Brief Announcement: Distributed Trust Management and
Dmitriy Kuptsov‡ and
Andrei Gurtov
Network Reserch Group
Aalto University, HIIT
Espoo, Finland
Oscar Garcia-Morchon‡
Klaus Wehrle
Distributed Sensor Systems,
Philips Research Europe,
Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Distributed Systems Group,
RWTH Aachen University
Aachen, Germany
Fair node and network operation is a key to ensure the correct system operation. The problem arises when some nodes become compromised or faulty endangering the overall system. This is especially challenging in sensor networks because they are often deployed in hostile environments and have to endure both passive
and active attacks. Therefore, a node should only communicate
with trusted nodes, while non-trusted nodes should be removed
from the system to prevent them from further disrupting its normal operation. To address such threats, we introduce the Efficient
Cooperative Security (ECoSec) – a distributed and adaptive protocol that allows a network to control the admission and revocation
of nodes in a cooperative and democratic way during two voting
rounds. Whereas the contributions of the protocol to the family of
cooperative security protocols are two fold. First, it introduces the
use of polynomial-based votes showing that its operation, and in
general, operation of cooperative security protocols, can endure up
to 33% of misbehaving nodes. Second, the protocol applies correlated keying material structures to verify the node admission and
node revocation voting procedures reducing the overall communication overhead.
Categories and Subject Descriptors: F.0 [Theory]: Miscellaneous; C.2 [Computer-Communication Networks]: Network Protocols
General Terms: Theory, Security, Reliability, Algorithms
Keywords: Distributed Protocols, Security, Trust Management
Based on the concept of Cooperative Security [1], ECoSec relies on a trusted party to configure each node in the sensor network
with its own revocation keying material. Before a deployed node
can start communicating with other nodes, it has to join the network by gaining a trust during the first admission voting round. To
this end, each joining node reveals its revocation information to its
neighbors in the form of verifiable partial revocation votes (PRVs).
These neighbors form the node’s Dynamic Trusted Security Domain (DTSD), if they confirm that the node disclosed its revocation
information correctly during this initial voting. In this case, the
joining node is admitted into the network by its DTSD, becoming
‡Joint work
Copyright is held by the author/owner(s).
PODC’10, July 25–28, 2010, Zurich, Switzerland.
ACM 978-1-60558-888-9/10/07.
fully operable. Otherwise it is not admitted so that it cannot endanger the system. The second voting round is triggered by the
network to revoke the node if the node is found to be malicious.
This is decided by the node’s DTSD that can vote on its revocation
from the network. Again, if sufficient number of members agree on
its removal, a revocation vote (RV) is constructed by combining the
PRVs disclosed by the node during the joining procedure, and thus,
allowing for the removal of the faulty node in the whole network.
To enforce correct operation the protocol makes use of cryptographic keying material for identity authentication as well as the
verification of the disclosed PRVs and reconstructed RVs. The
keying material structure comprises polynomials and three hierarchically connected Merkle [2] trees. First, a top-level tree – Global
Non-Rekeying Verification Tree (GNRVT) – is used to verify the
identities of the n nodes in the network. Second, n subtrees Gζ
denoted by Rekeying Verification Trees (RVTs) – unique to each
node in the network and bound to the corresponding n leaves of
GNRVT – are used to verify the s communication sessions of the n
sensors in the network. Here, a communication session is defined
as a period of time during which node remains trusted by its DTSD
members. Finally, each leaf node Lkζ in Gζ stores the hash of a root
element of the third, bottom-level, tree Bζk concatenated with the
hash of a RV value, or fζk (0), i.e., Lkζ = H(H(Bζk )kH(fζk (0)),
where H is a cryptographic hash function. In turn, each of the
w leaf elements of tree Bζk stores a double hash of a PRV, i.e.,
H(H(P RV )), such that each PRV is a polynomial share generated from a polynomial fζk (x) of degree t. The PRV, its hash, and
its double hash are used to authenticate up to three voting instances
within single communication session of a node. Note that the RV
value fζk (0) can be recomputed from a set of at least t+1 PRVs [3].
Based on the above keying material structure, ECoSec manages
the admission and revocation of nodes by means of two voting procedures during a communication session. The voting presented in
this work (i) assumes availability of a failure-free broadcast channel, and (ii) uses direct disclosure of PRVs or their hashes as a type
of verifiable broadcast voting.
Admission Voting Procedure. In order for a node to join the
network, it has to disclose λ PRVs (shares of a polynomial) to
each selected neighbor forming its DTSD that comprises a total
of q nodes. The distribution of PRVs is done in a secure way, e.g.,
pairwise keys are used to secure the communication links such that
each DTSD member learns only its λ PRVs. The nodes receiving
those votes comprise the DTSD of the joining node. Each member can verify the votes by means of the Merkle tree paths and the
common root known to all nodes. In a second step, all the DTSD
members cooperate to find out whether sufficient information has
been disclosed by the DTSD owner. To this end, DTSD members
vote by broadcasting the double hash of the received λ PRVs. Since
the votes are verifiable, each DTSD member (i) counts the number
of disclosed PRVs, and (ii) if the number is sufficient, i.e., at least
2t + 1, each DTSD member shall trust the DTSD owner and admit
it into the network. Note that if the node does not disclose enough
information, it cannot join, and thus, it cannot endanger the network. If it does disclose enough information, it becomes trusted
and joins the network. On the other hand, the protocol ensures that
every admitted node have disclosed enough information, such that
it can be later removed if it is found to be malicious.
Revocation Voting Procedure. After node admission, the DTSD
monitors the operation of a node by means of intruder detection
system (IDS), which, in this paper, we assume to be ideal or faultless IDS: if any honest node detects the misbehavior, then all other
honest nodes will do so as well. To this end, if the node is detected
to be corrupted, the DTSD starts a revocation procedure. During
this phase the nodes broadcast the PRVs previously received from
the DTSD owner. It follows that the revocation succeeds if a sufficient number of PRVs is collected. Later these PRVs allow each
DTSD member, individually, to reconstruct the secret fζk (0), i.e.,
the RV, by polynomial interpolation. Such RV together with a corresponding Merkle tree path form a network-wide verifiable revocation message, which is then sent via broadcast to isolate the node
from the whole network.
ECoSec relies on a secret key sharing scheme based on polynomials of degree t in which each DTSD member receives λ PRVs.
Thus, the system is secure under the collusion of up to c = ⌊t/λ⌋
attackers because they cannot recompute the hidden secret. Given
this maximum threshold for c,we have to analyze what is the minimum DTSD size q that ensures that c attackers cannot disrupt
the system operation within a DTSD during the voting procedures,
such that they (i) cannot admit another attacker, or (ii) prevent a
good node from joining, or (iii) hinder the network from removing an intruder, or (iv) cannot remove an honest node. Theorem 1
analyzes this:
T HEOREM 1. A collusion of c = ⌊t/λ⌋ intruders cannot subvert protocol operation if the DTSD comprises at least q = ⌊3t/λ⌋+
1 nodes and the underlying IDS operates faultlessly.
To prove this, we show that above conditions (i), (ii), (iii), and
(iv) hold. Note that there are at least q − c ≥ 2⌊t/λ⌋ + 1 honest
nodes in the DTSD, and an attacker can only join by distributing
authentic PRVs verified by means of the verification trees and the
public root.
(i) The joining attacker has to disclose enough information, however, it can collude with up to c attackers. If these attackers within
the DTSD disclose the received H(H(P RV )), then at least another ⌊t/λ⌋+1 honest nodes must do it as well to make sure the network has enough revocation information to reconstruct RV and revoke the new node in future. The disclosure of 2t+1 H(H(P RV s))
by ⌊2t/λ⌋ + 1 nodes is, therefore, mandatory: If the voting procedure does not confirm the reception of 2t + 1 votes it can only
mean that a joining attacker tries to fool the DTSD members by
disclosing less PRVs to honest nodes than required.
(ii) If the compromised nodes within the DTSD try to prevent the
node from joining, c nodes will not disclose their H(H(P RV s))
stating that they have not received them. We know from (i) that the
DTSD must see at least ⌊2t/λ⌋+1 nodes disclosing H(H(P RV )).
Hence, the DTSD must comprise at least q ≥ c + (⌊2t/λ⌋ + 1) =
⌊3t/λ⌋ + 1 nodes. In this way, (at least) ⌊2t/λ⌋ + 1 honest nodes
will disclose their H(H(P RV )) or vote positively, and thus, the
honest node will be allowed to join the network.
(iii) The c attackers may try to remove the honest node by disclosing all their t PRVs. However, as the IDS of the honest nodes
does not trigger any alarm (it is faultless), then, the last and needed
PRV will not be disclosed by any honest node. And eventually, the
attackers will fail.
(iv) If honest nodes in a DTSD find a node to be an attacker, the
IDS of all the nodes will trigger an alarm. Subsequently, all nodes
will disclose in total (and at least) 2t + 1 distinct PRVs allowing for
the reconstruction of the RV. As a result, this leads to a networkwide revocation.
C OROLLARY 1. ECoSec can endure up to c = ⌊t/λ⌋ compromised nodes within a DTSD. From Theorem 1, the system operates
correctly if q ≥ ⌊3t/λ⌋ + 1. The ratio between corrupted nodes
and number of DTSD members is maximized when c is maximum
and q is minimum. Thus, ECoSec can endure up to 33% and the
optimal DTSD size is q = ⌊3t/λ⌋ + 1 nodes
The above results improve the ratio of endured compromised
nodes within a DTSD when compared with [1]. Additionally, the
overall approach presents some other advantages. First, the keying
material structure allows reducing the communication overhead because the same Merkle tree is used for the verification of the votes
during the admission voting procedure and node revocation during the second voting. Second, by varying the λ value, the protocol
can adapt the operation regarding the maximum number of endured
faulty nodes, the DTSD size, number of communication messages,
and spent computational resources. For instance, to maximize the
DTSD size and its security, each DTSD member receives exactly
one PRV. On the other hand, it might occur that the node does not
have the minimum number of required neighbors to ensure a secure
protocol operation. In this case, the node would distribute more
than one PRV to each DTSD member. Another advantage refers
to the fact that ECoSec only requires a node to carry its own revocation information and not the revocation information for all other
nodes in the network. Thus, ECoSec reduces the memory overhead
by a factor of n with respect to the results presented in the related
work [4].
In this work we have presented a preliminary description and
analysis of ECoSec protocol regarding its operation, voting strategy, and thresholds. Assuming faultless IDS as a decision maker
for triggering the revocation procedure our investigation shows that
the protocol can endure up to 33% of faulty or compromised nodes
and allows for adaptive operation. Our future work will focus on
the design of advanced voting strategies when faulty IDS are involved and further analyzing the protocol complexity, including
communication and computation overheads.
[1] Garcia-Morchon, O., Baldus, H., Heer, T., Wehrle, K.: Cooperative Security in
Distributed Sensor Networks,in Proceedings of the 2007 International
Conference on Collaborative Computing: Networking, Applications and
Worksharing (COLABORATECOMM ’07), pp. 96–105, 2007
[2] Merkle, R.: Secrecy, authentication, and public key systems, Ph.D.
dissertation, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Stanford Univ., 1979
[3] Shamir, A., How to share a Secret, in Proceedings of Communications of the
ACM Volume 22, pp. 612–613, 1979
[4] Chan, H., Gligor, V., Perrig, A., Muralidharan, G.: On the Distribution and
Revocation of Cryptographic Keys in Sensor Networks, IEEE Transactions on
Dependable and Secure Computing, pp. 233-247, 2005