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Throughout history nation states and many national institutions have built on foreign soil. They did so on several occasions and for several reasons: to ensure political representation, to facilitate cultural exchange, to foster economic relations, to shape a national identity or to cement diplomatic ties. Embassies, legations, consulates, national, cultural and scientific institutions such as the academies in Rome are just some of the examples that fit this description. Building for the Nation Abroad The process of building such projects is impacted by a multitude of actors across the sending and receiving states and is often challenging. It involves navigating different and less familiar bureaucracies, local building regulations and administrative procedures and a conscious assessment of whether or not to ‘export’ architectural expertise, constructional knowledge or building materials. Academia Belgica | Danish Academy in Rome international conference Rome, September 21-22, 2023 In the decision-making process, different and sometimes conflicting interests are at play, resulting in buildings that more often than not can be described as hybrid constructs – somewhere in between a national export product and a locally embedded spatial entity. In many cases the final product can be described as a negotiation of the ambitions of the organisational committee of the sending state, and the political, economic, cultural and technical reality of the host country. Although the impact of local actors and mechanisms on these national building projects abroad is immense, they have been neglected for too long. This colloquium discusses the challenges of building for the nation abroad with a particular focus on the process of negotiation between the many actors involved. The contributors interpret and analyse long-term building structures and interventions from the 19th century until the present, addressing a wide range of scales, going from the urban to the interior. As a whole the colloquium aims to propel new insights in these architectural productions, to deconstruct the sometimes heroic depictions of the nations involved and to untangle the underlying signifiers of race, gender, labour and power. *** Organizing committee: Charles Bossu (Academia Belgica in Rome), Prof. dr. Rika Devos (Université libre de Bruxelles), Prof. dr. Fredie Floré (KU Leuven), Dr. Angela Gigliotti (Danish Academy in Rome/ETH Zürich/Arkitektskolen Aarhus), Prof. dr. Anne-Françoise Morel (KU Leuven), Charlotte Rottiers (KU Leuven). Scientific committee: Prof. dr. Tom Avermaete (ETH Zürich), Dr. Charlotte Bundgaard (Danish Academy in Rome), Dr. Bram De Maeyer (KU Leuven), Prof. dr. Rika Devos (Université libre de Bruxelles), Prof. dr. Fredie Floré (KU Leuven), Dr. Angela Gigliotti (Danish Academy in Rome/ETH Zürich/Arkitektskolen Aarhus), Prof. dr. Anne-Françoise Morel (KU Leuven), Dr. Sabine van Sprang (Academia Belgica in Rome), Prof. Mercedes Volait (Centre national de la recherche scientifique). Contact: info@academiabelgica.it ● www.academiabelgica.it The foreign academies in Valle Giulia, Rome, Italy. Drawing by Carl Brummer, May 1938. Courtesy: Danish Academy in Rome organized by with the support of THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2023 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2023 AcAdemiA BelgicA - ViA OmerO 8 dAnish AcAdemy - ViA OmerO 18 09.00 Registration and Welcome coffee 09.30 Opening of the conference by the conference organizers and hosting institutions 10.00 KeynOte lecture | ‘When circumstance and reuse lead: disecting French diplomatic architecture in Egypt’ - mercedes VOlAit, centre nAtiOnAl de lA recherche scientifique 11.00 09.00 Welcome coffee sessiOn iii - chAllenges. the Act Of negOtiAtiOns chAir riKA deVOs, uniVersité liBre de Bruxelles 09.30 Coffee Break ‘Diplomacy at its best. Newly built embassies and the parties involved of two German states after 1949’ - christiAne fülscher, dOrtmund uniVersity Of Applied sciences And Arts 11.30 sessiOn i - identities. the suBject Of negOtiAtiOns chAir Anne-frAnçOise mOrel, Ku leuVen 09.50 ‘The house of German-Ottoman friendship: capitalist imperialism in wartime’ 10.10 11.50 ‘Between a palace and an embassy. The reconstruction of the French embassy in Constantinople in the mid-19th century’ - rOnAn BOuttier, ArchiVes Of the city Of pAris 12.10 ‘Italy on the Bosphorus, Raimondo D’Aronco and the former Summer Residence of the Italian Embassy’- diAnA BArillAri, uniVersity Of trieste 12.30 Discussion 13.00 Break sessiOn ii - Agencies. the Agents Of negOtiAtiOns chAir AngelA gigliOtti, dAnish AcAdemy in rOme/eth zürich/ArKiteKtsKOlen AArhus 14.00 14.20 14.40 ‘Nation in a nutshell. The French Third Republic’s embassy in the Habsburg Empire’ - thOmAs mOser, uniVersity Of technOlOgy - ViennA ‘Reading the Belgian legation building in Paris (1904): international negotiation as a diplomatic strategy’ - chArlOtte rOttiers, Ku leuVen - fAculty Of Architecture ‘The royal Italian school in Cairo (Shubra): an urban intervention of the fascist Italian Foreign Office abroad with the technical and economic support of the Istituto nazionale delle assicurazioni (Ina)’ - simOne cOnVersi, generAli histOricAl ArchiVe (histOricAl ArchiVe Of inA-AssitAliA, rOme) 15.00 Discussion 15.30 Coffee Break 16.00 Guided visit to the Belgian Academy ‘The Italian red in Japan. Gae Aulenti and the Italian Cultural Institute in Tokyo’ pinA (giusi) ciOtOli, sApienzA uniVersity Of rOme eVA schreiner, cOlumBiA uniVersity/institute fOr cOmpArAtiVe literAture And sOciety ‘Sites of encounter: Nordic school-building project in Tanzania’ mAryiA rusAK, eth zürich 10.30 ‘National identity and its architectural expression: New Zealand High Commission at New Delhi in the 1980s’ - michAel dudding, VictOriA uniVersity Of wellingtOn 10.50 Discussion 11.30 Coffee Break sessiOn iV - re-definitiOns. the ActuAlity Of negOtiAtiOns chAir fredie flOré, Ku leuVen 12.00 ‘From temporary to perennial: the birth of the Korean Pavilion for the Venice Biennale’ hyunAh lee, technicAl uniVersity Of munich 12.20 ‘Showing the flag on postcolonial ground: an iconological analysis of the Dutch embassy in Paramaribo’ - hélène dAmen, technicAl uniVersity Of eindhOVen 12.40 ‘The embassy of Belgium in China (2015-2023)’ - BenOît VAndenBulcKe - BenOît Burquel - hArOld fAllOn Architecture Office AgwA - nicKy VAncAudenBerg - hélène jOOs, 13.00 Discussion 13.30 Break 14.30 Guided visit to the Danish Academy 15.30 Coffee Break 16.00 KeynOte lecture | ‘Building a Third Modernity: ‘Neutral’ Nordic Architects and the Decolonizing Nations of the Global South’ - tOm AVermAete, eth zürich 17.00 Closing remarks