Although non-suicidal self-injury (nssi) is a serious health concern among prisoners worldwide, n... more Although non-suicidal self-injury (nssi) is a serious health concern among prisoners worldwide, no empirical data on this issue are currently available specifically for Belgium.<br/> AIM: To investigate the prevalence rates of, and risk factors for, nssi in Flemish prisons.<br/> METHOD: A cross-sectional study based on a representative sample of 1326 prisoners (1203 men and 123 women), randomly selected from 15 Flemish prisons.<br/> RESULTS: Overall, 17.3% of prisoners self-reported a lifetime history of nssi. One in 12 prisoners (8.6%) engaged in nssi whilst incarcerated; this was significantly associated with both static (younger age, sentenced status, and violent offending) and dynamic (psychiatric disorders, distress, and coping strategies) risk factors.<br/> CONCLUSION: The extent of nssi among prisoners in Flanders is considerable. The identified risk factors present important targets for prevention and intervention in a custodial setting.
University students are at elevated risk for psychological distress, especially during the COVID-... more University students are at elevated risk for psychological distress, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. The aim of this study was to warmly contact our students and investigate the psychological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the subjective wellbeing (SWB) and levels of psychological symptoms (such as depressive and anxious feelings) of university students in Belgium. All bachelor and master students of the Vrije Universiteit Brussels (N = 15,475) were invited for a brief structured telephone interview in March, 2021. In total, 7,154 students were assessed by a structured interview, based on the Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K6) and the Anamnestic Comparative Self-Assessment (ACSA). Compared to a representative sample, students considered their life during the pandemic as less satisfying compared to their life before the pandemic. Overall, all students have suffered from COVID-19 and the measures taken to contain the pandemic. Twenty percent of our sample of 7,154 ...
Although non-suicidal self-injury (nssi) is a serious health concern among prisoners worldwide, n... more Although non-suicidal self-injury (nssi) is a serious health concern among prisoners worldwide, no empirical data on this issue are currently available specifically for Belgium.<br/> AIM: To investigate the prevalence rates of, and risk factors for, nssi in Flemish prisons.<br/> METHOD: A cross-sectional study based on a representative sample of 1326 prisoners (1203 men and 123 women), randomly selected from 15 Flemish prisons.<br/> RESULTS: Overall, 17.3% of prisoners self-reported a lifetime history of nssi. One in 12 prisoners (8.6%) engaged in nssi whilst incarcerated; this was significantly associated with both static (younger age, sentenced status, and violent offending) and dynamic (psychiatric disorders, distress, and coping strategies) risk factors.<br/> CONCLUSION: The extent of nssi among prisoners in Flanders is considerable. The identified risk factors present important targets for prevention and intervention in a custodial setting.
University students are at elevated risk for psychological distress, especially during the COVID-... more University students are at elevated risk for psychological distress, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. The aim of this study was to warmly contact our students and investigate the psychological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the subjective wellbeing (SWB) and levels of psychological symptoms (such as depressive and anxious feelings) of university students in Belgium. All bachelor and master students of the Vrije Universiteit Brussels (N = 15,475) were invited for a brief structured telephone interview in March, 2021. In total, 7,154 students were assessed by a structured interview, based on the Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K6) and the Anamnestic Comparative Self-Assessment (ACSA). Compared to a representative sample, students considered their life during the pandemic as less satisfying compared to their life before the pandemic. Overall, all students have suffered from COVID-19 and the measures taken to contain the pandemic. Twenty percent of our sample of 7,154 ...
To cite this article: An Hooghe, Jan De Mol, Imke Baetens & Emmanuelle Zech (2013) The measuremen... more To cite this article: An Hooghe, Jan De Mol, Imke Baetens & Emmanuelle Zech (2013) The measurement of couple and family interactions and relationship quality in bereavement research, Family Science, 4:1, 66-78,
Op zelfverwonding rust een zwaar taboe. Ouders en jongeren die ermee geconfronteerd worden, staan... more Op zelfverwonding rust een zwaar taboe. Ouders en jongeren die ermee geconfronteerd worden, staan er vaak alleen voor. Zij vinden weinig gehoor in hun omgeving. In de hulpverlening worden zij weleens van het kastje naar de muur gestuurd. Zij nemen hun toevlucht tot websites over zelfverwonding, maar die zijn vaak geschreven door ervaringsdeskundigen, waardoor het advies minder wetenschappelijk onderbouwd is. Dit boek sluit aan bij de grote nood aan degelijke informatie bij ouders en jongeren, maar ook bij leerkrachten en begeleiders.
In Zie me niet vertalen auteurs Imke Baetens en Laurence Claes de meest recente wetenschappelijke bevindingen naar bruikbare ideeën en suggesties voor al wie met zelfverwonding geconfronteerd wordt. Dit boek geeft hun een helder inzicht in zelfverwondend gedrag, in wat erachter schuilt en in hoe je er het best mee omgaat.
Zie me niet is gebaseerd op wetenschappelijk onderzoek en is geschreven op maat van jongeren en begeleiders.
Papers by Imke Baetens
In Zie me niet vertalen auteurs Imke Baetens en Laurence Claes de meest recente wetenschappelijke bevindingen naar bruikbare ideeën en suggesties voor al wie met zelfverwonding geconfronteerd wordt. Dit boek geeft hun een helder inzicht in zelfverwondend gedrag, in wat erachter schuilt en in hoe je er het best mee omgaat.
Zie me niet is gebaseerd op wetenschappelijk onderzoek en is geschreven op maat van jongeren en begeleiders.