Roman Savaria by Szilvia Bíró
Inga Vilogorac Brčić - Gabrielle Kremer - Aleksandra Nikoloska (eds.): Contextualizing “Oriental” cults. New Lights on the Evidence between the Danube and the Adriatic, 2024
The Iseum Savariense is not only one of the most important sacred sites in Pannonia, but also one... more The Iseum Savariense is not only one of the most important sacred sites in Pannonia, but also one of the most challenging archaeological sites in the province, for the interpretation of the archaeological features offers many-until now unanswered-questions. One of these is its micro-and macro-topographical and functional interpretation, which we would like to introduce in the following.
Jana Horvat - Stefan Groh - Karl Strobel - Mateja Belak (eds.): Roman urban landscape. Towns and minor settlements from Aquileia to the Danube, Opera Instituti Archaeologici Sloveniae 47. Ljubljana, 2024
In the three-and-a-half centuries between the colony’s foundation and the end of the 4th century,... more In the three-and-a-half centuries between the colony’s foundation and the end of the 4th century, the southern suburb
underwent several changes that clearly affected the function of the area and, consequently, the character of its built environment. The role of the Amber Road as a topographical element also changed, but its dominant character in the urban
landscape remained. The decline of the predominantly industrial-commercial character of Amber Road in the 1st and
2nd centuries and the evolution of its sacral function led to a change in the parcelling of the area and the establishment of
a new road network. The demolition of the extensive Isis sanctuary complex in the 4th century probably coincided with
the decline of the building zone on the east side of the Amber Road. Afterwards, an extensive but not very dense cemetery
with rather sporadic burial groups on both sides of the road developed. The (partial?) abandonment of the cemetery could
be related to the construction of a horreum in this zone. The last building program was the construction of a system of
ditches and a rampart, which respected the Roman urban elements, although they cannot be dated today. The area does
not seem to have had any influence on the urban structure of medieval Szombathely, as the remains of the buildings of
the former Roman town served as quarries for centuries.
Savaria, 2022
Az első savariai Iseum nagyjából egy emberöltővel a claudiusi városalapítást követően jött létre ... more Az első savariai Iseum nagyjából egy emberöltővel a claudiusi városalapítást követően jött létre Savaria déli városrészében. A Kr. u. 2. század elején megkezdődött átépítés ezt a korai épületkomplexumot alapjaiban változtatta meg. A szentély szomszédságában addig állt kézműves műhelyek elbontásával a század derekára már egy hatalmas, a tartományban mind méretben, mind kivitelében egyedülálló épületegyüttes jött létre. A hatalmas átalakítás a római város egészét érintő nagyarányú városrendezéssel (lakóépületek kőbeépülése, útburkolás, víz- és csatornahálózat kiépítése) egyidőben, azzal összhangban következett be. Ez a szakrális épületkomplexum a település egészére nézve nem csak funkcionálisan, de városszerkezet és városkép tekintetében is meghatározó jelentőséggel bírt. A savariai folyamatok sok más pannoniai várost megelőzve mentek végbe, és a tartományban mindenütt jelentkező városfejlődési hullám kiemelkedő jelenségének értékelhető. A tanulmány az általános tendenciák mellett az Iseum Savariense belső, szentély - életét is markánsan meghatározó változásokra is rávilágít.
kulcsszavak: Iseum, Hadrianus, szentély, városrendezés, funkcionális változások
Hadrianus MCM Proceedings of the international conference on the occasion of the 1900th anniversary of the Emperor Hadrian’s accession to the throne. Aquincum Nostrum II. 10. 35-50.p, 2023
Achaeologiai Értesítő 142 (2017) 75-111. , 2017
The study reviews our current knowledge on grain processing and granaries in Savaria based on the... more The study reviews our current knowledge on grain processing and granaries in Savaria based on the interpretation of the building inscription of a well-known horreum, with a focus on the provisioning of the late Roman army and the construction of horrea in the provinces during the 4th century.
Romanisation by Szilvia Bíró
H. van Enckevort, M. Driessen, E. Graafstal, T. Hazenberg, T. Ivleva & C. van Driel-Murray (eds) 2024, Strategy and Structures along the Roman Frontier. Proceedings of the 25th International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies 2, Leiden, Sidestone Press (= Archeologische Berichten Nijmegen 10), pp..., 2024
Archaeologiai Értesítő 146, 2021
Through the sunken-featured buildings documented often in the Late Iron Age and Early Roman villa... more Through the sunken-featured buildings documented often in the Late Iron Age and Early Roman villages, the paper examines the possible survival of this feature and the settlements. The transformation of the La Tène D-villages to Roman Vici was multifactor, which offers examples of investigating the Romanisation process.
NOTE: corrected Fig. 3. at the end of the text!!!!
Honesta missione. Festschrift für Barbara Pferdehirt. RGZM Mon. 100, Mainz 2014
For request I can send a PDF!
in: Sz. Bíró / A. Molnár (Hrsg.):Ländliche Siedlungen der römischen Kaiserzeit im mittleren Donauraum. Győr 2015
Roman Vici by Szilvia Bíró
Monographien des RGZM, Band 131, 2017
Die zivilen Vi... more OPEN ACCESS!
Die zivilen Vici zeigen in Bauformen und Siedlungsstrukturen in den Westprovinzen andere Charakteristika als die in den Ostprovinzen. Als Bindeglied musste Pannonien eine besondere Bedeutung zukommen. Hier findet man eher dörfliche Siedlungen mit starken vorrömischen Wurzeln neben den »traditionellen« kleinstädtischen Siedlungen.
Aufgrund der Ergebnisse der zahlreichen Ausgrabungen jüngerer Zeit beleuchtet diese Studie die Rolle der Zivilvici im wirtschaftlichen Leben der Provinz, die Charakteristika von Bauwesen und Siedlungsstruktur bzw. ihre gesellschaftliche Zusammensetzung. Hinsichtlich des Romanisierungsprozesses wurden auch das Weiterleben verschiedener vorrömischer Elemente in den Vici und die Veränderung vorrömischer Siedlungsstrukturen untersucht.
G. Grabherr / B. Kainrath / Th. Schierl (Hrsg.): Verwandte in der Fremde. Fibeln und Bestandteile der Bekleidung als Mittel zur Rekonstruktion.... IKARUS 8 (Innsbruck 2013) 247-256.
Monographien des RGZM, Band 131, 2016
Die zivilen Vici zeigen in Bauformen und Siedlungsstrukturen in den Westprovinzen andere Charakte... more Die zivilen Vici zeigen in Bauformen und Siedlungsstrukturen in den Westprovinzen andere Charakteristika als die in den Ostprovinzen. Als Bindeglied musste Pannonien eine besondere Bedeutung zukommen. Hier findet man eher dörfliche Siedlungen mit starken vorrömischen Wurzeln neben den »traditionellen« kleinstädtischen Siedlungen.
Aufgrund der Ergebnisse der zahlreichen Ausgrabungen jüngerer Zeit beleuchtet diese Studie die Rolle der Zivilvici im wirtschaftlichen Leben der Provinz, die Charakteristika von Bauwesen und Siedlungsstruktur bzw. ihre gesellschaftliche Zusammensetzung. Hinsichtlich des Romanisierungsprozesses wurden auch das Weiterleben verschiedener vorrömischer Elemente in den Vici und die Veränderung vorrömischer Siedlungsstrukturen untersucht.
In: Sz. Bíró (Hrsg.): Rómaiak nyomában…Kiállításvezető - Auf der Spur der Römer... Ausstellungsführer. Győr 2006.
Roman Savaria by Szilvia Bíró
underwent several changes that clearly affected the function of the area and, consequently, the character of its built environment. The role of the Amber Road as a topographical element also changed, but its dominant character in the urban
landscape remained. The decline of the predominantly industrial-commercial character of Amber Road in the 1st and
2nd centuries and the evolution of its sacral function led to a change in the parcelling of the area and the establishment of
a new road network. The demolition of the extensive Isis sanctuary complex in the 4th century probably coincided with
the decline of the building zone on the east side of the Amber Road. Afterwards, an extensive but not very dense cemetery
with rather sporadic burial groups on both sides of the road developed. The (partial?) abandonment of the cemetery could
be related to the construction of a horreum in this zone. The last building program was the construction of a system of
ditches and a rampart, which respected the Roman urban elements, although they cannot be dated today. The area does
not seem to have had any influence on the urban structure of medieval Szombathely, as the remains of the buildings of
the former Roman town served as quarries for centuries.
kulcsszavak: Iseum, Hadrianus, szentély, városrendezés, funkcionális változások
Romanisation by Szilvia Bíró
NOTE: corrected Fig. 3. at the end of the text!!!!
Roman Vici by Szilvia Bíró
Die zivilen Vici zeigen in Bauformen und Siedlungsstrukturen in den Westprovinzen andere Charakteristika als die in den Ostprovinzen. Als Bindeglied musste Pannonien eine besondere Bedeutung zukommen. Hier findet man eher dörfliche Siedlungen mit starken vorrömischen Wurzeln neben den »traditionellen« kleinstädtischen Siedlungen.
Aufgrund der Ergebnisse der zahlreichen Ausgrabungen jüngerer Zeit beleuchtet diese Studie die Rolle der Zivilvici im wirtschaftlichen Leben der Provinz, die Charakteristika von Bauwesen und Siedlungsstruktur bzw. ihre gesellschaftliche Zusammensetzung. Hinsichtlich des Romanisierungsprozesses wurden auch das Weiterleben verschiedener vorrömischer Elemente in den Vici und die Veränderung vorrömischer Siedlungsstrukturen untersucht.
Aufgrund der Ergebnisse der zahlreichen Ausgrabungen jüngerer Zeit beleuchtet diese Studie die Rolle der Zivilvici im wirtschaftlichen Leben der Provinz, die Charakteristika von Bauwesen und Siedlungsstruktur bzw. ihre gesellschaftliche Zusammensetzung. Hinsichtlich des Romanisierungsprozesses wurden auch das Weiterleben verschiedener vorrömischer Elemente in den Vici und die Veränderung vorrömischer Siedlungsstrukturen untersucht.
underwent several changes that clearly affected the function of the area and, consequently, the character of its built environment. The role of the Amber Road as a topographical element also changed, but its dominant character in the urban
landscape remained. The decline of the predominantly industrial-commercial character of Amber Road in the 1st and
2nd centuries and the evolution of its sacral function led to a change in the parcelling of the area and the establishment of
a new road network. The demolition of the extensive Isis sanctuary complex in the 4th century probably coincided with
the decline of the building zone on the east side of the Amber Road. Afterwards, an extensive but not very dense cemetery
with rather sporadic burial groups on both sides of the road developed. The (partial?) abandonment of the cemetery could
be related to the construction of a horreum in this zone. The last building program was the construction of a system of
ditches and a rampart, which respected the Roman urban elements, although they cannot be dated today. The area does
not seem to have had any influence on the urban structure of medieval Szombathely, as the remains of the buildings of
the former Roman town served as quarries for centuries.
kulcsszavak: Iseum, Hadrianus, szentély, városrendezés, funkcionális változások
NOTE: corrected Fig. 3. at the end of the text!!!!
Die zivilen Vici zeigen in Bauformen und Siedlungsstrukturen in den Westprovinzen andere Charakteristika als die in den Ostprovinzen. Als Bindeglied musste Pannonien eine besondere Bedeutung zukommen. Hier findet man eher dörfliche Siedlungen mit starken vorrömischen Wurzeln neben den »traditionellen« kleinstädtischen Siedlungen.
Aufgrund der Ergebnisse der zahlreichen Ausgrabungen jüngerer Zeit beleuchtet diese Studie die Rolle der Zivilvici im wirtschaftlichen Leben der Provinz, die Charakteristika von Bauwesen und Siedlungsstruktur bzw. ihre gesellschaftliche Zusammensetzung. Hinsichtlich des Romanisierungsprozesses wurden auch das Weiterleben verschiedener vorrömischer Elemente in den Vici und die Veränderung vorrömischer Siedlungsstrukturen untersucht.
Aufgrund der Ergebnisse der zahlreichen Ausgrabungen jüngerer Zeit beleuchtet diese Studie die Rolle der Zivilvici im wirtschaftlichen Leben der Provinz, die Charakteristika von Bauwesen und Siedlungsstruktur bzw. ihre gesellschaftliche Zusammensetzung. Hinsichtlich des Romanisierungsprozesses wurden auch das Weiterleben verschiedener vorrömischer Elemente in den Vici und die Veränderung vorrömischer Siedlungsstrukturen untersucht.
In 92 A.D. arrived the ala I Hispanorum Arvacorum in Arrabona. The second timber period of the fort can be connected to this troop movement. In the vicus the previous buildings were renewed and also its territory grew (cca. 8 ha). It stretched out along the south and the east road leading from the fort. More archaeological data can be related to this period.
The flourishing period of Arrabona started with the arrival of the ala I Ulpia contariorum milliaria civium Romanorum in 106 A.D. A larger stone fort must have been built for the larger troop, but its outline lacks archaeological finds. Based on the parallels, this larger fort can be even larger, than the previous reconstructed 3.3–3.4 ha. The data also refers to a non-built zone around the fort, however, its defence system (so its dimensions) remains unclear. The stone buildings appeared also in the vicus from the time of Hadrian. A larger settlement planning can be observed here, where the plots have been redivided and a marketplace area has been designated along the eastern main road. The territory of the vicus grew considerably, probably about 34 ha.
In the 4th century, smaller troop(s) arrived, that is why the fort was reduced to a smaller one. Its southern wall and probably the Eastern gate are known to us. In this period the civilian inhabitants moved to the territory of the fort, for in the vicus hardly any dwelling features can be found; and graves appeared above the previous buildings.
The paper compares the chronology of the fort of Arrabona (Győr, HU) to the one of its civilian settlements (the auxiliary vicus). The military presence can be traced back to the time of Tiberius (ala Pannoniorum), but the exact archaeological finds refer to the fort established under the reign of Claudius for the ala I Augusta Ituraeorum saggitaria. Parallel to this the first civilians settled down mainly east of the fort. The cemeteries (East and South of the fort) refer also an early settlement area south of the porta decumana, however without exact archaeological finds. The estimated territory of the vicus was around 2 ha. In 92 AD arrived the ala I Hispanorum Arvacorum in Arrabona. The second timber period of the fort can be connected to this troop movement. In the vicus the previous buildings were renewed and also its territory grew (cca. 8 ha). It stretched out along the south and the east road leading from the fort. More archaeological data can be related to this period. The flourishing period of Arrabona started with the arrival of the ala I Ulpia contariorum milliaria civium Romanorum in 106 AD. A larger stone fort must have been built for the larger troop, but its outline lacks the archaeological finds. Based on the parallels this larger fort can be even larger, than the previous reconstructed 3.3-3.4 ha. The data also refer to a nonbuilt zone around the fort, however, its defence system (so its dimensions) remain unclear. The stone buildings appeared also in the vicus from the time of Hadrian. A larger settlement planning can be observed here, where the plots have been re-divided and a market place area has been designated along the Eastern main road. The territory of the vicus grew considerably, probably about 34 ha. The Early Modern Age fortification destroyed a wide band of the earlier features, which had suggested that the vicus stretched out only c. 200- 300 meters southwards, but the recent data confirm that on the outer side of the Modern Age fortification trench the Roman vicus continues. In the 4th century smaller troop(s) arrived, that is why the fort was reduced to a smaller one. Its southern wall and probably the Eastern gate is known to us. In this period the civilian inhabitants probably moved to the territory of the fort, for in the vicus hardly any dwelling features can be found and above the previous buildings graves appeared.
The conference can be followed via internet, if you are interested in the online streaming, please send me or to the an email!
entitled “Pannonia Underground – New Waves in Urban Archeology / Neue Wellen in der Stadtarchäologie” on November 26th-27th 2020 in Szombathely.
The conference aims to summarise all the professional experience that has been acquired in the last few decades focusing on a very specialized research field, namely the “urban archaeology”.
The topics of the papers can present topographic results of ancient settlements, methodological questions as well as preservation / presentation / “utilization” of the excavated architectural remains or archaeological sites.
more and more data refer to the contrary nowadays: several workshops – even those with stinky, incendiary and noisy activities – have been located inside civil settlements, sometimes even close to the centres. This raises several questions about the urban structure, town planning or even the interest of the workshop – owners and merchants in the settlements’ public life. Equally interesting is the identification and/or localization of shops or other commercial premises in both military and civil settlements along the limes. Nevertheless, the archaeological traces of such activities have been often misinterpreted or not recognized, due to lack of evaluation of the excavation documentations and finds. What kind of industrial activities had been practised inside the settlements and what are their archaeological manifestations, what are the criteria? Can definable industrial and/or commercial quartiers be observed in these settlements? Whose need did these workshops serve: the army, the civilians or both? The aim of our paper is to give a brief insight into the economic life of Pannonian settlements and see if there are tendencies regarding the above mentioned activities. Through a couple of Pannonian case studies we shall present the above–mentioned questions, especially investigating the situation of Aquincum (civil town, military town) and the hinterland of the limes section. Our paper will also hopefully serve as a keynote paper: what are the experiences elsewhere along the Roman limes? Is it always easy to locate workshops and identify their functions? What evidences do we have for commercial quarters (or activities at all) in military and civil settlements?