Trained Teachers courses
Continuing your professional development at Oxford Mindfulness
Whether you’d like to teach mindfulness in the workplace, build on your existing skills and deliver a new curriculm or stay up-to-date with the latest news and research in the field, we offer a range of courses and events to help you broaden your scope and increase your impact.
8 courses available

Branch trainings
If you’re already trained to teach MBCT or MBSR, our branch trainings enable you to deliver our 8-week Mindfulness for Life or Finding Peace courses. If you’re trained in another MBP, you’re able to join a 1-day training in how to teach Introducing Mindfulness (IM).
Mindfulness: Teaching in the Workplace (MTW)
Our Mindfulness: Teaching in the Workplace course helps experienced mindfulness teachers build the skills, competencies and confidence to offer mindfulness in a variety of different organisational contexts.
To support your development and help you stay connected, we offer Annual Gatherings, retreats, guest talks, workshops and other events. Attendance at many of our events contributes to your annual BAMBA CPD requirements.
“I love the mission and the vision, the staff, the community and how they’re constantly adapting and bringing the values that mindfulness entails to everything that they do.“

Patrick Kozakiewicz
Apprentice Trainer
What Continuing Professional Development do you offer?
Mindfulness: Teaching in the Workplace (MTW)
Branch trainings
CPD workshops and events
Mindfulness: Teaching in the Workplace (MTW)
If you’d like to offer mindfulness to organisations, our 10-month Mindfulness: Teaching in the Workplace (MTW) programme gives you the skills and competencies to do so as well as supporting you to build your business in this area.
Presentations on relevant theories and ideas are blended with opportunities for hands-on practice, experiential learning and real-world applications through case study examples and practical assignments.
Ready to find out more?
Branch Trainings
Our branch training enables existing MBCT or MBSR teachers to deliver our 8-week Mindfulness for Life or Finding Peace in a Frantic World courses. If you’re trained in another Mindfulness-Based Programme, you’re able to join a 1-day branch training in how to teach our 3-session Introducing Mindfulness course.
All our branch trainings have been designed considering your existing skills and competencies and focus exclusively on new and distinct elements of the branch curriculum.
Ready to find out more?
CPD workshops & events
We regularly offer workshops to support your learning and help you to develop your skills. Past workshops topics have included mindfulness research, Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness (TSM), mindfulness for adults with autism and ADHD, teaching mindfulness-based groups and MBCT for OCD.
Explore our events pages and discover our upcoming:
Browse our Trained Teachers courses
Branch Training: Deeper Mindfulness – The Feeling Tone Programme: Exploring Mindfulness Frame by Frame
With Liz Lord, Tim Sweeney
6 days, Wednesdays, 13:00 – 15:00 (UK Time)
Deepening Inquiry in the Mindfulness-based Group
With Trish Bartley
2-days, Monday, Tuesday, 08:00 – 16:00 (UK Time)
Teach Introducing Mindfulness
With Liz Lord, Marion Furr
1-day workshop, Saturday, 09:00 – 17:00 UK Time
Branch Training: MBCT to Mindfulness for Life (MBCT-L)
With Andy Phee
2 days, Saturdays, 09:00 – 17:00 UK Time
Branch Training: Deeper Mindfulness – The Feeling Tone Programme: Exploring Mindfulness Frame by Frame
With Liz Lord, Andy Phee
6 days, Tuesdays, 13:00 – 15:00 (UK Time)
Teach Introducing Mindfulness
With Liz Lord, Oxford Mindfulness
1-day, Saturday, 09:00 – 17:00 UK Time
Branch Training: MBSR to Mindfulness for Life (MBCT-L)
With Oxford Mindfulness , Alison Yiangou
6 days, Fridays & Saturdays, 09:00 – 17:00 UK Time
Branch Training: MBCT for Cancer Teacher Training
With Trish Bartley, Christina Shennan
6 days, Various times
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