Recent papers in Icon
OBJECTIVES: Identifying risk factors for dental trauma in children is important. The main aim of this retrospective study was to investigate the association between maxillary incisor trauma (MIT) and variables such as gender,... more
In the later Middle Ages, the Old Metropolis of Serres in Eastern Macedonia was home to a highly venerated icon of Saints Theodore Teron and Theodore Stratelates. This article uncovers the history of this lost image, explores aspects of... more
This paper offers terms for talking about information and how it relates to both matter-energy and communication, by: (1) Identifying three different levels of signs: Index, based in contiguity, icon, based in similarity, and symbol,... more
Вопрос о связи исихазма с иконописью стал одним из самых популярных в современных исследованиях по истории византийского и древнерусского искусства. Что касается теоретической стороны этого вопроса, то есть проблемы исихастских корней... more
We report a cross-modal translation system from Hindi strings to Indian Sign Language (ISL) for possible use in the Indian Railways reservation counters. INGIT adopts a semantically mediated formulaic framework for Hindi-ISL mapping. An... more
During the long eighteenth century, English and continental firms produced large numbers of pocket watches with Ottoman numerals intended for the markets of the Ottoman Empire. These products, both technical novelties and fashionable... more
La tarea de la semiotica de la imagen no consiste solamente en determinar la especificidad de la imagen como signo, sino tambien en describir las particularidades de diferentes imagenes, como son, por ejemplo, el dibujo, la fotografia y... more
Putting Into Context an Overlooked Icon of Science Fiction The concept of instantaneous travel by imaginary technologies has been a key trope in science fiction from the late nineteenth century to the present day, made iconic by Star... more
ABSTrACTDespite the fact that icons are widely relied upon for communication, designers have few principles to guide icon design. This paper reports a study of the role individual symbols play on the construction of meaning from icons. An... more
In traditional thinking human existence was conceived like a fall from a state of grace as a consequence to the original sin. Thus, life did not have any other purpose, but to recovering the initial state by healing off the disease of... more
[Text in Dutch] General introduction to 'Law and Iconography'. How are 'law' and 'justice' represented in the middle ages and early modern times? Painted exempla iustitiae in court rooms, the history of Lady Justice and the... more
We describe the lightning whelk (Busycon sinistrum) and show how its shells were used among coastal peoples along the Gulf of Mexico and lower Atlantic coast. During the Middle and Late Archaic periods, lightning whelk shells were... more
Paul Vieille tested in the 1880's smokeless Cordite and Ballistite, in addition to his own poudre B. This is reported in his 1893 publication 1 a major source for past and recent research 2 , leading to questions about early powder... more
We report a cross-modal translation system from Hindi strings to Indian Sign Language (ISL) for possible use in the Indian Railways reservation counters. INGIT adopts a semantically mediated formulaic framework for Hindi-ISL mapping. An... more
INTRODUCTION: This was a cross-sectional study to investigate the agreement between assessments of orthodontic treatment need of the index of complexity, outcome, and need (ICON) and the index of orthodontic treatment need (IOTN).... more
Data transmission in wireless mesh networks (WMNs) has a multi-hop nature where data is originated/destinated to one source/sink node. Therefore, the transmission capacity at the physical layer depends on multiple factors such as the... more
State-of-the-art Machine Translation (MT) does not perform well while translating sentiment components from source to target language. The components such as the sentiment holders, sentiment expressions and their corresponding objects and... more
ABSTRACT: This article traces the ongoing tension between those who would characterize Alberto Korda’s famous image of Che Guevara, The Guerrillero Heroico, as a brand, trademark or logo, and those who insist it is a political/cultural... more
Cultural Heritage and Cultural Landscape are a set of human products that reflect the society needs thoughts and memories. It represents and symbolizes the relationships of power and controls - out of which it has emerged - and the human... more
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This paper introduces a novel approach to transport messages between a backbone network and a device network (SAN) in a seamless way, even when these networks use incompatible protocols or technologies. The paper shows how to leverage a... more
This paper proposes a novel routing scheme for mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs), which combines the on-demand routing capability of ad hoc on-demand distance vector (AODV) routing protocol with a distributed topology discovery mechanism... more
This paper investigates the assignment of audio mixing operations to a geographically distributed set of servers to provide an immersive audio communication environment for massively multiplayer online games. The immersive audio... more
The wide and increasing needs of flexible solutions for environmental, energy, and structural monitoring systems point out the importance of using design methodologies and implementation technologies with high ability of adaptation and... more
Semiotic or semiology means the systematic study of signs. What becomes difficult is defining what a 'sign' actually is. Modern day Semioticians, not only study 'signs' - it goes much deeper than that - they study how... more
This text follows the life and work of Walter Benjamin, tracing his influence on modern aesthetics and cultural history as well as his particular focus on the tension between Marxism and Zionism, and between word and image in modern art.
We propose FlexiMAC, a novel TDMA-based protocol for efficient data gathering in wireless sensor networks that provides end-to-end guarantees on data delivery: throughput, fair access, and robust self-healing, whilst also respecting the... more
This paper focuses on a switching architecture designed for Storage Area Network (SAN) applications, with a crossbar switching fabric and an aggregate bandwidth of hundreds of Gbps. We describe the architecture and adopt an abstract model... more
Este ensaio analisa o alcance do conceito bakhtiniano de inacabamento na literatura, nas artes visuais e no cinema. O objetivoé entender o princípio estético que, criado pelo romance polifônico de Dostoiévski, tornou-se modelo artístico... more
The main objective of the article is to enrich the current discussion on “place icons” through a case study of the Lisbon street “Rua da Madalena” and its architecture illustrating the integrated design and marketing concept adopted by... more
ABSTRACT Differently from the anti-cartesianism defended by some embodied-situated cognitive scientists, which is predominantly anti-representationalist, for C. S. Peirce, mind is semiosis (sign-action) in a dialogical form, and cognition... more
Helen W. Kennedy School of Cultural Studies, University of the West of England. Lara Croft: Feminist Icon or Cyberbimbo? On the Limits of Textual Analysis. by Helen W. Kennedy. Available online: http://www.gamestudies.org/0202/kennedy/. ...
Proof-of-work (POW) schemes have been proposed in the past. One prominent system is HASHCASH [Back, 2002] which uses cryptographic puzzles. However, work by Laurie and Clayton [2004] has shown that for a uniform proof-of-work scheme on... more
The World Loses An Icon: Rest In Peace Nelson Mandela Author: Fareed Khan Date: Dec. 7, 2013 http://theviewfromhere-fareedkhan.blogspot.ca/2013/12/the-world-loses-icon-rest-in-peace.html Apartheid, Death of Nelson Mandela,... more