Local Goverment and Local Development
Recent papers in Local Goverment and Local Development
This volume has been prepared under the auspices of the project entitled, ‘Competition Reforms in Key Markets for Enhancing Social & Economic Welfare in Developing Countries’ (CREW Project). This project was implemented by CUTS in four... more
This Statistical Brief is an ongoing effort of NALAS’ Fiscal Decentralisation Task Force to provide policy–makers and analysts with timely, accurate, relevant, reliable and comparable data on local government finance in South–East Europe... more
The article introduces Urban Food Policies (UFP) in the field of decentralized cooperation as a relatively new field of work, exchange and action-oriented research within and between cities, and local authorities in the global North... more
“เมือง” ได้ถูกนำมาใช้เป็นอีกหนึ่งเครื่องมือในการพัฒนาเศรษฐกิจ สังคม และยกระดับคุณภาพชีวิตความเป็นอยู่ รวมถึงเสริมสร้างขีดความสามารถในการแข่งขันทางเศรษฐกิจและสังคมให้กับประเทศด้วย เช่นเดียวกับแนวคิด “เมืองอัจฉริยะ (smart city)”... more
The concept of rural vitality often used to describe the rural areas as specific areas that are of particular significance not only for the region but also the country as a whole. Depending on the objectives investigated there are... more
Metro mayors heading a combined authority represent the most recent innovation in English devolution. City-region devolution has been a key way in which successive Conservatives governments have sought to boost local economic growth... more
There are different measures to assess economic development and welfare of a state or a nation. In this study, we attempt to assess the household economic status by assessing the ownership of assets in the households. There are thirty... more
This volume has been prepared under the auspices of the project entitled, ‘Competition Reforms in Key Markets for Enhancing Social & Economic Welfare in Developing Countries’ (CREW Project). This project was implemented by CUTS in four... more
Martin O'Neill talks to Matthew Brown about community wealth-building and alternative economic strategies in Preston.
The removal of mayors by the Minister of Interior in line with administrative tutelage is a practice that started with the 1982 Constitution and was not included in the previous Constitutions. According to Turkish law, the municipal... more
This study explored the experiences of Barangay Health Workers (BHW) in Geographically Isolated and Disadvantaged Areas (GIDA) amidst this new normal. This study used the Qualitative phenomenological method of research. This study was... more
Ted Howard is Co-Founder and President of the Democracy Collaborative, a Washington, D.C.-based ‘think-do tank’ that develops and promotes ideas for a more democratic economy. He has been one of the main architects of the ‘Cleveland... more
Artykuł prezentuje wyniki badań przeprowadzonych w połowie 2014 r., mających na celu identyfikację oczekiwań władz małych miast wobec polskiej państwowej polityki rozwoju lokalnego. Jako źródło informacji o tych oczekiwaniach wybrano... more
Problematyka rozwoju lokalnego była wielokrotnie podejmowana w literaturze przedmiotu. Liczne prace poświęcone mu koncentrują się na jego celach, czynnikach, stymulowaniu go i na jego pomiarze. Mimo to, jak dotąd niewiele uwagi poświęcono... more
Este livro visa a analisar as mediações que não possibilitaram no governo Lula a efetiva implementação de uma educação integral e emancipadora aos jovens de baixa renda e escolaridade, na perspectiva da “escola unitária” de Gramsci.... more
Từ quy định của Khoản 2 Điều 111 Hiến pháp năm 2013 “Cấp chính quyền địa phương gồm có Hội đồng nhân dân (HĐND) và Ủy ban nhân dân (UBND) được tổ chức phù hợp với đặc điểm nông thôn, đô thị, hải đảo, đơn vị hành chính - kinh tế đặc biệt... more
Se presenta el plan de manejo ambientalmente amigable, de la Unidad de Manejo Ambiental El Tepez. Es un programa integral, para las 42 hectáreas (420,000 metros cuadrados) de gran diversidad biótica, cuyo centro es un zoocriadero de... more
Nowadays revitalization is often defined as a comprehensive effort including revalorization, restoration, reconstruction, modernization and actions aimed at the revival of a building, a district or a town devastated in different aspects,... more
This study explored the experiences of Barangay Health Workers (BHW) in Geographically Isolated and Disadvantaged Areas (GIDA) amidst this new normal. This study used the Qualitative phenomenological method of research. This study was... more
Presentasi ini disiapkan dalam rangka proses mengikuti Seleksi Terbuka Calon Sekretaris Daerah Nusa Tenggara Barat, Februari 2016.
El siguiente trabajo analiza exhaustivamente la forma cómo son gestionados los distintos elementos y variables que componen e inciden en la estrategia de innovación de los Municipios de Puente Alto, Peñalolén y Renca. Se propone un... more
The presented book is devoted to local development and its governance by forming, on the strategic level, the relationships connecting municipalities with supralocal, i.e. regional, national and global milieu. It is divided into five... more
This research, conducted by the author when a Senior Researcher at Newcastle University, UK, was funded by a UK governance organisation to help them assess, integrate and improve their understanding of the governed population.... more
This article employs a methodological framework based on SWOT analysis to identify the most important factors and concerns in order for public policy organisations to encourage local entrepreneurs to invest in sustainable development. A... more
" El Instituto del Conurbano inauguró una nueva serie de Documentos de Trabajo cuyo propósito es difundir resultados de las investigaciones para aportar a la comprensión de los problemas que desafían y atraviesan a la política sanitaria... more
The purpose of this research is to know the role of local government in developing the tourism potential of nature and cultural tours in North Tapanuli Regency. In this study the method used is descriptive qualitative approach is... more
There is a huge difference in the compulsory and optional tasks settlements fulfill. In one settlement, the population and the enterprises can get comprehensive services, while the other settlement supplies just compulsory functions on a... more
Pemerintah Desa yang diatur dalam UU No. 5/ 1979 Juncto UU No. 22/ 1999 Juncto UU No. 32/ 2014 Juncto UU No. 2014 adalah unit pemerintahan semu. Ia bukan pemerintahan resmi tapi pemerintahan komunitas bekas pemerintahan komunitas pribumi... more
Poverty has been a perennial problem in the Philippines. The government adapted the Conditional Cash Transfer program of Latin America with the main objective of resolving and eradicating poverty in the country. The local version was... more
The attempt of this research is to introduce a world new concept of socio-economic development by setting fundraising entrepreneurship at local government tiers of Bangladesh. The research contains four empirical studies and a large... more
El presente trabajo ofrece una revisión general de la producción sobre la descentralización en los últimos años. Partiendo de una mirada rápida de algunas categorías conceptuales básicas utilizadas para identificar y analizar la práctica... more
The participation of women in the nation’s politics in general, and the Panchayati Raj in particular, was very low until the enactment of the 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act. The Act is a landmark in the history of Panchayati Raj and is... more
This volume has been prepared under the auspices of the project entitled, ‘Competition Reforms in Key Markets for Enhancing Social & Economic Welfare in Developing Countries’ (CREW Project). This project was implemented by CUTS in four... more
La maggiore espressione associativa nel sistema delle autonomie locali, risiede nell'istituto dell'Unione di Comuni, finalizzata ad una maggiore efficienza ed efficacia dell'azione di governo locale. Un'esigenza individuata dal... more