The generally educational system that has been there in todays school is very bordered in using t... more The generally educational system that has been there in todays school is very bordered in using the classroom and the time of study and also the certain meeting. When the teacher closing the class, the study is over. The characteristics in every students are different. The smartest students can't explore their mind according to the materials that he got. The steps of the study is viewed from the activities in class, not from the students in this case. The educational that has been there is conventional education that giveless the freedom to the students interacted and exploring their mind. That's the reason why this research is need to be doing. The aim of this research is to create a study system with the human anatomy as the material for the Class XI senior High School passing over study system of human anatomy ( Antropotomi ), basic on interactive multimedia technology. This is aimed that students can get the clearly visualization, controlling, evaluation, feedback, and a...
This study aims to determine the preferences of (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises-MSMEs and Sm... more This study aims to determine the preferences of (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises-MSMEs and Small and Medium industries-SMIs) in the city of Semarang on online trade and their impact on business development, obstacles encountered, and how the strategies of SMEs and SMIs in dealing with online trade in Semarang. The study population was MSMEs and SMIs which were spread out in 11 clusters in Semarang City and the samples were determined by purposive sampling. Data were collected using a questionnaire technique and interviews were analyzed descriptively-qualitatively. The results showed that the preference of MSMEs / SMIs in the City of Semarang towards online trade in the City of Semarang was under development. Quantitatively, there are more trade players who like the offline system (60%) compared to traders who prefer purely online (10%). However, there are relatively many business people who like to trade offline or online, which is 30%. The impact of online trade on the developm...
The application of conventional learning method at school has provided a cognitive competence of ... more The application of conventional learning method at school has provided a cognitive competence of students who did not meet the passing grade and did not use smartphones to help the learning process. The flipped classroom method using moodle mobile based on android can provide solutions for student who did not meet the passing grade. The research purpose are to (1) describe the design of learning KKPI course on moodle mobile based on android, (2) test the significance and, (3) analyze the influence differences of flipped classroom teaching method using moodle mobile based on android and the conventional teaching method using moodle mobile based on android on the cognitive competence of student of remembering, understanding, and applying aspect on KKPI course. This research method is quasi experiment, the research has been conducted for 3 times learning and 1 final test in the class XI computer and networking, Semarang Islamic Center Baiturrahman Vocational High School, academic year ...
Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Science, Education and Technology, ISET 2019, 29th June 2019, Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia, 2020
Proses pembelajaran sebagai kegiatan utama yang diterapkan dalam satuan pendidikan baik sekolah m... more Proses pembelajaran sebagai kegiatan utama yang diterapkan dalam satuan pendidikan baik sekolah maupun universitas, pada setiap kegiatan pembelajaran pendidik perlu menerapkan strategi dan inovasi pembelajaran yang tepat. Pendidik di era milenial harus mengoptimalkan proses belajar mengajar dengan baik, meskipun di masa pandemi peserta didik belajar di rumah, yang mana pendidik dituntut untuk mendesain media dalam pembelajaran sebagai inovasi dan alternative menggunakan media daring atau online. Kegiatan belajar mengajar di masa pandemi, dimana dosen atau guru melakukan pembelajaran secara jarak jauh atau daring menggunakan plat form dengan menyiapkan strategi maupun inovasi dalam pembelajaran diantaranya 1) tetap menerapkan prinsip utama dan pertama itu kesehatan dan keselamatan dengan protokol yang harus dipatuhi, selanjutnya 2) melakukan analisis terhadap perkembangan peserta didik dan kemampuan ekonomi dengan teknologi yang berbeda-beda, 3) mampu merancang dan mendesain pembel...
Upaya meningkatkan penguasaan kemampuan menulis artikel bagi guru sekolah dasar mendesak dilakuka... more Upaya meningkatkan penguasaan kemampuan menulis artikel bagi guru sekolah dasar mendesak dilakukan. Sebagian besar guru di Indonesia belum optimal dalam melaksanakan PTK, membuat laporan PTK, dan menghasilkan artikel berbasis PTK, serta mempublikasikannya melalui jurnal ilmiah. Tujuan pengabdian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan pemahaman guru mengenai PTK dan artikel ilmiah, serta menghasilkan artikel ilmiah dari hasil PTK guru SD Kecamatan Kaliwungu. Program IbM ini secara optimal dilakukan proses pendampingan bagi guru SD di Kecamatan Kaliwungu dari yang belum memiliki dasar penyusunan artikel ilmiah sampai peserta dibekali dengan beberapa materi untuk memperlancar proses penyusunan artikel ilmiah. Pendekatan personal dalam setiap pelatihan yang dilakukan diharapkan seluruh guru dapat menyusun artikel ilmiah dari laporan hasil PTK tanpa terkendala apapun dengan mengetahui ketentuan-ketentuan penyusunan artikel ilmiah. Pelatihan dinilai efektif karena sudah menghasilkan artikel peser...
The rapid development of information technology including internet bringsgreat impacts in many as... more The rapid development of information technology including internet bringsgreat impacts in many aspects such as business and sales. Many companies andindividuals use internet as amedia for their sales and business. This will affectsocienty’s behavior in shopping to fulfill theirneeds. This study was aimed to identify the profile of Semarang’s society who are involved in e-commerce andfigure out the effects of e-commerce towards the Semarang’s people behavior.This study is a descriptive research with people in Semarang as thepopulation. Thesamples were determined by using purposive method samplingnamely judgement sampling and quota sampling. The data were gathered throughquestionnaires and interviews. Thus, thedata collected were analyzed descriptive-quantitatively and descriptive-qualitatively.The studyshowed that 70% of Semarang people has done transactionsonline, and were dominated bywomen (58%). They are mostly high schooleducated (60%) under the age of 30 years old. Based on the ...
Purpose: Performance contagion is an individual’s emotional – behavioral reaction to theperforman... more Purpose: Performance contagion is an individual’s emotional – behavioral reaction to theperformance of a person or a group in close contact with him or her which leads to a kind of relativelyunconscious and sometimes conscious conformity. Identifying the factors that influence performancecontagion can play a great role in human resource management; therefore, this paper aims to determine theeffect of gender on performance contagion.Methodology: The study scale was developed according to the role-based performance scale. The constructvalidity was tested using Confirmatory Factor Analysis and reliability of the questionnaires was approved byusing Cronbach's alpha test. Data was obtained through the questionnaires collected from a sample of 183non-teaching staff of Science and Research branch of Azad University.Findings: The study results suggested that there was a relationship between gender and extent ofsusceptibility to the performance and women were more susceptible to the cont...
This study aims to (1) develop mobile learning as mathematics learning media; (2) test the practi... more This study aims to (1) develop mobile learning as mathematics learning media; (2) test the practicality of the developed mathematics mobile learning media; and (3) test the effectiveness of mathematics mobile learning media that is developed towards the autonomous and learning outcomes of elementary school students. This type of research is research and development by adapting the ADDIE model. Product assessment is carried out by media experts, material experts, information technology experts, peer reviewers and trial. The research data was collected through a media assessment questionnaire and tests, then analysed with N-Gain and t-test. The results of this study are: (1) mathematics mobile learning media has been well structured by getting input from media expert validators, material experts, information technology experts, peer reviewers and students; (2) mathematics mobile learning media is considered feasible to be used in learning, in terms of material aspects, media aspects a...
Adanya pandemi covid-19 memberi dampak signifikan pada dunia pendidikan. Bagi siswa kelas 2 mat... more Adanya pandemi covid-19 memberi dampak signifikan pada dunia pendidikan. Bagi siswa kelas 2 mata pelajaran bahasa inggris merupakan mata pelajaran sulit terlebih di saat pandemi covid 19 ini yang melarang pelaksanaan proses pengajaran secara tatap muka. Materi bahasa inggris Kelas 2 Semester 1 diantaranya diajarkan kosakata angka, buah, sayur, baju dan hewan. Pada umumnya anak-anak lebih suka bermain sehingga adanya game edukasi si gelis (genius english) ini bertujuan agar siswa dapat bermain dan belajar. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengemas materi kosakata kelas 2 sd menjadi sebuah game sehingga diharapkan kemampuan kosakata bahasa inggris dapat meningkat. Untuk menghasilkan game edukasi ini, peneliti menggunakan metode Research and Develompent dengan model pengembangan ADDIE yaitu meliputi Analisys, Design, Development, Implementation, dan Evaluasi. Adapun software yang digunakan adalah Adobe Animate 2017, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Air dan menggunakan bahasa pemrogram...
The research is motivated by the lack of ICT-based learning media, mathematics learning for eleme... more The research is motivated by the lack of ICT-based learning media, mathematics learning for elementary school children is still inductive, and lacks of good character attitudes. The purpose of this study was to develop realistic mathematics education mobile learning for elementary school students. The research method used ADDIE (Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate). Based on the needs analysis, both students and teachers need a realistic learning media that can be represented through smartphone or tablet devices to support the learning. So, it is important to develop realistic mathematics education mobile learning. The product was validated by media experts, material experts, and practitioners. The results of expert validation get percentage of 90% with very good category for its performance, 92.5% with very good category for the content competency. Furthermore, validation results from practitioners get 89% with very good categories. The realistic mathematics educa...
Singing performance assessment still subjectively graded by jury, teacher, or committee. To under... more Singing performance assessment still subjectively graded by jury, teacher, or committee. To understand assessment aspects in singing, the information was obtained from two experts one from junior high school 24 Semarang and the other a musician, Purwacaka, who has Musical School Purwacaka in Indonesia. This research aimed to produce singing performance assessment application with App Inventor 2 (AI2) that managed by Massachussetts Institute of Technology (MIT). AI2 is a cloud-based saving that could be accessed from internet browser. ADDIE development model with 5 steps, which are: Analysis, Design, Develop, Implementation, and evaluate. Indicators in this research were practicality, attractiveness, accuracy, and quickness in assess. Data collection for needs analysis taken qualitatively by interview and documentation. The singing assessment application consist of four assessment criteria, there are: technique, expression, song interpretation, and demonstration that form 18 items. T...
International Journal of Elementary Education, 2021
The character value of elementary school students' independence is one of the problems that b... more The character value of elementary school students' independence is one of the problems that becomes a problem for students. The formation of the character value for independence is not only a school task, but the role of the family is also expected to form a character of independence. The purpose of this study was to analyze in depth the role of family education in shaping the independent character values syudents of class IV elementary school. Independence becomes a character value that must be embedded in students, so that independence becomes one of the attitudes needed in the implementation of learning. Descriptive qualitative is the method used in conducting research. The informants used as data sources included parents, students of class IV elementary school, and also class teachers. The techniques used in collecting data include observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis used was Milles Huberman's interactive model. The results showed that good fami...
Based on the result of preresearch in the form of observation, interviews, and data on learning o... more Based on the result of preresearch in the form of observation, interviews, and data on learning outcomes conducted in the fourth grade students at Nyi Ageng Serang Cluster Elementary school in Semarang, it was known that the social studies learning outcomes were not optimal because the learning model and media used were also not optimal. Although the teacher had used problem-based learning model, the students still had difficulties to identify problems and the media in the form of A4 print out pictures were not enough to help them. This study aimed to test the effectiveness of problem-based learning model assisted by blog media on the social studies learning outcomes in fourth grade students at Nyi Ageng Serang Cluster Elementary School in Semarang. This research used quantitative approach with the experimental type and nonequivalent control group design. The sample technique used cluster random sampling, with population of 172 students. The data collection used tests, observations ...
The generally educational system that has been there in todays school is very bordered in using t... more The generally educational system that has been there in todays school is very bordered in using the classroom and the time of study and also the certain meeting. When the teacher closing the class, the study is over. The characteristics in every students are different. The smartest students can't explore their mind according to the materials that he got. The steps of the study is viewed from the activities in class, not from the students in this case. The educational that has been there is conventional education that giveless the freedom to the students interacted and exploring their mind. That's the reason why this research is need to be doing. The aim of this research is to create a study system with the human anatomy as the material for the Class XI senior High School passing over study system of human anatomy ( Antropotomi ), basic on interactive multimedia technology. This is aimed that students can get the clearly visualization, controlling, evaluation, feedback, and a...
This study aims to determine the preferences of (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises-MSMEs and Sm... more This study aims to determine the preferences of (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises-MSMEs and Small and Medium industries-SMIs) in the city of Semarang on online trade and their impact on business development, obstacles encountered, and how the strategies of SMEs and SMIs in dealing with online trade in Semarang. The study population was MSMEs and SMIs which were spread out in 11 clusters in Semarang City and the samples were determined by purposive sampling. Data were collected using a questionnaire technique and interviews were analyzed descriptively-qualitatively. The results showed that the preference of MSMEs / SMIs in the City of Semarang towards online trade in the City of Semarang was under development. Quantitatively, there are more trade players who like the offline system (60%) compared to traders who prefer purely online (10%). However, there are relatively many business people who like to trade offline or online, which is 30%. The impact of online trade on the developm...
The application of conventional learning method at school has provided a cognitive competence of ... more The application of conventional learning method at school has provided a cognitive competence of students who did not meet the passing grade and did not use smartphones to help the learning process. The flipped classroom method using moodle mobile based on android can provide solutions for student who did not meet the passing grade. The research purpose are to (1) describe the design of learning KKPI course on moodle mobile based on android, (2) test the significance and, (3) analyze the influence differences of flipped classroom teaching method using moodle mobile based on android and the conventional teaching method using moodle mobile based on android on the cognitive competence of student of remembering, understanding, and applying aspect on KKPI course. This research method is quasi experiment, the research has been conducted for 3 times learning and 1 final test in the class XI computer and networking, Semarang Islamic Center Baiturrahman Vocational High School, academic year ...
Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Science, Education and Technology, ISET 2019, 29th June 2019, Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia, 2020
Proses pembelajaran sebagai kegiatan utama yang diterapkan dalam satuan pendidikan baik sekolah m... more Proses pembelajaran sebagai kegiatan utama yang diterapkan dalam satuan pendidikan baik sekolah maupun universitas, pada setiap kegiatan pembelajaran pendidik perlu menerapkan strategi dan inovasi pembelajaran yang tepat. Pendidik di era milenial harus mengoptimalkan proses belajar mengajar dengan baik, meskipun di masa pandemi peserta didik belajar di rumah, yang mana pendidik dituntut untuk mendesain media dalam pembelajaran sebagai inovasi dan alternative menggunakan media daring atau online. Kegiatan belajar mengajar di masa pandemi, dimana dosen atau guru melakukan pembelajaran secara jarak jauh atau daring menggunakan plat form dengan menyiapkan strategi maupun inovasi dalam pembelajaran diantaranya 1) tetap menerapkan prinsip utama dan pertama itu kesehatan dan keselamatan dengan protokol yang harus dipatuhi, selanjutnya 2) melakukan analisis terhadap perkembangan peserta didik dan kemampuan ekonomi dengan teknologi yang berbeda-beda, 3) mampu merancang dan mendesain pembel...
Upaya meningkatkan penguasaan kemampuan menulis artikel bagi guru sekolah dasar mendesak dilakuka... more Upaya meningkatkan penguasaan kemampuan menulis artikel bagi guru sekolah dasar mendesak dilakukan. Sebagian besar guru di Indonesia belum optimal dalam melaksanakan PTK, membuat laporan PTK, dan menghasilkan artikel berbasis PTK, serta mempublikasikannya melalui jurnal ilmiah. Tujuan pengabdian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan pemahaman guru mengenai PTK dan artikel ilmiah, serta menghasilkan artikel ilmiah dari hasil PTK guru SD Kecamatan Kaliwungu. Program IbM ini secara optimal dilakukan proses pendampingan bagi guru SD di Kecamatan Kaliwungu dari yang belum memiliki dasar penyusunan artikel ilmiah sampai peserta dibekali dengan beberapa materi untuk memperlancar proses penyusunan artikel ilmiah. Pendekatan personal dalam setiap pelatihan yang dilakukan diharapkan seluruh guru dapat menyusun artikel ilmiah dari laporan hasil PTK tanpa terkendala apapun dengan mengetahui ketentuan-ketentuan penyusunan artikel ilmiah. Pelatihan dinilai efektif karena sudah menghasilkan artikel peser...
The rapid development of information technology including internet bringsgreat impacts in many as... more The rapid development of information technology including internet bringsgreat impacts in many aspects such as business and sales. Many companies andindividuals use internet as amedia for their sales and business. This will affectsocienty’s behavior in shopping to fulfill theirneeds. This study was aimed to identify the profile of Semarang’s society who are involved in e-commerce andfigure out the effects of e-commerce towards the Semarang’s people behavior.This study is a descriptive research with people in Semarang as thepopulation. Thesamples were determined by using purposive method samplingnamely judgement sampling and quota sampling. The data were gathered throughquestionnaires and interviews. Thus, thedata collected were analyzed descriptive-quantitatively and descriptive-qualitatively.The studyshowed that 70% of Semarang people has done transactionsonline, and were dominated bywomen (58%). They are mostly high schooleducated (60%) under the age of 30 years old. Based on the ...
Purpose: Performance contagion is an individual’s emotional – behavioral reaction to theperforman... more Purpose: Performance contagion is an individual’s emotional – behavioral reaction to theperformance of a person or a group in close contact with him or her which leads to a kind of relativelyunconscious and sometimes conscious conformity. Identifying the factors that influence performancecontagion can play a great role in human resource management; therefore, this paper aims to determine theeffect of gender on performance contagion.Methodology: The study scale was developed according to the role-based performance scale. The constructvalidity was tested using Confirmatory Factor Analysis and reliability of the questionnaires was approved byusing Cronbach's alpha test. Data was obtained through the questionnaires collected from a sample of 183non-teaching staff of Science and Research branch of Azad University.Findings: The study results suggested that there was a relationship between gender and extent ofsusceptibility to the performance and women were more susceptible to the cont...
This study aims to (1) develop mobile learning as mathematics learning media; (2) test the practi... more This study aims to (1) develop mobile learning as mathematics learning media; (2) test the practicality of the developed mathematics mobile learning media; and (3) test the effectiveness of mathematics mobile learning media that is developed towards the autonomous and learning outcomes of elementary school students. This type of research is research and development by adapting the ADDIE model. Product assessment is carried out by media experts, material experts, information technology experts, peer reviewers and trial. The research data was collected through a media assessment questionnaire and tests, then analysed with N-Gain and t-test. The results of this study are: (1) mathematics mobile learning media has been well structured by getting input from media expert validators, material experts, information technology experts, peer reviewers and students; (2) mathematics mobile learning media is considered feasible to be used in learning, in terms of material aspects, media aspects a...
Adanya pandemi covid-19 memberi dampak signifikan pada dunia pendidikan. Bagi siswa kelas 2 mat... more Adanya pandemi covid-19 memberi dampak signifikan pada dunia pendidikan. Bagi siswa kelas 2 mata pelajaran bahasa inggris merupakan mata pelajaran sulit terlebih di saat pandemi covid 19 ini yang melarang pelaksanaan proses pengajaran secara tatap muka. Materi bahasa inggris Kelas 2 Semester 1 diantaranya diajarkan kosakata angka, buah, sayur, baju dan hewan. Pada umumnya anak-anak lebih suka bermain sehingga adanya game edukasi si gelis (genius english) ini bertujuan agar siswa dapat bermain dan belajar. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengemas materi kosakata kelas 2 sd menjadi sebuah game sehingga diharapkan kemampuan kosakata bahasa inggris dapat meningkat. Untuk menghasilkan game edukasi ini, peneliti menggunakan metode Research and Develompent dengan model pengembangan ADDIE yaitu meliputi Analisys, Design, Development, Implementation, dan Evaluasi. Adapun software yang digunakan adalah Adobe Animate 2017, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Air dan menggunakan bahasa pemrogram...
The research is motivated by the lack of ICT-based learning media, mathematics learning for eleme... more The research is motivated by the lack of ICT-based learning media, mathematics learning for elementary school children is still inductive, and lacks of good character attitudes. The purpose of this study was to develop realistic mathematics education mobile learning for elementary school students. The research method used ADDIE (Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate). Based on the needs analysis, both students and teachers need a realistic learning media that can be represented through smartphone or tablet devices to support the learning. So, it is important to develop realistic mathematics education mobile learning. The product was validated by media experts, material experts, and practitioners. The results of expert validation get percentage of 90% with very good category for its performance, 92.5% with very good category for the content competency. Furthermore, validation results from practitioners get 89% with very good categories. The realistic mathematics educa...
Singing performance assessment still subjectively graded by jury, teacher, or committee. To under... more Singing performance assessment still subjectively graded by jury, teacher, or committee. To understand assessment aspects in singing, the information was obtained from two experts one from junior high school 24 Semarang and the other a musician, Purwacaka, who has Musical School Purwacaka in Indonesia. This research aimed to produce singing performance assessment application with App Inventor 2 (AI2) that managed by Massachussetts Institute of Technology (MIT). AI2 is a cloud-based saving that could be accessed from internet browser. ADDIE development model with 5 steps, which are: Analysis, Design, Develop, Implementation, and evaluate. Indicators in this research were practicality, attractiveness, accuracy, and quickness in assess. Data collection for needs analysis taken qualitatively by interview and documentation. The singing assessment application consist of four assessment criteria, there are: technique, expression, song interpretation, and demonstration that form 18 items. T...
International Journal of Elementary Education, 2021
The character value of elementary school students' independence is one of the problems that b... more The character value of elementary school students' independence is one of the problems that becomes a problem for students. The formation of the character value for independence is not only a school task, but the role of the family is also expected to form a character of independence. The purpose of this study was to analyze in depth the role of family education in shaping the independent character values syudents of class IV elementary school. Independence becomes a character value that must be embedded in students, so that independence becomes one of the attitudes needed in the implementation of learning. Descriptive qualitative is the method used in conducting research. The informants used as data sources included parents, students of class IV elementary school, and also class teachers. The techniques used in collecting data include observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis used was Milles Huberman's interactive model. The results showed that good fami...
Based on the result of preresearch in the form of observation, interviews, and data on learning o... more Based on the result of preresearch in the form of observation, interviews, and data on learning outcomes conducted in the fourth grade students at Nyi Ageng Serang Cluster Elementary school in Semarang, it was known that the social studies learning outcomes were not optimal because the learning model and media used were also not optimal. Although the teacher had used problem-based learning model, the students still had difficulties to identify problems and the media in the form of A4 print out pictures were not enough to help them. This study aimed to test the effectiveness of problem-based learning model assisted by blog media on the social studies learning outcomes in fourth grade students at Nyi Ageng Serang Cluster Elementary School in Semarang. This research used quantitative approach with the experimental type and nonequivalent control group design. The sample technique used cluster random sampling, with population of 172 students. The data collection used tests, observations ...
Papers by Farid Ahmadi