Recent papers in Agreement
A contract is legally enforceable because it meets the requirements and approval of the law. An agreement typically involves the exchange of goods, services, money, or promises of any of those. In the event of breach of contract, the law... more
Negotiation is essential in settings where computational agents have conflicting interests and a desire to cooperate. Mechanisms in which agents exchange potential agreements according to various rules of interaction have become very... more
Both conventional wisdom and empirical evidence suggest that arranging a prior commitment or agreement before an interaction takes place enhances the chance of reaching mutual cooperation. Yet it is not clear what mechanisms might... more
This article analyzes European Union-China trade relations in the context of the current negotiations for a new comprehensive framework agreement between the European Union (EU) and the People’s Republic of China. China is a strong... more
United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Administration of Juvenile Justice "The Beijing Rules"
Introduction: The aim of the present study is to (a) describe the level of agreement between reports of health-related quality of life (HRQL) obtained from parents and young patients both on-and off-treatment and (b) explore the factors... more
Several classification systems are in use for Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease. Three of them : Catterall, Salter Thompson and Herring (Lateral Pillar) are most commonly used. There has been debate on which is most reliable. The purpose of this... more
The water resources of the Incomati river basin, shared between South Africa, Swaziland and Mozambique, are intensively used. Moreover, the basin is situated in a part of Africa that over the last 40 years has experienced a dynamic,... more
დღევანდელ საქართველოს სინამდვილეში განუსაზღვრელი ვადით დადებული შრომითი ხელშეკრულება ხშირად აღიქმება როგორც ბონუსი შრომითსამართლებრივ ურთიერთობებში, თითქოს დასაქმებულმა უნდა მოიპოვოს იმის უფლება, რომ მას ჰქონდეს უვადო ხელშეკრულება. ხშირად... more
Lo scopo di questa ricerca è analizzare alcune delle strategie conversazionali adoperate da apprendenti di italiano LS con livelli di competenza linguistica iniziale e intermedia corrispondenti al livello A2 e B1, rispettivamente, del... more
A Book Summary on "Getting to YES" A book by Roger Fisher and William Ury, with Bruce Patton as Editor The book, "Getting to YES", co-created by Fisher and Ury, is a manual for the laymen to using negotiation techniques that are based on... more
Background: Notary is a public official who runs the profession based on principles of trust, honesty, thoroughly, independently, impartially, safeguarding the interests of those involved in law-drafting. As an independent profession... more
Past research on both job design and job analysis has evidenced a great deal of variability in the degree of convergence between incumbent and non-incumbent ratings of job characteristics. The present study attempted to shed light on this... more
This book deepens the study of the law of treaties by offering specific solutions to current legal problems. It provides a high-level theoretical and practical approach, touching upon all major current issues of the law of treaties. It is... more
Traditional Tiwi is a language isolate within the Australian language group, traditionally spoken on the Tiwi Islands, north of Darwin. This language exhibits the most complex verb structure of any Australian language. Altogether there... more
Esta es la versión electrónica de un artículo aceptado para su edición en Verba (vol. 45, año 2018), disponible on line en RESUMEN. Es bien sabido que los sustantivos cuantificadores en... more
In this talk the author discusses the Extended Projection Principle in (a) clauses with overt subjects, (b) clauses with pro subjects and (c) clauses with fronted locatives in Serbian language from the perspective of Minimalist Program... more
This essay intends to analyze the consensual administrative action, approaching to the substitutive agreements in the administrative process for imposition of sanctions. The question to be answered herein is to verify if there is a... more
Bantu languages, which are spoken throughout most of sub-Saharan Africa, permit wh-questions to be constructed in multiple ways, including wh-in-situ, full wh-movement, and partial wh-movement. Shona, a Bantu language spoken by about 13... more
Gender assignment and exponence changed dramatically from Old to Middle English. This paper provides insights on the mechanisms and chronology of this change by quantitatively analysing the annals 1129-1154 of the Peterborough Chronicle.... more
В докладе будут рассмотрены основные конструкции языка гбан (< южные манде), используемые для передачи модальных значений зон необходимости и возможности. Речь идёт о значениях внутренней, внешней и эпистемической необходимости и... more
"Cappadocian Greek is an extreme case of language change and dialectal variation among the Modern Greek dialects in having lost the tripartite grammatical gender distinction into masculine, feminine and neuter nominals, a distinction... more
c o m p u t e r m e t h o d s a n d p r o g r a m s i n b i o m e d i c i n e 8 8 ( 2 0 0 7 ) 62-74
La gramatika kategorio genro estas trajto de multaj lingvoj, i.a. hindeŭropaj kaj ŝemidaj, grava pro la amplekso de la koncernataj vortospecoj (substantivoj, adjektivoj, pronomoj, numeraloj, artikoloj, verboj...), pro la rolo ludata en la... more
Palavraschave: Processo regulatório sancionador. Sanção administrativa. Anatel. Regulação consensual.
Hybrid nouns, nouns which induce different agreements according to the target, have been described in various languages. The new question is why they exist at all. There is clear evidence that hybrids vary considerably in the agreement... more
Gender in Chichewa is described as a complete system. First the basic data on gender agreement are presented and it is shown how the available agreement markers correlate with the noun genders (and how the system has changed in the... more
The objective of going out to contract is to obtain specific services, equipment, materials or licenses as required to support the general business objectives. The FWA can be used as "umbrella agreement" that sets out the terms... more
North American languages exhibit a variety of agreement systems, including nominative-accusative, ergative-absolutive, hierarchical/direct-inverse, and agent-patient patterns, as well as phenomena such as object agreement, inverse number,... more
This paper surveys the distribution of formal and semantic agreement in German, using three types of trigger nouns (gender mismatch nouns, pluralia tantum nouns, and polite pronouns) in four syntactic contexts (attributive, predicate/T,... more
In this thesis, I propose that the distribution of nominal phrases is constrained by the relative positions of phi-features that nominal phrases contain. More specifically, I propose a condition according to which two syntactic nodes... more
The typical assumption in a pro-drop language like Spanish is that covert as well as overt subjects occupy a preverbal position at Spell Out in which their case and agreement properties are satisfied. This paper presents evidence against... more
The present paper argues for a view of gender agreement without either grammatical or natural gender being represented as syntactic features. Rather than deriving declension classes in terms of realisation, I postulate them as the only... more