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There is an overall scientific consensus that public space and, mainly, space with a high ecological index – most notably experienced in green areas – positively affects individual and collective well-being and urban dwellers’ physical... more
There is an overall scientific consensus that public space and, mainly, space with a high ecological index – most notably experienced in green areas – positively affects individual and collective well-being and urban dwellers’ physical and mental health. However, the ‘reality check’ indicates difficulties in translating the assumed benefits of green space into implementable interventions in urban environments. To examine such an ‘implementation gap’ on the case of Zurich seems valid, given that the ‘green urban agenda’ debate has been embedded in numerous Swiss policies (from the federal to the municipal levels). In narrow terms, the research first focuses on Zurich’s district 9 consisting of two neighborhoods (Altstetten and Albisrieden) – the area under ongoing densification yet with a variety of green spaces, to then elucidate four green space clusters and their 400-meter catchment areas in the mentioned district. The mixed-method approach has been applied at three analytical lev...
Light rail systems can play a key role in spatial transformation processes conceptualised as urban regionalisation or new regionalism in the European Union and North America. These concepts identify new residential or micro-productive... more
Light rail systems can play a key role in spatial transformation processes conceptualised as urban regionalisation or new regionalism in the European Union and North America. These concepts identify new residential or micro-productive sprawled settlements which lead to ecological fragmentation, biodiversity loss, and overturn the Christallerian hierarchies without translating into an indifference to location. In Italy, the bioregional approach has been integrated into spatial planning, with the bioregional unit applied as an effective framework to analyse spatial transformation processes, with the bioregion as the main living environment, and mobility as an essential driver of lifestyle choices. After reviewing bioregional theory, the paper illustrates the characteristics of the Pontine Bioregion including the relations between urban centres and with Rome as a metropolitan hub. It then discusses the proposal of a new railway network system where the LRSs can provide benefits for eff...
Nei territori fortemente sregolati, la diffusa retorica della competizione territoriale e tra le città, sembra aver ignorato e, poi, favorito il proliferare del clientelismo su base mafiogena diffuso del nostro Paese. Per tanto, ciò ha... more
Nei territori fortemente sregolati, la diffusa retorica della competizione territoriale e tra le città, sembra aver ignorato e, poi, favorito il proliferare del clientelismo su base mafiogena diffuso del nostro Paese. Per tanto, ciò ha prodotto il rafforzamento di quelle che sono state definite élite estrattive e non gli attesi processi di cambiamento e trasformazione. Attraverso questa chiave di lettura si mettono in rilievo limiti e ambiguità di certi orientamenti di policies nei contesti problematici con qualche suggerimento per come superarliby reflecting on the recent National project the paper analyzes risk of territorial competition in the sregulated are
Green and blue infrastructure, nature-based solutions, and cultural and built heritage play a key role in enhancing ecosystem services provision and shaping urban quality and communities’ wellbeing calling for an integrated approach to... more
Green and blue infrastructure, nature-based solutions, and cultural and built heritage play a key role in enhancing ecosystem services provision and shaping urban quality and communities’ wellbeing calling for an integrated approach to ecosystem services in urban policy and planning and decision-making. On the other side, under-used spaces and buildings have social, cultural, economic, as well as ecological functions and benefits, which are essential to sustainable urban development. The EU has been developing and implementing policies for an integrated approach to urban development and sustainable land use through the implementation of the Urban Agenda for the EU and fourteen associated Partnerships. Thus, it engaged a broad range of institutions and stakeholders across Europe in promoting local projects and sharing best practices on sustainable land use and nature-based solutions, the circular economy, and cultural heritage. This paper reviews the experiences of cities involved in...
L’idea sottesa a questo breve testo è che la riforma istituzionale introdotta dalla legge Delrio possa, ed anzi debba, contribuire all’attuazione della Direttiva europea sulle acque del 2000. L’istituzione metropolitana è infatti... more
L’idea sottesa a questo breve testo è che la riforma istituzionale introdotta dalla legge Delrio possa, ed anzi debba, contribuire all’attuazione della Direttiva europea sulle acque del 2000. L’istituzione metropolitana è infatti esplicitamente richiamata nel Codice nazionale dell’ambiente del 2006. La Città metropolitana di Roma capitale offre un formidabile scenario per iniziare a ragionare su questo tema. Nello specifico ci si chiede se e in che misura la riforma Delrio abbia le potenzialità per riconfigurare il dibattito pubblico sull’acqua e aprire al superamento di alcuni divari storici tra centro e corona, come tra centro e distretto idrografico, in materia di gestione del servizio idrico integrato e di tutela della qualità dei corpi idrici naturali. L’analisi del portato ambientale della riforma, in generale e nello specifico della capitale, nonché la rilettura di alcune recenti evoluzioni del dibattito sull’acqua nella regione Lazio, forniscono degli elementi utili per trac...
Research Interests:
Peri-urban growth patterns are shaping most of the urban development in sub-Saharan Africa, raising concerns regarding vulnerability to global environm ental change in unplanned settlements. To date, the re has been little exploration of... more
Peri-urban growth patterns are shaping most of the urban development in sub-Saharan Africa, raising concerns regarding vulnerability to global environm ental change in unplanned settlements. To date, the re has been little exploration of the implications of peri -urban patterns for social vulnerability and adapta tion options. The study discussed in this paper, conduct ed in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, illustrates the live lihood strategies and environmental management practices used by peri-urban dwellers, while underlining challenges and opportunities for adaptive capacity. The study confirms that peri-urban areas are compl ex hybrid systems in which the urban and the rural are blended together. According to a few scholars, the acknowledgement of such hybridity leads to a recons ideration of the dominant strategies for addressing environmental issues in peri-urban areas. Assuming the transition to urban is the best solution, those strategies emphasize the role of infrastructure and services provisioning. Moreover, a criticism of do minant approaches arises trough analysis of the recent tre nd toward ecological security in global cities’ env ironment management.
Research Interests:
ABSTRACT Despite the increasing number of studies on urban vulnerability in African cities, there has been little research focusing specifically on the determinants of adaptive capacity. However, a greater emphasis is now being placed on... more
ABSTRACT Despite the increasing number of studies on urban vulnerability in African cities, there has been little research focusing specifically on the determinants of adaptive capacity. However, a greater emphasis is now being placed on the role that local responses and socioeconomic conditions play in determining vulnerability to climate stress or climate change. Such considerations have led to an increase in the attention paid to adaptive capacity, to the social context in general and to the specific structural conditions that cause social and urban vulnerability. The purpose of this paper is to provide knowledge on the identification of the determinants and attributes of adaptive capacity in the peri-urban areas of sub- Saharan cities. The study describes a household survey conducted in Dar es Salaam with a focus on the natural resource systems upon which people depend. Its main contribution is the generation of knowledge on household characteristics and autonomous adaptation strategies, and a framework for better understanding the relationship between these two aspects. This relationship is the basis for an understanding of the nature and components of adaptive capacity in coastal Dar’s peri-urban areas, and for identifying possible interventions that can be performed by local institutions in order to support and orient autonomous adaptation and environmental management practices toward adaptive capacity improvement.
Questo articolo vuole avviare la riflessione sul ruolo che l’Agenda urbana Ue potrà svolgere in quanto strumento di propulsione e/o veicolo per la mobilità di idee e modelli urbani tra Europa e Sud del mondo. Per fare questo, ci... more
Questo articolo vuole avviare la riflessione sul ruolo che l’Agenda urbana Ue potrà svolgere in quanto strumento di propulsione e/o veicolo per la mobilità di idee e modelli urbani tra Europa e Sud del mondo. Per fare questo, ci concentriamo su alcuni documenti di policy recentissimi o in fieri per individuare alcuni temi caldi da seguire sia in occasione della chiusura delle negoziazioni sugli obiettivi per lo sviluppo nel post 2015, sia nella cosiddetta fase di post post 2015 quando si aprirà il dibattito sull’attuazione delle decisioni assunte. Il nostro sguardo privilegia l’Africa Subsahariana, dove la retorica del millennio urbano si inceppa davanti all’evidenza che le città di fatto ospitano quote minoritarie di popolazione (37% in media in Africa Subsahariana che scendono a 25% in Africa Orientale, nel 2014). Se è ovvio che trend di urbanizzazione mediamente intorno al 5% minano alla base la qualità attuale delle città Subsahariane, il dilemma tra lavorare per rallentare tali...
Peri-urban growth patterns are shaping most of the urban development in sub-Saharan Africa, raising concerns regarding vulnerability to global environm ental change in unplanned settlements. To date, the re has been little exploration of... more
Peri-urban growth patterns are shaping most of the urban development in sub-Saharan Africa, raising concerns regarding vulnerability to global environm ental change in unplanned settlements. To date, the re has been little exploration of the implications of peri -u ban patterns for social vulnerability and adapta tion options. The study discussed in this paper, conduct e in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, illustrates the live lihood strategies and environmental management practices u s d by peri-urban dwellers, while underlining challenges and opportunities for adaptive capacity. The study confirms that peri-urban areas are compl ex hybrid systems in which the urban and the rural are blended together. According to a few scholars, the acknowledgement of such hybridity leads to a recons ideration of the dominant strategies for addressing environmental issues in peri-urban areas. Assuming the transition to urban is the best solution, those strategies emphasize the role of infrastructure and s...
Urban adaptation to climate change is a field of growing interest in spatial planning and it is especially concerned with ways to cope with uncertainty inherent in regional downscaling of global prediction and, overall, in the response of... more
Urban adaptation to climate change is a field of growing interest in spatial planning and it is especially concerned with ways to cope with uncertainty inherent in regional downscaling of global prediction and, overall, in the response of the city to change. The paper presents the results of several research studies conducted in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, with the twofold aim of increasing understanding of adaptation practices and developing methodologies for mainstreaming adaptation into urban development and environment management plans and programs. More specifically, the paper discusses the progress made by the research team in two directions: firstly, the enhancement of knowledge of the relationship between urban sprawl and climate change vulnerability in coastal Dar es Salaam; secondly, the development of a scenario methodology to support local governments in preparing long-term adaptation strategies for fighting groundwater salinization in a perspective of water resource conser...
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
ABSTRACT La ricerca assume che per definire modelli di pianificazione e gestione dei territori metropolitani capaci di contribuire all’adattamento al cambiamento climatico (CC) sia necessaria una analisi contestualizzata della relazione... more
ABSTRACT La ricerca assume che per definire modelli di pianificazione e gestione dei territori metropolitani capaci di contribuire all’adattamento al cambiamento climatico (CC) sia necessaria una analisi contestualizzata della relazione tra dinamiche insediative ed effetti attesi del CC. Nello specifico di Dar es Salaam (Tanzania), tale relazione prende la forma “CC – mutamenti ambientali – adattamento per migrazione – sprawl urbano”, mentre lo sprawl urbano è riconosciuto come fattore non climatico destinato ad amplificare gli effetti del CC. Si riconosce quindi un circolo vizioso tra mutamenti ambientali e (mal)adattamento per migrazione, la cui conoscenza approfondita consente da un lato di orientare gli interventi anti-sprawl delle istituzioni (ad es. verso la proposta di forme di adattamento alternative e/o diverse forme di gestione ambientale) e dall’altro di riclassificare tali interventi tra le possibili forme di adattamento istituzionale proattivo al CC.
Sub-Saharan fast growing cities are facing the coupled effects of global environmental change and urban expansion raising new questions about the better way to understand and define the strategies for urban resilience and sustainability.... more
Sub-Saharan fast growing cities are facing the coupled effects of global environmental change and urban expansion raising new questions about the better way to understand and define the strategies for urban resilience and sustainability. As noted by Hodson and Marvin (2009) there is a mainstream approach of infrastructure provisioning in urban planning and management, characterized as Secure Urbanism and Resilient Infrastructure (SURI), which is oriented to secure ecological and material reproduction of cities and their infrastructures while generating “by-passed” places and neglecting ecological aspects. Assuming that one of the limit of the SURI approach is the dearth of consideration of the context of the place (social, economic, institutional, environmental), the paper uses the concept of adaptive capacity to explore this context and analyse how it is considered within the Kigamboni New City project (considered as following SURI principles) in the city of Dar es Salaam. Particul...
ABSTRACT La ricerca assume che per definire modelli di pianificazione e gestione dei territori metropolitani capaci di contribuire all’adattamento al cambiamento climatico (CC) sia necessaria una analisi contestualizzata della relazione... more
ABSTRACT La ricerca assume che per definire modelli di pianificazione e gestione dei territori metropolitani capaci di contribuire all’adattamento al cambiamento climatico (CC) sia necessaria una analisi contestualizzata della relazione tra dinamiche insediative ed effetti attesi del CC. Nello specifico di Dar es Salaam (Tanzania), tale relazione prende la forma “CC – mutamenti ambientali – adattamento per migrazione – sprawl urbano”, mentre lo sprawl urbano è riconosciuto come fattore non climatico destinato ad amplificare gli effetti del CC. Si riconosce quindi un circolo vizioso tra mutamenti ambientali e (mal)adattamento per migrazione, la cui conoscenza approfondita consente da un lato di orientare gli interventi anti-sprawl delle istituzioni (ad es. verso la proposta di forme di adattamento alternative e/o diverse forme di gestione ambientale) e dall’altro di riclassificare tali interventi tra le possibili forme di adattamento istituzionale proattivo al CC.
Research Interests:
ABSTRACT The paper focuses on the role of multilevel governance in climate change adaptation and risk management, and draws out lessons from the implementation of the UN Habitat Cities and Climate Change Initiatives (CCCI) in... more
ABSTRACT The paper focuses on the role of multilevel governance in climate change adaptation and risk management, and draws out lessons from the implementation of the UN Habitat Cities and Climate Change Initiatives (CCCI) in Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso. It describes the process for the formulation of a participatory risk management framework for local actors drawing from empirical investigations undertaken in Bobo-Dioulasso. The paper argues that adaptation needs to be mainstreamed and implemented at local level and to include risk management. Moreover, regulatory capacity of public authorities and balance of power and resources play a major role in this process. After presenting the specific knowledge on climate and environmental challenges and CCCI implementation in Bobo-Dioulasso, the paper describes challenges and opportunities in the implementation of the participatory risk and management framework. http://authors.elsevier.com/a/1QW~F6gsyPLJr7

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