Artigos by Matheus A Martins
Revista Eletrônica Da ANPHLAC, 2023
Neste texto, busco examinar o impacto da oposição à figura de Simón Bolívar na formação do Estado... more Neste texto, busco examinar o impacto da oposição à figura de Simón Bolívar na formação do Estado venezuelano (1829-1831), enfatizando o papel do periódico El Fanal na propagação do antibolivarianismo e na concepção de um discurso de unanimidade pró-independência. Além disso, discuto como, em contraste às críticas à influência do Libertador, os líderes separatistas venezuelanos recorreram ao legado liberal da Primeira República para legitimar a fundação de novas instituições. Assim, proponho repensar o antibolivarianismo enquanto linguagem política fundamental para a consolidação da institucionalidade venezuelana nos anos 1830. Por fim, analiso a virada do debate público a partir da reabilitação da memória do Libertador, nos anos 1840, e suas consequências para a cena política venezuelana.
História da Historiografia: International Journal of Theory and History of Historiography, 2019
A fórmula do “culto a Bolívar”, elaborada por Germán Carrera Damas em seu livro homônimo, é uma d... more A fórmula do “culto a Bolívar”, elaborada por Germán Carrera Damas em seu livro homônimo, é uma das leituras mais usais e originais sobre o passado venezuelano. Nela, a permanência de imagens do herói no cenário político, ao longo da história, é percebida como uma corruptela do percurso histórico que a nação deveria perseguir. A lógica desse argumento deriva diretamente de um embasamento na História das ideias, o que a leva a uma sequência de problemas de ordem interpretativa e metodológica. O intuito do presente trabalho é debater essas complicações, tendo em vista a centralidade do pensamento de Carrera Damas para a escrita da história venezuelana. Sob o escrutínio das críticas que Elias Palti tece à História das ideias na América Latina e dos estudos de linguagens políticas de John Pocock, busca-se, aqui, desconstruir duas percepções da historiografia de Carrera Damas: 1. que o culto a Bolívar esteja implicado no atraso sociopolítico venezuelano; e 2. que esse fenômeno possa ser reduzido a uma ideologia instrumentalizada para dominação social.
Tempos Históricos, 2019
Resumo: O culto a Bolívar ocupa certa centralidade no debate acadêmico venezuelano, especialmente... more Resumo: O culto a Bolívar ocupa certa centralidade no debate acadêmico venezuelano, especialmente devido a sua importância no âmbito político-cultural nacional. Seja por sua perdurabilidade ou por sua polissemia, o bolivarianismo alcança a atualidade como fenômeno capaz de reinventar-se ao sabor das demandas públicas conjunturais. Por essa razão, o tema segue cobrando interpretações e posicionamentos à intelectualidade local. Preocupado em construir pontes, mais que provar pontos, o presente artigo procura convergências nas discussões sociológicas e historiográficas sobre o culto a Bolívar. Tratase de uma leitura crítica sobre os principais estudiosos, delineando suas contribuições para a compreensão de comunicação social arraigada no bolivarianismo, a partir de dois questionamentos: 1. Como explicar a dimensão e as formas que o bolivarianismo assumiu na Venezuela? 2. Como entender as raízes e os papéis atribuídos ao culto ao herói ao longo da história venezuelana?
Palavras-Chave: bolivarianismo; culto ao herói; historiografia venezuelana.
Abstract: The cult to Bolivar occupies centrality in venezuelan academic debate, especially because of its importance in the national political and cultural context. Either for its durability or for its polysemy, Bolivarianism reaches the present as a phenomenon capable of reinventing itself in according to the conjunctural public demands. For this reason, the theme continues to charge interpretations and positions to the local intelligentsia. Concerned to build bridges, rather than proving points, the present paper intents for convergences in the sociological and historiographic discussions about the cult of Bolivar. This is a critical reading of the leading scholars, delineating their contributions to the understanding of social communication ingrain in Bolivarianism, based on two questions: 1. How to explain the dimension and the forms that Bolivarianism has assumed in Venezuela?; 2. How to understand the roots and roles attributed to the cult of hero throughout Venezuelan history? Keywords: bolivarianism; hero cult; venezuelan historiography.
Keywords: bolivarianism; hero cult; venezuelan historiography.
Revista Sures, 2016
Resumo: O presente trabalho tem como intenção discutir o papel das festas do Centenári... more Resumo: O presente trabalho tem como intenção discutir o papel das festas do Centenário de Simon Bolívar em Caracas (1883) no cenário político venezuelano pós-Guerra Federal(1859-1863). Passadas as consequências mais imediatas desse conflito, a ascensão de Antonio Guzmán Blanco ao poder (1870) possibilitou a implementação de um projeto nacional dedicado a superar a desorganização político-administrativa relativa à questão regional. Valendo-se do conceito de “drama social”, proposto por Victor Turner, busca-se entender a escalada da crise que o guzmanato propõe encerrar, dando atenção ao papel político ativo das festividades como tentativa de estabelecer o desfecho para os antagonismos instaurados.
Palavras-chave: Festas cívicas bolivarianas; Guzmanato; Questão regional-nacional
Resumen: En este trabajo se pretende analizar la función de las celebraciones del Centenario de Simón Bolívar en Caracas (1883) en la escena política venezolana post-Guerra Federal (1859-1863). Tras las consecuencias más inmediatas de este conflicto, el ascenso de Antonio Guzmán Blanco al poder (1870) permitió la ejecución de un proyecto nacional dedicado a la superación de la desorganización política y administrativa relativas a la cuestión regional. Basándose en el concepto de “drama social”, propuesto por Victor Turner, se quiere comprender la magnitud de la crisis que el guzmanato propuso poner fin, en especial el papel político activo delas fiestas como un intento de crear un desenlace a los antagonismos establecidos.
Palabras Clave: Fiestas cívicas bolivarianas; Guzmanato; Cuestión regional-nacional
Abstract- This paper aims to analyze the role of the Centenary celebrations of Simon Bolivar in Caracas (1883) on the post-Federal War (1859-1863) Venezuelan political scene. Past the immediate consequences of this conflict, the rise of Antonio Guzman Blanco to power (1870) enabled the implementation of a national project dedicated to overcoming the political and administrative disorganization related to the regional issue. Based on the concept of "social drama", proposed by Victor Turner, this study seeks to understand the escalating crisis that the guzmanato proposed to end, paying attention to the active political role played by the festivities as an attempt to shape the outcome to the initiated antagonisms.
Keywords: Bolivarian civic festivities; Guzmanato; Regional/national question
Revista de Arqueologia Pública, 2014
RESUMO: O presente trabalho tenciona apresentar um estudo de caso sobre a colônia penal localizad... more RESUMO: O presente trabalho tenciona apresentar um estudo de caso sobre a colônia penal localizada no bairro de Dois Unidos, Recife. Para sua inserção no contexto pré-golpe de 64, buscamos o entendimento das ações da SSP-PE sob a gestão do Cel. Costa Cavalcanti, a fim de apreender os panoramas de sua construção e uso, entendendo suas relações com o bairro em que se localiza.
Palavras-chave: Ditadura Civil-Militar Brasileira; Abusos policiais nos regimes de exceção; Colônia Penal de Dois Unidos.
ABSTRACT: This paper aims to present a case study on the penal colony located in the neighborhood of Dois Unidos, Recife. To its insertion in the pre-coup of 64 context, we seek to under-stand the actions of the SSP-PE under the management of colonel Costa Cavalcanti, in order to grasp the panoramas of its construction and use, understanding their relations with the neighborhood in which it is located.
Keywords: Brazilian Civil-Military Dictatorship; Police excesses in a state of emer-gency; Penal colony of Dois Unidos.
RESUMEN: El presente trabajo pretende presentar un estudio de caso sobre la colonia penal localizada en el barrio Dois Unidos, Recife. Para su inserción en el contexto pre-golpe de 1964, buscamos comprender las acciones de la SSP-PE bajo el mando del Cel. Costa
Dissertação by Matheus A Martins
A tradição política venezuelana no século XIX esteve intimamente vinculada aos usos da imagem de... more A tradição política venezuelana no século XIX esteve intimamente vinculada aos usos da imagem de Simon Bolívar numa gama de manifestações sociais. As elites governantes do país, envolvidas no exercício de "fundar a nação", frequentemente recorreram ao Libertador como uma origem a ser celebrada, uma memória que ofertasse unidade na recordação e um suporte para seus projetos de porvir. De tanto se retomar a jornada libertadora em solenidades e efemérides, paulatinamente se consolidou um calendário de homenagens ao herói. Mais que comemorar sua narrativa de fato, as cerimônias foram arranjos polissêmicos constantemente remodelados ao sabor das demandas políticas conjunturais. Diante das barreiras de uma sociedade iletrada e acostumada ao cotidiano de guerras civis, esses rituais foram capazes de desempenhar uma comunicação social cativante, ampla e pacífica. Interessado em compreender os papéis mediativos dessa retórica/ritualística bolivariana, proponho investigar os sentidos do jogo simbólico desenvolvido nas principais festas bolivarianas da Caracas oitocentista: a Entrada triunfal de Bolívar (1827), as Honras fúnebres do Libertador (1842) e o Centenário de Bolívar (1883). Mediante a contribuição de leituras da história do discurso político e antropologia ritual, desenvolvo um olhar contextualista para as crônicas do ritual bolivariano, preocupado com os modos com que a linguagem política e o sistema simbólico do bolivarianismo foram empregados para apresentar resoluções para os dramas sociais de turno. Nesse âmbito, busco enfatizar o caráter mediativo do Culto a Bolívar, em oposição a intepretações correntes que o situam como um fenômeno de dominação socio-política.
Palavras-chave: Simon Bolívar (1783-1830); Cultura política: Venezuela; Feriados e festascívicas: Venezuela; Venezuela: Política e governo (1830-1935)
Venezuelan political tradition in the nineteenth century was deeply linked to the uses of the image of Simon Bolivar in a range of social manifestations. The ruling elites of the country, involved in the "to found the nation" exercise, often appeal to the Liberator as an origin to be celebrated, a memory that offered unity in remembrance and a support for their future projects. From reclaim the liberating course in solemnities and ephemeris, a calendar of tributes to the hero was gradually consolidated. Besides commemorate his narrative, in fact, the ceremonies were polysemic arrangements constantly remodeled to the tune of conjunctural political demands. Faced with the barriers of an illiterate and accustomed society to the daily civil wars, these rituals were able to play a captivating, extensive and peaceful social communication. Interested in understanding the mediatic roles of this Bolivarian rhetoric/ritualistic, I propose to investigate the meanings of the symbolic game developed in the main Bolivarian festivals of Caracas in the eighteenth century: Bolívar's Triumphal Entry (1827), the Liberator's Funeral Honors (1842), and Bolivar's Centennial (1883). Through the contribution of readings from the history of political discourse and ritual anthropology, I develop a contextualist look at the chronicles of Bolivarian ritual, concerned with the ways in which language politics and the symbolic system of Bolivarianism were employed to present resolutions to the Social Dramas of turn. In this context, I seek to emphasize the mediational character of the Cult of Bolivar, as opposed to current interpretations that situate it as a phenomenon of socio-political domination.
Key Words: Simon Bolívar (1783-1830); Political culture: Venezuela; Holydays and civicfestivities: Venezuela; Venezuela Politics and government (1830-1935)
Artigos by Matheus A Martins
Palavras-Chave: bolivarianismo; culto ao herói; historiografia venezuelana.
Abstract: The cult to Bolivar occupies centrality in venezuelan academic debate, especially because of its importance in the national political and cultural context. Either for its durability or for its polysemy, Bolivarianism reaches the present as a phenomenon capable of reinventing itself in according to the conjunctural public demands. For this reason, the theme continues to charge interpretations and positions to the local intelligentsia. Concerned to build bridges, rather than proving points, the present paper intents for convergences in the sociological and historiographic discussions about the cult of Bolivar. This is a critical reading of the leading scholars, delineating their contributions to the understanding of social communication ingrain in Bolivarianism, based on two questions: 1. How to explain the dimension and the forms that Bolivarianism has assumed in Venezuela?; 2. How to understand the roots and roles attributed to the cult of hero throughout Venezuelan history? Keywords: bolivarianism; hero cult; venezuelan historiography.
Keywords: bolivarianism; hero cult; venezuelan historiography.
Palavras-chave: Festas cívicas bolivarianas; Guzmanato; Questão regional-nacional
Resumen: En este trabajo se pretende analizar la función de las celebraciones del Centenario de Simón Bolívar en Caracas (1883) en la escena política venezolana post-Guerra Federal (1859-1863). Tras las consecuencias más inmediatas de este conflicto, el ascenso de Antonio Guzmán Blanco al poder (1870) permitió la ejecución de un proyecto nacional dedicado a la superación de la desorganización política y administrativa relativas a la cuestión regional. Basándose en el concepto de “drama social”, propuesto por Victor Turner, se quiere comprender la magnitud de la crisis que el guzmanato propuso poner fin, en especial el papel político activo delas fiestas como un intento de crear un desenlace a los antagonismos establecidos.
Palabras Clave: Fiestas cívicas bolivarianas; Guzmanato; Cuestión regional-nacional
Abstract- This paper aims to analyze the role of the Centenary celebrations of Simon Bolivar in Caracas (1883) on the post-Federal War (1859-1863) Venezuelan political scene. Past the immediate consequences of this conflict, the rise of Antonio Guzman Blanco to power (1870) enabled the implementation of a national project dedicated to overcoming the political and administrative disorganization related to the regional issue. Based on the concept of "social drama", proposed by Victor Turner, this study seeks to understand the escalating crisis that the guzmanato proposed to end, paying attention to the active political role played by the festivities as an attempt to shape the outcome to the initiated antagonisms.
Keywords: Bolivarian civic festivities; Guzmanato; Regional/national question
Palavras-chave: Ditadura Civil-Militar Brasileira; Abusos policiais nos regimes de exceção; Colônia Penal de Dois Unidos.
ABSTRACT: This paper aims to present a case study on the penal colony located in the neighborhood of Dois Unidos, Recife. To its insertion in the pre-coup of 64 context, we seek to under-stand the actions of the SSP-PE under the management of colonel Costa Cavalcanti, in order to grasp the panoramas of its construction and use, understanding their relations with the neighborhood in which it is located.
Keywords: Brazilian Civil-Military Dictatorship; Police excesses in a state of emer-gency; Penal colony of Dois Unidos.
RESUMEN: El presente trabajo pretende presentar un estudio de caso sobre la colonia penal localizada en el barrio Dois Unidos, Recife. Para su inserción en el contexto pre-golpe de 1964, buscamos comprender las acciones de la SSP-PE bajo el mando del Cel. Costa
Dissertação by Matheus A Martins
Palavras-chave: Simon Bolívar (1783-1830); Cultura política: Venezuela; Feriados e festascívicas: Venezuela; Venezuela: Política e governo (1830-1935)
Venezuelan political tradition in the nineteenth century was deeply linked to the uses of the image of Simon Bolivar in a range of social manifestations. The ruling elites of the country, involved in the "to found the nation" exercise, often appeal to the Liberator as an origin to be celebrated, a memory that offered unity in remembrance and a support for their future projects. From reclaim the liberating course in solemnities and ephemeris, a calendar of tributes to the hero was gradually consolidated. Besides commemorate his narrative, in fact, the ceremonies were polysemic arrangements constantly remodeled to the tune of conjunctural political demands. Faced with the barriers of an illiterate and accustomed society to the daily civil wars, these rituals were able to play a captivating, extensive and peaceful social communication. Interested in understanding the mediatic roles of this Bolivarian rhetoric/ritualistic, I propose to investigate the meanings of the symbolic game developed in the main Bolivarian festivals of Caracas in the eighteenth century: Bolívar's Triumphal Entry (1827), the Liberator's Funeral Honors (1842), and Bolivar's Centennial (1883). Through the contribution of readings from the history of political discourse and ritual anthropology, I develop a contextualist look at the chronicles of Bolivarian ritual, concerned with the ways in which language politics and the symbolic system of Bolivarianism were employed to present resolutions to the Social Dramas of turn. In this context, I seek to emphasize the mediational character of the Cult of Bolivar, as opposed to current interpretations that situate it as a phenomenon of socio-political domination.
Key Words: Simon Bolívar (1783-1830); Political culture: Venezuela; Holydays and civicfestivities: Venezuela; Venezuela Politics and government (1830-1935)
Palavras-Chave: bolivarianismo; culto ao herói; historiografia venezuelana.
Abstract: The cult to Bolivar occupies centrality in venezuelan academic debate, especially because of its importance in the national political and cultural context. Either for its durability or for its polysemy, Bolivarianism reaches the present as a phenomenon capable of reinventing itself in according to the conjunctural public demands. For this reason, the theme continues to charge interpretations and positions to the local intelligentsia. Concerned to build bridges, rather than proving points, the present paper intents for convergences in the sociological and historiographic discussions about the cult of Bolivar. This is a critical reading of the leading scholars, delineating their contributions to the understanding of social communication ingrain in Bolivarianism, based on two questions: 1. How to explain the dimension and the forms that Bolivarianism has assumed in Venezuela?; 2. How to understand the roots and roles attributed to the cult of hero throughout Venezuelan history? Keywords: bolivarianism; hero cult; venezuelan historiography.
Keywords: bolivarianism; hero cult; venezuelan historiography.
Palavras-chave: Festas cívicas bolivarianas; Guzmanato; Questão regional-nacional
Resumen: En este trabajo se pretende analizar la función de las celebraciones del Centenario de Simón Bolívar en Caracas (1883) en la escena política venezolana post-Guerra Federal (1859-1863). Tras las consecuencias más inmediatas de este conflicto, el ascenso de Antonio Guzmán Blanco al poder (1870) permitió la ejecución de un proyecto nacional dedicado a la superación de la desorganización política y administrativa relativas a la cuestión regional. Basándose en el concepto de “drama social”, propuesto por Victor Turner, se quiere comprender la magnitud de la crisis que el guzmanato propuso poner fin, en especial el papel político activo delas fiestas como un intento de crear un desenlace a los antagonismos establecidos.
Palabras Clave: Fiestas cívicas bolivarianas; Guzmanato; Cuestión regional-nacional
Abstract- This paper aims to analyze the role of the Centenary celebrations of Simon Bolivar in Caracas (1883) on the post-Federal War (1859-1863) Venezuelan political scene. Past the immediate consequences of this conflict, the rise of Antonio Guzman Blanco to power (1870) enabled the implementation of a national project dedicated to overcoming the political and administrative disorganization related to the regional issue. Based on the concept of "social drama", proposed by Victor Turner, this study seeks to understand the escalating crisis that the guzmanato proposed to end, paying attention to the active political role played by the festivities as an attempt to shape the outcome to the initiated antagonisms.
Keywords: Bolivarian civic festivities; Guzmanato; Regional/national question
Palavras-chave: Ditadura Civil-Militar Brasileira; Abusos policiais nos regimes de exceção; Colônia Penal de Dois Unidos.
ABSTRACT: This paper aims to present a case study on the penal colony located in the neighborhood of Dois Unidos, Recife. To its insertion in the pre-coup of 64 context, we seek to under-stand the actions of the SSP-PE under the management of colonel Costa Cavalcanti, in order to grasp the panoramas of its construction and use, understanding their relations with the neighborhood in which it is located.
Keywords: Brazilian Civil-Military Dictatorship; Police excesses in a state of emer-gency; Penal colony of Dois Unidos.
RESUMEN: El presente trabajo pretende presentar un estudio de caso sobre la colonia penal localizada en el barrio Dois Unidos, Recife. Para su inserción en el contexto pre-golpe de 1964, buscamos comprender las acciones de la SSP-PE bajo el mando del Cel. Costa
Palavras-chave: Simon Bolívar (1783-1830); Cultura política: Venezuela; Feriados e festascívicas: Venezuela; Venezuela: Política e governo (1830-1935)
Venezuelan political tradition in the nineteenth century was deeply linked to the uses of the image of Simon Bolivar in a range of social manifestations. The ruling elites of the country, involved in the "to found the nation" exercise, often appeal to the Liberator as an origin to be celebrated, a memory that offered unity in remembrance and a support for their future projects. From reclaim the liberating course in solemnities and ephemeris, a calendar of tributes to the hero was gradually consolidated. Besides commemorate his narrative, in fact, the ceremonies were polysemic arrangements constantly remodeled to the tune of conjunctural political demands. Faced with the barriers of an illiterate and accustomed society to the daily civil wars, these rituals were able to play a captivating, extensive and peaceful social communication. Interested in understanding the mediatic roles of this Bolivarian rhetoric/ritualistic, I propose to investigate the meanings of the symbolic game developed in the main Bolivarian festivals of Caracas in the eighteenth century: Bolívar's Triumphal Entry (1827), the Liberator's Funeral Honors (1842), and Bolivar's Centennial (1883). Through the contribution of readings from the history of political discourse and ritual anthropology, I develop a contextualist look at the chronicles of Bolivarian ritual, concerned with the ways in which language politics and the symbolic system of Bolivarianism were employed to present resolutions to the Social Dramas of turn. In this context, I seek to emphasize the mediational character of the Cult of Bolivar, as opposed to current interpretations that situate it as a phenomenon of socio-political domination.
Key Words: Simon Bolívar (1783-1830); Political culture: Venezuela; Holydays and civicfestivities: Venezuela; Venezuela Politics and government (1830-1935)