Microwave CMOS—Device Physics and Design
Tajinder Manku, Member, IEEE
Abstract—This paper discusses design issues and the microwave
properties of CMOS devices. A qualitative understanding of the
microwave characteristics of MOS transistors is provided. The
paper is directed toward helping analog IC circuit designers create better front-end radio-frequency CMOS circuits. The network
properties of CMOS devices, the frequency response, and the
microwave noise properties are reviewed, and a summary of the
microwave scaling rules are presented.
Index Terms—CMOS, microwave CMOS, radio frequency, RF
MOSFET design.
HE majority of radio-frequency (RF) integrated circuits
(IC’s) are typically implemented in GaAs or silicon bipolar technologies [1], [2]. Bipolar junction transistors (BJT’s)
and GaAs devices have historically been used for high-speed
applications because of their relatively high unity-gain cutoff frequency ( ). However, advances in CMOS processing
technology have continued to reduce the minimum channel
of the
length of the MOS device, thereby increasing the
transistor [3]–[7]. For example, with a deep submicrometer
CMOS technology, devices with ’s exceeding 100 GHz and
minimum noise figures less than 0.5 dB at 2 GHz have been
realized, as shown in Fig. 1. Because of these relatively high
values, CMOS is becoming a viable technology choice for RF
integrated components for the wireless communication market.
Furthermore, as the linewidths continue to scale downwards,
CMOS technology will start challenging GaAs and bipolar
technologies for RF markets in the C, Ku, and Ka bands.
Another advantage CMOS offers over bipolar and MESFET
technologies is the ability to integrate a high degree of
functionality on a single chip [8]–[11].
In this paper, the microwave properties including the physics
and small-signal RF performance of MOS devices are discussed [12]. In Section II, a physical model for the linear
network behavior of a MOS transistor that can be used
is described. The differences and
with frequencies up to
similarities between the linear network model of a MESFET/bipolar device and that of a MOSFET are also discussed.
In Section III, a discussion on the frequency response figures
as well as the
of merits for a device, including the
(maximum available unity power gain frequency) is presented.
In Section IV, a detailed discussion on the noise performance
of MOS transistors is given. In this section, the various noise
Manuscript received August 10, 1998; revised October 26, 1998. This work
was supported by CITO and MicroNet.
The author is with the RF Technology Group, Center for Wireless Communications, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University
of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ont. N2L 3G1 Canada.
Publisher Item Identifier S 0018-9200(99)01641-8.
Fig. 1. The RF trends of CMOS technology with the minimum defined line
width of the gate.
Fig. 2. Small-signal lumped microwave network model of a MOSFET.
sources within the device, in particular the drain channel
noise, the thermal gate noise, and the induced gate noise,
are discussed. Based on simulation results, a simple network
model for the noise parameters as well as some basic trends
are derived. In Section V, these trends will be presented in a
form that would enable circuit designers to optimize a MOS
device for minimum noise. In Section VI, design strategies
associated with bipolar and MOS devices for minimum noise
are compared.
A small-signal model of a MOS transistor is shown in
Fig. 2. Aside from the well-known lumped elements (i.e., gatedrain capacitance
, gate-source capacitance
, output
, output transconductance
, etc.) [13], three
extra elements have been included. These include the channel
charging resistance , the transconductance delay , and the
. The physical importance of
gate resistance
each of these elements is discussed below.
1) Channel Charging Resistance (see [13]–[15]): The
channel charging resistance accounts for the fact channel
0018–9200/99$10.00 1999 IEEE
Fig. 3. Experimental extracted results of the channel charging resistance as
a function of bias current. Also plotted is 1/(1.8g ).
charge that cannot instantaneously respond to changes in the
gate-source voltage. This resistance is by nature a nonquasistatic parameter that accounts for the distributed effect along
the channel length . Electronic carriers (e.g., electrons) at
any particular point within the channel of a MOSFET see
a resistive element that “points” toward the source and a
capacitive element that “points” toward the gate. Since the
, one
channel conductance seen by the source is related to
would expect that the channel resistance ( ) is proportional
—others have theoretically proven this. In [14], a
direct expression has been obtained for the channel charging
The factor of five arises due to the distributed nature of the
channel resistance between the source and drain. In Fig. 3,
has been extracted from a MOSFET device using a similar
extraction technique used for MESFET devices [16]. In this
figure, the measurement data have been fitted to a curve of
1/1.8 . Note that the proportionality relationship between
holds. Since
is related directly to the width of
the device, it follows that is related to one over the width.
is plotted in units of
-(width) to make
Because of this,
it independent of the width of the device; e.g., a 10- m-width
device operating at 0.4 mA would have a charging resistance
of 800 .
2) Gate Resistance (see [17]–[21]): In Fig. 2, the gate re) and an extrinsic
sistance is split up into an intrinsic part (
part (
). The latter comprises the contact resistance to the
gate material as well as any resistance prior to entering the
intrinsic portion of the gate. For a one-fingered device, the
intrinsic gate resistance is given by
is the sheet resistance of the gate material,
is the width of the device, and
is the length of the
channel region. The factor of three accounts for the distributed
nature of the intrinsic gate region—a rigorous derivation of
(2) is provided in [20]. Several researchers have discussed the
impact of the gate resistance with regards to the microwave
performance of MOS transistors [17]–[21]. The gate resistance
of a MOS transistor affects the RF performance in three
ways. First, if the gate resistance is not accounted for at the
simulation stage of a circuit, errors would result in power
matching the device to an off-chip source impedance (e.g., 50
). Second, the value of the gate resistance strongly influences
the minimum noise figure of the transistor—as will be shown
later. Third, the power gain of the MOS transistor is strongly
governed by the gate resistance—which will also be discussed
3) Transconductance Delay (see [13] and [16]): The transconductance delay accounts for the fact the transconductance
cannot respond instantaneously to changes in gate voltage.
This delay is included by multiplying
Physically, the transconductance delay represents the time it
takes for the charge to redistribute after an excitation of the
gate voltage. This time is directly related to the charging time
of gate-source capacitance with the charging resistance; i.e.,
. The transconductance delay is by far
the most difficult parameter to measure for a MOSFET (or for
a MESFET). The primary reason is that the data from which
these values are derived are often quite noisy. Another reason
is that this parameter only becomes important beyond the of
the device. If the device is used at frequencies less than
), this parameter can be ignored for most applications
or for all intended purposes.
To extract the physics from the equivalent network model,
only the intrinsic components of the device need be discussed.
In Table I, expressions for the -parameters of the intrinsic
device are presented. Also in Table I, approximate expressions
for the -parameters that go up to second order in frequency
are included. In the discussions to follow, the focus will be on
the intrinsic model in order to obtain the basic properties of
the device. Nevertheless, the extrinsic components should be
used in the numerical simulations to obtain accurate values.
The unity current gain frequency
is defined when the
current gain of the device equals one (i.e.,
is often used to measure the speed of the device. The value
is therefore given by
are included and it is
where only second-order terms in
. Here,
assumed that
An important observation that comes from (3) is that the
current gain is independent of the gate resistance of the device.
along with calculated
In Fig. 4, measurement results of
results are shown. The results show an increase in
. For larger values of
, saturates
drain-source current
to approximately 10 GHz. Beyond this point,
, thus making
independent on bias.
independent of
is defined as
The maximum power gain of a device
the power gain delivered by a device when both input and
output ports are matched to the impedance of the source and
load, respectively. This figure of merit provides a fundamental
limit on how much power gain one can achieve from a device.
Fig. 4. Experimental results for
as a function of bias current.
For any two-port network,
is described by
Using the -parameters provided in Table I, it can be shown
where only second-order terms in are included and it is that
; this is a reasonable
assumption for MOS transistors used for RF applications.
Equation (5) reveals two important characteristics of a MOS
transistor. First, the power gain is proportional to , and
second, the power gain is inversely proportional to the gate
. By setting
, an expression for the
can be derived
maximum oscillation frequency
Surprisingly enough, the expression looks very similar to the
maximum oscillation frequency of a bipolar transistor if
Fig. 5. Experimental and simulated data for the f and fmax of a MOSFET
as a function of g .
is replaced with the base resistance and
scales as
junction capacitance. Since
scales as
region, and
with the collector
, in the saturation
where (2) has been used. Equation (7) predicts that
, shorter
as 1/ . Therefore, in order to design for a high
) are desirable. In terms of biasing
device widths (i.e.,
is proportional to
parameters, (6) predicts that
In Fig. 5,
are plotted as a function of the
transconductance for two device widths; 40 and 60 m.
The trends observed in Fig. 5 are consistent with the results
is proportional to
predicted by (3) and (6); i.e.,
is proportional to
itself. In terms of device
widths, the 40- m device has a relatively higher
comparison to the 60- m device. This is to be expected since
Fig. 6. Noise equivalent circuit mode of a MOSFET.
the 40- m device has a smaller gate resistance in comparison
to the 60- m device. Though the curve for the larger device
is shifted to the right, the relative ’s values are independent
of the width. This result is consistent with (3)—i.e., since
is proportional to
is proportional to ,
independent of
Though MOSFET’s and MESFET’s are very different in
their large-signal operation, their small-signal equivalent noise
models are very similar. Consequently, one may use the results
of the long time studies of the microwave noise behavior
of MESFET’s [22]–[24] and apply the same sort of analysis
to MOSFET’s. At microwave frequencies, the intrinsic and
extrinsic noise sources of a MOSFET are generated thermally.
A generalized noise model of a MOS transistor is shown in
Fig. 6. The intrinsic noise sources are as follows.
Fig. 7. Data for the noise parameter
as a function of Vds .
1) Drain channel noise : this noise is due to the thermal
noise generated by the carriers in the channel region.1
: this noise is due to the thermal
2) Gate resistance noise
noise generated by the gate resistance.
3) Induced gate noise : this noise is due to the thermal
noise generated by the carriers in the channel, which
capacitively couples itself onto the gate node as a gate
To understand the characteristics of drain channel noise and
induced gate noise, both numerical simulation results [25] and
experimental results will be presented.
The thermal noise within the channel gives rise to both drain
channel noise and induced gate noise. The drain channel noise
is typically represented by
is a bias-dependent parameter,
is zero drain
voltage conductance of the channel (this is typically taken
to be equal to the transconductance of the device),
Boltzmann’s constant, is the temperature of the carriers in
is the noise bandwidth. In Fig. 7, the
the channel, and
parameter is plotted as a function of drain-source voltage.
Two other sources of data have been extracted from the
literature [26], [27] and plotted in Fig. 7. As the drain-source
1 Strictly
speaking, this noise should be treated as diffusion noise.
Fig. 8. The ratio of the induced gate noise to the channel drain noise as a
function of normalized frequency.
voltage increases, the factor increases. This can be explained
as follows. As one increases the drain-source voltage, the
electric field within the channel increases. The increasing
electric field causes more carriers to reach velocity saturation.
With more carriers at velocity saturation, the amount of
diffusion noise near the drain increases [25].
In Fig. 8, the relative magnitudes of and are plotted as a
ratio; the results were extracted from a quasi-three-dimensional
device noise simulator [25]. For these results,
V, and the transconductance was extracted to be 0.13
mS/ m at 2 GHz. From these simulation results, it was noted
is approximately independent of frequency, whereas
increases as . The ratio
can be interpreted as the
effective current noise gain seen from the gate port to the drain
port; note that for a bipolar transistor, the current noise gain
is equal to the dc current gain of the device.
Since the channel drain noise and induced gate noise are
physically generated by the same noise source, they are
correlated. In Fig. 9, simulation results for the normalized
correlation between the drain current noise and the gate current
Fig. 9. The normalized correlation factor between the induced gate noise
and the channel drain noise.
noise are plotted, i.e.,
where and are defined as the real and imaginary part of the
normalized correlation factor, respectively. The simulations
is approximately equal to zero. This is to be
reveal that
expected since carriers travelling to the gate are displaced
by 90 . For lower frequencies, our results extrapolate to a
, which corresponds to the predicted value of
value of
long channel devices [23], [28]. As the frequency of operation
approaches 0.3.
The gate thermal noise arises from the resistance of the gate
material. It is commonly assumed that this noise source can be
ignored if one uses a finger structure for the gate. However, in
the next section, it will be shown that the gate thermal noise
is very important in the design of low-noise devices even if a
multifinger structure is employed. The noise introduced by the
intrinsic portion of the gate structure of width
and channel
is given by
As in (2), the factor of three arises from a distributed effect.
To determine the noise parameters of the equivalent circuit
in Fig. 10(a), the input reference noise sources
Fig. 10(b)] are determined, i.e.,
Note that the two noise sources (11) and (12) are correlated
since they contain common noise terms. By using (11) and
(12), all the measurable noise parameters (for definitions of
the noise parameters see [29]) can be obtained
Fig. 10. (a) Approximate intrinsic noise model of a MOSFET and (b)
equivalent noise model of (a).
is the noise conductance,
is the optimum noise
in the optimum noise reactance,
is the
is the input reactance of the
minimum noise figure, and
are weak functions of bias
device. The parameters
and are less than one—the details of these parameters will
not be given here, but can be derived from (11) and (12).
If induced gate noise is neglected (i.e.,
is equal to one if induced gate
equal to one. The parameter
noise is included and zero if it is ignored (i.e.,
). In
, it has been assumed that
the approximate equation for
is relatively small in value.
The minimum noise figure of the device is directly propor. Therefore, the larger the gate resistance, the
tional to
higher the minimum noise figure. Another interesting point to
note is that the minimum noise figure is directly proportional
. Therefore, by increasing the
of the device,
the minimum noise figure drops in value. One method to
of the device is to increase the
independently increase the
drain-source biasing current. In Fig. 11, the minimum noise
figure of a MOS device as a function of biasing current is
plotted (also see [25]). For low values of bias current, the
minimum noise figure decreases in value with bias current. At
some point, however, any increase in the bias current causes
Fig. 11.
Minimum noise figure as a function of bias current.
Fig. 12.
the minimum noise to increase in value. When this occurs,
becomes independent of bias current;
the transconductance
i.e., any increase in bias current will not cause a significant
increase in . Using this argument, and the fact that gamma is
a function of bias, causes the minimum noise figure to increase.
in (15) can be shown to be approximately
The factor
equal to
is proportional to
and is equal to the effective
. For long channel devices,
current gain noise, i.e.,
predicted to be equal to 0.83 [23]; in [25], the factor
also shown to be a function of bias and gate width. From the
is predicted to be closer to one;
results in Figs. 8 and 9,
recall that if the overall contribution of induced gate noise is
. This is the ideal situation since it corresponds
to simultaneously matching the reactive part of the device for
, there
both power and minimum noise. However, if
would exist an error in matching for both power and noise.
To provide insight into the noise behavior of a MOSFET, it is
convenient to compare the optimum noise reactance of a BJT
to that of a MOS transistor. The optimum noise reactance of
a BJT is approximately given by
is the dc beta of the BJT. For the case when
, we see that
. Therefore, the
design criteria would be to bias the transistor such that the
of the device is approximately three to five times the operating
frequency. This would thus allow one to simultaneously match
for both power and noise [30]. In terms of noise, the main
similarity between a BJT and a MOSFET is that they both
have an input and an output noise current. The input current
noise for a MOSFET corresponds to the induced gate noise,
whereas for a BJT, it corresponds to the base shot noise. The
output current noise for a MOSFET corresponds to the drain
channel noise, whereas for a BJT, it corresponds to collector
shot noise. For a MOS transistor, induced gate noise varies
and is correlated to the drain channel noise. However,
for a BJT, the base shot noise and the collector shot noise
are not correlated and are independent of the frequency. It is
these two differences that make it difficult for a MOSFET to
simultaneously match for both noise and power in the same
manner as a BJT.
as a function of bias current.
To determine the importance of induced gate noise, we
for a MOS transistor.2 The
have measured both
results are shown in Fig. 12. The results were measured at
a relatively high frequency in order to reduce measurement
error. The randomness in the measurements is mainly due to
random measurement error as opposed to systemic errors. Two
different devices were measured. From the results in Fig. 12,
it can be noted that the effect of induced gate noise with
regards to the optimum noise reactance is small. That is to
say, it should be possible to match for both noise and power
. This also implies that the
magnitude of induced gate noise is much less pronounced
in MOS transistors as compared to the MESFET [24]. Other
evidence supporting the above claims can be found in [31]
and [32].
To completely match for noise, the optimum noise resistance
has to be equal to the driving source resistance. For a BJT
transistor, this is relatively easy to accomplish since the
optimum source resistance is approximately equal to the base
resistance; since this resistance scales as the emitter strip
length, the optimum noise resistance also scales in this manner.
Consequently, in order to match for noise, the emitter strip
length is selected such that the optimum noise resistance
is approximately equal to the driving resistance, which is
typically 50 . However, this method is not easily applied
to a MOS transistor because the scaling nature of the gate
structure is different than that of the base of a BJT. This will
be discussed later in greater detail. However, it will also be
shown later that noise matching can be achieved by using the
number of gate fingers as the parameter to adjust in order to
satisfy the condition
If a single finger transistor has an equivalent input current
, respectively, the noise figure of
and voltage of
this transistor can be written as
is the minimum noise figure of the single finger,
is the noise conductance of a single finger,
is the
is the optimum noise
driving source resistance, and
impedance of a single finger. By adding
fingers, the
equivalent noise current and voltage can be shown to be equal
, respectively. An example using two
gate fingers is shown in Fig. 13(a), and the equivalent network
2 The measurements were performed using the ATN-Microwave NP5 system
Fig. 13. (a) An illustration of a two-finger MOS device and (b) equivalent
noise network representation of N gate fingers. Fe denotes the excess noise
away from Fmin .
Fig. 14.
as a function of the number of gate fingers.
representation is shown in Fig. 13(b). Using these values for
the equivalent noise current and voltage, the new expression
for the noise figure becomes
Scaling rules for the MOSFET equivalent circuit are easily
arrived at from simple analytical expressions for the elements
or from the measurements of different size devices from the
same foundry. Most of the scaling rules are intuitively obvious,
and element values are easily scaled up or down based on
the total gate width and the number of fingers. In Table II,
a summary of all the various scaling rules for the various
parameters are provided. The scaling rules are given for both
gate width and number of fingers.
The scaling laws for a MOSFET are very similar to those
of a MESFET. However, if one compares the scaling nature
of a bipolar device to a MOS device, several differences
can be noted. These differences stem from the fact that the
base resistance and the gate resistance scale differently. For
comparison purposes, the equivalent width and length of a BJT
and a MOSFET are depicted in Fig. 15. Since the direction
of current flow within the two devices is different, the base
resistance scales as 1/ , whereas the gate resistance scales
as . Because of this, the minimum noise figure of a bipolar
transistor is independent of , whereas for a MOS transistor,
it is proportional to
(see Fig. 15): recall that the minimum
noise figure of a BJT is approximately given by
denotes the noise figure for the
where the superscript
fingered device. Note that the minimum noise is independent of
, the noise conductance scales as , and the optimum noise
impedance scales as 1/ . One of the important results here is
that the minimum noise figure is independent of the number
of fingers and is only a function of one finger. To illustrate
as a function of
this, measurement results of
the number of fingers are shown in Fig. 14. Note that
is independent of the number of fingers and
scales as
1/ . The advantage of using the number of fingers as the
parameter for matching the optimum noise resistance to the
source resistance is that the minimum achievable noise figure
is not affected.
is the transconductance,
where is the base resistance and
to the
which scales as . However, in order to match
source resistance, large values of
are required. Since the
of a bipolar transistor is independent of , the width of
. However,
the device can be altered to achieve the desired
increases for a MOSFET,
increases in value. It is
this very difference that makes a MOSFET and a BJT different
in terms of designing for minimum noise.
As mentioned earlier, the goal of this paper is to provide
a qualitative understanding of the microwave properties of
CMOS devices so as to help IC analog designers create better
Fig. 15.
Noise parameters as a function of
for a bipolar transistor and MOSFET for a fixed current density.
front-end RF CMOS circuits. To optimize an RF circuit within
a CMOS environment, it is important to couple the vast amount
of knowledge gathered by the traditional microwave designer
as well as by the IC analog designer—i.e., they cannot design
in isolation. In this paper, we have tried to couple these two
perspectives to better understand the RF properties of CMOS
The author would like to thank J. Molnar, J. Nisbet, B.
Hadaway, and Dr. M. Maliepaard for their continual support,
along with Prof. A. Nathan for his enlightening comments. He
would also like to thank several of his graduate students and
research associates for helping develop the concepts within this
manuscript: M. Obrecht, Y. Lin, L. Wang, and E. Abou-Allam.
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Tajinder Manku (S’92–M’94) was born in Kenya,
Nairobi, in 1967. He received the B.Sc. degree in
physics from the University of Manitoba, Winnipeg,
Man., Canada, in 1990 and the M.A.Sc. and Ph.D.
degrees in electrical engineering from the University
of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ont., Canada, in 1991 and
1993, respectively.
From 1993 to 1995, he was with Mitel Semiconductors, Canada, as a device and IC designer.
From 1995 to 1997, he was with the Technical
University of Nova Scotia, Halifax, N.S., Canada,
as an Assistant Professor. He is currently an Associate Professor with the
University of Waterloo. His research interests include microwave and RF
design and semiconductor physics.
Dr. Manku is a member of the Association of Professional Engineers of
Nova Scotia (APENS).