Ferenc Tóth
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Research Centre for the Humanities, Institute of History, Senior Research Fellow
Ferenc Tóth (1967), conseiller scientifique de l'Institut d'Histoire du Centre de recherches en Sciences Humaines de l'Académie Hongroise des Sciences. Ses domaines de recherches: histoire des relations franco-hongroises aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles, histoire des militaires et agents hongrois au service de la France, l'influence des guerres turques en Europe à l'époque moderne. Il a déjà publié environ 20 livres et plus de 200 études, en autres Ascension sociale et identité nationale. Intégration de l'immigration hongroise dans la société française au cours du XVIIIe siècle (1692-1815), Budapest (Officina Hungarica IX), 2000, Saint-Gotthard 1664, Une bataille européenne, Panazol (Ed. Lavauzelle), 2007, Mohács 1526 Soliman le Magnifique prend pied en Europe centrale (avec János B. Szabó), Paris (Ed. Économica), 2009, Un diplomate militaire français en Europe orientale à la fin de l'ancien régime. François de Tott (1733-1793), Istanbul (Editions Isis), 2011, etc. Email: toth.ferenc@btk.mta.hu
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Papers by Ferenc Tóth
The failed independence struggles at the turn of the 17th and 18th centuries contributed to the emergence of Hungarian émigré colonies in the Ottoman Empire. During the exile of Prince Francis II Rákóczi (1717-1735), relations between the Muslim and Hungarian elites were strengthened with the support of the French embassy in the Ottoman capital. The prince surrounded himself with experts in oriental languages and civilisations and played an inter- mediary role between the authorities of the Sublime Porte and the European embassies. From his entourage emerged the versatile figure Ibrahim Müteferrika, a Transylvanian renegade who later became a key player in diplomatic relations and the transfer of knowledge in the cosmopolitan circles of Constantinople. The center of Hungarian emigration established in the city of Rodosto thus became a crossroads of people and ideas between East and West which inspired many diplomatic projects and several original works on the Ottoman Empire.
François baron de Tott was well known in Europe and he was also considered as one of the most important western modernizers of Ottoman Empire. His memoirs contain the history of his oriental missions. This work had a great success because it was made by an expert of oriental a airs, and because of his participation to the philosophical debate on oriental despotism.
The failed independence struggles at the turn of the 17th and 18th centuries contributed to the emergence of Hungarian émigré colonies in the Ottoman Empire. During the exile of Prince Francis II Rákóczi (1717-1735), relations between the Muslim and Hungarian elites were strengthened with the support of the French embassy in the Ottoman capital. The prince surrounded himself with experts in oriental languages and civilisations and played an inter- mediary role between the authorities of the Sublime Porte and the European embassies. From his entourage emerged the versatile figure Ibrahim Müteferrika, a Transylvanian renegade who later became a key player in diplomatic relations and the transfer of knowledge in the cosmopolitan circles of Constantinople. The center of Hungarian emigration established in the city of Rodosto thus became a crossroads of people and ideas between East and West which inspired many diplomatic projects and several original works on the Ottoman Empire.
François baron de Tott was well known in Europe and he was also considered as one of the most important western modernizers of Ottoman Empire. His memoirs contain the history of his oriental missions. This work had a great success because it was made by an expert of oriental a airs, and because of his participation to the philosophical debate on oriental despotism.
1 Venetia rules the Rivers. La geo-strategia fluviale veneziana (1431-1509),
2 Razmysl, il misterioso “ingegnere” di Ivan il Terribile,
3 The Military Status of the Ionian Islands in 1589 based on the Report by
Giovanni Battista del Monte, by KOSTAS G. TSIKNAKIS
4 Letteratura di viaggio e osservazioni militari a cavallo fra Cinque e Seicento.
Gli scritti di Filippo Pigafetta, Leonardo Donà e Silvestro Querini
5 La pensée militaire du duc Charles V de Lorraine et ses sources,
6 Defending the Regno di Morea. Antonio Jansic and the Fortress of Modon,
7 Fortificazione campale e ordini di battaglia. Un esempio piemontese del 1743,
8 Metamorfosi di un condottiero. Castruccio Castracani da Machiavelli ad Algarotti,
9 Les ressources de l'Europe contre les ressources du monde? La marine de
Napoléon contre la Royal Navy, par NICOLA TODOROV
10 Milano città militare in età napoleonica (1800-1814),
11 L’esercito dissolto: la IV Divisione Val di Noto e il suo sventurato comandante nella
rivoluzione siciliana del 1820-21, di GIACOMO PACE GRAVINA
12 “Italianissimo but not simpatico”. Hugh Forbes nella Rivoluzione
Italiana del 1848-49, di VIVIANA CASTELLI e VIRGILIO ILARI
13 Paolo Solaroli di Briona. Un sarto novarese tra India e Risorgimento,
Recensioni / Reviews
1 VIRGILIO ILARI, Scrittori Militari Italiani dell’età moderna.
Dizionario bio-bibliografico 1410-1799 [di DENISE ARICÒ]
2 MICHEL PRETALLI, Penser et dire la ruse de guerre. De l’Antiquité à la
Renaissance [di WILLIAM BONACINA]
3 IOANNA IORDANOU, Venice’s Secret Service. Organizing Intelligence in the
Renaissance [di FRANCESCO BIASI]
4 FRÉDÉRIC CHAUVIRÉ, The New Knights: The Development of Cavalry
in Western Europe, 1562-1700 [di LUCA DOMIZIO]
5 ILYA BERCOVICH, Motivation in War The Experience of Common Soldiers
in Old-Regime Europe [ROBERTO SCONFIENZA]
6 LUCA GIANGOLINI, L’esercito del papa. Istituzione militare,
burocrazia curiale e nobiltà nello Stato della Chiesa (1692-1740)
7 ELINA GUGLIUZZO e GIUSEPPE RESTIFO, Una battaglia europea.
Francavilla di Sicilia 20 giugno 1719 [di MARIAGRAZIA ROSSI]
8 ARON WEISS MITCHELL, The Grand Strategy of the Habsburg Empire,
1700-1866. A Study In Interstitial Time Management
9 MARIO CORTI, Italiani d’arme in Russia. Artigiani, ingegneri, ufficiali
in un esercito straniero (1400-1800) [di VIRGILIO ILARI]
10 CRISTIANO BETTINI, Come progettavano i velieri. Alle origini
dell’architettura moderna di navi e yacht [di MARIO ROMEO]