Join our app teaching community
Would you like recordings of your mindfulness practices to be available on our app?

If you’re a trained mindfulness teacher, we’d like to offer you the opportunity to join our app and share your practices with our global audience, broadening the reach and impact of your work and showcasing your mindfulness teaching.
We’re one of the global field leaders in mindfulness training but we’re still a small-to-medium size charity, independent of the universities and larger institutions we work with.
As a not-for-profit organisation, we rely on the support of the communities we engage with to achieve our mission. One way to support our work is to engage with the Oxford Mindfulness app.
Community benefits
If one, or more, of your practices is made available in our app, you will receive:
Full app subscription
Gain full access to the paid features in the app with your teaching profile included alongside your practice(s).
Latest materials & discounts
Receive the latest materials and discounts on Annual Gatherings (for Oxford Mindfulness trained teachers).
Oxford Mindfulness membership
Enjoy membership to our new members’ programme which includes free attendance at some of our online events.
Mindfulness meditations on our app
As part of our commitment to offer research-based mindfulness, we’re inviting you to submit practices which are included on, or linked to, the below programmes (inclusion criteria will be reviewed as the app develops):
- Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT)
- Mindfulness for Life (MBCT-L)
- Finding Peace in a Frantic World
- Taking it Further (OMF Programme)
- Introducing Mindfulness (OMF Programme)
- Deeper Mindfulness
- Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC)
- Mindfulness-Based Compassionate Living (MBCL)
- Breathworks
- Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)
- Mindfulness-Based Addiction Recovery (MBAR)
- Mindfulness-Based Childbirth and Parenting (MBCP)
- Mindfulness-Based Living Course (MBLC)
- Mindfulness-Based Organisational Education (MBOE)
- Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention (MBRP)
Submitting your practice
Practices should be submitted in the following way:
- Using our online portal for submission (audio .mp3 files only)
- The following details will be required:
- Which mindfulness-based programme the practice links to (e.g. MBCT or MBSR)
- Title of the practice
- Type of practice i.e walking, body scan, etc.
- Short practice description
- Level of experience required for the practice. These will be categorised as:
- Beginner (i.e. no previous practice)
- Intermediate (i.e. is participating in or has completed a teacher-led 8-week course)
- Advanced (i.e. is participating in or has completed a teacher-led 8-week course and has an established mindfulness practice)
- You will also need:
- Your name
- A personal headshot photo
- A short biography

What happens next?
Once you’ve submitted your practice, it will be reviewed by our dedicated Quality Assessment Team.
If your practice is accepted, you will receive a notification with further details about your membership of the app and of our new members’ programme.
Please note: Practices available on the app will be reviewed on an annual basis to ensure there is a broad range of recent and relevant content for our members. We may remove practices to make space for others, if necessary.
Practices will be available on the app as soon as they are quality-assessed and approved.
Would you like to join our Quality Assessment Team?
If you would like to join our app’s Quality Assessment Team, we are currently recruiting teachers and trainers who have achieved a level of ‘proficient’ on the MBI:TAC competency assessment. If you have not been competency-assessed, we will seek two references to provide further information on your teaching level and experience.
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