S.G. Tantawi, C.D. Nantista, C. Adolphsen , E. Andrikopoulos, D. Burke, J. Chan, V. Dolgashev,
K. Jobe, D. McCormick, J. Nelson, K. Ratcliffe, M. Ross, D. Schultz, T. Smith, SLAC, Menlo Park,
CA 94025, USA,
D. Atkinson, LLNL, Livermore, CA 94550, USA,
Y.H. Chin, S. Kazakov, A. Lounine, T. Okugi, KEK, Tsukuba, Japan.
Designs for a future X-band linear collider (NLC/GLC)
require an rf unit that can produce 450 MW to feed eight
60 cm accelerator structures. The implementation of this
rf unit is envisioned to include a dual-moded SLED-II
pulse compression system, with a gain of approximately
three at a compression ratio of four, followed by an
overmoded transmission and distribution system. We
describe the tunnel layout plan for these rf systems. The
design, construction, and operation of a prototype system
are a focus of the 8-Pack project at SLAC. In its initial
phase last fall, powered by four 50 MW X-band klystrons
sharing a common 400 kV solid-state modulator, the
SLED-II system delivered to a set of loads 400 ns pulses
of up to 580 MW. In the next phase, this power will be
delivered to the NLCTA beamline and distributed between
several structures, through which a bunch train will be
accelerated. We describe the layout of this system and the
functionality of various overmoded, high-power
components which comprise it. We also present data on
the cold testing, processing and initial operation of the
system, which is setting high-power records in pulsed rf.
dual-moded SLED-II pulse compressor [2,3], in line with
the evolved baseline linear collider design (see Fig.1). In
the following sections, we will describe the layout and
functionality of the 8-Pack rf system. We will then briefly
consider component design and performance. Finally, we
will present results of high-power operation.
Figure 1: X-band linear collider two-tunnel layout,
showing overlapping SLED-II delay lines, klystrons
sharing a modulator, and a waveguide system transporting
and distributing power to a set of accelerating structures.
The prototype rf system which we’ve built and
demonstrated is illustrated in Fig. 2. Four 50 MW XL-4
X-band klystrons are powered by a state-of-the-art 400 kV
The high-energy physics community desires an solid-state modulator. Their 1.6 microsecond outputs are
electron-positron linear collider with an energy reach of combined in pairs, providing two sources to the combiner
0.5—1 TeV. A leading contender for the design of such a at the bottom of the upright overmoded circuit.
Depending on the phase of the inputs, this combiner can
collider uses X-band rf at a frequency of 11.424 GHz to
the circular TE01 mode, which emerges
power copper accelerating structures. Development of an
X-band design and the technology required by it has compressed at the top of the system, or the TE11 mode,
represented for the past several years an area of strong which bypasses the pulse compressor. This dual-mode
feature, a vestige of former plans, could be used, in a
research in the United States and Japan.
In addition to high-power modulators, klystrons and slightly modified configuration, for binary pulse
accelerating structures that can reliably sustain gradients compression. Dual-mode directional couplers before and
of 65 MV/m (unloaded), the X-band design requires a after the SLED head provide diagnostics. With powers
waveguide system to compress, transmit, and distribute balanced and phase adjusted by manual attenuators and
the rf pulses to the structures. The demonstration of such phase shifters in the waveguides driving the klystrons
an rf system, capable of handling peak power levels on from TWT’s, we launch TE01.
The SLED head divides the power through a hybrid
the order of half a gigawatt, has been a focus of the socalled 8-Pack Project at SLAC. The name derives from between two iris-coupled resonant delay lines. The
the original plan to demonstrate an eight-source DLDS combined reflected power is directed forward through the
system [1]. Ultimately the project was recast to include a fourth port. The delay lines themselves are dual-moded, in
a way that allows them to be about half as long as would
otherwise be required. With a 17 cm diameter, they can
* Work supported by U.S. Department of Energy contracts DE-AC03support six TE0n modes. Two are used. TE01 is converted
76SF00515 and W-7405-ENG-48.
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94309
Presented at the 3rd Asian Particle Accelerator Conference (APAC 04),
Gyeongiu, Korea, March 22-26, 2004
upon reflection at the end of the lines to TE02. As the
wavefront returns to the input end, it is reflected by the
input taper, which passes only TE01. After a second round
trip, during which it is reconverted to TE01, it again sees
the iris. Thus a 400 ns delay is accomplished in ~29 m.
lo a d tre e s
Next Linear Collider Test Accelerator (NLCTA) bunker.
There it will be passed through a series of power dividing
directional couplers of approximately 1:3, 1:2, and 1:1
ratios, as shown in Fig. 3. Thus will the power be roughly
divided between four pairs of structures. The final
division for each of these outputs is done with a “Magic
H” hybrid [5], and the connecting plumbing with WR90.
A Phase 2a arrangement during which only four structures
will be fed by this system is being installed this month.
d e la y
lin e s
k ly s tro n s
The 8-Pack rf system includes many novel overmoded
waveguide components which perform various functions.
Most are described elsewhere [3,5,6]. Special circular-torectangular cross section tapers allowed us to use
oversized rectangular waveguide modes in the interior of
some components for simpler manipulation. Fig. 4a)
shows a photo of one such component, the mode stripper,
with three 4.06 cm circular ports. TE11 power entering the
lower port (1) is directed to the left port (2), while TE01
power is directed to the right port (3). Both output ports
use the TE01 mode. Cold test results are shown in Fig. 4b).
The 2-3% loss shown includes the loss in the mode
converters used for cold testing, which is of the same
order. All port matches and isolations for this device
measured better than –30 dB.
Figure 2: Phase 1 layout showing klystrons and the dualmoded SLED-II pulse compressor.
pow er
stru ctures
In the Phase 1 layout of Fig.1, the circuit is terminated
by a dual-mode splitter, matched for both TE01 and TE11,
and two load trees, each of which further divides the
power between four high-power loads [4]. For Phase 2,
the splitter is being replaced by a mode stripper, which
provides a single load tree termination for any TE11
power, while directing TE01 to a transport waveguide.
This overmoded waveguide incorporating three bends,
will deliver the compressed power through the roof of the
Port Couplings (dB)
Figure 3: Phase 2 distribution circuit.
Frequency (GHz)
Figure 4: a) Mode stripper and b) cold test measurements.
Phase 1 of the 8-Pack project, concluded in February,
successfully demonstrated the basic system, as well as the
power handling capacity of the components. There were
some obstacles to be overcome.
The SLED-II iris flanges were custom made to correct a
small phase length difference on the SLED head side that
affected directivity. The delay line tapers were tested in
different combinations and the optimal resonant positions
of the shorting plunger mode converters (three lie within
the range of each) were determined. This allowed us to
eliminate small mid-bin steps in the output pulse caused
by mode impurities at the –30 dB level. A spacer had to be
removed to avoid a parasitic resonance in the overmoded
input line between the combiner and SLED head. A period
of processing was required to outgas the large surface area
of the delay lines. A breakdown bottleneck in ramping up
the power turned out to be a bad length of WR90
connecting the further two klystrons to the combiner. It
had been badly oxidized by a vacuum leak during in-situ
baking and was replaced.
Power (MW)
The final result was a 400 ns flat compressed pulse of
X-band rf with peak power exceeding half a gigawatt. The
calibrated peak power meter waveforms can be seen in
Fig. 5. Calorimetric power measurements were used to
confirm the rf calibration. The gain through the dualmoded SLED-II for a compression ratio of four was
approximately 3.1 out of an ideal lossless gain of 3.44.
An extended run of round-the-clock 500 MW operation
was undertaken to demonstrate the reliability of the
system, accumulating 357 hours at a repetition rate of 30
Hz and 99 hours at 60 Hz. While more frequent faults
occurred due to causes such as klystron pulse tearing,
WR90 breakdown, and human interference (the latter
minimized by implementation of automated SLED
tuning), the rate of faults attributed to breakdowns in the
overmoded rf system fell comfortably below the goal
limit of 0.083 per hour (one in 1.3 million pulses).
We have successfully designed, constructed, and
demonstrated an rf station capable of reliably providing
pulsed rf power at pulse width and power levels required
for driving a set of eight 0.6 m accelerating structures at
the design gradient of 65 MV/m. This satisfies the current
design envisioned for an X-band, warm linear collider.
The pulses of 400 ns and 500 MW (200 J), represent a
major achievement in pulsed rf power. Years of
overmoded component development have born fruit in
this pulse compression system which has finally tested
their power-handling capability.
Time (µs)
Figure 5: Peak power meter measurements of high
power waveforms. The black trace is the input power and
the blue trace is the output of the pulse compressor
Eventually, the goal of 475 MW was surpassed, as was
500 MW. A remaining problem with the pulse shape was
solved by changing the low-level rf drive system. The
four channels were replaced by a single, shared signal,
and each pair of klystrons was driven by a single TWT.
Two arbitrary waveform generators driving an I/Q
modulator were incorporated. A PC controlled the
arbitrary waveform generators, and the phase and
amplitude of the SLED-II input pulse were measured and
acquired by the PC through a digital oscilloscope. A
feedback code was written to correct amplitude and phase
in small time steps across the combined SLED input
[1] S.G. Tantawi, et al., “A Multimoded RF Delay Line
Distribution System for the Next Linear Collider,”
Phys.Rev.ST Accel.Beams, vol. 5, March 2002.
[2] Sami G. Tantawi, et. al. “The Generation Of 400-MW
RF Pulses At X Band Using Resonant Delay Lines,”,
IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and Techniques,
Vol 47, No. 12, December, 1999, p. 2539-2546
[3] S.G. Tantawi and C.D. Nantista, “Multimoded RF
Components and Their Application to High-Power RF
Pulse Compression Systems,” presented at the XXI
International LINAC Conference, Gyeongju, Korea,
August 19-23, 2002; SLAC-PUB-9502.
[4] Sami G. Tantawi and A.E. Vlieks, "Compact X-Band
High Power Load Using Magnetic Stainless,"
presented at the 1995 Particle Accelerator Conference,
Dallas, TX, May 1-5, 1995; SLAC-PUB-6826.
[5] C.D. Nantista, et al., "Planar Waveguide Hybrids for
Very High Power RF," presented at the 1999 Particle
Accelerator Conference, New York, NY, March 29—
April 2, 1999; SLAC-PUB-8142.
[6] Sami G. Tantawi and Christopher D. Nantista, “Recent
Advances in RF Pulse Compressor Systems at SLAC,”
invited talk at the 6th Workshop on High Energy
Density and High Power RF (RF 2003), Berkeley
Springs, West Virginia, June 22-26, 2003.