Arte George Enescu
History of Arts
In a good tradition of German expressionism, the artist Anselm Kiefer in his art continues the interrogations both over his own ego and regarding his membership on a specific nation as well. Through his art, Anselm Kiefer testified that... more
Abstract “The death of man” or the “end of history”, strongly claimed by postmodern conception, have not however managed to destroy the faith in the spiritual essence of man. Although not belonging to the same area, M. Eliade’s ideas... more
Beyond the Visible or the Abstraction in Art. Visible seems to be fundamental in masterpiece. However phenomenological thinking often considers invisible as being essential. The masterpiece offers the viewer the opportunity to “see” the... more
Donation of the Art or the Condition of Describing Phenomenality in J.-L. Marion The possibility to describe feelings of consciousness is determined, in E.Husserl, by certain fundamental features of consciousness: intentionality,... more
The question of limit, so obsessing in the contemporary art, can be understood like a perpetual temptation to surpassing the human condition as a bound between the real and the ideal.
Going back to medieval spirituality seems to be a common feature of the artistic currents, claimed from romanticism: expressionism, abstract expressionism or neo-expressionism. In romanticism the aspiration toward the absolute was... more
The importance granted to this topic beginning with the modern period, in philosophy as well as in art, seems undisputable. Nevertheless, with the phenomenology of the 20th century, the concepts of relation and otherness progressively... more
In traditional thinking human existence was conceived like a fall from a state of grace as a consequence to the original sin. Thus, life did not have any other purpose, but to recovering the initial state by healing off the disease of... more
”The Burning Bush”, a symbol of epiphany, a place of getting out of the hiding place, of ”revelationi”, of the sacred moment from Horeb Mountain, when God first spoke to Moses, becomes the emblematic image for the spiritual movement with... more
In Husserl’s continuous stream of thoughts, J.-L. Marion comes to define, within the contemporary phenomenology, the saturated phenomenon (the historic event being an exemplary saturated phenomenon) as a phenomenon in which the... more
Traditional architecture has always had a simple and austere line in terms of proportions, ratio among volumes, colour and even materials. The stylistic unit was found in all country elements, from the inside to the outside of the house,... more
The first official step toward active participation and interaction was made by John Cage, Allan Kaprow, George Brecht, and other artists connected to the happening and Fluxus movements from 1950-1960. Since than the conceptual art... more
The transformations that occurred towards the end of mature Gothic in western Europe drastically changed the use of light in the arts. With the so-called international Gothic and the Italian Proto-Renaissance, light will change its very... more