Dinobots Strike Back
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![]() "Frenzy's using his package-art-disassembly ray! Quick Grimlock, switch to your toy design!" | |||||||||||||
"Dinobots Strike Back" | |||||||||||||
Publisher | Ballantine Books | ||||||||||||
Imprint | Find Your Fate Junior | ||||||||||||
First published | 1985 | ||||||||||||
Writer | Casey Todd | ||||||||||||
Illustrator | William Schmidt (interior pencils and cover painting) | ||||||||||||
ISBN | ISBN 9780345341501 ISBN 0-345-34150-3 | ||||||||||||
Page count | 73 |
Bombshell attacks the Dinobots with his cerebro-shells, ordering them to go on a rampage. But Swoop escapes, bringing help from the Autobots.
Once rescued at Bandit's Bluff, Grimlock remembers overhearing Bombshell's thoughts, which leads Skids and Bumblebee to investigate Dolphin's Bay, where Decepticon activity had been spotted recently. They uncover a hidden Decepticon base, and a sinister plan to convert the bay's black coral into superfuel for the Decepticons!
Can the Autobots destroy the power plant before it comes online and the Decepticons become unstoppable? The answer to that question... is up to you!
Contents |
(PAGE_1) The Dinobots are on lookout duty in Hidden Valley, so bored that Slag and Sludge start a fight. None of them notice two Insecticons sneaking up until Bombshell fires a mortar. (PAGE_2) The blast knocks down all of them but Swoop, who transforms and dodges, but gets a wing injured by the explosion. Bombshell transforms and injects the other four Dinobots' heads with cerebro-shells. As Kickback reports back to Megatron, Bombshell orders the Dinobots to attack the Autobots and their pathetic Earth friends. The four of them transform into dino-mode. (PAGE_5) Swoop worries that with his bad wing, by the time he flies back to Autobot headquarters, the other Dinobots will have caused a lot of damage. Should he:
Fly back to Optimus Prime at Autobot Headquarters? (>>PAGE_10>>)
Stay and fight Bombshell? (>>PAGE_12>>)
- (<<From_PAGE_5_OR_PAGE_6<<) Swoop takes off for the Ark (>>PAGE_10>>) ...and arrives to find Optimus Prime in the war room discussing Hound's report of Dinobots tearing up farmland. (PAGE_19) Prowl notes that a quick, direct attack may be necessary to stop the Dinobots from reaching populated areas, but taking time to consult the Ark's computer might yield a better plan. Should Optimus Prime:
- Consult the Ark's computer? (>>PAGE_26>>)
- Destroy the Dinobots immediately with a massive attack? (>>PAGE_30>>)
- (<<From_PAGE_19<<) Optimus consults the Ark's computer (>>PAGE_26>>) The computer suggests having Windcharger remove the cerebro-shells with his magnetic field. Prowl warns that the Dinobots are approaching Bandit's Bluff, 15 minutes away from a city. (PAGE_27) This gives Mirage an alternative idea: using his electro-disruptor to cast an illusion of Optimus Prime on the edge of Bandit's Bluff, tricking the Dinobots into charging it and falling into the ocean. Should Optimus:
- Go with Mirage's plan? (>>PAGE_45>>)
- Go with the computer's plan using Windcharger? (>>PAGE_66>>)
- (<<From_PAGE_27<<) Optimus chooses Mirage's plan (>>PAGE_45>>) The Dinobots take the bait and charge... (PAGE_71) ...over the cliff and into the ocean, where Seaspray is waiting. Ratchet, Sunstreaker, Huffer, Sideswipe, and Bumblebee haul the unconscious Dinobots aboard and head back to the Ark.
- (<<From_PAGE_27<<) Optimus Prime chooses the computer's plan (>>PAGE_66>>) Windcharger leads a convoy to Bandit's Bluff, knowing he'll definitely be able to pull the cerebro-shells out from 40 feet away, but worries that might harm the Dinobots. Should Windcharger cast his magnetic field from:
- 40 feet away? (>>PAGE_54>>)
- Further back? (>>PAGE_50>>)
- (<<From_PAGE_66<<) Windcharger stands 40 feet away (>>PAGE_54>>) As Windcharger releases his magnetic field, the Dinobots stop, then convulse in repetitive motions. The field was too strong, but Windcharger can't stop it. (PAGE_32) The four Dinobots are torn to pieces now just as extinct as real dinosaurs.
- (<<From_PAGE_66<<) Windcharger stands about 100 feet away (>>PAGE_50>>) His magnetic field which pops all four cerebro-shells off. That night, there's a celebration at Autobot headquarters to welcome the Dinobots back. Grimlock then remembers Bombshell saying... (PAGE_59) ...that controlling them was just part of a bigger Decepticon plan. Optimus wonders if it's related to the strange electromagnetic activity that Skids detected around Dolphin's Bay, where Decepticons were spotted a week ago. Optimus tells Skids to scout around the bay, and take Bumblebee since he can explore underwater. Wheeljack has built a new mini-submarine, and offers to program it by remote control to meet the two Autobots at the bay. (PAGE_13) Then Sludge volunteers to help, since he considers himself the best water fighter. Should Optimus send Skids and Bumblebee on the mission:
- With Sludge? (>>PAGE_24>>)
- Without Sludge? (>>PAGE_3>>)
- (<<From_PAGE_13<<) Optimus sends Sludge, Bumblebee, and Skids to Dolphin's Bay (>>PAGE_24>>) Bumblebee and Skids drive faster than Sludge can walk, so they go ahead, leaving Sludge to catch up. Sludge takes a wrong turn that's actually a shortcut, arriving first. Offshore, he decides to take a nap, curling his head and tail so that he looks like a big gray rock in the water. (PAGE_17) Skids and Bumblebee arrive and start exploring the cove in Wheeljack's mini-sub. They detect the signal Skids found, tracing it to an underwater tunnel which connects to a series of chambers inside Mt. Lomas. Bumblebee steps out to investigate... (PAGE_28) ...swimming into the tunnel upwards until he emerges, facing a doorway. He hears Megatron on the other side making a speech about finishing an energy plant to process black coral into a superfuel which will make the Decepticons invincible. Bumblebee radios Skids before returning to the sub. (PAGE_4) Behind him, he suddenly sees Soundwave who intercepted his transmission, and Frenzy who paralyzes him with a circuit-scrambling sonic attack, leaving him there as a rusty warning to any future spies. When Bumblebee fails to return, Skids knows something awful happened, and won't risk radioing the Ark for fear of the Decepticons picking up the transmission. Should he:
- Return to the Ark for help? (>>PAGE_57>>)
- Attempt to rescue Bumblebee himself? (>>PAGE_68>>)
- (<<From_PAGE_4<<) Skids drives back to the Ark (>>PAGE_57>>) He tells the Autobots of Bumblebee's disappearance and Operation Black Coral. Windcharger opts for an all-out attack, but Prowl thinks a mountain fortress is impossible to storm via brute force. (PAGE_8) Prowl claims the Decepticons believe the Dinobots to still be under their control. He suggests contacting Sludge and having him trick Megatron into allow the four of them into their base. Should Optimus take:
- Prowl's advice? (>>PAGE_11>>)
- Windcharger's advice? (>>PAGE_22>>)
- (<<From_PAGE_8<<) Optimus takes Prowl's advice (>>PAGE_11>>) He explains the plan to the Dinobots, and sends Swoop to relay it to Sludge. As the sun sets, Seaspray relays Prime's order to start the attack. (PAGE_40) Swoop flies low towards shore, spotting the Decepticons and Dinobots having a victory party around a bonfire atop Mount Lomas. Swoop flies a loop-the-loop, signalling the Dinobots to attack. (PAGE_64) Sludge stomps Soundwave, and Grimlock bisects Frenzy. Starscream fires a laser at Slag which bounces off the Triceratops' armor and back to the gun, melting it. Thrust transforms and takes off, only to take a missile from Swoop. As Megatron tries to fire his nuclear fusion cannon, Snarl tail-strikes him, redirecting his aim down to blast a hole in the side of Mount Lomas. A platoon of Autobots and uses the hole to access the underground lab. Bumblebee is freed and the fuel generators destroyed. That night, another Autobot victory party!
- (<<From_PAGE_8<<) Optimus takes Windcharger's advice (>>PAGE_22>>) The Autobots arrive at sunset, spying Megatron, Starscream, Frenzy, Rumble, and other Decepticons confidently awaiting the attack atop Mount Lomas. (PAGE_44) Skywarp drops a heat-seeking missile on Topspin, and Seaspray responds with a barrage of lasers and missiles. Tracks and Powerglide engage Megatron's warrior jets, while the land-based Autobots storm the entrance to Mount Lomas. While Ratchet rescues Bumblebee, Jazz torches the lab, turning Operation Black Coral into Operation Black Ashes.
- (<<From_PAGE_4<<) Skids tries to rescue Bumblebee himself (>>PAGE_68>>) He sends out the weakest radio signal he can, hoping Bumblebee is closer than the Decepticons. Suddenly Frenzy attacks; he's far enough away not to harm Skids, but the sub goes haywire, speeding every which way. (PAGE_52) Skids considers short-circuiting the sub with his electron blaster to stop it, or activating the emergency backup systems in hopes of regaining control. Should he:
- Short-circuit the sub? (>>PAGE_31>>)
- Activate the emergency systems? (>>PAGE_9>>)
- (<<From_PAGE_52<<) Skids zaps the controls (>>PAGE_31>>) ...stopping the sub, but also breaking a window and sinking it. (PAGE_67) Suddenly, Sludge lifts the sub out of the water and places it on the deck of Seaspray, who came to investigate when the Ark lost radio contact with the sub. On-board, once Ratchet repairs him, Skids tells them of Operation Black Coral, and they radio Autobot headquarters. Optimus Prime launches a full-scale assault as Ratchet and Skids use the repaired sub to pull Bumblebee out. Autobots firepower crumbles the seaward wall of Mount Lomas, allowing seawater to crash into the Decepticons' lab. Good thing you decided to have Sludge along, since Operation Black Coral is now a total washout!
- (<<From_PAGE_52<<) Skids tries activating the emergency systems (>>PAGE_9>>) ...but Frenzy's scream has ruined them. The sub does a backflip through the air, then bolts for a huge gray rock. It hits, but just bounces off of...Sludge, finally stopping the sub. (PAGE_65) Skids disembarks and climbs on Sludge's back. (PAGE_51) Sludge drops Skids off at a dock, then wades back out to, "make big wave." He churns up the water until Bumblebee surfaces, then carries him back to the dock as well. (PAGE_16) Sludge resumes stomping in the water until he creates a giant tidal wave that tears the side off Mount Lomas, washing the Dectpicons and their lab out into the bay. Skids tells Sludge that the 'Cons will never forget the day he crashed their party.
- (<<From_PAGE_13<<) Optimus sends Bumblebee and Skids to Dolphin's Bay, without Sludge (>>PAGE_3>>) On the way, Skids daydreams and crashes into a hillside, folding his hood in two. He doesn't care though, because he's picking up the same electromagnetic waves as before, meaning he hit the landward side of Mount Lomas. (PAGE_18) Bumblebee notices a trail cleared into the woods with giant footprints along it. Should Bumblebee and Skids:
- Follow the trail? (>>PAGE_23>>)
- Continue to Dolphin's Bay? (>>PAGE_25>>)
- (<<From_PAGE_18<<) Bumblebee and Skids follow the trail (>>PAGE_23>>) With difficulty, Skids transforms into robot mode and takes the lead, but fails to notice a trip wire. The ground gives way, and the two Autobots fall right into a trap. (PAGE_20) Bumblebee awakens in an underground prison as Scrapper welcomes the first guests the Decepticons have had in their supermodern lab. The Constructicon explains that they've discovered a limitless source of superfuel. (PAGE_39) Scrapper then reduces the two Autobots into scrap metal, which he uses to help finish the new energy plant. One by one, the Autobots come looking for their friends and fall into Scrapper's trap, allowing him to build the whole thing out of Autobot parts. He names it the "Autobot Memorial Power Plant," and laughs at having made the Autobots look so fuelish!
- (<<From_PAGE_18<<) Bumblebee and Skids continue to Dolphin's Bay (>>PAGE_25>>) ...where the mini-sub awaits. They dive and head north, passing a black coral reef which seems to be emitting the electromagnetic waves. Skids tries using the sub's computer... (PAGE_42) ...to break into the Decepticons' computer, bringing up a file on converting the coral into a superfuel that will triple current war capacity. (PAGE_60) Bumblebee exits the sub to get a sample of the black coral. Passing some huge crimson coral, he's approached by a school of dolphins wishing to play with him. As he breaks off a chunk of the black coral... (PAGE_53) ...there's an explosion; the coral was booby-trapped! (?) When the water clears, Skids sees that Bumblebee is trapped in a deep coral canyon, the now-broken pillars of crimson coral blocking the sub from entering. (PAGE_61) Skids notices the dolphins swimming through to where Bumblebee is trapped, and wonders if he could use the sub's computer to decode the dolphins' language and ask them to rescue his friend. It's a long shot, so should he:
- Decode the dolphins' language and ask for help? (>>PAGE_46>>)
- Head for the channel to radio Seaspray? (>>PAGE_49>>)
- (<<From_PAGE_61<<) Skids decodes the dolphin's language (>>PAGE_46>>) ...with the computer in about five minutes, and asks them to go get Bumblebee. The three largest dolphins push aside the coral pillars trapping Bumblebee, who swims back to and enters the sub... (PAGE_41) ...with the sack of black coral he collected. (PAGE_33) Back at base, Optimus Prime maps out an attack strategy, and an hour later an Autobot convoy speeds back to Dolphin's Bay. Decepticon spy jets spot them, and they arrive to find Megatron shouting a strange challenge to Optimus: A one-on-one fight to the end, on the mountaintop! (PAGE_62) When Optimus gains the upper hand, Rumble impulsively jumps in to help Megatron, pounding the ground... (PAGE_38) ...which splits the hollow mountain in half. Both sides flee as the lab is buried. Operation Black Coral is renamed Operation Earthquake Mistake in the Decepticon computer file.
- (<<From_PAGE_61<<) Skids heads for the channel (>>PAGE_49>>) ...and sends an s...o...s to Seaspray, who arrives just as the mini-sub surfaces. Seaspray carefully uses his laser from the water's surface to cut away the crimson coral. Bumblebee squeezes through and swims up to Seaspray with the black coral. They agree to sail back to the Ark since Seaspray's sonar can detect any more mines (the booby trap, apparently) (PAGE_34) But as they round Sea Lion point at the bottom of the cove, Seaspray proves a nice, big target for one of Starscream's cluster bombs, which shatter him. There's no stopping Operation Black Coral now, so the Autobots are truly sunk.
- (<<From_PAGE_19<<) Optimus decides to attack the Dinobots immediately (>>PAGE_30>>) ...since there isn't a moment to lose. Tracks fires his black-beam gun into Grimlock's eyes, Powerglide knocks Snarl to his knees with a concussion bomb, then Slag attacks the Autobot plane with a jet of fire. Swoop missiles the ground near Slag, knocking him over and popping a cerebro shell off. (PAGE_72) Optimus orders the Autobots to "Bring them down fast and hard." Warpath downs Sludge with a volley of sonic shells, Swoop missiles Snarl, and Sideswipe and Sunstreaker down Grimlock with high-energy electron pulses, freeing the other three shells. Grimlock accuses the Autobots of enjoying the situation, but the Autobots have a good laugh.
- (<<From_PAGE_5<<) Swoop stays and fights Bombshell (>>PAGE_12>>) ...launching a missile which misses. Bombshell then hovers right above the other Dinobots. Should Swoop:
- Try to lure Bombshell higher? (>>PAGE_70>>)
- Fly underneath Bombshell to fire up at him? (>>PAGE_35>>)
- (<<From_PAGE_12<<) Swoop flies higher (>>PAGE_70>>) ...but instead of following him, Bombshell orders the other Dinobots to attack the Ark and any human settlements along the way. They charge off, raising a dust cloud which temporarily blinds Swoop. Bombshell sees his opportunity, flies up, and stings Swoop's wing, shrinking him down to the size of a hummingbird! As he hops along the ground, a lizard spots him... (PAGE_15)...and swats him down. He's saved by a breeze which gets him airborne, then follows the Dinobots' trail of destruction. (PAGE_6) Then Bombshell's poison wears off, and he returns to normal size, flying back to the Ark.
- (>>PAGE_10>>GO_BACK_^UP^)
- (<<From_PAGE_12<<) Swoop flies lower (>>PAGE_35>>) ...but isn't sure whether to risk flying over the violent Slag for a better shot at Bombshell, or try a tougher shot from over Sludge, who's less likely to attack him. Should Swoop fly over:
- Slag? (>>PAGE_36>>)
- Sludge? (>>PAGE_48>>)
- (<<From_PAGE_35<<) Swoop flies over Slag (>>PAGE_36>>) Swoop drops his missile for a direct hit on the tiny Insecticon, who spirals to the ground. Swoop transforms and shakes Bombshell awake, ordering him to make the Dinobots better. Bombshell complies and flies off. (PAGE_56) The Dinobots return to their old selves, but confused. Swoop says they just had a bug in their circuits.
- (<<From_PAGE_35<<) Swoop flies over Sludge (>>PAGE_48>>) He can barely see Bombshell, but fires anyway, scoring a lucky shot, then threatens Bombshell with his energo sword until he removes the cerebro-shells. Bombshell limps away as the Dinobots return to normal. Slag and Sludge resume the fight they were having before the attack, accidentally knocking Swoop out. (PAGE_58) Swoop wakes up with no memory of what just happened, so now you're the only one who knows!
Featured Characters
Autobots | Decepticons | Humans |
- If Swoop flies over Slag for a better shot at Bombshell, he "drops his missile" for a direct hit. Since Swoop also flew lower at the previous choice, it seems like dropping it should hit Slag instead, and hitting Bombshell should only be possible by properly firing it, as is common practice for missiles as opposed to bombs. Oh well, at least he didn't drop an entire missile-launcher this time.
- After disabling Bumblebee, Frenzy wants to leave his body at the entrance to the Decepticons' base as a warning to other Autobots. Even though it's a secret base.
- On page 20, Scrapper is referred to as "Gravedigger" in one sentence. This was a preliminary name for the character, and the book was evidently written using it, and while all other instances were corrected for the final product, this one slipped through. Compounding the error, the illustration for this scene shows Long Haul instead of Scrapper. This led to fans—unaware of the origin of the "Gravedigger" name at the time—having a bit of fun with the scene and imagining Gravedigger as his own distinct character, which would be canonized years later, when a toy of Gravedigger was released in 2012's Transformers United EX line.
- On page 65, Skids worries that, "If the Decepticon computer was telling the truth, it won't be long before the Decepticons are super robots." He's right to worry, but the Decepticon computer is in a different branch. Here, Skids heard about Operation Black Coral from Bumblebee, who overheard Megatron talking about it.
- When Bumblebee breaks off a chunk of black coral, it triggers an explosion. Not because the coral was dangerously unstable, as one might expect of a substance the Decepticons can convert into a superfuel, but because, "the coral was booby-trapped". Yes, the Decepticons somehow rigged a booby-trap to trigger an explosion when any random piece of black coral was broken. The nature of this trap is never explained (beyond Bumblebee talking about avoiding mines in one branch afterwards), leaving readers to speculate how the heck it could precisely target Bumblebee, and how an explosion that powerful wouldn't also destroy the precious black coral before the 'Cons can use it. It certainly breaks enough red coral.
- Bumblebee is typically the weakest Autobot in a given story, but how much do these pillars of red coral weigh that he can't move them, yet three large dolphins can?
- "Skids breathes a sigh of relief..." is probably just an excusable expression here since Transformers don't even breathe.
- Optimus ascends Mount Lomas "in a few strides". While it's possible there's a land route that near the summit, it's never mentioned, implying some pretty big strides.
- On page 62, "Optimus Prime evades the blast by splitting into three units: Optimus, the brain center, armed with a laser rifle; Roller, the spy; and Combat Deck, a fully armed artillery robot." While nice and accurate to his tech spec (though "Combat Deck" usually isn't a proper noun), this implies that after climbing the mountain, Optimus somehow transformed back into his full truck mode, stayed that way the whole time he and Megatron were squaring off, and only transformed back into robot mode to avoid his opponent's shot. My, that was a strange challenge!
- Autobot headquarters is the Ark.
- The Ark's computer, on the other hand, is never named.
- The Dinobots' speech patterns and mental faculties are pretty much in line with their G1 cartoon portrayals.
- Bombshell uses his stinger to inject something into Swoop's wing which temporarily shrinks him down so small that he's in danger of being eaten by a passing lizard! This interesting weapon's not mentioned in Bombshell's Marvel TF Universe bio. If anything, it's usually the Insecticons themselves who have the ability to shrink in their alt-modes in various continuities.
- Bombshell does shrink when he transforms, but not down to actual Earth insect size. In Swoop's hand, he's roughly the size his original toy would be relative to an adult human hand.
- Seaspray is repeatedly described as transforming into either a destroyer or a battleship, but never a hovercraft. And he's freakin' huge!
- Unfortunately, we never see a picture of his warship mode, just several of the submarine piloted by Skids and Bumblebee.
- Skids is described as a red compact throughout this book. (Which was in fact one of his Diaclone color schemes.) This makes it one of the few times his altmode has been properly characterized, as opposed to being a minivan. He is depicted with his correct, more human-like head. In the picture where he's face to face with Bumblebee, he's clearly shorter than Bee, which also makes sense considering a Honda City Turbo is even smaller than a VW Beetle, a rare instance of real-life vehicle scale asserting itself in otherwise toy-accurate artwork
- Bumblebee's chosen for the sea mission because he performs better underwater than the other Autobots, an ability from his tech spec that's come up once in a coloring book, but not in the bigger continuities.
- A rare appearance by Topspin among the Autobot assault force, apparently because he's their only water vehicle besides Seaspray. His fellow Jumpstarter Twin Twist is therefore not in this book.
- The Dinobot story for which this book is named is little more than a prelude to the Operation Black Coral plot, though some endings never get to it.
- When Sludge carries out his tidal wave assault, Skids and Bumblebee hide in a "hut" on the beach. How many huts are on the American west coast, especially huts large enough to hold two Autobots? (Granted, they are the two smallest Autobots in this story).
- Frenzy gets washed out to sea, therefore Bumblebee recovers from his paralyzing sonic attack, after he's already been moved away from the Decepticon base. The paralysis apparently depends on Frenzy continuing to screech (or...something), regardless of his proximity to his victims. Huh.
- Scrapper's tech specs mention him using parts from Autobots to make his creations, but this is one of the few times he's actually done it in fiction. The Autobot throne in "Triple Takeover" wasn't nearly as horrific as the Autobot Memorial Power Plant, but that project also took advantage of one of Skids' rare appearances.
- Ravage never appears, though Optimus specifically worries about him spying on the Dinobots in one branch.
- While subsequent books in this series occasionally switch to second-person narration to berate you for choosing the wrong path, the only second person endings in this book are after Autobot victories. One praises you for putting Sludge on the mission with Skids and Bumblebee, and another points out that once Swoop gets conked on the head and forgets Bombshell, you're the only one who knows what happened.
- In the illustration on page 63, Optimus's hand is a little too close to Megatron's...um...trigger. It's partly a perspective trick, but still unfortunate composition.
- This is also one illustration that blatantly copies box art: there are no toy-based pictures of Megatron in this book.
- Lots of victory parties in this one, including three in the same path! The Decepticons even build a mountaintop bonfire! No one gets drunk though. In another ending, Skids bets that the Decepticons will never forget the day Sludge crashed their party.
- Despite the Dinobots destroying farms and threatening a city, there are no humans in any path in this book. The only Earth natives the Autobots interact with are animal and plant life.
- While the dino-mode Dinobots flying apart is likely the illustration burned into the minds of fans traumatized by this book at age 7, the final picture shows the Dinobots with some more subtle injuries in robot mode, sustained in the "Bring them down fast and hard" ending. Snarl has a black eye, Sludge is seeing stars, and he and Slag both have little "X" bandages on their foreheads. Cute, Will. Very cute.
- This book was available individually, or as part of a six-book box set with the other five "pre-Movie era" books in the series.