Universidade de Brasília - UnB
When the first newspapers began their way to the Internet, in 1990 decade, they were very concerned to reproduce the written material: it was mere shovelware. Up to the present, many other products have been created to show the news on... more
Constitutionally, Brazil is a secular country. Abortion, considered a crime (except in two cases: rape and risk to the mother"s life), was one of the important issues of the political debate in the elections of 2010. This article... more
This study analyses the image of the former Brazilian president Fernando Collor de Mello, as being “the patriot savior” (Girardet). To reach the status of a so strong political myth, he had the support from the media, which helped him to... more
"Mutation in journalism and digital citizenship. Three questions about the production of news on electronic screen." The internet changes the news: it undergoes modifications to adapt to the cyberspace, assimilating the... more
The Outside Reporter: the New Journalism in Brazil and the production of João Antonio on Realidade magazine, between 1966 and 1968 The New Journalism, style of writing stories with literary techniques created in the United States,... more
On one hand, new devices have changed languages and work routines in journalism. On the other, a more competitive labour market ejects professionals unable to adapt to the changes. This article tries to give an overview of online... more
O projeto pedagógico se refere à disciplina de Técnicas de Jornalismo, onde se propõe uma forma de ensino ativo e se narra a experiência extraclasse feita com alunos da Universidade de Brasília, num trabalho de Grande Reportagem realizado... more
This work intends to demonstrate that journalism and literature in Brazil have common characteristics in their beginning: a) artistic, literary and journalistic activities all over the world, mainly during the transition from XIX to XX... more
O presente trabalho expõe os métodos de pesquisa que envolveram o trabalho de investigação acerca das mutações que a notícia vem sofrendo no jornalismo digital. A hipótese da mutação da notícia pôde ser observada em dois sites noticiosos... more
Content analysis (CA) is a method that requires patience, thoroughness and creativity of the researcher. Since the computer was introduced in communications’ research, content analysis has incorporated it as a tool. The term Digital... more
... um motivo (gancho, no jargão jornalístico) para que a publicação, dedicada a assuntos econômicos internacionais, abordasse mercado tão controvertido: o affair Clinton-Lewinski ... O papel do jornalista e dos filtros ideológicos no... more