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Large-scale use and acceptance of homeopathy in Cuba, Latin America, and India raises questions about the relevance of campaigns mounted against homeopathy in the United Kingdom, Australia, and other nations of the developed world,... more
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      Complementary and Alternative MedicineHomeopathyDeveloping CountriesChina
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      HistoryEconomic HistoryEconomicsNineteenth Century Studies
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      Economic HistoryLatin American StudiesEconomicsSocialist Economics
A new heptavalent conjugate vaccine (PCV7-TT) is under development in Cuba. PCV7-TT contains 2 g of serotypes 1, 5, 14, 18C, 19F, 23F and 4 g of 6B, each one conjugated to tetanus toxoid (TT). This vaccine was designed with the serotypes... more
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      CubaBiological SciencesSafetyVaccine
Sixty-five samples of propolis were collected from eleven regions of Cuba; methanolic extracts of propolis were prepared from all samples, and a classification method was developed using a combination of NMR, HPLC-PDA, and HPLC-ESI/MS... more
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      EngineeringMass SpectrometryMagnetic Resonance SpectroscopyCuba
The aim of this study was to compare and evaluate the kinematics of baseball pitchers who participated in the 1996 XXVI Centennial Olympic Games. Two synchronized video cameras operating at 120 Hz were used to video 48 pitchers from... more
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      BiomechanicsSkeletal muscle biologyBaseballAustralia
We investigate whether a three-generation model of linguistic assimilation, known from previous waves of immigration, can be applied to the descendants of contemporary immigrant groups. Using the 5% Integrated Public Use Microdata Sample... more
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      Development StudiesCultural PolicyCuban StudiesAfrican Diaspora Studies
Winner of 2009 Outstanding Book Award, North American Society for the Sociology of Sport. In parks and cafes, homes and stadium stands, Cubans talk baseball. I contend that when they are analyzing and debating plays, games, teams, and... more
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      Anthropology of the BodyBaseballIdentity (Culture)Identity (Anthropology)
This paper looks at how the principles of internationalism have been integral to the Cuban health care system and to Cuba's cooperation and medical support in other countries around the world. The paper details the range and scope of... more
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      PsychologyCognitive SciencePsychiatryMedicine
Punica granatum L. (Punicaceae) whole fruit extracts, have been used in Cuban traditional medicine as an effective drug for the treatment of respiratory diseases. This species showed interesting anti-viral activity, e.g. aqueous or... more
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      Complementary and Alternative MedicineTraditional MedicinePlant BiologyEthnopharmacology
Resumen: El filólogo y editor valenciano Vicente Salvá elaboró una edición mejorada del diccionario académico de 1843, la cual publicó bajo el título de Nuevo diccionario de la lengua castellana (1846). Salvá corrigió el diccionario de la... more
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Identification criteria, specifically discriminant function formulae derived from traditional craniometrics, currently used in South Florida for Cuban Americans and other "Hispanic" groups, are unsuitable to provide adequate biological... more
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      Forensic AnthropologyPhysical AnthropologyFORENSICMultivariate Analysis
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      Medical MicrobiologyTreatment OutcomeAdolescentDiarrhea
This project is focused on reconcentración (literally, “reconcentration”), a phenomenon that has traditionally been neglected despite its crucial relevance for the understanding of mass violence in modern conflicts. This devastating... more
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      Colonial AmericaCuban StudiesColonialismPost-Colonialism
Ernesto Guevara, argentino nacido en 1928, más conocido como Che Guevara fue un médico de profesión que además ejerció como político, periodista y escritor. Participó como ideólogo y comandante en la Revolución cubana... more
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      CubaChe GuevaraHistoriaSocialismo
After more than three decades of isolation from the West and a paralyzing economic crisis in the early 1990s, Cuba is increasingly globally active in both cultural and economic realms. In this paper I use Bourdieu's (The fields of... more
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Las personas con identidades sexuales diferentes a la heterosexualidad obligatoria o identidad de género que no concuerda con el sexo biológico, a menudo sufren de discriminación en los espacios públicos, en particular en el lugar de... more
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Amazon.com listing + review excerpts
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      Southern Studies (U.S. South)Abraham LincolnSlaveryTexas History
Two new quinones, (an isoprenoid quinone, and a dimeric anthraquinone) named naphthotectone and anthratectone, respectively, were isolated from bioactive leaf extracts from Tectona grandis. Their structures were determined by a... more
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      Chemical EcologyChemicalCubaBiological Sciences
Resumen: La migración es un elemento esencial de las relaciones entre Cuba y Estados Unidos. Con el restablecimiento de los contactos diplomáticos el 17 de diciembre de 2014, ambos gobiernos coincidieron en que la migración era uno de... more
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      CubaMigraciones InternacionalesEstados Unidos
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      Costa RicaHospitalsSpainMexico
Corresponde al estudio de los movimientos de la sangre, de los mecanismos que modifican su circulación a través del aparato cardiovascular y de las fuerzas que la impulsan mediante la aplicación de principios físico-matemáticos. La... more
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      NeuroscienceCognitive ScienceChild DevelopmentElectroencephalography
La segunda parte del libro del mismo título sobre Puerto Rico y el Caribe durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Este volumen contiene 18 ensayos de especialistas y capítulos sobre el Caribe Inglés, Martinica, Cuba, Haití , la República... more
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      Latin American and Caribbean HistoryCuban StudiesHaitiCaribbean History
En este artículo estudio la vida de un pastor gallego de Ancares que emigró a la Argentina y se mantuvo vinculado emocionalmente con su tierra manteniento el oficio secular de los hombres de su familia: ser gaitero. En esta línea, doy... more
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      ArgentinaAsturiasCubaBuenos Aires
"The exhibition, THE ARTIST MAGICIANS (LOS ARTISTAS MAGOS) James K-M (Canada), Joel Jover Llenderrosos (Cuba), Osmany Soler Mena (Cuba) was held December 18, 2009 – January 18, 2010 at Centro Provincial de Artes Plásticas, Camagüey,... more
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      ArtContemporary ArtAbstract ArtCuba
After the collapse of the socialist states of Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, the Cuban state faced its greatest crisis. How the state managed to maintain sufficient legitimacy in light of the growing economic hardships and class... more
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      Sociology of SportNationalismAnthropology of SportNational Identity
[…] Además de las difíciles condiciones sociales y económicas que enfrentó Lidia Turner Martí en los primeros años de su vida, es necesario destacar un escenario contradictorio que se presentó en el momento justo en que nació nuestra... more
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      CubaPedagogíaRevolución CubanaRaúl Rojas Soriano
Didactic presentation of the famous short novel by Ernest Hemingway (english version).
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      American LiteratureCubaExistencialismNobel Prize
Intentamos una caracterización de las polémicas culturales en diversos niveles de concreción discursiva. Entendidas como un corpus de textos que suelen manifestar contradicciones recíprocas –las cuales en no pocas ocasiones encarnan sus... more
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      CubaIntelectual HistoryHistoria Social Y CulturalDebates intelectuales
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      Health PolicyFamily PracticeMedicineCuba
This article examines the everyday experiences of contract workers (Vertragsarbeiter) from Vietnam, Cuba, Mozambique, Hungary and other countries in the German Democratic Republic (GDR). It shows that despite a system that sought to... more
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      MozambiqueSocial HistoryVietnamCuba
El lector advertira correspondencias actualisimas. La version moderna del palacio volador seria una nave espacial. Se insinuan los temas del machismo, el divorcio (aun cuando no existia) y los arreglos post-divorcio cuando regresa, por... more
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      Latin American StudiesCuban StudiesRevolutionsCommunism
This article analyzes the representation of Havana and Santiago de Cuba in some long lost home-movies shot by American tourists in Cuba in the 20's. It emphasizes the importance of the colonial imaginary that pervades these amateur films.
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      Latin American StudiesCuban StudiesDocumentary FilmLa Habana
INDICE: Dossier / Cento anni dalla Guerra ispano-cubano-americana, a cura di Alessandra Riccio Riccio Alessandra, Attualità di un centenario, 3-7. Trento Angelo, Cuba: dalla conquista alla Seconda guerra di indipendenza, 9-18. Documenti:... more
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      CubaIndigenous CulturesAmérica Latina y el CaribeAmerica Latina
This article aims to make a contribution to current debates in the literature on food access by describing a mixed-methods approach to study the access to food in one rural community in Cuba. Each of the forty households in our study was... more
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      Mixed MethodsCuban StudiesAgriculture and Food StudiesFood Studies
RESUMEN: De España a las Antillas. Historia e Historiografía de la migración española a Puerto Rico y Cuba en las últimas décadas del siglo XIX y primeras del XX. De España a las Antillas es un estudio historiográfico sobre la migración... more
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      Cuban StudiesMigrationColonialismCaribbean History
New reforms and debates are underway in contemporary Cuba. The core issues, however, were raised but not resolved by the Great Debate of 1963–1965 instigated by Che Guevara. The challenge was then and remains today to increase productive... more
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      Political EconomySocial SciencesMarxismCuban Studies
Twenty years ago, I examined thirty years of Cuban medical diplomacy based on research that I had conducted over the previous decade. 1 In reviewing the past fifty years of Cuban medical diplomacy for this article, I revisited my earlier... more
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      SociologyPragmatismIdealismCuban Studies
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      Colonial AmericaCuban StudiesColonialismPost-Colonialism
Logiciel multimédia conçu pour l'apprentissage du FLE en autonomie. Niveau DELF B1 atteint et B2 en cours d'acquisition. L’objectif général du logiciel multimédia est de faire produire aux apprenants, de façon collective, des... more
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      MultimediaImmigrationMultimedia LearningFrancais Langue Etrangere
Primera publicación de una obra fundacional de la cultura y la lexicografía en Cuba. Prólogo de Francisco Javier Pérez, Secretario general de la Asociación de Academias de la Lengua Española (ASALE)
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      CubaHispanoaméricaIdioma EspañolCaribe
Latin American Music Review Copyright © 2005 University of Texas Press. All rights reserved. Latin American Music Review 26.2 (2005) 273-317, ...
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      MusicLatin American MusicSpainMexico
INDICE: Stabili Maria Rosaria, Una società divisa o ambigua? Il Cile, la sua storia e il suo dittatore, 3-16. Nocera Raffaele, Cronaca di un arresto eccellente: l'"affare Pinochet" sulla stampa italiana, 17-36. Cerulli Davide, Il Diritto... more
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      CubaMayaChiapasAmerica Latina
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      CubaTimbaRumbaCuban music
The cooperative efforts of Venezuela and Cuba, highlighted by their medical programs, are serving as the models for humanitarian relationships and fair economic exchange between the nations of the south.
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      SociologyPolitical SociologySocial TheorySociology of Culture
En este ensayo se abordan los siguientes temas: Ya en el punto y el zapateo cubano aparecen elementos rítmicos de origen africano; La décima y el zapateo cubano no parecen ser de origen canario como se cree comúnmente en Cuba, sino... more
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      MusicologyCuban StudiesCuban HistoryCuba
Atención! Si hay un país en el que es normal sentirse despistado es Cuba. Todo funciona de maneras tan diferentes y complicadas para el turista desprevenido que uno se siente siempre en otro mundo y muchas veces en otro tiempo. A esto... more
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      Travel WritingDiarios de ViajesCubaTravel Guide