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L'arte della guerra
L'arte della guerra
L'arte della guerra
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L'arte della guerra

Valutazione: 4 su 5 stelle



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Cura e traduzione di Riccardo Fracasso
Edizione integrale

Composto nel IV secolo a.C. da un anonimo che si riallacciava alla tradizione della scuola di Sun Tzu, L’arte della guerra (Bingfa) è il più antico, famoso e studiato fra i trattati di strategia militare. In tredici stringati capitoli, l’opera espone per princìpi fondamentali una dottrina bellica improntata al più schietto utilitarismo, fornendo preziose indicazioni su valutazioni preliminari e gestione logistica di un conflitto, strategie e manovre di attacco e ritirata, rapporti psicologici con le proprie truppe e col nemico, conformazione dei terreni e fattori atmosferici, peculiarità e strutturazione di una rete spionistica. Dopo essere stato per oltre due millenni l’indispensabile livre de poche delle alte gerarchie militari cinesi, in anni recenti il Bingfa è stato applicato al campo delle strategie economico-aziendali, e ha in parte ispirato il personaggio di Gordon Gekko nel film Wall Street. La presente edizione è la prima traduzione italiana condotta con rigore filologico sulle principali edizioni cinesi.

«Con un nemico compatto si stia pronti al confronto, ma un nemico troppo forte va fuggito. Lo si irriti per confonderlo e si ostenti debolezza per aizzarne l’arroganza. Lo si stanchi se cerca riposo e si cerchi di dividerne i ranghi qualora siano uniti.»

Sun Tzu
(«Maestro Sun») è l’appellativo onorifico di Sun Wu, personaggio dai contorni biografici incerti, originario dello stato di Qi e attivo nel sud della Cina verso la fine del VI secolo a.C.

Cura e traduzione di Riccardo Fracasso
insegna cinese classico a «Ca’ Foscari» ed è specializzato in paleografia, filologia e storia delle religioni. Oltre a numerosi saggi specialistici apparsi su riviste internazionali, ha pubblicato A Technical Glossary of Jiaguology e la traduzione commentata dello Shanhai jing (Libro dei Monti e dei Mari. Cosmografia e mitologia nella Cina antica). Ha inoltre curato l’edizione italiana del Baizhan qilüe (Cento strategie non ortodosse).
Data di uscita16 dic 2013
L'arte della guerra

Sun Tzu

Sun Tzu vivió hace más de dos mil años, en el periodo de la historia de China llamado Primaveras y Oto-ños (722-481 a. C.). Fue general, estratega militar y filósofo, y está considerado una de las figuras más importantes de la cultura asiática.

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  • Valutazione: 4 su 5 stelle

    May 14, 2020

    A very quick read of a classic. I had always been meaning to get around to this book, and I did not realize how short it was. The version I have contains more commentary than the actual writing, and I did not bother with the commentary.

    The book is basically a series of maxims that describe how to lead as a general at war. I think its appeal is universal, and many of the ideas can be applied as strategic thinking in other aspects of life. I don't think it was all that profound, but then again, its ideas have been used for centuries. It was nice to be able to read where a lot of them came from.
  • Valutazione: 2 su 5 stelle

    May 14, 2020

    This is a manual and reads like one. Better to take in very small doses, digest and discuss rather than to read continuously.
  • Valutazione: 4 su 5 stelle

    May 14, 2020

    A classic! Well worth the read, and looking forward to reading again in the future.
  • Valutazione: 5 su 5 stelle

    May 14, 2020

    Tactics and strategies that apply to everyday life. This book is excellent reading to make you think about how to deal with the day to day struggles of life. It helps you position you versus your opponent. Your opponent need not be any one person. It could be a corporation. It could be an establishment. It could be a situation you are facing. I was once told that what you get out of a book is the effort you put into a book. It is my hope that this book can help someone master how they deal with day to day life. Let me know what you think. By the way, how many Enron or Worldcomm employees do you think read this book?

    On another note, I would ask that you do not take this book literally. It is laced with allegory and a ton of symbolism. Please take its contents and apply them to your life for the good of all.
  • Valutazione: 2 su 5 stelle

    May 14, 2020

    Pretty dull going, even by audiobook. The narrators were great, though, and there were times that the footnotes saved me.
  • Valutazione: 3 su 5 stelle

    May 14, 2020

    you kind of have to read this, yah. so privately canonized.
  • Valutazione: 1 su 5 stelle

    Jan 20, 2025

    Interesting if you are going to role play a general or ambitious warrior.
  • Valutazione: 3 su 5 stelle

    Jan 11, 2025

    I honestly have no idea why this is always on the list of must-read books. You are basically reading the bullet points of someone's strategic plan to win a battle. Meh. At least it was only an hour and a half.
  • Valutazione: 4 su 5 stelle

    Oct 24, 2024

    Many of Sun Tzu's ideas are common-sense enough, but succinctly put here. It's a quick, easy read, so it's not hard to make the case that it's worth the time. But gliding through it effortlessly will make it difficult for the ideas to really stick. So I guess it's also easy to make the case for at least one re-read. I'll probably give it another go myself in the near future, but for now I'm happy with the bits and pieces I've gleaned. It certainly didn't change my life or anything, but then I didn't expect it to.
  • Valutazione: 3 su 5 stelle

    Oct 18, 2024

    Tempted to give it four stars because it is so much better than so much other Heinlein. But that's not worth much, actually. I did have to edit the blurb, however.
  • Valutazione: 2 su 5 stelle

    Jan 7, 2023

    Vapid martial homilies.
  • Valutazione: 3 su 5 stelle

    Feb 1, 2020

    “Move not unless you see an advantage, use not your troops unless there is something to be gained, fight not unless the position is critical.”

    I read The Art of War by Sun Tzu through an app called Serial Reader, which breaks up longer books, novellas and short stories into manageable pieces that a reader can read in 12 minutes a day. I love to use Serial Reader when I’m waiting for the bus, in the line at the post office, whenever I feel like I have a few moments, but not necessarily long enough to take out a book and find my place.

    I also really like Serial Reader because I tend to read things I wouldn’t otherwise read, but so far I’ve really enjoyed all the stories and novels that I’ve read.

    I found The Art of War to be surprisingly readable, considering it was written around the 5th century, BCE and has been translated countless times since then. It’s much more philosophical than I had anticipated, and in a way, deeply spiritual.

    Of course it’s dry. It is. It is an ancient military self-help book, none of it is relevant to me. There are lots of lists about the different kinds of ground an army might fight on, different types of weather, how to traverse it all.

    And yet I found it interesting.

    I appreciated that this translator (and, I suppose, author) warned against fighting at all. If you want to occupy a town, best to get the enemy to surrender to you painlessly, so that the town is in tact and nothing is destroyed. Sun Tzu really speaks to the desperation of war, how the last thing anyone wants to do in a war is fight, but if you have to fight, this is what you need to do.

    I’m glad I read this text. I often found myself reading it and wondering about all the people, leaders, warriors, stay-at-home mothers who’d read it before, who were reading it with me. What did they learn from it? How did they feel reading it? Was it more relevant to their lives than it was to mine?

    That, in and of itself, is a fascinating thing to think about, don’t you think?
  • Valutazione: 4 su 5 stelle

    Oct 22, 2019

    Defiantly some good tips in here. I can see why other countries armies are so well disciplined if they still use these tactics. Some of them could also work for dealing with people as well. Some handy things in here.

    It's easy to read, but he repeats things a lot, and some of the sentence are worded strangely. And then, some lines are written like poetry.

    It was a something different, and I'm glad I picked it up.
  • Valutazione: 4 su 5 stelle

    Mar 3, 2019

    I'm so glad I finally read this historic book. I found it very interesting and understand why it has been adapted to suit other fields -- notably management. And the version of the book I bought is beautiful in itself. Bound in traditional Chinese style, with each page folded in half and only printed on the outside. Hard to rate -- it is what it is as they say -- but I'm rating it highly because it has stood the test of time.
  • Valutazione: 5 su 5 stelle

    Dec 4, 2018

    An enduring classic, an absolute must-read for every business person and military mind the world over.
  • Valutazione: 5 su 5 stelle

    Nov 21, 2017

    I wasn't sure what to expect when I picked up this book, to be honest. I just made a promise to myself I would read more classics and this was a short one to get in so I can reach my reading goal. However, I ended up really, really enjoying it. I'm not a soldier by any stretch of the imagination, but there is good, solid advice in this book that is still relevant thousands of years after it was written. It's worth a read for sure, and it's so short you can get through it quickly. I would recommend it. 5 out of 5 stars.
  • Valutazione: 5 su 5 stelle

    Nov 8, 2017

    I have read this several times in a variety of translations. This version is formatted like a poem and is a quick read. Interesting that Sun Tzu echoes many of the issues raised by Thucydides. I remember an Instructor Gunnery during my Regimental Officers Basic Course from the United States artillery beginning every lesson with: "Sun Tzu says...". And, "If a 155 round lands on a tank, the tank is toast". So much in such a short book and it was quite possibly written before Thucydides was born.
  • Valutazione: 2 su 5 stelle

    Jan 2, 2017

    During a sermon, the rabbi talked about this book and said that it was really a philosophy on how to live life. When I started reading it, I saw that it really is a book on how to wage war. Definitely not what I expected and definitely not a book I would ever want to read.
  • Valutazione: 4 su 5 stelle

    Feb 1, 2016

    I read this and let my mind wander a little, but not too much. Invariably whatever I think about mixes with the words, and elegant, clear observations come out. It's like guided meditation.
  • Valutazione: 5 su 5 stelle

    Jan 10, 2016

    The version I have also has a second section for commentaries on all the passages. It's an incredibly useful and insightful book, and not necessarily just for literal war.
  • Valutazione: 5 su 5 stelle

    Jul 6, 2015

    Everyone should read this.

    It tells you as much about motivation and human compunction than any other book Ive ever read. This should be required reading for teachers, businessmen, cops, everyone that every has to deal with a group of people in a possibly hostile setting.
  • Valutazione: 4 su 5 stelle

    May 30, 2015

    It's amazing that this advice is still quite relevant 2500 years after the fact. Some of it, of course, isn't, but that'll happen. The historical allusions in Giles' translation/commentary are pretty useful, though occasionally it gets really deep into Chinese history and you forget who you are and what you're reading. What dynasty are we in again?
  • Valutazione: 3 su 5 stelle

    Apr 19, 2015

    The original book was interesting but the commentary portion of the book was insightful. I liked hearing perspective on Master Sun's work from other ancient military leaders.
  • Valutazione: 4 su 5 stelle

    Jan 9, 2015

    Fascinating. My particular copy (an audiobook) included modern comparisons between each chapter which was horribly annoying. The observations in the book maintain their usefulness to the present.
  • Valutazione: 4 su 5 stelle

    Nov 16, 2014

    I decided to read The Art of War because of references to it in the best/only good general marketing book I read during my commerce education: Marketing Strategy and Competitive Positioning. I was curious to see why a modern marketing handbook would have references to a classic handbook in ancient warfare, and why The Art of War is such a famous book.

    I can see now why the book is famous: it is because its warfare principles are generally applicable to competitive situations - including marketing and politics (maybe office politics too?)

    I expected a heavy brick of an analytic strategy book, but it is the opposite: a thin, minimalist poetry book.

    It is a piece of art. The pattern of words is aesthetically pleasing and produces vivid imagery of ancient armies moving and camping in harsh terrains; yet the strange scenery and poetic style conveys core strategic principles for competition with great accuracy.

    Essentially, The Art of War encourages careful consideration of the dynamics of all situational variables (listing them), and discourages impulsive and dumb warfare, which is any warfare driven by an irrational motive, or which can not be won quickly with minimal loss.

  • Valutazione: 3 su 5 stelle

    Jul 14, 2014

    Very fundamental axioms of strategies put forward by an ancient Chinese general. Influential even today not only in military matters but in the business world as well.
  • Valutazione: 5 su 5 stelle

    May 14, 2014

    Quite possibly the most influential book on military tactics of all time. I was incredibly surprised by its brevity. A must-read for any historian. 
  • Valutazione: 2 su 5 stelle

    Dec 9, 2013

    Don't like this edition. The history is boring and confusing (chi, Ch'i, ch'i all mean different things) 1 star for the edition and history part.

    The actual Art of War is good. 3 stars.
  • Valutazione: 4 su 5 stelle

    Sep 22, 2013

    There was a lot of repetition in this book, but maybe it's to enforce some of the most important things to remember when conducting a war.

    I was surprised by how much from this ancient text seems applicable today. I guess that can be chalked up to the knowledge and foresight of Sun Tzu, as well as our sad inability to change our violent ways.

    One particular bit of text seemed particularly relevant:

    When the army engages in protracted campaigns the resources of the state will not suffice.

    Good advice.
  • Valutazione: 3 su 5 stelle

    Jul 20, 2013

    Classic, brilliant techniques put so simply. Yet, naturally, reading this as a modern day civilian, I applied it to my modern day battles such as in business, relationships, Los Angeles traffic...the typical. As a naturally paranoid person, I feel it did me more harm than good. In addition, I prefer to (perhaps ignorantly) avoid seeing things as if they are wars. Some things will never change though because I will always act shy and giggle right before I slaughter my enemy.

Anteprima del libro

L'arte della guerra - Sun Tzu



Introduzione di Riccardo Fracasso

I. Valutazioni di base (Ji)

II. Conduzione del conflitto (Zuozhan)

III. Pianificazione dell’attacco (Mougong)

IV. Disposizioni (Xing)

V. La forza (Shi)

VI. Vuoti e pieni (Xushi)

VII. Manovre di eserciti (Junzheng)

VIII. Le nove variabili (Jiubian)

IX. Muovere l’esercito (Xingjun)

X. Conformazione del terreno (Dixing)

XI. I nove terreni (Jiudi)

XII. Attacco col fuoco (Huogong)

XIII. L’uso delle spie (Yongjian)



Titolo originale: Bingfa

Traduzione di Riccardo Fracasso

Prima edizione ebook: dicembre 2010

© 1994, 2008 Newton Compton editori s.r.l.

Roma, Casella postale 6214

ISBN 978-88-541-2828-6


Edizione elettronica realizzata da Gag srl

L’arte della guerra

Sun Tzu

A cura di Riccardo Fracasso

Edizione integrale

Newton Compton editori


di Riccardo Fracasso

L’arte della guerra (Bingfa) è di gran lunga il più famoso e studiato fra i trattati di soggetto militare prodotti nella Cina antica; di esso si sono proficuamente avvalse generazioni di strateghi e militari per circa ventiquattro secoli, e la sua grande influenza non è venuta scemando nemmeno in tempi a noi prossimi, come testimoniano ad esempio vari scritti teorici e le gesta belliche del presidente Mao Tse-tung o talune recenti ap­plicazioni nel campo delle strategie economico manageriali¹ .

Le notizie relative al presunto autore sono scarse e inatten­dibili, e ruotano essenzialmente attorno all’aneddoto qui tra­dotto in appendice. Sappiamo che Sunzi² (Maestro Sun) fu appellativo di un personaggio di nome Sun Wu, nato nello stato settentrionale di Qi e attivo nei territori sudorientali di Wu verso la fine del VI secolo a.C.; a ciò possiamo aggiungere una menzione della sua sepoltura nei pressi della capitale del paese di adozione³ e dei riferimenti bibliografici alla sua opera scritta nei cataloghi bibliografici di alcune storie dinastiche⁴ .

Al di là della storicità effettiva del personaggio, la formula «Sunzi disse», che apre tutti i tredici capitoli (pian) dell’opera, è comunque una prova evidente che egli non scrisse L’arte della guerra in prima persona. Il complesso problema della paternità rimane tuttora aperto, e anche l’identificazione tra Sun Wu e il suo discendente Sun Bin, tentata dallo studioso giapponese Takeuchi Yoshio⁵ , è stata nettamente smentita dal ritrovamento a Yinqueshan di una serie di listelli di bambù che riportano distintamente i trattati militari dei due Sun⁶ .

Anche se il nome esatto dell’autore è per il momento de­stinato a rimanere sconosciuto, un attento esame testuale ci consente tuttavia di delimitare con una certa accuratezza il periodo di composizione. L’ampiezza delle armate menzionate nel testo e la loro organizzazione, gli accenni all’impiego della balestra (entrata in uso verso la fine del V secolo), i riferimenti alla teoria dei Wuxing (Cinque Elementi/Cinque Fasi), e certi usi terminologici (come l’attribuzione del titolo di zhu al sovrano anziché agli alti funzionari) sono indizi che consen­tono di situare con certezza la compilazione nel periodo detto Zhanguo o degli Stati Combattenti (ca. 450 221 a.C.); l’as­senza di riferimenti alla cavalleria consente inoltre di conside­rare l’opera come anteriore al 320, data in cui i contingenti a cavallo furono ufficialmente introdotti nell’esercito dal re Wu Ling di Zhao. La datazione più attendibile è quindi quella già proposta da Griffith: ca. 400 320 a.C.⁷ .

La breve opera attribuita a Sunzi (che conta circa 5000 ca­ratteri⁸ , come il Daode jing di Laozi) non fu certo scritta con intenti letterari, ma come manuale pratico e sintetico per ad­detti ai lavori; non a caso la sua circolazione rimase per secoli limitata agli ambienti burocratico militari⁹ . Il testo alterna una serie di indicazione tecniche precise e specifiche (descri­zione dei terreni d’azione, uso offensivo del fuoco, organizza­zione della rete spionistica ecc.) all’esposizione di princìpi di ordine generale, attingendo a diverse scuole di pensiero e amalgamando il tutto all’insegna del più spiccato utilitarismo.

Tutto è finalizzato alla vittoria, perché vincere è l’unica cosa che conti in caso di guerra, e vince veramente solo chi sappia imporsi ottenendo il massimo profitto nel minor tempo pos­sibile (meglio se senza combattere) e col minimo delle perdite. Un tale obiettivo si raggiunge con una meticolosa valutazione iniziale atta ad evitare le situazioni potenzialmente svantag­giose, variando inesauribilmente i piani e la disposizione tattica con manovre irregolari e imprevedibili, sfruttando sapien­temente i vuoti e i pieni dello schieramento nemico, ma­scherando l’entità reale delle proprie forze, e avvalendosi di ogni altro stratagemma in grado di garantire il successo finale.

La guerra fine a se stessa, lo scontro campale ad ogni costo e l’annientamento delle forze avversarie non vengono presen­tati come obiettivi primari, e il testo non lesina anzi gli inviti alla prudenza nell’aprire un conflitto, all’oculatezza nella ma­novra e all’umanità verso il nemico sconfitto, che non va as­salito quando è in rotta e che deve

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