first one, also called donor site) (Diagram 4) when the ribosome
shifts 3 nucleotides.
The third AA (R)-tRNA can then bind to the mRNA / ribosome
complex, and a new peptide bond is formed (Diagram 5).
This step is a repeat
of step two, to show
that once the
process starts, it is
fast, and repetitive.
Diagram 6 a and b