IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Soil fauna as ecosystem engineers and biochar play a role in spore modulating of arbuscular mycor... more Soil fauna as ecosystem engineers and biochar play a role in spore modulating of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). This study aims to analyze the effect of the soil fauna and biochar dosage on the AMF spore in abundance and diversity, and to investigate infection presence of AMF to maize roots grown in modified soil. Sixteen combinations of the soil fauna and biochar dosage in 1.5 kg of soil were tested. The abundance, genus richness, Shannon indices, and Simpson indices of AMF spore counted at 4, 6, and 8 weeks after treatment. Maize grown in different pots filled with 100 g of soil from each treatment, and root infection using aniline blue staining observed after 28 days of rearing. The results showed the total spore produced with 15 Pheretima sp. + 15 Ponera sp. and 50 g of biochar was the highest, while the treatment without ecosystem engineers and 150 g of biochar produced the fewest. Furthermore, genus richness with 15 Pheretima sp. + 15 Ponera sp. and without biochar was th...
This study aimed to determine the effect of each component of cultivation technology application ... more This study aimed to determine the effect of each component of cultivation technology application on the production of rice (Oryza Sativa L.) in South Sulawesi. This research was carried out in three rain-type sectors within South Sulawesi Province, namely Maros for the West Sector, Bone for the East Sector, and North Luwu for the Transitional sector. A study was conducted from December 2019 to January 2020 in the form of a survey (study literature, observation, and interviews), with the selection of samples carried out purposively to 90 respondents. Data analysis employed multiple linear regression with SPSS software. The results showed that the average rice production in Maros, Bone and North Luwu regencies, South Sulawesi, was still relatively low, Maros Regency was 7,032 kg per ha, Bone was 5,020 kg per ha and North Luwu was 6,497 kg per ha. The multiple regression equation for rice production in Maros, Bone and North Luwu Regencies, South Sulawesi is Y = 3354,185 -17,751X1 – 4,0...
Jurnal Berkala Ilmu-Ilmu Pertanian (Journal of Agricultural Sciences)
This study aims to determine the effect of various types of organic matter on the growth of chili... more This study aims to determine the effect of various types of organic matter on the growth of chili plants in a cultivation system using alang-alang mulch with half the root area irrigating. This research was conducted from August to November 2020 in Kambu, Kendari City. The study was arranged based on a Randomized Block Design (RAK) consisting of 4 treatments, namely without organic matter (B0), 10 t ha-1 cow dung + alang-alang mulch (B1), 10 t ha-1 rice husk biochar + alang-alang mulch (B2) and 10 t ha-1 biochar of cocoa pods + reed mulch (B3). The treatment was repeated 4 times. The results showed that the effect of organic matter significantly affected plant height, base weight, dry weight, number of leaves, leaf area, soil moisture and soil temperature. The best treatment was obtained in cow manure treatment with a percentage increase in the percentage increase. plant height 28 DAP and 42 DAP were 89.6% and 100.4%, respectively.
Wseas Transactions On Environment And Development, Apr 21, 2023
The aim of the study was to obtain potential indigenous rhizobacteria as growth promoters and ada... more The aim of the study was to obtain potential indigenous rhizobacteria as growth promoters and adaptive to saline soils. The isolate was isolated from the saline soil rhizosphere on the coast in the North Konawe district. The study was conducted at the Agronomy Unit Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Halu Oleo University from April to September 2022. The study was arranged based on a completely randomized design (CRD), consisting of 19 test isolates. The isolates were tested for their effectiveness in increasing the viability and vigor of tomato seeds. The test was carried out using a seed biopriming technique, then the seeds were germinated using a standard germination procedure. The observed variables included maximum growth potential, seed germination, vigor index, seed uniformity, relative growth rate and T50. The results showed that seed treatment using rhizobacteria isolated from saline soil significantly increased tomato seeds' viability and vigor, as seen in the variables of maximum growth potential, germination, vigor index, relative growth rate and reduced T50. From this study, 6 isolates were selected which have the potential to stimulate the growth of tomato seeds, namely KNU2, KNU3, KNU8, KNU13, KNU15 and KNU17. Further research is needed to test the effectiveness of this isolate in increasing the growth and yield of tomato plants under salinity stress conditions in the field.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tingkat pengetahuan dan sistem pengelolaan kaindea ma... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tingkat pengetahuan dan sistem pengelolaan kaindea masyarakat etnis Muna serta manfaat ekonomi dan ekologis kaindea di Desa Tanjung Tiram Kecamatan Moramo Utara Kabupaten Konawe Selatan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di lokasi pertanian kaindea di Desa Tanjung Tiram, Kecamatan Moramo Utara, Kabupaten Konawe Selatan, Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Rancangan penelitian ini dilakukan dengan penarikan contoh narasumber dan pengumpulan data. Narasumber yang diplih adalah masyarakat etnis Muna yang bermukim di Desa Tanjung Tiram, berdasarkan pertimbangan faktor-faktor demografi penduduk berdasarkan usia dan pengetahuan tentang kaindea. Data yang dikumpulkan terdiri dari data primer dan data sekunder. Data primer dikumpulkan dari pengamatan di lapangan dan hasil wawancara dengan responden. Sedangkan data sekunder dikumpulkan dari lembaga/instansi yang ada kaitannya dengan penelitian ini seperti Kantor Kecamatan, Kantor Bupati, Dinas pertanian Kabupaten, Balai Rehabilitasi Lahan dan Konservasi Tanah. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui studi orientasi, eksplorasi, dan konfirmasi. Variabel penelitian ini meliputi variabel bebas, yaitu gambaran umum kawasan penelitian dan sejarah terbentuknya kaindea oleh etnis Muna; dan variaber terikat yang terdiri dari janis-jenis tanaman kaindea dan pemanfaatannya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari berdasarkan kearifan lokal. Data-data yang diperoleh ditabulasi selanjutnya dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil pengamatan menggambarkan bahwa tingkat pengetahuan dan pendidikan masyarakat etnis Muna masih tergolong rendah, dan sistem pengelolaannya masih secara tradisional. Produk dari kaindea dapat memberi manfaat ekonomi bagi peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat serta menjaga keseimbangan ekologi pada lokasi penelitian.
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, Feb 25, 2020
Utilization of beneficial bacteria associated with plants as biofertilizer is proven to increase ... more Utilization of beneficial bacteria associated with plants as biofertilizer is proven to increase the vegetative growth of tomato plants and can minimize the use of chemical fertilizers. The treatment of tomato seeds with endophytic bacteria and rhizobacteria conducted at the Agronomy Laboratory of Haluoleo University, Southeast Sulawesi Province. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the ability of microorganisms to increase tomato plant vegetative growth. This study uses soil media, husk charcoal, and manure in a ratio of 4: 2: 1 (soil: manure: husk charcoal), which is inserted into polybags measuring 30x40 cm and placed in a greenhouse. Three bacterial isolates used are Pseudomonas sp SWRII B02, Bacillus sp CKD061, Pseudomonas sp KeO3, and their combination. The results show that seed treatment with bacteria as a biofertilizer effective in boosting and increasing the vegetative growth of tomato plants. Seed treatment with Bacillus sp CKD061 effectively increases the dry weight and number of plant leaves, while the effective treatment of seeds with Pseudomonas sp SWRII B02 increases the relative growth rate and the root drop ratio. In general, the use of beneficial bacteria as biofertilizer in tomato seeds can increase the number of leaves, stem diameter, dry weight, plant height, relative growth rate, and root ratio of rooted tomato plants is higher than the control group.
Air merupakan sumber kehidupan yang sangat penting bagi manusia dan lingkungan, karenaa peran ata... more Air merupakan sumber kehidupan yang sangat penting bagi manusia dan lingkungan, karenaa peran atau manfaatnyauntuk keberlangsungan hidup baik manusia, hewan maupun tumbuhan. Pada tubuh manusia, komponen air menempati 60%-70% nya sedangkan tumbuhan tersusun oleh komponen air sekitar Kandungan air di dalam jaringan tanaman sayuran berkisar antara 70%-90%, sehingga air merupakan salah satu kebutuhan primer bagi tumbuhan.
Indian journal of agricultural research, Dec 6, 2021
Background: This study aimed to observe the agronomic response of 18 Southeast Sulawesi local upl... more Background: This study aimed to observe the agronomic response of 18 Southeast Sulawesi local upland rice cultivars that were grown under two cultivation systems (dry land and wet rice field) and optimize local potential to support self-sufficiency and food security. Methods: The research used a split-plot design with the following main plot: cultivation system (L) including upland (L1) and rice field cultivation system (L2). The subplots were 18 local upland rice cultivars such as Wangkomina (K1), Wuna Lapodidi (K2), Waburi-buri (K3), Wapantoga (K4), Nggalaru (K5), Wuna Parigi (K6), Bakala (K7), Biu (K8), Ikulaku (K9), Bou (K1), Momea (K11), Daindomoronene (K12), Konkep (K13), Tinangge (K14), Ndoamoito (K15), Uwa (K16), Ndowatu (K17) and Indalibana (K18). Result: The local upland rice responded better to the wetland cultivation system than the upland cultivation system. The local upland rice cultivar Ndowatu showed the highest production potential, which was statistically similar to the Biu, Ikulaku, Momea, Konkep and Uwa cultivars. Ndowatu cultivar showed high production potential (842.80 g.m-2). Thus, this cultivar can be considered suitable for development in the rainfed lowlands to increase the planting index and to support the self-sufficiency and food security of the region.
Berdasarkan analisis curah hujan dan evapotranspirasi potensial wilayah Kendari dan sekitarnya ya... more Berdasarkan analisis curah hujan dan evapotranspirasi potensial wilayah Kendari dan sekitarnya yang didominasi oleh lahan kering beriklim kering, pada bulan Juli sampai dengan November terjadi defisit air. Bila dilakukan penanaman tanaman pada bulan ini dapat mengakibatkan terhambatnya pertumbuhan dan penurunan produksi karena tanaman akan mengalami cekaman kekeringan. Cekaman kekeringan dapat mempengaruhi proses metabolisme, pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman (Bahrun et al., 2002; Liu
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari efektivitas bio-priming benih menggunakan campuaran ri... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari efektivitas bio-priming benih menggunakan campuaran rizobakter indigenous untuk meningkatkan kualitas fisiologis benih kedelai. Penelitian telah dilakukan pada Bulan November 2014 sampai dengan Januari 2015 di Laboratorium Agroteknologi Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Halu Oleo. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) factor tunggal yang terdiri dari delapan perlakuan yaitu: control (tanpa perlakuan rizobakter), bio-priming menggunakan Bacillus sp. CKD061, bio-priming menggunakan P. fluorescens PG01, bio-priming menggunakan Serratia sp. CMN175, bio-priming menggunakan campuran Bacillus sp. CKD061 + P. fluorescens PG01, bio-priming menggunakan campuran Bacillus sp. CKD061 + Serratia sp. CMN175, bio-priming menggunakan campuran P. fluorescens PG01 + Serratia sp. CMN175 dan bio-priming menggunakan campuran Bacillus sp. CKD061 + P. fluorescens PG01 + Serratia sp. CMN175. Setiap perlakuan diulang sebanyak tiga kali sehingga seluruhnya terdiri dari 24 unit percobaan. Data hasil penelitian dianalisis ragam dengan uji lanjut Duncan's Multiple Range Test (DMRT). Hasil pengamatan pengujian fisiologis benih menunjukkan bahwa bio-priming menggunakan campuran Bacillus sp. CKD061 + P. fluorescens PG01 meningkatkan kualitas fisiologis benih. Bio-priming benih menggunakan campuran Bacillus sp. CKD061 + P. fluorescens PG01 memberikan hasil yang lebih baik dalam meningkatkan viabilitas dan vigor benih kedelai.
Jundishapur Journal of Natural Pharmaceutical Products, Nov 27, 2019
Background: Persicaria sagittata (L.) H.Gross (Polygonaceae) has long been used in Indonesian tra... more Background: Persicaria sagittata (L.) H.Gross (Polygonaceae) has long been used in Indonesian traditional medicine to treat diarrhea, skin diseases, and internal problems. To date, the chemistry and biological activity of P. sagittata have not investigated, requiring more research. Objectives: This study aimed to investigate the chemical constituents of P. sagittata stems, evaluate their antioxidant activity, and discuss their chemotaxonomy values in genus Persicaria. Methods: Compounds isolated from the plant stems were identified using physicochemical and spectroscopic measurements (1D and 2D NMR) and by comparison with literature data. The antioxidant activity was evaluated based on the qualitative and quantitative DPPH assays. The chemotaxonomy value was assessed based on extensive studies of the phytochemically investigated Persicaria species. Results: We successfully isolated 10 compounds for the first time from P. sagittata, including arborinone (1), 25-hydroxycholest-5-en-3β-yl acetate (2), β-sitosterol (3), methyl-4-hydroxy cinnamate (4), protocatechuic acid (5), gallic acid (6), methyl gallate (7), quercetin (8), vanicoside A (9), and vanicoside B (10). Of these, compound 6 (IC50: 8.88 µM) exhibited the most significant antioxidant activity relative to ascorbic acid (IC50: 30.49 µM), followed by compounds 7, 9, 8, 5, and 10 (IC50: 15.37, 26.82, 29.18, 32.38, and 35.06 µM, respectively). Meanwhile, compounds 1-4 were inactive toward DPPH radicals (IC50 > 400 µM). The chemistry of P. sagittata showed a relatively similar profile to other species profiles, implying a close chemotaxonomy relationship of P. sagittata with other species of genus Persicaria. Compounds 2 and 4 were first reported in genus Persicaria, which may serve as chemical markers for P. sagittata. Conclusions: The chemical constituents of P. sagittata have potent antioxidant activities, in particular, phenolics, flavonoids, and sucrose esters. The presence of compounds 1-10 could enrich the chemotaxonomy value of P. sagittata in genus Persicaria.
This study used a randomized block design with 4 treatments of ameliorant, i..e without amelioran... more This study used a randomized block design with 4 treatments of ameliorant, i..e without ameliorant (b0), durian shell biochar 4 t ha-1 (b1), rice husk biochar 4 t ha-1 (b2), cow manure 4 t ha-1 (b3). Each experimental unit was repeated three times. Measured variable that is plant height, number of leafe, total leaf area, leaf area indeks, number of fruit, weight of fruit and yield of cayenne pepper. The analysis of data using ANOVA, if analysis result of significant (Fhit> Ftab) then continue with DMRT on α=0.05. The research results showed that the application of biochar and cow manureas an amelorant was increasing of plant height, number of leafe, total leaf area, leaf area indeks, number of fruit, weight of fruit and yieldof cayenne pepper. Increased productivity of cayenne pepper with the application of cow manure, durian shell biochar, and rice husk biochar at a dose of 4 t ha-1 i.e. 83%, 70%, and 64% respectively compared withou treatment.
Biochar kulit buah kakao sebagai pembenah tanah dan agens hayati sebagai mikroba bermanfaat, digu... more Biochar kulit buah kakao sebagai pembenah tanah dan agens hayati sebagai mikroba bermanfaat, digunakan untuk memperbaiki kesuburan tanah, meningkatkan serapan hara, air dan dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan tanaman. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh biochar kulit buah kakao dan berbagai agens hayati terhadap pertumbuhan bibit kakao. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di rumah kaca Laboratorium Lapangan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Halu Oleo Kendari, berlangsung bulan Mei sampai dengan Oktober 2019. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan pola Split Plot. Petak utama terdiri dari: tanpa biochar kulit buah kakao dan biochar kulit buah kakao 15 g. Anak petak terdiri dari: tanpa agens hayati, fungi mikoriza arbuskula 15 g, fungi mikoriza arbuskula 15 g + rizobakteri 15 ml dan fungi mikoriza arbuskula 15 g + Trichoderma sp. 15 ml dengan empat ulangan. Pengamatan dilakukan terhadapt paramter pertumbuhan bibit tanaman kakao. Data hasil pengamatan dianalisis dengan analisis ragam, jika berpengaruh nyata maka dilakukan uji lanjut dengan Duncan's Multiple Range Test (DMRT). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan aplikasi biochar kulit buah kakao 15 g/polybag secara mandiri meningkatkan panjang akar bibit kakao. Aplikasi berbagai agens hayati fungi mikoriza arbuskula 15 g/polybag, fungi mikoriza arbuskula 15 g + rizobakteri 15 ml/polybag dan fungi mikoriza arbuskula 15 g + Trichoderma sp.15 ml/polybag secara mandiri meningkatkan pertumbuhan tinggi tanaman, luas daun total, jumlah daun, panjang akar, bobot kering akar, dan bobot kering tajuk bibit tanaman kakao.
Asian Journal of Research in Crop Science, Apr 12, 2021
Aims: The research aimed to study the potential of cow dung fertilizer residue in increasing the ... more Aims: The research aimed to study the potential of cow dung fertilizer residue in increasing the growth and yield of corn plant in planting period II on marginal dry land. Study Design: Singel factor design in Randomized block design.
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, Mar 1, 2003
... all references [6]6. Ali, M., Jensen, CR and Mogensen, VO 1998. Early signals in field grown ... more ... all references [6]6. Ali, M., Jensen, CR and Mogensen, VO 1998. Early signals in field grown wheat in response to shallow soil drying. Aust. J. Plant. Physiol. , 25: 871–882. [CrossRef] View all references [22]22. Tardieu, F., Zhang, J., Katerji, N., Bethenod, O., Palmer, S. and ...
Early signals potentially regulating leaf growth and stomatal aperture in field-grown maize (Zea ... more Early signals potentially regulating leaf growth and stomatal aperture in field-grown maize (Zea mays L.) subjected to drought were investigated. Plants grown in a field lysimeter on two soil types were subjected to progressive drought during vegetative growth. Leaf ABA content, water status, extension rate, conductance, photosynthesis, nitrogen content, and xylem sap composition were measured daily. Maize responded similarly to progressive drought on both soil types. Effects on loam were less pronounced than on sand. Relative to fully-watered controls, xylem pH increased by about 0.2 units one day after withholding irrigation (DAWI) and conductivity decreased by about 0.25 mS cm À1 1-3 DAWI. Xylem nitrate, ammonium, and phosphate concentrations decreased by about 50% at 1-5 DAWI and potassium concentration decreased by about 50% at 7-8 DAWI. Xylem ABA concentration consistently increased by 45-70 pmol ml À1 at 7 DAWI. Leaf extension rate decreased 5 DAWI, after the changes in xylem chemical composition had occurred. Leaf nitrogen significantly decreased 8-16 DAWI in droughted plants. Midday leaf water potential and photosynthesis were significantly decreased in droughted plants late in the drying period. Xylem nitrate concentration was the only ionic xylem sap component significantly correlated to increasing soil moisture deficit and decreasing leaf nitrogen concentration. Predawn leaf ABA content in droughted plants increased by 100-200 ng g À1 dry weight at 7 DAWI coinciding with a decrease in stomatal conductance before any significant decrease in midday leaf water potential was observed. Based on the observed sequence, a chain of signal events is suggested eventually leading to stomatal closure and leaf surface reduction through interactive effects of reduced nitrogen supply and plant growth regulators under drought.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Soil fauna as ecosystem engineers and biochar play a role in spore modulating of arbuscular mycor... more Soil fauna as ecosystem engineers and biochar play a role in spore modulating of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). This study aims to analyze the effect of the soil fauna and biochar dosage on the AMF spore in abundance and diversity, and to investigate infection presence of AMF to maize roots grown in modified soil. Sixteen combinations of the soil fauna and biochar dosage in 1.5 kg of soil were tested. The abundance, genus richness, Shannon indices, and Simpson indices of AMF spore counted at 4, 6, and 8 weeks after treatment. Maize grown in different pots filled with 100 g of soil from each treatment, and root infection using aniline blue staining observed after 28 days of rearing. The results showed the total spore produced with 15 Pheretima sp. + 15 Ponera sp. and 50 g of biochar was the highest, while the treatment without ecosystem engineers and 150 g of biochar produced the fewest. Furthermore, genus richness with 15 Pheretima sp. + 15 Ponera sp. and without biochar was th...
This study aimed to determine the effect of each component of cultivation technology application ... more This study aimed to determine the effect of each component of cultivation technology application on the production of rice (Oryza Sativa L.) in South Sulawesi. This research was carried out in three rain-type sectors within South Sulawesi Province, namely Maros for the West Sector, Bone for the East Sector, and North Luwu for the Transitional sector. A study was conducted from December 2019 to January 2020 in the form of a survey (study literature, observation, and interviews), with the selection of samples carried out purposively to 90 respondents. Data analysis employed multiple linear regression with SPSS software. The results showed that the average rice production in Maros, Bone and North Luwu regencies, South Sulawesi, was still relatively low, Maros Regency was 7,032 kg per ha, Bone was 5,020 kg per ha and North Luwu was 6,497 kg per ha. The multiple regression equation for rice production in Maros, Bone and North Luwu Regencies, South Sulawesi is Y = 3354,185 -17,751X1 – 4,0...
Jurnal Berkala Ilmu-Ilmu Pertanian (Journal of Agricultural Sciences)
This study aims to determine the effect of various types of organic matter on the growth of chili... more This study aims to determine the effect of various types of organic matter on the growth of chili plants in a cultivation system using alang-alang mulch with half the root area irrigating. This research was conducted from August to November 2020 in Kambu, Kendari City. The study was arranged based on a Randomized Block Design (RAK) consisting of 4 treatments, namely without organic matter (B0), 10 t ha-1 cow dung + alang-alang mulch (B1), 10 t ha-1 rice husk biochar + alang-alang mulch (B2) and 10 t ha-1 biochar of cocoa pods + reed mulch (B3). The treatment was repeated 4 times. The results showed that the effect of organic matter significantly affected plant height, base weight, dry weight, number of leaves, leaf area, soil moisture and soil temperature. The best treatment was obtained in cow manure treatment with a percentage increase in the percentage increase. plant height 28 DAP and 42 DAP were 89.6% and 100.4%, respectively.
Wseas Transactions On Environment And Development, Apr 21, 2023
The aim of the study was to obtain potential indigenous rhizobacteria as growth promoters and ada... more The aim of the study was to obtain potential indigenous rhizobacteria as growth promoters and adaptive to saline soils. The isolate was isolated from the saline soil rhizosphere on the coast in the North Konawe district. The study was conducted at the Agronomy Unit Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Halu Oleo University from April to September 2022. The study was arranged based on a completely randomized design (CRD), consisting of 19 test isolates. The isolates were tested for their effectiveness in increasing the viability and vigor of tomato seeds. The test was carried out using a seed biopriming technique, then the seeds were germinated using a standard germination procedure. The observed variables included maximum growth potential, seed germination, vigor index, seed uniformity, relative growth rate and T50. The results showed that seed treatment using rhizobacteria isolated from saline soil significantly increased tomato seeds' viability and vigor, as seen in the variables of maximum growth potential, germination, vigor index, relative growth rate and reduced T50. From this study, 6 isolates were selected which have the potential to stimulate the growth of tomato seeds, namely KNU2, KNU3, KNU8, KNU13, KNU15 and KNU17. Further research is needed to test the effectiveness of this isolate in increasing the growth and yield of tomato plants under salinity stress conditions in the field.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tingkat pengetahuan dan sistem pengelolaan kaindea ma... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tingkat pengetahuan dan sistem pengelolaan kaindea masyarakat etnis Muna serta manfaat ekonomi dan ekologis kaindea di Desa Tanjung Tiram Kecamatan Moramo Utara Kabupaten Konawe Selatan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di lokasi pertanian kaindea di Desa Tanjung Tiram, Kecamatan Moramo Utara, Kabupaten Konawe Selatan, Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Rancangan penelitian ini dilakukan dengan penarikan contoh narasumber dan pengumpulan data. Narasumber yang diplih adalah masyarakat etnis Muna yang bermukim di Desa Tanjung Tiram, berdasarkan pertimbangan faktor-faktor demografi penduduk berdasarkan usia dan pengetahuan tentang kaindea. Data yang dikumpulkan terdiri dari data primer dan data sekunder. Data primer dikumpulkan dari pengamatan di lapangan dan hasil wawancara dengan responden. Sedangkan data sekunder dikumpulkan dari lembaga/instansi yang ada kaitannya dengan penelitian ini seperti Kantor Kecamatan, Kantor Bupati, Dinas pertanian Kabupaten, Balai Rehabilitasi Lahan dan Konservasi Tanah. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui studi orientasi, eksplorasi, dan konfirmasi. Variabel penelitian ini meliputi variabel bebas, yaitu gambaran umum kawasan penelitian dan sejarah terbentuknya kaindea oleh etnis Muna; dan variaber terikat yang terdiri dari janis-jenis tanaman kaindea dan pemanfaatannya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari berdasarkan kearifan lokal. Data-data yang diperoleh ditabulasi selanjutnya dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil pengamatan menggambarkan bahwa tingkat pengetahuan dan pendidikan masyarakat etnis Muna masih tergolong rendah, dan sistem pengelolaannya masih secara tradisional. Produk dari kaindea dapat memberi manfaat ekonomi bagi peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat serta menjaga keseimbangan ekologi pada lokasi penelitian.
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, Feb 25, 2020
Utilization of beneficial bacteria associated with plants as biofertilizer is proven to increase ... more Utilization of beneficial bacteria associated with plants as biofertilizer is proven to increase the vegetative growth of tomato plants and can minimize the use of chemical fertilizers. The treatment of tomato seeds with endophytic bacteria and rhizobacteria conducted at the Agronomy Laboratory of Haluoleo University, Southeast Sulawesi Province. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the ability of microorganisms to increase tomato plant vegetative growth. This study uses soil media, husk charcoal, and manure in a ratio of 4: 2: 1 (soil: manure: husk charcoal), which is inserted into polybags measuring 30x40 cm and placed in a greenhouse. Three bacterial isolates used are Pseudomonas sp SWRII B02, Bacillus sp CKD061, Pseudomonas sp KeO3, and their combination. The results show that seed treatment with bacteria as a biofertilizer effective in boosting and increasing the vegetative growth of tomato plants. Seed treatment with Bacillus sp CKD061 effectively increases the dry weight and number of plant leaves, while the effective treatment of seeds with Pseudomonas sp SWRII B02 increases the relative growth rate and the root drop ratio. In general, the use of beneficial bacteria as biofertilizer in tomato seeds can increase the number of leaves, stem diameter, dry weight, plant height, relative growth rate, and root ratio of rooted tomato plants is higher than the control group.
Air merupakan sumber kehidupan yang sangat penting bagi manusia dan lingkungan, karenaa peran ata... more Air merupakan sumber kehidupan yang sangat penting bagi manusia dan lingkungan, karenaa peran atau manfaatnyauntuk keberlangsungan hidup baik manusia, hewan maupun tumbuhan. Pada tubuh manusia, komponen air menempati 60%-70% nya sedangkan tumbuhan tersusun oleh komponen air sekitar Kandungan air di dalam jaringan tanaman sayuran berkisar antara 70%-90%, sehingga air merupakan salah satu kebutuhan primer bagi tumbuhan.
Indian journal of agricultural research, Dec 6, 2021
Background: This study aimed to observe the agronomic response of 18 Southeast Sulawesi local upl... more Background: This study aimed to observe the agronomic response of 18 Southeast Sulawesi local upland rice cultivars that were grown under two cultivation systems (dry land and wet rice field) and optimize local potential to support self-sufficiency and food security. Methods: The research used a split-plot design with the following main plot: cultivation system (L) including upland (L1) and rice field cultivation system (L2). The subplots were 18 local upland rice cultivars such as Wangkomina (K1), Wuna Lapodidi (K2), Waburi-buri (K3), Wapantoga (K4), Nggalaru (K5), Wuna Parigi (K6), Bakala (K7), Biu (K8), Ikulaku (K9), Bou (K1), Momea (K11), Daindomoronene (K12), Konkep (K13), Tinangge (K14), Ndoamoito (K15), Uwa (K16), Ndowatu (K17) and Indalibana (K18). Result: The local upland rice responded better to the wetland cultivation system than the upland cultivation system. The local upland rice cultivar Ndowatu showed the highest production potential, which was statistically similar to the Biu, Ikulaku, Momea, Konkep and Uwa cultivars. Ndowatu cultivar showed high production potential (842.80 g.m-2). Thus, this cultivar can be considered suitable for development in the rainfed lowlands to increase the planting index and to support the self-sufficiency and food security of the region.
Berdasarkan analisis curah hujan dan evapotranspirasi potensial wilayah Kendari dan sekitarnya ya... more Berdasarkan analisis curah hujan dan evapotranspirasi potensial wilayah Kendari dan sekitarnya yang didominasi oleh lahan kering beriklim kering, pada bulan Juli sampai dengan November terjadi defisit air. Bila dilakukan penanaman tanaman pada bulan ini dapat mengakibatkan terhambatnya pertumbuhan dan penurunan produksi karena tanaman akan mengalami cekaman kekeringan. Cekaman kekeringan dapat mempengaruhi proses metabolisme, pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman (Bahrun et al., 2002; Liu
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari efektivitas bio-priming benih menggunakan campuaran ri... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari efektivitas bio-priming benih menggunakan campuaran rizobakter indigenous untuk meningkatkan kualitas fisiologis benih kedelai. Penelitian telah dilakukan pada Bulan November 2014 sampai dengan Januari 2015 di Laboratorium Agroteknologi Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Halu Oleo. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) factor tunggal yang terdiri dari delapan perlakuan yaitu: control (tanpa perlakuan rizobakter), bio-priming menggunakan Bacillus sp. CKD061, bio-priming menggunakan P. fluorescens PG01, bio-priming menggunakan Serratia sp. CMN175, bio-priming menggunakan campuran Bacillus sp. CKD061 + P. fluorescens PG01, bio-priming menggunakan campuran Bacillus sp. CKD061 + Serratia sp. CMN175, bio-priming menggunakan campuran P. fluorescens PG01 + Serratia sp. CMN175 dan bio-priming menggunakan campuran Bacillus sp. CKD061 + P. fluorescens PG01 + Serratia sp. CMN175. Setiap perlakuan diulang sebanyak tiga kali sehingga seluruhnya terdiri dari 24 unit percobaan. Data hasil penelitian dianalisis ragam dengan uji lanjut Duncan's Multiple Range Test (DMRT). Hasil pengamatan pengujian fisiologis benih menunjukkan bahwa bio-priming menggunakan campuran Bacillus sp. CKD061 + P. fluorescens PG01 meningkatkan kualitas fisiologis benih. Bio-priming benih menggunakan campuran Bacillus sp. CKD061 + P. fluorescens PG01 memberikan hasil yang lebih baik dalam meningkatkan viabilitas dan vigor benih kedelai.
Jundishapur Journal of Natural Pharmaceutical Products, Nov 27, 2019
Background: Persicaria sagittata (L.) H.Gross (Polygonaceae) has long been used in Indonesian tra... more Background: Persicaria sagittata (L.) H.Gross (Polygonaceae) has long been used in Indonesian traditional medicine to treat diarrhea, skin diseases, and internal problems. To date, the chemistry and biological activity of P. sagittata have not investigated, requiring more research. Objectives: This study aimed to investigate the chemical constituents of P. sagittata stems, evaluate their antioxidant activity, and discuss their chemotaxonomy values in genus Persicaria. Methods: Compounds isolated from the plant stems were identified using physicochemical and spectroscopic measurements (1D and 2D NMR) and by comparison with literature data. The antioxidant activity was evaluated based on the qualitative and quantitative DPPH assays. The chemotaxonomy value was assessed based on extensive studies of the phytochemically investigated Persicaria species. Results: We successfully isolated 10 compounds for the first time from P. sagittata, including arborinone (1), 25-hydroxycholest-5-en-3β-yl acetate (2), β-sitosterol (3), methyl-4-hydroxy cinnamate (4), protocatechuic acid (5), gallic acid (6), methyl gallate (7), quercetin (8), vanicoside A (9), and vanicoside B (10). Of these, compound 6 (IC50: 8.88 µM) exhibited the most significant antioxidant activity relative to ascorbic acid (IC50: 30.49 µM), followed by compounds 7, 9, 8, 5, and 10 (IC50: 15.37, 26.82, 29.18, 32.38, and 35.06 µM, respectively). Meanwhile, compounds 1-4 were inactive toward DPPH radicals (IC50 > 400 µM). The chemistry of P. sagittata showed a relatively similar profile to other species profiles, implying a close chemotaxonomy relationship of P. sagittata with other species of genus Persicaria. Compounds 2 and 4 were first reported in genus Persicaria, which may serve as chemical markers for P. sagittata. Conclusions: The chemical constituents of P. sagittata have potent antioxidant activities, in particular, phenolics, flavonoids, and sucrose esters. The presence of compounds 1-10 could enrich the chemotaxonomy value of P. sagittata in genus Persicaria.
This study used a randomized block design with 4 treatments of ameliorant, i..e without amelioran... more This study used a randomized block design with 4 treatments of ameliorant, i..e without ameliorant (b0), durian shell biochar 4 t ha-1 (b1), rice husk biochar 4 t ha-1 (b2), cow manure 4 t ha-1 (b3). Each experimental unit was repeated three times. Measured variable that is plant height, number of leafe, total leaf area, leaf area indeks, number of fruit, weight of fruit and yield of cayenne pepper. The analysis of data using ANOVA, if analysis result of significant (Fhit> Ftab) then continue with DMRT on α=0.05. The research results showed that the application of biochar and cow manureas an amelorant was increasing of plant height, number of leafe, total leaf area, leaf area indeks, number of fruit, weight of fruit and yieldof cayenne pepper. Increased productivity of cayenne pepper with the application of cow manure, durian shell biochar, and rice husk biochar at a dose of 4 t ha-1 i.e. 83%, 70%, and 64% respectively compared withou treatment.
Biochar kulit buah kakao sebagai pembenah tanah dan agens hayati sebagai mikroba bermanfaat, digu... more Biochar kulit buah kakao sebagai pembenah tanah dan agens hayati sebagai mikroba bermanfaat, digunakan untuk memperbaiki kesuburan tanah, meningkatkan serapan hara, air dan dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan tanaman. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh biochar kulit buah kakao dan berbagai agens hayati terhadap pertumbuhan bibit kakao. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di rumah kaca Laboratorium Lapangan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Halu Oleo Kendari, berlangsung bulan Mei sampai dengan Oktober 2019. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan pola Split Plot. Petak utama terdiri dari: tanpa biochar kulit buah kakao dan biochar kulit buah kakao 15 g. Anak petak terdiri dari: tanpa agens hayati, fungi mikoriza arbuskula 15 g, fungi mikoriza arbuskula 15 g + rizobakteri 15 ml dan fungi mikoriza arbuskula 15 g + Trichoderma sp. 15 ml dengan empat ulangan. Pengamatan dilakukan terhadapt paramter pertumbuhan bibit tanaman kakao. Data hasil pengamatan dianalisis dengan analisis ragam, jika berpengaruh nyata maka dilakukan uji lanjut dengan Duncan's Multiple Range Test (DMRT). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan aplikasi biochar kulit buah kakao 15 g/polybag secara mandiri meningkatkan panjang akar bibit kakao. Aplikasi berbagai agens hayati fungi mikoriza arbuskula 15 g/polybag, fungi mikoriza arbuskula 15 g + rizobakteri 15 ml/polybag dan fungi mikoriza arbuskula 15 g + Trichoderma sp.15 ml/polybag secara mandiri meningkatkan pertumbuhan tinggi tanaman, luas daun total, jumlah daun, panjang akar, bobot kering akar, dan bobot kering tajuk bibit tanaman kakao.
Asian Journal of Research in Crop Science, Apr 12, 2021
Aims: The research aimed to study the potential of cow dung fertilizer residue in increasing the ... more Aims: The research aimed to study the potential of cow dung fertilizer residue in increasing the growth and yield of corn plant in planting period II on marginal dry land. Study Design: Singel factor design in Randomized block design.
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, Mar 1, 2003
... all references [6]6. Ali, M., Jensen, CR and Mogensen, VO 1998. Early signals in field grown ... more ... all references [6]6. Ali, M., Jensen, CR and Mogensen, VO 1998. Early signals in field grown wheat in response to shallow soil drying. Aust. J. Plant. Physiol. , 25: 871–882. [CrossRef] View all references [22]22. Tardieu, F., Zhang, J., Katerji, N., Bethenod, O., Palmer, S. and ...
Early signals potentially regulating leaf growth and stomatal aperture in field-grown maize (Zea ... more Early signals potentially regulating leaf growth and stomatal aperture in field-grown maize (Zea mays L.) subjected to drought were investigated. Plants grown in a field lysimeter on two soil types were subjected to progressive drought during vegetative growth. Leaf ABA content, water status, extension rate, conductance, photosynthesis, nitrogen content, and xylem sap composition were measured daily. Maize responded similarly to progressive drought on both soil types. Effects on loam were less pronounced than on sand. Relative to fully-watered controls, xylem pH increased by about 0.2 units one day after withholding irrigation (DAWI) and conductivity decreased by about 0.25 mS cm À1 1-3 DAWI. Xylem nitrate, ammonium, and phosphate concentrations decreased by about 50% at 1-5 DAWI and potassium concentration decreased by about 50% at 7-8 DAWI. Xylem ABA concentration consistently increased by 45-70 pmol ml À1 at 7 DAWI. Leaf extension rate decreased 5 DAWI, after the changes in xylem chemical composition had occurred. Leaf nitrogen significantly decreased 8-16 DAWI in droughted plants. Midday leaf water potential and photosynthesis were significantly decreased in droughted plants late in the drying period. Xylem nitrate concentration was the only ionic xylem sap component significantly correlated to increasing soil moisture deficit and decreasing leaf nitrogen concentration. Predawn leaf ABA content in droughted plants increased by 100-200 ng g À1 dry weight at 7 DAWI coinciding with a decrease in stomatal conductance before any significant decrease in midday leaf water potential was observed. Based on the observed sequence, a chain of signal events is suggested eventually leading to stomatal closure and leaf surface reduction through interactive effects of reduced nitrogen supply and plant growth regulators under drought.
Papers by andi bahrun