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This chapter provides a critical analysis of the current situation of public policies for ECEC in the LAC region. By identifying the rising relevance of ECEC and the expansion of its coverage as its most remarkable highlights, and... more
This chapter provides a critical analysis of the current situation of public policies for ECEC in the LAC region. By identifying the rising relevance of ECEC and the expansion of its coverage as its most remarkable highlights, and sustained problems of quality and equity as its most concerning shadows, we propose that if LAC countries are to successfully emerge from these shadows, they will need to develop and strengthen their national policies.
Tras el levantamiento de informacion sobre las tablas antropometricas de la poblacion infantil chilena, que realizo Jimena Rojas –en ese momento academica de la Escuela de Diseno UC – junto con la Junta Nacional de Jardines infantiles... more
Tras el levantamiento de informacion sobre las tablas antropometricas de la poblacion infantil chilena, que realizo Jimena Rojas –en ese momento academica de la Escuela de Diseno UC – junto con la Junta Nacional de Jardines infantiles (Junji), comenzo a tejerse la idea del diseno del nuevo mobiliario para la educacion parvularia. Lo anterior, ya que no existian estudios con resultados locales y solo se tomaban como referencias las cifras europeas o norteamericanas. Jimena invito a participar a Patricia Manns y a Alberto Gonzalez –disenadores de la Escuela de Diseno UC–, en la estructura del proyecto. Gracias a los anos de ejercicio profesional, como equipo pudimos tener una mirada integrada de las problematicas. Nos dimos cuenta de que el encargo original de adecuar el mobiliario actual a los indicadores del estudio antropometrico, necesitaba de mucho mas que solamente cambiar las dimensiones. En esa instancia, se incorporo Cynthia Adlerstein, de Pedagogia en Educacion Parvularia de la Facultad de Educacion UC, como directora del proyecto. La inclusion de esta disciplina es clave, ya que la propuesta del Sistema de Modelamiento del Ambiente Fisico de Aprendizaje (MAFA) se centra en la habitabilidad educativa de quienes aprenden, interactuan y se desarrollan en los jardines infantiles. Se puede hablar de la presencia de un “tercer educador”, concepto introducido por los centros preescolares de Reggio Emilia, en los cuales el ambiente fisico es significativo en el proceso de aprendizaje. Un espacio habitable por ninos y adultos donde las interacciones y el aprendizaje son favorecidos.
This article aims to explain how ECE teachers’ discourses of participation in Chilean professional associations (ECEPAs) are a core trait and builds professionalism in the field. Following the Constructivist-Grounded Theory approach, it... more
This article aims to explain how ECE teachers’ discourses of participation in Chilean professional associations (ECEPAs) are a core trait and builds professionalism in the field. Following the Constructivist-Grounded Theory approach, it adopted a holistic abductive case study method, with a sample of 18 national ECEPA cases and 78 ECE teachers. Data collection drew on 18 individual in-depth interviews and nine discussion groups analyzed in a four-stage Constant Comparison coding process. Findings show ECE teachers relate participation in diverse ECEPAs with building professionalism around four intertwined discourses: transformational politics; pedagogical empowerment; decent working conditions, and historical and renewed struggles. We discuss how these discourses ensemble an emergent ECEPA ecosystem. The significance of this theorization is in making visible how ECE teachers’ multifaceted participation reorganizes in the fragmented neoliberal context, making possible dialog, debate,...
This chapter provides a critical analysis of the current situation of public policies for ECEC in the LAC region. By identifying the rising relevance of ECEC and the expansion of its coverage as its most remarkable highlights, and... more
This chapter provides a critical analysis of the current situation of public policies for ECEC in the LAC region. By identifying the rising relevance of ECEC and the expansion of its coverage as its most remarkable highlights, and sustained problems of quality and equity as its most concerning shadows, we propose that if LAC countries are to successfully emerge from these shadows, they will need to develop and strengthen their national policies.
Tras el levantamiento de informacion sobre las tablas antropometricas de la poblacion infantil chilena, que realizo Jimena Rojas –en ese momento academica de la Escuela de Diseno UC – junto con la Junta Nacional de Jardines infantiles... more
Tras el levantamiento de informacion sobre las tablas antropometricas de la poblacion infantil chilena, que realizo Jimena Rojas –en ese momento academica de la Escuela de Diseno UC – junto con la Junta Nacional de Jardines infantiles (Junji), comenzo a tejerse la idea del diseno del nuevo mobiliario para la educacion parvularia. Lo anterior, ya que no existian estudios con resultados locales y solo se tomaban como referencias las cifras europeas o norteamericanas. Jimena invito a participar a Patricia Manns y a Alberto Gonzalez –disenadores de la Escuela de Diseno UC–, en la estructura del proyecto. Gracias a los anos de ejercicio profesional, como equipo pudimos tener una mirada integrada de las problematicas. Nos dimos cuenta de que el encargo original de adecuar el mobiliario actual a los indicadores del estudio antropometrico, necesitaba de mucho mas que solamente cambiar las dimensiones. En esa instancia, se incorporo Cynthia Adlerstein, de Pedagogia en Educacion Parvularia de...
RESUMEN Este articulo presenta los resultados de un estudio cuyo objetivo fue analizar la formacion para la ensenanza del lenguaje oral y escrito (LOE) en carreras de educacion parvularia chilena. Empleando un diseno mixto, para tal... more
RESUMEN Este articulo presenta los resultados de un estudio cuyo objetivo fue analizar la formacion para la ensenanza del lenguaje oral y escrito (LOE) en carreras de educacion parvularia chilena. Empleando un diseno mixto, para tal proposito se analizaron datos primarios y secundarios referentes al discurso declarado sobre esta area de la formacion (planes de estudio, programas de cursos y planteamientos de jefas de carrera). Los resultados obtenidos indican que si bien esta area cobra gran relevancia estructural en las carreras, ello ocurre desde tres perspectivas distintas: disciplinar, critica y pragmatica. Cada aproximacion configura variables estructurales y de proceso que le permiten intencionar, desde sus sellos institucionales, las distintas dimensiones del conocimiento practico para la ensenanza del LOE. Sin embargo, todas las carreras enfrentan restricciones y dilemas similares que se relacionan con la escasez de recursos, las caracteristicas de los estudiantes y las tens...
This chapter provides a critical analysis of the current situation of public policies for ECEC in the LAC region. By identifying the rising relevance of ECEC and the expansion of its coverage as its most remarkable highlights, and... more
This chapter provides a critical analysis of the current situation of public policies for ECEC in the LAC region. By identifying the rising relevance of ECEC and the expansion of its coverage as its most remarkable highlights, and sustained problems of quality and equity as its most concerning shadows, we propose that if LAC countries are to successfully emerge from these shadows, they will need to develop and strengthen their national policies.
El artículo busca poner en diálogo algunos de los planteamientos que hacen Néstor García Canclini y Paula Freire, en función de superar la perplejidad que abate a la Escuela. Reconociendo a ambos autores como referentes conceptuales... more
El artículo busca poner en diálogo algunos de los planteamientos que hacen Néstor García Canclini y Paula Freire, en función de superar la perplejidad que abate a la Escuela. Reconociendo a ambos autores como referentes conceptuales ineludibles en América Latina de la complejidad cultural y el develamiento de los entramados sociales de la educación, se inicia el artículo contextualizando a estos intelectuales para luego situarlos desde tres categorías de análisis: (a) la coexistencia como referente espacio-temporal, (b) la producción de conocimiento en el pensamiento complejo y (c) el problema del futuro. Finalmente, haciendo resonancia del desarrollo previo, se enuncian algunas aportaciones (también nuevas preguntas) para afrontar el desconcierto educativo.
Este astículo se propone mostrar las diversas formas en que la institución educativa para la primera infancia (IEPI) chilena, ha sido (des)colocada en la investigación. Se inicia el texto argumentando la escasa legitimidad que la... more
Este astículo se propone mostrar las diversas formas en que la institución educativa para la primera infancia (IEPI) chilena, ha sido (des)colocada en la investigación. Se inicia el texto argumentando la escasa legitimidad que la investigación tiene para la subsistencia de esta institución educativa y se avanza en mostrar como la actividad investigativa en torno a ella, ha sido hegemonizada por una mirada modernista-instrumental, asociada a un "discurso de la calidad". También se reconoce la emergencia de un nuevo movimiento en la investigación de la IEPI a partir de un paradigma posmoderno, impulsado por un "discurso de creación de sentido". Finalmente, se propone la Teoría Fundamentada Constructivista como un nuevo aporte a la resignificación de la IEPI, toda vez que permite poner en diálogo y negociación, los paradigmas de investigación que hoy coexisten.
This article presents the main findings of a mixed-method study that explored ECEC teachers’ views on the recently enacted STPD for Teacher Professional Development (STPD) in Chile. Relying on a mixed-method design, we gathered data from... more
This article presents the main findings of a mixed-method study that explored ECEC teachers’ views on the recently enacted STPD for Teacher Professional Development (STPD) in Chile. Relying on a mixed-method design, we gathered data from individual and group interviews and an online survey conducted with 268 ECEC teachers. Drawn from both a priori and emergent categories, our findings reveal that participants held four paradoxical views on the new System: salary justice versus monetizing of the profession; professional teaching recognition versus counter-pedagogical identity, rigorous evaluation versus inappropiate evaluation instruments, and palpable individual career advancement versus doubtful field development. These paradoxes show that ECEC teachers have a positive global view of the new STPD, despite their perception of its individualistic and counter-ECEC pedagogical nature, suggesting a claim for their right to professional development and decent working conditions, as well as a criticism of the STPD’s neoliberal foundation.
This paper reconceptualizes children as already-being- citizens within kindergarten learning environments. It draws on Foucauldian heterotopology to show what type of heterotopias entangle two and three-year-old in everyday place-making... more
This paper reconceptualizes children as already-being- citizens within kindergarten learning environments. It draws on Foucauldian heterotopology to show what type of heterotopias entangle two and three-year-old in everyday place-making practices and how they empower themselves to inhabit learning environments as creative citizens. After a collaborative ethnographic immersion in 16 Chilean public kindergartens during the academic year 2019, findings show three types of heterotopic place-making that enact children’s citizenship: Unpredictable movements and wanderings, new ruling artifacts, and serendipitous spatial transgressions. We discuss how these unsettle ECE learning environment utopias and invite teachers’ improvisatory practices for alternative spatialities and children’s creative citizenship.
Globally, a critical debate about multiliteracies' teaching in early childhood education is intensifying. Teachers and researchers worldwide are rethinking 'multiliteracies pedagogy' and 'multiliterate learning environments' to design... more
Globally, a critical debate about multiliteracies' teaching in early childhood education is intensifying. Teachers and researchers worldwide are rethinking 'multiliteracies pedagogy' and 'multiliterate learning environments' to design innovative and meaningful educational spaces for young children. They pursue to better account for the role (and entanglement) of spaces, places, materiality, bodies, and power in early childhood education pedagogies. Multiliterate learning environments research offers the possibility to reconceptualize early childhood classrooms as real sites of thinking revolution and unique spaces for theorizing new contours of literacy pedagogy. This study explored and elicited early childhood teachers' thinking and making multiliterate learning environments, with an ethnographic approach. We designed a single-case study em-placed in a university's laboratory preschool. The participant observation took place for five months and had two different outspreading moments. First, to explore and familiarize with the preschool culture and to penetrate the learning environment codes, and the second, to produce ethnographic data collaboratively with in-depth interviews. Findings show that teachers' design thinking process is culturally situated and 'child interest-driven,' enabling some child agency in spatial meaning-making as co-authors of the multiliterate learning environments they inhabit. The design thinking process unfolds through an ongoing iterative and collaborative four-phased-cycle. Teachers ideate and reflect on multiliteracies and place-making decisions that materialize learning environments based on the world of children. While making multiliterate environments through this spatial design thinking process, teachers are empowered as designers and as makers of a 'third teacher,' where a wide-ranging diversity of people, texts, practices, meanings, and cultural contexts intersect to build communication.