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Five temples of Apollo on Mainland Greece and Ancient Ionia (Asia Minor), namely Delphi, Didyma, Hierapolis, Delos and Rhodes, have been examined regarding their functioning through astronomical orientation. Recent research has shown that... more
Five temples of Apollo on Mainland Greece and Ancient Ionia (Asia
Minor), namely Delphi, Didyma, Hierapolis, Delos and Rhodes, have been examined
regarding their functioning through astronomical orientation. Recent research
has shown that the rise, setting, orbit and observation of certain constellations in the
celestial sphere, as well as the solar stands, can be directly related to the architecture
of the temple, i.e. construction, orientation, and keeping a calendar of the most
important Apollonian oracular temple at Delphi. Here this lunar-solar-stellar configuration
has been applied to other significant temples of Apollo. It is shown that at
Didyma, Hierapolis and Delphi, the celestial pattern, as well as the landscape, local
geology and architecture are similar, but different in temples without oracular
function (Delos and Rhodes). Measurements were carried out by in situ readings and
by Google Map tools.
Philiskos' gravmonument ligger 5 km nordvest for Nikaia, i landskapet Bithynia (romersk Lille-Asia, dagens Tyrkia). Området er flatt og fruktbart, og i antikken passerte man graven på vei til byen Nikomedeia. Monumentet er delt i to... more
Philiskos' gravmonument ligger 5 km nordvest for Nikaia, i landskapet Bithynia (romersk Lille-Asia, dagens Tyrkia). Området er flatt og fruktbart, og i antikken passerte man graven på vei til byen Nikomedeia. Monumentet er delt i to hovedkomponenter: den nedre delen er formet som en kube. Den virker som sokkel for den øvre delen, som er en monumental, triangulær pyramide.
The documentation and interpretation of our archaeoastronomical research is strongly supported by literature, archaeological witness and skyscape representations. Thus, here, such supplementary data are properly added. Heliacal rising and... more
The documentation and interpretation of our archaeoastronomical research is strongly supported by literature, archaeological witness and skyscape representations. Thus, here, such supplementary data are properly added. Heliacal rising and setting of Corvus, Ophiuchus in studied Temples is given in Figs 3-11, where the top white circle of the vertical segment in sky images represents angular altitude of horizon AAS, declination δ and Az, that marks appearance of constellation. 1. Ancient Sources on Orientation of Temples Classical literature refers the relevance of astronomy and natural philosophy in the orientation of ancient temples. For example, Aristotle (4 th c BC) in Politics 1331a states: " But it is fitting that the dwellings assigned to the gods and the most important of the official messes should have a suitable site, and the same for all, excepting those temples which are assigned a special place apart by the law or else by some utterance of the Pythian oracle. And the site would be suitable if it is one that is sufficiently conspicuous in regard to the excellence of its position, and also of superior strength in regard to the adjacent parts of the city… " (Rackham, 1944).Also, Strabo Geographies, Chapter 5, 2.5.1 affirms that: " We have already stated [our opinion], that neither builder nor architect could build house or city properly and as it ought to be, unless acquainted with the climax of the place, its position in respect to celestial appearances, its shape, magnitude, degree of heat and cold, and similar facts; much less should he [be without such information] who undertakes to describe the situation of the various regions of the inhabited earth… " and in 2.5.2: " Those who write on the science of Geography should trust entirely for the arrangement of the subject they are engaged on
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Apollonian temples with oracular function related to the cult of Apollo's son Asclepius, as well as, Asclepius temples, (both) appear to align with the heliacal rising of the constellation of the Crow (raven) by the sunrise of the Autumn... more
Apollonian temples with oracular function related to the cult of Apollo's son Asclepius, as well as, Asclepius temples, (both) appear to align with the heliacal rising of the constellation of the Crow (raven) by the sunrise of the Autumn Equinox. Some show to align with Ophiuchus, too. Both constellations are related with the mythological circle of the deities as a dual entity. This astronomical phenomenon is supported by myth, archaeological finds, historical texts, artistic representations and astronomical academic tradition. The seventeen temples-altars chosen for survey cover a major chronological and geographical area. Ten temples are of Apollo and seven are of Asclepius: the Pythios Apollon in Gortyna and associated Lebena Asclepius temple (Crete), the Apollo Maleatas and associated Altar within the Asclepeiion of Epidaurus, and the Asclepius temple of Epidaurus (Peloponnese, mainland Greece), Apollo Deiradiotes and an Asclepius temple close to the town of Argos (Peloponnese, mainland Greece), the temple and oracle of Apollo Clarios and Apollo Temple at Notion (Ionian coast, Asia Minor, Turkey), the Temple of Apollon Lairbenos (Phrygia, Asia Minor, Turkey), the Asclepius Temple, Apollo Kyparissios and an Antonine Apollo temple at the island of Kos, and Asclepius Temple with Apollo Oikos at Messene (southern Peloponnese). Most of the Asclepius Temples (healing centers) are associated with temples (some oracular), altars or worship houses of Apollo. In our analytical work, Apollo and Asclepius function as complementary dualities who corroborate on religious prophecy and healing. On cult sites associated with ceremonial healing and curative practice, the alignment of the temples show the use of star markers in architectural planning: astronomical signs associated with myths of the actual gods, prevail. Through present study, we have shown that intangible and tangible cultural heritage are connected. The astronomical orientation of the temples is studied for their azimuth, angular altitude of the horizon and celestial declination, through applied remote sensing techniques, making use of Google Earth maps and associated astronomical tools.
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Siden 1957 har italienske forskere drevet arkeologiske undersøkelser i den antikke byen Hierapolis i Lilleasia (figur 1).1 I 2007 ble norske arkeologer og naturvitere invitert til å undersøke en av byens gravplasser, den såkalte... more
Siden 1957 har italienske forskere drevet arkeologiske undersøkelser i den antikke byen Hierapolis i Lilleasia (figur 1).1 I 2007 ble norske arkeologer og naturvitere invitert til å undersøke en av byens gravplasser, den såkalte Nordøst-nekropolen. Det norske forskningsprosjektets primære mål var å foreta en full typologisk dokumentasjon av alle synlige graver og sarkofager på denne gravplassen, deres topografiske utbredelse og organisasjon, dernest
å foreta utgravninger av utvalgte gravbygninger og gravområder for å avdekke nekropolens bruksperioder.

Valget falt på en gruppe med tre bygninger og tre sarkofager i nekropolens øverste del; i tillegg ble det foretatt noen spredte stikkgravninger rundt i gravplassområdet. Dette arbeidet dannet grunnlaget for videre studier, der vi i en sosial sammenheng ønsket å undersøke en bybefolkning i detalj over en lengre periode gjennom studier av gravarkitektur og landskapsoppfatning,
organisasjon, familietilhørighet og entreprenørvirksomhet, rituell handling og praksis, genetiske relasjoner og opphav, paleodemografi, helse og sykdommer, dietter og enkeltpersoners bevegelsesmønstre. For å kunne svare på mange av disse spørsmålene ble det også foretatt bioarkeologiske undersøkelser, som C14-dateringer, osteologi og
DNA- og isotopanalyser. Målet med denne artikkelen er å diskutere hva de foreløpige studiene rundt disse spørsmål kan fortelle oss om liv og død i Hierapolis, sett i en videre lokal og regional kulturkontekst. Gravplassens historie strekker seg fra 1./2. årh. e.Kr. til ca. år 1300,
og fanger opp religionsskiftet i senantikken. Der er derfor naturlig, etter en historisk innledning, å se på hvorledes døden (gjennom gravenes lokalisering, form og innhold) ble behandlet før og etter religionsskiftet, deretter hva skjelettene kan fortelle om livskvalitet og endringer i den
Abstract Five temples of Apollo on Mainland Greece and Ancient Ionia (Asia Minor), namely Delphi, Didyma, Hierapolis, Delos and Rhodes, have been examined regarding their functioning through astronomical orientation. Recent research has... more
Abstract Five temples of Apollo on Mainland Greece and Ancient Ionia (Asia Minor), namely Delphi, Didyma, Hierapolis, Delos and Rhodes, have been examined regarding their functioning through astronomical orientation. Recent research has shown that the rise, setting, orbit and observation of certain constellations in the celestial sphere, as well as the solar stands, can be directly related to the architecture of the temple, i.e. construction, orientation, and keeping a calendar of the most important Apollonian oracular temple at Delphi. Here this lunar-solar-stellar configuration has been applied to other significant temples of Apollo. It is shown that at Didyma, Hierapolis and Delphi, the celestial pattern, as well as the landscape, local geology and architecture are similar, but different in temples without oracular function (Delos and Rhodes). Measurements were carried out by in situ readings and
by Google Map tools.
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An archaeological presentation of the Solitary obelisk of the north-eastern necropolis of Hierapolis of Phrygia, Turkey.