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Der Dreißigjährige Krieg: Zeugnisse vom Leben mit Gewalt (The Thirty Years War: Testimonies from Living with Violence). Goettingen: Wallstein, 2018. Historical treatments of the Thirty Years War have heretofore been mainly political... more
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      Violence17th-Century StudiesHistory of Everyday LifeThirty Years' War
One of the most momentous and destructive wars in European history, the Thirty Years War has long been studied for its diplomatic, political, and military consequences. Yet the actual participants in this religiously motivated, seemingly... more
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      History of ViolenceCultural MemoryThirty Years WarThirty Years' War
Istoria statelor nordice între 1520 și 1870. NU SUNT COAUTOR.
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      Reformation StudiesSwedenNorwayDenmark
Rezension zu: Jan Peters: Peter Hagendorf. Tagebuch eines Söldners aus dem Dreißigjährigen Krieg (= Herrschaft und soziale Systeme in der Frühen Neuzeit 14), Göttingen 2012, in: H-Soz-Kult, 5. Dezember 2012.
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      Diary StudiesDiaryThirty Years WarThirty Years' War
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      ArchaeologyPostmedieval ArchaeologyThirty Years' WarMiddle Ages
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      IconographyHistory of International LawMilitary RevolutionHISTORY OF CRIME AND LAW
En l’imaginari col·lectiu català hi ha alguns episodis bèl·lics que han marcat profundament la cultura i, en conseqüència, la literatura, per les seves pregones repercussions històriques: a l’edat moderna les guerres dels Segadors i de... more
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      Early Modern HistoryBaroque Art and LiteratureEarly Modern LiteratureLiteratura catalana
In den Jahren 2003 und 2008 wurden die Reste von zwei Gebäuden entdeckt, die beim großen Brand von Stargard, der am 7. Oktober 1635 ausbrach, zerstört wurden. Zum einen handelt es sich um Überreste des Kellers eines Vorder- oder... more
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      Military HistoryArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyEarly Modern History
This article provides an overview of economic inequality in Germany from the fourteenth to the nineteenth century. It builds upon data produced by the German Historical School, which from the late nineteenth century pioneered inequality... more
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      Economic HistoryBlack DeathGermanyThirty Years' War
A French pastor in the service of the Dutch Republic. The ministry of Samuel Des Marets in Maastricht (1632-1636). Samuel Des Marets (1599-1673), born in France and practicing the reformed pastoral ministry in the kingdom during his early... more
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      17th Century Dutch RepublicConfessionalizationThirty Years' WarFrench Reformed Churches
Therefore, the Czech Ore Mountains, represented an area where means of early modern wartime logistics had been fully applied. The collected contributions were subject to strict supervision and inventory on the side of the city or state... more
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      Early Modern HistoryCzech HistoryTransition TownsThirty Years' War
Julius Henry, Duke of Saxe-Lauenburg was among those who obtained a domini-on in Bohemia during the Thirty Years’ War. He and his son belong to the richest aristocrats in the land what was reflected in their representation and building... more
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      Early Modern HistoryCzech HistoryThirty Years' WarHabsburg Monarchy, History of (Early) Modern Nobility, administrative history
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      Medieval ArchaeologySettlement archaeologyPost-Medieval ArchaeologyThirty Years' War
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      Diplomatic HistoryHabsburg StudiesPolitical HistoryHoly Roman Empire
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      Habsburg StudiesNumismaticsEmblem studiesCommemoration and Memory
Poziční bitva se odehrála v září 1618 nedaleko Čáslavi. Znamenala zlom v tažení císařské armády proti stavovskému povstání.
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      Military HistoryCzech HistoryThirty Years' War
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      Thirty Years' WarSächsisch-Thüringische LandesgeschichteSächsische LandesgeschichteDreißigjähriger Krieg
A closely-researched and detailed study of the operations and tactics of early modern armies, it uses the French and Savoyard invasion of Spanish Lombardy in 1636 to explore warfare through a neo-Darwinian lens. This emphasizes the... more
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      Military HistoryEvolutionary PsychologyMilitary ScienceStrategy (Military Science)
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      Global HistoryMilitary RevolutionPrivate military contractorsThirty Years War
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      Thirty Years WarThirty Years' WarLiterature in the Thirty Years War
This essays looks for to trace a panorama of 17th century during the Thirty Years' War, whose stage was the Holy Roman Empire. Simultaneous to the bloody religious conflicts, the Europe knew the meaning of the economic crises that... more
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      Thirty Years' WarLeitura De ImagensHistory of GermanyAlemanha
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      Military HistoryHistoriographyMilitary RevolutionSweden
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      Early Modern HistoryThirty Years' WarEarly Modern History of Hungary
The hoard was discovered in December 2018 in a meadow, which began to be cultivated again after many years. Ploughing brought a set of coins to the surface, from which a total of 972 pieces were saved using a metal detector. The coins... more
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      ArchaeologyNumismaticsportable XRF (PXRF) in Archaeology and Museum ScienceCoin Hoards
This article traces the plight of the widows of Scottish soldiers who participated in the Thirty Years' War. Contrasting a number of strategies the women used in two main contrasting legal systems (Dutch & Swedish), this article offers an... more
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      Military HistoryGender StudiesWomen's StudiesWomen's History
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      Military HistoryItalian (European History)Early Modern EuropeEarly Modern Italy
This is an excerpt from a draft version of my book A God of Our Invention: How Religion Shaped the Western World (Apocryphile Press, 2023). I've extracted just a few sections here so as to present some of my ideas on how the idea of God... more
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      History of ReligionFrench RevolutionWars of ReligionReligious Pluralism
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      HistoryAncient HistoryMilitary HistoryStrategy (Military Science)
The aim of the paper is to introduce the instructions related to the build-up of redoubts, which were published in fortification manuals from the time of the Thirty Years’ War and from a few preceding and following years. The reason for... more
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      Military HistoryExperimental ArchaeologyFortificationsThirty Years' War
This is a long-term study concerned with the 350-year history of recollecting the fending-off, in 1645, of the Swedish forces which besieged Brünn (Brno). The author demonstrates that various groupings sought to capitalize on this event,... more
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      Czech HistoryUrban HistoryHistory and MemoryCentral European history
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      Czech HistoryThirty Years WarThirty Years' War
The text is a description of Herfried Münkler's book "Der Dreißigjährige Krieg: Europäische Katastrophe, deutsches Trauma 1618-1648". The text will be published in a short time.
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      Thirty Years' WarMagdeburgFerdinand IIIWallenstein
Mit der Landung des schwedischen Königs Gustav Adolf (1594–1632) auf der norddeutschen Insel Usedom am 6. Juli 1630 intensivierten sich die publizistischen Bemühungen des (pro)schwedischen Publikationswesens illustrierte Flugblätter... more
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      Military HistoryVisual propagandaMedia StudiesPropaganda
„Forms of War 1600-1815“ is the title of the Bavarian Army Museum’s latest permanent exhibition, opened in 2019 and housed in the New Castle of Ingolstadt. With exhibits from the museum‘s own collection and some important loans, it... more
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      Military HistoryBavarianWarfareThirty Years War
This thesis is an attempt to present modern earth fortifications from the area of the Polish Sudetes, including their time of origin, history, current state of research and preservation, as well as the presentation of author's research... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryWar StudiesMilitary Architecture
In recent years, the growing corpus of modern scholarship on the history of Spanish Italy has challenged and often overturned most of the profoundly biased (but highly successful) narratives established on the topic by nineteenth-century... more
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      Military HistoryEighty Years' War (1568-1648)Thirty Years' WarSpanish Italy
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      Early Modern HistoryThirty Years WarThirty Years' War
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      History of AstronomyJohannes KeplerConfessionalizationThirty Years' War
This essay seeks to further our understanding of the assembling of Charles I's art collections, establishing a connection to the plunder of art during the Thirty Years' War. An encounter between Archibald Rankin, a Scottish diplomat, and... more
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      Thirty Years' WarCharles IGustav II AdolfArt plunder
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      ArchaeologyNumismaticsThirty Years' WarCoins
The transformation of war is a major problem in the study of Early Modern military history. This history dissertation addresses the pace and nature of military transformation in a war between Sweden and Denmark in 1643-1645. The focus of... more
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      Military RevolutionSwedish HistoryDanish HistoryThirty Years' War
This text is a translation of the Czech paper "Polní opevnění v období třicetileté války v dobových vojenských plánech" presented on June 10, 2019 in Prachatice at the "Polní vojenská opevnění od třicetileté války" conference, organised... more
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      Military HistoryHistorical mapsThirty Years WarThirty Years' War
This paper gives an overview of the emergence and development of mobile light field artillery in selected European countries during the first half of the Thirty Years' War. In the final part of the paper, the importance of the collection... more
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      Military HistoryArtilleryThirty Years' WarGunpowder Artillery History and Development
"So in an unexpected twist, it is now possible to confirm that many soldiers in the later Thirty Years’ War were, in fact, veterans of the English Civil War." This article gives an overview for the arrival and motivations of soldiers... more
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      Military HistoryFrench HistoryEarly Modern HistoryBritish History
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      Military HistoryEarly Modern HistoryGerman HistoryScottish History
Die Ausstellung "Formen des Krieges 1600-1815" stellt den ersten Abschnitt der neuen Dauerausstellung des Bayerischen Armeemuseums im Neuen Schloss von Ingolstadt dar. Der Beitrag gibt einen Überblick über die Entstehung der Ausstellung... more
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      Military HistoryMuseums and Exhibition DesignExhibition Design (Architecture)Exhibition Design
Archäologische Untersuchungen auf dem Schlachtfeld einer der bekanntesten Schlachten des Dreißigjährigen Krieges in Norddeutschland. Der genaue Schauplatz des historischen Ereignisses wurde im Laufe der Zeit vergessen. Das laufende... more
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      Military HistoryArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyEarly Modern History
ÖZET Orta Avrupa'da Katolikler ve Protestanlar arasında din temelli olarak başlayıp uzun yıllar devam eden ve bu coğrafyada büyük bir yıkıma neden olan Otuz Yıl Savaşları 1648 yılında Westphalia Barışı ile sona ermiştir. Daha sonra... more
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      SovereigntyPeace of WestphaliaThirty Years' War1648 Treaty of Westphalia