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Deutsch-Polnisches  EU-Projekt abgeschlossen 2015. BTU Cottbus/Universität Zielona Góra
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      KulturgeschichteOder-Neiße GrenzeBrandenburgLausitzer Kultur
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      Medieval HistoryGenealogyMedieval StudiesMedieval Archaeology
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval ArchaeologyStadtgeschichte
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      Medieval ArchaeologyHistorische BauforschungMittelalterarchäologiemittelalterliches Mauerwerk
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      Thirty Years' WarSächsisch-Thüringische LandesgeschichteSächsische LandesgeschichteDreißigjähriger Krieg
The transition of news and information are the backbone of every larger society. This lecture paper (in German language) is concerning the messenger-mail of the Saxon court and administration around the year 1500. As much as we know... more
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      Communications HistoryHistory of Communicationhistorische GeographieKommunikationswissenschaft
Das 18. und beginnende 19. Jahrhundert waren gleichermaßen von Kriegen, Revolution und Hungersnöten wie auch von der neuen Geisteshaltung der Aufklärung, dem Aufstreben des Bürgertums und dem Aufblühen von Handel, Bildung, Wissenschaft... more
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      French Revolution and NapoleonEgodocuments of the Long Eighteenth CenturyStadtgeschichteSelbstzeugnisse
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      Art HistoryMedieval HistoryOfenkeramikStadtgeschichte
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      Medieaval ArchaeologyMedieval castlesArchäologieHistorische Bauforschung
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval ArchaeologyArchaeology of Medieval Monasteries
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      Medieval ArchaeologyKunstgeschichteMedieval castlesArchaeology Motte and Baileys
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval ArchaeologyBurgenforschung
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval ArchaeologyDendrochronologyArchaeology of Mining
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval ArchaeologyMining
Die Geschichte der spätmittelalterlichen Universität Leipzig ist eng mit der Geschichte der Stadt verbunden, weshalb die Studie die ökonomischen, rechtlichen und sozialen Phänomene für die ersten 130 Jahre der Hochschule umfassend... more
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      Medieval HistoryHistory of EducationUrban HistoryMedieval urban history
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      Castle StudiesMedieval castlesCastleHistorische Bauforschung
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      Medieaval ArchaeologyNationalsozialismusStadtgeschichteGeschichte des Mittelalters und der Renaissance, Personengeschichte, Stadtgeschichte
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      Architectural HistoryMedieval ArchaeologyCeramics (Archaeology)Benedictine Monasticism
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval Church HistoryMedieval ArchaeologyCastles
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval ArchaeologyCastles
The electoral residence in Wittenberg is place of one of the most important happenings in the early modern history: Martin Luthers "Thesenanschlag" at the gates of the castle church 1517. The source-based paper is concerning with some... more
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      History of UniversitiesCourts and Elites (History)Court historyWittenberg
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      Dance HistoryCourt historySyphilisMorris dancing, mumming plays, ritual dance
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval ArchaeologyMedieval Pottery
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      KunstgeschichteStadtgeschichteGeschichte des Mittelalters und der Renaissance, Personengeschichte, StadtgeschichteMittelalterliche Geschichte
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      Ceramics (Archaeology)SiedlungsarchäologieMittelalterliche GeschichteMittelalterarchäologie
English Abstract of the paper (in German language): The development of stately residences is generally considered to be an important step on the way from the pre-modern regnancy to the modern state. Such residences were newly founded as... more
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      Courts and Elites (History)Pilgrimage and travel to the Holy Landlate medieval and early modern history of European nobility and courtsCourts and Elites
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      Brick and tile (Archaeology)Archeologia medievaleStadtgeschichteMittelalterliche Geschichte
The castle of Wittenberg has been completely rebuilded 1489 - 1525. The castle complex was erected for prince-elector Frederic III. of Saxony, the new castle-church entrance was the storied scene of the "Thesenanschlag" of Martin Luther... more
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      Court historyHistory of WarCastle StudiesKunstgeschichte
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval ArchaeologyStadtgeschichte
"If they will send another Martinian pastor, I will grab him at his throat and drag him out of the parish church" - Those words were written 1534 by one of the most notorious enemies of Martin Luther: Lord Ernst II of Schönburg, general... more
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      Reformation HistoryHistory of the ReformationProtestant ReformationMartin luther and the Reformation
'And, thus, they pass the days of their youth ...’ Wandering scholars on the via regia Wandering scholars were individuals who embarked on journeys for the sake of education. This diverse group included pupils who were en route to Latin... more
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      History of Universities in the Middle AgesWissenschaftsgeschichteHistory of the UniversityUniversitätsgeschichte
This paper - in German language is part of volume concerning with the formation and development of the University Wittenberg (Leucorea) in the 16. Century. In the small town of Wittenberg not only the college-buildings (Kollegien,... more
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      History of EducationHistory of the ReformationHistory of UniversitiesMedieval Nobility
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      Archeologia medievaleStadtgeschichteStadtkernarchäologieGeschichte des Mittelalters und der Renaissance, Personengeschichte, Stadtgeschichte
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      Renaissance StudiesStadtgeschichteGeschichte des Mittelalters und der Renaissance, Personengeschichte, StadtgeschichteHistorische Bauforschung
Brief Synopsis (in German language) of the history city of Glauchau under the Lords and Counts of Schönburg from the 13th century to 1945; based on older preliminary studies of Walter Schlesinger and Ernst Berlet. The city of Glauchau is... more
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      StadtgeschichteGeschichte des Mittelalters und der Renaissance, Personengeschichte, StadtgeschichteStadtentwicklungStadtgeschichtsforschung
Sachsen-Anhalts „Land der Frühaufsteher“-Kampagne kennzeichnete einen Tiefpunkt im Prozess der Entfremdung dieses Bundeslandes von seiner geschichtsträchtigen Kulturlandschaft. Abgesehen davon, dass die Kampagne bei der Frage, warum denn... more
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      Saxony (Germany)Saxony-AnhaltSächsische LandesgeschichteLandesgeschichte Sachsen-Anhalts
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval ArchaeologyMittelalter
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      Medieval HistoryMinesMedieaval ArchaeologyMittelalterliche Geschichte
Printable version of an exhibition in the former stud Bleesern 2014/15 (Hofgestütsverein Bleesern 1686 e. V., Seegrehna, Lutherstadt Wittenberg, Germany). The exhibition is concerning with the former electoral court of Saxony and the... more
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      Horse cultureCourts and Elites (History)Court historyHorses
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval ArchaeologyDendrochronology
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      StadtgeschichteHistorische BauforschungBauforschungGeschichte der Frühen Neuzeit
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      KunstgeschichteStadtgeschichteStadtkernarchäologieHistorische Bauforschung
Karlheinz Blaschkes Deutungskonzept „Sachsens geschichtlicher Auftrag“ und die ideologische Verknüpfung der Bezeichnungen „Mitteldeutschland“ und „Sachsen“ als geschichtspolitisches Paradigma nach der deutschen Wiedervereinigung. Ein... more
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    • Sächsische Landesgeschichte
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      Urban HistoryOnomasticsLeipzigStadtgeschichte
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      KirchengeschichteGeschichte der Frühen NeuzeitSächsisch-Thüringische LandesgeschichteSächsische Landesgeschichte
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval ArchaeologyArcheologia medievale
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      Medieval ArchaeologyArchaeology of MiningMittelalterliche GeschichteStadtarchäologie
Dieser im Mai 2015 im Oberseminar für sächsische Landesgeschichte gehaltene Vortrag setzt sich kritisch mit den von Karlheinz Blaschke 2012 veröffentlichten Thesen zur frühen Stadtentwicklung von Glauchau und Waldenburg (Sachsen)... more
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      Settlement PatternsEarly Medieval And Medieval Settlement (Archaeology)Settler colonialismStadtgründung
This lecture in German language (with presentation charts) is discussing the genesis and traces of the library of the Saxon Prince-Elector in the castle of Wittenberg 1437 - 1547. Compared to the prior uploaded publications concerning... more
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      Book HistoryHistory of the BookHistory of the ReformationHistory of Universities
Margrave Frederic IV., the first Saxon prince-elector of the noble house Wettin, earned his tittle in crusades and battles against the bohemian Hussites. In 1409 he also took the chance to lure Silesian and Saxon scholars, which left in... more
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      History of UniversitiesCourts and Elites (History)LeipzigHistory of Universities in the Middle Ages