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17 ICTA — 17th International Congress of Turkish Art Warsaw, 18th-21st September 2023 PROGRAM (TENTATIVE) Monday 18th September Museum of the King’s Jan III Palace in Wilanów, Warsaw (Stanisława Kostki Potockiego 14/16 Str., Warsaw) -14:00 - start of registration of participants, - 16:00 PM- 20:00 PM opening ceremony, reception and visiting the exhibition in the Palace of the King Jan III Sobieski in Wilanów, Warsaw Tuesday 19th September University of Warsaw, Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28 Str., Warsaw Old University Library 8:15-9:00 Registration [complementary] (Old University Library Aula) 9:00-9:30 Opening of the Congress (Old University Library Aula) 9:30-10:00 Introductory Lecture (Old University Library Aula) 10:15-11:30 Session 1 Panel A Old University Library, Aula Panel B Old University Library, Hall 105-106 Panel C Old University Library, Hall 115-116 (Chairman:) (Chairman:) (Chairman:) 10:15-10:35 Bernard O'Kane, Prof., The American University in Cairo Ilse Sturkenboom, Prof. Dr., Ludwig-Maximilian University, Munich The Appreciation and Appropriation of Chinese Paper During the Reign of the Qara Qoyunlu and Aq Qoyunlu Confederations in Iran and Iraq Irene Cazzato, MA, University of Naples "L'Orientale" The Bust of Timur on the Façade of Corigliano d’Otranto Castle 10:35-10:55 Maury Charlotte, Louvre Museum, Paris Selin İpek, Dr., Head of the Ihlamur Pavilions Directorate of National Palaces, Istanbul Samples of calligraphies and drawings from the Topkapı Palace collection made by fingernail (tırnak işi/ nakhuni) art Beata Nykiel, Dr., International Cultural Centre Krakow Central Europe as centre of the Ottoman fez production 10:55-11:15 Haris Dervišević, Assist. Prof., University of Sarajevo Banu Mahir, Prof. Dr., Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University (ret.), Istanbul, An Album of Calligraphic Works From the Estate of Veliyüddinzâde Mehmed Emin Ozan Hetto, MA, Sinop Museum Gülgün Köroğlu, Prof. Dr., Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Istanbul Late Ottoman Mother-of-pearl Finds from Sinop Balatlar Church Excavation Discussion Discussion The Turabek Khanum Mausoleum and the Development of Tilework in Central Asia Some Inscriptions in Nasta’liq Script on Ottoman Damascus Tiles and Their Historical Significance Ottoman Baroque at Empire's Edge: Ottoman Baroque in Bosnia 11:15-11:30 Discussion 11:30-12:00 Transfer to the exhibition 12:00-12:45 Exhibition in the National Library and The Central Archives of Historical Records in Warsaw (alternatively) 12:45-13:13 Transfer from the exhibition 13:15-14:15 Lunch break 14:15-15:30 Session 2 Panel A Old University Library, Aula Panel B Old University Library, Hall 105-106 Panel C Old University Library, Hall 115-116 (Chairman:) (Chairman:) (Chairman:) 14:15-14:35 Marcus Pilz, Dr., Kunstsammlungen der Veste Coburg Joachim Gierlichs, Dr., Zayed National Museum in An Ottoman “antiquity” as a booty of war? Many questions Abu Dhabi The Bosphorus wallpaper by Josef Dufour in the and little answers around an Ottoman tent in Coburg castle Herrnsheim near Worms 14:35-14:55 Adrienn Papp, MA, Budapest History Museum Balázs Sudár, Dr., Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest Ottoman archery thumbrings in the Budapest History Museum 14:55-15:15 Raphael Beuing, Dr., Bayerisches Nationalmuseum The lost Ottoman war booty of Charles V, Duke of Lorraine, from Vienna 1683 15:15-15:30 Discussion Jacek Kuśmierski, MSc, Museum of King Jan III's Palace at Wilanów, Warsaw Turkish contributions to the Polish gardens Niculina Dinu, Dr., Museum Carol I Brăila Some remarks on the Ottoman settlement in the Hârșova fortress Tuba Akar, Asst.Prof. Dr., Mersin University Commuting between the 21st and 16th centuries: Analyzing Adana Ramazanoğlu Bazaar through Historical Documents and Existing Situation Miyuki Aoki Girardelli, Dr., Istanbul Technical University Archives of the “Oriental” Gaze: The Japanese Perception of Islamic Architecture in Global Perspective Ruba Kasmo, Assist. Prof. Dr., Fatih Sultan Mehmet Waqf University in Istanbul Aleppo in the 18th Century: An Urban and Architectural Reading of the Waqf of Ahmad Efendi Tahazade al-Chalabi (1753-1765 Discussion Discussion 15:30-15:45 Coffee break 15:45-17:00 Session 3 Panel A Old University Library, Aula Panel B Old University Library, Hall 105-106 Panel C Old University Library, Hall 115-116 (Chairman:) (Chairman:) (Chairman:) 15:45-16:05 Gül Kale, Asst. Prof. Dr., Carleton University, Ottawa Maces as Representational and Performative Tools in Ottoman-Polish Interactions 16:05-16:25 Nicolai Kölmel, Dr., University of Basel Trophies, Gifts, and Fakes: The Manyfold Biographies of Turkish Weaponry in Early Modern Western Collections Laure Soustiel, independent scholar The digital reconstitution of a - yet unrecorded monumental Iznik tile panel Luca Orlandi, Asst. Prof. Dr., Özyeğin University, Istanbul From Piedmont to Istanbul: Tito Lacchia and his remarkable contribution to architectural studies in Turkey in the interwar period Gülsu Şimşek Franci, Assoc. Prof. Dr, Koç University, Istanbul Vesile Belgin Demirci Arlı, Assoc. Prof. Dr., Istanbul University Şennur Kaya, Dr., Istanbul University Hakan Arlı, MA, Iznik Tile Kilns Excavation Team; Istanbul University An assessment study of ceramics at Iznik Tile Kilns Excavation: The case of “Miletus Ware” Mehmet Kerem Özel, Assoc. Prof. Dr., Mimar Sinan University of Fine Arts, Istanbul Theatre and Conservatory Building Competition in İstanbul-Şehzadebaşı as the First Monumental Public Theatre Project in Turkey Vesile Belgin Demirsar Arlı, Assoc. Prof. Dr., Istanbul University Gotha Unknown Turkish art at the Schloss Friedenstein-Collection Şennur Kaya, Dr., Istanbul University from 17th A Rare Group of Ottoman Ceramics Unearthed at Iznik Tile Kilns Excavation: Closed Form Ceramics -19th century known as Miletus Ware Technique) 16:25-16:45 Kerstin Volker-Saad, Dr., Schloss Friedenstein Foundation, 16:45-17:00 Discussion Discussion 17:00-17:15 Coffee break Zeynep Özaltın, MA, independent scholar In the context of art academy and society Bedrettin Cömert and art criticism in Turkey Discussion 17:15-18:30 Session 4 Panel A Old University Library, Aula Panel B Old University Library, Hall 105-106 Panel C Old University Library, Hall 115-116 (Chairman:) (Chairman:) (Chairman:) 17:15-17:35 Doris Behrens-Abouseif, Prof., SOAS – University of London Syrian Metalwork in the Ottoman Period: Continuity or Revival? 17:35-17:55 Amanda Phillips, Assoc. Prof., University of Virginia, Charlottesville The Language of Flowers 17:55-18:15 Valentina Laviola, Dr., University of Naples L'Orientale; University of Bologna Highlights from The Ghaznavid Metalwork Production 18:15-18:30 Discussion Serkan Gedük, Museum Director, Expert & Museum Curator of Chinese and Japanese Porcelains, Kocaeli Museum Directorate Consideration of the ornamentation and repair forms made upon the Chinese porcelains between the 16th and 18th centuries by Ottoman craftsmen Veronika Poier, Dr., Harvard University, Cambridge Crisis, Revival, and Innovation: The Inscriptions of the Green Complex and their connections to the International Timurid world Roberto Santoro, MA, L’Orientale University of Naples An Unpublished Iznik Pottery Dish from the Collection of a Sicilian Noble Family, and the History of Turkish Art Collecting in Sicily Şermin Bârihüda Tanrıkorur, Dr., Seljuk University in Konya (ret.) Zeynep Tanrıverdi, Dr., independent scholar The Use of the 9 Persian Couplets Beginning with “Dânî semâ‘ çe büved?” in the Inscriptions of Mevlevîhane Semâhanes Ecem Haberal, MA, Başkent University, Ankara ‘Eser-i İstanbul’ stamped porcelain production in the Ottoman Empire Jale Beşkonaklı, Dr., independent scholar Emine Atalay Seçen, Dr., independent scholar Artificial Stone Decorations in the 19th Century Ottoman Palace Gardens Discussion Discussion 18:30-19:15 Transfer to the Wilanów Palace 19:15-21:45 Dinner reception Museum of the King’s Jan III Palace in Wilanów, Warsaw (address: Stanisława Kostki Potockiego 14/16 Str., Warsaw) Wednesday 20th September (Morning Sessions) University of Warsaw, Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28 Str., Warsaw Old University University Library 9:00-9:30 Keynote speech (Old University Library Aula) 9:35-11:15 Session 5 Panel A Old University Library, Aula Panel B Old University Library, Hall 105-106 Panel C Old University Library, Hall 115-116 (Chairman:) (Chairman:) (Chairman:) 9:35-9:55 Svitlana Biliaieva, Dr. hab., National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv The interaction of Turkic/Ottoman culture and cultures of South-East Europe period of Great Lithuanian Principality - at the beginning of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (XV-XVI century) Piotr Nykiel, Asst. Prof. Dr., Jagiellonian University, Kraków 1916-1917 Period War Cemeteries of the Ottoman 15th Army Corps on the Former Territory of Galicia – Their Original and Present Appearance Natalia Królikowska-Jedlińska, Dr., University of Warsaw Discussions upon illustrated Catholic books at the court of Khan Mehmed III Giray in the 1620s 9:55-10:15 Joanna Orzeł, Dr., University of Łódź The ideological background of the adaptation of Turkish artcraft in the culture of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth: Turkey in the eyes of the Sarmatians – from the myth of origin to the image and perception of the Other Bahattin Yaman, Prof., Suleyman Demirel University, Isparta Fatma Özdemir, Dr., Çukurova University, Adana The first printed illustrated books on war and military and the pictures in them Sabrije Hoxhaj, MA, L'Orientale University Naples The Qur’an in Eastern Europe: Munuscripts of Bushatlinj library in Shkodra Ümit Fırat Açıkgöz, Ass.Prof., American University of Beirut Reckoning with the Dead: Preserving Ottoman Cemeteries in Early Republican Istanbul(1923-1949) Jekaterina Merkuljeva, MA, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw Purchases of manuscripts in Constantinople for private libraries in Poland in the early 18th century 10:15-10:35 Marcin Łukasz Majewski, Dr., Research Centre for Armenian Culture in Poland The Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences The import of arts and crafts from the Ottoman Empire to the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the light of trade documents from the 18th century 10:35-10:55 Michał Kuran, Prof. Dr. hab., University of Łódź Testimonies of knowledge of the artifacts of Ottoman material culture in Polish literature of the Renaissance and Zeynep Ece Şahin Korkan, M. Arch., Technical University of Munich Display of the (Un)Sterile: 1917 International Baroque (militaria) Ottoman Red Crescent Exhibition in Istanbul 10:55-11:15 Discussion Discussion Discussion 11:15-11:45 Transfer to the exhibition 11:45-12:30 Exhibition in the National Library and The Central Archives of Historical Records in Warsaw (alternatively) 12:30-13:00 Transfer from the exhibition 13:00-14:00 Lunch break 14:00-15:15 Session 6 Panel A Old University Library, Aula Panel B Old University Library, Hall 105-106 Panel C Old University Library, Hall 115-116 (Chairman:) (Chairman:) (Chairman:) 14:00-14:20 Sabine Jagodzinski, Dr., Herzog August Bibliothek Hasan Karakaya, Museum Director, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Istanbul; Istanbul Museum of Painting and Sculpture Reflections of Turkish Caricature Art and Traces of its Period in the "Veliefendi Çayırı" oil painting by cartoonist Cemil Cem Seda Kula, Assoc. Prof., Gebze Technical University The Incomplete Urban Project of Akaret-ı Seniyye Rowhouses in Late Ottoman Capital 14:20-14:40 Sumiyo Okumura, Dr., independent art curator Ottoman Influence on Polish Carpet Weaving Naz Defne Kut, MA, Koç University, Istanbul Mocking the Ottomans: Satirical Portrayal of the Ottomans in the Engravings of Giuseppe Maria Mitelli Gül Cephanecigil, Assoc. Prof. Dr., Istanbul Technical University Between Local and Western: The Missionary Buildings in 19th Century Antep 14:40-15:00 Ünal Araç, Dr., Hacettepe University, Ankara Ottoman-Moldova Relations Within the Context of Cultural and Artistic Interactions: The Collections of National Museum of History of Moldova Konstantinos Xypolytos, MA, Koç University, Istanbul A Reluctant Depiction: Greek Military Painting During the Greco-Turkish War (1919-1922) Zeynep Ayşe Güngör, MA, Istanbul Technical University Design/documentation and restoration work of ’’Halet Çambel & Nail Çakırhan Waterside Mansion’’ Wolfenbüttel “Saxon bed” and “Turkish carpet” – About the meaning of regional provenience of objects of material culture in inventories of Royal Prussian magnates in the 18th century 15:00-15:15 Discussion Discussion Discussion 15:15-15:30 Coffee break 15:30-16:45 Session 7 Panel A Old University Library, Aula 15:30-15:50 Gabija Surdokaitė-Vitienė, Dr., Lithuanian Culture Research Institute, Vilnius The Ottoman embroideries and their impact on the decoration of the liturgical and military objects in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania 15:50-16:10 Helena Hryszko, Prof. Dr. hab., Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw Monika Stachurska, Dr., Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw The Ottoman silk lampases in a collection of late-medieval liturgical vestments from the St. Mary's Church in Gdańsk, currently stored in the collection of National Museum of Gdansk. Panel B Old University Library, Hall 105-106 Panel C Old University Library, Hall 115-116 (Chairman:) (Chairman:) Zeynep Atbaş, Curator of Manuscripts, Turkish and Islamic Arts Museum, Istanbul Books from the Çoban Mustafa Paşa Library in the Museum of Turkish and Islamic Arts Deniz Erduman-Çalış, Dr., Sammlungskuratorin Museum für Islamische Kunst (Pergamonmuseum), Staatliche Museen zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz An intimate royal gift: an oil painting presented to the German Admiral Wilhelm Souchon by Abdülmecid II Melis Taner, Asst. Prof. Dr., Özyeğin University, Istanbul; Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz Plants and Animals on the Move in Early Modernity: The Transregional Connections of Early Modern Islamic Manuscripts Fatma Coşkuner, Dr., Koç University; Sabancı University, Istanbul Historical Vision and the Depiction of History at the Nineteenth-Century Dolmabahçe Palace: Stanislaw Chlebowski’s Version of the “Conquest” Hüma Arslaner, Sabancı University Museum, Istanbul Invisible Aspects of Şehzade Abdülmecid’s Portrait of Saint George 16:10-16:30 16:30-16:45 Discussion 16:45-17:00 Coffee break Discussion 17:00-18:20 Session 8 Panel A Old University Library, Aula Panel B Old University Library, Hall 105-106 Panel C Old University Library, Hall 115-116 (Chairman:) (Chairman:) (Chairman:) 17:00-17:20 Nicole Kançal-Ferrari, Assoc. Prof., Marmara University, Istanbul Mosque Architecture in the Broader Black Sea Region at the Turn of the Twentieth Century: Oscillation between Transnational Orientalism and the Vernacular from the Caucasus to the Balkans 17:20-17:40 Selçuk Seçkin, Assoc. Prof. Dr., Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Istanbul Wooden Minbars in Mosques of Georgia/Adjara 17:40-18:00 Şermin Bârihüda Tanrıkorur, Dr., Seljuk University in Konya (ret.) The Development of a Wooden Dome over the Semâ Meydan in the Architecture of Mevlevî Semâhanes 18:00-18:15 Discussion Ludmyla Bulhakova-Sytnyk, Dr., Museum of Ethnography, Arts and Crafts of the Institute of Ethnology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv Stefano Ionescu, independent scholar Transylvanian Rugs in Northern Europe Mine Esmer, Assoc. Prof., Fatih Sultan Mehmet Vakıf University, Istanbul Atik Mustafa Paşa Camii at Ayvansaray in the postbyzantine period: architectural changes and conservation concerns Constance Jame, MA, Heidelberg Centre for Transcultural Studies Unveiling a Collection: Ottoman Textiles at the Musée Guimet Muhammet Arslan, Doç. Dr., University of Kafkas, Kars; Ani Archaeological Site Area The figured world of Ani Levent Boz, Dr., Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Ankara Stefano Ionescu, independent scholar White-Ground Ottoman Rugs from Uşak and Selendi Aneta Gołębiowska-Tobiasz, Dr., University of West Bohemia, Plzeň Rock art of the Middle Ages from the area of southern Kyrgyzstan and its importance in the archeology of Turkic and Turkic-speaking peoples and other auxiliary sciences (based on materials collected by Keneshbek Maltaev). Discussion Discussion 18:15-19:00 Transfer to the Wilanów Palace 19:00-21:30 Dinner reception Museum of the King’s Jan III Palace in Wilanów, Warsaw (address: Stanisława Kostki Potockiego 14/16 Str., Warsaw) Thursday 21st September University of Warsaw, Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28 Str., Warsaw Old University University Library 9:00-9:30 Keynote speech (Old Library Aula) 9:35-10:50 Session 9 Panel A Old University Library, Aula Panel B Old University Library, Hall 105-106 Panel C Old University Library, Hall 115-116 (Chairman:) (Chairman:) (Chairman:) 9:35-9:55 Hakkı Önkal, Prof. Dr., Dokuz Eylül University (ret.), Izmir Paolo Girardelli, Prof., Boğaziçi University, Istanbul Ottoman and European, official and vernacular: a Thoughts on Karaman Bey Tomb and Front Space Tombs trans-cultural landmark on the shores of the Bosphorus 9:55-10:15 Richard Piran McClary, Dr., British Institute of Persian Studies, London; British Academy; The University of York The Earliest Turkic Islamic Tombs in Central Asia: Qarakhanid Funerary Architecture in Safid Buland and Afrosiyab 10:15-10:35 Gulbanu Koshenova, Dr., Ahmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University, Turkistan Kazakhstan, Kızılorda Begim Ana Tomb and its place in Turkish Architecture 10:35-10:50 Discussion Merve Köksal, Res. Assist., Akdeniz University, Antalya The painting exhibitions in Istanbul under allied occupation, 1918-1923 Pelin Kotaş, Dr., İstanbul Ayvansaray University Tangible memory of a cultural mosaic: Story of Nemlizade Street and its houses Hatice Adıgüzel, Dr., Istanbul University Architectural Representations of the Ottoman Empire at International Exhibitions in the Early 20th Century: 1906 Milan and 1910 Brussels Exhibitions Erhan Saçlı, MA, Koç University Forgotten Treasures: Rediscovering Ottoman-era Fine Arts in Salonica Mine Bican, MA, Hacettepe University, Ankara Tradition of Exhibition: Karadeniz Floating Exhibition Discussion Discussion 10:50-11:10 Coffee break 11:10-12:50 Session 10 Panel A Old University Library, Aula Panel B Old University Library, Hall 105-106 Panel C Old University Library, Hall 115-116 (Chairman:) (Chairman:) (Chairman:) 11:10-11:30 Suzanne Compagnon, MA, University of Vienna Yuka Kadoi, Dr., University of Vienna Decorative margins and their importance for understanding The Rising Sun Meets the Crescent: eighteenth-century Ottoman albums Japanese Tatar Mosques and Their Entanglements, ca. 1930s Zeynep Simavi, Dr., Istanbul Branch Director, American Research Institute in Turkey Art Treasures of Turkey (1966-68): An Exhibition Twenty Years in Preparation 11:30-11:50 Sabiha Göloğlu, Dr., The University of Michigan Aurel-Daniel Stănică, Dr., ”Gavrilă Simion” EcoMuseum Research Institute Tulcea Archeology of the maps. New perspectives in the knowledge of the Ottoman fortresses in Dobrudja Taybuğa Aybars Mamalı, MA, Istanbul Technical University; Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Istanbul Gül Cephanecigil, Assoc. Prof. Dr., Istanbul Technical University The French Institute of Archaeology in Istanbul: An Actor in the Development of Art & Architectural History in Turkey 11:50-12:10 Ayşe Aldemir, Dr., Sabancı University Museum, Istanbul Saliha Tanık,, Dr., Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University, Ankara Foundation works of Janfeda (Saliha) Khatun, the kethuda of Harem Makbule Merve Uca, MA, Vehbi Koç Foundation’s Sadberk Hanım Museum, Istanbul The Concept Behind the New Sadberk Hanım Museum From Kostantin Kapıdağlı to Ignatius Mouradgea d’Ohsson and Beyond: Mecca and Medina in Print Ottoman Calligraphy and Manuscript Illumination in the Early Republican Period Levent Tökün, MA, Koç University, Istanbul Illicit Trafficking of Turkish-Islamic Cultural Property: The Case of Adana Great Mosque 12:10-12:30 Nuria Martinez de Castilla, Prof., EPHE, PSL, Paris A Turkish copyist in Marrakesh 12:30-12:50 Discussion Discussion 12:50-13:50 Lunch break 13:50-15:30 Session 11 Discussion Panel A Old University Library, Aula Panel B Old University Library, Hall 105-106 Panel C Old University Library, Hall 115-116 (Chairman:) (Chairman:) (Chairman:) 13:50-14:10 Elisabeth Fraser, Prof., University of South Florida, Tampa Two Sultanas and a Beardless Youth: Sexual Politics and Imperial Authority in an Ottoman Costume Album 14:10-14:30 Kristyna Rendlova, MA, University of Oxford Two 18th-Century Turkish Albums from the Collections of the National Gallery Prague 14:30-14:50 Yunus Karakaya, MA, Hacettepe University, Ankara A comparative analysis of album od. 26A found in Bibliothèque Nationale de France/BNF Nurcan Yazıcı Metin, Prof. Dr., Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Istanbul Soner Şahin, Assoc. Prof. Doç. Dr., Nişantaşı University, Istanbul An architect at fin-de-siècle Istanbul: Antoine N. Perpignani and his works Mehmet Zeki İbrahimgil, Prof. Dr., Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University Funda Naldan, Assoc. Prof., Erzincan Binali Yıldırım University Gulbanu Koshenova, Asst. Prof. Dr., Ahmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University, Turkistan Foundation building of Parga İbrahim Pasha in the Balkans Müjde Dila Gümüş, Dr., Istanbul University The Historical and Representative Contexts of the Horseshoe Arches in Kemaleddin Bey’s Designs Vincent Thérouin, MA, University of Sorbonne, Paris Urban architecture and patrons’ networks in early Ottoman Bosnia (15th-16th centuries): an archaeological approach Denizhan Erinekçi, M. Arch., Istanbul Technical University; IUAV, Venice Mosque of Karaköy by Raimondo D’Aronco – an attempt of architectural fusion between East and West Alexandra Koumpouli, MA, Koç University, Istanbul Inhabitation Patterns in two Villages of the Late Ottoman Thesprotia, Greece: The Neighborhoods of the Christian Palia Sagiada and the Muslim Liopsi 14:50-15:10 Ilenia Pittui, Dr., Subject Expert, Ca’ Foscari University of Neval Konuk Halaçoğlu, Dr., Marmara University, Istanbul Manastir (Bitola), Selanik (Thessaloniki) and Yanya (İoannina) Gureba Hospitals Venice Portraying Ottoman Society: The Illustrations of ms. Ashburnham 1420 at the Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana in Florence 15:10-15:30 Discussion Discussion 15:30-15:45 Coffee break 15:45-17:00 Session 12 Discussion Panel A Old University Library, Aula Panel B Old University Library, Hall 105-106 Panel C Old University Library, Hall 115-116 (Chairman:) (Chairman:) (Chairman:) 15:45-16:05 Ayşin Yoltar-Yıldırım, Dr., Harvard Art Museums, Cambridge Ottoman Manuscript Painting during the Reign of Bayezid II and the Harvard Hüsrev ü Şirin of Şeyhi 16:05-16:25 Aslıhan Erkmen, Assoc. Prof. Dr., Istanbul Technical University The Keir ʿİbretnāme: Its Place and Importance among Contemporary Illustrated Manuscripts 16:25-16:45 Gönül Kaya, MA, independent scholar Illustrated Biography of an Extraordinary Writer in the 16th Century: Âsafi Dal Mehmed Çelebi and Şecâatnâme 16:45-17:00 Discussion F. Mine Temiz, Ass. Prof., Hatay Mustafa Kemal University Tombstones with tamgas and tamga-like signs in the Amuq Plain Seza Sinanlar Uslu, Prof., Yıldız Technical University, Istanbul The relationship between plastic arts and literature in Turkey through examples of illustrated books seen between 1950-70 Mehmet Top, Asst. Prof., Van Yüzüncü Yıl University Özgün Can, MA, Van Yüzüncü Yıl University An assessment of the Lodi Dynasty tombs of the Delhi Sultanate Aynur Gürlemez Arı, Dr., Marmara University, Istanbul Turkish Art Exhibited at the Biennales After the Second World War Sara Mondini, Dr., Ca’ Foscari University, Venice; FIT in Milan NY Fashion Institute of Technology The Masjid-i Sangi of Larvand: Some further reflections on the blending of artistic vocabularies at the central Asian borders. Defne Kırmızı, MA, Boston University Altan Gürman’s Collages and the Formation of Conceptual Art in 1970s Turkey Discussion Discussion 17:15 Closing of the Congress