A Rede D’Or São Luiz S.A. (“Rede D’Or”) apresenta os resultados do terceiro trimestre de
2024 a partir de análises gerenciais que a administração entende traduzir da melhor forma o
negócio da Companhia, conciliada com os padrões internacionais de Demonstrações
Na elaboração deste relatório, a Rede D’Or optou por apresentar certos indicadores
operacionais e financeiros de Rede D’Or e SulAmérica separadamente, de forma voluntária,
gerencial, e não auditada.
01 DESTAQUES E DRE . . . . . . . . . 05
ASG E DIGITAL . . . . . . . . . . . . 09
02 ASG E DIGITAL . . . . . . . . . . . . 09
EXPANSÃO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
03 EXPANSÃO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
OPERACIONAL . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
04 OPERACIONAL . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
RECEITAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
05 RECEITAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
CUSTOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
06 CUSTOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
DESPESAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
07 DESPESAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
EBITDA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
08 EBITDA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
SULAMÉRICA . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
09 SULAMÉRICA . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
LUCRO LÍQUIDO . . . . . . . . . . . 27
11 LUCRO LÍQUIDO . . . . . . . . . . . 27
ENDIVIDAMENTO . . . . . . . . . . .29
12 ENDIVIDAMENTO . . . . . . . . . . .29
FLUXO DE CAIXA . . . . . . . . . . 32
13 FLUXO DE CAIXA . . . . . . . . . . 32
14 DESEMPENHO E ANEXOS . . . . . 33
Fluxo de caixa operacional antes do pagamentos de juros. Divulgação de Resultados 3T24 | 5
Resultados gerenciais não consideram a adoção do IFRS 17. Consulte anexos para reconciliação (pg. 34).
Custos com serviço hospitalar (5.442,0) (4.949,0) 10,0% (5.215,9) 4,3% (15.676,7) (14.553,6) 7,7%
Pessoal (1.918,3) (1.720,0) 11,5% (1.823,2) 5,2% (5.497,7) (5.046,4) 8,9%
Materiais e medicamentos (1.558,4) (1.431,5) 8,9% (1.520,1) 2,5% (4.505,3) (4.358,1) 3,4%
Serviços de terceiros (1.436,4) (1.268,0) 13,3% (1.354,0) 6,1% (4.092,9) (3.582,2) 14,3%
Utilidades e serviços (104,3) (101,3) 3,0% (107,3) -2,7% (325,2) (305,9) 6,3%
Aluguéis (25,3) (24,2) 4,7% (26,8) -5,3% (76,2) (68,0) 12,1%
Depreciação e amortização (399,3) (404,0) -1,2% (384,5) 3,8% (1.179,3) (1.193,1) -1,2%
Despesas gerais e administrativas (306,0) 54,3 n.d. (298,9) 2,4% (856,7) (473,9) 80,8%
Pessoal (203,3) (176,2) 15,4% (189,2) 7,4% (593,3) (518,0) 14,6%
Serviços de terceiros (33,1) (38,0) -13,0% (38,6) -14,4% (122,5) (105,5) 16,2%
Viagens e hospedagens (17,3) (16,8) 3,1% (19,3) -10,2% (50,9) (47,9) 6,2%
Depreciação e amortização (52,0) (47,1) 10,4% (51,3) 1,5% (153,8) (134,5) 14,3%
Provisões para contingências e outros (0,2) 332,4 n.d. (0,4) n.d. 63,9 332,0 -80,7%
Despesas comerciais (0,0) (132,7) n.d. 2,1 n.d. (12,2) (148,0) -91,8%
Equivalência patrimonial 20,0 9,7 105,7% 4,8 316,5% 12,7 (2,4) n.d.
Outras receitas/despesas operacionais 249,1 (96,9) n.d. (88,0) n.d. 75,1 (275,2) n.d.
Lucro antes do Resultado Financeiro e IRCS 1.688,4 1.390,0 21,5% 1.401,7 20,5% 4.302,5 3.594,0 19,7%
Receitas de seguros (excl. eliminações intercompany) 7.367,7 6.725,0 9,6% 7.077,0 4,1% 21.387,4 19.349,3 10,5%
Receitas de previdência 204,0 198,9 2,6% 204,1 0,0% 599,6 558,7 7,3%
Outras receitas de planos e seguros 58,8 27,0 117,3% 79,3 -25,9% 174,8 84,4 107,1%
Variações das prov. técnicas de prêmios e previdência (181,8) (202,8) -10,3% (181,5) 0,2% (555,3) (498,2) 11,5%
Custos operacionais (6.656,8) (6.298,4) 5,7% (6.516,0) 2,2% (19.491,1) (18.480,6) 5,5%
Custos de comercialização (461,9) (432,7) 6,7% (451,8) 2,2% (1.361,7) (1.298,7) 4,9%
Despesas gerais e administrativas (446,1) (395,1) 12,9% (499,0) -10,6% (1.365,2) (1.098,9) 24,2%
Viagens e hospedagens (2,0) (1,8) 9,3% (2,2) -9,5% (6,0) (4,7) 28,5%
Depreciação e amortização (39,8) (47,0) -15,2% (38,5) 3,5% (116,9) (144,1) -18,9%
Provisões para contingências e outros (121,6) (90,8) 33,9% (138,9) -12,5% (358,0) (133,3) 168,7%
Despesas comerciais (5,5) (8,3) -34,4% (11,7) -53,4% (22,9) (25,1) -8,8%
Lucro antes do resultado financeiro e IRCS 318,0 24,0 n.d. 199,0 59,8% 730,5 (191,8) n.d.
(+) Resultado financeiro sobre ativos vinculados 251,6 265,9 -5,4% 248,8 1,1% 726,1 699,1 3,9%
(+) Despesas não recorrentes (integração Rede D'Or) - 2,3 n.d. - n.d. - 40,3 n.d.
EBITDA ajustado 609,5 339,2 79,7% 486,2 25,3% 1.573,5 691,7 127,5%
(1) Sujeito ao cumprimento de certas condições suspensivas Hospital São Luiz Alphaville
usuais, incluindo as devidas aprovações regulatórias.
(1) Evento subsequente - não considera as aberturas do Macaé D’Or e do Aliança Star na segunda quinzena de novembro.
1T 2T 3T 4T 1T 2T 3T 4T 1T 2T 3T 4T 1T 2T 3T 4T 1T 2T 3T 4T 1T 2T 3T 4T 1T 2T 3T 4T 1T 2T 3T 4T 1T 2T 3T 4T 1T 2T 3T
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Paciente-dia (mil)
No 3T24, a Rede D’Or registrou 711,8 mil 707,0 701,5 724,8 707,1
671,2 672,8 698,9
645,1 667,3
diárias de internação (paciente-dia) em seus
hospitais, uma queda de 6,0% em relação ao
2T24 e em linha com o mesmo trimestre do
ano anterior.
RECEITA BRUTA No 3T24, o recorde de maior faturamento
trimestral na história da Rede D’Or foi
A receita bruta da Rede D’Or é composta pela
renovado, com a receita bruta totalizando
receita proveniente dos serviços de saúde, que
R$8.077,0 milhões – crescimento de 9,6%
inclui diárias hospitalares, administração de
comparado ao 3T23, e de 2,3% considerando
medicamentos, materiais hospitalares, exames
o trimestre anterior. No acumulado do ano, a
e honorários médicos, e são prestados
receita bruta totalizou R$23.388,6 milhões,
principalmente para operadoras de planos de
registrando aumento de 9,3% em relação ao
assistência à saúde.
montante somado no 9M23.
A Rede D’Or detalha sua receita bruta em dois
É válido notar que as receitas hospitalares da
segmentos: ‘hospitais & outros serviços’, e
Rede D’Or são historicamente impactadas por,
‘oncologia (infusões)’.
principalmente, (i) reajustes de preços nos
Hospitais & outros serviços representou
contratos firmados, principalmente, com
89,8% da receita bruta no 3T24, somando
operadoras de saúde, (ii) volume de pacientes,
R$7.253,8 milhões no período, 8,7% acima do
(iii) variedade e complexidade de serviços
valor registrado no 3T23 e 2,2% maior que no
prestados, e (iv) evolução do número de leitos
de atendimento, seja organicamente, por meio
Oncologia (infusões) representou 10,2% da do desenvolvimento de novas unidades ou
receita bruta no trimestre, atingindo R$823,1 ampliações de unidades existentes, seja por
milhões no 3T24; um avanço de 17,7% sobre o meio de aquisições de unidades de terceiros.
mesmo período do ano anterior e de 3,1% em
relação ao 2T24.
CAGR: +20,5%
DEDUÇÕES DA RECEITA BRUTA As deduções sobre a receita bruta registraram,
combinadas, patamares de crescimento anual
A receita bruta da Rede D’Or é deduzida por
similares aos da própria receita, como indicado
dois principais fatores. O primeiro trata dos
na tabela abaixo. As glosas provisionadas no
cancelamentos e abatimentos, que consistem,
3T24 representaram 5,4% do faturamento de
basicamente da provisão de glosas médicas
serviço hospitalar.
constituída como resultado da revisão
(auditoria de glosas), junto às operadoras de Como resultado, a receita líquida da Rede D’Or
planos de saúde, de materiais e serviços no 3T24 atingiu R$7.167,4 milhões, represen-
prestados. O segundo corresponde aos tributos tando um crescimento de 10,2% sobre a
incidentes sobre a receita bruta, receita do mesmo período do ano anterior, e
principalmente o PIS e COFINS, que são de 2,4% em relação ao valor registrado no
contribuições federais e, incidem às alíquotas 2T24. No acumulado do ano, a receita líquida
de 0,65% e 3,0%, respectivamente; e o ISS, totalizou R$20.760,2 milhões; um aumento de
que é imposto municipal e incide a alíquotas 9,0% frente ao total somado no 9M23.
que variam entre 2% e 5%, conforme o
município em que a Companhia efetivamente
presta serviços de saúde.
(1) Não considera o efeito não recorrente da aceleração de faturamento OPME no 1T23, com contrapartida na linha de materiais e
DESPESAS ADMINISTRATIVAS Como percentual da receita bruta, as despesas
G&A representaram 3,8% no trimestre, em
As despesas gerais e administrativas (G&A)
linha com o 2T24 e aumento de 0,1 p.p. vs.
são compostas pelos gastos com pessoal
3T23 (desconsiderando a reversão da provisão
administrativos e executivos, serviços de
mencionada anteriormente).
terceiros, viagens e hospedagens, e
depreciação e amortização do corporativo da No acumulado do ano, as despesas G&A
Rede D’Or. totalizaram R$856,7 milhões, aumento de 6,6%
frente ao mesmo período do ano anterior,
No trimestre, as despesas G&A atingiram
desconsiderando a reversão da provisão do
R$306,0 milhões, com avanço de 10,9% em
3T23. Como percentual da receita bruta, as
relação ao mesmo período do ano anterior
despesas G&A caíram 0,1 p.p. para 3,7% no
desconsiderando a reversão de R$330,1
milhões da provisão registrada no 3T23. O
crescimento ocorreu devido ao aumento da
linha de pessoal com maiores provisões de
remuneração variável condicionadas ao
cumprimento de metas em 2024.
(R$ milhões) 3T24 3T23 Δ% 2T24 Δ% 9M24 9M23 Δ%
Receita Bruta 8.077,0 7.372,3 9,6% 7.894,7 2,3% 23.388,6 21.406,6 9,3%
Despesas gerais e administrativas (306,0) 54,3 n.d. (298,9) 2,4% (856,7) (473,9) 80,8%
Pessoal (203,3) (176,2) 15,4% (189,2) 7,4% (593,3) (518,0) 14,6%
Serviços de terceiros (33,1) (38,0) -13,0% (38,6) -14,4% (122,5) (105,5) 16,2%
Viagens e hospedagens (17,3) (16,8) 3,1% (19,3) -10,2% (50,9) (47,9) 6,2%
Depreciação e amortização (52,0) (47,1) 10,4% (51,3) 1,5% (153,8) (134,5) 14,3%
Provisões para contingências e outros (0,2) 332,4 n.d. (0,4) -56,2% 63,9 332,0 -80,7%
Despesas sobre a receita bruta (%) 3,8% -0,7% 4,5 p.p. 3,8% 0 p.p. 3,7% 2,2% 1,4 p.p.
Despesas (ex-D&A) sobre a receita bruta (%) 3,1% -1,4% 4,5 p.p. 3,1% 0 p.p. 3,0% 1,6% 1,4 p.p.
As despesas comerciais foram R$29,6 mil no
3T24, impactadas pelo recebimento de valores A linha de outras receitas/despesas
devidos à Companhia, gerando reversão operacionais é composta, principalmente, por:
parcial das provisões de devedores duvidosos (i) aluguéis de máquinas e equipamentos; (ii)
registradas no 3T23. despesas com frete da operação logística de
distribuição de materiais e medicamentos; (iii)
despesas com cartório e custas judiciais; (iv)
impostos, taxas e multas; e (v) outras receitas
No trimestre, o resultado da equivalência e despesas operacionais.
patrimonial referente às movimentações das
O resultado da linha foi positivo em R$249,1
principais investidas da Rede D’Or foi positivo
milhões no 3T24, devido a apuração do
em R$20,0 milhões, apresentando melhora
resultado obtido na alienação da D’Or
quando comparado aos resultado positivos de
Consultoria no valor de R$354,1 milhões (bruto
R$9,7 milhões no 3T23 e R$4,8 milhões no
de comissões, contabilizadas nos custos de
2T24. Em ambas comparações, a variação
serviços de terceiros).
pode ser atribuída ao recebimento de aluguéis
Desconsiderando o valor da alienação citado
referentes ao imóvel do Memorial Star.
anteriormente, como percentual da receita
No acumulado do ano, o saldo é positivo em
bruta, a linha representou 1,3% no 3T24, em
R$12,7 milhões, apresentando melhora na
linha com o 3T23.
comparação com o resultado negativo de
R$2,4 milhões no 9M23.
663 (498)
(223) 356
28,3% 29,9%
Margem Margem
Nota: Os resultados e análises gerenciais a seguir não consideram os impactos da adoção do IFRS 17. Para
a reconciliação dos resultados, consulte os anexos deste relatório. Adicionalmente, desconsideram as
eliminações relativas aos serviços hospitalares do grupo.
› Receita líquida de R$7,6 bilhões no 3T24, crescimento de 9,8% a/a.
› Beneficiários de saúde e odonto totalizam aproximadamente 5,2 milhões, aumento de 4,6% a/a.
Receitas de seguros (excl. eliminações intercompany) 7.367,7 6.725,0 9,6% 7.077,0 4,1%
Variações das prov. técnicas de prêmios e previdência (181,8) (202,8) -10,3% (181,5) 0,2%
Lucro antes do resultado financeiro e IRCS 318,0 24,0 n.d. 199,0 59,8%
(+) Resultado financeiro sobre ativos vinculados 251,6 265,9 -5,4% 248,8 1,1%
(+) Despesas não recorrentes (integração Rede D'Or) - 2,3 n.d. - n.d.
Receita Líquida
As receitas de saúde e odonto alcançaram (R$ milhões)
R$7.235,8 milhões no 3T24 (+9,8% a/a), com +9,8%
a evolução do ticket médio e da base de
beneficiários no período. 6.589,8
No 3T24, o EBITDA da SulAmérica chegou a
As despesas gerais e administrativas da R$357,9 milhões, apresentando importante
SulAmérica, desconsiderando a linha de evolução quando comparado ao mesmo
provisões para contingências e outros, período do ano anterior, e 50,7% acima do
totalizaram R$324,6 milhões no 3T24, 2T24, em função, principalmente, da menor
aumento de 6,7% a/a, representando 4,3% sinistralidade apurada em ambas bases de
da receita líquida de suas operações (vs. comparação. No acumulado do ano, o
6,9% no 9M22 pré-incorporação, 4,4% no EBITDA da SulAmérica totaliza R$847,4
mesmo período do ano anterior, e 4,9% no milhões, revertendo prejuízo registrado no
2T24). 9M23.
As outras despesas operacionais foram O EBITDA ajustado pelo resultado financeiro
negativas em R$22,2 milhões no 3T24, dos ativos vinculados, totalizou R$609,5
aumento de 3,3% frente ao 3T23 e piora milhões no 3T24, aumento de 79,7% em
contra o valor positivo de R$27,7 milhões no relação ao 3T23. No 9M24, o EBITDA
2T24, devido à alienação da participação Ajustado soma R$1.573,5 milhões,
minoritária na Órama DTVM S.A. crescimento de 127,5% frente ao mesmo
Considerando todas as despesas período do ano anterior.
administrativas, comerciais e outras da
SulAmérica, de acordo com o padrão contábil
de alocação de despesas adotado pela Rede
D’Or, a soma dos valores representou 6,2%
da receita líquida no 3T24, piora de 0,1 p.p.
em relação ao 3T23, em função,
principalmente, de um maior montante de
provisões para contingências.
RESULTADO FINANCEIRO As despesas com imposto de renda e
contribuição social totalizaram R$400,5
O resultado financeiro foi negativo em R$390,7
milhões no 3T24. Como resultado, o lucro
milhões no trimestre, apresentando melhora
líquido da Companhia sem a adoção do IFRS
de 9,8% quando comparado ao 3T23, devido
17 encerrou o trimestre em R$1.215,3 milhões
às menores despesas financeiras em função da
e R$3.056,3 milhões no 9M24.
queda do CDI, que encerrou o 3T24 em 2,63%
(vs. 3,27% no 3T23). Excluindo o efeito apenas contábil da
amortização do valor das carteiras assumidas
da SulAmérica em combinações de negócios o
lucro líquido alcançaria R$1.267,9 milhões no
O lucro antes do resultado financeiro e 3T24 e R$3.214,2 milhões no acumulado.
impostos (imposto de renda e contribuição
O lucro líquido contábil da Companhia,
social) consolidado alcançou R$2.006,5
considerando o efeito do IFRS 17, somou
milhões no 3T24, sendo R$1.688,4 milhões
R$1.168,3 milhões no 3T24 e R$2.999,3
advindos da operação de serviço hospitalar e
milhões no 9M24.
R$318,0 milhões referentes à operação de
Ao final do 3T24, o saldo consolidado da dívida saldo de provisões técnicas registrado nas
bruta(1) da Companhia foi de R$34.640,1 controladas reguladas pela SUSEP e ANS no
milhões, apresentando expansão de 3,6% valor de R$19.457,5 milhões, o caixa líquido
frente a set/23. Quando comparada a jun/24, consolidado da Companhia foi de R$17.507,6
a dívida bruta apresentou queda de 2,0%. milhões.
(1) Corresponde à soma dos saldos de empréstimos, financiamentos e debêntures liquido de todos os instrumentos financeiros e
derivativos (circulante e não circulante). Não considera passivos de arrendamentos e contas a pagar por aquisições.
(2) Considerando a curva de juros futuros de mercado, até o vencimento de todas as obrigações.
(3) EBITDA 12 meses considera EBITDA Ajustado de SulAmérica a partir do 1T23.
(4) EBITDA 12 meses considera dados de SulAmérica a partir do 1T23.
2,6x Caixa² 17.508
2,2x 2,3x
2024 853
2025 3.281
2026 2.082
dez/20 dez/21 dez/22 dez/23 set/24
2027 1.914
Evolução do custo médio da dívida
2028 5.585
(em CDI+; final de período)
Prazo médio (anos) 2029 4.406
5,3 5,3
2030 7.157
CDI+ 1,8%
2031 2.919
CDI+ 1,1% CDI+ 1,1%
2033-38 5.170
(1) Considera valores referentes a hedge de fluxo de caixa a partir de 2020. EBITDA acumulado dos últimos 12 meses.
(2) Caixa, equivalentes de caixa, títulos e valores mobiliários, líquido de provisões técnicas.
(1. 67,6)
121 123 124 123 123
116 118 116
48 48 48 51 47 47
45 44
45 45 45 45 46 44 43 43
(1) Cálculo do PMR a partir do 4T22 ajustado pela integração de SulAmérica no balanço patrimonial da Companhia, portanto
desconsiderando eliminações de provisão entre companhias do grupo.
A ação da Rede D’Or (RDOR3) encerrou o A RDOR3 está listada em 112 índices,
primeiro semestre de 2024 cotada a incluindo o IBOV, IBrX-50 e diversos índices
R$30,93, registrando uma desvalorização de pertencentes aos grupos FTSE, MSCI e S&P.
43,1% desde o IPO (ajustada por
Em 30 de setembro de 2024, a Família Moll
detinha, direta e indiretamente, 47,3% das
O volume médio diário negociado no 3T24 foi ações da Companhia, enquanto o Free-Float
de R$186,1 milhões (equivalente à USD33,6 era composto por 46,3% das ações. A soma
milhões(1)), enquanto a média diária de das ações da Administração(2) e em
negócios foi de 18.243. Tesouraria representava 3,2%.
Free- Família
Preço de fechamento (R$) – fim do período 30,93 Float; Moll;
46,3% 47,3%
Preço médio de fechamento (R$) 31,11
RDOR3, volume negociado, e IBOV desde o IPO da Rede D’Or (até 30/09/2024)
(1) Considerando a taxa média do câmbio, informada pelo Banco Central, de R$5,5454/USD no 3T24.
(2) Administração representa membros do Conselho de Administração e Diretoria Estatutária.
Atribuído aos acionistas controladores 1.192,6 (47,0) 1.145,7 2.978,9 (57,0) 2.921,9
Fornecedores 1.469.934 1.490.866 1.541.869
Instrumentos financeiros derivativos 549.364 556.653 696.477
Empréstimos, financiamentos e debêntures 3.006.658 2.732.338 2.674.761
Partes relacionadas 4.968 - -
Salários, provisões e encargos sociais 1.270.907 1.144.925 1.277.806
Obrigações fiscais 1.006.900 1.024.926 993.783
Contas a pagar por aquisições 497.223 496.310 -
Dividendos e juros sobre capital próprio 331.153 343.792 403.710
Passivos de contratos de seguros 7.831.668 7.206.350 6.933.961
Arrendamentos 777.973 718.928 748.330
Outros 730.929 799.578 1.281.878
Total do passivo circulante 17.477.677 16.514.666 16.552.575
Não circulante
Instrumentos financeiros derivativos 923.283 965.845 763.680
Empréstimos, financiamentos e debêntures 32.700.518 33.536.461 31.003.826
Partes relacionadas 4.312 2.260 5.241
Obrigações fiscais 190.325 192.582 200.515
Contas a pagar por aquisições 289.168 292.547 -
Passivos de contratos de seguros 16.463.793 15.654.089 13.858.570
Impostos diferidos 226.752 221.221 1.267.810
Provisão para demandas judiciais 3.372.670 3.348.634 2.992.289
Arrendamentos 2.675.713 2.520.579 3.585.223
Outros 1.279.919 1.273.577 1.626.019
Total do passivo não circulante 58.126.453 58.007.795 55.303.173
Patrimônio líquido
Capital social 15.711.360 15.711.360 15.711.360
Gastos com emissão de ações (253.031) (253.031) (253.031)
Reservas de capital 4.959.024 4.988.354 4.903.167
Ações em tesouraria (853.486) (813.836) (519.417)
Reservas de lucros 1.778.150 2.128.150 1.253.226
Lucros acumulados 2.978.922 1.786.274 1.449.807
Adiantamento para futuro aumento de capital 4.224 4.224 4.224
Outros resultados abrangentes 177.289 183.151 224.082
Total do patrimônio líquido 24.502.452 23.734.646 22.773.418
Fornecedores 1.469.934 1.490.866 1.541.869
Instrumentos financeiros derivativos 549.364 556.653 696.477
Empréstimos, financiamentos e debêntures 3.006.658 2.732.338 2.674.761
Partes relacionadas 4.968 - -
Salários, provisões e encargos sociais 1.270.907 1.144.925 1.277.806
Obrigações fiscais 988.083 1.006.851 1.050.504
Contas a pagar por aquisições 497.223 496.310 -
Dividendos e juros sobre capital próprio 331.153 343.792 403.710
Passivos de contratos de seguros 6.703.043 5.695.136 5.278.171
Arrendamentos 777.973 718.928 567.634
Outros 1.031.457 1.130.639 1.546.807
Total do passivo circulante 16.630.763 15.316.438 15.037.739
Não circulante
Instrumentos financeiros derivativos 923.283 965.845 763.680
Empréstimos, financiamentos e debêntures 32.700.517 33.536.461 31.003.826
Partes relacionadas 4.312 2.260 5.241
Obrigações fiscais 190.325 192.582 200.515
Contas a pagar por aquisições 289.168 292.547 -
Passivos de contratos de seguros 13.091.430 12.446.475 11.387.053
Impostos diferidos 234.640 226.541 322.145
Provisão para demandas judiciais 3.372.670 3.348.634 3.225.922
Arrendamentos 2.675.713 2.520.579 2.719.512
Outros 1.291.492 1.285.664 1.638.517
Total do passivo não circulante 54.773.550 54.817.588 51.266.411
Patrimônio líquido
Capital social 15.711.360 15.711.360 15.711.360
Gastos com emissão de ações (253.031) (253.031) (253.031)
Reservas de capital 4.959.024 4.988.354 4.903.813
Ações em tesouraria (853.486) (813.836) (519.417)
Reservas de lucros 1.533.490 1.883.490 883.990
Lucros acumulados 2.921.920 1.776.243 1.272.566
Adiantamento para futuro aumento de capital 4.224 4.224 4.224
Outros resultados abrangentes 445.769 505.564 122.305
Total do patrimônio líquido 24.469.270 23.802.368 22.125.810
Fornecedores 1.469.934 - 1.469.934
Instrumentos financeiros derivativos 549.364 - 549.364
Empréstimos, financiamentos e debêntures 3.006.658 - 3.006.658
Partes relacionadas 4.968 - 4.968
Salários, provisões e encargos sociais 1.270.907 - 1.270.907
Obrigações fiscais 1.006.900 (18.817) 988.083
Contas a pagar por aquisições 497.223 - 497.223
Dividendos e juros sobre capital próprio 331.153 - 331.153
Passivos de contratos de seguros 7.831.668 (1.128.625) 6.703.043
Arrendamentos 777.973 - 777.973
Outros 730.929 300.528 1.031.457
Total do passivo circulante 17.477.677 (846.914) 16.630.763
Não circulante
Instrumentos financeiros derivativos 923.283 - 923.283
Empréstimos, financiamentos e debêntures 32.700.518 (1) 32.700.517
Partes relacionadas 4.312 - 4.312
Obrigações fiscais 190.325 - 190.325
Contas a pagar por aquisições 289.168 - 289.168
Passivos de contratos de seguros 16.463.793 (3.372.363) 13.091.430
Impostos diferidos 226.752 7.888 234.640
Provisão para demandas judiciais 3.372.670 - 3.372.670
Arrendamentos 2.675.713 - 2.675.713
Outros 1.279.919 11.573 1.291.492
Total do passivo não circulante 58.126.453 (3.352.903) 54.773.550
Patrimônio líquido
Capital social 15.711.360 - 15.711.360
Gastos com emissão de ações (253.031) - (253.031)
Reservas de capital 4.959.024 - 4.959.024
Ações em tesouraria (853.486) - (853.486)
Reservas de lucros 1.778.150 (244.660) 1.533.490
Lucros acumulados 2.978.922 (57.002) 2.921.920
Adiantamento para futuro aumento de capital 4.224 - 4.224
Outros resultados abrangentes 177.289 268.480 445.769
Total do patrimônio líquido 24.502.452 (33.182) 24.469.270
Em consonância à determinação da Instrução CVM 381/2003, informamos que nossa política de
contratação de auditores independentes, considera os melhores princípios de governança, que
preservam a independência do auditor, de acordo com critérios internacionalmente aceitos.
A Ernst & Young Auditores Independentes S.S. é contratada pela Companhia para serviços de
auditoria externa e, para efeito da Instrução Normativa CVM 381/2003, declaramos que, no
período findo em 30 de setembro de 2024, além destes serviços, houve a contratação da Ernst &
Young Auditores Independentes S.S. para prestação de serviços de due diligence financeira,
contábil, trabalhista, previdenciária e fiscal, e serviços de procedimentos acordados sobre
cláusulas contratuais. Os serviços foram contratados por prazo inferior a um ano e envolvem
R$1,8 milhão em honorários, valor que representa 15,6% dos honorários relativos a serviços de
auditoria externa.
E-mail de Relações com Investidores - ri@rededor.com.br
Caso tenha interesse em trabalhar conosco, acesse a página de Oportunidades na Rede D’Or.
O atendimento aos acionistas da Rede D’Or São Luiz S.A. é efetuado pelas agências
comerciais do Banco Itaú S.A. ou por meio dos canais abaixo:
Rede D’Or São Luiz (“Rede D’Or”) presents its results for the third quarter of 2024 based on
managerial analyses that the administrators believe best interpret the Company's business,
reconciled with the international Financial Statement reporting standards.
For further information, we recommend reading the Financial Statements of September 30,
2024, available on the Rede D’Or’s Investor Relations website: http://www.rededor.com.br/ir.
In this document, the term SulAmérica is used to address the insurance and pension
Due to the merger of Sul América S.A. (“SulAmérica”) being completed on December 23,
2022, the Financial Statements of Rede D’Or São Luiz S.A. (“Rede D'Or”) did not include the
income statement balances for the 2022 fiscal year of SulAmérica. From the Financial
Statements of Rede D’Or on March 31, 2023, SulAmérica’s results are fully included in the
Income Statement, as well as the Accounting Cash Flow and Balance Sheet.
In preparing this report, Rede D'Or chose to present selected operational and financial
indicators for Rede D'Or and SulAmérica separately, on a voluntary, managerial, and
unaudited basis.
The Company also reinforces the disclaimer available on the previous page, in the context of
any declarations that may be made related to the combination between Rede D’Or and
SulAmérica. For further information regarding the risks that should be considered, please
see section 4, “Risk Factors”, of Rede D’Or’s Reference Form, available on the Company’s IR
website, as well as the files directory of Rede D’Or on the CVM website.
The adoption of IFRS 17/CPC 50 for insurance contracts, which impacts SulAmérica's
operations, introduced changes to accounting practices and the way the Company's financial
statements are released.
For the purposes of managerial analysis and better comparability between periods, the
results presented in this document continue to consider IFRS 4/CPC 11, the previous
accounting standard. For the reconciliation of the financial information in accordance with
the IFRS 17/CPC 50 standard, see the annexes of this report, starting on page 34.
On December 23, 2022, Rede D’Or value On September 30, 2024, the Company
proposition was significantly enhanced with operated 74 hospitals, of which 71 are
the consummation of the merger with owned and 3 are under management,
SulAmérica — one of Brazil's leading totaling 12,724 beds and the country’s
independent insurers. largest integrated cancer treatment
network. In addition, Rede D’Or has one of
With operations in the health, dental, life
the largest diagnostic networks in Brazil; an
and personal accident insurance segments,
extensive blood bank operation; one of the
in addition to asset management and
largest health consultancies in the country;
private pension products, SulAmérica had
and the largest and most advanced robotic
more than 7 million customers distributed
surgery park in Latin America.
throughout Brazil on September 30, 2024.
03 GROWTH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
OPERATIONAL . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
04 OPERATIONAL . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
REVENUES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
05 REVENUES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
COSTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
06 COSTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
EXPENSES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
07 EXPENSES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
EBITDA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
08 EBITDA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
SULAMÉRICA . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
09 SULAMÉRICA . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
FINANCIAL RESULT . . . . . . . . . 27
10 FINANCIAL RESULT . . . . . . . . . 27
NET INCOME . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
11 NET INCOME . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
DEBT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
12 DEBT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
CASH FLOW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
13 CASH FLOW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
› Average ticket advances 8.8% YoY, due › Net income reaches R$1.2 billion in
to service contract adjustments made 3Q24, expansion of 59.8% YoY, and total
throughout the period, and accelerates R$3.1 billion for the first nine months of
sequentially by 8.9% vs. 2Q24, driven by 2024.
higher volume of surgical procedures
(+3.4%) and increased complexity of the › Adjusted net income approaches R$1.3
mix of services. billion in 3Q24, excluding the accounting-
only effect of the amortization of the
› EBITDA totals R$2.1 billion in 3Q24, value of the portfolios assumed in
expansion of 16.2% YoY, with 29.9% business combinations.
margin. Excluding the amount from the
sale of D’Or Consultoria (net of › Debt drops to 1.9x Net Debt/EBITDA,
commissions), EBITDA totaled to R$1.8 decrease of 0.4x vs. 3Q23 and 0.2x vs.
billion in 3Q24, with 25.2% margin. 2Q24.
Operational cash flow before interest payments. Earnings Release 3Q24 | 5
Managerial results do not consider IFRS 17 adoption. For reconciliation see report’s annexes (pg. 34).
Cost of services rendered (5,442.0) (4,949.0) 10.0% (5,215.9) 4.3% (15,676.7) (14,553.6) 7.7%
Personnel (1,918.3) (1,720.0) 11.5% (1,823.2) 5.2% (5,497.7) (5,046.4) 8.9%
Materials and medicines (1,558.4) (1,431.5) 8.9% (1,520.1) 2.5% (4,505.3) (4,358.1) 3.4%
Third-party services (1,436.4) (1,268.0) 13.3% (1,354.0) 6.1% (4,092.9) (3,582.2) 14.3%
Utilities and services (104.3) (101.3) 3.0% (107.3) -2.7% (325.2) (305.9) 6.3%
Rents (25.3) (24.2) 4.7% (26.8) -5.3% (76.2) (68.0) 12.1%
Depreciation and amortization (399.3) (404.0) -1.2% (384.5) 3.8% (1,179.3) (1,193.1) -1.2%
General and administrative expenses (306.0) 54.3 n.a. (298.9) 2.4% (856.7) (473.9) 80.8%
Personnel (203.3) (176.2) 15.4% (189.2) 7.4% (593.3) (518.0) 14.6%
Third-party services (33.1) (38.0) -13.0% (38.6) -14.4% (122.5) (105.5) 16.2%
Travel and accommodation (17.3) (16.8) 3.1% (19.3) -10.2% (50.9) (47.9) 6.2%
Depreciation and amortization (52.0) (47.1) 10.4% (51.3) 1.5% (153.8) (134.5) 14.3%
Provision of contingencies and others (0.2) 332.4 n.a. (0.4) n.a. 63.9 332.0 -80.7%
Selling expenses (0.0) (132.7) n.a. 2.1 n.a. (12.2) (148.0) -91.8%
Equity pickup 20.0 9.7 105.7% 4.8 316.5% 12.7 (2.4) n.a.
Other operating income/expenses 249.1 (96.9) n.a. (88.0) n.a. 75.1 (275.2) n.a.
Earnings before taxes and financial result 1,688.4 1,390.0 21.5% 1,401.7 20.5% 4,302.5 3,594.0 19.7%
Insurance revenues (excl. intercompany eliminations) 7,367.7 6,725.0 9.6% 7,077.0 4.1% 21,387.4 19,349.3 10.5%
Pension revenues 204.0 198.9 2.6% 204.1 0.0% 599.6 558.7 7.3%
Other health plans and insurance revenues 58.8 27.0 117.3% 79.3 -25.9% 174.8 84.4 107.1%
Changes in technical reserves (181.8) (202.8) -10.3% (181.5) 0.2% (555.3) (498.2) 11.5%
Operating Costs (6,656.8) (6,298.4) 5.7% (6,516.0) 2.2% (19,491.1) (18,480.6) 5.5%
Acquisition costs (461.9) (432.7) 6.7% (451.8) 2.2% (1,361.7) (1,298.7) 4.9%
General and administrative expenses (446.1) (395.1) 12.9% (499.0) -10.6% (1,365.2) (1,098.9) 24.2%
Travel and accommodation (2.0) (1.8) 9.3% (2.2) -9.5% (6.0) (4.7) 28.5%
Depreciation and amortization (39.8) (47.0) -15.2% (38.5) 3.5% (116.9) (144.1) -18.9%
Provision of contingencies and others (121.6) (90.8) 33.9% (138.9) -12.5% (358.0) (133.3) 168.7%
Selling expenses (5.5) (8.3) -34.4% (11.7) -53.4% (22.9) (25.1) -8.8%
Earnings before taxes and financial results 318.0 24.0 n.a. 199.0 59.8% 730.5 (191.8) n.d.
(+) Financial results over restricted assets 251.6 265.9 -5.4% 248.8 1.1% 726.1 699.1 3.9%
(+) Non-recurring expenses (Rede D'Or integration) - 2.3 n.a. - n.a. - 40.3 n.d.
Adjusted EBITDA 609.5 339.2 79.7% 486.2 25.3% 1,573.5 691.7 127.5%
Research and Teaching. The high degree Quality assistance: Rede D'Or has a
of commitment to science that we maintain structured quality and patient safety program
at IDOR is reflected in the volume of studies in place, based on the pillars of clinical
published annually in the main national and governance, so that we can offer society a
international scientific journals. The safer environment for patient treatment and
excellence of the research developed at IDOR the best possible outcomes, according to the
has resulted in around 2,000 publications profile of the patients seen. Our range of
since 2010, which have received more than clinical and safety protocols is robust and
39,000 citations in highly prestigious widespread. We currently have 73 of these
scientific journals. During the same period, protocols prepared by experts from Rede
the institute established international D’Or, of which 71 have already been
scientific partnerships in more than 80 published and are available to all hospitals.
countries. In 2023, IDOR scientists published
Transparency. Since 2015, Rede D'Or has
192 articles, which generated 324 citations.
disclosed a Sustainability Report based on
Emotions Management. The Emotion the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative)
Management Program is an important step guidelines. In addition, the report presents
towards improving care for employees' elements of the International Structure for
mental health, with the objective of Integrated Reporting (IIRC) and meets the
promoting a culture of fundamental and disclosure topics and metrics of the
preventive health, which interacts with all Sustainability Accounting Standards Board
areas, minimizing biopsychosocial risk (SASB) for the Health Care Delivery segment.
factors, providing a healthy and safe The Company also disclosed for the first time
environment in your work and social life. The the recommendations of the Task Force on
initiative was developed by a multidisciplinary Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD),
occupational health and safety team, with in the TCFD annex of the 2022 Report.
Health and Well-being Promotion actions in
operational units through face-to-face
activities, through conversation circles with
leadership, and virtual actions, through
access to an online health and well-being
platform, which is also available on the RH
Digital app. In 2023, Conversation Rounds
were held in 25 units, with the participation
of approximately 960 managers.
NUMBER OF BEDS EVOLUTION the new Barra D’Or II, were in the final phase
of development.
Rede D’Or ended 3Q24 with 12,724 total
beds – an increase of 819 beds compared to At the end of 3Q24, 9,830 beds were in
the end of 2Q24 (+6.9% YoY). The main operation; 61 less beds than recorded in
investments responsible for the increase in 2Q24 and 232 more operational beds than
physical capacity in the period were the new 2023. In a subsequent event, on the eve
hospitals São Luiz Guarulhos, São Luiz of the publishing of this report, the Company
Alphaville and Macaé D’or, as well as the reported a total of 9,981 operational beds,
Aliança Star project, scheduled to inaugurate not yet considering the openings of Macaé
by the end of November. Other projects, as D'Or and Aliança Star.
(1) Subsequent event – not yet considering the openings of Macaé D’Or and Aliança Star in the second half of November.
The occupancy rate of hospital beds in Rede Compared to the previous quarter, the
D’Or reached 78.6% in 3Q24, in line with the occupancy rate decreased by 5.8 pp,
average rate from the same period of the following the historical seasonal trend as
year in the historical series, and 1.5 pp lower shown in the graph below.
than the occupancy rate recorded in 3Q24.
1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Patients-day (thousands)
In 3Q24, Rede D’Or recorded 711.8 thousand 707.0 724.8 707.1
701.5 672.8 698.9
645.1 671.2 667.3
patient-days in its hospitals, decrease of 6.0%
in relation to 2Q24 and in line with the same
quarter of the previous year.
1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q
2022 2023 2024
GROSS REVENUE In 3Q24, the record for the highest quarterly
revenue in Rede D’Or's history was renewed,
Rede D’Or's gross revenue is composed of
with gross revenue reaching R$8,077.0
revenues from health services, which includes
million – an increase of 9.6% compared with
hospital daily rates, medicines administration,
3Q23, and 2.3% considering the previous
hospital supplies, examinations and medical
quarter. Year-to-date, gross revenue totaled
fees, and is provided mainly to healthcare plan
R$23,388.6 million, an increase of 9.3%
compared to the total amount in 9M23.
The Company details its gross revenue in two
It is worth noting that the Company's revenues
segments: ‘hospitals & other services’, and
are historically impacted by, mainly, (i) price
‘oncology (infusions)’.
adjustments in the contracts signed, principally,
‘Hospitals & other services’ represented
with health insurance companies, (ii) patient
89.8% of gross revenue in 3Q24, totaling
volume, (iii) variety and complexity of services
R$7,253.8 million in the period, 8.7% above the
provided, and (iv) evolution of the number of
amount recorded in 3Q23 and 2.2% higher than
beds, either organically, through the
in 2Q24.
development of new units or expansion of
‘Oncology (infusions)’ represented 10.2% of existing units, or through acquisitions of third-
gross revenue in the quarter, reaching R$823.1 party units.
million in 3Q24; an increase of 17.7% over the
same period of the previous year and 3.1% in
relation to 2Q24.
CAGR: +20.5%
DEDUCTIONS FROM GROSS REVENUES The combined deductions from gross revenue
registered annual growth levels similar to those
The deductions in the Company's gross
of revenue itself, as shown in the table below.
revenue are related to two main factors. The
The disallowances provisioned in 3Q24
first involves cancellations and rebates, which
represented 5.4% of hospital services revenue.
basically consist of the provisioning of medical
disallowances that the Company incurs as a Rede D’Or's net revenue in 3Q24 reached
result of the review (audit of non-approvals), R$7,167.4 million, representing growth of
together with health insurance operators, of 10.2% over the same period of the previous
materials and services provided. The second year and of 2.4% compared to the amount
corresponds to the taxes levied on gross recorded in 2Q24. Year-to-date, net revenue
revenue, mainly PIS and COFINS, which are totaled R$20,760.2 million, an increase of
federal contributions at the rates of 0.65% and 9.0% compared to the total in 9M23.
3.0%, respectively; and ISS, which is a
municipal tax levied at rates ranging from 2%
to 5%, depending on the municipality where
the Company actually provides healthcare
The cost of hospital services are composed of Materials and medicines, and Oncology
as a percentage of gross revenue (%)
the accounts for personnel, materials and
medicines, third-party services, utilities and 20.5% 20.0% 19.3%
services, rents, depreciation and amortization.
9.5% 10.1%
In the quarter, costs of hospitals services 8.9%
(1) Does not consider the non-recurring effect from the acceleration of OPSM billing in 1Q23, with a counterpart in the line of
materials and medicines.
ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES As a percentage of gross revenue, G&A
represented 3.8% in the quarter, in line with
General and administrative (G&A) expenses
2Q24 and increase of 0.1 pp vs. 3Q23
are composed of administrative and executive
(disregarding the reversal of the
staff costs, third-party services, travel and
aforementioned provision).
lodging, and depreciation and amortization of
Rede D’Or’s corporate assets. Year-to-date, G&A expenses totaled R$856.7
million, a rise of 6.6% compared to the same
In the quarter, G&A expenses totaled R$306.0
period of the previous year, disregarding the
million, up 10.9% in relation to the same
reversal of the provision in 3Q23. As a
period of the previous year disregarding the
percentage of gross revenue, G&A expenses
reversal of R$330.1 million in provision
decreased 0.1 pp to 3.7% in 9M24.
registered in 3Q23. The growth was due to the
increase in the personnel line with higher
provisions for variable remuneration
conditioned on the achievement of goals in
(R$ million) 3Q24 3Q23 Δ% 2Q24 Δ% 9M24 9M23 Δ%
Gross revenues 8,077.0 7,372.3 9.6% 7,894.7 2.3% 23,388.6 21,406.6 9.3%
General and administrative expenses (306.0) 54.3 n.a. (298.9) 2.4% (856.7) (473.9) 80.8%
Personnel (203.3) (176.2) 15.4% (189.2) 7.4% (593.3) (518.0) 14.6%
Third-party services (33.1) (38.0) -13.0% (38.6) -14.4% (122.5) (105.5) 16.2%
Travel and accommodation (17.3) (16.8) 3.1% (19.3) -10.2% (50.9) (47.9) 6.2%
Depreciation and amortization (52.0) (47.1) 10.4% (51.3) 1.5% (153.8) (134.5) 14.3%
Provision of contingencies and other (0.2) 332.4 n.a. (0.4) -56.2% 63.9 332.0 -80.7%
Expenses over gross revenues (%) 3.8% -0.7% 4,5 p.p. 3.8% 0 p.p. 3.7% 2.2% 1,4 p.p.
Expenses (ex-D&A) over gross revenues (%) 3.1% -1.4% 4,5 p.p. 3.1% 0 p.p. 3.0% 1.6% 1,4 p.p.
Selling expenses were R$29.6 thousand in The other operating income/expenses line is
3Q24, impacted by the recovery of amounts mainly composed of: (i) rental of machinery
owed to the Company, resulting in partial and equipment; (ii) freight expenses with the
reversal of provisions for doubtful accounts logistics operation of distribution of materials
recorded in 3Q23. and medicines; (iii) expenses with notary and
legal costs; (iv) taxes, fees, and fines; and (v)
other operating incomes and expenses.
The result of the line was positive by R$249.1
In the quarter, the equity pickup result,
million in 3Q24, due to the result obtained
referring to the movements of Rede D’Or’s
from the sale of D’Or Consultoria in the
main investees, was positive by R$20.0 million,
amount of R$354,1 million (gross of
an increase when compared to the positive
commissions, accounted for under third-party
result of R$9.7 million in 3Q23 and R$4.8
services costs).
million in 2Q24. In both comparisons, the
Disregarding the sale value mentioned above,
variation can be attributed to the rental income
as a percentage of the gross revenue, the line
related to the Memorial Star property.
represented 1.3% in 3Q24 , in line with 3Q23.
Year-to-date, the balance is positive by R$12.7
million, an increase compared to the negative
result of R$2.4 million in 9M23.
EBITDA reached R$2,139.8 million in the R$5,301.5 million in the year-to-date, 6.8%
quarter, an increase of 16.2% compared to YoY and 11.0% YoY, respectively –
3Q23 and of 16.5% compared to the previous disregarding the non-recurring effects of 3Q23
quarter. The result in relation to 3Q23 was (reversal of PIS/Cofins, provision for doubtful
driven by the (i) growth in net revenue accounts, and retroactive effect of the medical
(+10.2%); (ii) optimization of costs with disallowances’ adjustment). The EBITDA
materials and medicines; and (iii) D’Or margin would be 25.2% in the quarter and
Consultoria sale. In 3Q24, EBITDA margin 25.5% in 9M24.
reached 29.9%, an increase of 1.5 pp and 3.6
In the quarter, adjusted EBITDA (by the values
pp vs. 3Q23 and 2Q24, respectively.
detailed in the fundamentals spreadsheet)
Year-to-date, EBITDA totaled R$5,635.6 reached R$1,834.1 million, mainly impacted by
million, an increase of 14.5% compared to the the value obtained in the D’Or Consultoria sale,
same period last year, driven by 3Q24’s an increase of 5.9% when compared to 3Q23
performance. and a drop of 2.1% vs. 2Q24. Year-to-date,
adjusted EBITDA totaled R$5,411.4 million, an
Disregarding the result obtained in the sale of
increase of 10.6% compared to the same
D’Or Consultoria (net of commissions), EBITDA
period of the previous year.
totaled R$1,805.7 million in 3Q24 and
663 (498)
(223) 356
28.3% 29.9%
Margin Margin
Note: The following results and analysis do not consider the impacts of the IFRS 17 adoption. For the
reconciliation of the results, see the report annexes. Additionally, the analyzes disregard accounting
eliminations related to Rede D’Or's hospital services.
› Consolidated loss ratio of 82.1% in the quarter, improvement of 4.0 pp vs. 3Q23.
› Administrative expenses accounting for 4.3%(1) of net revenue in 3Q24, another period with gains in
operational efficiency.
› EBITDA of R$357.9 million and Adjusted EBITDA by financial results over restricted assets of R$609.5
million in 3Q24.
(R$ million) 3Q24 3Q23 Δ% 2Q24 Δ%
Net Revenue 7,630.4 6,950.9 9.8% 7,360.4 3.7%
Insurance revenues (excl. intercompany eliminations) 7,367.7 6,725.0 9.6% 7,077.0 4.1%
Earnings before taxes and financial results 318.0 24.0 n.a. 199.0 59.8%
(+) Financial results over restricted assets 251.6 265.9 -5.4% 248.8 1.1%
(+) Non-recurring expenses (Rede D'Or integration) - 2.3 n.a. - n.a.
-4.0 p.p.
-1.5 p.p.
86.1% 85.1% 83.6%
82.5% 82.1%
Net Revenue
Health and dental revenues totaled R$7,235.8 (R$ million)
million in 3Q24 (+9.8% YoY), with the
evolution of the average ticket and of the
number of beneficiaries in the period. 6,589.8
In 3Q24, EBITDA related to SulAmérica's
SulAmérica’s administrative expenses, operations reached R$357.9 million, showing
disregarding the provisions for contingencies significant growth when compared to the
and others line, totaled R$324.6 million in same period in the previous year, and 50.7%
3Q24, increase of 6.7% YoY, representing higher than 2Q24, mainly due to the lower
4.3% of its net revenues (vs. 6.9% in 9M22, loss ratio observed in both comparison
before the merger with Rede D’Or, 4.4% in periods. Year-to-date, EBITDA related to
the same period of the previous year, and SulAmérica's totaled R$847.4 million,
4.9% in 2Q24). reversing the negative result in 9M23.
Other operating expenses were negative by Adjusted EBITDA, influenced by the financial
R$22.2 million in 3Q24, increase of 3.3% in result of restricted assets, totaled R$609.5
relation to 3Q23 and a drop when compared million in 3Q24, an increase of 79.7% in
the positive value of R$27.7 million in 2Q24, relation to 3Q23. In 9M24, Adjusted EBITDA
mainly due to the sale of the minority share totaled R$1,573.5 million, a 127.5% increase
in Órama DTVM S.A. when compared to the same period of the
Considering SulAmérica’s administrative, previous year.
selling and other e penses, under Rede D’Or
accounting standards for expense allocation,
the sum of the values reached 6.2% of net
revenues in 3Q24, a 0.1 pp decrease
compared to 3Q23, mainly due to a higher
amount of provisions for contingencies.
IFRS 16: Leasing expenses posted by the Company as interest and depreciation reached
R$198.5 million in 3Q24, totaling R$590.9 million year-to-date. Considering the cash effect, the
Company's lease expenses were R$189.4 million in the quarter and R$538.9 million in 9M24.
INVESTMENTS (managerial)
At the end of 3Q24, the Company's anticipated in the partnership of Atlântica D’Or.
consolidated gross debt balance(1) was Excluding the balance of technical reserves
R$34,640.1 million, an increase of 3.6% recorded in subsidiaries regulated by SUSEP
compared to Sep-23. When compared to Jun- and ANS in the amount of R$19,457.5 million,
24, gross debt decreased by 2.0%. the Company's consolidated net cash was
R$17,507.6 million.
Regarding the gross debt profile at the end of
Sep-24, the average debt term reduced to 5.3 Considering the consolidated position of cash
years and the average cost remained stable at net of technical reserves of private pension,
CDI + 1.1% pa. the Company’s net debt was R$10,316.4
million in Sep-24, a decrease of 3.8% vs. Sep-
At the end of the period, 82.4% of the
23 and of 10.9% vs Jun-24. The leverage ratio
consolidated gross debt was denominated in
reached 1.3x in the period (vs. 1.6x in Jun-
Reais (vs. 82.3% in 2Q24), while the
remainder was denominated in foreign
currencies, with hedging for currency exposure In the same period, considering the
fully contracted. consolidated position of cash net of technical
reserves of private pension and insurance, the
In Sep-24, the consolidated position of cash
Company’s net debt was R$17,132.4 million.
and equivalents was R$36,965.2 million,
leveraged by the sale of D'Or Consultoria and
the internalization of the reimbursement
(1) Corresponds to the sum of the balances of loans, financing and debentures net of all derivative financial instruments (current
and noncurrent). Does not consider leasing liabilities and accounts payable for acquisitions.
(2) Considering the future market yield curve, until the maturity of all obligations.
(3) LTM EBITDA considers SulAmérica’s adjusted EBITDA as of 1Q23.
(4) LTM EBITDA considers SulAmérica’s numbers as of 1Q23.
The consolidated leverage ratio, considering For legacy debt incurred by the merger with
the net cash from technical reserves, SulAmérica (6th, 8th and 9th issuances of
measured by the Net Debt/EBITDA ratio debentures), the Company approved at a
reached 1.9x at the end of the period, a general meeting of debenture holders held on
reduction of 0.4x in relation to 3Q23 and of August 18, 2022, the temporary waiver of the
0.2x vs. 2Q24. observance of such restrictions until the first
date of early redemption. For more information
Regarding the debt profile at the end of Sep-
see Note 13 in the Consolidated Financial
24, considering the contracting of derivatives
and other financial instruments (as described
in Note 24.2 of the Consolidated Financial The graphs below illustrate (i) the debt
Statements), and the Company's available evolution, measured by the net debt/EBITDA
cash, 8.8% of the net debt was pegged to ratio of the last 12 months; (ii) the
fixed rates, while 91.2% was pegged to amortization schedule related to updated
floating rates. balances of loans, financing, and debentures;
and (iii) the evolution of the average cost of
Rede D’Or has no financial restrictive clauses
debt and its average term.
(covenants) to indebtedness levels or based on
EBITDA and financial expenses.
2.2x 2.3x Cash² 17,508
2024 853
2025 3,281
2027 1,914
Evolution of the average cost of debt
(in CDI+; end of period) 2028 5,585
2031 2,919
CDI+ 1.1% CDI+ 1.1%
2033-38 5,170
(1) Considers amounts referring to cash flow hedge, as of 2020. Last 12 months EBITDA.
(2) Cash, cash equivalents, and securities, net of technical reserves.
The managerial operating cash flow calculated The average receivables term(1) – considering
in 9M24 was R$6,647.0 million, registering an only accounts receivable from hospital services
expansion of 65.0% in relation to the same – was 123 days at the end of 3Q24, remained
period of the previous year. Cash conversion, stable compared to the previous quarter. The
considering managerial CFFO before taxes over average inventory outstanding days increased
reported EBITDA (ex-IFRS 16), reached one day when compared between the same
126.1% (vs. 100.5% in 9M23, and 85.2% in periods, while average payable outstanding
9M22). days decreased two days.
(538. )
(8 1.3)
(1, 67.6)
48 51
45 48 46 44
44 45
48 47 47 43
41 45 45 45 43
(1) Since 4Q22, ADR calculation adjusted by the integration of SulAmérica in the Company’s balance sheet, therefore excluding
provision eliminations between companies of the group.
Rede D’Or's share (RDOR3) closed the first RDOR3 is listed on 112 indexes, including the
semester of 2024 at R$30.93, registering a IBOV, IBrX-50, and several indices belonging
43.1% devaluation since the IPO (adjusted to the FTSE, MSCI, and S&P groups.
for dividends).
As of September 30, 2024, the Moll Family
The average daily volume traded in 3Q24 held, directly and indirectly, 47.3% of the
was R$186.1 million (equivalent to USD33.6 Company's shares, while Free-Float
million(1)), while the average daily number of comprised 46.3% of the shares. The sum of
trades was 18,243. shares held by Management(2) and in
Treasury represented 3.2%.
Free- Moll
Closing price (R$) - end of period 30.93 Float; Family,
46.3% 47.3%
Average closing price (R$) 31.11
RDOR3, volume traded, and IBOV since the IPO of Rede D’Or (ending 09/30/2024)
(1) Considering the average exchange rate, informed by the Central Bank, of R$5.5454/USD in 3Q24.
(2) Management represents only members of Board of Directors and Statutory Management.
Net income attributed to controlling partners 1,192.6 (47.0) 1,145.7 2,978.9 (57.0) 2,921.9
Trade account payable 1,469,934 1,490,866 1,541,869
Derivative financial instruments 549,364 556,653 696,477
Loans, financing and debentures 3,006,658 2,732,338 2,674,761
Related parties 4,968 - -
Salaries, provisions and social charges 1,270,907 1,144,925 1,277,806
Tax liabilities 1,006,900 1,024,926 993,783
Accounts payable for acquisitions 497,223 496,310 -
Dividends payable 331,153 343,792 403,710
Insurance liabilities 7,831,668 7,206,350 6,933,961
Leases 777,973 718,928 748,330
Other 730,929 799,578 1,281,878
Total current liabilities 17,477,677 16,514,666 16,552,575
Derivative financial instruments 923,283 965,845 763,680
Loans, financing and debenture 32,700,518 33,536,461 31,003,826
Related parties 4,312 2,260 5,241
Tax obligations 190,325 192,582 200,515
Accounts payable for acquisitions 289,168 292,547 -
Insurance liabilities 16,463,793 15,654,089 13,858,570
Deferred taxes 226,752 221,221 1,267,810
Provision for lawsuits 3,372,670 3,348,634 2,992,289
Leases 2,675,713 2,520,579 3,585,223
Other 1,279,919 1,273,577 1,626,019
Total noncurrent liabilities 58,126,453 58,007,795 55,303,173
Capital 15,711,360 15,711,360 15,711,360
Share issue costs (253,031) (253,031) (253,031)
Capital reserves 4,959,024 4,988,354 4,903,167
Treasury shares (853,486) (813,836) (519,417)
Income reserves 1,778,150 2,128,150 1,253,226
Retained earnings 2,978,922 1,786,274 1,449,807
Future capital contribution 4,224 4,224 4,224
Other comprehensive income 177,289 183,151 224,082
Total equity 24,502,452 23,734,646 22,773,418
Trade account payable 1,469,934 1,490,866 1,541,869
Derivative financial instruments 549,364 556,653 696,477
Loans, financing and debentures 3,006,658 2,732,338 2,674,761
Related parties 4,968 - -
Salaries, provisions and social charges 1,270,907 1,144,925 1,277,806
Tax liabilities 988,083 1,006,851 1,050,504
Accounts payable for acquisitions 497,223 496,310 -
Dividends payable 331,153 343,792 403,710
Insurance liabilities 6,703,043 5,695,136 5,278,171
Leases 777,973 718,928 567,634
Other 1,031,457 1,130,639 1,546,807
Total current liabilities 16,630,763 15,316,438 15,037,739
Derivative financial instruments 923,283 965,845 763,680
Loans, financing and debenture 32,700,517 33,536,461 31,003,826
Related parties 4,312 2,260 5,241
Tax obligations 190,325 192,582 200,515
Accounts payable for acquisitions 289,168 292,547 -
Insurance liabilities 13,091,430 12,446,475 11,387,053
Deferred taxes 234,640 226,541 322,145
Provision for lawsuits 3,372,670 3,348,634 3,225,922
Leases 2,675,713 2,520,579 2,719,512
Other 1,291,492 1,285,664 1,638,517
Total noncurrent liabilities 54,773,550 54,817,588 51,266,411
Capital 15,711,360 15,711,360 15,711,360
Share issue costs (253,031) (253,031) (253,031)
Capital reserves 4,959,024 4,988,354 4,903,813
Treasury shares (853,486) (813,836) (519,417)
Income reserves 1,533,490 1,883,490 883,990
Retained earnings 2,921,920 1,776,243 1,272,566
Future capital contribution 4,224 4,224 4,224
Other comprehensive income 445,769 505,564 122,305
Total equity 24,469,270 23,802,368 22,125,810
Trade account payable 1,469,934 - 1,469,934
Derivative financial instruments 549,364 - 549,364
Loans, financing and debentures 3,006,658 - 3,006,658
Related parties 4,968 - 4,968
Salaries, provisions and social charges 1,270,907 - 1,270,907
Tax liabilities 1,006,900 (18,817) 988,083
Accounts payable for acquisitions 497,223 - 497,223
Dividends payable 331,153 - 331,153
Insurance liabilities 7,831,668 (1,128,625) 6,703,043
Leases 777,973 - 777,973
Other 730,929 300,528 1,031,457
Total current liabilities 17,477,677 (846,914) 16,630,763
Derivative financial instruments 923,283 - 923,283
Loans, financing and debenture 32,700,518 (1) 32,700,517
Related parties 4,312 - 4,312
Tax obligations 190,325 - 190,325
Accounts payable for acquisitions 289,168 - 289,168
Insurance liabilities 16,463,793 (3,372,363) 13,091,430
Deferred income tax and social contribution 226,752 7,888 234,640
Provision for lawsuits 3,372,670 - 3,372,670
Leases 2,675,713 - 2,675,713
Other 1,279,919 11,573 1,291,492
Total noncurrent liabilities 58,126,453 (3,352,903) 54,773,550
Capital 15,711,360 - 15,711,360
Share issue costs (253,031) - (253,031)
Capital reserves 4,959,024 - 4,959,024
Treasury shares (853,486) - (853,486)
Income reserves 1,778,150 (244,660) 1,533,490
Retained earnings 2,978,922 (57,002) 2,921,920
Future capital contribution 4,224 - 4,224
Other comprehensive income 177,289 268,480 445,769
Total equity 24,502,452 (33,182) 24,469,270
3Q24 3Q24
Cash flows (R$ thousands)
In line with the determination of CVM Instruction 381/2003, we inform you that our policy of
hiring independent auditors considers the best principles of governance, which preserve the
independence of the auditor, according to internationally accepted criteria.
Ernst & Young Auditors Independentes S.S. is contracted by the Company for external audit
services, and, for the purpose of CVM Normative Instruction 381/2003, we declare that, in the
period ended September 30, 2024, in addition to these services, Ernst & Young Auditores
Independentes S.S. was hired to provide financial, accounting, labor, social security and tax due
diligence services, and agreed procedure services on contractual clauses. The services were
contracted for less than one year and involve R$1.8 million in fees, which represents 15.6% of the
fees related to external audit services.
The Company understands that, due to the nature of the contracted service and its
representativeness compared to external audit services, there is no conflict of interest or loss of
independence in relation to the work of the auditors.
Investor Relations Emails - ri@rededor.com.br
Any press-related questions should be referred to the Rede D’Or's Press Office.
If you are interested in working with us, please visit the Opportunities page on the Rede D’Or
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Contact Us Rede D’Or.
Shareholder services for Rede D’Or São Luiz S.A. are provided by the commercial branches of
Banco Itaú S.A. or through the following channels: