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  • Belgium

Arne De Graeve

Salvage excavations in the city center of Oudenaarde revealed remains of an aeolian dune formed on top of final Pleniglacial braided river sediments. OSL dating demonstrates that this dune was formed during the Lateglacial, most likely... more
Salvage excavations in the city center of Oudenaarde revealed remains of an aeolian dune formed on top of final Pleniglacial braided river sediments. OSL dating demonstrates that this dune was formed during the Lateglacial, most likely mainly during the Younger Dryas, a date confirming the Final Palaeolithic age of the associated industry. During the Middle to Late Neolithic the dune was reoccupied by the first farmers of the Scheldt basin, possibly leading to a reactivation of aeolian
Het archeologische onderzoek dat door SOLVA te Ronse-Pont West uitgevoerd werd van augustus 2011 tot november 2014, leverde een kleine verzameling lithisch materiaal op (n = 185). De vondsten werden verspreid aangetroffen over het ca. 17... more
Het archeologische onderzoek dat door SOLVA te Ronse-Pont West uitgevoerd werd van augustus 2011 tot november 2014, leverde een kleine verzameling lithisch materiaal op (n = 185). De vondsten werden verspreid aangetroffen over het ca. 17 ha grote onderzoeksgebied en bevonden zich, op enkele uitzonderingen na, in de vulling van jongere antropogene sporen of in de veel voorkomende natuurlijke sporen op de site. Ondanks de kleine hoeveelheid vondsten is deze assemblage qua typochronologische samenstelling vrij heterogeen. Naast een beperkte neolithische component bevat het ensemble bijvoorbeeld enkele opvallende midden-paleolithische en finaal-paleolithische artefacten. In deze bijdrage zullen enkel de artefacten uit deze laatstgenoemde periodes in detail besproken worden.
This study deals with a currently unexamined topic: the phenomenon of objects which were discarded in rivers during the early Middle Ages. The starting point of this study is the research of metals dating from the early Middle Ages, which... more
This study deals with a currently unexamined topic: the phenomenon of objects which were discarded in rivers during the early Middle Ages. The starting point of this study is the research of metals dating from the early Middle Ages, which were collected by Joseph Maertens de Noordhout. This collection of objects was gathered in the years 1910 after dredging works in the River Scheldt, mainly in the region of Schellebelle/Wichelen. The first aim of this study is to present an evaluation of the condition of the pieces and to represent the collection with new insights. The collection mainly includes broadaxes, weapons (saxes, lanceheads, arrowheads, axes) and implements. To some of the objects, pieces of a wooden shaft are still attached, which are very useful for further examination. These objects are described and dated. In this study it becomes clear that the chronological framework is much broader than the early Middle Ages, going from the (late) Iron Age until the late Middle Ages...
ABSTRACT Based on the evidence of a recently excavated, sealed site, situated at Ruien “Rosalinde” in the Belgian Scheldt valley, the response of hunter-gatherers to changing climate at the transition from the temperate Allerød to the... more
ABSTRACT Based on the evidence of a recently excavated, sealed site, situated at Ruien “Rosalinde” in the Belgian Scheldt valley, the response of hunter-gatherers to changing climate at the transition from the temperate Allerød to the cold Younger Dryas is discussed. Radiocarbon dated to the end of the Allerød or the very beginning of the Younger Dryas, the site of Ruien provides the earliest evidence of a refined lithic technology characterized by the use of a soft stone hammer and the production of straight and regular blade(let)s from intensively prepared cores with two opposite platforms and sharp striking angles. In the course of the Younger Dryas and Early Pre-boreal this knapping method will become standard all over Europe, from the Tanged Point Technocomplex in the North to the (Epi)Laborian in the South. It contrasts sharply with the knapping style of previous lithic traditions, such as the late Federmesser/Azilian and Bromme Technocomplexes, which was much less elaborated and mainly oriented towards the knapping of short irregular blades with a hard stone hammer. This apparently abrupt technological change was also accompanied by increased raw material procurement networks, extending over up to 250 km, and a marked microlithisation of the hunting equipment. Finally, the site of Ruien is also important as it demonstrates the limited archaeological visibility of Younger Dryas sites, explaining the scarcity of such sites within western Europe.
Tijdens opgravingen in het zuiden van Oost-Vlaanderen zijn zes gebouwplattegronden uit de midden-bronstijd aangetroffen. Drie plattegronden dateren uit de midden-bronstijd A, één plattegrond dateert uit de overgang van de midden-bronstijd... more
Tijdens opgravingen in het zuiden van Oost-Vlaanderen zijn zes gebouwplattegronden uit de midden-bronstijd aangetroffen. Drie plattegronden dateren uit de midden-bronstijd A, één plattegrond dateert uit de overgang van de midden-bronstijd A naar de midden-bronstijd B. Twee plattegronden tenslotte dateren uit de midden-bronstijd B.

De bestudeerde plattegronden vallen op door hun sterke uniformiteit in datering en palenzetting. De plattegronden uit Ronse-Pont West en Aalst-Rozendreef zijn nagenoeg kopieën van elkaar. De breedte (3,2m) en de oriëntatie (NW-ZO) zijn zo kenmerkend dat deze als belangrijkste parameters naar voor kunnen geschoven worden in het herkennen van een gebouw uit de midden-bronstijd A in de regio. Waarschijnlijk kan daar ook nog het gebruik van een absidiale zijde aan de noordwestelijke kant van het gebouw aan toegevoegd worden. De lengte lijkt dan weer een variabele en minder determinerende factor te zijn geweest in de constructie van deze plattegronden.

De aangetroffen plattegronden definiëren zich als éénschepig, hoewel een drieschepige constructie niet uit te sluiten is en zelfs waarschijnlijker lijkt. De plattegronden kunnen het resultaat zijn van een bouwtraditie die werkt met twee rijen van palen. De muren werden mogelijk geconstrueerd met behulp van dragende wanden die op een niet ingegraven funderingsbalk werden bevestigd. De hypothese dat de wanden door minder diep ingegraven palen werden ondersteund, lijkt gezien de bewaring van de plattegronden onwaarschijnlijk.
Research Interests:
Two features at the excavation ‘Ronse Pont West’, dated between ca. 240-175 calBC, clearly contain the debris of a blacksmith workshop. It is still uncertain whether the features themselves are part of the actual forge or not. Although... more
Two features at the excavation ‘Ronse Pont West’, dated between ca. 240-175 calBC, clearly contain the debris of a blacksmith workshop. It is still uncertain whether the features themselves are part of the actual forge or not. Although there is no in situ burning of the soil, several arguments point out that the forging area was close by and the pits were probably part of the infrastructure of the blacksmith.
Through a detailed macroscopic examination of the iron slags and the other debris, the aim of this paper is to determine the nature of the slags and the nature of the features.
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
ABSTRACT Based on the evidence of a recently excavated, sealed site, situated at Ruien “Rosalinde” in the Belgian Scheldt valley, the response of hunter-gatherers to changing climate at the transition from the temperate Allerød to the... more
ABSTRACT Based on the evidence of a recently excavated, sealed site, situated at Ruien “Rosalinde” in the Belgian Scheldt valley, the response of hunter-gatherers to changing climate at the transition from the temperate Allerød to the cold Younger Dryas is discussed. Radiocarbon dated to the end of the Allerød or the very beginning of the Younger Dryas, the site of Ruien provides the earliest evidence of a refined lithic technology characterized by the use of a soft stone hammer and the production of straight and regular blade(let)s from intensively prepared cores with two opposite platforms and sharp striking angles. In the course of the Younger Dryas and Early Pre-boreal this knapping method will become standard all over Europe, from the Tanged Point Technocomplex in the North to the (Epi)Laborian in the South. It contrasts sharply with the knapping style of previous lithic traditions, such as the late Federmesser/Azilian and Bromme Technocomplexes, which was much less elaborated and mainly oriented towards the knapping of short irregular blades with a hard stone hammer. This apparently abrupt technological change was also accompanied by increased raw material procurement networks, extending over up to 250 km, and a marked microlithisation of the hunting equipment. Finally, the site of Ruien is also important as it demonstrates the limited archaeological visibility of Younger Dryas sites, explaining the scarcity of such sites within western Europe.