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ZEYNEP GÜL ÜNAL (Ph.D.) Yıldız Technical University, Faculty of Architecture Restoration Department, 34349 Yıldız İstanbul – TÜRKİYE zgulunal@gmail.com / gkarsli@yildiz.edu.tr / zeynep-gul.unal@icomos.org CURRENT POSITIONS Prof. Dr. – Faculty Member Yıldız Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, Restoration Department 1988 Director Yıldız Technical University Research Center for Preservation of Historical Heritage (TA-MIR) 2018 - AREAS OF EXPERTISE Conservation of Built Heritage, Disaster Risk Management for Cultural Heritage, Protection of Cultural Heritage in Conflict Areas, Crisis Response to Cultural Heritage, Crisis Monitoring, Information Technologies, EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND Doctorate Yıldız Technical University, Institute of Sciences Architectural Restoration Program,1998. PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS INTERNATIONAL - ICOMOS - International Council on Monuments and Sites Board Member: 2017-2020, 2020-2023, 2023 – to date Vice President: 2020 – 2023 - ICOMOS ICORP Crisis Monitoring and Response Working Group Coordinator, 2021 - to date - ICOMOS ICORP International Scientific Committee on Risk Preparedness Vice President 2019 – to date Secretary-General 2012 – 2019 - ICOMOS IFLA ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Cultural Landscapes Member 2012-2016 - ALUMNI JICA2009 - ALUMNI US/ICOMOS IEP 1994 – National Park Service The National Capital Region Office Washington DC. NATIONAL - AFAD - T.C. Ministry of Interior Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency Advisory Board Member 2020 - to date - Republic of Türkiye Presidential National Palace Organization Advisory Board Member 2018 - to date - UNESCO Türkiye Tangible Heritage Committee Member 2018 – 2022 / 2022 – to date - UNESCO Türkiye Working Group Member of World Heritage Sites in Conflict Zones 2015 – 2018 - Republic Of Türkiye Ministry Of Culture And Tourism • UNESCO The Historic Areas of Istanbul 1 Advisory Board Member, 2017 – • UNESCO Diyarbakır Fortress and Hevsel Gardens Cultural Landscape Scientific Committee Member, 2017 – • Bursa and Cumalıkızık: the Birth of the Ottoman Empire Advisory Board Member 2017 – 2018 • Cultural and National Heritage Conservation Former High Education Board Representative of Kütahya 2009-2013 - ICOMOS ICORP Türkiye Founding Chairperson 2014 – to date - ICOMOS Türkiye NationalCommittee Secretary-General 2014-2017 - Protection and Risk Management Association Founding Member 2020 - to date - Turkish Chamber of Architects – İstanbul Branch Member, 1988- to date AWARDS World Monuments Fund Watch Award - 2023 SELECTED WORKS PROJECTS and CONSULTANCY Project Coordinator Determining the Effects of February 2023 Kahramanmaraş (Pazarcık and Elbistan) and Hatay Earthquakes and Creating an AI-Based Model for Post-Disaster Management, Hatay Province Case Study, Supported by Yıldız Technical University Scientific Research Projects Coordination Office March 2023 – to date Project Consultant CRAFT: Developing a Novel Climate Change Risk Assessment Framework for Cultural Heritage in Türkiye Project Partner Universities: Durham University, Yildiz Technical University, Middle East Technical University December 2020 – to date Project Consultant TUBITAK – JSPS Establishment of Local Community Engagement Based Mutual-Help System for Disaster Risk Reduction in Istanbul Historical District via Effective Use of IT Tools and Disaster Imagination Game Technique 2021 – 2022 Project Coordinator (YTU) Towards Mobilising Intangible Heritage for Recovery and Resilience Project (Royal Academy of Engineering Frontiers of Development 2020/21 Awarded) Partner Universities: De La Salle University, Ozyegin University, University College London, Yildiz Technical University August 2020 – 2022 Project Coordinator (ICORP Türkiye) Project Climate Culture and Peace – ICCROM, ICORP Türkiye, Parties of The Consortium, Project Duration: October 2021 - February 2022. ICORP On The Road Episode 1 – Nepal (Cooperation with ICOMOS Nepal) «Sacred Valley of Kathmandu» 2 Story: Destruction of Kathmandu WHS after Gorkha Earthquake and Rehabilitation Efforts of the Local Community and Experts Filming: April 2018 ICORP On The Road Episode 2 - Türkiye (Cooperation with ICOMOS Türkiye) «Mithras Meeting Back With Daylight» Story: Re-vitalization of Rome Garrison and Mitras Site Filming: May 2018 ICORP On The Road Episode 3 – Mali (Cooperation with ICOMOS Mali) «Guardians of Timbuctu Manuscripts» Story: Destruction of World Heritage Site and manuscripts in Timbuctu at Terrorist Attack and Rehabilitation Efforts of the Local Community and Experts Filming: November 2018 ICORP On The Road Episode 4 – Pakistan (Cooperation with ICOMOS Pakistan) «They Didn’t Just Come For The Lands» Story: Destruction of Buddhist Heritage Sites in Swat in Terrorist Attack and Rehabilitation Efforts of the Local Community and Experts Filming: March 2019 ICORP On The Road Episode 5 – Brazil (Cooperation with ICOMOS Brazil) «It’s Too Late For Sirene» Story: Mariana Dam Disaster, Environmental Disaster destruction of Historical Town and Krenak Indigenous People’s Land and Rehabilitation Efforts Filming: May 2019 ICORP On The Road Episode 6 – India (Cooperation with ICOMOS India) «Kartapur Corridor» Story: Shared Heritage Shared Responsibility - Story of the Kartapur Corridor Filming: February 2020 Updated Guideline “Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict”, Qatar Museums, UCL Qatar Individual Expertise, 2019 - 2020 Preparing Technical Guideline for UN INSARAG (International Search and Rescue Advisory Group) USAR Teams on “Operation Procedures - Working In Historical Environment” Project Team: Zeynep Gül Ünal (ICORP TR) – Aparna Tandon (ICCROM) on Behalf of UNESCO 2018 -– 2023 Guideline For Earthquake Risk Management ff Architectural Heritage 2016 -2017 Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism - Turkish Prime Ministry Directorate General of Foundations IPKB – Governor of Istanbul Project Coordination Unit- ICOMOS Türkiye - ICORP Türkiye 2016 – 2018 US Consulate building “Palazzo Corpi”, Restoration of wall and ceiling drawings, test works, consultancy for the 1st stage, 2003. PUBLICATIONS - BOOKS Palaz, Mehmet, Ünal Zeynep Gül., “Silahlı Çatışma ve Kültür Varlıklarının Korunması Çerçevesinde Askeri Bakış Açısı ve Çeşitli Ordularda Kurulan Özel Birimler- The Military Perspective and Special Units Established in Various Armies in the framework of the Armed Conflict and Protection of Cultural Properties”, Hibrit Tehditleri Anlamak, Milli Savunma Üniversitesi Yayınları Milli Savunma Üniversitesi Merkez Basım ve Yayınevi,Sertifika Numarası: 52490, Yayın Numarası: 22/1, ISBN: 978-625-7791-33-5 e-ISBN: 978-625-7791-38-0, s.201-222, İstanbul, 2022 Ünal, Zeynep Gül., Ünal, Mehmet., “Early Response in Integrated Disaster Risk Management For Cultural 3 Heritage”, Disaster Risk Management for Cultural Properties - Kültür Varlıklarına Yönelik Afet Risklerinin Yönetimi, pp.13-27, Istanbul Great Municipality Publication, 2019. Ünal, Zeynep Gül, “Intervention strategies for barrier-free historic Building,” “ABC” – Accessibility and Buildings’ Conservation Intensive Programme LLP/Erasmus Project No: 2013-1-IT2-ERA10-52964, pp. 41-52, February 2014, Università di Pavia, Italy. Ünal, Zeynep Gül, "International Symposium Cultural Heritage Protection in Times of Risk: Challenges and Opportunities: 2012”, Proceedings of UNESCO Chair Programme On Cultural Heritage and Risk Management, Ritsumeikan University-Institute of Disaster Mitigation for Urban Cultural Heritage, UNESCO-ICCROM-ICORP Publication, pp.72-75, 2014. Gündoğdu F.Deniz, Ünal, Zeynep Gül, “Evaluation of the Concept of Disaster Management in Türkiye Within the Context of Disaster,,” pp. 356-364, Revisiting Kathmandu Safeguarding Living Urban Heritage, ISBN 978-92-3-001208-3, UNESCO Publications, Paris, 2014. Ünal, Zeynep Gül, Holistic Approaches in Disaster Risk Management of Cultural Heritage”, Scientific Techniques and Risk Management in Museums, Anatolian Civilizations Museum, Ankara 2013. ISBN 978975-01804 Ünal, Zeynep Gül,“Remarks About Disaster Risk Management of Cultural Heritage in Islamic Country”, IRCICA Summer School on Islamic Urban Heritage, IRCICA-Research Centre for Islamic History Art and Culture Publication, 2012. F. Deniz Gündoğdu, Zeynep Gül Ünal, “Chronological Research Of The Disaster Which Have Affected İstanbul Throughout History”, pp.60-64 ISBN 978-975-461-482-4, Yıldız Technical University Publication YTÜ-ICUS-0852 Istanbul, 2011. Ünal Zeynep Gül., G., Kılınç, G., “A Mamluk Era Building in Jerusalem-A Research on the Current Physical Status of the Turba Turkan Khatun and the Preservation Issue,,” Al Quds/Jerusalem 2015 Project Report, OIC-Organisation of the Islamic Conference IRCICA-Research Centre for Islamic History Art and Culture Publication, pp:141-173, Istanbul 2009. ISBN 978-92-9063-190-3. Ünal, Zeynep Gül, “Physical Evaluation and Features of Elmali Hstoric Town - Elmalı Yerleşiminin Fiziksel Oluşumu, Gelişimi ve Yerleşim Özellikleri”, Elmalı ve Yöresel Mimarlığı, Editör: Reha Günay, Ege Yayınlar, İstanbul 2008, s.31-42. Ünal, Zeynep Gül, “Traditonal Gaziantep Houses - Geleneksel Gaziantep Evleri” ve “Monuments of Gaziantep - Gaziantep Anıtsal Yapıları” Gaziantep Dört Tarafı Dağlar, Bağlar, Yapı Kredi Yayınları – YKY Publication, İstanbul, November 2007. Ünal, Zeynep Gül, “Traditional City Pattern and Architectural Values - Geleneksel Kent Dokusu ve Mimari Değerler”, Dünya Kültür Mirasında Gaziantep - The Legacy of Gaziantep to World Culture, English – Turkish seperate editions, Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yayınları (Archeology & Art Publications), Istanbul, 1999, pp. 46-84. PUBLICATIONS - ARTICLES (Selected Articles on Disaster Risk Management to Cultural Heritage) Tandon Aparna, Unal Zeynep Gul, Behar Cem, “Urban Search and Rescue at Heritage Sitesi:Guidance Note”, UNOCHA, INSARAG, March 2023. Ünal, Zeynep Gül., “Cities are under attack, and humanity must decide: "Collective Desperation"? The "Collective Struggle - Vurulan Kentler ve İnsanlığın Seçimi:“Kolektif Çaresizlik” mi? “Kolektif Mücadele” mi? Mimarlık Dergisi, MAYIS-HAZİRAN 2022 ISSN 1300-4212 YIL: 59 SAYI: 425. Atabay, Z. E., Macedonio, A., Teba, T., Ünal, Z. G. “Destruction, heritage and memory: postconflict memorialization for recovery and reconciliation,”, Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development, 2022. Gökmen Erdoğan, Banu, Ünal Zeynep Gül, Mimari Mirasın Sel Riski Analizi İçin Bir Model Önerisi: Edirne II. Bayezid Külliyesi Sel Riski Analizi, A Model Proposal for the Flood Risk Analysis of the Architectural Heritage: Edirne Bayezid II Complex Flood Risk Analysis, MEGARON 2021;16(3):367-384 DOI: 10.14744/MEGARON.2021.88785 4 Gider Sümeyye, Ünal Zeynep Gül, Late Ottoman Period Preventive Health İnstitutions İn Istanbul: An Architectural Approach, December 2020Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development, DOI:10.1108/JCHMSD-06-2020-0082. Ünal, Z. G., Atabay, Z. E., Darendeli, T. (2020). Project ICORP On The Road: patrimoine lié – histories liées, THEMA&COLLECTA La gestion du risque en Belgique, ICOMOS Wallonie-Bruxelles asbl Publications, Bruxelles, Belgium. Ünal, Zeynep Gül, “Managing Disaster Risks in the Historic Environment: Reducing Gray Zones - Tarihi Çevrede Afet Risklerinin Yönetimi: Gri Bölgeleri Azaltmak”, Mimar.İst, Yıl 15, sayı 54, 2015, DAAI Design and Applied Art Index. Ünal, Zeynep Gül, “Bring Order to Chaos: Managing Seismic Risk for Historic Structure,”, The Getty CI Newsletter Conservation Perspectives, Seismic Retrofitting, pp 14-15, Volume 30, Number 1, Spring 2015. Ünal, Zeynep Gül, Alshweiky Rabab, “Problems And Conservation Approaches Of Architectural Heritage in Multı-Identity And Multı-Managed Areas: Al-Haram Al-Ibrahimi/Abraham’s Tomb of the Patriarchs in AlKhalil/Hebron,”, Journal of Cultural Heritage Volume 20, July–August 2016, Pages 709–714, Cultural HELP 2014 Special Issue. AHCI-ARTS & HUMANITIES CITATION INDEX, ISSN: 1296-2074. Ünal, Z.Gül, Behar Cem., Learning From Türkiye’s Earthquake Experience - Crisis Response Journal, 2012, Vol 8, issue 1, pp. 22-24, Fire Net İnternational Publication, United Kingdom. ISSN 1745-8633. Ünal,Z.Gül., Kaptan, Meltem., “Protecting the Traditional settlement's pattern and spirit of place in disasterprone areas- Doğal Afetlere Yatkın Bölgelerde Geleneksel Dokuyu ve Mekanın Ruhunu Korumak, Mimarlık - , , Yıl. 49, sayı 365, sayfa 58-62, Mayıs-Haziran 2012, ISSN. 1300-4212, Avery Index, DAAI Design and Applied Art Index, Arthistoricum.net, Ulrichs Periodical Directory. Ünal,Z.G., Gündoğdu F., “Kültür Mirasımız Afet Risklerine Ne Kadar Hazırlıklı? Haydarpaşa Garı Yangını”, Mimar.İst, Yıl 11, sayı 39, s.20-25, 2011, DAAI Design and Applied Art Index. Ünal Zeynep Gül, Gencer İrem., Towards the Yildiz Technical University ICOMOS ICORP Symposium “Cultural Heritage Protection in Times of Risk: Challenges and Opportunities”, IFLA NEWSLETTER International Federation of Landscape Architects, pp. 18-20, No. 96 February 2012. e-journal: www.iflaonline.org - cultural landscape committee - www.iflaclc.org Erkan, N., Ünal, G., “City Who Loose it Name After an Earthquake/Eskigediz - Adını Kaybeden KentEskigediz”, Kent Gündemi Dergisi, TMMOB Şehir Plancıları Yayını, s. 19-24, sayı 8, 2008. Ünal, Z.Gül., “Uluslararası Kentsel Çalışmalar Araştırma Merkezi – ICUS, Mimarlık Fakültesi Öğrencileri Uygulama Atölyesi Eskigediz Fahrettin Altay İlköğretim Okulu Ek Derslik Tasarım ve Uygulaması”, Mimarlık Dergisi, Yıl: 43, Sayı: 332, s.60-62. Kasım-Aralık 2006. ÜNAL Z. Gül, ERKAN Nilgün , “Eskigediz (Kütahya) Urban Architectural Inventory Report 2003 Study”, TÜBA Kültür Envanteri Dergisi (Journal of Cultural Inventory), Issue 2, pp. 169-199. 2005. CONFERENCES (Selected Keynote Speeches and Conferences on Disaster Risk Management to Cultural Heritage) Ünal, Zeynep Gül, “Gri Bölgelerde Kültür Mirasını Korumanın Stratejik Önemi / Strategic Importance of Protecting Cultural Heritage in Gray Zones”, Jandarma ve Sahil Güvenlik Akademisi Tematik Panel, Çatışma ve Afet Durumlarında Kültür Varlıkları, Ankara, 25 Mart 2022. , Ünal, Zeynep Gül, Palaz, Mehmet., “Kavramlar Ve Eylemler Açısından Hibrit Savaş Ve Kültür Mirası İlişkisi”, Hibrit Tehditler Ve Milli Savunma Sempozyumu , Millî Savunma Üniversitesi Kara Harp Okulu ve Hibrit Tehditler Araştırma Grubu (HİTAG), 25-26 Ocak 2022, MSÜ Kara Harp Okulu Yerleşkesi ÇankayaAnkara. Ünal, Zeynep Gül, Afet Risklerine Karşı Korunmasında Genel Yaklaşımlar, EU-Kültürel Miras İçin Daha Güçlü Bir Sivil Toplum Projesi, Kentimiz İzmir Derneği, 24 January 2022. Ünal, Zeynep Gül, “COVID-19 Salgınının Somut Kültürel Miras Yönetimine Etkisi: Tehditler-Fırsatlar”, UNESCO Türkiye Millî Komisyonu'nun 70. Kuruluş Yıl Dönümü Beşinci Büyük Buluşma Somut Kültürel Miras Paneli, UNESCO Türkiye, 9 Aralık 2021. Atabay, Z. E., Ünal, Z. G. (2021). Cultural Heritage Under The Effect Of The Climate Change, Forced Migration, And Armed Conflict Nexus, And İts Effect On Community Resilience. 3rd International Disaster&Resilience Congress “Climate Change&Local Resilience. 5 Ünal, Zeynep Gül, “Cultural Heritage Protection“, NATO Stability Policing Center of Excellence, Vicenza, Italy 16 November 2021. Özmertyurt, G. ve Ünal, Z. G. (2021). 21. Yüzyılda Küresel İklim Değişikliği Etkilerinin Yönetiminde Su Güvenliği ve Kültür Mirası İlişkisi: Tarihi Yer Altı Su Sistemlerinin Korunması (Öz).3. Uluslararası Afet ve Dirençlilik Kongresi, İklim Değişikliği& Yerel Dirençlilik, 5-7 Ekim, AFAD Kampüsü, Ankara. Erişim adresi: https://idrcongress.org/uploads/files/Abstracts_of_idRc_2021.pdf Ünal, Zeynep Gül, The Impact Of Disasters To Heritage In Europe: ICMOS ICORP CRISIS Monitoring And Response For Heritage Working Group, ICOMOS Europe Group Meeting, ICOMOS, October 1, 2021 Ünal, Zeynep Gül, Protection of Cultural Heritage in Conflict Environment, Defence Logistics and Support Summit (DLSS) , 7 September 2021 Ankara. Ünal, Zeynep Gül, Zeynep Gül Ünal, “Culture For A Sustainable Future . Culture Of Sustainable Future”, İZMİR’21 UCLG Culture Summit, 9 September 2021, İzmir. Ünal, Zeynep Gül, Cultural Heritage Protection In Times Of Conflict, NATO Steadfast Defender 2021, 27 April 2021, Istanbul, Türkiye. Ünal, Zeynep Gül, Geleceği Planlarken Dünü Yaratmak: Yeni Nesil Savaşlar ve Kültür Varlıklarının Korunması, Geçmişten Geleceğe Kültür Mirasını Anlamak Planlamak Ve Yönetmek, UNESCO Bursa Alan Yönetimi 18 Nisan Etkinlikleri, 23 HAZİRAN 2021, Bursa, Türkiye. Ünal, Zeynep Gül, “Protection of Cultural Heritage in Post Conflict Areas”, The Past, Present and Future of Karabakh Conference, Turkic Culture and Heritage Foundation and the Union of Engineers and Architects of the Turkic World, 5 February 2021. Ünal, Zeynep Gül, Cultural Heritage Protection, NATO Comprehensive Approach Webinar Programme, 20 -22 October 2020. Ünal, Zeynep Gül, Cultural Heritage Protection In Times Of Crisis, NATO Comprehensive Approach Team Building Seminar, 10 September 2019 . ISTANBUL Ünal, Zeynep Gül., “ICORP On The Road Initiative – Connected Stories Connected Heritage From Disaster Times” Understanding Risk Europe Forum, 29 November 2019, Palace Of Parliament Bucuresti Romania. Ünal, Zeynep Gül., “ICORP On The Road Project 2019, ICOMOS ADCOM Scientific Council Meeting, 14 October 2019, Marakesh Ünal, Zeynep Gül., “Risk Mitigation to Architectural Heritage – New Agenda“, International Disaster and Resilience Congress – From Risk to Resilience IDRC 2019, Eskişehir, 28 June 2019. Ünal, Zeynep Gül., “0 Second of Disaster”, World Monuments Fund Meeting on Emergency Preparedness and Response For Cultural Heritage, New York 21 May 2019. Ünal, Zeynep Gül., “ICORP On The Road Initiative – Connected Stories Connected Heritage From Disaster Times,” ICOMOS-BRAZIL Scientific Symposium 2019 - ICOMOS-BRAZIL, the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF), and the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ), Belo Horizonte Brasil, 8 May 2019. Ünal, Zeynep Gül., “Cultural Heritage Protection in Times of Crisis,” NATO Comprehensive Approach to Team Building Seminar, 11 September 2019, Istanbul. Ünal Zeynep Gül., “When The Storm Is Over: Contributing to Resilient and Sustainable Communities Through Cultural Heritage“ Ist International Conference On Regional Challenges & Exploring Sustainable Solutions, “Institute of Architects Peshawar Chapter, Peshawar Khyber Pakthooh Khawa – Pakistan, 8- 10 October 2018. Ünal Zeynep Gül., Tandon Aparna., “Integrating First Aid For Cultural Heritage With Emergency Response, “UN OCHA United Nation Office For The Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs 16 – INSARAG Urban Search and Rescue Team Leaders Meeting, Romania Bucharest. 16 – 21 September 2018. 6 ICCROM “Culture Cannot Wait: Integrating First Aid To Cultural Heritage With Humanitarian Assistance In Times of Crisis, “12 September 2018. ÜNAL, Zeynep Gül,” ICOMOS-ICORP On The Road Project, Asian Ministerial Conference On Disaster Risk Reduction, 3-6 July 2018, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia Side Event, Cultural Herıtage & Dısaster Rısk Management, National Disaster Management Authority, Government Of India. ÜNAL, Zeynep Gül,” Security Born Risks at Cultural Heritage”, Ist International Conference on Security of Historic Cities, The IPA SD International Police Association Split-Dalmatian Regional Club & Croatian Association of Historic Towns – HUPG, 31 March- 1 April 2017 Split, Croatia. ÜNAL, Zeynep Gül, ”Emergency Intervention For Cultural Heritage: “Cooperation among cultural heritage authorities and civil protection agencies, before and after disasters European Parliament, 29 September 2016, Brussels Belgium. ÜNAL, Zeynep Gül, “Activities 2010 -2016“10 Years Memorial Seminar of The UNESCO Chair International Training Course, Ritsumeikan University, 26 September 2016, Kyoto Japan. ÜNAL, Zeynep Gül, “Afet Risklerine Karşı İnsanlığın Hafızasının Korunması İçin Çalışan Bir Organizasyon “ICOMOS – ICORP”, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Cumhurbaşkanlığı&ISPC, Uluslararası Önleyici Koruma Sempozyumu, 9-10 Haziran 2014 – İstanbul, İstanbul Üniversitesi Prof. Dr. Cemil Bilsel Konferans Salonu, İstanbul SUPERVISION OF GRADUATE STUDENTS Supervision of Graduate Students / - Restoration Program - PhD - In progress A Study on the Local Context of Emergency Management in Historical Environments and Buildings; Gaziantep Example A Study on Perspectives of Different Parties on Cultural Heritage in 21st Century Hybrid Wars. A Study on the Role of Traditional Underground Water Systems in Anatolia in Providing Water Heritage and Water Security in the 21st Century Preventive Health Institutions of the Late Ottoman Period The Role of Traditional Knowledge in the Management of Disaster Risks for Cultural Heritage Protecting Cultural Heritage in Times of Turbulence A.Boğaziçi Yakut American Mission in Ottoman Istanbul and the Conservation Status of Robert College as a Cultural Heritage Adaptive Reuse in Historic Buildings Disaster Response Management of Cultural Heritage Documentation studies and management plan for the sustainable conservation of underwater cultural heritage in Lebanon T.Yılmaz Z.E. Atabay G.Özmertyurt S. Gider G. Şenel T.Zahid Özdemir M. Zenginerler E. Aydın G.Abdallah Mustapha Supervision of Graduate Students / - Restoration Program - PhD - Completed Model Proposal of Fire Risk Management in Historic Wooden Buildings, The Case of Türkiye A Model Proposal for Disaster Risk Management in Archaeological Sites A Model Proposal for Risk Management in Increased Floods with the Effect of Climate Change and its Analysis on the Example of Edirne Conservation Approach to a Monument Used by Two Different Faith Groups: Khalil - Hebron City Haram Al-Ibrahim Religious Building Mass Migrations İn Human Induced Disasters at the Turn Of The 21st Century: Management ff Risks to theHistorical Environment İn The Return Process: Syria Case A.Tarım Proposal for a disaster risk management model for historic settlements F.D.Gündoğdu A.Topaloğlu Uzunel B.Gökmen Erdoğan R.Alshweiki S. Gündoğdu 7 TEACHING EXPERIENCE Professor 2012 – to date Conservation and Management of Cultural Heritage in Risk Situations Yildiz Technical University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department of Architecture, Restoration Master’s Program 2006 – to date Conservation Project I-II Yildiz Technical University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department of Architecture, Restoration Master’s Program 2006 – to date Historical Building Survey Yildiz Technical University Faculty of Architecture 2006 – to date Conservation and Restoration Yildiz Technical University Faculty of Architecture Design Studio 7 (theme based) Yildiz Technical University Faculty of Architecture LECTURE – TRAINING Resource Person - Support for Ukraine in Culture and Education through UNESCO Joint Project of UNESCO, ICOMOS,ICCROM, 2023-to date Lecturer - “Risk Management in Museums – Emergency Response Phase”, Republic of Türkiye Ministry of Culture and Tourism Istanbul Provincial Culture and Tourism Directorate, 12 February 2020, Istanbul. Resource Person - ICCROM 2019 FAC First Aid to Cultural Heritage in Times of Crisis, NovemberDecember 2019 Rome, Norcia, Italy. Resource Person - Cultural Heritage Without Borders / Albania , “Operation Procedures For Field Work During Emergency Response Phase In Cultural Heritage Sites” Disaster Preparedness and Risk Management First Aid for Cultural Heritage Course, Gjirokastra . Albania . Mart 2016 Resource Person - Cultural Heritage Without Borders / Kosova “Operation Procedures For Field Work During Emergency Response Phase In Cultural Heritage Sites” Disaster Preparedness and Disaster Risk Management, ‘First Aid for Cultural Heritage Priştine Kosova . November 2016 Lecturer - UNESCO Chair Programme on Cultural Heritage and Risk Management , International training course (ITC), Ritsumeikan University Disaster Mitigation for Urban Cultural HeritageR-DMUCH 20-28 September 2016 Kyoto, Japan. Lecturer - UNESCO Chair Programme on Cultural Heritage and Risk Management International Training Course (ITC), Ritsumeikan University Disaster Mitigation for Urban Cultural Heritage R-DMUCH6-22 September 2014 Kyoto, Japan. Resource Person - “Intervention Strategies For Barrier-Free Historic Buildings”, ABCAccessibility and Buildings’ Conservation, Intensive ProgrammeLLP/Erasmus Project No: 2013-1IT2-ERA10-52964, 5-19 February, 2014, Università di Pavia, Italy ICOMOS Course Professor and Organising Team Member Zeynep Gül Ünal, Rohit Jigyasu, Bijan Rouhani, Robert Bevan, ICOMOS Course Organising Team Member ICOMOS E-Learning Course: “The Protection of Syrian Cultural Heritage In Times of Armed Conflict, 2012-2013.” “Operation Procedures For Damage Assesment During Response Phase In Cultural Heritage Sites - Safety & Security”, ICOMOS E-Learning Course: The Protection of Syrian Cultural Heritage In Times of Armed Conflict, 8 Ocak 2013, Damascus, Syria. Resource Person - Search and Rescue Training to Peace Wings Japan, Hiroshima Japan March 2016 Coordinator and Resource Person - Search and Rescue Training to Bosnia and Herzegovina Civil Defence, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, May 2014 8 URBAN SEARCH AND RESCUE and AND HUMANITARIAN AID OPERATIONS GEA – Search and Rescue Team Türkiye (AFAD Medium Team/2022) Human Search and Rescue Team Leader and Trainer Operations Involved 2023 February 2021 October 2019 November 2014 May 2011 November 2011 October 2010 January 2009 September - Kahraanmaraş Earthquake, Türkiye İzmir Earthquake, Türkiye Albania Earthquake USAR Southeast Europe Floods, Bosnia and Herzegovina - Humanitarian Aid Van Earthquake, Türkiye - USAR and Humanitarian Aid Erciş Earthquake, Türkiye - USAR and Humanitarian Aid Haiti Earthquake, Port au Prince, Haiti - USAR and Humanitarian Aid Marmara Flood, Türkiye - Evacuation and Humanitarian Aid FIELD EXERCISES (Protection of Cultural Heritage Time of Crisis-Joint Trainings with Military and Emergency Responders) NATO Exercise Steadfast Jackal 2022, Norway - ongoing Representative of ICOMOS International NATO EUROASIAN BRIDGE EXERCISE 2020 The task in EXCON (ICORP Türkiye) NATO EXERCISE EAST-19 / Istanbul, December 2019 The task in EXCON-Exercise Control and Execution EU Module Exercise for USAR / Sicily, July 2019 The task in EXCON-Exercise Control and Execution ICCROM 2019 FAC First Aid to Cultural Heritage in Times of Crisis Course Exercise, Norcia, November 2019 The task in Coordination and Execution USAR Exercise and Response to Heritage GEA USAR 2019 Summer Exercise, Ankara, August 2019 A task in Coordination and Execution USAR Exercise and Response to Heritage GEA USAR 2018 Summer Exercise, Ankara, August 2018 Task in Coordination and Execution USAR Exercise & Response to Heritage for Istanbul World Heritage Site Directorate Staff ICORP Türkiye and GEA USAR, October 2017 PROJECTS and CONSULTANCY - MARMARAY SUBWAY PROJECT / HERITAGE PROTECTION Istanbul Marmaray Subway Project BC1; Phase II Reassembly and Exhibition Arrangement Project Report of the Early Period Findings from Sirkeci East Shaft Excavations, 2020. Istanbul Marmaray Subway Project CR3; Historical Maltepe Train Station Restoration Project, Obrascon Huarte Lain SA Dimentronic SA Joint Venture (ODJV), 2016 Istanbul Marmaray Subway Project CR3; Historical Göztepe Train Station Restoration Project, Obrascon Huarte Lain SA Dimentronic SA Joint Venture (ODJV), 2016 Istanbul Marmaray Subway Project CR3; Consultancy for the Protection of the Cultural Heritage and the Interactions with the Historic Areas, Obrascon Huarte Lain SA Dimentronic SA Joint Venture (ODJV), 2013-2016 Istanbul Marmaray Subway Project CR3; Archaeological Survey of the Findings Uncovered with the İdealtepe Archaeological Excavations, Obrascon Huarte Lain SA Dimentronic SA Joint Venture (ODJV), 2013-2016 9 Istanbul Marmaray Subway Project BC1; Inventory, Moving, and Preservation Project of Roman Period Findings in Marmaray Subway East Shaft Excavation Area. Taisei-Gama Nurol Joint Venture, 2011., YTÜ Faculty of Architecture Council Approval No: 2011/09.08.2011-19 Istanbul Marmaray Subway Project BC1; Conservation and Reburial Project of Absidal Ruins in Üsküdar, Taisei-Gama Nurol Joint Venture, 2011., YTÜ Faculty of Architecture Council Approval No: 2010/14.12.21010-11 Istanbul Marmaray Subway Project CR3; Interaction Reports on the Buildings in the Registered Building Blocks That Interact with the Line on the Asian and the European Sides, OHL Dimetronic, 2009-2013 Istanbul Marmaray Subway Project BC1; Point Cloud Data Creation by 3D Lazer Scanning for the Architectural Remains Uncovered in the European Side Sirkeci Station South Entrance Excavations,Taking Photographs for Exhibitions and Application Control, Gama-Nurol, 2009-2013 Method Report for the Moving, Hybrid In-Situ and the Preservation of the Historical Cistern in the Anatolian Side Ayrılıkçeşme Station, Gama-Nurol, 2009-2013 Analytical Survey, Restitution Drawings and Restoration Projects of the TCDD Zeytinburnu Housing Building, Republic of Türkiye, Maritime Affairs and Communications, General Directorate of State Railroads, Ports and Airports (DLH), Avrasya Consult, 2009-2013 Historical TCDD Bakırköy and Yeşilköy Stations Restoration Projects, Republic of Türkiye, Maritime Affairs and Communications, General Directorate of State Railroads, Ports and Airports (DLH), Avrasya Consult, 2009-2013 – Consultancy Istanbul Marmaray Subway Project BC1; Consultancy and Project Reports for the Relocation Projects of the Findings Uncovered with the Sirkeci Station East Shaft Excavations, Gama-Nurol, 2009-2013 Istanbul Marmaray Subway Project BC1; Analytical Survey Report of the Apsidal Building Uncovered with the Marmaray Üsküdar Station Excavations, Gama-Nurol, 2007-2008 Istanbul Marmaray Subway Project BC1; Analytical Survey and the Report of the Sirkeci Vilayet Mosque (Nallı Mescid), Gama-Nurol, 2007-2008 Istanbul Marmaray Subway Project BC1; Situation Assessment Inventory for 700 Buildings Located Within the Impact Area of the Yedikule – Yenikapı and Sirkeci TBM Tunnel Construction, GamaNurol, 2007-2008 Istanbul Marmaray Subway Project BC1; Risk Assessment of Historic Buildings in Marmaray Subway Project Tunnel Zone in Istanbul Historical Peninsula - Yedikule Region, Gama Nurol - Taisei Kumagai,2007-2008.YTÜ Faculty of Architecture Council Approval No: 2007/34, 14.12.2007 Istanbul Marmaray Subway Project CR1; Present Condition Analysis of Historic Buildings in İstanbul Gebze-Halkalı Railroad Zone. AMD Rail Consortium, 2008, YTÜ Faculty of Architecture Council Approval No : 2008/26, 01.12.2008 Project Consultation and Reports for the Dismantling of the TCDD Yedikule Historical Atelier Buildings for Reconstruction, Gama-Nurol, 2006-2007 Analytical Survey and the Report for the Moving of the Ayrılıkçeşme Byzantine Period Water Cistern, Gama-Nurol, 2006-2007 Istanbul Marmaray Subway Project BC1; “Sysmic vibrance estimation measurements for the Marmaray Subway Project, aiming to estimate the potential vibration volume and its effects in Yedikule Region (820 building.)” Gama Nurol - Taisei Kumagai, 2006. The Republic of Türkiye, Maritime Affairs and Communications, General Directorate of State Railroads, Ports and Airports (DLH), Avrasya Consult, Istanbul Marmaray Subway Project; Historical Train Stations, 3R Projects&Reports (2003-2005) Maltepe Train Station, Göztepe Train Station, Bakırköy Train Station, Yeşilköy Train Station, Yedikule Train Station, TCDD Yedikule Housing Building, Four Timber Buildings in Yenikapı 10