Oxford Mindfulness app support
Welcome to the Oxford Mindfulness App support page.
Choose a category to find answers from our app team or provide feedback if you’ve experienced an issue. Have a suggestion? We’d love to hear it!

How can we help?
App availability
Where is the app currently available?
Currently, the app is available in over 170 countries including the UK, USA and countries across Europe, Asia, Africa, Oceania, and the Americas. View the full list.
We’re actively working on making the app available in more countries.
Can I request the app in my area?
Please complete this form to register your interest in having the app available in your region. We’re actively working on making the app available in more countries.
Technical support
I’m trying to log-in but it doesn’t work, what should I do?
This is a brand-new app, so details you may have had for our previous app won’t work. Please create a new account and follow the instructions.
If you don’t receive your verification email, please check your spam folder. If you’re still having problems, please email app@oxfordmindfulness.org for help.
I’ve requested course / training materials through the app but haven’t received them, what should I do?
If you’ve tapped the ‘request access’ function, this request comes to us directly. We’ll be checking you’ve attended that course and are eligible to receive the course materials.
If approved, you’ll then be able to go into the app, make payment, and access will be granted. If we can’t locate your course attendance (based on your app email address), our team will reach out to you.
If you’ve not received a response to your initial request within 5 days, please email app@oxfordmindfulness.org to check the progress of your request.
Which operating system do I need on my device to use the app?
The app has been developed following the security guidelines of Android 14 (released in October 2023) and iOS 17 (released in September 2023). In order to use the app and to avoid technical issues, please ensure you update your device to the latest operating system version.
General support
I have a problem with / query about the app, how do I let you know?
Please complete this form to let us know your feedback, suggestions for improvements and new features, and any problems with the app.
For anything urgent, please email app@oxfordmindfulness.org
Can I use the app offline?
We’re actively developing the feature to use the app offline and hope to have it available soon.
Can I filter by meditation type, such as ‘body scan’ or ‘sitting mediation’?
We’re actively developing the feature to filter by meditation type and hope to have it available soon.
Can I search for particular meditations?
Yes, it’s possible to use the search function to find and filter by particular meditations, teachers, and programmes.
Will you have other course meditations available, such as MBSR and Breathworks?
We’re actively working on this and hope to have meditations for other mindfulness approaches available soon.
Why is there a fee for some of the app features?
To produce and maintain an app of this standard we do require revenue. Aside from the initial investment, there are ongoing quality assessment and admin team costs plus the need to compensate the teachers who provide the meditations.
As a not-for-profit organisation, we’re pleased to have produced an app of this quality and still offer a low monthly subscription fee. We hope this is accessible and reassure you that all income is used to support the app and our charitable activities.
Which features are free and which require a subscription?
The app provides free information and resources relating to mindfulness including news and blog updates, research, and podcasts. There are several free meditations available that will be changed weekly – these can be accessed without subscription.
We’re also actively working on making our live online meditation sessions available through the app, and we hope to have this available soon.
Subscriptions are required to access the full library of 300+ meditations on the app and are available on a monthly (£5.99) or annual (£59.99) basis.
The Introducing Mindfulness self-paced course requires a one-off payment of £24.99.
If you have completed any courses or training with us, a one-off payment will give you access to the latest materials for your previous events. Course materials are £29.99 and training materials are £49.99.
Please email app@oxfordmindfulness.org for more information on subscriptions.
How do I check what subscriptions I have and when they expire?
On the app, tap the person icon in the top right-hand corner of the screen to access the ‘Settings’ page. Tap the ‘Subscriptions’ option and from here, you can see which subscriptions are active and when they started.
How do I change the app appearance / use accessibility features?
On the app, tap the person icon in the top right-hand corner of the screen to access the ‘Settings’ page. Then, tap the ‘Accessibility features’ option and from here, you can apply a blue light filter and change the app to a dark colour theme to personalise your visual experience.
Can I filter by language?
Currently, the app has meditations available in 10+ languages. We’re actively developing the feature to filter by language and hope to have it available soon.
Teaching community
Can I submit my meditation recordings to be featured on the app?
If you’re a trained mindfulness teacher and you meet our criteria, we’d be delighted to include your recording on the app. Find out more.
I’m teaching mindfulness courses and would like to use the app for the meditations they need. Can I use the app for this?
Yes, we’re happy to collaborate with you as a teacher to provide access to your course participants. Please get in touch to find out more app@oxfordmindfulness.org
Workplace support
Can I offer the app in my workplace, to colleagues?
Yes! The app is designed to be collaborative with other organisations. Please email app@oxfordmindfulness.org for more information.
Do you need more help?
If you’d like to collaborate, have a query which needs a response or if your question isn’t answered here, please email app@oxfordmindfulness.org.