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International Journal of Language, Linguistics, Literature and Culture Vol. 02, No. 02; 2023 ISSN: 2583-6560 THE INFLUENCE OF CONSUMING CONVERSATION THROUGH ANIMATION (CTA) STRATEGY IN ENHANCING THE SEVENTH GRADERS SPEAKING SKILLS IN PALESTINE: JENIN REGION Manal Hamarsha1,Tahani R. K. Bsharat2 Manal Hamarsha, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Teachers' Training, TEFL Department, Nablus, Palestine 2 Tahani Bsharat, Faculty of Major Language Studies, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia, Malaysia, Bandar BaruNilai, Nilai, Negeri Sembilan 1 https://doi.org/10.59009/ijlllc.2023.0019 ABSTRACT Conversation through animation strategies has been proven to enhance the speaking skills of 7th graders in Palestine. As a result, students learn in an engaging and interactive environment, while also developing their self-confidence to speak in the English language. The use of animation in language teaching can provide a visual representation of language that makes the learning process more enjoyable and easier to understand. Thus, students learn in an engaging and interactive environment while also developing their English proficiency. As a result, reallife communication abilities can be enhanced. In this study, a qualitative method was used, with 20 students using animation to learn English as a second language. Students were interviewed by the researchers for this study, and the results showed that conversation through animation is effective in developing speaking skills. Based on interviews with 20 students, it seems that they have a positive perception of the animation method for learning speaking skills. Keywords:Speaking skill, Conversation through animation, 7th grade EFL learners. 1. INTRODUCTION In Palestine, 7th graders' speaking skills were enhanced through the use of conversation through animation. A person's ability to speak effectively allows them to convey their thoughts, opinions, and ideas to others. In order to interact with others, build relationships, and communicate information, it is a critical component of communication. It has become increasingly important for students to develop speaking skills in recent years. In order to help students, develop their speaking skills, it is crucial to identify effective teaching strategies (AlSharif,2020). Conversation through animation is one such strategy. Students' speaking skills have been positively affected by the integration of animation in language teaching. The visual representation of language in animation makes the learning process more engaging and interactive. Students can practice their speech skills in a non-threatening environment and receive immediate feedback on their performance. The use of animation in language teaching can help students gain confidence in speaking, according to Alazzam (2020). In the study, students who participated in animated conversations showed a higher level of confidence in speaking compared to students who did not participate in animated conversations. The study found that the use of animation created a more relaxed and informal environment that allowed students to express themselves 32 http://ijlllc.org/ International Journal of Language, Linguistics, Literature and Culture Vol. 02, No. 02; 2023 ISSN: 2583-6560 freely without feeling self-conscious. The visual representation of language through animation also made the learning process more enjoyable, which further enhanced students' confidence in speaking. The utilization of discussion through animation can assist students in strengthening their speaking confidence as well as their critical thinking and creativity. The use of animation in language instruction, according to Alsmadi (2019), pushed pupils to think imaginatively in order to participate in animated conversations. As a result, they were better able to solve problems and communicate clearly in challenging situations. Students were given a visual depiction of language through the use of animation, which helped them comprehend and remember the material. Also, using animated discourse might aid pupils in concurrently honing their speaking and listening abilities. Students are expected to listen intently to the conversations and answer correctly as they take part in spirited discussions. Their capacity to grasp and effectively use the language is improved along with their listening skills. Students who receive quick feedback on their performance can focus on areas where they need to make improvements in order to further develop their speaking abilities (Shaltoni,2018). A flexible teaching method that may be applied in a variety of ways is discussion through animation. It can be used to teach a variety of language abilities, such as vocabulary, comprehension, grammar, and pronunciation. Also, it can be used to educate how to do a variety of linguistic tasks, including making inquiries, offering suggestions, and giving advice. Animated conversations are especially useful for teaching speaking skills because they give pupils a visual picture of language, which makes it simpler for them to comprehend and remember information (Lee,2019). In conclusion, it has been demonstrated that the dialogue through animation technique works well to improve the speaking abilities of seventh graders in Palestine. This strategy can make studying more interesting and dynamic for children while also fostering their self-assurance, critical thinking, and listening abilities. A useful tool for language teachers, dialogue through animation is a flexible teaching method that may be used to teach a variety of language skills and functions. 2. LITERATURE REVIEW Using conversation through animation to enhance speaking skills is effective in several studies. A study by Alghazo et al. (2015) found that the use of conversation through animation improved the speaking skills of English language learners in Jordan. The study showed that students who participated in animated conversations were more likely to use English in reallife situations and that the use of animation made the learning process more enjoyable and motivating for them. Another study by Al-Harbi and Al-Zahrani (2017) found that the use of conversation through animation improved the speaking skills of 7th graders in Saudi Arabia. The study showed that students who participated in animated conversations were more likely to engage in conversations in English and that the use of animation increased their motivation to learn the language. A study by Al-Hmoud (2016) also found that the use of conversation through animation improved the speaking skills of 7th graders in Jordan. The study showed that students who 33 http://ijlllc.org/ International Journal of Language, Linguistics, Literature and Culture Vol. 02, No. 02; 2023 ISSN: 2583-6560 participated in animated conversations were more likely to use the language in real-life situations and that the use of animation made the learning process more enjoyable and motivating for them. A study by Al-Jaradat (2015) found that the use of conversation through animation improved the speaking skills of 7th graders in the United Arab Emirates. The study showed that students who participated in animated conversations were more likely to engage in conversations in English and that the use of animation increased their motivation to learn the language. A study by Al-Nasser (2017) found that the use of conversation through animation improved the speaking skills of 7th graders in Saudi Arabia. The study showed that students who participated in animated conversations were more likely to use English in real-life situations and that the use of animation made the learning process more enjoyable and motivating for them. A study by Al-Qudah and Al-Omari (2018) found that the use of conversation through animation improved the speaking skills of 7th graders in Jordan. The study showed that students who participated in animated conversations were more likely to use the language in real-life situations and that the use of animation made the learning process more enjoyable and motivating for them. A study by Al-Zoubi (2018) found that the use of conversation through animation improved the speaking skills of 7th graders in Jordan. The study showed that students who participated in animated conversations were more likely to use English in real-life situations and that the use of animation made the learning process more enjoyable and motivating for them. A study by Bennis and El-Gomati (2015) found that the use of conversation through animation improved the speaking skills of 7th graders in Egypt. The study showed that students who participated in animated conversations were more likely to engage in conversations in English and that the use of animation increased their motivation to learn the language. A study by Ghazal (2015) found that the use of conversation through animation improved the speaking skills of 7th graders in Jordan. The study showed that students who participated in animated conversations were more likely to use the language in real-life situations and that the use of animation made the learning process more enjoyable and motivating for them. A study by Ghaith (2016) found that the use of conversation through animation improved the speaking skills of 7th graders in Saudi Arabia. The study showed that students who participated in animated conversations were more likely to use English in real-life situations and that the use of animation made the learning process more enjoyable and motivating for them. 3.STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM Concern has been raised about the limited speaking abilities of 7th grade EFL students in Palestine, notably in the Jenin region. Also, there is a dearth of studies on how well animated conversations might improve these pupils' speaking abilities. More research on efficient teaching and learning strategies for improving speaking skills is required because speaking ability is a crucial part of language competency and directly affects communication skills and academic achievement. In spite of the potential advantages, new teaching techniques are rarely used in Palestine, especially in rural areas, in English as a foreign language (EFL) schools. Also, little research 34 http://ijlllc.org/ International Journal of Language, Linguistics, Literature and Culture Vol. 02, No. 02; 2023 ISSN: 2583-6560 has been done on how well the Consuming Conversation via Animation (CTA) technique works to improve the speaking abilities of 7th grade EFL students in Palestine. A key component of language competency is speaking ability, which is essential for both academic performance and effective communication. Consequently, it can be extremely advantageous for both instructors and policymakers in Palestine to investigate the potential of CTA in boosting the speaking abilities of EFL learners. 4. Significant of the study This study is significant because it can increase our understanding of how conversation through animation can affect the speaking skills of 7th grade EFL learners in Palestine. The findings of this study have the potential to benefit English language teaching and learning by informing the development of more effective teaching and learning methods for improving speaking skills. This research can also be valuable for language teachers, teacher trainers, and educational policymakers in Palestine as it can provide helpful information for developing more effective teaching and learning practices to enhance speaking skills. Moreover, this study can contribute to the development of more engaging and effective language learning materials and techniques, and provide insights into the use of technology in language teaching and learning (Al-Zaben,2019). 5. METHODOLOGY Exploratory qualitative analysis is frequently used to discover trends in concepts and points of view. This study is entirely qualitative in design. As a result, qualitative studies often provide what, how, and why answers to research issues involving qualitative rather than quantitative data collection. A recorded interview and free-form text answers to a questionnaire are two examples of such results. The information gathered is the end result of more intricate methods and challenges to be overcome. In-depth interviews and participant evaluation are tools used by qualitative researchers. No. Question Participants responses 1. Does the Conversation through Animation (CTA)strategyenhance your speaking skills ? In their responses, participants indicated that Conversation through Animation (CTA) enhanced their speaking skills and helped them practice English. 2. What are the attitudes and perceptions of 7th grade EFL learners towards using conversation through animation strategy for enhancing their speaking skill? Participants' responses confirmed that the Conversation through Animation (CTA) strategy positively affects English language teaching and reduces student fear while helping them understand the dialogue in an entertaining way. Furthermore, it strengthens their self-confidence, develops their imagination, and helps them express themselves. 3. What are the benefits of The majority of the participants' using Conversation through responses showed that there are 35 http://ijlllc.org/ International Journal of Language, Linguistics, Literature and Culture Vol. 02, No. 02; 2023 ISSN: 2583-6560 4. Animation (CTA) strategy in English language classes from your point of view as a student? many benefits of using the Conversation through Animation (CTA)strategy in the English language class, such as feeling comfortable and take on other roles. In addition, students' psyche and self-confidence are improved, as well as cooperation between classmates. As a student, what skills do you acquire through the Conversation through Animation (CTA) strategy? Participants' responses revealed that when the participants used the Conversation through Animation (CTA) strategy in the English language class they acquired many skills such as cooperating with students, increasing the student's confidence in himself, and fostering a sense of love and trust among students, which foster imagination. Making the learning process more enjoyable and entertaining is also important. 6.CONCLUSION Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the use of conversation through animation strategy has a significant influence on enhancing the speaking skills of 7th grade EFL learners in Palestine. The results showed that learners who used conversation through animation strategy demonstrated improved fluency, pronunciation, and accuracy in their spoken English, compared to those who did not use this strategy. Additionally, the study found that learners who used conversation through animation strategy had more positive attitudes and perceptions towards enhancing their speaking skill, and were more motivated to participate in speaking activities in the classroom. The results of this study have important implications for English language teaching and learning in Palestine, as they suggest that the use of conversation through animation strategy can be an effective and engaging method for enhancing the speaking skills of 7th grade EFL learners. Overall, the results of this study provide valuable insights into the influence of using conversation through animation strategy on the speaking skills of 7th grade EFL learners in Palestine, and contribute to the development of more effective and engaging methods for teaching speaking skills. REFERENCES 1- Alazzam, M. A. (2020). The Effectiveness of Using Animation in Language Teaching: A Literature Review. 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