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Juanjo Marí Casanova

La gens Cornelia era una familia de la oligarquía ebusitana que realizó actos de evergetismo, entre los que se encontraba la financiación de la construcción de un acueducto. Por otra parte, la arqueología contemporánea ha recuperado ocho... more
La gens Cornelia era una familia de la oligarquía ebusitana que realizó actos de evergetismo, entre los que se encontraba la financiación de la construcción de un acueducto. Por otra parte, la arqueología contemporánea ha recuperado ocho yacimientos donde han aparecido restos de una canalización hidráulica romana, lo que, unido a las noticias históricas recogidas en 1791, ha permitido reconstruir 5.075 m del trazado de un acueducto que se dirige a la ciudad ebusitana. El acueducto consistiría en una canalización subterránea en la mayoría de su trazado, aunque probablemente asumiría cierta monumentalidad a su llegada a la ciudad.
Research Interests:
La intervención arqueológica preventiva realizada en una gran parcela del núcleo urbano de Puig den Valls, en el pla de Vila, en Ibiza, propició el hallazgo de un tramo de un acueducto romano. Su existencia era ya conocida, en parte... more
La intervención arqueológica preventiva realizada en una gran parcela del núcleo urbano de Puig den Valls, en el pla de Vila, en Ibiza, propició el hallazgo de un tramo de un acueducto romano. Su existencia era ya conocida, en parte debido a la exhumación del mismo en otros puntos de la llanura que envuelve la ciudad de Ibiza. Además, existe constancia de una inscripción conmemorativa romana que recuerda la financiación de una obra pública, consistente en una conducción de agua, por la familia Cornelia en el municipio flavio ebusitano. Posteriormente, en torno al siglo XIX, se estableció un campo de viñas en este enclave en cuya siembra, realizada en fosas previamente excavadas en el terreno mediante el uso de una herramienta denominada alzaprima, la conducción de agua resultó parcialmente destruida.
El conjunt hidràulic documentat a la antiga finca de Can Burgos (Sant Jordi) consta, d’una banda, d’un aljub de grans dimensions que permetia l'emmagatzematge d'un gran volum d'aigua, aproximadament unes 89 tones. D’altra banda, d’una... more
El conjunt hidràulic documentat a la antiga finca de Can Burgos (Sant Jordi) consta, d’una banda, d’un aljub de grans dimensions que permetia l'emmagatzematge d'un gran volum d'aigua, aproximadament unes 89 tones. D’altra banda, d’una sèrie de dipòsits subterranis connectats entre si on també s'emmagatzemava aigua. En aquest cas, amb una tipologia ben diferent. Es tracta de nou aljubs, set dels quals compten amb una planta quadrangular o rectangular, un d'ells presenta forma de L i el de l'extrem sud-est és de planta circular. Tots ells estan connectats pels fronts curts a través d'una doble arcada superposada. Els aljubs ocupen una extensió lineal de 23,85 m, organitzats en dues filades, les quals formen un angle d'uns 70º. Al seu interior cabrien, aproximadament, unes 65 tones de líquid. A més a més, aquests aljubs molt probablement varen ser emprats com a amagatall al 1936, durant la Guerra Civil.
Research Interests:
The Balearic Islands occupy a central space in the western Mediterranean, at the maritime crossroads between North Africa, the Iberian Peninsula and the rest of southwestern Europe. As such, it is well placed to investigate changes in... more
The Balearic Islands occupy a central space in the western Mediterranean, at the maritime crossroads between North Africa, the Iberian Peninsula and the rest of southwestern Europe. As such, it is well placed to investigate changes in subsistence practices associated with the major cultural transitions following the arrival of Islamic rule. Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis was carried out on bone collagen from the Islamic cemetery (ca. AD 950-1150) population excavated at 33 Bartomeu Vicent Ramon, Ibiza, including human (n = 42) and faunal remains (n = 3). Stable oxygen and carbon isotope analysis was also undertaken on human tooth enamel carbonate (n = 6), and six humans were directly radiocarbon dated, confirming the presence of two distinct burial phases. The collagen results emphasise a C 3-based diet, with variable but generally minor contributions from marine and/or C 4 foods. However, the enamel carbonate results indicate a far greater importance of C 4 crops than suggested by the collagen results, contributing up to 40% of energy intake. In keeping with previous studies of the region and period, the dietary contribution of marine protein is probably limited. A small number of outliers in both collagen and carbonate isotope results are identified, suggesting the presence of individuals originating elsewhere. The results are compared with those from previous investigations on the Balearics and the Spanish mainland, highlighting the complexity of factors-both cultural and methodo-logical-affecting interregional dietary investigation.
The Balearic Islands occupy a central space in the western Mediterranean, at the maritime crossroads between North Africa, the Iberian Peninsula and the rest of southwestern Europe. As such, it is well placed to investigate changes in... more
The Balearic Islands occupy a central space in the western Mediterranean, at the maritime crossroads between North Africa, the Iberian Peninsula and the rest of southwestern Europe. As such, it is well placed to investigate changes in subsistence practices associated with the major cultural transitions following the arrival of Islamic rule. Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis was carried out on bone collagen from the Islamic cemetery (ca. AD 950–1150) population excavated at 33 Bartomeu Vicent Ramon, Ibiza, including human (n = 42) and faunal remains (n = 3). Stable oxygen and carbon isotope analysis was also undertaken on human tooth enamel carbonate (n = 6), and six humans were directly radiocarbon dated, confirming the presence of two distinct burial phases. The collagen results emphasise a C3-based diet, with variable but generally minor contributions from marine and/or C4 foods. However, the enamel carbonate results indicate a far greater importance of C4 crops than suggested by the collagen results, contributing up to 40% of energy intake. In keeping with previous studies of the region and period, the dietary contribution of marine protein is probably limited. A small number of outliers in both collagen and carbonate isotope results are identified, suggesting the presence of individuals originating elsewhere. The results are compared with those from previous investigations on the Balearics and the Spanish mainland, highlighting the complexity of factors—both cultural and methodo-logical—affecting interregional dietary investigation.
The Andalusí colonization of the Ibiza island led to the genesis of a humble city and, therefore, to a number of cemeteries (maqbara) where the inhabitants were buried during the 10th and 13th centuries. In this paper we present a part of... more
The Andalusí colonization of the Ibiza island led to the genesis of a humble city and, therefore, to a number of cemeteries (maqbara) where the inhabitants were buried during the 10th and 13th centuries. In this paper we present a part of the biggest cemetery documented so far around the city of Ibiza (Madina Yabisa). During the excavation, 125 burials were documented. From the study of the skeletons buried in them, differents mortuary practices from the Muslim rite were recognized.
The Andalusí colonization of the Ibiza island led to the genesis of a humble city and, therefore, to a number of cemeteries (maqbara) where the inhabitants were buried during the 10th and 13th centuries. In this paper we present a part of... more
The Andalusí colonization of the Ibiza island led to the genesis of a humble city and, therefore, to a number of cemeteries (maqbara) where the inhabitants were buried during the 10th and 13th centuries. In this paper we present a part of the biggest cemetery documented so far around the city of Ibiza (Madina Yabisa). During the excavation, 125 burials were documented.
En el present article voldríem donar a conèixer l'estudi arquelògic realitzat al casament de can Bassa Roja. La casa anomenada can Bassa Roja està situada al terme municipal de Sant Antoni de Portmany
La capilla "Real" de San Agapito (s.XVII-XVIII). Hallazgos arqueológicos en la calle Joan Roman nº1, Dalt Vila.