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The purpose of this study was to investigate university students' perceptions of mental health problems, through an exploration of proposed health promotion interventions. An action research approach was undertaken to inform the health... more
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      Health PromotionChild and adolescent mental healthMental HealthSuicide prevention
Conference programme from CritSui 2.0, held in late June, 2017.
Canterbury, Kent, UK
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      SuicideSuicide prevention
Ricerca qualitativa su 59 casi di suicidio in carcere avvenuti tra il 2006 e il 2011 in Piemonte, Liguria e Campani.
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      Self HarmSuicideSuicide preventionPrisons
SOURCE: Baril, A. (2020). « Queeriser le geste suicidaire : penser le suicide avec Nelly Arcan », dans I. Boisclair, P.-L. Landry et G.P. Girard (dirs.). QuébeQueer : Le queer dans les productions littéraires, artistiques et médiatiques... more
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      French LiteratureQueer StudiesFrench StudiesDisability Studies
Baril, Alexandre (2018). « Conférence d’honneur : “Vivre avec” la mort : développer une éthique de la reconnaissance et de la responsabilité envers les personnes suicidaires », The Poetics and Ethics of “Living With”: Indigenous,... more
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      Social MovementsEpistemologyQueer TheoryStigma
During the period February 2009-February 2012, the Office of Refugee Resettlement of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services reported 16 suicides among the approximately 57,000 Bhutanese refugees who had resettled in the United... more
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      PsychiatrySuicideSuicide preventionAdolescent
The current study examined racial/ethnic differences in utilization of mental health services in a nationally representative sample of suicidal adults. Data were extracted from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) from 2009... more
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      SuicideSuicide (Psychology)Suicide prevention
Iedere hulpverlener die werkt met jongeren kan geconfronteerd worden met een jongere die aan zelfmoord denkt, een zelfmoordmoordpoging ondernomen heeft of overlijdt door zelfdoding. Wat kan je als hulpverlener doen in deze situaties? Ben... more
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      SuicideSuicide (Psychology)Suicide preventionYouth
This paper presentation is formatted into the following sections: 1) A vignette on my own experiences coping with depression and suicide; 2) Statistics on depression and suicide as it relates to various populations music educators work... more
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      Music EducationEducationTeacher EducationDepression
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      Program EvaluationPsychologySuicideSuicide prevention
Nearly a million people take their own lives every year, more than those murdered or killed in war. Suicide is a problem that affects people of all ages and economic levels, and is recognised by the WHO as a significant public health... more
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      SociologyPsychologySocial WorkDomestic Violence
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      Machine LearningGraph TheorySuicideSuicide prevention
Objective: Analyze responses to a national request for information (RFI) to uncover gaps in policy, practice, and understanding of veteran suicide to inform federal research strategy. Data source: An RFI with 21 open-ended questions... more
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      Mental HealthPublic Health PolicySuicide preventionVeterans
Social media data is increasingly used to gain insights into trends in mental health, but prior studies aimed at confirming a link between online expression of suicidal ideation on social media and actual suicide deaths have been... more
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      Text MiningSuicideSocial MediaTwitter
Abstract In 2010, a coroner’s inquest was held into the 2007 suicide of Ms Charmaine Dragun, an Australian television news anchorwoman. The main findings were that if Ms Dragun had been diagnosed with bipolar II disorder and prescribed a... more
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      Counseling PsychologyBipolar DisorderPsychotherapy and CounselingMindfulness
How we can stop suicide bombing.
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      TerrorismSuicide preventionTerrorism, Suicide Bombing, Security
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      PsychologySuicidePublic HealthSuicide prevention
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      Injury PreventionSuicide preventionMedicinePoison Control
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      SuicideSuicide preventionAttempted Suicide
In our second article, Vassiliki Karkou and Judy Glasman provide an illuminating overview of current debates about the place of the arts within education. They explore the emotional and social role of the arts in school, illustrating... more
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      Performing ArtsHealth PromotionArts EducationMental Health Promotion
Child and youth care (CYC) professionals often provide care to children, youth and families in conjunction with professionals from other disciplines. How CYC professionals engage other service providers in the provision of care for... more
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      Youth WorkSuicide preventionConstructivist Grounded TheoryMental Health Literacy
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      PsychologySuicideSuicide (Psychology)Suicide prevention
There are no easy solutions to reaching and supporting people at serious risk of suicide or self-harm. Public health organisations have turned to a range of digital tools to address these risks and offer avenues for support. This report... more
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      Mental HealthSuicideSocial MediaSocial Support
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      Community Engagement & ParticipationSuicideAboriginal HealthSuicide prevention
Suicide is a major public health problem that affects people of all ages, including children. A child's decision to commit suicide is influenced by many social and psychological factors, as well as mental illness and addiction. Aim of... more
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      Emergency MedicineSuicidePediatric emergencySuicide prevention
Suicide rates in Sri Lanka have steadily risen from the 1970’s to peak in 1995 thereafter showing a gradual decrease. We investigated whether pesticide control regulations had an impact on suicide rates. A graphical approach and... more
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      Criminal LawComparative LawSocial PolicyImpact Evaluation
An overview of the Strub Caulkins Center for Suicide Research and it's mission.
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      SuicideSuicidologySuicide prevention
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      PsychologySuicideSuicide preventionAdolescent
Involving patients and families in mental healthcare is becoming more commonplace, but little is known about how they are involved in the aftermath of serious adverse events related to quality of care (sentinel events, including... more
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      PsychologyMental HealthQuality of Mental Health CareSuicide
In het voorjaar van 2017 lanceerde het Vlaams Expertisecentrum Suïcidepreventie (VLESP; Aerts, Dumon, Van Heeringen, & Portzky, 2017) een richtlijn en e-learningwebsite over suïcidepreventie, bestemd voor hulpverleners in de... more
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      SuicideSuicide (Psychology)Suicide prevention
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      DepressionHealth EducationSuicideSocial Support
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceBehavior ModificationDepression
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      Mental Health nursingSouth AsiaSuicide preventionAnthropology/Sociology of Pregnancy
This paper was presented at The 14th International Conference on the Social Context of Death, Dying and Disposal (at University of Bath, 7th September 2019). Original title was “Sources of Influence on the Taboo of Death and a Good Death:... more
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      EducationDeath StudiesSuicide preventionAdolescent Education (Education)
In the Internet we can find many informations how commit a suicide, we can read about form of suicide. There are more and more cases of Internet suicides, comitted online, live. According to a report prepared by The British Medical... more
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      Media EducationSuicide prevention
International efforts to prevent suicide are more likely to focus on social causes than individual protective factors -- and also show more success than US efforts.
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      Mental HealthSuicide prevention
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      PsychologyHealth CareSuicideSocial Media
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      EducationResearch DesignMedical EducationSuicide
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      Primary Health CareMental Health Service AccessCommunity-Based Mental Health ServicesPublic Health Policy
Background: Lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) populations have a high prevalence of suicide behaviors. Aim: To review the literature on suicide among LGBT populations. Material and Methods: A systematic review of the scientific... more
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      LGBT IssuesSuicideSuicide (Psychology)LGBT Youth
Involving patients and families in mental healthcare is becoming more commonplace, but little is known about how they are involved in the aftermath of serious adverse events related to quality of care (sentinel events, including... more
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      PsychologyMental HealthQuality of Mental Health CareSuicide
'This is an important publication as it is the first book to engage in depth with suicidality and self-harm in a diverse range of queer youth. The authors draw on a range of social science perspectives in order to better understand why,... more
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      Queer StudiesGay And Lesbian StudiesSelf HarmSuicide
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      PsychologyPrejudiceSuicideSuicide prevention
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      EvaluationSuicidePublic HealthSuicide prevention
Suicide is a growing social problem worldwide. Gender has been considered one of the risk factors for suicide, however, it has also been one of the misunderstood categories by some researchers. Gender is not a risk factor in itself.... more
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      GenderSuicide preventionCovid-19
Purpose: No prior study has been published on suicide-related behaviors among gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (GBTQ) men in Singapore, where sexual relations between men are criminalized. This study explores the association and... more
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      Mental HealthGay And Lesbian StudiesSingaporeSuicide
There is considerable debate on whether suicide assessment carries an iatrogenic risk for participants/patients. A double-blind randomized controlled trial (registration: R000022314) tested the emotional impact of suicide assessment on... more
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      Suicide preventionMedical and Research ethicsRandomized Controlled TrialsIatrogenic injury
This study explored the relationship between sexual attraction status (same-sex, both-sex, and opposite-sex) and suicidal behavior in a diverse sample of adolescents (N = 1,533 youth). Adolescents with attractions to both sexes reported... more
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      PsychologyDepressionSuicideSocial Support