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    Nurhan Acimis

    Amac: Bu calismada, bir universite hastanesinde gorev yapan laboratuvar calisanlarinin guvenlik uygulamalari ile ilgili bilgi duzeylerinin belirlenmesi amaclanmistir. Gerec ve Yontem: Tanimlayici tipte olan bu arastirma Nisan 2019’da... more
    Amac: Bu calismada, bir universite hastanesinde gorev yapan laboratuvar calisanlarinin guvenlik uygulamalari ile ilgili bilgi duzeylerinin belirlenmesi amaclanmistir. Gerec ve Yontem: Tanimlayici tipte olan bu arastirma Nisan 2019’da yapilmistir. Arastirmanin evrenini bir universite hastanelerinde calisan 81 laboratuvar calisani olusturmaktadir. Arastirmada orneklem hesabina gidilmeksizin evrenin tamamina ulasilmasi amaclanmistir. Arastirmamizin bagimli degiskeni laboratuvar calisanlarinin guvenlik uygulamalarina iliskin bilgi duzeyidir. Bagimsiz degiskenleri yas, cinsiyet, medeni durum, ogrenim duzeyi, calisilan birim, meslekteki toplam calisma suresi, is yerindeki calisma suresi, is kazasiyla karsilasma ozellikleridir. Bilgi duzeyini olcmek icin is guvenligi ve guvenlik isaretleri ile ilgili 12 soru yoneltilmistir. Bu sorularin icerigi, is yerindeki guvenlik isaretlerinin anlami ve amaci, is yerindeki uyari isaretlerinin anlami, guvenlik isaretlerinin anlami, kisisel koruyucu donanim kullanimi ile ilgili guvenlik isaret rengi, emredici isaretleri, hastanede uretilen atiklarin uygun bicimde toplanarak atilmasini saglamak amaciyla kullanilan poset rengi, hizmet ici egitim alinmasi, alindiysa ne zaman aldigi, laboratuvarlarda el yikama ile Ilgili endikasyonlari, laboratuvarda calisan guveligi ile ilgili riskleri hakkindadir. Verilerin istatistiksel analizinde SPSS 17.0 paket programi kullanilmistir. Tanimlayici analizlerde sayi, yuzde, ortanca, ceyrekler arasi fark, ortalama, standart sapma verilmistir. Calisma oncesinde etik kurulu ve gerekli kurumsal izinler alinmistir. Bulgular: : Arastirmaya 53(%66)  kisi katilmis olup; yas ortalamasi 37,3±6,9’tur.Yuzde  54,7’si kadin, %94,2’si yuksek okul / universite mezunudur. Katilimcilarin % 28,3’ u merkez laboratuvarda, %18,9’u kan bankasinda, %11,3 mikrobiyoloji laboratuvarinda calismaktadir. Meslekte calisma suresi ortalama 13,1 ±7,5, is yerinde calisma suresi ortalama 8,5±6,8‘dur. Son bir yilda laboratuvarda karsilasilan en sik saglik riskleri idrar, kan vb vucut sivilariyla direk temas (%20,8), kimyasallar ile bulas (%9,4), igne batmasi(%7,5)’dir. Calisanlarin %75,5’i saglik ve guvenlik isaretleri ile ilgili hizmet ici egitim aldigini ifade etmistir. Katilimcilarin %71,7 zorunluluk isaretini, %94,3‘u yasak/tehlike isaretini ,%90,6‘si acil kacis/tehlike yok isaretini ve %77,4‘i uyari isaretlerinin renklerini dogru cevaplamistir. Katilimcilar %96,2’si biyolojik tehlikeyi , %94,3‘u radyoaktif tehlikeyi, %98,1‘i zehirli maddeyi, %92,5‘i koroziv madde ve %92,5’i oksitleyici madde uyari isaretlerinin anlamlarini dogru bilmistir. Yuzde 94,3‘u evsel atik, %96,2‘si tibbi atik, %90,6‘si ambalaj atik poset rengini dogru cevaplamistir. Sonuc ve Oneriler: Calismamiz bir universite hastanesi laboratuvarlarinda calisan laboratuvar teknisyenlerinin guvenlik uygulamalari bilgi duzeylerinin istenilen duzeyde olmadigi sonucuna varilmistir. Saglik alaninda meslek riskin en cok bulundugu yer olan laboratuvarda calisanlarin is kazalari ve meslek hastaliklari; laboratuvar ortaminin riskleri ve korunma yollari hakkinda duzenli araliklarla bilgilendirme ve egitim programlari duzenlenmesi onerilmektedir. ANAHTAR KELIMELER: Is Sagligi, Saglik Calisanlari, Laboratuvar Personeli
    Objective: This study aims to determine the risk perception, attitude, and behavior characteristics of Pamukkale University Faculty of Medicine students towards protection from COVID-19. Subjects and methods: A total of 698 (48.2%)... more
    Objective: This study aims to determine the risk perception, attitude, and behavior characteristics of Pamukkale University Faculty of Medicine students towards protection from COVID-19. Subjects and methods: A total of 698 (48.2%) students of Pamukkale University Faculty of Medicine participated in this analytical cross-sectional study. Dependent variables were attitudes and behaviors related to protection from COVID-19, and independent variables were socio-demographic characteristics, sources of information about COVID-19, and health status. Data was collected through a survey using Google Forms. SPSS 17.0 (Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) software package was used for statistical analysis. Descriptive statistics were expressed as numbers and percentages for nominal data and mean and standard deviation for numerical data. Numerical data were compared with Mann Whitney U and Kruskal Wallis tests. Spearman correlation and backward linear regression analyses were used. A p-value of <0.05 was considered significant. Results: The mean age of 698 students participating in the study was 21.8±2.2, and 60% of them were female. The mean attitude score was 54.99±5.17 and the mean behavior score was 50.64±6.06. The information sources of the students about COVID-19 were TV news (69.3%). Linear regression analysis revealed that attitude scores of the female gender were higher than male gender (β=0.757±0.364 p=0.038, 95% CI: 0.440-1.471) and scores for using websites/social media accounts of professional organizations and professional associations as information sources were higher than not using (β=0.981 ± 0.388 p=0.011 95% CI: 0.230-1.732). Conclusions: Medical students' attitude and behavior score towards protection against COVID-19 infection is slightly above the average level. Medical education should prepare students to manage epidemics.
    BACKGROUND: Work-related musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) of the neck and upper limbs are a common health problem among cosmetologists. Hairdressing requires bending, twisting, static postures, prolonged standing, repetitive motions, and... more
    BACKGROUND: Work-related musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) of the neck and upper limbs are a common health problem among cosmetologists. Hairdressing requires bending, twisting, static postures, prolonged standing, repetitive motions, and vigorous movements of the hands and fingers. In order to determine the proper ergonomic measures, identifying the factors and hairdressing jobs that increase the risk of work-related neck and upper limb disorders is needed. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of MSDs in the neck and upper extremities of cosmetologists and to investigate the association with ergonomic risk factors and hairdressing work. METHODS: The cross-sectional study was conducted on cosmetologists in Denizli, Turkey province (n = 504). Data collected through a survey included questions on sociodemographic characteristics, work organization, equipment, and hairdressing work, items on work posture, the Extended Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire, and the Demand-Control-Support Questionnaire. Work posture in hairdressing was assessed using the Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA). RESULTS: The prevalence of MSDs of the neck and upper limbs in the previous twelve months ranged from 7.7–55.8%. There was high, or very high, risk in 56.1% of work postures, and the median RULA score was 5.0 (4.0–6.0). The significant predictors of pain were work experience, gender, marital status, risk perception, awkward posture, psychological demand, and hair coloring. CONCLUSION: It is necessary to take control measures in hairdressing salons promptly to adopt more suitable working posture and to design workplaces ergonomically.
    Objectives: The purpose of this research was to determine both the fertility characteristics of married adolescent women in Denizli province center and the adolescent pregnancy rate and also some factors that could occur with adolescent... more
    Objectives: The purpose of this research was to determine both the fertility characteristics of married adolescent women in Denizli province center and the adolescent pregnancy rate and also some factors that could occur with adolescent pregnancy.Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in the Denizli province center in the year 2001. According to the Turkish Demographic Health Survey 1998 statistics, the percentage of married adolescents between 15-19 years of age who have begun to give birth is 9.3-10.2%. The sample size of 3471 was determined using EPI INFO software. To reach this sample size, 5 of the 25 health clinics in Denizli province center were chosen by simple random sampling method.Results: Approximately 6.4% of the adolescents were married, 4.9% had been pregnant as an adolescent, 4.8% had delivered a baby, 23.3% of the married adolescents had never been pregnant, 23.3% were pregnant with their first child, and 51.2% were mothers; 76.7% had been pregnant one or...
    Objective: To assess the prevalence of smoking and the effects of passive smoking among bank employees. Methodology: This cross-sectional study was conducted between 2001 and 2002. Data was collected through questionnaire. The level of... more
    Objective: To assess the prevalence of smoking and the effects of passive smoking among bank employees. Methodology: This cross-sectional study was conducted between 2001 and 2002. Data was collected through questionnaire. The level of Carbon Monoxide (CO) and the percentage of Carboxihemoglobin (COHb) level in the blood were measured by using Bendfond Pico Smokerlyser. Chi-square and ANOVA were used. Results: Six hundred fifty four respondents participated in the study which included 384 (58.7%) male and 267 (40.6%) female. The mean value for CO in the expiration air was 14.57±11.1 ppm [(18.49±11.21, 7.74 ± 5.71 and 4.85 ± 2.35; for current smokers, non-smokers with current exposure and non-smokers without current exposure, respectively (p&lt;0.001)]. The mean value for COHb % was 2.97±1.9 [(3.60±1.88, 1.80 ± 1.17 and 1.21 ± 0.99; for current smokers, non-smokers with current exposure and non-smokers without current exposure, respectively (p&lt;0.001)]. Conclusion: Passive smoking ...
    Tanımlayıcı-kesitsel tipteki epidemiyolojik araştırmanın amacı tekstil fabrikası çalışanlarının sağlık okuryazarlığı düzeyini tespit etmek ve ilişkili etmenleri belirlemektir. Örnek büyüklüğü ortalama 29, standart sapma 3, tip 1 hata... more
    Tanımlayıcı-kesitsel tipteki epidemiyolojik araştırmanın amacı tekstil fabrikası çalışanlarının sağlık okuryazarlığı düzeyini tespit etmek ve ilişkili etmenleri belirlemektir. Örnek büyüklüğü ortalama 29, standart sapma 3, tip 1 hata düzeyi %5 kabul edilerek %95 güven aralığında 360 kişi hesaplanmıştır. Çalışmayı kabul edenlerin hepsi araştırmaya dahil edilmiştir. Araştırmanın veri toplama aracı 70 sorudan oluşan anket formudur. Katılımcıların sağlık okuryazarlığı düzeyi, Türkiye Sağlık Okuryazarlığı Ölçeği (TSOY-32) ile değerlendirilmiştir. Verilerin istatistiksel analizinde Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) versiyon 18.0 kullanılmıştır. p&lt;0,05 anlamlı kabul edilmiştir. Araştırmaya 260 kişi katıldı. Katılımcıların %21,2’si yetersiz, %35,2’si sorunlu-sınırlı, %28,8’i yeterli, %14,8’i mükemmel sağlık okuryazarlığı düzeyine sahipti. Yeterli-mükemmel sağlık okuryazarlığı düzeyini, lise ve üzeri eğitime sahip olmak 1,96 kat (GA=1,05-3,63, p=0,033), iş ile ilgili sağl...
    Giris ve Amac: Birlesmis Milletler Kalkinma Programi (UNDP) tarafindan 2014 yilinda yayimlanan “Insani Gelisme Raporu”nda “kirilgan nufus gruplari” ele alinmistir. Bu kirilgan nufus gruplari arasinda engelliler de yer almaktadir ve 2011... more
    Giris ve Amac: Birlesmis Milletler Kalkinma Programi (UNDP) tarafindan 2014 yilinda yayimlanan “Insani Gelisme Raporu”nda “kirilgan nufus gruplari” ele alinmistir. Bu kirilgan nufus gruplari arasinda engelliler de yer almaktadir ve 2011 Nufus ve Konut Arastirmasi sonuclarina gore ulkemizde 2011 yili toplam nufusunun %6,6’sinin; yani yaklasik 5 milyon kisinin en az bir engeli bulunmaktadir. Ulkelerin saglik, egitim ve ekonomik kalkinma gostergelerinde, engelli nufusun yasam duzeyi ile engelli nufusa sunulan hizmetin kalitesi onemli yer tutmaktadir. Engellilerle ilgili politikalarin, verilecek saglik hizmetlerinin planlanmasi, izlenmesi ve degerlendirilmesi amaciyla engellilerle ilgili istatistiklerin toplanmasi buyuk onem tasimaktadir. Bu calismanin amaci saha projesi oncesinde Denizli ili Haci Cafer Ozer Toplum Sagligi Merkezi bolgesine bagli 3 farkli sosyoekonomik duzeydeki yerlesim yerinde yasayan engellilerin durumunun saptanmasidir. Gerec ve Yontem: Tanimlayici tipte olan bu cal...
    Objective: To determine the frequency of Helicobacter Pylori (HP) seroprevalence and infection in s Thalassemia major(TM) patients and to compare between s TM patients and controls both presenting with recurrent abdominal pain (RAP).... more
    Objective: To determine the frequency of Helicobacter Pylori (HP) seroprevalence and infection in s Thalassemia major(TM) patients and to compare between s TM patients and controls both presenting with recurrent abdominal pain (RAP). Methodology: The study group included 62 TM and 41 healthy controls with RAP. Serum samples were examined for anti-HP antibody using an HPIgG ELISA. Urea-breath test was applied to patients with positive HPIgG by using 14 C. In 36 of TM patients (58.1%) and 20 of healthy children (48.8%) HPIgG (+) was stated. Results: In terms of HPIgG frequency, no difference was found between TM and control groups (p=0.354). The Urea-breath test given to the TM patients and healthy children with HPIgG (+), test in 30 TM patient (48.4%) and 16 healthy children (39%) the Urea-breath test was found to be positive (p=0.34). With Urea-breath test of TM patients, statistically a significant relationships were found between ALT level, epigastric pain, periumbilical pain, spl...
    Giris ve Amac: Bu calisma ile tip fakultesi ogrencilerinin kozmetik cerrahi kabulune yoneliktutumunun degerlendirilmesi amaclanmistir. Gerec ve Yontem: Kesitsel tipteki arastirmanin evrenini 2018-2019 egitim-ogretim yilinda bir tip... more
    Giris ve Amac: Bu calisma ile tip fakultesi ogrencilerinin kozmetik cerrahi kabulune yoneliktutumunun degerlendirilmesi amaclanmistir. Gerec ve Yontem: Kesitsel tipteki arastirmanin evrenini 2018-2019 egitim-ogretim yilinda bir tip fakultesinde 1. ve 6. sinifta ogrenim goren 404 ogrenci olusturmaktadir. Orneklem secimine gidilmemis olup evrenin tamamina ulasilmasi hedeflenmistir. Arastirmanin bagimli degiskeni kozmetik cerrahi kabul puanidir. Bagimsiz degiskenler yas, cinsiyet, sinif, yasadigi yer, ailenin ogrenim durumu, algilanan gelir duzeyi, beden kitle indeksi, gecmiste kozmetik cerrahi yaptirma durumu, gelecekte kozmetik cerrahi yaptirma istegi, cevresinde islem yaptiran kisi tanima durumu, benlik saygisi ve gorunume yonelik sosyokulturel tutumlaridir. Veri toplama islemi katilimcilara sosyodemografik ozelliklerini sorgulayan 11 soru kozmetikcerrahi yaptirma durumu/istegi ile ilgili 6 soru, 15 sorudan olusan KozmetikCerrahi Kabul Olcegi(KCKO), 30 sorudan olusan Gorunume Yoneli...
    Objective: The aim of research was to investigate the attitudes and behaviors towards traditional and complementary medicine methods, the use of which has increased in recent years, in individuals admitted to the hospital.Material-Method:... more
    Objective: The aim of research was to investigate the attitudes and behaviors towards traditional and complementary medicine methods, the use of which has increased in recent years, in individuals admitted to the hospital.Material-Method: The descriptive study was performed by applying a questionnaire to 276 people. The questionnaire included questions about the sociodemographic characteristics of the participants, their knowledge, attitudes and behaviors about traditional complementary medicine methods, and the Complementary, Alternative, and Conventional Medicine Attitude Scale. Data were analyzed with the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences version 15. Chi-square test, Mann-Whitney U and Kruskall-Wallis H tests were used in the comparison of traditional and complementary medicine attitudes and behaviors with sociodemographic characteristics. p&lt;0.05 was considered significant.Results: 33% of respondents had applied at least one traditional complementary medicine method....
    Giris ve Amac: Saglik; gunumuzde kavramsal olarak yeni anlamlar kazanmis, saglikli yasam bicimi ve sagligin gelistirilmesi tanimlari ile birlikte degerlendirilir olmustur. Saglikli yasam bicimi davranislari, saglikli olma halinin... more
    Giris ve Amac: Saglik; gunumuzde kavramsal olarak yeni anlamlar kazanmis, saglikli yasam bicimi ve sagligin gelistirilmesi tanimlari ile birlikte degerlendirilir olmustur. Saglikli yasam bicimi davranislari, saglikli olma halinin devamliligini ve saglik duzeyinin daha iyi olmasini saglayabilir. Bu calismanin amaci, 2017-2018 egitim-ogretim yili Pamukkale Universitesi Tip Fakultesi intern hekimlerinin saglikli yasam bicimi davranislarinin ve iliskili etmenlerin incelenmesidir. Gerec ve Yontem: Bu calisma; Şubat 2018’de yapilan kesitsel bir arastirma olup, 2017-2018 egitim-ogretim yili Pamukkale Universitesi Tip Fakultesi Donem 6 ogrencileri olan intern hekimler (N=126) arasinda yapildi ve evrenin tamamina ulasilmasi hedeflendi. Calisma icin Pamukkale Universitesi Girisimsel Olmayan Klinik Arastirmalar Etik Kurulu onayi alindi. Calismada sosyodemografik ozellikler ile diger iliskili faktorleri sorgulayan 21 soru ve Saglikli Yasam Bicimi Davranislari Olcegi II (SYBDO II) sorularindan o...
    www.internationaljournalofcaringsciences.org Original Article Burnout and Mobbing Among Physicians in a City Center Nurhan Meydan Acimis, PhD Associate Professor, Pamukkale HaciCafer Ozer Community Health Center, Denizli, Turkey Mustafa... more
    www.internationaljournalofcaringsciences.org Original Article Burnout and Mobbing Among Physicians in a City Center Nurhan Meydan Acimis, PhD Associate Professor, Pamukkale HaciCafer Ozer Community Health Center, Denizli, Turkey Mustafa Agah Tekindal, PhD Data Analyst, WYG Turkey Corespondence: Dr. Mustafa Agah Tekindal, Data Analyst, WYG Turkey E-mail: matekindal@gmail.com
    Objective: Research shows that poor sleep quality and smartphone addiction are common problems among university students. This study was planned to evaluate the quality of sleep in students at Pamukkale University and to investigate its... more
    Objective: Research shows that poor sleep quality and smartphone addiction are common problems among university students. This study was planned to evaluate the quality of sleep in students at Pamukkale University and to investigate its relationship with smartphone addiction. Methods: This cross-sectional study was carried out at the university campus in 2017-2018. Its dependent variable was low sleep quality. Independent variables were smartphone addiction, features related to smartphone addiction, socio-demographic features and other questioned features. The total number of students attending normal education in seven faculties and two colleges for four years was 20862. The minimum sample size of the study was calculated as 1088. Smartphone Addiction Scale-Short Version (SAS-SV) and Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) were used. The data were analyzed with the SPSS program. Results: The mean age was of the participants 21.39 ± 2.21. The sleep quality of students with a PSQI tota...
    Objective: The Banks are financial institutions and foundations which have very important place in all over the world and in our country due to banking services and their contributions on the trade- life. This study is done among members... more
    Objective: The Banks are financial institutions and foundations which have very important place in all over the world and in our country due to banking services and their contributions on the trade- life. This study is done among members of staff working at the banks in Denizli in the aim of showing staff’s, how often they tobaco uses, effecting agents and health effects.Method: A cross sectional study was planned. This study includes 654 staff working at the banks in the city centre of Denizli with the rest of this number which 31 bank approved this study couldn’t have been got through . All data obtained in this investigation were collected by the techniques of questionnaires. Chi-square statistics analysis was used to evaluate datas. Results: 654 bank staff members were participated in this study. Among being got through to members of staff , % 58,9 are males(384), and % 41.01 are females (267). %84.0 of staff members working at banks has given about smoke cigarette condiction %6...
    Abstract Objective: Gender is identified genetically. Sexual orientation on the other hand differs from gender. The aim of this study is to determine the attitutes of a group of students, who will be teachers and parents of the future,... more
    Abstract Objective: Gender is identified genetically. Sexual orientation on the other hand differs from gender. The aim of this study is to determine the attitutes of a group of students, who will be teachers and parents of the future, about various sexual orientations and influential factors. Methods: The cross-sectional study was performed among the voluntary first year students of a university in March 2005. A questionnaire including the Hudson & Ricketts attitude scale with 24 questions was used for the study. The validity and reliability evaluation of the questionnaire was performed. The findings were analysed by SPSS statistical package (Version17, ChicagoIL, USA) program. For the calculation of the validity and reliability implemented in the Classical test theory, &quot;Confirmatory Factor Analysis&quot; Cronbach-alpha (α)coefficients and for the statistical analysis &quot;Mann- Whitney-U&quot;test were used. Results: 169 students participated in the study. 92.9% were female ...
    ... TÜTÜN KULLANIM DURUMU VE SAĞLIK SORUNLARI Situation of Tobacco Use And Health Effects Among Employees Who Working İn Bank İn Centrel of Denizli Nurhan Meydan Acımış1, Mehmet Bostancı2, Ali İhsan Bozkurt2, Aysun Özşahin3 ABSTRACT ÖZET... more
    ... TÜTÜN KULLANIM DURUMU VE SAĞLIK SORUNLARI Situation of Tobacco Use And Health Effects Among Employees Who Working İn Bank İn Centrel of Denizli Nurhan Meydan Acımış1, Mehmet Bostancı2, Ali İhsan Bozkurt2, Aysun Özşahin3 ABSTRACT ÖZET 1 Uzm. ...
    Objective: Immunity against rubella before women’s reproductive age is a practical strategy to control congenital rubella syndrome (CRS). This study was designed to investigate the rubella seroprevalance among the female primary-school... more
    Objective: Immunity against rubella before women’s reproductive age is a practical strategy to control congenital rubella syndrome (CRS). This study was designed to investigate the rubella seroprevalance among the female primary-school students living in low and high socio-economic areas in Denizli (Turkey). Methodology: Two hundred seventy seven students were eligible for this comparative cross-sectional study (November 2003). Schools and classrooms were randomly included in the sample. The cut off points of blood sample were set as &lt;10 IU negative; ³10 - &lt;15 IU indeterminate; ³15 IU positive. Results: Study was completed in 235 (84.8%) students. Rubella seropositivity was 74.0% (p=0.03). Rubella vaccination rate was 14.0% (high SES) and 7.8% (low SES). A significant difference continued among the graders even after multivariable adjustments (p&lt;0.001). Conclusion: Sporadic rubella vaccinations may not be a right option to control rubella among women in their reproductive a...