Dr. Salih Bıçakcı is Associate Professor of International Relations at Kadir Has University, Istanbul. Bıçakcı received his PhD from Tel Aviv University in Israel in 2004. Dr. Bıçakcı took part in numerous academic projects on identity, security and terrorism. He has thought classes in several national and international universities on the Middle East in International Politics, International Security, International Relations Theory and Turkish Foreign Policy. He has made evaluations and presentations on cyber security at the NATO Defense Against Terrorism Centre of Excellence (COEDAT), NATO Command and Control Centre of Excellence (C2COE) and NATO Maritime Security Centre of Excellence. He has though Cyber Security and Middle Eastern Security courses at the Armed Forces Academy of the Turkish War College. He has presented on international security and cyber security in several international academic conferences. Address: Kadir Has Universitesi,
Cibali, Istanbul, Turkey
Gelişen dijital teknolojiler ve buna eşlik eden sosyo-ekonomik dönüşüm siber güvenlik krizlerini ... more Gelişen dijital teknolojiler ve buna eşlik eden sosyo-ekonomik dönüşüm siber güvenlik krizlerini çoklu krizler döneminin bir parçası haline getirmiştir. Bununla beraber, siber tehdit aktörlerinin ve saldırı yöntemlerinin dinamik doğası, riskleri modellemenin ve saldırıların etkisini tahmin etmenin zorlukları, siber güvenlikte belirsizliği ve güvenliksizliği adeta bir norm haline getirmiştir. Bu çerçevede, siber esnek-dayanıklılık son on yılda siber güvenlik alanında en geçerli paradigmalardan birine dönüşmüş ve krizlerde hayatta kalabilme ve adaptasyon yeteneklerini vurgulayan bir çözüm olarak öne çıkmıştır. Öte yandan, siber esnek-dayanıklılık tek bir çözüm, teknoloji ya da uygulama değildir; esasen sosyo-teknik çözümlerin bir denge içinde uygulanmasını gerektiren çok katmanlı bir yaklaşımdır. Bu çerçevede, araştırmamızda siber esnek-dayanıklılık kavramını siber güvenlik kavramından ayırarak detaylı olarak anlamayı ve bu kavramı özellikle siber güvenlik krizlerinin farklı evreleri için insan-süreç-teknoloji yaklaşımı bağlamında ele almayı hedefliyoruz. İlaveten çoklu krizler çağında siber esnek-dayanıklılığın yaklaşımının derinleştirilebilmesi için nasıl daha erişilebilir, esnek, çevik ve kapsayıcı bir siber güvenlik yaklaşımı geliştirebiliriz sorusunu masaya yatırıyoruz.
Ağustos 2024'de Instagram'ın kapatılmasıyla birlikte Türkiye'de derin bir sessizlik hali ortaya ç... more Ağustos 2024'de Instagram'ın kapatılmasıyla birlikte Türkiye'de derin bir sessizlik hali ortaya çıktı, sorun sekiz günde çözüldü. Ama geride üzerinde düşünülmesi gereken birçok konu kaldı. Dünya üzerinde 5 milyarın üzerinde insanın sosyal medyaya erişimi var. Sırasıyla Facebook, YouTube ve Instagram bütün platformlar arasında ilk üçü paylaşıyorlar. Türkiye 6 saat 57 dakika İnternet kullanımı ile 42 ülke arasında 20. sırada. Bu sürenin 2 saat 44 dakikası sosyal medya platformlarında geçiriliyor.
With the closure of Instagram in August 2024, a deep silence emerged in Turkey; the problem was solved in eight days. But there are many issues left to think about. Over 5 billion people in the world have access to social media. Facebook, YouTube and Instagram are the top three among all platforms, respectively. Turkey ranks 20th among 42 countries with 6 hours and 57 minutes of internet use. 2 hours and 44 minutes are spent on social media platforms.
Future of Europe in Ankara Avrupa Çalışmaları Dergisi , 2024
The Digital Europe Program (DIGITAL) is a European Union program aimed at accelerating the contin... more The Digital Europe Program (DIGITAL) is a European Union program aimed at accelerating the continent's digital transformation, increasing global digital competitiveness, and establishing technological sovereignty. It focuses on vital digital technologies such as HPC, broadband Internet access, Artificial Intelligence (AI), cloud services, cyber security, the digital single market, and advanced digital competencies. DIGITAL is regarded as critical for Europe's strategic autonomy in the digital sphere, and it is more than a project; it represents a massive transition that initiates socioeconomic change. The program develops a European data economy and a digital single market, influencing the EU's socioeconomic dynamics. The achievement of technical sovereignty is dependent on exemplary implementation, finance, and management initiatives.
By the second half of twentieth century, the existing approaches to international relations theor... more By the second half of twentieth century, the existing approaches to international relations theory no longer appeared adequate for explaining the enormous events taking place in the international arena. In part as a result, cultural studies entered the field through constructivism. Cultural constructivists assert that social norms shape and change foreign policy over time, not the structure of the international system (Hopf 2002). The impact of cultural phenomena, including religion, on politics became an increasingly popular focus ...
Based on the archaeological discoveries of underground living, it is evident that people have his... more Based on the archaeological discoveries of underground living, it is evident that people have historically resided both above and below ground. For instance, the city of Derinkuyu in Nevşehir bears testimony to a complex urban life that could accommodate a substantial population 1. This city has witnessed the presence of various civilizations, from the Phrygians to the Persians. Following the War of Independence in the 1920s, the underground city was abandoned when the Cappadocian Greeks were forced to leave in the population exchange. It is believed that the rooms in Derinkuyu are interconnected with more than 200 underground cities in the same region, forming a vast network akin to a spider web. The discovery of Derinkuyu occurred in 1963 during renovations of a house, and the initial finding was only the first of over 600 entrances. Although the aforementioned information pertains to Anatolia's mysteries, it is crucial to address a more contemporary issue, namely the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, as well as the tunnels and complications associated with Israel's subterranean warfare in Gaza.
Journal of Southern Europe and the Balkans, Apr 1, 2007
The Palestinian parliamentary elections, which were held on 25 January 2006, represent a historic... more The Palestinian parliamentary elections, which were held on 25 January 2006, represent a historical turning point in the fate of Palestinians. After Arafat, the expectations of Palestinian politics decreased to a minimum with the rising concern over a civil war in the Palestinian territories. The result will be the worst of the alternatives if one pays attention to the prevalent discussions before the elections. Palestinian issues attract enormous attention, but one only recognizes a limited number of comprehensive analyses to understand the roots and the ...
Our modern societies and urban life routines heavily rely on continuous, systematic, and proper o... more Our modern societies and urban life routines heavily rely on continuous, systematic, and proper operation of the Critical Infrastructures (CIs). We do not consider the presence of such services in our daily lives until their services are disrupted. Electricity is the primary source of energy for our several devices and controls. Several telecommunication systems are not visible as services, but they are essential for communicating various platforms and components in our daily lives. The introduction of digitalization and hyperconnectivity have altered CI management systems
In Israel, the regulation that has divided the country for months and aimed to raise the politica... more In Israel, the regulation that has divided the country for months and aimed to raise the political power above the high judiciary has been enacted. According to some, Israel is now a "fascist state", according to others it is "liberated". What happened in Israel, what will happen? Written by Salih Bıçakcı. As of July 24, 2023, the hope of long-standing protests in Israel to sustain democracy is over. The Israeli Parliament, Knesset, passed a law that deprives the Israeli Supreme Court of its authority to oversee the government's actions for compliance with the principle of reasonableness. Next are other regulations that give more power to the government to appoint judges and further restrict the power of the Supreme Court. there is. This transformation, which coincides with the 75th anniversary of Israel's founding, on the one hand emphasizes the rise of powerful leaders, populism and right-wing powers in the world, on the other hand, pushes Israel towards a new phase of vulnerability.
What happened in Israel? Why are they so important? In Israel, the regulation that has divided th... more What happened in Israel? Why are they so important? In Israel, the regulation that has divided the country for months and aimed to raise the political power above the high judiciary has been enacted. According to some, Israel is now a "fascist state", according to others it is "liberated". What happened in Israel, what will happen? Written by Salih Bıçakcı. As of July 24, 2023, the hope of long-standing protests in Israel to sustain democracy is over. The Israeli Parliament, Knesset, passed a law that deprives the Israeli Supreme Court of its authority to oversee the government's actions for compliance with the principle of reasonableness. Next are other regulations that give more power to the government to appoint judges and further restrict the power of the Supreme Court. there is. This transformation, which coincides with the 75th anniversary of Israel's founding, on the one hand emphasizes the rise of powerful leaders, populism and right-wing powers in the world, on the other hand, pushes Israel towards a new phase of vulnerability.
İsrail'de ne oldu? Olanlar neden çok önemli? İsrail'de aylardır ülkeyi ikiye bölen ve politik ikt... more İsrail'de ne oldu? Olanlar neden çok önemli? İsrail'de aylardır ülkeyi ikiye bölen ve politik iktidarı yüksek yargının üzerine çıkarmayı amaçlayan düzenleme yasalaştı. Kimine göre İsrail artık "faşist bir devlet", kimine göre "özgürleşti".
This collection includes five complementary chapters to help the reader understand Turkey&#39... more This collection includes five complementary chapters to help the reader understand Turkey's cyber security challenges with a focus on nuclear power plants as components of the country's critical infrastructure. The first chapter introduces the concept of cyberwarfare as the next Revolution in Military Affairs, and looks into cyber trends, emerging state capabilities and threats from Turkey's perspective. The second chapter examines the cyber security scene in Turkey by both looking into the relative governmental agencies, institutions and security forces working on ensuring the country's cyber security and develops policies in these areas, and on the other hand, at malicious hacker groups operating from within the country. The third chapter evaluates possible cyber-threats to the future nuclear infrastructure of Turkey and analyzes the country's capability to provide security against such incidents. The fourth chapter clarifies the concept of cyber security and its relevance to nuclear power plants and facilities, and examines previous incidents. The fifth and final chapter evaluates Turkey's capabilities in terms of ensuring cyber security resilience, and its prospective cooperation with international actors on this field.
Asian journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic studies, Nov 23, 2022
The possibility of a Saudi rapprochement with Israel has been continuously influenced by the the ... more The possibility of a Saudi rapprochement with Israel has been continuously influenced by the the domestic barriers within the Saudi community and the Saudi historical narratives on the regional security perceptions of the Saudi decision-makers. After the appointment of Prince Mohammed bin Salman as the Minister of Defense in 2015, King Salman’s government adopted a new discourse in domestic and foreign policy built upon a redefined Saudi identity rhetorically distanced from its Islamic neighbours and moved towards a nationalised tone. The unstable nature of the regional security dynamics forces the kingdom to actively reconstruct new security routines based on the emerging regional security dynamics and repositions the alliances. At this juncture, this research aims at understanding the rationality of the rise and fall of the intensity of Saudi foreign policy towards a normalisation process with Israel within the borders of the redefined Saudi national identity and regional threat perceptions.
Asian Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies, 2022
The possibility of a Saudi rapprochement with Israel has been continuously influenced by the the ... more The possibility of a Saudi rapprochement with Israel has been continuously influenced by the the domestic barriers within the Saudi community and the Saudi historical narratives on the regional security perceptions of the Saudi decision-makers. After the appointment of Prince Mohammed bin Salman as the Minister of Defense in 2015, King Salman’s government adopted a new discourse in domestic and foreign policy built upon a redefined Saudi identity rhetorically distanced from its Islamic neighbours and moved towards a nationalised tone. The unstable nature of the regional security dynamics forces the kingdom to actively reconstruct new security routines based on the emerging regional security dynamics and repositions the alliances. At this juncture, this research aims at understanding the rationality of the rise and fall of the intensity of Saudi foreign policy towards a normalisation process with Israel within the borders of the redefined Saudi national identity and regional threat perceptions.
Enabling NATO’s Collective Defense: Critical Infrastructure Security and Resiliency, 2022
“Cyber Threats to Critical Infrastructure,” by Salih Biçakci examines how risks against critical ... more “Cyber Threats to Critical Infrastructure,” by Salih Biçakci examines how risks against critical infrastructure are on the rise in the cyber domain. He writes that while the COVID-19 pandemic has compelled businesses to adopt practices to accommodate a more remote workforce, it has also presented malevolent attackers an unprecedented opportunity to test cybersecurity systems and exploit vulnerabilities. The pandemic has demonstrated the need for the dependable and continuous operation of electricity, natural gas, oil, water and wastewater systems, and telecommunications. His chapter provides an overview of a critical infrastructure’s technical layers and systems and its potential organizational vulnerabilities to cyberattacks related to the human workforce and management. He highlights the various categories of threat actors (opportunistic attackers, competitors, insider threats, advanced persistent threats, and hacktivists) and concludes with an overview of recent primary attack types that threat actors employ to exploit vulnerabilities in critical infrastructure.
The use of cutting-edge information technologies has the ability to help us battle terrorists by ... more The use of cutting-edge information technologies has the ability to help us battle terrorists by assisting with identification, predictive analysis and prioritization processes. This article describes some of those applications.Publisher's Versio
The External Dimension of the European Union's Critical Infrastructure Protection Programme, 2022
Critical infrastructures (Cls) are major life-supporting systems and sine qua non of modern socie... more Critical infrastructures (Cls) are major life-supporting systems and sine qua non of modern societies and cities since their proper functioning is essential for societal and economic well-being. In that respect, the unprecedented level of sophistication of cyberattacks, the increasing dependency on those interconnected and complex systems as well as their interdependent nature necessitates developing systemic perspectives and adequate policy responses. As being one of the OECD and NATO members as well as an EU candidate, Turkey is one of these countries whose functioning bec,omes increasingly dependent on CI systems. According to World Bank's Turkey Project report, it is noted that "the main share of Turkey's GDP comes from the services (64%) and industries (27%), both which depend on Cis and lifeline utilities to preserve their competitiveness and productivity" (World Bank, 2018: 3). Thus, any significant damage and disruption in national Cis might directly affect economic and societal activities. Moreover, there are dependencies in energy and transportation domains between Turkish and European Cis such as the electricity line to Greece and two lines to Bulgaria
Soğuk Savaşın bitişinden sonra uluslararası sistemin güvenlik dinamikleri değişti. Soğuk Savaş te... more Soğuk Savaşın bitişinden sonra uluslararası sistemin güvenlik dinamikleri değişti. Soğuk Savaş tehditlerinin ortadan kalkmasıyla birlikte Kuzey Atlantik Paktı Örgütü (NATO) yeni durumun gereklerine göre yeniden yapılanmak zorunda kaldı. Bu makale NATO'ya karşı siber tehditlerin ortaya çıkışını ve onun bu yeni güvenlik ortamına nasıl tepki vereceğini incelemektedir. Soğuk Savaş sonrasındaki dönemde, geleneksel savaş taktikleri savaş meydanının gereklerini yerine getirmekte yetersiz kalıyordu. Asimetrik savaş diğer yöntemlere göre daha öne çıktı. Kosova çatışması sırasında, NATO bombalamasına Sırp bilgisayar korsanları tarafından siber saldırılarla karşılık verilmiştir. Farklı durumlarda da benzer eğilimler görülmüştür. NATO yeni bir siber savunma stratejisi inşa etmeye ve uluslararası sistemdeki güncel tehditleri de kapsayacak bir strateji oluşturmaya başladı. Lizbon Zirvesinde siber savunma ve kritik bilgi altyapısının korunmasını da içeren yeni stratejinin hazırlanmasına onay verildi. NATO, siber savunmayı içeren hibrit savaş stratejisini başlattı ve bu yaklaşımı bütün üyelerinde uygulamaya başladı.
President Herzog's visit is an output of two years of coordination and meetings among various bod... more President Herzog's visit is an output of two years of coordination and meetings among various bodies of both states. Intelligence, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and representatives from the President's offices make tours of meeting to find possible ways of renormalization. Turkey is again trying to find a cooperative tone with the neighboring states in the last years after praising precious loneliness in its foreign affairs. On the other hand, Turkish-Israeli relations have constantly been changing as a roller-coaster since 1948. Both countries behave with remarkable threat perceptions, cynicism, and identity issues.
Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs) are the most protected facilities among all critical infrastructures ... more Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs) are the most protected facilities among all critical infrastructures (CIs). In addition to physical security, cyber security becomes a significant concern for NPPs since swift digitalization and overreliance on computer-based systems in the facility operations transformed NPPs into targets for cyber/physical attacks. Despite technical competencies, humans are still the central component of a resilient NPP to develop an effective nuclear security culture.
Turkey is one of the newcomers in the nuclear energy industry, and Turkish Akkuyu NPP has a unique model owned by an international consortium. Since Turkey has limited experience in nuclear energy industry, specific multinational and multicultural characteristics of Turkish Akkuyu NPP also requires further research in terms of the Facility's prospective nuclear security. Yet, the link between “national cultures” and “nuclear security” is underestimated in nuclear security studies. By relying on Hofstede's
national culture framework, our research aims to address this gap and explore possible implications of cross-national cultural differences on nuclear security. To cope with security challenges in the age of hybrid threats, we propose a security management model which addresses the need for cyber-physical security integration to cultivate a robust nuclear security culture in a multicultural working environment
Gelişen dijital teknolojiler ve buna eşlik eden sosyo-ekonomik dönüşüm siber güvenlik krizlerini ... more Gelişen dijital teknolojiler ve buna eşlik eden sosyo-ekonomik dönüşüm siber güvenlik krizlerini çoklu krizler döneminin bir parçası haline getirmiştir. Bununla beraber, siber tehdit aktörlerinin ve saldırı yöntemlerinin dinamik doğası, riskleri modellemenin ve saldırıların etkisini tahmin etmenin zorlukları, siber güvenlikte belirsizliği ve güvenliksizliği adeta bir norm haline getirmiştir. Bu çerçevede, siber esnek-dayanıklılık son on yılda siber güvenlik alanında en geçerli paradigmalardan birine dönüşmüş ve krizlerde hayatta kalabilme ve adaptasyon yeteneklerini vurgulayan bir çözüm olarak öne çıkmıştır. Öte yandan, siber esnek-dayanıklılık tek bir çözüm, teknoloji ya da uygulama değildir; esasen sosyo-teknik çözümlerin bir denge içinde uygulanmasını gerektiren çok katmanlı bir yaklaşımdır. Bu çerçevede, araştırmamızda siber esnek-dayanıklılık kavramını siber güvenlik kavramından ayırarak detaylı olarak anlamayı ve bu kavramı özellikle siber güvenlik krizlerinin farklı evreleri için insan-süreç-teknoloji yaklaşımı bağlamında ele almayı hedefliyoruz. İlaveten çoklu krizler çağında siber esnek-dayanıklılığın yaklaşımının derinleştirilebilmesi için nasıl daha erişilebilir, esnek, çevik ve kapsayıcı bir siber güvenlik yaklaşımı geliştirebiliriz sorusunu masaya yatırıyoruz.
Ağustos 2024'de Instagram'ın kapatılmasıyla birlikte Türkiye'de derin bir sessizlik hali ortaya ç... more Ağustos 2024'de Instagram'ın kapatılmasıyla birlikte Türkiye'de derin bir sessizlik hali ortaya çıktı, sorun sekiz günde çözüldü. Ama geride üzerinde düşünülmesi gereken birçok konu kaldı. Dünya üzerinde 5 milyarın üzerinde insanın sosyal medyaya erişimi var. Sırasıyla Facebook, YouTube ve Instagram bütün platformlar arasında ilk üçü paylaşıyorlar. Türkiye 6 saat 57 dakika İnternet kullanımı ile 42 ülke arasında 20. sırada. Bu sürenin 2 saat 44 dakikası sosyal medya platformlarında geçiriliyor.
With the closure of Instagram in August 2024, a deep silence emerged in Turkey; the problem was solved in eight days. But there are many issues left to think about. Over 5 billion people in the world have access to social media. Facebook, YouTube and Instagram are the top three among all platforms, respectively. Turkey ranks 20th among 42 countries with 6 hours and 57 minutes of internet use. 2 hours and 44 minutes are spent on social media platforms.
Future of Europe in Ankara Avrupa Çalışmaları Dergisi , 2024
The Digital Europe Program (DIGITAL) is a European Union program aimed at accelerating the contin... more The Digital Europe Program (DIGITAL) is a European Union program aimed at accelerating the continent's digital transformation, increasing global digital competitiveness, and establishing technological sovereignty. It focuses on vital digital technologies such as HPC, broadband Internet access, Artificial Intelligence (AI), cloud services, cyber security, the digital single market, and advanced digital competencies. DIGITAL is regarded as critical for Europe's strategic autonomy in the digital sphere, and it is more than a project; it represents a massive transition that initiates socioeconomic change. The program develops a European data economy and a digital single market, influencing the EU's socioeconomic dynamics. The achievement of technical sovereignty is dependent on exemplary implementation, finance, and management initiatives.
By the second half of twentieth century, the existing approaches to international relations theor... more By the second half of twentieth century, the existing approaches to international relations theory no longer appeared adequate for explaining the enormous events taking place in the international arena. In part as a result, cultural studies entered the field through constructivism. Cultural constructivists assert that social norms shape and change foreign policy over time, not the structure of the international system (Hopf 2002). The impact of cultural phenomena, including religion, on politics became an increasingly popular focus ...
Based on the archaeological discoveries of underground living, it is evident that people have his... more Based on the archaeological discoveries of underground living, it is evident that people have historically resided both above and below ground. For instance, the city of Derinkuyu in Nevşehir bears testimony to a complex urban life that could accommodate a substantial population 1. This city has witnessed the presence of various civilizations, from the Phrygians to the Persians. Following the War of Independence in the 1920s, the underground city was abandoned when the Cappadocian Greeks were forced to leave in the population exchange. It is believed that the rooms in Derinkuyu are interconnected with more than 200 underground cities in the same region, forming a vast network akin to a spider web. The discovery of Derinkuyu occurred in 1963 during renovations of a house, and the initial finding was only the first of over 600 entrances. Although the aforementioned information pertains to Anatolia's mysteries, it is crucial to address a more contemporary issue, namely the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, as well as the tunnels and complications associated with Israel's subterranean warfare in Gaza.
Journal of Southern Europe and the Balkans, Apr 1, 2007
The Palestinian parliamentary elections, which were held on 25 January 2006, represent a historic... more The Palestinian parliamentary elections, which were held on 25 January 2006, represent a historical turning point in the fate of Palestinians. After Arafat, the expectations of Palestinian politics decreased to a minimum with the rising concern over a civil war in the Palestinian territories. The result will be the worst of the alternatives if one pays attention to the prevalent discussions before the elections. Palestinian issues attract enormous attention, but one only recognizes a limited number of comprehensive analyses to understand the roots and the ...
Our modern societies and urban life routines heavily rely on continuous, systematic, and proper o... more Our modern societies and urban life routines heavily rely on continuous, systematic, and proper operation of the Critical Infrastructures (CIs). We do not consider the presence of such services in our daily lives until their services are disrupted. Electricity is the primary source of energy for our several devices and controls. Several telecommunication systems are not visible as services, but they are essential for communicating various platforms and components in our daily lives. The introduction of digitalization and hyperconnectivity have altered CI management systems
In Israel, the regulation that has divided the country for months and aimed to raise the politica... more In Israel, the regulation that has divided the country for months and aimed to raise the political power above the high judiciary has been enacted. According to some, Israel is now a "fascist state", according to others it is "liberated". What happened in Israel, what will happen? Written by Salih Bıçakcı. As of July 24, 2023, the hope of long-standing protests in Israel to sustain democracy is over. The Israeli Parliament, Knesset, passed a law that deprives the Israeli Supreme Court of its authority to oversee the government's actions for compliance with the principle of reasonableness. Next are other regulations that give more power to the government to appoint judges and further restrict the power of the Supreme Court. there is. This transformation, which coincides with the 75th anniversary of Israel's founding, on the one hand emphasizes the rise of powerful leaders, populism and right-wing powers in the world, on the other hand, pushes Israel towards a new phase of vulnerability.
What happened in Israel? Why are they so important? In Israel, the regulation that has divided th... more What happened in Israel? Why are they so important? In Israel, the regulation that has divided the country for months and aimed to raise the political power above the high judiciary has been enacted. According to some, Israel is now a "fascist state", according to others it is "liberated". What happened in Israel, what will happen? Written by Salih Bıçakcı. As of July 24, 2023, the hope of long-standing protests in Israel to sustain democracy is over. The Israeli Parliament, Knesset, passed a law that deprives the Israeli Supreme Court of its authority to oversee the government's actions for compliance with the principle of reasonableness. Next are other regulations that give more power to the government to appoint judges and further restrict the power of the Supreme Court. there is. This transformation, which coincides with the 75th anniversary of Israel's founding, on the one hand emphasizes the rise of powerful leaders, populism and right-wing powers in the world, on the other hand, pushes Israel towards a new phase of vulnerability.
İsrail'de ne oldu? Olanlar neden çok önemli? İsrail'de aylardır ülkeyi ikiye bölen ve politik ikt... more İsrail'de ne oldu? Olanlar neden çok önemli? İsrail'de aylardır ülkeyi ikiye bölen ve politik iktidarı yüksek yargının üzerine çıkarmayı amaçlayan düzenleme yasalaştı. Kimine göre İsrail artık "faşist bir devlet", kimine göre "özgürleşti".
This collection includes five complementary chapters to help the reader understand Turkey&#39... more This collection includes five complementary chapters to help the reader understand Turkey's cyber security challenges with a focus on nuclear power plants as components of the country's critical infrastructure. The first chapter introduces the concept of cyberwarfare as the next Revolution in Military Affairs, and looks into cyber trends, emerging state capabilities and threats from Turkey's perspective. The second chapter examines the cyber security scene in Turkey by both looking into the relative governmental agencies, institutions and security forces working on ensuring the country's cyber security and develops policies in these areas, and on the other hand, at malicious hacker groups operating from within the country. The third chapter evaluates possible cyber-threats to the future nuclear infrastructure of Turkey and analyzes the country's capability to provide security against such incidents. The fourth chapter clarifies the concept of cyber security and its relevance to nuclear power plants and facilities, and examines previous incidents. The fifth and final chapter evaluates Turkey's capabilities in terms of ensuring cyber security resilience, and its prospective cooperation with international actors on this field.
Asian journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic studies, Nov 23, 2022
The possibility of a Saudi rapprochement with Israel has been continuously influenced by the the ... more The possibility of a Saudi rapprochement with Israel has been continuously influenced by the the domestic barriers within the Saudi community and the Saudi historical narratives on the regional security perceptions of the Saudi decision-makers. After the appointment of Prince Mohammed bin Salman as the Minister of Defense in 2015, King Salman’s government adopted a new discourse in domestic and foreign policy built upon a redefined Saudi identity rhetorically distanced from its Islamic neighbours and moved towards a nationalised tone. The unstable nature of the regional security dynamics forces the kingdom to actively reconstruct new security routines based on the emerging regional security dynamics and repositions the alliances. At this juncture, this research aims at understanding the rationality of the rise and fall of the intensity of Saudi foreign policy towards a normalisation process with Israel within the borders of the redefined Saudi national identity and regional threat perceptions.
Asian Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies, 2022
The possibility of a Saudi rapprochement with Israel has been continuously influenced by the the ... more The possibility of a Saudi rapprochement with Israel has been continuously influenced by the the domestic barriers within the Saudi community and the Saudi historical narratives on the regional security perceptions of the Saudi decision-makers. After the appointment of Prince Mohammed bin Salman as the Minister of Defense in 2015, King Salman’s government adopted a new discourse in domestic and foreign policy built upon a redefined Saudi identity rhetorically distanced from its Islamic neighbours and moved towards a nationalised tone. The unstable nature of the regional security dynamics forces the kingdom to actively reconstruct new security routines based on the emerging regional security dynamics and repositions the alliances. At this juncture, this research aims at understanding the rationality of the rise and fall of the intensity of Saudi foreign policy towards a normalisation process with Israel within the borders of the redefined Saudi national identity and regional threat perceptions.
Enabling NATO’s Collective Defense: Critical Infrastructure Security and Resiliency, 2022
“Cyber Threats to Critical Infrastructure,” by Salih Biçakci examines how risks against critical ... more “Cyber Threats to Critical Infrastructure,” by Salih Biçakci examines how risks against critical infrastructure are on the rise in the cyber domain. He writes that while the COVID-19 pandemic has compelled businesses to adopt practices to accommodate a more remote workforce, it has also presented malevolent attackers an unprecedented opportunity to test cybersecurity systems and exploit vulnerabilities. The pandemic has demonstrated the need for the dependable and continuous operation of electricity, natural gas, oil, water and wastewater systems, and telecommunications. His chapter provides an overview of a critical infrastructure’s technical layers and systems and its potential organizational vulnerabilities to cyberattacks related to the human workforce and management. He highlights the various categories of threat actors (opportunistic attackers, competitors, insider threats, advanced persistent threats, and hacktivists) and concludes with an overview of recent primary attack types that threat actors employ to exploit vulnerabilities in critical infrastructure.
The use of cutting-edge information technologies has the ability to help us battle terrorists by ... more The use of cutting-edge information technologies has the ability to help us battle terrorists by assisting with identification, predictive analysis and prioritization processes. This article describes some of those applications.Publisher's Versio
The External Dimension of the European Union's Critical Infrastructure Protection Programme, 2022
Critical infrastructures (Cls) are major life-supporting systems and sine qua non of modern socie... more Critical infrastructures (Cls) are major life-supporting systems and sine qua non of modern societies and cities since their proper functioning is essential for societal and economic well-being. In that respect, the unprecedented level of sophistication of cyberattacks, the increasing dependency on those interconnected and complex systems as well as their interdependent nature necessitates developing systemic perspectives and adequate policy responses. As being one of the OECD and NATO members as well as an EU candidate, Turkey is one of these countries whose functioning bec,omes increasingly dependent on CI systems. According to World Bank's Turkey Project report, it is noted that "the main share of Turkey's GDP comes from the services (64%) and industries (27%), both which depend on Cis and lifeline utilities to preserve their competitiveness and productivity" (World Bank, 2018: 3). Thus, any significant damage and disruption in national Cis might directly affect economic and societal activities. Moreover, there are dependencies in energy and transportation domains between Turkish and European Cis such as the electricity line to Greece and two lines to Bulgaria
Soğuk Savaşın bitişinden sonra uluslararası sistemin güvenlik dinamikleri değişti. Soğuk Savaş te... more Soğuk Savaşın bitişinden sonra uluslararası sistemin güvenlik dinamikleri değişti. Soğuk Savaş tehditlerinin ortadan kalkmasıyla birlikte Kuzey Atlantik Paktı Örgütü (NATO) yeni durumun gereklerine göre yeniden yapılanmak zorunda kaldı. Bu makale NATO'ya karşı siber tehditlerin ortaya çıkışını ve onun bu yeni güvenlik ortamına nasıl tepki vereceğini incelemektedir. Soğuk Savaş sonrasındaki dönemde, geleneksel savaş taktikleri savaş meydanının gereklerini yerine getirmekte yetersiz kalıyordu. Asimetrik savaş diğer yöntemlere göre daha öne çıktı. Kosova çatışması sırasında, NATO bombalamasına Sırp bilgisayar korsanları tarafından siber saldırılarla karşılık verilmiştir. Farklı durumlarda da benzer eğilimler görülmüştür. NATO yeni bir siber savunma stratejisi inşa etmeye ve uluslararası sistemdeki güncel tehditleri de kapsayacak bir strateji oluşturmaya başladı. Lizbon Zirvesinde siber savunma ve kritik bilgi altyapısının korunmasını da içeren yeni stratejinin hazırlanmasına onay verildi. NATO, siber savunmayı içeren hibrit savaş stratejisini başlattı ve bu yaklaşımı bütün üyelerinde uygulamaya başladı.
President Herzog's visit is an output of two years of coordination and meetings among various bod... more President Herzog's visit is an output of two years of coordination and meetings among various bodies of both states. Intelligence, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and representatives from the President's offices make tours of meeting to find possible ways of renormalization. Turkey is again trying to find a cooperative tone with the neighboring states in the last years after praising precious loneliness in its foreign affairs. On the other hand, Turkish-Israeli relations have constantly been changing as a roller-coaster since 1948. Both countries behave with remarkable threat perceptions, cynicism, and identity issues.
Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs) are the most protected facilities among all critical infrastructures ... more Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs) are the most protected facilities among all critical infrastructures (CIs). In addition to physical security, cyber security becomes a significant concern for NPPs since swift digitalization and overreliance on computer-based systems in the facility operations transformed NPPs into targets for cyber/physical attacks. Despite technical competencies, humans are still the central component of a resilient NPP to develop an effective nuclear security culture.
Turkey is one of the newcomers in the nuclear energy industry, and Turkish Akkuyu NPP has a unique model owned by an international consortium. Since Turkey has limited experience in nuclear energy industry, specific multinational and multicultural characteristics of Turkish Akkuyu NPP also requires further research in terms of the Facility's prospective nuclear security. Yet, the link between “national cultures” and “nuclear security” is underestimated in nuclear security studies. By relying on Hofstede's
national culture framework, our research aims to address this gap and explore possible implications of cross-national cultural differences on nuclear security. To cope with security challenges in the age of hybrid threats, we propose a security management model which addresses the need for cyber-physical security integration to cultivate a robust nuclear security culture in a multicultural working environment
The recent ceasefire in Gaza, which was implemented on January 20, 2025, following prolonged nego... more The recent ceasefire in Gaza, which was implemented on January 20, 2025, following prolonged negotiations, represents a critical but fragile moment in the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This article explores the broader implications of the ceasefire, analyzing the political calculations, strategic maneuvers, and humanitarian consequences that define the current situation.
While the ceasefire temporarily halts hostilities in Gaza, violence persists in the West Bank, highlighting the limitations of diplomatic interventions. The involvement of key regional and international actors—such as Qatar, Egypt, and the United States—underscores the complex web of interests that shape this truce. In Israel, internal political struggles, especially tensions within Prime Minister Netanyahu’s coalition, cast doubt on the ceasefire’s durability. Meanwhile, Hamas, despite experiencing military losses, is trying to establish itself as a governing authority, which complicates post-war governance scenarios. The humanitarian provisions of the ceasefire, including the controlled entry of aid and reconstruction efforts, are precarious and subject to political negotiation and logistical challenges. This analysis argues that the ceasefire is not an endpoint but rather a temporary adjustment in the dynamics of the conflict, with the potential to either stabilize or further destabilize the region, depending on future political and military developments.
Gazze'de önceler! yalnızca kaçakçılık !ç!n kullanılan tüneller, zamanla nasıl ve neden askerî ama... more Gazze'de önceler! yalnızca kaçakçılık !ç!n kullanılan tüneller, zamanla nasıl ve neden askerî amaçlar !ç!n kullanılmaya başladı? İsra!l'!n tüneller! bulmak !ç!n gel!şt!rd!ğ! teknoloj!ler neden !şe yaramıyor? Tünellerde !nsanlığın kaybett!kler!n! Doç. Dr. Sal!h Bıçakcı yazdı.
This is an interview of Semin Gümüşel Güner with me and Ayse Karabat. The text is in Turkish. You... more This is an interview of Semin Gümüşel Güner with me and Ayse Karabat. The text is in Turkish. You could access the original copy from https://fikirturu.com/insan/israil-filistin-catismasi-gordion-dugumunu/
2 7 M a r t 2 0 2 1 C u m a r t e s i 9 evrensel dunya@evrensel.net dünya FRANSA MYANMAR BELARU... more 2 7 M a r t 2 0 2 1 C u m a r t e s i 9 evrensel dunya@evrensel.net dünya FRANSA MYANMAR BELARUS ABD Fransız ordusu Mali'de sivilleri öldürdü iddiası FRANSIZ Barkhane Operasyonu'na bağlı güçlerin, Mali' nin kuzeydoğusuna düzenlediği operasyonda 6 sivili öldürdüğü iddia edildi. Barkhane Operasyonu' ndan yapılan yazılı açıklamada, Indelimane bölgesine 60 kilometre mesafedeki bir alanda silahlı teröristlere karşı hava saldırısı düzenlendiği duyuruldu. Açıklamada, olaya ilişkin ölü sayısı verilmezken 3 motosikletin kullanılamaz hale geldiği kaydedildi. Yerel basında çıkan haberlerde ise saldırıda avlanmaya giden 6 gencin öldürüldüğü belirtilerek, Fransa' nın sivil halkı hedef aldığı öne sürüldü. Görgü tanıklarının ifadelerine dayanan haberlerde, Fransız ordusunun "silahlı teröristler" şeklinde nitelediği kişilerin yaşları 15 ila 20 arasında değişen 6 genç olduğu kaydedildi,
Temellerini kan, ter ve gözyaşı ile attıkları İsrail Yahudiler'e güven verirken, komşuları için h... more Temellerini kan, ter ve gözyaşı ile attıkları İsrail Yahudiler'e güven verirken, komşuları için hep endişe kaynağı oldu. Kuruluşundan bu yana ne İsrailliler arasında ne de bölgede çatışmalar son buldu. Bölgede kendine yer açmak için kullandığı şiddet enerjisi, 1948'den bu yana hem İsrail'i hem de bölgeyi yeniden yapılandırıyor.
Temellerini kan, ter ve gözyaşı ile attıkları İsrail Yahudiler'e güven verirken, komşuları için h... more Temellerini kan, ter ve gözyaşı ile attıkları İsrail Yahudiler'e güven verirken, komşuları için hep endişe kaynağı oldu. Kuruluşundan bu yana ne İsrailliler arasında ne de bölgede çatışmalar son buldu. Bölgede kendine yer açmak için kullandığı şiddet enerjisi, 1948'den bu yana hem İsrail'i hem de bölgeyi yeniden yapılandırıyor.
Papers by Salih Bıçakcı
With the closure of Instagram in August 2024, a deep silence emerged in Turkey; the problem was solved in eight days. But there are many issues left to think about. Over 5 billion people in the world have access to social media. Facebook, YouTube and Instagram are the top three among all platforms, respectively. Turkey ranks 20th among 42 countries with 6 hours and 57 minutes of internet use. 2 hours and 44 minutes are spent on social media platforms.
are not visible as services, but they are essential for communicating various platforms and components in our daily lives. The introduction of digitalization and hyperconnectivity have altered CI management systems
malevolent attackers an unprecedented opportunity to test cybersecurity systems and exploit vulnerabilities.
The pandemic has demonstrated the need for the dependable and continuous operation of electricity, natural gas, oil, water and wastewater systems, and telecommunications. His chapter provides an overview of a critical infrastructure’s technical layers and systems and its potential organizational vulnerabilities to cyberattacks related to the human workforce and management. He highlights the various categories of threat actors (opportunistic attackers, competitors, insider threats, advanced persistent threats, and hacktivists) and concludes with an overview of recent primary attack types that threat actors employ to exploit vulnerabilities
in critical infrastructure.
Turkey is one of the newcomers in the nuclear energy industry, and Turkish Akkuyu NPP has a unique model owned by an international consortium. Since Turkey has limited experience in nuclear energy industry, specific multinational and multicultural characteristics of Turkish Akkuyu NPP also requires further research in terms of the Facility's prospective nuclear security. Yet, the link between “national cultures” and “nuclear security” is underestimated in nuclear security studies. By relying on Hofstede's
national culture framework, our research aims to address this gap and explore possible implications of cross-national cultural differences on nuclear security. To cope with security challenges in the age of hybrid threats, we propose a security management model which addresses the need for cyber-physical security integration to cultivate a robust nuclear security culture in a multicultural working environment
With the closure of Instagram in August 2024, a deep silence emerged in Turkey; the problem was solved in eight days. But there are many issues left to think about. Over 5 billion people in the world have access to social media. Facebook, YouTube and Instagram are the top three among all platforms, respectively. Turkey ranks 20th among 42 countries with 6 hours and 57 minutes of internet use. 2 hours and 44 minutes are spent on social media platforms.
are not visible as services, but they are essential for communicating various platforms and components in our daily lives. The introduction of digitalization and hyperconnectivity have altered CI management systems
malevolent attackers an unprecedented opportunity to test cybersecurity systems and exploit vulnerabilities.
The pandemic has demonstrated the need for the dependable and continuous operation of electricity, natural gas, oil, water and wastewater systems, and telecommunications. His chapter provides an overview of a critical infrastructure’s technical layers and systems and its potential organizational vulnerabilities to cyberattacks related to the human workforce and management. He highlights the various categories of threat actors (opportunistic attackers, competitors, insider threats, advanced persistent threats, and hacktivists) and concludes with an overview of recent primary attack types that threat actors employ to exploit vulnerabilities
in critical infrastructure.
Turkey is one of the newcomers in the nuclear energy industry, and Turkish Akkuyu NPP has a unique model owned by an international consortium. Since Turkey has limited experience in nuclear energy industry, specific multinational and multicultural characteristics of Turkish Akkuyu NPP also requires further research in terms of the Facility's prospective nuclear security. Yet, the link between “national cultures” and “nuclear security” is underestimated in nuclear security studies. By relying on Hofstede's
national culture framework, our research aims to address this gap and explore possible implications of cross-national cultural differences on nuclear security. To cope with security challenges in the age of hybrid threats, we propose a security management model which addresses the need for cyber-physical security integration to cultivate a robust nuclear security culture in a multicultural working environment
While the ceasefire temporarily halts hostilities in Gaza, violence persists in the West Bank, highlighting the limitations of diplomatic interventions. The involvement of key regional and international actors—such as Qatar, Egypt, and the United States—underscores the complex web of interests that shape this truce. In Israel, internal political struggles, especially tensions within Prime Minister Netanyahu’s coalition, cast doubt on the ceasefire’s durability. Meanwhile, Hamas, despite experiencing military losses, is trying to establish itself as a governing authority, which complicates post-war governance scenarios. The humanitarian provisions of the ceasefire, including the controlled entry of aid and reconstruction efforts, are precarious and subject to political negotiation and logistical challenges. This analysis argues that the ceasefire is not an endpoint but rather a temporary adjustment in the dynamics of the conflict, with the potential to either stabilize or further destabilize the region, depending on future political and military developments.
http://www.mo.be/analyse/turkije-betaalt-zwaar-af-voor-syrie (original in Dutch)