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    Jean-françois Richard

    APA PsycNET Our Apologies! - The following features are not available with your current Browser configuration. - alerts user that their session is about to expire - display, print, save, export, and email selected records - get My ...
    For over twenty years, work on formal semantics has focused on inferences in natural language in relation to grammatical categories. The quantifiers have already inspired experimental research in the theoretical domain of generalized... more
    For over twenty years, work on formal semantics has focused on inferences in natural language in relation to grammatical categories. The quantifiers have already inspired experimental research in the theoretical domain of generalized quantification. both theoretical and experimental work will be presented, more specifically on the topic of categorical syllogisms. More general perspectives on the approach for human reasoning by categorial grammar and the concept of directional monotony will be discussed.
    ... de la signalisation routière aux IHM Charles Tijus 1 , Denis Chêne 2 , Frédéric Jadot 1 , Christine Leproux 1 , Sébastien Poitrenaud 1 , & Jean-François Richard 1 ... Ainsi, sur le quai de certaines gares aux États-Unis, il ya un... more
    ... de la signalisation routière aux IHM Charles Tijus 1 , Denis Chêne 2 , Frédéric Jadot 1 , Christine Leproux 1 , Sébastien Poitrenaud 1 , & Jean-François Richard 1 ... Ainsi, sur le quai de certaines gares aux États-Unis, il ya un panneau d'interdiction de "bisous" (le dessin d'un ...
    The recent years have witnessed an explosive growth in the use of simulation techniques in econometrics made possible by impressive advances in computing power. See eg, the special issue of the Journal of Applied Econometrics Brown et... more
    The recent years have witnessed an explosive growth in the use of simulation techniques in econometrics made possible by impressive advances in computing power. See eg, the special issue of the Journal of Applied Econometrics Brown et al.(1993) on “Econometric ...
    ABSTRACT Introduction L’exercice de la médecine palliative confronte régulièrement à des situations complexes où les soignants peuvent se poser la question de la « juste mesure » des investigations et traitements mis en place. La prise de... more
    ABSTRACT Introduction L’exercice de la médecine palliative confronte régulièrement à des situations complexes où les soignants peuvent se poser la question de la « juste mesure » des investigations et traitements mis en place. La prise de décision médicale dans ce contexte est difficile. Pour guider sa réflexion, le médecin dispose de repères scientifiques, déontologiques, éthiques mais aussi juridiques. La loi du 22 avril 2005, relative aux droits des malades et à la fin de vie (dite loi Léonetti), impose la mise en place d’une procédure collégiale pour les décisions de limitation ou arrêt de traitements chez les patients en fin de vie et incapables d’exprimer leur volonté. Méthode Cette étude réalisée en unité de soins palliatifs cherche à préciser, par des entretiens semi-directifs, comment les médecins définissent la collégialité et pour quelles décisions ou situations sa mise en place leur semble nécessaire et pertinente. Résultats L’analyse des neuf entretiens réalisés montre que les médecins ont des définitions variables de la collégialité. Certains la définissent par la présence d’au moins deux médecins lors de la délibération, d’autres par la qualité de la discussion pendant la délibération. Tous insistent sur l’importance de l’interdisciplinarité dans la réflexion. Elle sert principalement lorsque la décision est difficile, conflictuelle ou en cas de lien de causalité direct entre la décision et le décès. Elle permet une meilleure analyse de la situation pour prendre la « meilleure » décision possible. La collégialité a aussi un rôle important en termes de cohésion d’équipe. Pour la plupart, l’arrêt de certains traitements tels que les anticoagulants, les corticoïdes et les antibiotiques ne justifie pas la mise en place systématique d’une procédure collégiale. Il y a des situations pour lesquelles une procédure collégiale est impérative, c’est le cas de l’arrêt d’une ventilation mécanique et de la sédation. Pour la nutrition ou l’hydratation artificielle, le contexte détermine si la collégialité est nécessaire ou non. Malgré certaines limites (temps, pertinence…) à ce processus de prise de décision, les médecins interrogés trouvent des avantages à l’existence de ce cadre légal et à la collégialité de la délibération dans les prises de décision en fin de vie. Discussion La fin de vie et les décisions que les soignants sont amenés à prendre peuvent être source de difficultés notamment en raison des enjeux éthiques qui en dépendent. La procédure collégiale décrite par la loi Léonetti est interprétée différemment selon les médecins, mais tous insistent sur l’importance de réfléchir en équipe. Il semble que les médecins se sont, au fil de leurs expériences, approprié cet outil mis à disposition par le cadre légal. Ils l’ont intégré à leurs pratiques de façon pertinente et adapté en gardant une véritable visée éthique du soin et en laissant une place essentielle à l’intention qui accompagne chaque acte ou omission.
    Research Interests:
    Available information is considered as partitioned into the sets: past, present, and future observations, other data of competing models and theory knowledge. In each case, specific concepts are relevant to empirical model formulation (eg... more
    Available information is considered as partitioned into the sets: past, present, and future observations, other data of competing models and theory knowledge. In each case, specific concepts are relevant to empirical model formulation (eg innovations for past data, exogeneity for ...
    Page 1. A NONLINEAR FORECASTING MODEL OF GDP GROWTH David N. DeJong, Roman Liesenfeld, and Jean-François Richard* Abstract—We develop a model of GDP growth under which regime changes are triggered ...
    We study a model in which a potential bidder in a government procurement may challenge its exclusion from the procurement before a quasi-judicial board. In the case of a sole-source procurement, the excluded vendor does not know whether... more
    We study a model in which a potential bidder in a government procurement may challenge its exclusion from the procurement before a quasi-judicial board. In the case of a sole-source procurement, the excluded vendor does not know whether the decision was justified in ...
    Allegations of bidder collusion at Forest Service timber sales in the Pacific Northwest were common in the 1970s. Of course, prices may be low for reasons other than collusion. We formulate an em-pirical model that allows for both bidder... more
    Allegations of bidder collusion at Forest Service timber sales in the Pacific Northwest were common in the 1970s. Of course, prices may be low for reasons other than collusion. We formulate an em-pirical model that allows for both bidder collusion and supply ef-fects and in which ...
    A Maximum Likelihood (ML) approach based upon an Efficient Importance Sampling (EIS) procedure is used to estimate several extensions of the standard Stochastic Volatility (SV) model for daily financial return series. EIS provides a... more
    A Maximum Likelihood (ML) approach based upon an Efficient Importance Sampling (EIS) procedure is used to estimate several extensions of the standard Stochastic Volatility (SV) model for daily financial return series. EIS provides a highly generic procedure for a very accurate Monte ...
    A model M 1 encompasses a rival model M 2 if M 1 can explain M 2 's results. A Wald Encompassing Test (WET) checks if a statistic of interest to M 2 coincides with an estimator of its predicted value under M 1 . We propose techniques... more
    A model M 1 encompasses a rival model M 2 if M 1 can explain M 2 's results. A Wald Encompassing Test (WET) checks if a statistic of interest to M 2 coincides with an estimator of its predicted value under M 1 . We propose techniques for evaluating WETs in stationary, linear, dynamic, ...
    Available information is considered as partitioned into the sets: past, present, and future observations, other data of competing models and theory knowledge. In each case, specific concepts are relevant to empirical model formulation (eg... more
    Available information is considered as partitioned into the sets: past, present, and future observations, other data of competing models and theory knowledge. In each case, specific concepts are relevant to empirical model formulation (eg innovations for past data, exogeneity for ...
    Page 1. Estimation of Dynamic Bivariate Mixture Models: Comments on Watanabe (2000) Roman LIESENFELD Department of Economics, Eberhard-Karls-Universitat, TObingen, Germany (roman.liesenfeld@uni-tuebingen.de) ...
    This article addresses the issues associated with the construction of posterior probabilities for violation of the independence axiom of expected utility from nonexperimental data. To illustrate the methodology of analyzing... more
    This article addresses the issues associated with the construction of posterior probabilities for violation of the independence axiom of expected utility from nonexperimental data. To illustrate the methodology of analyzing nonexperimental evidence, we consider seat-belt-usage data. We find a posterior probability close to one of an Allais-type paradox in these data. In addition, the evidence is not inconsistent with Machina's
    ... ROBERT C. MARSHALL AND MICHAEL J. MEURER Department of Economics, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina 27706 JEAN-FRANCOIS RICHARD Department of Economics, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania I5260 AND WALTER... more
    ... ROBERT C. MARSHALL AND MICHAEL J. MEURER Department of Economics, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina 27706 JEAN-FRANCOIS RICHARD Department of Economics, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania I5260 AND WALTER STROMQUIST ...
    SINCE "EXOGENEITY" IS FUNDAMENTAL to most empirical econometric modelling, its conceptualization, its role in inference, and the testing of its... more
    SINCE "EXOGENEITY" IS FUNDAMENTAL to most empirical econometric modelling, its conceptualization, its role in inference, and the testing of its validity have been the subject of extensive discussion (see inter alia, Koopmans [21], Orcutt [28], Marschak [26], Phillips ...
    A model cM is said to encompass another model J\I if the former can explain the results obtained by the latter. In this paper, we propose a general notion of encompassing that covers both classical and Bayesian viewpoints and essen-tially... more
    A model cM is said to encompass another model J\I if the former can explain the results obtained by the latter. In this paper, we propose a general notion of encompassing that covers both classical and Bayesian viewpoints and essen-tially represents a concept of sufficiency among ...
    ... 25^57 LAURA PISCITELLI, ROD CROSS, MICHAEL GRINFELD and HARBIR LAMBA / A Test for Strong Hysteresis 59^78 Computational Econometrics ZUOHONG PAN and XIAODI WANG / A Wavelet-Based Non-parametric Estimator of the Variance Function 79^87... more
    ... 25^57 LAURA PISCITELLI, ROD CROSS, MICHAEL GRINFELD and HARBIR LAMBA / A Test for Strong Hysteresis 59^78 Computational Econometrics ZUOHONG PAN and XIAODI WANG / A Wavelet-Based Non-parametric Estimator of the Variance Function 79^87 ...
    Research Interests:

    And 17 more