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Archaeobotanical analyses were carried out on layers from the site of Piazza Garibaldi in Parma, a town located in the plain of Emilia Romagna, in northern Italy. The layers dated to the 3rde2nd centuries BC, around the time of the... more
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Abordamos algunas de las relaciones entabladas por las aragonesas y aragoneses bajomedievales con sus vivos, sus muertos, sus intercesores más apreciados e incluso con la divinidad en los diversos momentos que engloban lo que Alejo de... more
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      Cultural HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval
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      PhilosophyAestheticsMedieval HistoryMedieval
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval StudiesMedievalOld Norse Literature
A principis del 2017 es va tenir notícies d’unes restes megalítiques associades a una necròpolis altmedieval. Estan situades al damunt d’un petit pujol que s’alça just al davant del veïnat de Bevià, al municipi de Madremanya (Gironès). La... more
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval
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      Art HistoryMedievalConceptual ArtAvant-Garde
""This article explores the royal castle at Cashel, Co. Tipperary: the history of the castle and the constables who worked there. The article begins with a discussion on the relationship between the English government in London and Dublin... more
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      MedievalIrelandCastlesRoyal Castles
Fungi were isolated from selected areas of two medieval wall paintings in the chapel of the castle of Herberstein and the parish church of St Georgen (Styria, Austria), in different states of conservation. The aim of this study is a... more
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      MedievalComparative StudyBiological SciencesChemotaxonomy
Referência: 2. SANTOS, Selene Candian dos. O Apologia ad Guillelmum abbatem de Bernardo de Claraval e a Espiritualidade no Século XII. In: JORNADA DE ESTUDOS ANTIGOS E MEDIEVAIS E CICLO DE ESTUDOS ANTIGOS E MEDIEVAIS DO PARANÁ E SANTA... more
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      Discourse AnalysisRhetoric (Languages and Linguistics)RhetoricComposition and Rhetoric
"Nel Friuli patriarcale Cividale era solo una 'terra', ma la vocazione urbana - già visibile nella 'forma urbis' - era fortissima. Nel corso del Trecento il consiglio del Comune attuò una chiusura oligarchica: 'milites' e 'pedites'... more
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      Medieval HistorySocial IdentityMedieval StudiesMedieval
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      Medieval StudiesMedievalMedieval Archaeology
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      Medieval StudiesMedievalEarly Medieval ArchaeologyFunerary Archaeology
-L'amour avait sa place parmi les maladies dans le paysage nosographique de la médecine arabomusulmane médiévale. Les médecins arabes portaient un grand intérêt aux émotions et à leur impact sur la santé physique et mentale. En effet,... more
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      PsychologyHistory of MedicineMedievalClinical Sciences
The article is a summary of the results from a wide-scale archaeological and architectural investigation of an elite town plot with a frontage on the western side of the main Market Square (Rynek) in Wrocław. A trial reconstruction was... more
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Desde una perspectiva histórico-arqueológica, esto es, manejando información de diversas intervenciones arqueológicas, documentación histórica de archivos y cartografía histórica, se plantea cómo el agua ha sido pieza fundamental a la... more
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      EngineeringEnvironmental EngineeringChemical EngineeringUrban Geography
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      MedievalMiddle AgesCatalunyaMedieval Games
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Depois de termos apresentado um trabalho sobre o Livro Preto, dedicamos novo artigo a um outro cartulário da Sé de Coimbra, códice de menores dimensões e muito menos conhecido, que se conserva na Biblioteca nacional de Portugal. Trata-se... more
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      MedievalMiddle AgesManuscriptScriptorium
The consensus on Pope Honorius III (1216–27) is that he was a conciliatory politician who lacked the harder edge possessed by his immediate predecessor and successor. Yet, using overlooked evidence regarding the role of Honorius in... more
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      Diplomatic HistoryHigh Middle AgesLate Middle AgesMedieval History
Radiocarbon-dated pollen sequences from two areas of Bodmin Moor—Rough Tor in the north-west and the East Moor—are presented and the evidence for settlement in the prehistoric period on the moor considered. The nature and extent of human... more
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      ArchaeologyGeochemistryMedievalArchaeological Science
In 1127 Charles the Good, count of Flanders, was surrounded by assassins while at prayer and killed by a sword blow to the forehead. His murder upset the fragile balance of power between England, France, and the Holy Roman Empire, giving... more
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval Historiography
Providing a comprehensive and accessible orientation to the field of medieval manuscript studies, this lavishly illustrated book by Raymond Clemens and Timothy Graham is unique among handbooks on paleography, codicology, and manuscript... more
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Frontispiz: © Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien. Das Werk ist urheberrechtlich geschützt. Die dadurch begründeten Rechte, insbesondere die der Übersetzung, des Nachdrucks, der Entnahme von Abbildungen, der Funksendung, der Wiedergabe auf... more
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      ReligionHistoryEuropean HistoryEastern European Studies
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryIrish StudiesArchaeology
La obra Kitáb a!-'lbar del gran historiador árabe del siglo XIV, de origen andalusí, Ibn Jaldún; el cual describe al fundador del movimiento almohade como «un jurista versado en la ciencia, que daba consejos y practicaba la enseñanza».... more
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      ReligionHistoryAncient HistorySociology
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      RussianMedievalArabicAncient Indo-European Languages
The modelling and visualisation of networks is based on the material in: M. Mullett, Theophylact of Ochrid. Reading the Letters of a Byzantine Archbishop. Birmingham 1997. The first graph is a visualisation of the connections between... more
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      Historical GeographyLate Antique and Byzantine HistoryMedieval LiteratureSocial Networks
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When dissolved in water, the crystalline powder saltpetre causes a chemical reaction that greatly reduces the temperature of the solution. When a vessel containing a beverage is immersed in a basin of the cooled water, the effect spreads... more
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En la serie de televisión Married with children (Casado con hijos, en su versión chilena) se nos presenta la figura de la mujer deformada por convenciones antifemeninas, cuyos orígenes bien podemos rastrear en la literatura misógina... more
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      MusicEarly MusicMusic HistoryMedieval Philosophy
While literary scholars have delved into the nuances of each pronoun used to narrate their lives, art historians have hardly acknowledged the phenomena of transvestite saints, as individual figures or as a categorical topic. This... more
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      Art HistoryMedievalFeminismTransvestite Saints
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      HistoryIconographyArt HistoryMedieval
L 'u til is at io n de s do nn ée s du D oc um en t F in al de Sy nt hè se es t ré gi e pa r le s di sp os iti on s du co de de la pr op ri ét é in te lle ct ue lle co nc er na nt la pr op ri ét é ar tis tiq ue et lit té ra ir e. L es pr... more
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      Modern HistoryMedievalIron Mettalurgy
The manor of nobber and its timber castle held a strategic position on the Meath-Ulster frontier on the road from Navan to Clones and guarded the crossing of the river Dee. This paper details the history of the manor from 1172 to 1931.
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      HistoryMedievalMedieval ArchaeologyCastles
Joannes Leo Africanus, (c. 1494 – c. 1554?) (or al-Hasan ibn Muhammad al-Wazzan al-Fasi, Arabic:حسن ابن محمد الوزان الفاسي) was an Andalusian Amazigh Moorish diplomat and author who is best known for his book Descrittione dell’Africa... more
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      Modern LanguagesReligionHistoryAncient History
Il volume propone la corrispondenza intercorsa tra 1484-85 tra l'oratore Giovanni Lanfredini, le magistrature fiorentine (Signoria e Dieci di Balia), Lorenzo de'Medici e altri destinatari diversi (Bartolomeo Scala, Galzerano Requesens,... more
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      Diplomatic HistoryLate Middle AgesRenaissance HistoryMedieval History
Augustine of Canterbury, who came from Rome to Kingdom of Kent in 597, is considered a founder of the English Church. This paper tries to describe his identity as a missionary preaching the Word to pagan Anglo-Saxons. The identity is... more
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      Medieval HistoryAnglo-Saxon StudiesMedieval StudiesMedieval Historiography
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      ArchaeologyMedievalMedieval Archaeology
There is little historical evidence for the storage of crops before the twelfth century. Archaeology suggests that most crops were stored in ricks, although barns were built on some of the larger manorial farmsteads from at least the... more
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      Economic HistoryArchaeologyMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
Komentari u ovom izdanju Fojni~kog grbovnika sadr`e blazon ili opis grba, kra}e izlaganje o njegovom zna~enju, porijeklu i historijskom razvoju, te dostupne ili zanimljive podatke o li~nostima ili porodicama koje su opisivani grb nosile.... more
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      Late Middle AgesMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval
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      ArchaeologyExperimental ArchaeologyFolkloreTextiles
X wiek, a zwłaszcza jego druga połowa, jest czasem ożywionej i zwieńczonej sukcesami działalności chrystianizacyjnej 2 w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej i Północnej. W tym czasie chrzest przyjmują -Harald Sinozęby w Danii (ok. 960 r.),... more
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      Medieval HistoryHagiographyMedieval StudiesMedieval
Il "rito della piuma", della "doppia morte" o più semplicemente "répit" è "una delle manifestazioni più durature, più profonde ed allo stesso tempo più segrete della religione popolare". Purtroppo, però, pochi conoscono questo pezzetto di... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedievalRitual
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      ReligionIntellectual HistoryMedieval LiteratureMedieval History