Multilevel Logic Minimization Using Implicit Don’t
Abstract-This paper describes a new approach for the minimization
of multilevel logic circuits. We define a multilevel representation of a
block of combinational logic called a Boolean network. We propose a
procedure, ESPRESSO-MLD, to transform a given Boolean network
into a prime, irredundant, and “R-minimal” form. This procedure
rests on the extension of the notions of primality and irredundancy,
previously used only for two-level logic minimization, to combinational
multilevel logic circuits. We introduce the new concept of R-minimality, which implies minimality with respect to cube reshaping, and demonstrate the crucial role played by this concept in multilevel minimization. We give theorems which prove the correctness of the proposed
procedure. Finally, we show that prime and irredundant multilevel
logic circuits are 100-percent testable for input and output single stuck
faults, and that these tests are provided as a by-product of the minimization.
N THIS PAPER an “efficient” procedures is presented
for obtaining high-quality heuristic multilevel logic
minimization results for a given logic network and making it much more testable than merely 100-percent testable for the conventional input and output single stuck
faults. The approach is based on determining the complete don’t care set for each 2-level function embedded in
a network of such functions. Once this is done, a 2-level
minimizer can be used to minimize the subfunction. The
high degree of testability achieved by this approach requires no separate test generation processing, since all
tests are produced as a by-product of well-known 2-level
minimization procedures.
We use the term “efficient” advisedly. It is clear that
all procedures for reducing either two-level or multilevel
Boolean networks into prime and irredundant form must
Manuscript received December 8, 1986; revised November 17, 1987.
This work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under
Grant NSF DMC-8419744, by the General Electric Company, and by the
IBM Corporation. The review of this paper was arranged by A. J. Strojwas,
K. A. Bartlett was with the University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder,
CO. She is now at Seattle Silicon Technology, Inc., Bellevue, WA 98005.
R. K . Brayton was with IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown
Heights, NY. He is now with the Department of Electrical Engineering
and Computer Sciences, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720.
G. D. Hachtel, R. M. Jacoby, and C. R. Morrison are with the Departments of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Computer Science,
University of Colorado at Boulder, Campus Box 425, Boulder, CO 80309.
R. L. Rudell, A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, and A. Wang are with the
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, University
of California, Berkeley, CA 94720
IEEE Log Number 8719390.
be NP-complete or co-NP-complete (i.e., all procedures
have O ( 2 “ ) complexity). But given this ominous sign of
intractability, fairly large Boolean networks may yet be
minimized (up to 60 inputs at the time of this writing) on
available workstation size computers. In this context we
use “efficient” only in comparison to the trivial approach
of iteratively calling an automatic test generation tool and
modifying the network by hand each time a nontestable
fault is discovered (cf. Section VI-B below). Here the
“efficiency” of the presented procedures is derived from
the application of two-level logic minimization procedures of proven efficiency to the multilevel case (cf. the
discussion at the beginning of Section 111). We expect that
these procedures will excel in applications where individual nodes of the Boolean may have large sum-of-products representations.
The subject of 2-level logic minimization is well developed and well understood [5]. We know exact techniques which provide minimum representations of the
given logic (cf. [23], [ l l ] , [28]). We also have seen two
generations of programs for generating near minimum
logic representations (cf. SHRINK [25], MINI [20], ESPRESSO-I1 [7], ESPRESSO-IIC [28], ESPRESSO-MV
[29]). We also know how to determine if two functions
are equivalent and when we have irredundant logic (cf.
[25], [30], [lS]). These notions have been extended to
multi-output functions, and functions of multi-valued
variables [20], [29]. Significant progress has been made
on the state-assignment problem and other encoding problems using two-level logic [13]. In short, this is a welldeveloped science.
In contrast, multilevel minimization is less structured,
more difficult, and relatively new. A worthwhile longterm goal is to bring understanding of this subject up to
the level of science currently established for two-level
minimization. Multilevel minimization as a science suffers from the same things that make it attractive for implementing logic, namely, it is very flexible. Hence, the
problems are not so well defined. In contrast, for twolevel minimization, we often have in mind a PLA implementation and, therefore, the minimization problem (i.e.,
minimize the number of product terms) can be abstracted
and made largely independent of the technology of the
Multilevel synthesis has the advantage over PLA syn-
O 1988 IEEE
thesis in that it is good for representing and implementing
any type of logic. Typically, logic has been divided into
two groups, control and data-flow logic, with control logic
perceived as suitable for PLA implementation while dataflow usually requires multilevel logic (sometimes called
random logic). This sometimes forces an unnatural decomposition, with the control logic made by PLA generators and the data-flow hand designed or obtained from
parameterized libraries. Multilevel logic is suitable for all
types of logic, and automatic and optimal multilevel logic
synthesis forces no such dichotomy on the user. In many
applications it is more suitable in fact to mix the two types
of logic, for example, for more optimal logic (i.e., by
capturing mutual don’t care situations), because of layout
considerations, or for easier specification at the functional
Historically, the literature on multilevel minimization
consists mainly of results on factoring (i.e., decomposing) a single Boolean function [22], [9], [4]. Emphasis in
the present paper is on optimizing a given (i.e., already
decomposed) structure. Since multilevel logic is more difficult to optimize, most of the designs involving multilevel logic have been carried out by hand, using a “bag
of tricks.” Recently, several approaches to automatic
multilevel logic optimization have been proposed and have
found application in a variety of technologies [12], [6],
[17], [14], [21]. In all these approaches, emphasis has
been placed on efficient decomposition and factorization
techniques which create a certain multilevel logic structure, which in this paper we call a Boolean network. Creation of this structure establishes the overall architecture
of the logic to be implemented, and roughly establishes
the final point to be reached on the area-delay tradeoff
curve; it has been shown in [2] that this process alone
seldom comes close to realizing the full benefits of minimization. However, two major tasks still need to be accomplished before the full potential of a given decomposition may be reached: a) making the Boolean network
minimal with respect to its own intrinsic structure (i.e.,
finding an optimal point on the area/delay tradeoff curve)
and b) making it testable. Fortunately these objectives are
not mutually exclusive, and in fact are profoundly related
and can be simultaneously realized.
The connection between logic minimization and test
generation is well known [27], [3 I], [26], but has not been
systematically investigated. Even modem books on multilevel circuit design [15] and on test generation and design for testability [16] contain no mention of this relationship. The connection rests on the simple observation
that the absence of a test is associated with redundancy in
the Boolean network. In 2-level logic the sources of redundancy are well understood and efficient algorithms are
available for making a 2-level representation of an incompletely specified logic function prime and irredundant.
However, the equivalent concepts for multilevel representations have not been fully developed, and only the Dalgorithm and its variants [16], [24], [3] have been used
to identify and remove redundancy. These algorithms
often incur great computational expense. An efficient algorithm is badly needed since none of the factorization
and decomposition techniques yet proposed is guaranteed
to produce irredundant logic. Such an algorithm is the objective of our research, and would have great potential
impact because of the testability requirement.
We propose in this paper a don’t care algorithm for
making a Boolean network prime, irredundant, and Rminimal (this last property is explained below). Further,
among different possible prime and irredundant Boolean
network representations of a given logic function, the proposed approach utilizes two techniques to choose a superior one. These techniques are: 1) utilization of the EXPAND and IRREDUNDANT-COVER heuristics of the
ESPRESSO-I1 2-level logic minimizer, and 2) development of ESPRESSO’S REDUCE algorithm (which is a
limited form of the powerful but expensive decomposition
technique known as Boolean division [6]) to make the
Boolean network R-minimal. Further, we shall show that
primality can be regarded as a special type of irredundancy, and that prime and irredundant Boolean networks
are 100-percent testable for the usual single stuck faults,
as well as for other types of “internal” stuck faults. Thus
we believe that the networks produced by our procedures
are the first to be synthesized with guaranteed 100-percent
testability, as well as minimality comparable to that available with state-of-the-art 2-level minimizers. For example, the work of [26], although based on the D-algorithm,
did not claim complete testability, and was designed for
the 2-level case. Even if that approach were extended to
the multilevel case, it would not be able to promote a general Boolean network to prime, irredundant, and R-minimal status.
Briefly stated, R-minimality means that no one of the
individual 2-level functions in the Boolean network can
be reexpressed in terms of one or more of the others to
map the given prime and irredundant Boolean network into
another one with less logic cost. This important point is
illustrated in Fig. 1, which shows 4 equivalent Boolean
networks. The network of Fig. ](a) has 3 nodes (gates,
functions), and is neither prime nor irredundant. Node F3
does not have tests for the following input stuck-at faults:
xI,and x 2 stuck-at-1 and y 2 stuck-at 0 (at the inputs of
F3). The equivalent Boolean network of Fig. l(b) is prime,
irredundant, and 100-percent testable and requires 9 literals and 5 product terms. It is not R-minimal. The equivalent network of Fig. l(c) is similarly prime, irredundant,
and testable but, by virtue of a call to REDUCE, is Rminimal, and requires only 2 nodes, 5 literals and 3 product terms. This example, as well as the concept of R-minimality, will be examined more closely in Section I11 below.
We further show that the problem of transforming a
given Boolean network into prime, irredundant, and Rminimal form can be reduced to that of solving the same
problem on a sequence of 2-level, single-output representations of the incompletely specified logic functions realized at each node of the Boolean network. This is achieved
abstraction of an interconnected set of logic gates, as
might be specified by a netlist of standard cells. Considered in isolation, each gate in this network realizes a completely specified logic function, but in the context of the
network, it realizes an incompletely specified subfunction. Each interconnection represents a signal net associated with the output of one of the gates. Before formally
defining a Boolean network, we briefly introduce the concepts of a) completely and incompletely specified Boolean
functions and b) their representations.
An incompletely specijied Boolean function ( f,d , r ) is
a set of 3 completely specijiedfunctions f :B‘ B (the on
B (the don’t care set), and r : B‘ + B (the
set), d : B‘
off set). The minterms off, d , and r completely partition
the vertices of the Boolean t-cube B‘. Here f may be
thought of as a function, f(U ) , of a t-dimensional vector
U = ( u l ,v 2 ,
* , U,). A simple incompletely specified
logic function is illustrated in Fig. 2. In this example U
= ( u I ,v 2 , u 3 ) ,t = 3 , a n d f ( v ) = 1 for U E (000, 101,
010, l l l } , elsef(v) = O ; d ( v )= 1 f o r v E { 100, llO},
else 0; and r ( u ) = 1 for U E (001, 011 }, else 0. An
incompletely specific logic function reduces to a comi.e., there is no
pletely specified function when d = 0,
don’t care set.
Note that a completely specified function f ( U ) may be
independent of certain of the U , , and this fact is usually
reflected in the selection of a representation F o f f ( U ) .
The variables explicitly represented in F are called the
support of F . One representation o f f i s the sum of products form, e.g.,
Defining equations fur q’
DXI = D X 2= 0
Prmc. Irrcdunbnt and 100%Tcslablc.
Defining equation7 for q”’
=j 2
Prime. Irrcdundanl. 100%Tcruhlc
and R~hlinimal(lowcr cos1 h a t q < )
Fig. 1. Progressively optimized Boolean networks.
by determining a representation of the don’t care set for
each of these incompletely specified functions.
Our approach is rigorous in the sense that we prove that
at the end of the proposed procedure, the Boolean network produced is definitely prime, irredundant, and probably R-minimal. This network is not only 100-percent
testable, but the stuck fault test vectors “fall out” as a
straightforward by-product of the aforementioned minimization of the component 2-level functions.
The sequel begins in Section I1 with a discussion of
basic definitions and background which focuses mainly on
the Boolean network concept. In Section I11 we introduce
the topic of multilevel logic minimization and discuss an
example in detail. Section I11 gives a characterization of
the don’t care sets, shows how to construct them, and
proves that this construction is correct. Section IV discusses the proposed procedure, which we call ESPRESSO-MLD (ML is for MultiLevel). In Section V we discuss some experimental results, and in Section VI we
present our testability results and discuss, in detail, the
connection between multilevel logic minimization and
testability. In Section VII, we present conclusions and
discuss the prospects for future research.
The primary object in our approach to multilevel logic
optimization is a Boolean network, defined formally below, which is a technology-independent multilevel structure for representing an incompletely specijied logic function [ 5 ] . The Boolean network may be regarded as an
F =
+ 5 1 ~ +3 E 2 + ~2
~ 1 Z 3
which is also called the disjunctive normal form. Note
that here the support of F is { u l , u2, u3 }, and that a variable which a function does not depend on, like o2 in the
above example, may appear explicitly in the support of
the function. Other representations are possible and significant, e.g., conjunctive form or factored form [22].
However, in this paper we use disjunctive form since we
rely heavily on 2-level, sum-of-products-based logic minimization procedures such as ESPRESSO-I1 as subprocedures in our approach to multilevel logic minimization.
Product terms like v,V3 and z / I ~ 3will be called cubes
in the sequel. Each cube consists of a set of literals, and
each literal appears in one of the two forms U , or 3,.If
‘ ‘ U , ” appears it stands for the predicate “ul = 1,” and if
U , appears it stands for the predicate “ U , = 0.” Thus the
cube u I V ~stands for the conjunction of predicates ul = 1
and v 3 = 0. A cube with fewer literals has, of course,
more vertices on the Boolean t-cube. In this sense we can
view the cube vIV3as the intersection of the subcubes
(half spaces of the Boolean t-cube) u1 = 1 and u3 = 0
(cf. Fig. 2, in which the dimension of the Boolean t-cube
is t = 3).
Dejinition 1 (Boolean Networks)
As illustrated in Fig. 3 , a Boolean network, 7, is a pair
(F,PO),whereF= { F , , j = 1,2,
m given representations of the on setsf, of incompletely
Since 7 is completely determined by the pair ( F , P O ) ,
we write q = ( F , P O ) . However, 7 has further structure,
determined by the support sets SUPP (F,) of the representations, 4 . These sets determine the structure of a directed graph, G = (N, E),with nodes
N = {1,2,
+ 1,
S U P P ( F , ) / > m.
;= 1
=Oor 1
Fig 2 . Incompletely specified Boolean function.
Pnmary ouiputs Po = (1,2,31
lntcrmcdmcs I V = ( 6 )
A (?)/j
Rimarylnpuls PI= ~7.8,9,10,11,12,131
With each node i E N, we associate a logic variable U , .
With the first m nodes of N we associate the representation
F, and its corresponding variable y,, so that U , = y,, i =
1 , 2, * * , m. (This duplication of notation is quite useful
in the sequel). However, no F, is associated with the last
n = t - m logic variables in the vector U . Instead, these
nodes are identified with primary inputs of 7 , and are associated with duplicate logic variables PI = { x l , x2,
, x,}. Thus U , + , = x, i = 1 , 2,
* , n. Note that
the vector U can be viewed as the catenation v = ( y, x ) .
For each node j E N, we define the fan-in set (for short
fan-in) FZ,,as follows. I f j Im (intermediate variables),
FZ, = { i 1 U , E SUPP (F,)} , but i f j > m (primary inputs)
FZ, = 0.
Thus the primary input nodes are terminal nodes
of the directed graph G. The edge set E of G contains
directed edge (i, j ) if node i is in the fan-in of node j,
i.e., i E FZ,. Then we may define the fan-out, FO,, of node
j to be the set of all nodes i E N for which there is an edge
( j , i ) E E . Similarly, we define the transitive fan-out,
TFO,, to be the set of all nodes i E N such that there exists
a (directed) path f r o m j to i in G, and the transitivefanin, TFZ,, to be the set of all nodes i E N for which there
exists a path from i to j in G. By convention, j E TFO,,
but j TFZ,.
It is important to note that although 4 depends explicitly only on the variables vk E S U P P ( F , ) , we may formally view each F, as a function of the entire vector U =
( y, x) (recognizing, of course, that& may be functionally
independent of many of the vk ). Thus we may write
= yj =
m =6=1IVI
n =7=IPII
FI B m + n --f B
y I =FICy,x) l<j<rn
vI =y, l<j<m
v,+, = X I l < J < n
Fig. 3 A multilevel Boolean network
specified functions ( & , d,, r , ) , j = 1 , 2,
, m. With
each F, is associated a “local output” logic variable y,,
in the set ZV = { yI, y 2 , * , y,}, which we call the
intermediate variable set. The specified primary output
set, PO E { 1 , 2, . . * , m } , identifies the subset { y, I i E
P O } G ZV of the outputs of the F, as observable primary
outputs of the Boolean network. It is convenient to refer
to this subset as the primary output vector z , defined so
thatzk=ypo(k),k= 1,2, ’ * . , p , P = [ P O I .
4 ( y , ).
j = 1,2,
* . .
as the basic constitutive relations of 7 . Note that as indicated in the last identity, if (2.1) is satisfied f o r j = 1 , 2,
. . ., m , then the solution vector v ( x ) = ( y ( x ) , x ) is the
vector of values appearing at the nodes of the Boolean
network in response to the primary input vector x. In particular, z ( x ) represents the values at the primary outputs
of 7 in response to x, i.e., the same values that would
have been obtained by logic simulation of the vector x.
Thus given that (2.1) is satisfied, z(x) represents the IO
(input/output) map of 7 .
Thus a Boolean network 7 is a representation of a set
of incompletely specified functions, ( f ( i ) , d ( i ) , r ( i ) ),
one for each primary output z , ( x ) . Thus z , ( x ) can be
regarded as the “IO map” from PI to PO, of the Boolean
network 7 . A representation, OX,,of the completely spec-
ified “don’t care” function d ( i ) must come from the system designer. We refer to OX,as the external don’t care
set, which arises from two phenomena. First, for a particular design the designer may decree that a particular
primary input vector x E B“ will never occur. The vector
x constitutes a don’t care minterm, and such minterms are
don’t care for all primary outputs. The set of all such minterms is labeled DXP. Second, the designer may state that
for any of the outputs z,, i E PO, the value of ziwill not
be used for a set of primary input vectors (minterms) in
the set DXO,. Thus for each primary output the total external don’t care set can be written
D X ~= DXP
+ DXO~,
I , 2,
. . - ,p
I PO I .
Equation (2.2) gives a representation of the completely
specified functions d ( i ) , i = 1, 2 , *
, p (don’t care
sets) associated with the primary outputs of a Boolean network. A principal objective of the sequel is to identify
representations of the analogous don’t care sets for each
of the incompletely specified functions associated with the
intermediate variables of a given Boolean network (and
their corresponding internal nodes).
A key concept in logic optimization is that of Boolean
equivalence. In the multilevel context, we wish to establish when a given Boolean network, 7, can be replaced by
another one, q ’ , with an equivalent IO map, z ’ ( x ) =
z(x). That is, the relation between primary inputs and
primary outputs is preserved. Thus 7’ represents the same
set of incompletely specified functions ( f ( i ), d ( i ),
r(i)), v i E PO.
Dejinition 2 (Equivalence)
Boolean networks 7 = ( F , P O ) and 7’ = ( F ’ , PO‘ )
are said to be equivalent (written 17 = 7’ ) if there exists
a permutation q of { 1, 2, * , p } such that for each
primary output z : ( x ) in PO‘, z : ( x ) = z q ( , ) ( x )for all x
$ DXq(1,.
outputs of two Boolean networks match for each care input vector. In particular, it is not necessary to have identity or even correspondence between the intermediate variables of the two networks. For example, a 4-level network could be equivalent to a 2-level network. The 2level network specified by the following equations is
equivalent to those of Fig. 1:
F2 = ~ 1 x 2+ 51x2.
= ~ 1 . ~ 2 51x2
The task of minimizing a Boolean network 17 consists
of iteratively transforming 7 into an equivalent network
7’ where 7’ is smaller than 7 in some sense. Two properties of minimality, similar to those for the classical 2level case, are especially relevant to the multilevel case
(since Boolean networks having these properties are
shown below to be 100-percent testable for stuck faults).
Dejinition 3 (Prime and Irredundant Boolean Networks)
Given a Boolean network 7 = ( F , P O ) , a cube c of the
2-level representation of F, is prime if no literal of c can
be removed without causing the resulting network 17’ to
be not equivalent to 7. In more formal terms, 7’ = ( F ’ ,
P O ) is a Boolean network for which FJ’ = F,, V j # i and
F,’ = (F, - { c } ) U c’, where c’ is c with one of its
literals removed. Similarly, a cube c of F, is irredundant
if c cannot be removed from the representation of F, without causing the resulting network 7’ to be not equivalent
to 7. A Boolean network 7 = ( F , P O ) is said to be prime
if all the cubes in each of the representations F, of 7 are
prime, and irredundant if all of these cubes are
irredundant .
Note that these two concepts are associated with local
minima of a cost function which is nondecreasing in the
total number of cubes and literals required to represent the
incompletely specified logic functions, realized by the
given Boolean network.
We complete this section by defining the cofactor operation on both representations of functions and on Boolean networks.
The permutation, q , in Definition 2 is needed to identify
the proper correspondence between the primary outputs
of the two Boolean networks, which may be very different
structurally. For simplicity, we assume, without loss of
generality, that q is the identity permutation.
We have, in separate research, demonstrated that a more
general definition of equivalence can be stated, but this
requires more information about the external environment
than just the external single-output don’t care set DX, for
i E PO. For example, the external environment may have
outputs i a n d j connected only to the inputs of an exclusive
or gate, in which case the environment would be unable
to distinguish between outputs y, = 1, y, = 0, and y, =
0, y, = 1. We will treat this more general definition of
the concept of don’t cares in a later paper. For now, we
observe that this generalization will enable us to handle
Boolean networks with nodes having multiple-output
Boolean functions rather than just single-output Boolean
Note that Definition 2 requires only that the primary
Dejinition 4 (Cofactor Operation)
The cofactor of a sum-of-products representation, F =
{ c,}, of a Boolean function with respect to a literal v, is
defined to be
( W C ,= U
Here if literal vJ is contained in c,, (c,),, is just c, with
literal U , deleted, else if literal E, appears in c,, ( c , ) , , =
If neither vj or EJ appears in c,, then ( c , ) ( ~= c,.
The cofactor of a Boolean network 17 = ( F , P O ) with
respect to a literal vJ is a Boolean network, q,., = (F,,,
P O ) , where FZ,]= { (Fl)C)}is the set of cofactors of the
representations { F, } of the original Boolean network. We
denote the vector of logic variables in this cofactored network to be ( U ) , , , with components ( v ~ ) (, v~2,) , , ,. . - ,
PO = { 1, 2 3 , i.e., that the Boolean network 7 has no
external don’t care set. Since FIX2 E D , it is clear that
cube FIX2of F3 is redundant and can be deleted. Further,
This definition is crucial to computation of the represen- since y2xIx2E D 3 , and y 2 x l x 2 + j Z x I x 2= x I x 2 , literal
tation, D,, of the don’t care sets, d,, of the incompletely
L2 may be dropped from cube x I x 2 j 2in F3. After these
specified functions ( A , d,, r , ) which implicitly define the two typical minimization steps we have derived the prime
structure of the Boolean network. Note in particular that and irredundant network 7’ (Fig. l(b)) from 7 and have
the edges of the Boolean network v,, are defined by the in fact shown that 7‘ = 7.
support of the (F,),,,, from which the variable vJ is now
The problem we faced in our research was how to comtotally missing. Thus each node i in the fan-out of n o d e j
pute a representation DJ in the general case. To show how
in 11 is disconnected from node j in 7
this is done, we define two additional don’t care sets DZV
(the intermediate variable don’t care set, common to all
. , m ) and D T (the transitive fan-out
Given a Boolean network 7, it is of obvious interest to nodes j = 1, 2,
obtain an equivalent prime and irredundant network 7’. don’t care set, which is specific to n o d e j ) . These are to
One possible procedure to obtain this simplification is to be appended to the appropriate external don’t care set to
examine each cube as well as each literal in first encounter form D J , as discussed below. We begin by defining DZV.
order, and for each such cube or literal to construct a simDejinition 5
plified network v’, identical to 7 except for the removal
The “overall” intermediate variable don ’t care set,
of the selected cube or literal. Then Definition 2 may be DZV, is defined by
embodied in a computer program such as [18] to check if
11 = 7’.If so, the cube or literal is redundant, and can be
(3. l a )
removed from 7. If no cube or literal can be so removed,
then the resulting Boolean network is prime and irredunwhere
dant (Definition 3). This elementary minimization pro(3.lb)
cedure is the one used to obtain the Boolean network of
DZV, =
LJF, = yJ 0 F,.
Fig. l(b) from that of Fig. l(a). This procedure is inti- Note by DeMorgan’s law, we have
mately related to the way in which the basic D-algorithm
(and its variants) [16] is used in test generation algo= rI ( y J = F,) =
y,F,). 0
rithms. However, such elementary procedures are not efJ=1
J = I
ficient, and do not lead to high-quality minimization re(3. I C )
sults (compare Fig. l(b) and (c)).
We present here a more efficient procedure which ap- It is thus clear that for any vertex in v E B‘ (represented
pears to give high-quality multilevel minimization re- by the overall vector U of 7) which satisfies (2.1) f o r j =
, m , it follows that v E
Conversely, if any
sults. The procedure is based on 1) computing, for each 1 , 2 ; . .
intermediate n o d e j in 7, a representation DJ of the don’t of the equations yJ = F, ( U ) is not satisfied, we have U E
care set dJ of the incompletely specified function ( A , d,, DZV. These observations will be used repeatedly in the
r J )associated with n o d e j , j = 1, 2, * * m ; and 2) min- sequel. Note that in the above example, the first 4 terms
imizing the representation F, of with respect to DJ by in D , represent the contribution of DZV,.
We note that each member of the Cloand Coo“forcing”
calling an efficient 2-level minimizer (we use the ESsets
defined in [32] corresponds to two literal implicants
PRESSO-IIC program [5] for this purpose) to render 5
prime, irredundant, and approximately R-minimal. Note of DZV. Thus their recurrence relation provides, in linear
that the properties of primality and irredundancy arise time, a proper subset of DZV.
The origins of the transitive fan-out don’t care set repfrom both the representation F, and the Boolean network,
7, in which it is embedded. This is because, considered resentation DT, associated with node j are subtler, so a
in isolation, the are representations of completely spec- detailed discussion of these don’t care terms is deferred
ified functions, but embedded in the network, they are until later in this section. However, in simple cases such
representations of incompletely specified functions, i.e., as that exemplified in Fig. 1, the transitive fan-out don’t
they have a don’t care set. Thus a network of individually care set has a straightforward construction. Suppose that
prime and irredundant functions, such as that shown in V i E FO,,
Similar definitions apply when the cofactor is with reo
spect to the literal P J .
n ( j J q+
e ,
Fig. l(a), may be neither prime nor irredundant.
To discover such redundancies, we identify the don’t
care sets generated by the structure of a Boolean network.
We illustrate this by identifying a representation, D 3 , of
the don’t care set d 3 of node 3 of the Boolean network of
Fig. l(a). For reasons discussed later in this section, we
can show that the 5-cube set
0 3
= J ~ ( x I X ~ 21x2)
+ ~ ~ ( x I x Z+ XIX2) + 21x2
is a valid representation of d,, assuming OXi
i E PO and FO,
Note that the condition (3.2a) applies in the case of
function F3 of the Boolean network of Fig. l(a) for which
( F I ) 4 3= XIX2
1 = 1 and ( F l ) y 3 = FIX2. Thus E13 =
( 1 ) ( X I X 2 ) = XIX2 and DT3 = E13 = T I T 2 ,which can be
seen to be the last term in the representation D 3 given
A physical interpretation of DT, can be given as follows. Consider a primary input vector, x , and a corresponding solution vector U ( x ) = ( y ( x ) , x ) , for which all
the primary outputs of 17 are insensitive to the values yJ
takes on under this set of inputs. Note in the example that
if x , = 0, x 2 = 0 is applied to 11, the primary outputs are
FI = 1 and F2 = 0, regardless of the value of y 3 . Thus
DT, can be seen to specify a set of values for the vector x
such that the value of each of the primary outputs is insensitive to the value of y , , and, by extension, to the representation F J . As we shall show in Section VI, DT, is
simply the union of primary input vectors which do not
test for either yJ stuck-at-1 or y, stuck-at-0. Each such primary input vector represents a cube (not necessarily just
a vertex) in the overall space B‘, which is don’t care for
all the primary outputs since none of them are affected by
F,. The representation DT, of the transitive fan-out don’t
care set is the union of all such primary input cubes.
We have now given sufficient background to make a
precise definition of DT, meaningful.
Input Bmlean Networkq=(FPO), ci.. Defmtion I.
well BS h e set DX of external don’t care res.
Outpul Minunired Network l)’=(F’PO).
A visitation index. V I S , IO employed. such hat
VlSk4l (not visited). 1 (visited not changed). - 1 (changed)
IfV/S,=l.’jc(l.2 ....ml, l ) ’ s p i m e andinedundant.
VI& to.k =1.2. ...m
m ) D l t t C v , ~ k + jFt
i )
J +{I
I VIS,=Oand F 0 , d O and
FOt = 0 . tE FO,]
VIS, t 1
I f o ~ P 0 T) h e n D O , t 0
DO, c 1
For ( I EFO,)
DT,,+((Fs )y,=(F, )&)
DO, +DO, n(DT,, +DX, )
End For
End Else
DA, e D I A , +DO,
F tF,
If (FO, 4 ) F t F L A T T E N CI ,F)
If ( ~ PO)
d F t F - F,
J t ( j IVIS,=Oand F 0 , c P O and
F O t = 0 . t E FO,]
End While
Return (F’,VIS)
Iniualire vsimtion index.
Compute cornponenuo l l V DC ret
Minunimble ret (no remnvngent ian-out).
Whle there are funcuons
non-mmmned whch fan
out only I O Prim- outpulr.
selwt one and mark 85 v s m d
Select Intermediatedon’t cares
Imtml1zcTransiuve Fan
out DC set 10 mulology.
Loop over fanout ol F,
Equ,valcnce of wfaclon
Update output DC %Cl.
for Function F, .
Dc sets ior F, .
MinirniuF, w r 1 DA, rnd rebrl
VIS, UI - 1 ifchanged.
Updatc and simpltiy F‘ and F.
Update DI,
Flatten F, into FO, .
Dejinition 6 (Transitive Fan-out Don ’t Care Set)
We denote, for each primary output i E PO f l TFO,,
the “transitive fan-out’’ don ’t care set associated with
function j by
Delete 11 not p m a r y output.
Updatc minimiiable set
Return minmized Boolean Network.
Fig. 4. Procedure ESPRESSO-MLD.
plete” don’t care set. Note DIj G DZVderives solely from
the transitive fan-in of Fj.
where ( U , ) , and ( u , )are
~ ~the logic variables associated
with the corresponding functions (F,)uJ
and (F,);,,i.e., in
the cofactored Boolean networks, and PO n TFO, identifies the subset of primary outputs contained in the tran0
sitive fan-out of F, .
It is of interest to observe the possible interrelationships
that exist between the transitive fan out and external don’t
care terms in (3.4). To this end, we present two examples.
Example 1
Suppose, for the network of Fig. l(c), we specify the
external don’t care sets DX, = x 1 and DX, = x 2 . Then
the don’t care representation of (3.4) becomes, for node
D2 = D12 ( D X , DT,,) (DX, DT2,)
E B”
This definition plays a crucial role in the following definition and theorem, and is formed primarily to facilitate
theorem proving. In the algorithm of Fig. 4, we actually
employ only the special case of (3.2), which is equivalent
to (3.3) when the condition (3.2a) is satisfied. Note that
because of Definition 4, DT,, = 0,
V i E PO. The members of the qJ “blocking sets” defined in [32] may be observed to correspond to implicants of DTtJ. Again, a
proper subset of the implicants of DT,, is obtained, in linear time, by the procedure of [32].
Dejinition 7
A representation of the don’t care set, D J , imposed on
n o d e j by the Boolean network is
0, = DI,
+ , e P o n TFO, (DX, + D T J )
Corollary 1 below gives us reason to call this the “com-
in which D12 = 0,
since F; has only primary inputs, and
DT12= DT22 = 0,
since y 2 and y l are both primary outputs (note j E TFO, by convention). Thus D 2 = x I x 2 ,
which may be used to minimize Fg further, to
2 .
Although further minimization of Fg was made possible
by introducing the above external don’t care terms, F;‘
remains prime, irredundant, and R-minimal, and so F,”‘
= F;‘. However, it should be noted that the don’t care set
for F;‘ is ltered by the minimization of Fg to F;” . In fact,
prior to this minimization, we have
Y , ( X ~ ,X?
+ X l X 2 ) + j l ( ~ I X 2+ X I X ~ )+ X I
whereas after this minimization,
0;“= y 2 ( X I X 2 ) L2(x1
+ x 2 ) + xI f
which proves that the don’t care set of function Fk is not
necessarily invariant with respect to the minimization of
F j ,j # k .
Example 2
Consider some Boolean network (not that of Fig. 1) in
which F, = y j x l and Fk = y j X l , FOj = { i , k} C PO, and
FOi = FOk = 9. Then the special case assumptions of
(3.2) apply to the computation of DTu and DTkj,i.e.,
This follows from the fact that the two networks r] and r]’
are the same in TFZ,, and hence for the same x , w $ DZ,
implies that w satisfies the same defining relations as vk
and vi, vk E TFZ,. Thus F , ( w ) = v , ( x ) and F,’(w) =
U; ( x ) . Also w $ 0, implies that there exists some i E PO,
such that x $ OX, and x $ DT,,. Since FJ ( w ) # F,’ ( w ) ,
then U,’ ( x ) # U, ( x ) . Suppose U, ( x ) = 1 , then U , ( x ) =
( D , ) ~ (, x ) and v: ( x ) = ( vI)s ( x ) and because x $ DTl,,
then U , ( x ) #
( x ) . Therefore, since x $ OX,, then 77 #
7’. The case U , ( x ) = 0 is similar.
= X.
= x I.
Thus from (3.4) we have
+ (OX; + DT,j) (Dxk + DTkj)
+ DXjDxk + Dx;DTkj + DxkDT,j + DT,)
+ DXjDXk + DXiDTkj + DXkDT,j.
Note that in this case, although
DTu and DT,, may, individually, still contribute to D j ,
assuming O x ;DTk, # 9or DxkDTk, # 0.
It is important to realize the intent of presenting this
theorem, which is to establish a representation for the
don’t care set d, of the incompletely specified function
associated with node j of r ] . Once this is established, we
shall have reduced the problem of minimizing F, in a multilevel environment to a conventional 2-level minimization problem. To this end we offer the following corollary.
Corollary 1
Dj is a representation of the don’t care set dj of the
incompletely specified function ( 4 , d j , r j ) .
Proofi Dj represents the set of vertices U ( x ) E B” +”
such that the IO map z ( x ) of r] is insensitive to the specific
representation given for F j . But this implies that Dj is a
representation of d j .
We now give the theorem and corollary that show that
(3.4) gives a complete and correct representation of the
don’t care set.
Theorem 1
Let r ] , r]’ be two Boolean networks where r] is identically r]’ except for FJ , which has been altered to F,’ in such
a way that TFZ, ( 7 ‘ ) C TFZ, ( r ] ) . Then r] = r]’ if and only
if for all w E B”’”, either
i) FJ ( w ) = FJ’( w ) or
ii) w E 0,.
Proof (Ifpart): Suppose r] # 7’. Then by Definition
2 there exists x E B“ and some output i E PO, such that x
$ O X l and U , ( x ) #
( x ) . Define w E B”’“ so that fork
E TFZ,, wk = vk ( x ) = vL ( x ) , and w, = x (i.e., the primary input subvector of w is the primary input vector x ) .
The other elements wl of the vector w are chosen arbitrarily. Thus w $ OXl (because x = w, $ OX,), and w $ DZ,
(cf. discussion of (2.1)). Since U , ( x ) # v: ( x ) , then certainly U , ( x ) # vJ’( x ) , since F, and F,’ are the only functions which differ in r] and 7’. Thus since F, ( w ) =
F, ( v ( x ) )= U , ( x ) and similarly for F,’ ( w ) , then F, ( w )
# FJ’( w ) . There are now two cases: U , ( x ) = 1, U,’ ( x )
= 0 and vice versa. For the case U, ( x ) = 1, we have
( v , > , ( x ) = v , ( x ) , (v,>z,(x> = u:(x>, so ( U , ) & )
( u , ) ( ~x )~; hence x $ DT,,. The case U , ( x ) = 0 yields the
same conclusion. Thus w $ DT,,, so w $ D,, and we have
produced w E B n f mwhich contradicts i) and ii), which
proves the if part.
(Only Ifpart): Suppose there exists w E B ” + ” such
that F, ( w ) # F , ’ ( w )and w $ 0,.Then w $ DZ,, which
implies that for x = w,, wk = vk ( x ) = U; ( x ) , k E TFZ,.
Having finally determined a representation Dj of the
implied don’t care set for node j of Boolean network r ] ,
we are now ready to present two key theorems in the development of our algorithm for multilevel minimization.
Theorem 2(a)
Cube c E Fj in Boolean network
only if
Q (Fj -
is irredundant if and
{c)) U Dj.
Proof. (Ifpart): Suppose c 4 (F, - { c } ) U 0,.
Then, because Corollary 1 has established 0, as a representation of the don’t care set d,, there exists v ( x ) E c
such that u (x) E A , the care on set of the incompletely
specified function associated with node j . That is, v ( x )
is a relatively essential vertex [5], contained in c , so c is
irredundant .
(Only If part): Suppose c is irredundant (Definition
3). Then c contains a relatively essential vertex v ( x )
(FJ - {‘}I O J ’
Theorem 2(b)
Cube c of function F, of r] is prime in variable v 1 if and
only if either a) neither vl nor appears as a literal of c,
or b)
$ F,
U 0,
where c’ is the cube obtained by deleting literal uI (q)
from cube c.
Proofi Similar to that of Theorem 2(a).
These two theorems result from the fact that 0, is a
“complete” representation of the don’t care component
73 I
d, of the incompletely specified function ( A , d,,, r,) associated with n o d e j of the Boolean network. This fact is
the basis for the proposed approach to multilevel logic
minimization, and it will be shown in Section 4 below that
a prime and irredundant Boolean network can be obtained
by applying a 2-level logic minimizer to each of the representations F, in sequence. This full sequence is then iterated until, on one complete pass through it, no representation changes from what it has been on the previous
Equations (3.5) and (3.6) show how to make a Boolean
network prime and irredundant. But as discussed in Section I, to make Fj R-minimal we also need to apply the
following REDUCE operation. As we shall see below,
this operation takes on added significance in the multilevel case, and in fact, accounts for an entirely new aspect
of logic minimization.
Definition 8 (REDUCE Operation)
Cube c’ C c E F, is the reduction of c if a) 17 = v’,
where 9’ is defined by replacing F, with FJ’ = c r U ( F j
- e ) , and b) for all e” C c’, 17 # r ” , where F;’ = crr U
(F; - c ) .
Proposition I
The reduction, e r , of cube c is unique.
Proof: Note e’ contains all relatively essential minterms of the representation F, of the single-output function&. If c’ were not unique then there would be another
reduction e’’ # c which would also contain these minterms for which 17 = 17”. Hence e’ and c” can both be
replaced by cube c’ fl c ” , which also contains all these
minterms. Since e’ # c”, then either e’ f l c’’ C e’ or c’
n e‘‘ c e r ‘ , contradicting the hypothesis that both e‘ and
e’’ were reductions of e.
Since the reduction of cube c is unique, the overall REDUCE operation for c is composed of a sequence of
“atomic” REDUCE operations, carried out in any order.
Each of these atomic operations determines whether
equivalence at the Boolean network level is maintained if
c is replaced by c*, where c* is obtained from c by adding
literal vk, and where Vk is not originally present in e. If
the answer to this question is positive, then c can be replaced by e*. The process repeats until we have attempted
the addition of the positive and negative phase of every
literal not originally present in e. Note that if both ck and
2, can be individually added while maintaining equivalence, then c is redundant and can be deleted from F j .
It is tempting to conjecture that as in the case for primality and irredundancy, the don’t care set D, is sufficient
to determine the reduction of cube c E F,. Unfortunately
this is not quite the case, although the following proposition can be proved about a single atomic REDUCE operation.
Theorem 2(c) (REDUCE Don’t Care Set)
The minimal and sufficient don’t care set for the atomic
REDUCE operation of adding literal U , to cube c E F, is
Proof: The proof of Theorem 1 can be applied, mutatis mutandis, noting that adding literal z.’k to cube c potentially augments the transitive fan-in of F,.
Note that unlike D,, DR,, k includes intermediate variable don’t cares from the transitive fan-in of both F, and
F,. Even though DRJk is sufficient for the single atomic
REDUCE operation associated with literal V k , a larger
don’t care may be required by the next atomic operation.
This is because the successful addition of literal vk adds
an edge to the graph ( N , E ) of the Boolean network 7,
and, therefore, may alter TFZ,. Thus if the entire REDUCE operation is to be performed with a single don’t
care set, and if applicability to arbitrary Boolean networks
is desired, then the entirety of the overall don’t care set
DIV(cf. Definition 5 ) must be employed. This conclusion
is mitigated, however, by the following remarks.
Note that e’ is a minimal (smallest) cube containing
all the relatively essential vertices of c [ 5 ] . Hence
e’ has more literals than c, hence e’ is reexpressed
in a larger support than c had. The remarkable fact
is that c r can, in principle, now depend on any variable in the transitive fan-out of the transitive fan-in
of F j . As shown for F I in the Example of Fig. 1,
this can lead to significant simplifications in the F,.
The REDUCE operation appears to be one of the
most significant parts of multilevel minimization.
Although the overall intermediate variable don’t care
set DIV is necessary to obtain the true reduction of
e , in practice we use an approximation DA,, where
DAj = DIA,
+ i e P O ( l TFO, (OXi U D T j ) )
is obtained from DIV by deleting the intermediate
variable don’t care contributions of the transitive
fan-out of F,. If this deletion were not done, cyclic
dependencies might (will) occur, i.e., some cube c
in FJ can be reduced until it contains literal U, itself,
and, on a subsequent EXPAND step, c might grow
to c = v J ,leading ultimately to the correct, but trivial, conclusion that U, = F,. We shall call the reduction of cube c with respect to DA, the acyclic
reduction of e.
Note that the operations of primality and cube redundancy testing (cf. Theorems 2(a) and 2(b)) do
not alter the transitive fan-in of F,.
Note that (3.8) implies that 0, C DA,, so that DA,
is sufficient for establishing the primality and irredundancy of cube c as well as for finding its acyclic
+ DI, + i POfln TFO, (DXi U D7’,)
where DI, and DI, are defined by (3.4b).
As pointed out in [ 5 , sec. 4.71, reduction is an important mechanism for minimizing the representation F, =
{ c i } . In fact, by reducing some prime cube ck E Fj to its
reduction c; (Definition 8), it is possible that after reex-
panding c; to a different prime c: # ck, a second, formerly irredundant prime cube, c[, may now become redundant, 1 # k . This remark gives us, at last, sufficient
background to define R-minimality .
Dejinition 9
A prime and irredundant Boolean network 7 is R-minimal if there exists no cube ck E FJ of 7 whose acyclic
reduction c; (Definition 8) can be reexpanded (i.e., raised
back to primality) into cube c: such that for k # 1,
{ck, cl}
(Fj -
{ck, C I } ) U c:
U Dj.
That is, the introduction of the reduced and reexpanded
cube causes both the originally prime and irredundant
cubes ck and cl to become redundant.
Note that the example Boolean network of Fig. l(c) is
R-minimal, because none of the cubes of either F, or F2
can be reduced.
It is expensive in practice to absolutely guarantee Rminimality, but it is certainly possible in principle. ESPRESSO-IIC executes a routine for reduction and reexpansion called LAST-GASP which guarantees only an
approximate form of R-minimality. However, it has been
observed in all but a very few cases to date that the actual
results of LAST-GASP were, in fact, R-minimal. The
REDUCE operation and its variants (this was called “RESHAPE” in MINI [20]) enable logic minimizers to
“climb out” of the local minima usually associated with
the current prime and irredundant representation. This is,
in many cases, the key to the high-quality results obtainable by heuristic minimizers.
tions; since conditions (3.2a) are usually satisfied for primary outputs, they are in the first J constructed in line 4.
Clearly for any j E PO, DT,, = 0,
and hence DT, = 0.
Then the algorithm selects for the next function (cf. lines
4 and 17 in Fig. 4) some unminimized function which has
only nonreconvergent fan-out to primary outputs, i.e., the
next function F, satisfies FO, E PO and FO, = 0,
FO,. After minimizing this function, it is stored away for
future reference in the minimized function set F,’ (line 12),
and then “flattened,” i.e., substituted, into its fan-out
(line 13). If it is not a primary output it is then deleted
from 7. Because of this deletion, and because 9 is assumed to be combinational, such a next function always
exists (but is not unique). Another such function is selected next. This is repeated until all functions have been
Note that ESPRESSO-MLD employs the device of carrying two separate versions, 7 and v r , of the minimized
Boolean network. Here 7’ is the version of the original
network 7, in which each function is replaced by its minimized version, i.e., the version which is prime, irredundant, and, with high probability, R-minimal. This is the
version returned (line 18) by ESPRESSO-MLD. The second version starts out the same as the original Boolean
network, but is modified on each pass through the while
loop (lines 5-17) by flattening the most recently minimized function into its fan-out, and then deleting it unless
it is a primary output function. As discussed at the end of
this section, this device permits us to use the construction
of (3.2) in computing the transitive fan-out don’t care sets
DT,,, i E PO.
Note further that a subprocedure, SIMPLIFY, is called
(line 13) after replacing FJ and F,’ by the minimized version of F, in the respective Boolean networks q and 7’.
SIMPLIFY checks for either of the conditions a) FJ U DJ
= 1, or b) FJ E 0,. In the former case, ESPRESSO-IIC
will return a representation consisting of a single cube with
no literals, and in the latter case, one consisting of an
empty set of cubes. In case a) the care off set of the incompletely specified function ( & , d,, r,) is empty, i.e.,
r, = 0.
It follows that 7 qt,,, so SIMPLIFY substitutes
U , = 1 into the functions in the fan-out of FJ. Case b), for
which we have& = 0,
is similar, except U , = 0 is substituted. In either case the simplification is propagated recursively toward the primary outputs and primary inputs.
In propagating toward the primary outputs, functions in
the fan-out of FJ are tested in turn for simplification by
SIMPLIFY. In propagating toward the primary inputs, we
note that after simplifying, FJ no longer depends on any
of its inputs. Thus edges in 7 associated with these inputs
may be deleted from the graph associated with 7. SIMPLIFY thus checks to see if FJ was the last fan-out of any
function F, such that j E FO,. If so, F, is deleted from 7
and y r . Note that if as a result of such simplification, some
function Fk has no remaining fan-out, i.e., FOk = 0,
then it may be seen from Definition 6 that DT,, = 1, V i
E PO. Consequently, in this case, when j is later equal to
k , the for loop (lines 8 and 9), which computes DOk =
Theorems 2 establish don’t care methods for applying
the EXPAND, IRREDUNDANT-COVER, and REDUCE operations to the cubes of the function representations FJ of 7. We can now present an algorithm which
calls the 2-level logic minimizer ESPRESSO-IIC to carry
out these operations on each FJ in turn. On exit from ESPRESSO-IIC, FJ is prime and irredundant. However, ESPRESSO-IIC has the property that F, is left unchanged if
the first pass through the REDUCE, EXPAND, and IRREDUNDANT-COVER sequence fails to decrease a
given cost function measuring the number of terms and
literals of the result. Any other valid 2-level minimizer
which has this property will also produce a prime and irredundant Boolean network. However, as discussed
above, ESPRESSO-IIC guarantees a weak form of Rminimality as well. The algorithm uses the representation
of the don’t care set DA,, defined by (3.8) for function FJ
of Boolean network 7, to render all the cubes of FJprime
and irredundant, V j E ZV, according to Definition 3 and
Theorems 2(a) and 2(b).
This algorithm is presented in Fig. 4 as Procedure ESPRESSO-MLD.
calls ESPRESSO-IIC to minimize the functions FJ in a certain order. In
most cases, it first minimizes the primary output func-
I I I E p ~ n T (OX,
~ o k + DT,,), will initialize DOk to I , and
DOk will remain at that value unless OX, # 0 for some i .
Such functions thus will fall into category a) above. This
process continues recursively until the two networks stabilize.
Even though F, is prime and irredundant on exit from
ESPRESSO-IIC, a function Fk previously minimized by
ESPRESSO-IIC may no longer be prime or irredundant.
This is because the don’t care set dk is not invariant with
respect to the minimization of F,. It is quite easy to construct examples which demonstrate this fact. Thus in order to verify primality and irredundancy of the returned
network q’, procedure ESPRESSO-MLD uses a visitation
index VZS, to mark which functions were actually alerted
by the call to ESPRESSO-IIC. As stated above, Fj is left
unchanged unless ESPRESSO-IIC can obtain a finite decrease in the cost of F j . If on exit (line 18), VZS, = l , V j
E ( 1 , 2 , * * . , m } , then it is true that no cube of any
function representation was altered by the calls to ESPRESSO-IIC, which proves, as shown below, that the
given Boolean network is prime, irredundant, and, with
high probability, R-minimal. Conversely, if on exit VZS,
= - 1 for any j , then, although we are sure that Fj is
prime and irredundant, we can no longer be sure that another function Fi is still prime and irredundant, where the
representation FL was returned by a previous call to ESPRESSO-IIC. Thus the whole procedure ESPRESSO-MLD should be called again. Since we are guaranteed that the overall cost function has a finite deciease if
any function is altered, we know that the sequence of calls
to ESPRESSO-MLD must ultimately converge, and, on
the last call, return an unchanged Boolean network. This
latter network is prime and irredundant and very likely Rminimal.
It is of interest to discuss how the structure of the flattened Boolean network 77 is exploited in computing the
transitive fan-out portion of the “acyclic” don’t care set
DA, prior to each call to ESPRESSO-IIC. By construction, 17 is just 7’with all intermediate variables in the set
TFO, - PO flattened (line 15) and deleted (line 16), and
those in the set TFO, n PO flattened but not deleted. The
key observation is that flattening an intermediate variable
does not alter the IO map of a Boolean network. Hence y
and 7’ have identical IO maps, i.e., z ( x ) = z ’ ( x ) . Because of the flattening of intermediate variables in the
transitive fan-out of F,, we are able to use the construction of (3.2) in computing DT,, for each primary output i
E PO in Boolean network 7. Note that by construction of
7, FO, G PO and FO, = 0,
V i E FO,. Thus the computation DT,, is restricted to the case where F, has only a
direct dependence on U , , V i E PO f l FO,. That is, for
functions that fan-out only to primary outputs which have
no fan out, DT,, is equivalent to E,j, where (cf. lines 8 and
care set D G of the unflattened but minimized network 7’
returned by ESPRESSO-MLD.
Lemma Z
For each primary output i E PO, let DT,, be the transitive fan-out don’t care set associated with the minimized
and flattened Boolean network 7 computed by ESPRESSO-MLD, and let 07;; be that associated with the minimized but not flattened network 7’returned by ESPRESSO-MLD. Then
E!, = (FO),
+ R,,m,.
Finally, by the following lemma we are able to show that
this don’t care set is identical to the transitive fan out don’t
D T , , V i E PO.
Proofi By construction, 7’is the minimized but not
flattened Boolean network with primary inputs x and IO
map ~ ’ ( x ) .Similarly, vh, is the cofactor of this network
with respect to the variable, U , , of the function to be minimized, which has the same primary inputs, x, but has IO
map zh, (x). Note that zh, ( x ) may be regarded as a Boolean network with one “extra” primary input, namely U , ,
which has been set permanently to 1. By construction vu,
is just a flattened version of vh, which has the same primary inputs, x, but has IO map z,, ( x ) . But since vu, can
be obtained from qh, by flattening, it follows that these
two Boolean networks have identical IO maps, i.e.,
= Zh,(X>
and, similarly,
(4= zt, (x).
Since DT,, and DT, are specified by Definition 6 in terms
of the IO maps z,, (XI, zt,(x),z;, (x), and zh,( x ) , it follows that DT,, = DT,, so (4.2) is proved.
Now reconsider procedure ESPRESSO-MLD, which
calls ESPRESSO-IIC only for functions F, which satisfy
FO, E PO and FOk = 0,
V i E FO,. Thus the transitive
fan-out don’t care set of function F, of Boolean network
77 can be computed according to the construction of (3.2)
(line 8) for each primary output in TFO,. By Lemma 1,
this is identical to
in the Boolean network 7’ which
we are minimizing. Thus DTl, can be added to the external
don’t care set for each of the aforementioned primary outputs and intersected together (line 9 of the inner for loop)
to form the rightmost don’t care term in (3.4). This interim result is stored in the variable DO, and is added to
the appropriate intermediate variable don’t care sets (cf.
(3.4) and the remark following (3.8)), to form DA, (line
10). This construction of the relevant don’t care sets permits us to state the following key theorem, which, in essence, proves the correctness of ESPRESSO-MLD.
Theorem 3
Suppose that when ESPRESSO-MLD terminates, all rn
functions F, have had 2-level minimization applied to
them, without any changes to any of the F,. Then the returned Boolean network, v’, is prime and irredundant.
Proof: The procedure uses the acyclic superset, DA,
of 0, for minimizing each of the F,, where D, is a representation of the don’t care set d, of the incompletely specified function ( & , d,, r,). Thus after each pass, by Theo-
1 -
rem 2, Lemma 1, and Corollary 1, the current F, is prime
and irredundant. Now if all m functions have failed to
change on one complete pass through ESPRESSO-MLD,
each has been shown to prime and irredundant given the
final state of q’. Thus by Definition 3 , q ’ is prime and
irredundant .
Tables I and 11 illustrate the results of running ESPRESSO-MLD on some multilevel examples generated
using Weak Division [ 11. These computational results
were obtained using an approximate implementation of
ESPRESSO-MLD. The approximation made was the following. In practice DZA, can be quite large, so only a subset of the complete DZA, was used in obtaining the results
of Table I. The subset used was the don’t care terms associated with the set of all intermediate variables which
are in the transitive fan-out of the transitive fan-in of F,,
but not in the transitive fan-out of F,. Thus the REDUCE
operation of ESPRESSO-IIC is limited to the introduction of either primary input variables or intermediate
variables which are in this set. This approximation is returned (line 5 ) by the subprocedure call to SELECT2, and
is also an “acyclic” approximation for the REDUCE operation in ESPRESSO-IIC. This acyclicity constraint prevents, as discussed in the above Remark, trivial reductions of F, by the REDUCE-EXPAND-IRREDUNDANT-COVER sequence. However, note that this requires EXPAND and IRREDUNDANT-COVER to operate with a$xed intermediate variable portion of the don’t
care set, despite the fact that the transitive fan-in of F, is
being altered by REDUCE. Note that this means the approximately implemented version of ESPRESSO-MLD
does not guarantee primality , although ancillary experiments have indicated that the computationally minimized
networks very probably are prime. Further, the experimental results appear to have high minimization quality,
an observation based on attempts at further minimization,
which used alternative computational techniques.
In Table I “initial literals” refers to the number of literals in the original multilevel network. The next two columns refer to the number of literals saved when using just
the intermediate don’t cares and when using both the intermediate and output don’t care sets. For example when
plab was minimized using just the approximation by
SELECT2 of DZA,, the resulting network had 9 fewer literals, but when both DZA, and DT, were used (line 10) the
resulting network had 20 fewer literals than the initial network. This illustrates the significance of the transitive fanout don’t care set, since in all the examples of Table I we
assumed OX, = 0,
V i E PO. No table entry indicates
that no function F, of the given network could be reduced
in cost by the implemented minimization procedure.
Runtimes in Table I are in CPU seconds on a Pyramid
90X, which is about twice as fast as a VAX 111780. The
CPU time requirements ranged from minutes on the medium size jobs to hours on the larger ones. Use of the
“output” don’t care set DOJ (cf. lines 9 and 10 of ES-
Literals Saved
dec 1
204 1
PRESSO-MLD) typically incurs a factor of 2-4 increase
in CPU time.
Table I1 contains the results of experiments run on the
subset of the Table I examples for which the “SOCRATES” expert system was used to further optimize the output of the implemented version of ESPRESSO-MLD [ 11.
The purpose of this set of experiments was to see if
the technology-independent gains made by ESPRESSO-MLD were of value when its output was postprocessed by a technology-specific optimized mapping into a
standard cell library. We used the SOCRATES expert
system for this purpose [ 11. In the headers of Table I, AA
corresponds to running Weak Division in area-specific
mode and then running SOCRATES in the area-specific
mode [ l ] . Similarly, DD corresponds to running Weak
Division in delay-specific mode and then running SOCRATES in delay-specific mode. The last 4 columns show
the effect of inserting ESPRESSO-MLD into the synthesis loop. AA* corresponds to running ESPRESSO-MLD
on the output of Weak Division running in area-specific
mode and then running SOCRATES in the area-specific
mode, and DD* corresponds to running ESPRESSO-MLD after running Weak Division in delay-specific
mode and then running SOCRATES in delay-specific
It can be observed that when technology-independent
multilevel minimization was used as a preprocessor to
SOCRATES, the AA* area numbers were better than the
AA results in 8 of the 12 cases. In 3 of the other cases,
better area delay tradeoffs were exhibited. In the 6 0 0 ”
examples the delay was reduced (relative to D D ) in all
but one case (exam). These numbers indicate that technology-independent multilevel minimization is often a
valuable step to take in the synthesis and optimization
process, even when the final result is postprocessed by a
technology-specific, optimizing expert system.
dec 1
20 1
In addition to assuring primality and irredundancy the
don’t care set may be used to alter the adjacency relations
of the Boolean network, as shown in the example of Fig.
l(b). It is of interest to observe that when ESPRESSO-MLD is run on this example, the starting representation (bottom left) is prime and irredundant. Thus the
first EXPAND and IRREDUNDANT-COVER operations in ESPRESSO-IIC will have no effect. We have observed that this also occurred in each of the examples of
Table I, each of which was output from the “weak division” process of algebraic decomposition [8]. We conjecture that this will always be the case for multilevel examples produced by Weak Division. However, in this
example, after the initial REDUCE operation is performed, the prime, irredundant, and, with high probability, R-minimal result will be obtained in the second or
third EXPAND step. This again occurred on all the examples of Table I for which minimization was successful.
We observe, in fact, that REDUCE is performing a major
part of the role of the minimization process referred to as
Boolean substitution in [8].
We now state some basic results on testability, with the
intent of
1) establishing, in greater detail, the intimate relationship between logic minimization and test generation;
2) demonstrating that after multilevel logic minimization, a prime and irredundant Boolean network is obtained for which there is no need whatsoever for either
test generation or testability analysis.
C B”
D’, n
First note that because
i e P 0 fl TFO,
(x*) E
the local inputs to
FJ will have the same (cf. (2.1)) values they will have
under test, i.e., when x* is applied to theprimary inputs.
Further, because U* E E,, there will exist at least one
primary output node, i E P O r
l TFO,, such that U* E E,
fl DTIJ. Because U* E El,we are assured that x* represents an external care condition for primary output i.
Finally, note that because U* E EIJ,
we may conclude
that not only does the test produce a difference U, ( x ) f
U,’ ( x ) between the good (7)and fault (7’) machines, but
that this change is propagated to output i as well (i.e.,
U , ( x * ) # U,’ ( x * ) ) . It may be observed that the condition
v * ( x * ) E E, plays the role of the “implication” phase
of the D-algorithm [25], and U* ( x * ) E T T , plays the role
of the “propagation” phase.
We begin our treatment of the interrelationship between
testing and logic minimization by showing that the transitive fan-out don’t care set of Definition 6 can be directly
related to the set of output stuck fault tests. This relationship is made precise by the following theorem.
Theorem 4
Assuming that there are no external don’t care conditions, don’t care set
A. Test Generation as a By-product of Logic
Our derivation of the complete don’t care set (cf. Theorem 1) reduces the testing question for function F, of a
multilevel Boolean network 17 to, in effect, the 2-level
case. In fact, we shall show that any stuck fault test x* is
simply the primary input part of a solution vector u * ( x * )
I Ep
o n TFO,
is the set of primary input vectors which do not test the
Boolean network 7 for either of the output stuck faults y,
stuck-at-1 or yJ stuck-at-0.
Proof: It was shown in [19] that a test x* exists for
the output fault yJ stuck-at-1(0) if and only if 7 f
7 v , c ~ ,Let
) . T1, (TO,) be the set of all such tests. Hence,
by Definition 2,
some i
n TFO,}.
( x ) = l ( 0 ) implies that
( x ) = ( u , ) ~( (~U , ) ; ,
( x ) ) , V i E PO, it then follows that for each such test, x ,
there exists some i E PO fl TFO, which has the property
( x ) # ( u , ) ~( x, ) . It follows from the Definition 6
that DT, = (Tl,
+ TO,).
This theorem shows that if no test exists for either yJ
stuck-at-1 or y, stuck-at-0, then DTJ is tautologous, i.e.,
DT, = 1. It is well known that in this case F, can be
deleted from the Boolean network (such deletions actually
occur frequently in practical multilevel logic minimization). On the other hand, DT, = Q would imply that all
primary input vectors would be tests for either y, stuckat-1 or y, stuck-at-0. Since this is unlikely to occur in
practice, we conclude that the typical case is DTJ # 63,
hence DT, can be expected to be helpful in minimizing
F,. However, note, as shown by Example 2 of Section
111, that DT, can be empty, meaning that all primary input
vectors test for y, stuck-at-1, yet some of the DT,, can still
contribute to D,, due to the interrelationship with the OX,.
One interpretation of the typical case DT,
1, DT,
f 63, is that F, may be partially redundant, in the sense
that some of its otherwise “care” on set minterms may
be covered by DT,. This type of partial redundancy must
be exploited in the minimization of F, if it is to be made
prime and/or irredundant.
Having established how the computation of the don’t
care set provides a direct and constructive link between
logic minimization and test generation, we now turn our
attention to the testability of a prime and irredundant
Boolean network. The usual measure of testability for a
Boolean network q is how many of its individual input or
output stuck faults are testable. One of the most significant aspects of the relation between logic minimization
and testing is that making q prime and irredundant implies
much more than merely making it 100-percent testable for
the usual input and output single stuck faults. This distinction is further emphasized when the nodes of the Boolean network are represented by complex gates (e.g.,
CMOS pluricells, domino logic, etc.) rather than simple
primitives like NAND’S and NOR’S. To show this, we need
to define a stuck fault model which is more fine grained
than conventional input or output stuck faults.
De$nition 10
An internal stuck fault is a fault in which literal vk (or
vk) of cube c of representation F’ of Boolean network q is
stuck at either its existing value v k (or i&) or its opposite
value Vk (or vk).
Proof (Ifpart): Suppose Boolean network q is prime
and irredundant, and suppose cube c of function F,, is
being raised to prime. Suppose c contains literal vk (i&)
and a logic minimizer is checking to see if c* G F, U D, ,
where c* is just c with literal vk (3k)
replaced by Vk ( u k ) .
A negative answer implies that there exists a vertex x* E
B” such that u * ( x * ) E c*RJ, where R, = ( F , U 0,).In
fact, the minimizer must discover such a vertex U* ( x * ) E
Bm + * before it can declare variable k of cube c of function
F, to be prime. Given U* ( x * ) , we simply take the primary
input part x* = V*(X*)~, to obtain a test for an input
fault. The fault tested is the internal stuck fault “variable vk of cube c stuck at b,” where b = 1 if v k E c , and
b = 0 if 3, E c. Thus when x* is applied to q, the value
v : ( x * ) = 7; will appear as an input to FJ in the good
for which F, is off, i.e., uJ = 0, since U* E
F, D,. But with uk stuck at b, cube c in F, will be turned
on for input U* ( x ) , so that z; = 1 in the “fault machine’’
( a Boolean network which we call q ’ ). Because U* is a
minterm of the don’t care complement E,, (cf. (6. l)), we
have v* DTk,, for some i E PO n TFO, , which by Theorem 1 implies that primary output U , ( x * ) will have a different value in the good and fault machines, i.e., U , ( x * )
# U: ( x * ) , so that q # 7’.
This x is a test for input variable uk of cube c of FJ
“stuck at 6” faults, where uk appe_ars as b in c. To show
that tests are implied for “stuck at b” internal faults, consider the action of ESPRESSO-IIC (in line 11 of ESPRESSO-MLD) in testing if cube c of function F, is irredundant. It is clear that if cube c has been declared
irredundant, then c c ( F , - { c } ) U 0,. If this is the
case, then there exists a test vector x* and a corresponding
relatively essential vertex v * ( x * ) E c such that U* ( x * ) E
(F, - { c > )U DJ. Such a u * ( x * ) must be found by ESPRESSO-IIC before it can declare cube c irredundant.
The corresponding x* is a test for vk stuck at b, where vk
is any literal which appears as b in cube c . The test is for
uk stuck at b, because for ck = b, v*(x*) is such that
u z ( x * ) = b so that cube c is on for the good m-achine
and thus u J ” ( x * )= 1. However, if vk is stuck at b , then
c is off and U* ( x ” ) is such that all the other cubes of F,
are off, so U , = 0 for the fault machine. Note here that
the fault assertion “vk stuck-at-6” has limited scope. That
i s , the assertion applies only to cube c , and not to other
cubes of F,. Hence all these other cubes, which are of in
the good machine, remain of in the fault machine. The
argument then concludes as it did for the stuck-at-b case,
which proves the if part. Note that x* tests any or all of
the variables in cube c stuck at their “opposite” value,
which constitutes a multiple rather than single stuck fault.
Of course, any of the single stuck faults are also tested.
(Only Ifpart): Assume q is 100-percent testable for
internal stuck faults. That is, for each cube c and literal
v k E c (we assume without loss of generality that vk appears positively in c ) , there exists a test x for variable uk
stuck at 1. Since x is a test, cube c and literal vk will be
“off” in the good machine, i.e., v k ( x ) = 0, and v ( x )
c, which implies vl ( x ) = 0 in the good machine. But
These faults are called internal, since they correspond
directly to transistor level faults in which the transistor
representing the specified literal in the implemented logic
is stuck on or off. Their definition enables us to prove our
main testability result.
Theorem 5
A Boolean network is prime and irredundant if and only
if it is 100-percent testable for internal stuck faults.
U/. :
with uk stuck at 1, cube c will be “on” in the fault machine. Thus ul ( x ) = l , and, because x is a test, 7 # 7’.
But uj ( x ) # U,! ( x ) implies c* $2 F, U D j , where c* is
just c with literal Vk replaced by &. This implies cube c
is prime in variable uk. The proof that cube c is irredundant follows similarly from the assumed existence of a
test for variable vk stuck at 0 in cube c. This proves the
only if part.
It remains to demonstrate that a prime and irredundant
network is testable for all the conventional input and output stuck faults. To see that input stuck faults are all testable, note that in almost every case an internal stuck fault
is also an input stuck fault. The essence of the argument
is that since we have internal stuck faults for all variables
of all cubes if the Boolean network is prime and irredundant, and since all the inputs of F j are contained in one or
more of these cubes, the internal stuck fault tests cover
all input stuck faults. This is made precise by the following result.
Corollary 3
The internal stuck fault tests of a prime and irredundant
representation F, also test all input stuck faults.
Proofl First assume that the representation F, is binate in variable vk, i.e., that it contains (prime) cubes c’
and C O with literal vk appearing positively and negatively,
respectively. Now the argument of the proof of Theorem
5 shows that the test that showed c’ is prime in literal Vk
gives a test, x * , for input uk stuck-at-1. For this test, the
good machine, 7,has U, ( x * ) = FJ ( y*, x * ) = 0 , but with
vk stuck-at-1, cube c‘ turns on, so U; ( x ) = 1 in the fault
machine. The same argument applied to cube CO yields a
test for the input fault uh stuck-at-0.
Next assume that F, is unate [5] in uk, i.e., that F, contains either positive or negative (in variable vk) cubes like
c’ or C O , but not both. Suppose, without loss of generality,
that there exists cube c’ E F, which contains literal vk, and
is irredundant. Then, as in the proof of Theorem 5 , there
exists a test x * for which c’ (and F,) are turned on, but
all other cubes in F, are turned off. Now if input uk to F,
is stuck-at-0, then c’ is turned off. Because F, is unate in
uk no other cubes in FJ are turned on by the vk stuck-at-0
fault, so we have U , = 1 in the fault machine and U; = 0
in the fault machine.
Note that in this case, the argument involving the primality of cube c’ still provides a test for vh stuck-at- 1.
Now in either of the above two cases we have u ( x * ) E
D,, else u ( x * ) would not contradict the nonprimality of
c’ (or C O ) in the binate case or the redundancy of c’ in the
unate case. Hence the differences between U , ( x * ) and
U ’ ( x * ) propagate to some primary output (because v(x*)
:ElJfor some i ) . Thus we have input stuck fault tests
for both zik stuck-at-1 and VI stuck-at-0, and since this is
true for any k E FI,, F, is 100-percent testable for input
stuck faults if F, is prime and irredundant.
At this point we have established that a prime and irredundant network is 100-percent testable for both inter-
nal and input stuck faults. But there are also multiple stuck
faults which are guaranteed testable for a prime and irredundant Boolean network. To see this, observe that the
internal stuck fault test, x*, for the primality of variable
vk in cube c’ E FJ also tests for the primality of vk in all
cubes c’ such that u ( x * ) E c’. So x* is a test for the internal faults vk stuck-at-1 in all of the cubes c’, and is also
a test for the multiple internal stuck faults for which uk is
stuck-at-1 in any subset of the cube set { c ’ }.
Similarly, the tests derived from the redundancy test are
also, typically, tests for multiple stuck faults. To see this,
note that the input vector, x*, which contradicts the redundancy of cube c’ E F,, gives a stuck fault test for any
literal ( uI or V I ) .In fact, any multiple internal stuck fault,
comprised of any combination of the literals of cube c’
stuck at their opposite values, will also be tested by x*.
These latter multiple internal stuck fault tests are also
multiple input stuck fault tests for any subset of the set of
variables which have literals in any cube c’ such that F,
is unate in these variables.
The principle at work in all these stuck fault test arguments appears to be the following. Suppose there exists
vertex v ( x * ) E FJ DJ (the care off set of F,) which is distance one in variable Vk from a vertex D(x*) E F, U D,.
Then x* tests for Vk stuck-at-I. Conversely, if u ( x * ) E
F, D, (the care on set), and is distance one in variable vk
from D ( x * ) E FJ U D,, then x* tests for vk stuck-at-0. It
is precisely because the tests for primality and irredundancy tests are inherently obligated to isolate such vertex
pairs that prime and irredundant networks are 100-percent
testable for all input and internal single stuck faults. On
this view, the process of automatic test generation is one
in which one identifies care on set or care off set vertices
which are located in the distance one “shells” surrounding the off and on sets, respectively. In books, e.g. [16],
which take the traditional “simulation” (as opposed to
don’t care) viewpoint, this concept is expressed in terms
of the so-called Boolean differences.
To see that output stuck faults are also included in this
set of tests, note that F, U D, = 1 implies that FJDJ =
i.e., FJ has no “care” offset. In this case it is clear
that no test exists for U, = yJ stuck at 1. But in this case
every literal variable uk of every cube c of F, can be deleted in the minimized version of F,. This argument leads
us to the interesting conclusion that if there exists any
literal vk (or i kof
) any cube c E F, which is prime, then
the test which has been shown to exist for the input fault
“variable uk of cube c E FJ stuck at b” (where literal U,
occurs as b in cube c ) is also a test for the output fault
output ‘ ‘ U , = y, stuck at 1.”
A similar argument applies to the case where F, 5 D,,
which implies that F, E, = 0,
i.e., F, has no care on set.
This argument leads to the conclusion that any input z l k
stuck at b test (for cube c E F,) is also a test for the fault
output U, = yJ stuck at 0.” Thus, in terms of the don’t
care sets, we can express the basis for the traditional
“checkpoint” theorem, (cf. [ I O , theorem 2.31).
We conclude that if 7 is prime and irredundant, it is
testable for all output stuck faults as well, i.e., 77 is 100percent testable for input and output stuck faults.
Tests are also implicitly generated for an entirely different class of faults, the so called “extra device” faults.
In the A N D plane of a PLA, for example, an extra device
fault could perhaps occur because of a discontinuity in an
isolation mask, and thus polysilicon is erroneously laid
over diffusion. This adds, in effect, an extra literal to some
cube of the A N D plane. We claim that this type of fault is
also completely tested for by the operation of ESPRESSO-IIC when called at line 11 of Fig. 4.These tests are
implicitly generated by the REDUCE operation. Applied
to cube c , this operation attempts to add to c all literals
not originally present in c. If a literal cannot be added to
c without intersecting the care off set, ESPRESSO-IIC
will generate a test, as discussed previously, for the corresponding extra-device fault. Of course, if such a literal
can be added to c, the corresponding extra-device “fault”
is not testable. However, this type of extra-device fault
will cause no error in the IO behavior of the function.
The principal conclusion to be drawn from the above
discussion is that prime and irredundant Boolean networks are far more than merely 100-percent testable for
conventional input and output single stuck faults. In addition, they are testable for all the internal single stuck
faults as well as for many multiple internal and input stuck
faults as well as extra-device faults.
7, N O . 6, JUNE 1988
previously prime and irredundant, there will now exist
tests for input and/or internal stuck faults which were not
previously testable. For example, the prime and irredundant Boolean network of Fig. l(b) has three testable input
faults which were not testable in the given network of Fig.
B. Logic Minimization as a By-product of Test
It is clear that all Boolean networks satisfying Definition 1 may be and-or decomposed into a “refined” Boolean network in which each node is either an OR gate or an
AND gate. We assert that if a test generation tool is used
to generate tests for all input and output single stuck
faults, then the resulting Boolean network is prime and
irredundant. This presupposes, of course, that if any “untestable” faults are discovered, the offending node or edge
is deleted and the effect of this simplification is propagated to the rest of the network. In this way, logic minimization can be viewed as a by-product of test generation. However, such a procedure would not take advantage
cycle, which is responsible for ESPRESSO-MLD’s ability to quickly reduce a given Boolean network into a
prime, irredundant and R-minimal form. It is in comparison to this hypothetical procedure that we call ESPRESSO-MLD “efficient.”
The tests for the stuck faults of Theorem 5 and its corollary are, in principle, supplied as a by-product of the
2-level minimization step (line 11 in ESPRESSO-MLD).
In fact if, as in the proof of the above theorem, cube c*
is being intersected with the representation RJ =
( F , U 0,)
of the care off set, then if U* E c*RJ, then U;,
= x* is in internal stuck fault test. Providing the tests as
a by-product of the minimization is simply a matter of
outputting or otherwise recording such vectors x* as they
are encountered in the minimization.
Thus the relationship between testing and logic minimization is quite profound. In fact, it follows that once
all internal stuck fault tests have been identified and any
discovered logical redundancies removed, the Boolean
network is prime and irredundant. In brief, Boolean networks are prime and irredundant if and only if they are
100-percent testable (i.e., for conventional input or output faults and internal single stuck faults). Many multiple
stack faults will usually be testable, and the tests for all
of these various stack fault tests and supplies as a byproduct of the minimization. No separate test generation
phase is necessary.
As a final comment, we observe that one cannot decrease the testability of any single function, F J , of a given
Boolean network by making that function prime and irredundant. In fact, every single (input and internal) stuck
fault which was testable prior to calling EXPAND and
IRREDUNDANT-COVER to make FJ prime and irredundant is still testable afterwards. Further, if FJ was not
We have presented an approach to multilevel minimization based on don’t care sets implied by embedding
completely specified functions in a Boolean network. The
presentation has including the following:
Definitions of prime and irredundant networks have
been given, which are straightforward extensions of
those for the 2-level case, and which are based on
the notion of equivalence of two Boolean networks.
We have presented an algorithm, ESPRESSO-MLD, for multilevel minimization which transforms Boolean networks into prime, irredundant,
and, with high probability, R-minimal form.
We have proven the physically plausible statement
that prime and irredundant networks are 100-percent
testable for conventional single stuck faults, and that
the converse is also true if the internal stuck faults
of Definition 10, which include multiple faults, are
also testable.
We have further shown how the stuck fault tests derive straightforwardly from the minimization process.
We have defined the transitive fan-out don’t care sets
both in terms of network equivalence and in terms
of the set of output stuck fault test vectors.
We have provided a proven construction of the representation (3.4) of the don’t care set dj of the incompletely specified function ( &, d j , r j ) . We have
observed that the representation D j is not invariant
with respect to the minimization of another func-
1 -
tion, say Fk (cf. discussion of Example 2, Section
function. Thus ESPRESSO-MLD is applicable to alternative technologies such as domino logic, NMOS, and
CMOS pluricells. Another contrast is that although some
It is a well-known fact that actual failure modes of fab- modem D-algorithm variant, e.g., FAN [16], might, because of its restricted applicability, be much faster in findricated chips do not always correspond to the fault model
of single stuck faults. Nevertheless, it is also a fact that
ing a single stuck fault, ESPRESSO-MLD might be faster
complete testability of the single stuck faults usually leads in finding all such faults. This is because ESPRESSO-MLD can use 0,
, once it is constructed, to repeatedly
to a high percentage of working chips. We conjecture that
find all the internal and input stuck faults for the inputs
the “extra” testability associated with prime and irredundant networks is at least partially responsible for this fact.
(and output) of FJ. ESPRESSO-MLD does, in this sense,
The conjecture is based on the hypothesis that designers offer an interesting alternative to any D-algorithm variant
‘‘naturally” attempt to design prime and irredundant net- in finding all stuck fault tests, especially in Boolean networks, without consciously seeking to do so. As disworks from such technologies as domino logic or complex
cussed above, if this occurs, many “extra” faults are CMOS, where individual nodes have “large” Boolean
Of course we must keep in mind that the miniSome readers may object to referring the transitive fanmization .process described in this paper applies to a techout don’t care set all the way back to the primary inputs,
thus creating something of a misnomer. Note that DTIJ nology independent level of representation. This is no
could have been premultiplied by DZ,, in Definition 6, and problem for complex CMOS cells, but when standard cells
are required, care must be taken to use a technology mapthen DTJ really would have depended solely on the tranper (such a mapper is described in [2]) which preserves
sitive fan-out of F,. We believe that if Definition 6 were
so altered, the remainder of the theory of Section I11 would the properties of primality and irredundancy and, hence,
remain valid (although we have not carried this exercise
100-percent testability. It seems reasonable to conclude,
through rigorously). It is not clear whether or not
therefore, that a Boolean network with one single func(E,DT,J) has a more compact representatioh than DT,,, tion, F,, which is not prime and irredundant should be
since although the intersection with E, decreases the minimized if we can afford the computational expense,
number of minterms, this operation also “fractures” the else we will be putting “fat” into silicon. Future work
representation into smaller cubes. We prefer the form must be done to characterize the domain of applicability
of the reported minimization procedure. There certainly
given for Definition 6, because of the direct connection
exist some practical Boolean networks which can be hanto testability established by Theorem 4.
We have also given an exposition of the role of the ES- dled, and some which cannot.
PRESSO “REDUCE” operation in “reshaping” prime
and irredundant Boolean networks into more efficient repACKNOWLEDGMENT
resentations and in achieving the important property of
The authors acknowledge the benefits of helpful disR-minimality. It has been observed that this part of the cussion and commentary from M. Lightner, A. R. Newminimization process is critical in breaking out of the lo- ton, T. Sasao, and T. Williams. A. DeGeus and D. Grecal minima associated with merely prime and irredundant
gory contributed valuable technical input as well as
representations. ESPRESSO-MLD achieves high minmaking GE’s “SOCRATES” expert system available to
imization quality by calling ESPRESSO-IIC, which loops
us for testing. Finally, we note that this work would not
through the EXPAND-IRREDUNDANT-COVER-REhave been possible without the continued support of B.
DUCE sequence. We have noted that while prime and Chern of the National Science Foundation.
irredundant status is achieved in one pass in the 2-level
case, an iteration is required in the multilevel case, beREFERENCES
cause of the interdependence of the individual 2-level
K . A. Bartlett, W . Cohen, A. DeGeus, and G. D. Hachtel, “Synthefunctions embedded in the Boolean network.
sis and optimization of multilevel logic under timing constraints,”
Computational results obtained using an approximate
IEEE Trans. Computer-Aided Design, pp. 582-596, Oct. 1986.
“C” implementation of ESPRESSO-MLD were preK. A. Bartlett, D. G. Bostick, G . D. Hachtel, R. M . Jacoby, M. R.
Lightner, P. H. Moceyunas, C. R. Morrison, and D. Ravenscroft,
sented. We believe that the minimized Boolean networks
“BOLD: A multiple-level logic optimization system,” ICCAD87.
7’ obtained for the test problems are prime and irredunD. Brand, “Redundancy and don’t cares in logic synthesis,” IEEE
Trans. Computers, vol. C-32, pp. 947-952, Oct. 1983.
dant even though an approximated don’t care set was used.
R. K . Brayton and C. T . McMullen, “The decomposition and facWe note that further research into multilevel minimitorization of Boolean expressions,” in Proc. Inr. Symp. on Circuits
zation as a test generation method might be worthwhile,
and Systems, Rome, pp. 49-54, 1982.
R. K . Brayton, G . D. Hachtel, C. McMullen, and A. Sangiovanniespecially in cases where 100-percent coverage is desired.
Vincentelli, Logic Minimization Algorithms f o r VLSI Synthesis.
The basic D-algorithm [25] and its variants [16] typically
Boston: Kluwer Academic, 1984.
operate on Boolean Networks for which each function F,
R. K. Brayton and C. T. McMullen, “The Yorktown logic editor
users manual,” IBM Technical Report, Yorktown Heights, New York,
is a primitive gate (NAND,NOR,XOR, etc.). In contrast,
ESPRESSO-MLD operates on a general Boolean NetR. K. Brayton, G . D. Hachtel, C. McMullen and A. Sangiovanniwork, where each of the FJ represents an arbitrary 2-level
Vincentelli, “ESPRESSO-11: A new logic minimizer for program-
mable logic arrays,” IEEE 1984 Custom Integrated Circuits Conf.,
Rochester, NY, May 21-23, 1984.
[8] R. K . Brayton and C . T. McMullen, “Synthesis and optimization of
multi-stage logic,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Computer Design, Rye,
NY, Oct. 1984.
[9] M. A. Breuer, “Generation of optimal code for expressions via factorization,’’ Commun. ACM, vol. 12, no. 6, June 1969.
[IO] M. Breuer and A. Friedman, Diagnosis and Reliable Design of Digital Systems. Potomac, MD: Computer Science Press, 1976.
[ I l l M. R. Dagenais, V. K. Agarwal and N . C. Rumin, “MCBOOLE: A
new procedure for exact logic minimization,” IEEE Trans. Computerdided Design, vol. CAD-5, Jan. 1986.
[I21 J. Darringer, D. Brand, J . Gerbi, W. JoynerandL. Trevillyan, “LSS:
A system for production logic synthesis,” IBM 1.Res. Develop., Sept.
[I31 G . DeMicheli, “Symbolic minimization of logic functions,” in Proc.
Int. Conf. on Computer-Aided Design, pp. 293-295, Nov. 1985.
[I41 J. Dussault, C . Liaw, and M. Tong, “A high level synthesis tool for
MOS chip design,” in Proc. 22nd Design Automation Con$, Albuquerque, NM, June 1985.
[I51 A. D. Freidman, Logical Design of Digital Systems, 1975.
[16] H. Fujiwara, Logic Testing and Design for Testability, The MIT Press,
[17] D. Gregory, K. Bartlett, A. J. deGeus and G . Hachtel, “SOCRATES: A system for automatically synthesizing and optimizing combinational logic,” 23rd ACM/lEEE Design Automation Conf., June
[18] G. D. Hachtel and R. M. Jacoby, “Algorithms for multi-level tautology and equivalence,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. on Circuits and
Systems, Kyoto, Japan, June 1985.
[19] G. D. Hachtel and R. M. Jacoby, “Verification algorithms for VLSI
synthesis,” in Proc. NATO AS1 on Logic Synthesis and Silicon Compilation for VLSI, The Netherlands, 1987.
[20] S . J. Hong, R. G. Cain and D. L. Ostapko, “MINI: A heuristic approach for logic minimization,” I B M J . Res. Develop., vol. 18, pp.
443-458, Sept. 1974.
[21] T. Hoshino, M. Endo, and 0. Karatsu, “An automatic logic synthesizer for integrated VLSI design systems,” IEEE 1984 Custom Integrated Circuits Conf. Proc., Rochester, NY, May 21-23, 1984.
[22] E. L. Lawler, “An approach to multilevel Boolean minimization,”
J . ACM, 1964.
[23] S . Muroga, VLSI System Design When and How to Design Very-LargeScale Integrated Circuits. New York: Wiley, 1982.
[24] B. C. Rosales and P. Goel, “Results from application of a commercial ATG system to large-scale combinational circuits,” in 1985 Int.
Symp. on Circuits and Systems Proc., Kyoto, Japan. pp. 667-670.
[25] J . P. Roth, Logic Synthesis and Verification. Potomac, MD: Computer Science Press, 1980.
[26] J. P. Roth, “Minimization by the D-algorithm,” IEEE Trans. Computers, vol. 35. May 1986.
[27] -,
private communication.
[28] R. Rudell, A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli and G . DeMicheli, “A finitestate machine synthesis system,“ in Int. Symposium on Circuits and
Systems, Kyoto, June 1985, pp. 647-650.
[29] R. Rudell and A. Sangiovanni, “ESPRESSO MV: Algorithms for
multiple-valued logic minimization, in Proc. Cust. Int. Circ. Conf.,
Portland, OR, pp. 230-234, May 1985.
[30] G. L. Smith, R. J . Bahnsen, and H. Halliwell, “Boolean comparison
of hardware and flowcharts,” IBM J . Res. Develop., vol. 26, no, 1 ,
Jan. 1982.
[31] T. W. Williams, private communication.
[32] L. Trevillyan, W. Joyner, and L. Berman. “Global flow analysis in
automated logic design,” IEEE Trans. Cclmput., vol. c.35, pp, 7781, Jan. 1986.
the University of Colorado. She is currently employed by Seattle Silicon.
Her research interests include logic synthesis, design optimization, and silicon compilation.
Robert K. Brayton (M’75-SM’78-F’81), for a photograph and a biography, please see page 437 of the April 1988 issue of this TRANSACTIONS.
Gary D. Hachtel (S’62-M’65-SM’74-F’80), for a photograph and a biography, please see page 640 of the May 1988 issue of this TRANSACTIONS.
Reily M. Jacoby, for a photograph and a biography, please see page 640
of the May 1988 issue of this TRANSACTIONS.
Christopher R. Morrison received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering from Yale University, New Haven, CT, in 1977.
From 1977 to 1982, he was with IBM at the
East Fishkill Facility in Hopewell Junction, NY.
His last assignment at 1BM was as a Senior Associate Engineer in the Computer Aided Circuit
Design Department working on the circuit simulation program ASTAP. Since 1982, he has been
on educational leave from IBM at the University
of Colorado at Boulder, studying for the Ph.D
degree in electrical engineering. He received an IBM Fellowship award for
academic years 1984-85 and 1985-86. He has done research work i n routing algorithms, in particular, channel routing, and is currently working on
optimization algorithms for multilevel combinational logic circuits. He has
cowritten the program ESPRESSO-MLT (multilevel logic minimizer) and
has written the program TECHMAP (technology mapper). In addition, he
assembled the BOLD (Boulder Optimal Logic Design) system
Richard L. Rudell received the B S degree in
electrical engineering from the University of Minnesota in 1983 and the M S . degree in electrical
engineering from the University of California in
1986 He is currently working towards the Ph D
degree in electrical engineering at the University
of California, Berkeley
From 1980 to 1983 he worked part-time at the
Honeywell Corporate Computer Science Center in
Minneapolis in the area of computer-aided design
This work was in the areas of the test pattern generation, high-level synthesis tools, and floor planning algorithms for VLSI
More recently, he has spent the summers of 1984 and 1985 working at the
IBM T. J. Watson Research Center in the area of multiple-level logic synthesis. His current interests are in the area of multiple-level logic optimization, including design specification, factoring of Boolean equations,
multiple-level minimization, and optimal technology mapping
Karen A. Bartlett received the B.S. degree in
computer science from Washington University, St.
Louis, MO, in 1980 and the M.S. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Colorado, Boulder, in 1986.
From 1980 to 1983 she was employed by GTE
Laboratories in Waltham, MA, where her projects
included symbolic layout and VLSI database design and evaluation. Since June 1983 she has been
active in the area of logic synthesis, first at General Electric’s Microelectronic Center and then at
Albert0 Sangiovanni-VincenteIli (M’74-SM’81-F’83), for a photograph
and a biography. please see page 519 of the April 1988 issue of this TRANSACTIONS.
Albert R. Wang received the B S degree i n computer science and applied mathematics from the
University of California, San Diego, in 1984 He
is currently working towards the Ph.D degree in
the Department of Electrical Engineering and
Computer Sciences at the University of California, Berkeley
His current research interests include multiplelevel logic synthesis and optimization, multiplelevel logic verification, and sequential logic aynthesis and optimization