Hi! I am a second year Master's student at the Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University working with Prof. Deepak Pathak. Prior to joining CMU, I was a deep learning research engineer at Preimage with a super amazing team building cutting-edge 3D reconstruction and drone photogrammetry platform.
Before that, I also worked as a visiting researcher at the Cognitive Learning and Vision for Robotics (CLVR) Lab at University of Southern California (USC), USA under the guidance of Dr. Joseph Lim.
I also briefly worked at the Deep cognition and Language Research (DeCLaRe) Lab at Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) working on vision and language applications.
Previously, I interned at BRAIN Lab, SUTD working on the unsupervised disentangled representation learning for video sequences.
During my Bachelors, I worked with Dr. Saket Anand in the Infosys Centre of Artificial Intelligence and Dr. Pavan Turaga on unsupervised representation learning for disentangling multiple factors of variation in images and analysing the geometry of their latent spaces. I also worked with Dr. Rajiv Ratn Shah and Vivek Gupta (currently pursuing PhD, School of Computing, University of Utah) on Natural Language Inference for low-resource languages.
Apart from my research interests, I love playing Badminton, spending time with colors, poetry, star gazing, and reading about Astronomy ( I am an astrophile! :) ).
Master's in Robotics, 2022-2024
Carnegie Mellon University, USA
B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering (with Honors), 2016-2020
IIIT Delhi, India
November, 2023: Attending CoRL 2023, Atlanta.
August, 2022: Joined Carnegie Mellon University for MS in Robotics
July, 2022: Received the prestigious J.N. Tata Scholarship for higher education
December, 2021: Volunteered at NeurIPS
September, 2021: One paper accepted at CoRL 2021
December, 2020: Volunteered at NeurIPS
August, 2020: Presented work on Disentangling Video Sequences using Gaussian Processes at ECCV
July, 2020: Code released for MGP-VAE
July, 2020: Presented work on Self-supervised disentanglement using Contrastive Learning at ICML Workshop
July, 2020: Volunteered at ICML
May, 2020: Joined LinkedIn AI Team for summer internship
May, 2019: Visiting student at Brain Lab, Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD)
May, 2019: Attended Google I/O in Mountain View, California
* indicates equal contribution.
Please feel free to reach to me for any query or interesting collaborations.